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Ayu ; 37(2): 85-86, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29200744
Ayu ; 36(3): 231-2, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27313407
Ayu ; 35(3): 221-6, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26664229


Since time immemorial 'Manas' has been the subject of curiosity for scholars, scientists and philosophers. The reason behind this curiosity is its importance in the development of mankind. Human being is superior to other creatures in the series of development. This supremacy of man remains in his quality to work after thinking, which is the function of 'Manas'. No other animal is capable to think logically. This is the only reason which leads the mankind to the crest of development in every aspect. To highlight the concept of Manas in Yoga Darshana, information extracted from Yoga literatures and Ayurvedic Samhitas. In Indian culture mind has been described from various angles. Vedic, Philosophical and Ayurvedic literatures have a vast and exclusive description of Manas. Philosophers either Astika or Nastika have described Manas Siddhanta vividly. Though many kinds of difference of opinions are there, Yoga Darshana accept the importance of mind in the process of perception and even for the birth of any individual.

Ayu ; 35(3): 227-30, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26664230


The Nyayas - (Maxims) are of two types: (1) Loukika Nyaya and (2) Shastriya Nyaya. Loukika Nyayas are the one which are used by the common public in day today life whereas Shastriya Nyayas are the one which are used by the authors of the treatise to explore their concepts. Most commonly by using the meaning and gist of Loukika Nyaya, the Shastriya Nyayas were put forth by the Granthakaras. Moreover, notion of Nyaya depends upon the situation, place, and topic of explanation mainly. To explain the meaning of the topic, these Nyayas helped since Vaidika Kala. They teach hidden meaning correctly. As like Vedas, these Nyayas are also a part of other Shastras and so as in Ayurveda Shastra too. While explaining the Nidana, Chikitsa, etc., these Nyayas were utilized by the Acharyas of Ayurveda. To discern these Nyayas in their entirety at one place with examples is necessary for easy understanding of the Shastra. Here is an attempt to explore such Nyayas mentioned in Ayurveda for the benefit of easy understanding of the subject.

Ayu ; 35(2): 129-34, 2014 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25558156


BACKGROUND: India is currently witnessing rising numbers of people in the middle-class who are obese. A lot of the Indian population has started relying on processed foods that contain a huge percentage of trans-fat, sugars, and other unhealthy and artificial ingredients. Obesity is considered the core of many diseases. Increased weight carries significant health risks for some cancers, diabetes, heart diseases and strokes. Junk food, alcohol and sedentary lifestyle are leading us to silent self destruction, making one in every five Indian men and women either obese or overweight. AIM: To determine the effect of Gomutra Haritaki on Sthaulya. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An observational pilot study on the effect of Gomutra Haritaki, diet control and exercise in the management of Sthaulya (obesity) was conducted on 21 patients. Enrolled patients were screened on the basis of clinical findings and allocated into two groups. Trial group received Gomutra Haritaki (6 g/day in three divided doses) while control group received placebo capsules in the same dose for 8 weeks. RESULT: Statistically highly significant relief was found in weight reduction (P < 0.001), and body mass index (BMI) (P < 0.01) in both groups. Control group has shown better results against trial group. CONCLUSION: These results prove the impact of diet and exercise in the management of Sthaulya.

Ayu ; 34(1): 6-10, 2013 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24049398


Bhaishajya Kaala (time of drug administration) is an important principle to be considered while treating a disease. Still hardly a handful of physicians are seen, who account for this. To highlight its imperial role in Chikitsa, there is an immense necessity to analyze this concept, which is the need of the hour. Bhaishajya Kaala is mainly explained in relation with Bala of Roga, Rogi, particular Dosha, Dooshya, and various other factors. The comprehensive understanding of this concept involves so many questions as, why there is a difference in the number of Aushdha Kaala? What is the logic behind their indications as well as contraindications? The present paper focuses on the above points to find out the convincing answers.

Ayu ; 34(4): 352-5, 2013 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24695749


For a long time, infectious (communicable) diseases were the biggest killer diseases globally. But now, the trend is changing toward increased prevalence of chronic diseases with causative factors mostly related to diet and lifestyle. Among them, Urdhwaga Amlapitta (non-ulcer dyspepsia), a gastrointestinal tract (GIT) disorder, has acquired majority of the share with causative factors like improper diet and habits, stress, spicy irritant food, oily foods, bakery products, etc., A survey study was conducted on 138 patients, irrespective of sex, religion, etc., who had presented with the clinical symptoms of Urdhwaga Amlapitta and attended the OPD of Department of Basic Principles, at I.P.G.T. and R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, between February 2009 and June 2010. Information on demography, dietary intake, and lifestyle factors was collected by standard questionnaires. The data revealed that majority of the patients indulged in faulty dietary habits like excess Katu Ahara Sevana (99.3%), Amla Ahara (95.65%), Guru Ahara (90.57%), Snigdha Ahara (86.23%), Viruddha (81.88%), Abhishyandi Ahara (81.88%), Atiushna Ahara (73.9%), Vidahi (51.44%), Pistanna (47.10%), etc., and the data on lifestyle revealed that majority of the patients indulged in Diwasvapna (89.85%), Antarodaka Paanam (81.88%), Chinta (79.71%), etc., This survey study upholds the novel concept of diet and lifestyle of Ayurveda. The data reflects that dietary patterns, lifestyle choices, and physical activities play an important role in the etiopathogenesis of Urdhwaga Amlapitta, and it is important for patients to have access to diet and lifestyle modifications. Currently, research in this area is minimal.

