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Andes Pediatr ; 95(1): 91-106, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38587349


The participation of children and adolescents in research requires bioethical measures to safeguard their autonomy and well-being through the application of the informed consent process. OBJECTIVE: To critically analyze the factors involved in the process of assent/consent in children and adolescents in research. METHODOLOGY: Integrative review of scientific evidence carried out between April and June 2023, from manuscripts published between 2014 and 2023 in Web of Science, PubMed, CUIDEN, and CINAHL databases, using the descriptors Process Assessment OR Assent AND Informed Consent AND Bioethics AND Minors OR Child OR Children AND adolescent OR teenage AND Pediatrics AND Research. Twenty primary articles were found, and the results were subjected to content analysis. RESULT: Three categories were identified: shared consent/assent; child-specific factors for giving assent (age of the child to give assent and autonomy of the child to give assent), and key aspects of the assent process (assent form format; assent form content, and context for applying the assent process). CONCLUSIONS: The assent process is a key tool for legal and ethical compliance with the rights of children and adolescents in clinical trial participation. In addition to favoring participation in informed decision-making together with the parents, it is also an instance where the participant's competencies, capacity for understanding, and autonomy are valued.

Investigación Biomédica , Humanos , Adolescente , Niño , Investigación Biomédica/métodos , Consentimiento Informado , Padres
Horiz. enferm ; 34(3): 489-507, 20 dic. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525221


INTRODUCCIÓN: La pandemia a nivel mundial afectó gravemente los servicios de prevención y tratamiento de las Enfermedades No Transmisibles, viéndose las personas con cáncer afectadas por su tamizaje, tratamiento y acompañamiento a fin de vida. En este contexto, el cuidado brindado por enfermería se hizo complejo, generando impotencia y frustración frente al aislamiento y la mortalidad. OBJETIVO: Explorar la percepción de las enfermeras respecto al cuidado otorgado a personas en cuidados paliativos oncológicos en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19, en la Región Metropolitana de Chile. MÉTODOS: Estudio cualitativo exploratorio descriptivo en base al análisis de contenido temático de Krippendorff. Contó con una muestra intencionada de 6 enfermeras de unidades de cuidados paliativos. La recolección de datos fue con entrevistas semiestructuradas audio grabadas por video conexión, tras dar el consentimiento, entre septiembre del 2020 y abril del 2021. Las entrevistas trascritas fueron analizadas por cada uno de los investigadores por separado, para luego triangular los hallazgos y develar las categorías, logrando la saturación de datos. RESULTADOS: Las enfermeras de CP que participaron en esta investigación se vieron enfrentadas a desafíos generados por la pandemia, sin embargo, reconocen haber logrado un cuidado paliativo cercano en base a las adaptaciones en la gestión del cuidado, la cual estuvo mediada por factores facilitadores en el proceso. Esta experiencia las llevó a dar sentido al cuidado brindado, valorando las adecuaciones realizadas y el compromiso asumido en pos de mantener un cuidado humanizado a pesar de los obstáculos que se fueron presentando. CONCLUSIÓN: El afrontar la pandemia permitió a las enfermeras de cuidados paliativos adaptarse a través de una gestión del cuidado oportuna, segura, innovadora y humanizada, lo que dio sentido a dicho cuidado, relevando el desarrollo de los programas de cuidados paliativos en personas con limitación de la vida.

INTRODUCTION: The worldwide pandemic severely affected services related to the prevention and treatment of Non-Communicable Diseases, especially in people with cancer who require screening, treatment, and accompaniment at the end of life. In this context, the care provided by nurses became complex, creating feelings of impotence and frustration in the face of isolation and mortality. OBJECTIVE: To explore nurses' perceptions of the oncologic palliative care provided during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. METHODS: Descriptive exploratory qualitative study based on Krippendorff thematic content analysis. The study had an intentional sample of 6 nurses from palliative care units. Data was collected between September 2020 and April 2021, using semi-structured video interviews which were audio-recorded after obtaining consent. The transcribed interviews were analyzed by each of the researchers separately to triangulate the findings and reveal the categories that characterized the nurses' perceptions. RESULTS: While the PC nurses who participated in this research were faced with challenges generated by the pandemic, they were able to provide close palliative care based on adaptations in care management, adaptations facilitated by factors in the process. This experience enabled them to give meaning to the care provided, value the adjustments and the commitment made to maintain humanized care despite the obstacles. CONCLUSION: Facing the pandemic prompted palliative care nurses to adapt through timely, safe, innovative, and humanized care management, giving meaning to such care and highlighting the importance of palliative care programs in people with life limitations.

Horiz. enferm ; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud): 314-331, 28 dic. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1553587


