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Rev. lasallista investig ; 18(2): 69-84, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365851


Resumen Introducción. En la actualidad nos encontramos en un mundo competitivo donde es indispensable que una empresa adquiera y asimile el conocimiento externo para lograr transformar sus prácticas empresariales y explotarlo con el fin de garantizar su sostenibilidad en el mercado. Objetivo. Esta investigación pretende identificar la relación existente entre las dimensiones del constructo capacidad de absorción en las empresas pertenecientes a los sectores servicios e industria, elegidos debido a su alto aporte al PIB, ubicados en la ciudad de Bucaramanga. Materiales y métodos. Como técnica para recolectar los datos se utilizó un cuestionario compuesto por 13 ítems, calificados en una escala Likert de 1 a 5, de acuerdo con las dimensiones de la capacidad dinámica de absorción del conocimiento, la metodología utilizada para analizar la información fue bajo el método econométrico de regresión lineal simple. Resultados. Conforme con los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir con un nivel de confianza del 95 % que existe influencia entre todas las dimensiones para las empresas analizadas. Conclusión. Para que una organización pueda explotar su conocimiento con fines comerciales es necesario que desarrolle las dimensiones de adquisición, asimilación, transformación y explotación las cuales integran la capacidad dinámica de absorción del conocimiento, y a su vez posea personal con las competencias para articular el conocimiento identificado en el entorno con las prácticas de la organización.

Abstract Introduction. Nowadays we find ourselves in a competitive world where it is indispensable for a company to acquire and assimilate external knowledge to transform its business practices and exploit it to ensure its sustainability in the market. Objective. This research aims to identify the relationship between the dimensions of the absorptive capacity construct in companies belonging to the service and industry sectors, due to their high contribution to the GDP, located in the city of Bucaramanga. Materials and methods. A questionnaire composed of 13 items, rated on a Likert scale from 1 to 5, according to the dimensions of the dynamic capacity of knowledge absorption, was used as a technique to collect the data. The methodology used to analyze the information was under the econometric method of simple linear regression. Results. According to the results obtained, it can be concluded with a confidence level of 95 % that there is an influence between all the dimensions for the analyzed companies. Conclusion. For an organization to exploit its knowledge for commercial purposes, it is necessary to develop the dimensions of acquisition, assimilation, transformation, and exploitation which integrate the dynamic capacity for the absorption of knowledge, and in turn has personnel with the skills to articulate the knowledge identified in the environment with the practices of the organization.

Resumo Introdução. No mundo competitivo de hoje, é essencial para uma empresa adquirir e assimilar conhecimento externo a fim de transformar suas práticas comerciais e explorá-lo para garantir sua sustentabilidade no mercado. Objetivo. Esta pesquisa visa identificar a relação entre as dimensões da capacidade de absorção construída em empresas pertencentes aos setores de serviços e indústria, devido a sua alta contribuição ao PIB, localizadas na cidade de Bucaramanga. Materiais e métodos. Um questionário composto por 13 itens foi utilizado como técnica para coletar os dados, classificados em uma escala Likert de 1 a 5, de acordo com as dimensões da capacidade dinâmica de absorção do conhecimento, a metodologia utilizada para analisar as informações estava sob o método econométrico de regressão linear simples. Resultados. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir com um nível de confiança de 95 % que existe uma influência entre toda as dimensões para as empresas analisadas. Conclusão. Para que uma organização explore seu conhecimento para fins comerciais, é necessário desenvolver as dimensões de aquisição, assimilação, transformação e exploração que integrem a capacidade dinâmica de absorção doconhecimento, e por sua vez possui pessoal com as competências para articular o conhecimento identificado no ambiente com as práticas daorganização.

Plant Dis ; 2021 Jul 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34289705


Chickpea (Cicer aretinium L.) is a legume crop of great importance worldwide. In January 2019, wilting symptoms on chickpea (stunted grow, withered leaves, root rot and wilted plants) were observed in three fields of Culiacan Sinaloa Mexico, with an incidence of 3 to 5%. To identify the cause, eighty symptomatic chickpea plants were sampled. Tissue from roots was plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. Typical Fusarium spp. colonies were obtained from all root samples. Ten pure cultures were obtained by single-spore culturing (Ff01 to Ff10). On PDA the colonies were abundant with white aerial mycelium, hyphae were branched and septae and light purple pigmentation was observed in the center of old cultures (Leslie and Summerell 2006). From 10-day-old cultures grown on carnation leaf agar medium, macroconidias were falciform, hyaline, with slightly curved apexes, three to five septate, with well-developed foot cells and blunt apical cells, and measured 26.6 to 45.8 × 2.2 to 7.0 µm (n = 40). The microconidia (n = 40) were hyaline, one to two celled, produced in false heads that measured 7.4 to 20.1 (average 13.7) µm × 2.4 to 8.9 (average 5.3) µm (n = 40) at the tips of long monophialides, and were oval or reniform, with apexes rounded, 8.3 to 12.1 × 1.6 to 4.7 µm; chlamydospores were not evident. These characteristics fit those of the Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc. species complex, FSSC (Summerell et al. 2003). The internal transcribed spacer and the translation elongation factor 1 alpha (EF1-α) genes (O'Donnell et al. 1998) were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced from the isolate Ff02 and Ff08 (GenBank accession nos. KJ501093 and MN082369). Maximum likelihood analysis was carried out using the EF1-α sequences (KJ501093 and MN082369) from the Ff02 and Ff08 isolates and other species from the Fusarium solani species complex (FSSC). Phylogenetic analysis revealed the isolate most closely related with F. falciforme (100% bootstrap). For pathogenicity testing, a conidial suspension (1x106 conidia/ml) was prepared by harvesting spores from 10-days-old cultures on PDA. Twenty 2-week-old chickpea seedlings from two cultivars (P-2245 and WR-315) were inoculated by dipping roots into the conidial suspension for 20 min. The inoculated plants were transplanted into a 50-hole plastic tray containing sterilized soil and maintained in a growth chamber at 25°C, with a relative humidity of >80% and a 12-h/12-h light/dark cycle. After 8 days, the first root rot symptoms were observed on inoculating seedlings and the infected plants eventually died within 3 to 4 weeks after inoculation. No symptoms were observed plants inoculated with sterilized distilled water. The fungus was reisolated from symptomatic tissues of inoculated plants and was identified by sequencing the partial EF1-α gene again and was identified as F. falciforme (FSSC 3 + 4) (O'Donnell et al. 2008) based on its morphological characteristics, genetic analysis, and pathogenicity test, fulfilling Koch's postulates. The molecular identification was confirmed via BLAST on the FusariumID and Fusarium MLST databases. Although FSSC has been previously reported causing root rot in chickpea in USA, Chile, Spain, Cuba, Iran, Poland, Israel, Pakistan and Brazil, to our knowledge this is the first report of root rot in chickpea caused by F. falciforme in Mexico. This is important for chickpea producers and chickpea breeding programs.