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Dalton Trans ; 53(32): 13566-13582, 2024 Aug 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39078094


The reaction of Ln(NO3)2·6H2O (Ln = Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Tm and Yb) with the respective enantiopure (R)-(-)-2-phenylbutyric or (S)-(+)-2-phenylbutyric acid (R/S-2-HPhBut) and 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (Bphen) allows the isolation of chiral dinuclear compounds of the formula [Ln2(µ-R/S-2-PhBut)4(R/S-2PhBut)2(Bphen)2] where Ln = Nd3+ (R/S-Nd-a), Sm3+ (R/S-Sm-a), Eu3+ (R/S-Eu-a), Tb3+ (R/S-Tb-a and R/S-Tb-b), Dy3+ (R/S-Dy-a and R/S-Dy-b), Tm3+ (R/S-Tm-b) and Yb3+ (R/S-Yb-b). Single crystal X-ray diffraction was performed for compounds S-Eu-a and S-Tm-b. Powder crystal X-ray diffraction was performed for all complexes. From the crystallographic data two different structural motifs were found which are referred to as structure type a and structure type b. In structure type a, the Ln3+ atoms are bridged through four R or S-2-PhBut ligands with two different kinds of coordination modes whereas in structure type b the two Ln3+ atoms are bridged through four R or S-2-PhBut ligands showing only one kind of coordination mode. For those lanthanide ions exhibiting both structure types, Tb3+ and Dy3+, a difference in the luminescence and magnetism behavior is observed. All compounds (except R/S-Tm-b) exhibit sensitized luminescence, notably the Eu3+ and Tb3+ analogues. Circular Dichroism (CD) and Circular Polarized Luminescence (CPL) in the solid state and in 1 mM dichloromethane (DCM) solutions are reported, leading to improved chiroptical properties for the DCM solutions. The asymmetry factor (glum) in 1 mM DCM is ±0.02 (+ for R-Eu-a) for the magnetically allowed transition 5D0 → 7F1 and ±0.03 (+ for R-Tb-a and R-Tb-b) for the 5D4 → 7F5 transition. Magnetic properties of all compounds were studied and the Dy3+ compound with the structural motif b (R-Dy-b) shows Single Molecular Magnet (SMM) behavior under a 0 T magnetic field. However, R-Dy-a is a field-induced SMM.

Dalton Trans ; 53(22): 9387-9405, 2024 Jun 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38757803


Five new ß-diketonate Ce3+ mononuclear complexes, [Ce(Btfa)3(H2O)2] (1), [Ce(Btfa)3(phen)] (2), [Ce(Btfa)3(bipy)] (3), [Ce(Btfa)3(terpy)] (4) and [Ce(Btfa)3(bathophen)(DMF)] (5), where Btfa- = 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-phenyl-1,3-butanedionate, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, bipy = 2,2'-bipyridyl, terpy = 2,2':6',2''-terpyridine and bathophen = 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline, have been synthesized and structurally characterized through X-ray diffraction of single crystals. The central Ce3+ atom displays a coordination number of 8 for 1, 2 and 3 and of 9 for 4 and 5. Under a 0 T external magnetic field, none of the given compounds exhibits single molecule magnet (SMM) behaviour. However, a small magnetic field, between 0.02 and 0.1 T, is enough for all the compounds to exhibit slow relaxation of the magnetization. A comprehensive magnetic analysis, with experimental magnetic data and ab initio calculations, was undertaken for all the complexes, and the study highlights the significance of the different spin relaxation mechanisms that must be considered for a Ce3+ lanthanide ion.

Rev. med. cine ; 20(1): 17-33, Ene. 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-231182


Realizamos una búsqueda sistemática de películas utilizando los términos corporativismo y medicina en sitios web especializados sin importar la duración, nacionalidad, género o año de producción. Excluimos las películas animadas y series de television. Tras visionar 24 películas, seleccionamos seis de ellas buscando que fueran films de calidad, que no fueran muy conocidos y que el corporativismo formara parte importante del guion. En todos ellos y en diferentes formatos (comedia, drama, …) el corporativismo se presenta como una forma de corrupción en la que pueden caer los médicos, teniendo estos que anteponer siempre la salud del paciente y no sus intereses y prebendas. El análisis y comentario de todas estas películas puede ser de gran utilidad para la enseñanza de las ciencias de la salud, ayudando a evitar situaciones indeseables que tengan como responsable al corporativismo.(AU)