Los cuidadores informales presentan altos niveles de estrés y sobrecarga frente al cuidado de personas a fin de vida. Sin embargo, algunos han logrado afrontar esta situación a través de su autoeficacia. OBJETIVO: El objetivo de esta revisión fue identificar los factores que influyen en el desarrollo de la autoeficacia en cuidadores informales de personas en cuidados paliativos e identificar los efectos de la autoeficacia en dichos cuidadores. MÉTODO: Se condujo una revisión narrativa de literatura científica realizada en las bases de datos Web of Science, PubMed, CUIDEN y CINAHL en base al flujograma de PRISMA, entre septiembre y octubre del 2022, por medio de los descriptores autoeficacia, cuidadores y cuidados paliativos. Los hallazgos de los artículos encontrados fueron sometidos un análisis temático por ambas autoras. RESULTADOS: Se seleccionaron 15 artículos científicos, identificando tres categorías: Factores que disminuyen el desarrollo de autoeficacia de los cuidadores informales (sentimientos de estrés, angustia y ansiedad, y sobrecarga del cuidador); Factores que favorecen el desarrollo de la autoeficacia de los cuidadores informales (esperanza, apoyo social y capacitación de los cuidadores); y los Efectos de la autoeficacia en los cuidadores informales (confianza en el cuidado otorgado, calidad de vida del receptor del cuidado, disminución del estrés y disminución de la sobrecarga del cuidador). CONCLUSIONES: A partir de los hallazgos, se concluye que el cuidador informal debe afrontar importantes retos con prontitud y de manera adecuada al brindar cuidados. Por lo que, la autoeficacia desarrollada a partir de la esperanza, el apoyo social y la capacitación, le permite mejorar la calidad de vida y bienestar tanto de sí mismo como de la persona bajo su cuidado.

Informal caregivers present high levels of stress and overload in the face of end-of-life care. However, some have managed to cope with this situation through their self-efficacy. OBJECTIVE: This study had the objective of identifying the factors that influence the development of self-efficacy in informal caregivers of people in palliative care and identify the effects of self-efficacy on these caregivers. METHOD: A narrative review of scientific literature was carried out in the databases Web of Science, PubMed, CUIDEN, and CINAHL based on the PRISMA flowchart, between September and October 2022, using the descriptors self-efficacy, caregivers, and palliative care. The findings of the articles were subjected to a thematic analysis by both authors. RESULTS: 15 scientific articles were selected, identifying three categories: Factors that decrease the development of informal caregivers' self-efficacy (feelings of stress, distress and anxiety, and caregiver overload); Factors that favour the development of informal caregivers' self-efficacy (hope, social support, and caregiver empowerment); and the Effects of self-efficacy on informal caregivers (confidence in the care given, quality of life of the care recipient, decreased stress and decreased caregiver overload). CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that the informal caregiver must meet important challenges promptly and appropriately when providing care. Therefore, the self-efficacy developed from hope, social support, and training enables them to improve the quality of life and well-being of both them and the cared-for person.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1421396


Objetivo: Comprender el significado que atribuyen los padres y madres a la experiencia de estar junto a su hijo hospitalizado en una unidad de oncología de un hospital público de Chile. Metodología: Paradigma de investigación interpretativo, enfoque fenomenológico hermenéutico de Van Manen. Se realizó una entrevista en profundidad a 10 participantes y las narrativas se analizaron mediante un análisis temático con enfoque selectivo de lectura. El artículo fue aprobado por el comité de ética de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Resultados: La experiencia de hospitalización significó "cambiar la vida de un día para otro"; este resultado se conformó por dos estructuras: 1) "Cuando te dan el diagnóstico se te derrumba el mundo", que contiene momentos difíciles como la hospitalización en que reciben el diagnóstico, los momentos en que el hijo/a sufre, las situaciones de riesgo vital, el cansancio de las madres y padres y los cambios que afectan a la familia, y 2) "Recibir una luz de ayuda durante la hospitalización", que describe la importancia de un espacio físico tranquilo, de un equipo de salud con un trato cariñoso y de compartir experiencias con otras madres y padres. Conclusiones: La hospitalización representa una transformación en el mundo vida de los padres y madres, es vital que el equipo de salud atienda las necesidades físicas y emocionales que derivan de este cambio en el espacio y relaciones que estos vivencian.

Objetivo: Entender o significado atribuído pelos pais à experiência de estar com seu filho hospitalizado em uma unidade oncológica de um hospital público no Chile. Metodologia: Paradigma de pesquisa interpretativa, abordagem fenomenológica hermenêutica de Van Manen. Foi realizada uma entrevista aprofundada com 10 participantes e as narrativas foram analisadas utilizando uma análise temática com uma abordagem de leitura seletiva. O artigo foi aprovado pelo comitê de ética da Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Resultados: A experiência da hospitalização significou "Muda a vida de um dia para o outro"; este resultado foi moldado por duas estruturas: 1) "Quando você recebe o diagnóstico, seu mundo desmorona", que contém momentos difíceis como a hospitalização quando recebem o diagnóstico, momentos em que a criança sofre, situações de risco de vida, cansaço das mães e dos pais e mudanças que afetam a família, e 2) "Receber uma luz de ajuda durante a hospitalização", que descreve a importância de um espaço físico tranquilo, uma equipe de saúde com um tratamento cuidadoso e compartilhando experiências com outras mães e pais. Conclusões: A hospitalização representa uma transformação no mundo da vida dos pais, é vital que a equipe de saúde atenda às necessidades físicas e emocionais que surgem desta mudança no espaço e nos relacionamentos que eles experimentam.

Objective: To understand the meaning attributed by parents to the experience of being with their hospitalized child in an oncology unit of a public hospital in Chile. . Methodology: Interpretative research paradigm, Van Manen's hermeneutic phenomenological approach. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 participants and the narratives were analyzed by means of a thematic analysis with selective reading approach. The article was approved by the ethics committee of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Results: The experience of hospitalization meant "It turns life upside down"; this outcome was shaped by two structures: 1) "When they give you the diagnosis your world falls apart", which contains difficult moments such as the hospitalization when they receive the diagnosis, the moments when the child suffers, life-threatening situations, the tiredness of mothers and fathers and the changes that affect the family, and 2) "Receiving a helping light during hospitalization", which describes the importance of a quiet physical space, a health team with a caring treatment and sharing experiences with other parents. Conclusions: Hospitalization represents a transformation in the life world of parents, it is vital that the health team attends to the physical and emotional needs that derive from this change in the space and relationships they experience.

