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Beilstein J Nanotechnol ; 11: 911-921, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32596095


Kelvin probe force microscopy is a scanning probe technique used to quantify the local electrostatic potential of a surface. In common implementations, the bias voltage between the tip and the sample is modulated. The resulting electrostatic force or force gradient is detected via lock-in techniques and canceled by adjusting the dc component of the tip-sample bias. This allows for an electrostatic characterization and simultaneously minimizes the electrostatic influence onto the topography measurement. However, a static contribution due to the bias modulation itself remains uncompensated, which can induce topographic height errors. Here, we demonstrate an alternative approach to find the surface potential without lock-in detection. Our method operates directly on the frequency-shift signal measured in frequency-modulated atomic force microscopy and continuously estimates the electrostatic influence due to the applied voltage modulation. This results in a continuous measurement of the local surface potential, the capacitance gradient, and the frequency shift induced by surface topography. In contrast to conventional techniques, the detection of the topography-induced frequency shift enables the compensation of all electrostatic influences, including the component arising from the bias modulation. This constitutes an important improvement over conventional techniques and paves the way for more reliable and accurate measurements of electrostatics and topography.

Nat Mater ; 18(1): 42-47, 2019 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30420671


The electro-optical Pockels effect is an essential nonlinear effect used in many applications. The ultrafast modulation of the refractive index is, for example, crucial to optical modulators in photonic circuits. Silicon has emerged as a platform for integrating such compact circuits, but a strong Pockels effect is not available on silicon platforms. Here, we demonstrate a large electro-optical response in silicon photonic devices using barium titanate. We verify the Pockels effect to be the physical origin of the response, with r42 = 923 pm V-1, by confirming key signatures of the Pockels effect in ferroelectrics: the electro-optic response exhibits a crystalline anisotropy, remains strong at high frequencies, and shows hysteresis on changing the electric field. We prove that the Pockels effect remains strong even in nanoscale devices, and show as a practical example data modulation up to 50 Gbit s-1. We foresee that our work will enable novel device concepts with an application area largely extending beyond communication technologies.

Beilstein J Nanotechnol ; 9: 129-136, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29441258


As electronic devices are downsized, physical processes at the interface to electrodes may dominate and limit device performance. A crucial step towards device optimization is being able to separate such contact effects from intrinsic device properties. Likewise, an increased local temperature due to Joule heating at contacts and the formation of hot spots may put limits on device integration. Therefore, being able to observe profiles of both electronic and thermal device properties at the nanoscale is important. Here, we show measurements by scanning thermal and Kelvin probe force microscopy of the same 60 nm diameter indium arsenide nanowire in operation. The observed temperature along the wire is substantially elevated near the contacts and deviates from the bell-shaped temperature profile one would expect from homogeneous heating. Voltage profiles acquired by Kelvin probe force microscopy not only allow us to determine the electrical nanowire conductivity, but also to identify and quantify sizable and non-linear contact resistances at the buried nanowire-electrode interfaces. Complementing these data with thermal measurements, we obtain a device model further permitting separate extraction of the local thermal nanowire and interface conductivities.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 9(32): 27166-27172, 2017 Aug 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28745479


Carbon materials promise a revolution in optoelectronics, medical applications, and sensing provided that their morphology can be controlled down to the nanometer scale. Nanoporous materials are particularly appealing as they offer a drastically enlarged interfacial area compared to the corresponding planar materials. Entire fields such as organic solar cells, catalysis, or sensing may profit from an enlarged interface and facilitated molecular interaction between a carbon material and the environment. Nanoporous fullerene thin films obtained by the deposition of suspended nanoclusters of fullerene were already reported but suffered from the limitation of the size of these particles to over 100 nm. We study here a complementary method based on interfacial self-assembly forcing C60 clusters to spontaneously form 2D percolating monolayers with most morphological features in the 5-20 nm range. Analysis of these films by means of electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy proved their morphology to be a nanocomposite of crystalline beads embedded in an amorphous matrix of fullerenes. When contacted between two gold electrodes, these films show an intrinsic conductivity switching behavior. Their electrical conductivity could be reversibly switched on by applying a threshold electrical current and switched off by exposure to oxygen. Interestingly, the on-state exhibits an astonishing conductivity of over 10-3 S/m. Kelvin probe force microscopy (KFM) was used to observe local changes in the distribution of electrical potential upon switching, on the relevant length scale of a few nanometers.

Beilstein J Nanotechnol ; 7: 432-8, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27335735


Frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy has turned into a well-established method to obtain atomic resolution on flat surfaces, but is often limited to ultra-high vacuum conditions and cryogenic temperatures. Measurements under ambient conditions are influenced by variations of the dew point and thin water layers present on practically every surface, complicating stable imaging with high resolution. We demonstrate high-resolution imaging in air using a length-extension resonator operating at small amplitudes. An additional slow feedback compensates for changes in the free resonance frequency, allowing stable imaging over a long period of time with changing environmental conditions.

Nanotechnology ; 26(36): 365701, 2015 Sep 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26291069


Nanoparticle network devices find growing application in sensing and electronics. One recurring challenge in the design and fabrication of this class of devices is ensuring a stable interface via robust yet unobstructive electrodes. A figure of merit which dictates the minimum electrode overlap required for optimal charge injection into the network is the contact transfer length. However, we find that traditional contact characterization using the transmission line model, an indirect method which requires extrapolation, is insufficient for network devices. Instead, we apply Kelvin probe force microscopy to characterize the contact resistance by imaging the surface potential with nanometer resolution. We then use scanning probe lithography to directly investigate the contact transfer length. We have determined the transfer length in graphene contacted devices to be 200-400 nm, thus apt for further device reduction which is often necessary for on-site sensing applications. Simulations from a two-dimensional resistor model support our observations and are expected to be an important tool for further optimizing the design of nanoparticle-based devices.

Beilstein J Nanotechnol ; 6: 2193-206, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26734511


Frequency modulated Kelvin probe force microscopy (FM-KFM) is the method of choice for high resolution measurements of local surface potentials, yet on coarse topographic structures most researchers revert to amplitude modulated lift-mode techniques for better stability. This approach inevitably translates into lower lateral resolution and pronounced capacitive averaging of the locally measured contact potential difference. Furthermore, local changes in the strength of the electrostatic interaction between tip and surface easily lead to topography crosstalk seen in the surface potential. To take full advantage of the superior resolution of FM-KFM while maintaining robust topography feedback and minimal crosstalk, we introduce a novel FM-KFM controller based on a Kalman filter and direct demodulation of sidebands. We discuss the origin of sidebands in FM-KFM irrespective of the cantilever quality factor and how direct sideband demodulation enables robust amplitude modulated topography feedback. Finally, we demonstrate our single-scan FM-KFM technique on an active nanoelectronic device consisting of a 70 nm diameter InAs nanowire contacted by a pair of 120 nm thick electrodes.