We carry out a systematic search for films on specialized websites regardless of duration, nationality, genre or year of production. The exclusion criteria were: animated films and television series. After viewing 24 films, we selected six of them looking for quality films, not very well-known and for corporatism to form an important part of the script. In all of them and in different formats (comedy, drama, …) corporatism is presented as a form of corruption that doctors can fall into, having to always put the patient's health first and not his interests and perks. The analysis and commentary of all these films can be very useful for the teaching of health sciences, helping to avoid undesirable situations that have corporatism as responsible.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Medicina , Películas Cinematográficas , Medicina en las Artes , Cultura Organizacional , Corrupción
Dalton Trans ; 52(4): 1122-1132, 2023 Jan 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36606358


The reaction of Ln(NO3)2·6H2O (Ln = Eu, Tb, Dy and Sm) with (R)-(-)-α-methoxyphenylacetic acid (R-HMPA) and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) in EtOH/H2O allows the isolation of 1D chiral compounds of formula [Ln(µ-R-MPA)(R-MPA)2(phen)]n in which Ln = Eu (R-Eu), Tb (R-Tb), Dy (R-Dy) and Sm (R-Sm). The same synthesis by using (S)-(+)-α-methoxyphenylacetic acid (S-HMPA) instead of (R)-(-)-α-methoxyphenylacetic acid allows the isolation of the enantiomeric compounds with formula [Ln(µ-S-MPA)(S-MPA)2(phen)]n where Ln = Eu (S-Eu), Tb (S-Tb), Dy (S-Dy) and Sm (S-Sm). Single crystal X-Ray diffraction measurements were performed for compounds R/S-Eu, R/S-Tb, S-Dy and S-Sm. The luminescence and the circular dichroism measured in the solid state are reported. All compounds show sensitized luminescence, notably the Eu3+ and Tb3+ ones, whose emission color can be perceived by the naked eye. For the Eu3+ and Tb3+ derivatives the quantum yield and the circular polarized luminescence have been measured. For the magnetic allowed transition 5D0 → 7F1 of the Eu3+ compound, the anisotropy factor glum is ±0.013 (+for S-Eu). Also, magnetic properties of all compounds were studied with the Dy3+ analogue showing slow relaxation of the magnetization under a direct current magnetic field of 1000 Oe.

Elementos de la Serie de los Lantanoides , Elementos de la Serie de los Lantanoides/química , Luminiscencia , Ligandos , Hempa
Rev. med. cine ; 18(3): 205-224, sept. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-211529


Realizamos una selección de películas sobre los celos patológicos buscando films de calidad, de distinta procedencia y época de realización.Finalmente analizamos ocho películas procedentes de Estados Unidos (4), México, Italia, Francia y Corea del Sur, de directores muy distintos realizadas desde 1927 a 2005, pero todas ellas nos presentan las características del enfermo de celos, sus desencadenantes y reacciones típicas de ansiedad, acoso, vigilancia, persecución, episodios violentos, en ocasiones ideas delirantes y alucinaciones y un final muchas veces trágico.La visualización y el análisis de estas películas pueden ser útiles para la docencia en ciencias de la salud pudiendo también ayudar a conocer y prevenir situaciones derivadas de los celos enfermizos. (AU)

We make a selection of films about pathological jealousy looking for quality films, from different sources and times of production.Finally, we analyze eight films from the United States (4), Mexico, Italy, France and South Korea, by very different directors made from 1927 to 2005, but all of them present us with the characteristics of jealousy with their triggers and typical reactions of anxiety, harassment, surveillance, persecution, violent episodes, sometimes delusions and hallucinations and often with a tragic ending.The visualization and analysis of these films can be useful for teaching in health sciences and can also help to know and prevent situations derived from unhealthy jealousy. (AU)

Humanos , Celos , Películas Cinematográficas , Emociones , Violencia , Acoso Escolar
Inorg Chem ; 61(29): 11124-11136, 2022 Jul 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35815859