Index enferm ; 32(4): [e14449], 20230000.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-231545


Objetivo: Comprender la experiencia de los cuidados prestados por enfermeras a personas con cáncer en el contexto de pandemia. Método: Estudio cualitativo constructivista con diseño descriptivo, realizado a enfermeras hospitalarias de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile, entre septiembre del 2020 y marzo del 2021. Se realizaron quince entrevistas semiestructuradas, las que luego de su transcripción fueron sometidas a un análisis de contenido según Krippendorff. Principales resultados: La pandemia se convirtió en un desafío para las enfermeras de oncología y cuidados paliativos, quienes debieron enfrentar esta crisis sanitaria reorganizando los cuidados a través de un proceso iterativo, lo que permitió dar sentido a la atención brindada. Conclusiones: Las enfermeras de oncología y cuidados paliativos afrontaron la pandemia con un liderazgo resiliente que las llevó a reorganizar los cuidados centrados en la persona en un marco de integralidad, aprendizaje significativo, innovación, compromiso y cohesión.(AU)

Objective: To understand the experience of care provided by nurses to people with cancer in the context of a pandemic. Method: Constructivist qualitative study with descriptive design, conducted with hospital nurses in the Metropolitan Region of Chile between September 2020 and March 2021. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted, which after transcription were subjected to content analysis according to Krippendorff. Findings: The pandemic became a challenge for oncology and palliative care nurses, who had to face this health crisis by reorganizing care through an iterative process, which made it possible to give meaning to the care provided. Conclusions: Oncology and palliative care nurses faced the pandemic with resilient leadership that led them to reorganize person-centered care within a framework of comprehensiveness, meaningful learning, innovation, engagement, and cohesion.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , /enfermería , Atención de Enfermería , Cuidados Paliativos , Rol de la Enfermera , Enfermeras Especialistas , Enfermería Oncológica , /epidemiología , Enfermería , Oncología Médica , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Investigación Cualitativa , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Enfermeras y Enfermeros
Index enferm ; 31(4): 274-278, Oct-Dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-217984


Objetivo principal: Analizar la experiencia de jóvenes sobrevivientes de cáncer en su transitar hacia la integración socio familiar. Metodología: Revisión narrativa de artículos científicos publicados entre 2012 y 2022, indexados en las bases de datos Pubmed, CINHAL, CUIDEN y Web of Science, los cuales fueron sometidos a un análisis temático. Resultados principales: Por la enfermedad y tratamiento intensivo, la sobrevivencia les exige integrarse a una nueva vida, marcada por secuelas físicas, psicoemocionales, sociales, valóricas y espirituales, que llevan a modificar su calidad de vida y prioridades en busca de la normalidad. Conclusión principal: Es necesario que los jóvenes se hagan parte de su proceso de integración, permitiendo trascender con bienestar a su adultez, a través de un seguimiento activo por parte de los equipos de salud. Una adecuada integración y adquisición de responsabilidades sobre la enfermedad y cuidado.(AU)

Objective: To analyze the experience of young cancer survivors in their transition to social and family integration. Methods: Narrative review of scientific articles published between 2012 and 2022, indexed in Pubmed, CINHAL, CUIDEN y Web of Science databases, which were subjected to a thematic analysis. Results: Due to the disease and intensive treatment, survival requires them to integrate into a new life, marked by physical, psychoemotional, social, value and spiritual sequelae, which lead them to modify their quality of life and priorities in search of normality. Conclusions: It is necessary that young people become part of their integration process, allowing them to transcend with wellbeing into adulthood, through an active follow-up by the health teams. An adequate integration and acquisition of responsibility for the disease and care.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Neoplasias , Sobrevivientes , Integración a la Comunidad
Rev. esp. quimioter ; 35(Supl. 3): 54-62, Oct. 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-210750


SARS-CoV-2 infection has had a major impact on donation and transplantation. Since the cessation of activity twoyears ago, the international medical community has rapidly generated evidence capable of sustaining and increasing this neccesary activity. This paper analyses the epidemiology and burden of COVID-19 in donation and transplantation, the pathogenesis of the infection and its relationship with graft-mediated transmission, the impact of vaccination on donation and transplantation, the evolution of donation in Spain throughout the pandemic, some lessons learned in SARS-CoV-2 infected donor recipients with positive PCR and the applicability of the main therapeutic tools recently approved for treatment among transplant recipients. (AU)

Humanos , Pandemias , Infecciones por Coronavirus/epidemiología , Coronavirus Relacionado al Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo , Trasplantes , Donaciones , España
Med. paliat ; 29(3): 180-194, jul.-sep. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-213595