Ayu ; 33(3): 435-40, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23723655


Ghrita (ghee) is the foremost substance of Indian cuisine from centuries. Ayurvedic classics described eight kinds of ghee from eight different animal milk, among them ghee made from cow milk is said to be the superior and ghee of ewe milk is said to be the inferior and also detrimental to heart. The present study was undertaken to evaluate chronic administration of cow ghee (Go Ghrita) and ghee of ewe milk (Avika Ghrita) to experimental animals. Experiment was carried out on Wistar strain albino rats and study was done at two dose levels. The test drugs were administered orally for 45 consecutive days. Parameters, such as gross behavior, body weight, weight of important organs, total fecal fat content, electrocardiogram, serum biochemical parameters, and histopathology of different organs were studied. Both the test drugs did not alter the gross behavior, body weight, weight of organs, and cytoarchitecture of different organs to significant extent. Avika Ghrita at a low dose significantly decreased triglyceride content, significantly prolonged QTc and at both dose levels it significantly shortened the PR interval. This study shows chronic administration of Avika Ghrita and Go Ghrita has no marked differences between them except the QTc prolongation in Avika Ghrita. This may be the basis for the classics to categorize Avika Ghrita as Ahridya.

Ayu ; 32(4): 512-7, 2011 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22661846


The disease Amlapitta has been selected for the clinical trials because it presents two type of manifestations depending upon the involvement of Agni (Ushnagunadhikya) and Jala (Dravagunadhikya) Mahabhuta. The present research work was focused at Drava Guna, with an aim to assess the efficacy of a drug with quality of Ruksha and Ushna predominance like Bhringaraja in treating Amlapitta with Pitta Drava Guna Vriddhi. Randomized open clinical trials were conducted on 22 patients of Amlapitta who were screened on the basis of clinical findings and allocated in to two groups. The criteria for selection were the signs and symptoms of Dravagunadhikya Amlapitta, irrespective of sex, religion, etc. Group A consisting of 15 cases received the trial drug Bhringaraja tablet (4 Tab. two times, 1 tablet=500 mg) and 7 cases in Group B received rice powder tablet as a placebo (4 Tab. two times, 1 tablet=500 mg) for 4 weeks. Special scoring pattern was adopted for the assessment of Amlapitta. Routine pathological tests such as blood, urine, stool, etc. were also carried out. In Group A, 55.33% patients showed marked improvement, whereas moderate improvement was observed in 26.67% patients. Complete cure was found in 06.67% of the patients and mild improvement in the chief complaints was observed in 13.33% patients. All the selected symptoms showed statistically significant results (P<0.01) except the Vidbheda in treated Group A, while in Group B, all symptoms showed statistically insignificant results except the Utklesha and Amlodgara. Total effect of the therapy showed statistically significant effect of the test drug. These results support the hypothesis.

Ayu ; 31(3): 351-4, 2010 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22131738


Ayurvedic management is not only concerned with the cure of the diseased person, but is also meant to maintain the health of the healthy person because it is used for Dhatusamya. Langhana is the prime tool in the process of Dhatusamya. In this research study, Upavasa plus Pachana and Upavasa (among ten types of Langhanas) are applied in two different groups, using the random sampling method. Upavasa is taken as Hina Matra Bhojana - that is, gradually increasing the dose of Ahara (by Padanshika Krama) was applied on the basis of the Ahara Shakti of the Atura and status of the Agnisada. Furthermore, for the Pachana, Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) was selected. The subjects for the study were patients who had signs and symptoms of Agnisada and were between the age group of 20 and 60 years. In Group A (Upavasa plus Pachana) 83.77% and in Group B (Upavasa) 72.97% improvement was found, which was statistically highly significant (< 0.001). Upavasa plus Pachana and Upavasa were both found beneficial in promoting the Agni in patients with Agnisada. However, in the percentage-wise comparison Group A showed better result than Group B.

Ayu ; 31(4): 442-6, 2010 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22048536


The classification of Dravya has been undertaken in many ways, but according to the medicinal value, they are mainly divided into two - Bheshaja and Abheshaja. No study has been documented on Abheshaja to date as per the scholar's knowledge. Therefore, the present study was carried out to understand the concept of Abheshaja by a practical study. The drug Pippali (Piper Longum Linn.) has been contraindicated to be used for a longer duration. A clinical study was carried out on patients with Kaphaja Kasa, to evolve and assess if the drug acts as Abheshaja or not, and if yes, then under what circumstances. The patients of Kaphaja Kasa had been selected by the random sampling method. They were randomly divided into two groups - Group A and Group B. In Group A, test drug Pippali Churna was administered. Group B was a standard control group and Vasa Churna was given to this group. The dose of both the drugs was 4 g B.I.D. The result was assessed after three weeks of drug administration with the help of a specially prepared proforma. All the important hematological, biochemical, urine, and stool investigations were carried out. There was no adverse drug reaction (ADR) observed after the administration of Pippali in this particular study.