Four novel CeIII mononuclear complexes of formulas [Ce(ntfa)3(MeOH)2] (1), [Ce(ntfa)3(5,5'-Me2bipy)] (2), [Ce(ntfa)3(terpy)] (3), and [Ce(ntfa)3(bipy)2] (4), where ntfa = 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(naphthalen-2-yl)butane-1,3-dionato, 5,5'-Me2bipy = 5,5'-dimethyl-2,2'-dipyridyl, terpy = 2,2':6',2″-terpyridine, and bipy = 2,2'-bipyridine, have been synthesized and structurally characterized with CeIII displaying coordination numbers of 8, 8, 9, and 10, respectively. Magnetic measurements indicate that all the complexes show a field-induced single-ion magnet behavior under a small applied dc field. The magnetic analysis shows the relevance of the different spin relaxation mechanisms in the magnetic relaxation of the CeIII compounds, with special emphasis on the local-mode process. Multiconfigurational calculations were also performed to get more information on the axiality of the compounds.

Rev. med. cine ; 18(2): 133-143, abr.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-210052


Objetivo: Estudiar los celos enfermizos en el cine. Diseño: Análisis descriptivo tas revisión sistemática de películas. Método: Selección de films en webs especializadas con independencia del metraje, nacionalidad,género o año de producción. Siendo criterios de exclusión films de animación y series de TV.Análisis de films seleccionados obteniendo variables de interés respecto del tema estudiado. Resultados: 79 películas seleccionadas y analizadas de cuyo estudio se obtiene como informaciónmás relevante: la mayor parte de los films proceden de Estados Unidos y Francia, realizados en lasdécadas de 1940-50. Pocos films basados en hechos reales. Suicidio como desenlace mayoritariodel celópata. Irrelevancia de la clase social o profesión del celópata. Escasa patología concomitante.Prevalencia de una celotipia estrictamente sentimental. Violencia generalizada del celópata enforma de agresión física como signo más evidente del comportamiento celotípico. Discusión: Rara conciencia de enfermedad del celópata que convierte en irrelevante su condiciónsocial. Violencia y maltrato que desembocan en el asesinato de la persona amada. Comorbilidadpor abuso de alcohol por ser una droga de fácil acceso. Ausencia de violencia de género vicaria.Prevalencia del hombre como paciente celópata por su rol familiar preponderante. Ausencia defactores de riesgo en el desarrollo de personalidades celotípicas. (AU)

Objective: To study unhealthy jealousy in the cinema. Design: Descriptive analysis after a systematical review of films. Method: Selection of films on specialized websites regardless of the footage, nationality, genreor year of production. Being exclusion criteria animation films and TV series. Analysis of selectedfilms obtaining variables of interest regarding the subject studied. Results: 79 films selected and analyzed from whose study the most relevant information isobtained: most of the films come from the United States and France, made in the 1940s and 1950s.Few films based on real events. Suicide as the majority outcome of the cellopath. Irrelevance ofthe social class or profession. Little concomitant pathology. Prevalence of a strictly sentimentaljealousy. Generalized cellopathic violence in the form of physical aggression as the most obvioussign of celotypic behavior. Discussion: Rare awareness of cellopathic disease that makes their social status irrelevant. Violenceand mistreatment that lead to the murder of the loved one. Comorbidity from alcohol abusebecause it is an easily accessible drug. Absence of vicarious gender violence. Male prevalence as acellopathic patient due to his preponderant family role. Absence of risk factors in the developmentof zealotypic personalities. (AU)

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Celos , Películas Cinematográficas , Violencia de Género/psicología , Maltrato Conyugal , Suicidio , Homicidio
Molecules ; 27(3)2022 Feb 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35164394