Objetivo: Explorar el rol del profesional de enfermería de unidades oncológicas en el acompañamiento del proceso de duelo en familiares de personas con cáncer.Método: Estudio con metodología cualitativa con enfoque de estudio narrativo. Participaron 10 profesionales de enfermería oncológica. Se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada y se realizó un análisis de contenido temático según Thomas, logrando la saturación de datos.Resultados: Diez profesionales de enfermería con al menos 2 años de experiencia en el área de oncología aportaron su vivencia de 6 hospitales de Santiago de Chile. Se obtuvieron 8 categorías emergentes, 6 de ellas se centran en las funciones de los profesionales de enfermería a lo largo del proceso de enfermedad, una categoría enfatiza en los factores que influyen en su quehacer profesional y una categoría destaca las características de los profesionales al realizar el acompañamiento.Conclusiones: Las/os enfermeras/os desarrollan sus funciones del rol en base a la contención, educación, protección del bienestar, soporte, guía, entre otras, las cuales comienzan en el momento del diagnóstico de cáncer y perduran durante todo el proceso de la enfermedad hasta el momento de fallecimiento; sin embargo, no se realiza un apoyo formal durante el transcurso del duelo de las familias. (AU)

Objetive: To explore the professional role of oncology nurses in bereavement support for cancer patient relatives.Methods: A qualitative study with a narrative approach. Ten oncology nurses were included in the study. A semi-structured interview was performed and a thematic content analysis was carried out according to Thomas, achieving data saturation.Results: Ten nursing professionals with at least 2 years of experience in the area of oncology contributed their experience at 6 hospitals in Santiago de Chile. Eight categories emerged from the analysis: 6 of them focused on nursing functions throughout the disease process, 1 category emphasized the factors that influence professional work, and 1 category highlighted the characteristics of professionals when performing the accompaniment.Conclusions: Nurses develop their role functions regarding patient relatives based on containment, education, welfare protection, support and guidance, among others, which begin at the moment of cancer diagnosis and last throughout the course of disease until death. However, there is no formal support during a family’s bereveament process. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Neoplasias , Rol de la Enfermera , Cuidados Paliativos , Pesar , Entrevistas como Asunto , Familia
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 38(2): e4624, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408335


Introducción: La muerte en niños y adolescentes por cáncer suele ser difícil de afrontar por los profesionales de salud. Si no cuentan con modos adecuados para transitar estos duelos, pueden generarse problemas psicológicos, emocionales y físicos, exponiéndose a Burnout. Objetivo: Develar las estrategias utilizadas por profesionales y técnicos de salud de hospitales públicos chilenos para afrontar la muerte de infantes con cáncer. Métodos: Investigación cualitativa fenomenológica, realizada en cinco hospitales públicos en Santiago de Chile, entre mayo-septiembre del 2017. Población de 37 profesionales y técnicos de salud que vivenciaron morir niños y adolescentes con cáncer. Se efectuaron entrevistas en profundidad, guiadas por la pregunta "¿Cómo ha afrontado usted la muerte de los pacientes en su unidad?" Las narrativas se transcribieron y analizaron según las etapas de Streubert, se triangularon los datos hasta alcanzar la saturación. Resultados: Las principales estrategias fueron participar de ritos de despedida ante la muerte, realizar actividades recreativas con miembros del equipo fuera de la jornada laboral, hacer cambios en la rutina de trabajo, separar aspectos personales y profesionales. Al percibir un bajo apoyo de la institución, propusieron facilitar la asistencia al funeral, desarrollar intervenciones formales de apoyo en duelo, realizar intervenciones de autocuidado e incorporar el tema de la muerte en las inducciones laborales. Conclusión: Los profesionales y técnicos cuentan con estrategias para afrontar sus duelos. Sin embargo, requieren de apoyo formal de la institución, junto con capacitación continua en la temática. Es fundamental que la institución se implique en esta problemática(AU)

Introduction: Cancer deaths among children and adolescents are often difficult for health professionals to cope with. If they do not have adequate ways to deal with this grief, psychological, emotional and physical problems may arise, exposing them to burnout or the so called burned-out worker syndrome. Objective: To reveal the strategies used by health professionals and technicians in Chilean public hospitals to cope with the death of children with cancer. Methods: Qualitative and phenomenological research carried out in five public hospitals in Santiago, Chile, between May and September 2017. The population was made up of 37 health professionals and technicians who experienced the death of children and adolescents with cancer. In-depth interviews were conducted, guided by the following question: How have you coped with the death of patients in your unit? The narratives were transcribed and analyzed according to the stages described by Streubert. In addition, the data were triangulated until saturation was reached. Results: The main strategies were to participate in farewell rites in the face of death, to carry out recreational activities with team members outside the workday, to make changes in the work routine, as well as to separate personal and professional aspects. When perceiving low support from the institution, they proposed facilitating attendance at the funeral, developing formal bereavement support interventions, carrying out self-care, and incorporating the matter of death into work inductions. Conclusion: Professionals and technicians have strategies to cope with their bereavement. However, they need formal support from the institution, together with continuous training on the matter. It is essential for the institution to become involved in this issue(AU)

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Adaptación Psicológica , Actitud Frente a la Muerte , Mortalidad del Niño , Oncología Médica/métodos , Estrategias de Salud , Investigación Cualitativa
Andes Pediatr ; 93(5): 620-623, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37906881


It has been shown that home care of children with special health care needs and highly complex diseases has made it possible to lower the costs associated with hospitalization and reduce the risk of mortality so that timely, safe, and continuous accompaniment of parents or caregivers is an im portant task for health care teams. This care can be hampered by problems of communication and responsiveness to the demands for care, generating anxiety in caregivers when making decisions, a barrier that has been minimized with the incorporation of modern technologies. In this update, we present an analysis and reflection on the implementation of technology as a tool at the service of caregivers of children with special needs, based on the existing applicability in palliative care.

