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Space Sci Rev ; 219(3): 25, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37034007


The NASA Psyche mission's program to engage university undergraduates and the public in the mission is inspired by and built upon the extensive foundation of public engagement, educational outreach activities, and expertise of NASA and mission partner institutions. The program leverages the enthusiasm and contributions of undergraduates nationwide to the benefit of the mission, the students and their institutions and communities, and the broader public. Psyche Student Collaborations consists of four main programs, two (Psyche Capstone and Psyche Inspired) are available solely to undergraduates enrolled at universities or community colleges in the United States and its territories and two (Innovation Toolkit free online courses and Science Outreach Interns and Docents) invite broader participation by engaging the talents and creativity of undergraduate interns to help create content and events to reach the public and lifelong learners. Together, these offerings provide multiple entry points and a spectrum of intensity of experiences, numbers of participants, disciplinary diversity, and mode of delivery. Involving undergraduates in all phases of the program supports the development of the next generation of explorers, contributes to the nation's workforce preparation, and complements NASA's existing undergraduate offerings by providing long-term opportunities for students to participate with the mission through established postsecondary education structures like capstone courses.

Space Sci Rev ; 218(2): 6, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35400764


The Psyche mission's Oxidation-Reduction Working Group is focused on understanding, determining, and applying the redox state of (16) Psyche to understand the origin of a metal-rich world. The oxidation-reduction state of an asteroid, along with its temperature, parent body size, and composition, is a key parameter in determining the history of an asteroid. Determining the redox state from spacecraft data is most easily done by examining potential metal-oxide buffer pairs. The occurrence of Ni, Fe, C, Cr, P and Si, in that order, in the metal or sulfide phase of an asteroidal body indicates increasingly reduced conditions. Key observations by the Imager and Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (GRNS) of Psyche can bracket the redox state using metal-oxide buffers. The presence of Fe,Ni metal can be confirmed by the ratios of Fe/O or Fe/Si and the concentration of Ni variability in metal across the asteroid can be determined by GRNS. The FeO concentration of silicates is complementary to the Ni concentration of metal and can be constrained using filters on the Imager. The presence of FeO in silicates from ground-based observations is one of the few measurements we already have of redox state, although available data permit a wide range of silicate compositions and mineralogies. The presence of C, P or Si concentrated in the metallic, Fe-rich portion of the asteroid, as measured by GRNS, or Ca-sulfide, determined by imaging, would indicate increasingly reducing conditions. Linkage to known types of meteorites, whether metal-rich chondrites, stony-irons or irons, expands the mineralogical, chemical and isotopic data not available from remote observations alone. Redox also controls both silicate and metal mineralogy, influencing differentiation, solidification, and subsolidus cooling, including the relative abundance of sulfur in the core and possible magnetic signatures. The redox state of Psyche, if a fully-differentiated metallic core, might constrain the location and timing of both the formation of Psyche and any oxidation it might have experienced.