A new series of mononuclear Ho3+ complexes derived from the ß-diketonate anions: 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-phenyl-1,3-butanedioneate (btfa-) and 4,4,4-trifuoro-1-(naphthalen-2-yl)-1,3-butanedionate (ntfa-) have been synthesized, [Ho(btfa)3(H2O)2] (1a), [Ho(ntfa)3(MeOH)2] (1b), (1), [Ho(btfa)3(phen)] (2), [Ho(btfa)3(bipy)] (3), [Ho(btfa)3(di-tbubipy)] (4), [Ho(ntfa)3(Me2bipy)] (5), and [Ho(ntfa)3(bipy)] (6), where phen is 1,10-phenantroline, bipy is 2,2'-bipyridyl, di-tbubipy is 4,4'-di-tert-butyl-2,2'-bipyridyl, and Me2bipy is 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridyl. These compounds have been characterized by elemental microanalysis and infrared spectroscopy as well as single-crystal X-ray difraction for 2-6. The central Ho3+ ions in these compounds display coordination number 8. The luminescence-emission properties of the pyridyl adducts 2-6 display a strong characteristic band in the visible region at 661 nm and a series of bands in the NIR region (excitation wavelengths (λex) of 367 nm for 2-4 and 380 nm for 5 and 6). The magnetic properties of the complexes revealed magnetically uncoupled Ho3+ compounds with no field-induced, single-molecule magnet (SMMs).

Dalton Trans ; 48(6): 2059-2067, 2019 Feb 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30656303


The reaction of LnCl3·6H2O with (S)-(+)-2-(6-methoxy-2-naphthyl)propionic acid (S-HL), best known as naproxen, and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) in EtOH allows the isolation of dinuclear chiral compounds S-1-4 of the formula [Ln2(S-L)6(phen)2]·3DMF·H2O [Ln(iii) = Eu (1), Gd (2), Tb (3) and Dy (4)]. The use of the R-enantiomeric species of the HL ligand led to complexes R-1-4 with the formula [Ln2(R-L)6(phen)2]·3DMF·H2O. Compounds R- andS-1, 3 and 4 show strong sensitized metal-centred luminescence in the visible region. Moreover, Dy(iii) complexes R- andS-4 display field-induced single-molecule magnet (SMM) behaviour. For chiral and emissive compounds circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) measurements have also been performed.

Rev. esp. med. legal ; 44(2): 85-88, abr.-jun. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-174621


El empleo de la cloroquina con fines suicidas no es frecuente en España. En los últimos años, en algunos países europeos se ha incrementado el número de suicidios por cloroquina, por la difusión del conocimiento de esta sustancia por activistas en defensa del suicidio asistido a través de diferentes medios de comunicación. Presentamos 3casos de suicidio con cloroquina estudiados en el IMLCF de Alicante en los últimos 7 años. Hemos obtenido en la autopsia resultados inespecíficos, al igual que lo publicado en otros trabajos. El estudio toxicológico confirmó la intoxicación por cloroquina. En 2de los 3casos habían consultado la mezcla de sustancias y dosis empleadas en páginas web. En el tercer caso en un libro de ayuda al suicidio. Es fundamental obtener la máxima información durante el levantamiento del cadáver, a fin de realizar la autopsia y dirigir el estudio toxicológico para poder llegar al diagnóstico de intoxicación por cloroquina

The use of chloroquine to commit suicide is not common in Spain. However, the number of suicides by chloroquine has increased in some European countries in recent years due to the awareness raised about this substance through various media by assisted-suicide defence activists. We present 3cases of suicide with chloroquine studied at the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences (IMLCF) of Alicante in the last 7years. Consistent with other published studies, our autopsies yielded nonspecific results but the toxicological study confirmed chloroquine poisoning. In 2of the 3cases, the victims had looked up the mixture of substances and dose used online. In the third case, a suicide help book was used. It is essential to obtain as much information as possible upon initial examination of the body in order to perform the autopsy and to prompt the toxicological study to reach the diagnosis of chloroquine poisoning

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Cloroquina/toxicidad , Suicidio/legislación & jurisprudencia , Benzodiazepinas/toxicidad , Autopsia/métodos , Intoxicación/mortalidad , Internet/legislación & jurisprudencia , Ideación Suicida , Cloroquina/sangre , Cloroquina/orina , Intento de Suicidio/estadística & datos numéricos , Intento de Suicidio/tendencias
Dalton Trans ; 46(19): 6349-6357, 2017 May 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28463348


The reaction of Ln(NO3)2·6H2O (Ln = Tb and Eu) with (S)-(+)-2-phenylpropionic acid (S-HL) and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) in EtOH/H2O allows the isolation of the dinuclear chiral compounds of the formula [Ln2(S-L)6(phen)2]·2.5·S-HL in which Ln = Tb (S-1), Ln = Eu (S-2). The same synthesis by using (R)-(-)-2-phenylpropionic acid (R-HL) instead of (S)-(+)-2-phenylpropionic acid allows the isolation of the enantiomeric compounds with the formula [Ln2(R-L)6(phen)2]·2.5·R-HL where Ln = Tb (R-1), Ln = Eu (R-2). All compounds show sensitized luminescence. The luminescence study, including the circularly polarized luminescence spectra of the four compounds, is reported. The magnetic behavior of S-1 and S-2 is also reported.