Servicios de Atención de Salud a Domicilio , Cuidados Paliativos , Niño , Humanos , Cuidadores , Padres , Hospitalización
Rev. chil. enferm ; 4(2): 13-35, 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435988


OBJETIVO:Develar la experiencia vivida por cuidadores informales durante el cuidado de su familiar en fase avanzada de cáncer en el hogar que los llevó a hospitalizarlos en una clínica de cuidados paliativos. METODOLOGÍA: La investigación fue realizada con metodología cualitativa fenomenológica basada en Husserlen el paradigma constructivista, se recogieron los testimonios de diez participantes que vivieron la experiencia de hospitalizar a su familiar adulto en una clínica de cuidados paliativosen Santiago de Chile tipo hospicedurante el año 2017,posteriormente de haberlos cuidado en el hogar. La información se obtuvo a través de entrevistas en profundidad audiograbadas, trascritas literalmente, protegiendo la confidencialidad.Se realizó análisis de discurso basado en Helen Streubert.Se contó con autorización de institución y comité de ética correspondiente. RESULTADOS:En el estudio se develól as siguientes unidades de significado;los participantes tras asumir la responsabilidad de cuidar a su familiar en el hogar comenzaron a vivenciar agotamiento. Esto desencadenó una crisis en el cuidado, que los llevó a tomar la decisión de hospitalizarlos. Una vez hospitalizados en la clínica, los cuidadores se sintieron apoyados por los profesionales, esto permitió resignificar la experiencia, al sentir que volvían a cuidar nuevamente a su familiar.CONCLUSIONES: s:Se develó que el cuidado domiciliario requiere de un acompañamiento continuo, con atención las 24 horas del día por parte del equipo de Cuidados Paliativos, para reducir el estrés de la progresión de la enfermedad y fomentar la tranquilidad de los familiares y cuidadores.

OBJECTIVE:To unveil the experience lived by informal caregivers during the care of their relative in advanced stage of cancer at home that led them to hospitalize them in a palliative care clinic. METHODS:The research was conducted with phenomenological qualitative methodology based on Husserl in the constructivist paradigm, the testimonies of ten participants who lived the experience of hospitalizing their adult relative ina palliative care clinic in Santiago de Chile hospice type during the year 2017, after having cared for them at home were collected. The information was obtained through audio-recorded in-depth interviews, transcribed verbatim, protecting confidentiality.Discourse analysis based on Helen Streubert was performed. Authorization was obtained from the institution and the corresponding ethics committee.RESULTS: The study revealed the following units of meaning; the participants, after assuming the responsibility of caring for their relative at home, began to experience exhaustion. This triggered a crisis in caregiving, which led to the decision to hospitalize them. Once hospitalized in the clinic, the caregivers felt supported by the professionals, this allowed them to resignify the experience, feeling that they were returning to care for their family member again.CONCLUSIONS: It was revealed that home care requires continuous accompaniment, with 24-hour attention by the Palliative Care team, to reduce the stress of disease progression and promote peace of mind for family members and caregivers

OBJETIVO: Revelar a experiência vivida por cuidadores informais durante os cuidados de seus parentes em estágios avançados de câncer em casa que os levaram a ser hospitalizados em uma clínica de cuidados paliativos. METODOLOGIA: A pesquisa foi realizada com uma metodologia qualitativa fenomenológica baseada em Husserl no paradigma construtivista, foram coletados os depoimentos de dez participantes que viveram a experiência de hospitalizar seu parente adulto em uma clínica paliativa tipo hospitalar em Santiago do Chile durante o ano de 2017, depois de tê-los atendido em casa. As informações foram obtidas através de entrevistas em profundidade gravadas em áudio, transcritas literalmente, protegendo a confidencialidade. A análise do discurso foi realizada com base em Helen Streubert. A autorização foi obtida junto à instituição e ao comitê de ética correspondente. RESULTADOS: O estudo revelou as seguintes unidades de significado; os participantes, após assumirem a responsabilidade de cuidar de seus parentes em casa, começaram a experimentar a exaustão. Isto desencadeou uma crise de cuidados, o que levou à decisão de hospitalizá-los. Uma vez hospitalizados na clínica, os cuidadores se sentiram apoiados por profissionais, o que lhes permitiu re-significar a experiência, sentindo que estavam de volta para cuidar de seu parente novamente. CONCLUSÕES: Foi revelado que os cuidados domiciliares requerem um acompanhamento contínuo, com a atenção 24 horas da equipe de Cuidados Paliativos, para reduzir o estresse da progressão da doença e promover a paz de espírito para os membros da família e cuidadores

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Cuidados Paliativos al Final de la Vida/psicología , Cuidadores/psicología , Entrevistas como Asunto , Investigación Cualitativa , Carga del Cuidador , Hospitalización , Neoplasias/psicología
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1506210