Inorg Chem ; 55(22): 11707-11715, 2016 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27805394


An imidazolidine-phenolate ligand HL yields quadruple-bridged (µ-NCNimidazolidine)2(µ-Ophenolate)2 ferromagnetic dinuclear nickel and cobalt complexes. Both kinds of bridges contribute to the ferromagnetic coupling, but the ferromagnetism of these samples is mainly ascribed to the double µ-Ophenolate links, on the basis of density functional theory calculations. These studies demonstrate not only that the short M-O-M angles of the M2O2 cores favors the parallel alignment of the electrons but also that these angles are the optimal ones for maximizing the ferromagnetic contribution in these complexes. And these acute angles, close to 90°, are predetermined by the geometrical constrictions imposed by the ligand itself. Thus, HL is an uncommon polydentate donor that induces ferromagnetism per se in its metal complexes by strict control of one geometric parameter, the M-O-M angle.

Dalton Trans ; 45(12): 5395-403, 2016 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26907722


The reaction of Ni(NO3)2·6H2O with di-2-pyridyl ketone, (py)2CO, and the R-phenylcyanamides 4Cl-3CF3-PhHNCN and 4F-3CF3-PhHNCN in CH3OH or CH3CH2OH allows the isolation of the tetranuclear compounds [(Ni4(µ-py2COOCH3)2(µ3-py2COOH)2(µ1,1-4Cl-3CF3-PhNCN)2(4Cl-3CF3-PhNCN)2]·CH3OH (1), [(Ni4(µ-py2COOCH2CH3)2(µ3-py2COOH)2(µ1,1-4Cl-3CF3-PhNCN)2(4Cl-3CF3-PhNCN)2]·2EtOH (2) and [(Ni4(µ-py2COOCH3)2(µ3-py2COOH)2(µ1,1-4F-3CF3-PhNCN)2(4F-3CF3-PhNCN)2]·4CH3OH (3). {(py)2C(OH)O}(-) and {(py)2C(OR)O}(-) are the monoanions of the gem-diol and hemiketal (R = CH3, CH2CH3) forms of (py)2CO. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals defective double-cubane tetrameric entities in which the Ni(II) atoms are linked by µ1,1-R-phenylcyanamido bridges and two kinds of O-bridges. The molar magnetic susceptibility measurements of 1-3 in the 2-300 K range indicate bulk ferromagnetic coupling.

Dalton Trans ; 44(42): 18632-42, 2015 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26449346


The syntheses and structural characterization of three new monodimensional azido-bridged manganese(ii) complexes with empirical formulae [Mn(N3)2(aminopyz)2]n (1), [Mn(N3)2(4-azpy)2]n (2) and [Mn(N3)2(4-Bzpy)2]n (3) (pyz = pyrazine (1,4-diazine)), 4-azpy = 4-azidopyridine and 4-Bzpy = 4-benzoylpyridine) are reported. 1 is a monodimensional compound with double EO azido bridges, 2 is an alternating monodimensional compound with double end-on and double end-to-end azido bridges in the sequence di-EO-di-EE and 3 is a monodimensional compound with double end-on and double end-to-end azido bridges in the sequence di-EO-di-EO-diEO-di-EO-di-EE. The magnetic properties of 1-3 are reported. Periodic DFT calculations were performed to estimate the J values and quantum Monte Carlo simulations were carried out using the calculated J values to check their accuracy in comparison with the experimental magnetic measurements. From this theoretical analysis, two appealing features of the di-EO Mn(ii) compounds can be extracted: first, the exchange coupling becomes more ferromagnetic when the Mn-N-Mn bridging angle becomes larger and the spin density of the bridging nitrogen atoms has an opposite sign to that of the Mn(II) centers.