Objetivo: Develar la percepción del apoyo en duelo de los profesionales de las unidades de oncología pediátrica, tras el fallecimiento de los pacientes. Método: Estudio fenomenológico cualitativo. Se realizaron 22 entrevistas en profundidad a profesionales de 5 unidades de oncología pediátrica de hospitales públicos de Santiago de Chile. Una vez transcritas las narraciones, se realizó el análisis comprensivo y posteriormente la triangulación de los datos, hasta lograr su saturación. Resultados: Los profesionales se perciben apoyados en su duelo al poder experimentar las pérdidas en un ambiente protegido y sentirse apoyados por su entorno. Reconocen la existencia de factores externos e internos que facilitan el proceso de duelo. Sin embargo, este apoyo se percibe como insuficiente, ya que falta un apoyo formal por parte de la institución, así como un periodo de duelo protegido, o el apoyo de los profesionales de la salud mental a los equipos. Todas las experiencias de muerte permiten a los profesionales trascender su dolor a partir del aprendizaje permanente y dar sentido a su trabajo. Conclusión: El apoyo en duelo que sienten los profesionales se genera a partir de sus propias iniciativas de reencuentro dentro de los equipos, lo cual es insuficiente. Por ello, es necesaria la formación en el afrontamiento de la muerte desde el pregrado, lo que permitiría una mayor cohesión en el afrontamiento y un mayor autocuidado dentro de los equipos.

Objetivo: Desvelar a percepção do apoio ao luto dos profissionais das unidades de oncologia pediátrica, após o óbito dos pacientes. Método: Estudo fenomenológico qualitativo. Foram realizadas vinte e duas entrevistas aprofundadas com profissionais de cinco unidades de oncologia pediátrica de hospitais públicos de Santiago. Uma vez transcritas as narrativas, realizou-se à análise compreensiva e posteriormente à triangulação dos dados, alcançando a saturação destes. Resultados: Os profissionais percebem-se amparados em seu luto, pois podem vivenciar perdas em um ambiente protegido e sentir-se amparados por seu ambiente. Eles reconhecem a existência de fatores externos e internos que facilitam o processo de luto. Contudo, este apoio é percebido como insuficiente, visto que falta um apoio formal da instituição, bem como um período de luto protegido, ou o apoio dos profissionais de saúde mental para as equipes. Todas as experiências de morte permitem aos profissionais transcender sua dor por meio da aprendizagem ao longo da vida e dar sentido ao seu trabalho. Conclusão: O apoio no luto, sentido pelos profissionais, é gerado a partir das suas próprias iniciativas de reencontro com as equipes, o que é insuficiente. Portanto, o treinamento no enfrentamento da morte desde a graduação faz-se necessário, o que possibilitaria maior coesão no enfrentamento e maior autocuidado dentro das equipes.

Objective: To reveal the perception of grief support of professionals in pediatric oncology units, after the death of the patients. Method: Qualitative phenomenological study. 22 in-depth interviews were conducted with professionals from 5 pediatric oncology units of public hospitals in Santiago. Once the narratives were transcribed, the comprehensive analysis and subsequent triangulation of the data was performed, achieving saturation. Results: Professionals perceive themselves supported in their grief by being able to experience the losses in a protected environment and feeling supported by their surroundings. They recognized the existence of external and internal factors that facilitated the process of grief. However, this support is perceived as insufficient, as there is a lack of formal support from the institution, as well as a protected grief period, or support from mental health professionals to the teams. All death experiences allow professionals to transcend their pain based on lifelong learning and to give meaning to their work. Conclusion: Grief support felt by the professionals is generated from their own initiatives of re-encounter within the teams, which is insufficient. Therefore, training in coping with death is necessary from undergraduate level, which would allow greater cohesiveness in coping and greater self-care within the teams.

Enfermeria (Montev.) ; 9(2): 191-204, dic. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1142896


Resumen: Introducción: Las terapias complementarias se han ido incorporando cada vez más en la atención de salud, especialmente en áreas como la oncología, cuidados paliativos, rehabilitación y obstetricia. En varios países, son los propios profesionales de la salud los que las han incorporado en forma integrada a su práctica clínica, llevándolos a cambiar el paradigma del sistema biomédico actual, permitiendo brindar un cuidado más integral y autónomo. Objetivo: Comprender la experiencia de los profesionales de salud de Chile al incorporar las terapias complementarias en su práctica clínica. Método: Estudio cualitativo fenomenológico. Se invitó a participar a profesionales de la salud, con certificación en una terapia no convencional, la cual integran a su práctica clínica. Tras la firma del consentimiento, se realizaron las entrevistas en profundidad hasta lograr la saturación de los datos. El proceso de investigación se realizó siguiendo las 10 etapas de Streubert. Resultados: Participaron 11 profesionales de salud, quienes desarrollan terapias como el reiki, terapia floral y acupuntura integrada a su práctica clínica. Se develó que la incorporación de Terapias Complementarias le dio mayor sentido a la propia labor como profesional de la salud, sin embargo, hubo facilitadores y obstaculizadores del proceso, lo cual les generó nuevos desafíos para la integración con la medicina alópata. Conclusión: La integración de las Terapias Complementarias ampliaron las herramientas terapéuticas, lo que generó en ellos mayor satisfacción profesional al brindar una atención más humana y centrada en la persona, reconociendo la necesidad de incorporar estos saberes en los currículos de las carreras de la salud.