Dalton Trans ; 43(44): 16919-27, 2014 Nov 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25300519


Four new triangular copper(II) complexes with the fragment {Cu3(µ3-OH)(oximate)3}(2+) and formulae [Cu3(µ3-OH)(µ-Cl)(Py2CNO)3((t)BuPO3H)]·4H2O (1), [Cu3(µ3-OH)(µ-Br)(Py2CNO)3((t)BuPO3H)]·3.5H2O (2), [Cu3(µ3-OH)(µ-Br)(PhPyCNO)3((t)BuPO3H)(MeOH)]·1.5 MeOH (3), [Cu3(µ3-OH)Cl2(PhPyCNO)3]·0.5H2O (4), (Py2CNO = di(2-pyridyl)ketoximate, PhPyCNO = phenyl(2-pyridyl)ketoximate, (t)BuPO3H2 = tert-butylphosphonic acid) are reported. The magnetic properties of compounds 1-4 were studied. The compounds were found to exhibit strong antiferromagnetic coupling and antisymmetric exchange interaction.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 42(3): 192-198, jul.-sep. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-715287


Introducción: El conocimiento y desarrollo de habilidades en el manejo de la vía aérea es una de las competencias importantes en la formación del anestesiólogo; el «saber¼ y el «saber hacer bien y rápido¼ son determinantes en algunas situaciones críticas a las que se puede enfrentar durante el manejo anestésico. La broncoscopia es un procedimiento útil tanto diagnóstico como terapéutico. El conocimiento de la técnica y de la anatomía de la vía aérea constituye el pilar de la broncoscopia, encontrando diferentes variaciones anatómicas y clasificaciones de la vía aérea. Objetivo: Describir la anatomía de la vía aérea a través de esquemas, evaluar variaciones anatómicas y conocer características propias del procedimiento. Metodología: Con las palabras clave «Bronchoscopy¼, «Anatomy¼, «Airway¼ y «Anesthesia¼ se realizó una revisión no sistemática en bases de datos (PUBMED/MEDLINE, Science Direct, OVID, SciELO). Resultados y conclusiones: La broncoscopia es un procedimiento útil en el plano quirúrgico y diagnóstico, siendo utilizado en distintos procedimientos. Las variaciones anatómicas de la vía aérea se presentan en un porcentaje pequeño de la población. Las clasificaciones anatómicas son diversas tanto anatómica como numéricamente; sin embargo, lo relevante es desarrollar una relación espacial. La broncoscopia es una técnica que va en desarrollo paralelo a otros avances de la tecnología biomédica, es un procedimiento del cual el anestesiólogo debe investigar más con el fin de generar mejores efectos en el campo de la anestesiología.

Introduction: Knowledge and development of skills in the management of the airway is one of important competencies in the training of the anesthesiologist, "knowledge" and "know how well and fast" are decisive in some critical situations during the anesthetic management. Bronchoscopy is a useful both diagnostic and therapeutic procedure. Knowledge of technique and the anatomy of the airway is the key of bronchoscopy, finding different anatomic variations and classifications of the airway. Objective: Describe the airway anatomy through diagrams, evaluate anatomic variations and characteristics of procedure. Methodology: With the keywords "Bronchoscopy" and "Anatomy", "Airway", "Anesthesia" held a non-systematic review databases (PUBMED/MEDLINE, OVID, Science Direct, SciELO). Results and conclusions: The bronchoscopy is a useful procedure in the surgical level and diagnosis, being used in various procedures. Airway anatomical variations occur in a small percentage of the population. Anatomical classifications are different both anatomic as numerically, but what is important is developing a spatial relation. Bronchoscopy is a technique that goes in parallel development of other advances in biomedical technology, is a procedure whereby the anesthesiologist should be investigated in order to generate better effects in the field of the anesthesiology.