Resumo: Introdução: As terapias complementares têm sido cada vez mais incorporadas à assistência à saúde, principalmente em áreas como oncologia, cuidados paliativos, reabilitação e obstetrícia. Em vários países, os próprios profissionais de saúde os incorporaram à prática clínica de forma integrada, levando-os a mudar o paradigma do sistema biomédico vigente, permitindo-lhes uma atenção mais integral e autônoma. Objetivo: compreender a experiência dos profissionais de saúde no Chile ao incorporar as terapias complementares em sua prática clínica. Método: estudo fenomenológico qualitativo. Foram convidados a participar profissionais de saúde com certificação em terapia não convencional, que integram à sua prática clínica. Após a assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade até a saturação dos dados. O processo de pesquisa foi realizado seguindo as 10 etapas de Streubert. Resultados: participaram 11 profissionais de saúde, que desenvolvem terapias como reiki, floroterapia e acupuntura integradas à sua prática clínica. Revelou-se que a incorporação das Terapias Complementares deu maior sentido ao próprio trabalho como profissional de saúde, porém, surgiram facilitadores e obstáculos ao processo, o que gerou novos desafios para a integração com a medicina alopática. Conclusão: A integração das Terapias Complementares ampliou os instrumentos terapêuticos, o que gerou nelas maior satisfação profissional por proporcionar um cuidado mais humano e centrado na pessoa, reconhecendo a necessidade de incorporação desse conhecimento nos currículos das carreiras em saúde.

Abstract: Introduction: Complementary therapies have been increasingly incorporated into health care, especially in areas such as oncology, palliative care, rehabilitation and obstetrics. In several countries, it´s the health professionals themselves who have incorporated them into their clinical practice in an integrated way, leading them to change the paradigm of the current biomedical system, allowing them to provide a more comprehensive and autonomous care. Objective: To comprehend the experience of health professionals in Chile when incorporating complementary therapies in their clinical practice. Method: Qualitative phenomenological study. Health professionals certified in unconventional therapy were invited to participate, which they integrate into their clinical practice. After signing the consent, in-depth interviews were carried out until the data was saturated. The research process was carried out following the 10 steps of Streubert. Results: 11 health professionals participated, who develop therapies such as reiki, flower therapy and acupuncture integrated into their clinical practice. It was revealed that the incorporation of Complementary Therapies gave greater meaning to the work itself as a health professional, however, there were facilitators and obstacles to the process, which generated new challenges for integration with allopathic medicine. Conclusion: The integration of Complementary Therapies expanded the therapeutic tools, which generated in them greater professional satisfaction by providing a more human and person-centered care, recognizing the need to incorporate this knowledge into the curricula of health careers.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 35(4): 699-704, 2020. fig
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147996


Introducción. El vólvulo cecal en el embarazo es una patología infrecuente a nivel mundial, con un espectro clínico variado y limitación en estudios diagnósticos, lo que puede resultar en un desenlace ominoso. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso de una gestante en segundo trimestre del embarazo quien presenta abdomen agudo secundario a vólvulo cecal y sufrimiento fetal. La paciente fue llevada a cesárea de urgencia, donde además se practicó cecectomía y anastomosis íleo transversa, con mortalidad fetal. Discusión. El vólvulo cecal forma parte de los diagnósticos diferenciales en caso de abdomen agudo durante el embarazo. Tiene un pronóstico reservado, en donde pueden presentarse desenlaces maternos y perinatales adversos, con mortalidad materno fetal

Introduction. Cecal volvulus in pregnancy is an uncommon pathology worldwide, with a varied clinical spectrum and limitation in diagnostic studies, which can result in an ominous outcome.Clinical case. We present the case of a pregnant woman in the second trimester of pregnancy who presents with an acute abdomen secondary to caecal volvulus and fetal distress. The patient was taken to emergency caesarean section, where a cecectomy and transverse ileus anastomosis were also performed, with fetal mortality.Conclusion. Cecal volvulus is part of the differential diagnoses in acute abdomen during pregnancy. It has a reserved prognosis, where adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes can occur, including maternal-fetal mortality

Humanos , Vólvulo Intestinal , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Resultado del Embarazo , Abdomen Agudo
Rev Chil Pediatr ; 90(4): 429-436, 2019 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31859716


INTRODUCTION: Death in childhood is a reality faced by health professionals, especially in highly com plex units such as intensive care ones. This leads to feelings of helplessness and frustration in health professionals, compromising their physical, emotional, and mental health, which is worsened by the feeling of low social support and poor preparation for coping with death and support for the patient's family. OBJECTIVE: To expose the perception of sorrow support of professionals and techni cians in pediatric intensive care units of public hospitals, after the death of the patients. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. 16 in-depth interviews were conduc ted with pediatric intensive care professionals and technicians from five public hospitals in Santiago, Chile. Inclusion criteria considered working for more than a year in the Unit, having experienced the death of patients, and recognizing that they have gone through a professional sorrow. The in terview focused on the following question: How have you experienced the sorrow support received after the death of patients in your unit? Once the narratives were transcribed, the phenomenological analysis and subsequent data triangulation were carried out, achieving saturation. RESULTS: It was observed that the participants feel little supported in their sorrows after the death of the patients, where there are obstacles to face the situation. Although facing death is something complex for the participants, they recognize that they can generate protection strategies and also feel supported by the people around them. Despite the complexity of this experience, the participants consider that there are lessons learned in facing death which leads them to give meaning to their professional work. CONCLUSION: Professionals need the recognition of deaths in the workplace and, therefore, formal and continuous support from their work team and institution.