Dalton Trans ; 42(11): 3968-78, 2013 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23338847


The reaction of a methanolic solution containing M(ClO(4))(2)·nH(2)O (M = Cu, Ni, Zn or Cd) or CoCl(2)·6H(2)O with bis(2-(3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)ethyl)amine (bedmpza) in the presence of NaN(3) afforded the complexes [Cu(bedmpza)(µ(1,1)-N(3))](2)(ClO(4))(2) (1), [Ni(bedmpza)(N(3))(µ(1,1)-N(3))](2)·1.5H(2)O (2), [Co(bedmpza)(N(3))(2)] (3), [Zn(bedmpza)(N(3))]ClO(4) (4) and [Cd(bedmpza)(N(3))(µ(1,1)-N(3))](2)·1.5H(2)O (5). The five complexes were characterized by spectroscopic techniques and their molecular structures were determined by single crystal X-ray crystallography. The two mononuclear complexes 3 and 4 display distorted TBP and tetrahedral geometry, respectively with the azide ions acting as monodentate ligands. Doubly bridged end-on-azido dinuclear complexes were obtained in the remaining compounds. Compounds 2 and 5 are isomorphic with distorted octahedral geometry, whereas distorted square pyramidal geometry was determined in the Cu(II) complex 1. The magnetic properties for complexes 1 and 2 were investigated by measuring the magnetic susceptibilities at variable temperatures (300-2 K). The Ni(II) complex exhibits moderate ferromagnetic coupling, whereas [Cu(bedmpza)(µ(1,1)-N(3))](2)(ClO(4))(2) (1) which contains two crystallographic independent dinuclear subunits in the unit cell, with different Cu-N(N3)-Cu bond angles, reveals different signs in the magnetic coupling. The complex represents the first example in the literature that has simultaneously two moieties with ferro- (J = 15.4 cm(-1)) and antiferromagnetic (J = -18.9 cm(-1)) interactions.

Inorg Chem ; 51(12): 6842-50, 2012 Jun 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22624496


The syntheses, structural characterization, and magnetic behavior of two new hexanuclear copper(II) complexes derived from R-phosphonic acids and 1,3-bis(dimethylamino)-2-propanol (Hbdmap) with formulas [Cu(6)(µ-bdmap)(3)(µ(3)-Ph-PO(3))(2)(µ(3)-O···H···µ(3)-O)(ClO(4))(2)(H(2)O)]·5H(2)O (1) and [Cu(6)(µ-bdmap)(3)(µ(3)-t-Bu-PO(3))(2)(µ(3)-O···H···µ(3)-O)(µ(1,3)-dca)(dca)(H(2)O)]·6H(2)O (2) (Ph-H(2)PO(3) = phenylphosphonic acid, t-Bu-H(2)PO(3) = tert-butylphosphonic acid, dca = dicyanamide) are reported. Compounds 1 and 2 are hexanuclear 3.111 R-phosphonate(2-)/1,3-bis(dimethylamino)-2-propanolato(1-) cages including in the center the [µ(3)-O···H···µ(3)-O](3-) unit. The temperature dependence of the magnetic properties of 1 and 2 clearly indicates an overall strong antiferromagnetic coupling confirmed by DFT calculations.

Complejos de Coordinación/química , Cobre/química , Magnetismo , Organofosfonatos/química , Teoría Cuántica , Cristalografía por Rayos X , Modelos Moleculares , Estructura Molecular
Med. clín (Ed. impr.) ; 135(13): 586-591, nov. 2010. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-87317


Fundamento y objetivo: Valorar si una intervención educativa sobre la utilización de dispositivos de inhalación mejora el estado funcional de los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC).Pacientes y método: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado controlado, con dise˜o en paralelo y simple ciego, realizado en un centro de salud con 94 pacientes diagnosticados de EPOC y que usaban dispositivos de inhalación. Se asignó a los participantes aleatorizadamente en 2 grupos: el grupo de intervención, al que se le realizó una sesión de adiestramiento sobre el uso de inhaladores al inicio del estudio y otra de refuerzo al mes, y el grupo control, con seguimiento habitual. El principal resultado a medir fue la variación en el índice sintético de BODE (Body-Mass Index, Airflow Obstruction, Dyspnea and Exercise Capacity).Resultados: Los pacientes del grupo de intervención (n=48) experimentaron una mejoría en la sensación de disnea, que disminuyó 0,85 puntos (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%: −1,14 a −0,56) en la escala de disnea Modified Medical Research Council, mientras que el grupo control (n=46) no experimentó ningún cambio (p<0,0001). En cuanto a la prueba de la marcha, los del grupo de intervención caminaron 6,19 metros más (IC del 95%: −4,02 a 16,40), mientras que el grupo control caminó 20,55 metros menos (IC del 95%: −37,80 a −3,28), con diferencias significativas (p=0,009).Resultados: El índice de BODE disminuyó (mejoró) - 0,82 puntos en el grupo de intervención (IC del 95%: −1,16 a −0,46) y aumentó (empeoró) 0,20 puntos en el grupo control (IC del 95%:−0,16 a 0,56) (p<0,0001).Conclusiones: Los pacientes con EPOC que reciben un adiestramiento específico sobre el uso de inhaladores experimentan una mejoría de su estado funcional comparados con aquellos con seguimiento habitual (AU)

Background and objective: We aimed yo assess whether an educational intervention on the use of inhalational devices improve the functional status of patients with COPD. Patients and method: Randomized controlled trial with parallel design and simple blind trial performed in a clinic with 94 patients diagnosed with COPD and who used inhaled devices. Participants were randomized into 2 groups: the intervention group held a training session on the use of inhalers at baseline and one month and strengthening the control group with routine monitoring. The main outcome measure was the change in the synthetic index BODE (Body-Mass Index, Airflow Obstruction, Dyspnea and Exercise Capacity). Results: Patients in the intervention group (n=48) experienced an improvement in the sensation of breathlessness decreasing by 0.85 points (95% CI −1.14 to −0.56) on the MMRC dyspnea scale, while the control group (n=46) did not show any significant change p<0.0001. On the walking test the intervention group walked 6.19 meters (95% CI −4.02 to 16.40) while the control group walked 20.55 meters lower (95% CI −37.80 to −3.28), significant differences with p=0.009. Results: The BODE index decreased (improved) −0.82 points in the intervention group (95% CI −1.16 to −0.46) and increased (worsened) 0.20 in control group (95% CI −0.16 to 0.56) p<0.0001. Conclusions: Patients with COPD who receive specific training on inhaler use as compared with those with regular monitoring experience improvement in their functional state (AU)

Humanos , Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica/tratamiento farmacológico , Nebulizadores y Vaporizadores , Administración por Inhalación , Educación del Paciente como Asunto/métodos , Evaluación de Eficacia-Efectividad de Intervenciones , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados Aleatorios como Asunto
Med Clin (Barc) ; 135(13): 586-91, 2010 Nov 06.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20955872


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: We aimed yo assess whether an educational intervention on the use of inhalational devices improve the functional status of patients with COPD. PATIENTS AND METHOD: Randomized controlled trial with parallel design and simple blind trial performed in a clinic with 94 patients diagnosed with COPD and who used inhaled devices. Participants were randomized into 2 groups: the intervention group held a training session on the use of inhalers at baseline and one month and strengthening the control group with routine monitoring. The main outcome measure was the change in the synthetic index BODE (Body-Mass Index, Airflow Obstruction, Dyspnea and Exercise Capacity). RESULTS: Patients in the intervention group (n=48) experienced an improvement in the sensation of breathlessness decreasing by 0.85 points (95% CI -1.14 to -0.56) on the MMRC dyspnea scale, while the control group (n=46) did not show any significant change p<0.0001. On the walking test the intervention group walked 6.19 meters (95% CI -4.02 to 16.40) while the control group walked 20.55 meters lower (95% CI -37.80 to -3.28), significant differences with p=0.009. The BODE index decreased (improved) -0.82 points in the intervention group (95% CI -1.16 to -0.46) and increased (worsened) 0.20 in control group (95% CI -0.16 to 0.56) p<0.0001. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with COPD who receive specific training on inhaler use as compared with those with regular monitoring experience improvement in their functional state.

Broncodilatadores/administración & dosificación , Nebulizadores y Vaporizadores , Cooperación del Paciente , Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica/tratamiento farmacológico , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Broncodilatadores/uso terapéutico , Disnea/tratamiento farmacológico , Disnea/etiología , Falla de Equipo , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Educación del Paciente como Asunto , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Método Simple Ciego , Espirometría , Resultado del Tratamiento