Actitud Frente a la Muerte , Pesar , Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico , Personal de Hospital/psicología , Adaptación Psicológica , Adulto , Actitud del Personal de Salud , Niño , Chile , Femenino , Hospitales Públicos , Humanos , Entrevistas como Asunto , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Apoyo Social
Sci Data ; 6(1): 142, 2019 08 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31383868


We present a dataset consisting of three-dimensional traces, captured by Global Navigation Satellite System techniques with three-dimensional coordinates. It offers 138 traces (69 going and 69 returning), in addition to the actual mean axis of the road determined by precise surveying techniques to be used as ground truth for research activities. These data may serve as a test bed for research on data mining applications related to Global Navigation Satellite System multitraces, particularly the development and testing of algorithms intended for mining mean axis data from road multitraces. The data are suitable for the statistical analysis of both single-trace and multitrace datasets (e.g., outliers and biases).

Rev. chil. pediatr ; 90(4): 429-436, ago. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020651


INTRODUCCIÓN: La muerte en la infancia es una realidad a la que se ven enfrentados los profesionales de salud, especialmente en unidades de alta complejidad como son los cuidados intensivos. Esto genera en los profesionales impotencia y frustración, comprometiendo su salud física, emocional y mental, agravada por la sensación de bajo soporte social y deficiente preparación para el afrontamiento de la muerte y el apoyo a los familiares de sus pacientes. OBJETIVO: Develar la percepción de apoyo en duelo de profesionales y técnicos en unidades de cuidado intensivo pediátrico de hospitales públicos, tras la muerte de los pacientes. SUJETOS Y MÉTODO: Estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico. Se realizaron 16 entrevistas en profundidad a profesionales y técnicos de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de cinco hospitales públicos de Santiago. Como criterios de inclusión se consideraron el trabajar por más de un año en la unidad, haber vivenciado la muerte de pacientes, y reconocer que ha cursado un duelo profesional. La entrevista fue guiada por la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cómo ha vivenciado usted el apoyo en duelo recibido, tras la muerte de pacientes en su unidad? Una vez trascritas las narrativas se realizó el análisis fenomenológico y posterior triangulación de los datos, logrando la saturación. RESULTADOS: Se develó que los participantes se sienten poco apoyados en sus duelos tras la muerte de los pacientes, existiendo obstáculos para su afrontamiento. Aunque enfrentar la muerte es algo complejo para ellos, reconocen que son capaces de generar estrategias de protección y además se sienten apoyados por personas de su entorno. A pesar de lo complejo de esta experiencia, ellos consideran que existen aprendizajes al enfrentar la muerte que los lleva a dar sentido a su labor profesional. CONCLUSIÓN: Los profesionales requieren que las pérdidas en el ámbito laboral sean reconocidas, y por ello, contar con un apoyo formal y continuo de su equipo de trabajo e institución.

INTRODUCTION: Death in childhood is a reality faced by health professionals, especially in highly com plex units such as intensive care ones. This leads to feelings of helplessness and frustration in health professionals, compromising their physical, emotional, and mental health, which is worsened by the feeling of low social support and poor preparation for coping with death and support for the patient's family. OBJECTIVE: To expose the perception of sorrow support of professionals and techni cians in pediatric intensive care units of public hospitals, after the death of the patients. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. 16 in-depth interviews were conducted with pediatric intensive care professionals and technicians from five public hospitals in Santiago, Chile. Inclusion criteria considered working for more than a year in the Unit, having experienced the death of patients, and recognizing that they have gone through a professional sorrow. The in terview focused on the following question: How have you experienced the sorrow support received after the death of patients in your unit? Once the narratives were transcribed, the phenomenological analysis and subsequent data triangulation were carried out, achieving saturation. RESULTS: It was observed that the participants feel little supported in their sorrows after the death of the patients, where there are obstacles to face the situation. Although facing death is something complex for the participants, they recognize that they can generate protection strategies and also feel supported by the people around them. Despite the complexity of this experience, the participants consider that there are lessons learned in facing death which leads them to give meaning to their professional work. CONCLUSION: Professionals need the recognition of deaths in the workplace and, therefore, formal and continuous support from their work team and institution.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Personal de Hospital/psicología , Pesar , Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico , Actitud Frente a la Muerte , Apoyo Social , Adaptación Psicológica , Actitud del Personal de Salud , Chile , Entrevistas como Asunto , Hospitales Públicos
Rev Esc Enferm USP ; 51: e03289, 2017.
Artículo en Español, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29562046


Objective To know the levels of Burnout Syndrome and perception of grief support in nursing teams of oncology and pediatric intensive care in public hospitals in Chile. Method A study of descriptive cross-sectional design. The Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Grief Support Health Care Scale were applied to university-level and technical nursing professionals between March and November 2015. An analysis to compare the means was performed with use of the Student's t-test, and the level of significance was set at 5%. Results The study included 153 professionals. Results show 4% of professionals have Burnout Syndrome (BS) and 89% are at risk of having it. Oncology professionals are at higher risk as they present higher levels of emotional exhaustion and lower levels of personal fulfillment. Half of professionals have a high level of perception of grief support, which is greater in the oncology team. Conclusion Professionals working in pediatric oncology units are at increased risk of Burnout Syndrome and grief support may be a mediating factor in this process.

Actitud del Personal de Salud , Agotamiento Profesional/terapia , Enfermería de Cuidados Críticos , Pesar , Grupo de Enfermería , Enfermería Oncológica , Enfermería Pediátrica , Adulto , Agotamiento Profesional/epidemiología , Chile , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Unidades Hospitalarias , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven