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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39121394


CONTEXT: In the emergency department (ED) setting, prioritizing triage and patient care may lead to challenges in capturing detailed documentation necessary for specific International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) coding in medical records. Consequently, the prevalent use of the "unspecified head injury" code poses concerns about the precision of ED-based administrative billing claims data when analyzed for public health surveillance of nonfatal traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Understanding the perspective of medical coders can illuminate coding processes and opportunities to enhance coding accuracy for TBI and other head injuries in the ED. OBJECTIVE: This evaluation explores medical coders' perspectives and challenges when assigning ICD-10-CM codes to head injuries in the ED. DESIGN: This qualitative evaluation utilized a phenomenological approach, which employed semi-structured interviews to understand medical coders' perspectives, processes, and coding determinations for head injuries in the ED. SETTING: Interviews were conducted using a HIPAA-compliant video-based platform between July 2022 and January 2023. PARTICIPANTS: Seventeen medical coders with ED coding experience were interviewed. Their backgrounds were diverse, though most had more than 15 years of experience. MAIN OUTCOMES: Four qualitative themes emerged, which highlighted challenges with lack of detailed documentation, defaulting to unspecified codes, time, and productivity pressure, and additional insights into coders' assumptions and code determination processes. RESULTS: Medical coders expressed challenges assigning ICD-10-CM codes to the highest level of specificity, citing issues including insufficient documentation by ED providers and terminology variations. Workplace time constraints and pressure for expedited claims also led to defaulting to unspecified codes. CONCLUSIONS: This evaluation highlights the need for improved documentation consistency and detail in ED records to facilitate accurate ICD-10-CM coding. Alleviating time pressures, improving algorithms, and offering specialized training opportunities to medical coders could be helpful steps to improve coding specificity and data accuracy for head injuries in the ED.

Clin Gerontol ; : 1-15, 2023 Aug 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37530457


OBJECTIVES: Evidence-based interventions for dementia caregivers, such as the Savvy Caregiver Program (SC), seek to address skills and knowledge deficits, caregiver burden, depressive symptoms, and grief. Little research has examined mechanisms by which these interventions accomplish their goals. Caregiver preparedness may be a possible mechanism by which caregiver interventions may confer benefits. METHODS: The sample included 76 dementia caregivers who completed the 6-session SC. Participants completed the Anticipatory Grief Scale, Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale, the Preparedness for Caregiving Scale, and the Zarit Burden Interview-Short Form. RESULTS: A repeated measures ANOVA was utilized to determine the interaction between baseline scores and pre-post change in caregiver preparedness. Analysis significantly predicted caregiver burden, (F(1) = 6.68, p=.012, partial η2=.10), depressive symptom endorsement, (F(1) = 6.41, p=.014, partial η2=.09, and anticipatory grief, (F(1) = 6.22, p=.02, partial η2=.1), post-treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Pre-post change in caregiver preparedness significantly predicted pre-post change across measures of caregiver burden, depressive symptom endorsement, and anticipatory grief. Findings suggest that caregiver preparedness may be one mechanism by which the SC confers positive outcomes. These findings provide an empirical and theoretical basis for tailoring future dementia caregiver interventions. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Clinical Interventions may seek to improve caregiver preparedness and subsequent outcomes through utilization of programs like SC.

Fam Syst Health ; 40(3): 354-363, 2022 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36095225


OBJECTIVES: Language barriers, isolation, and challenges related to social integration, acculturative stress, and systemic discrimination are correlated with poor physical and mental health outcomes among immigrant populations. Emerging literature highlights the importance of social networks for resiliency and well-being. This study explores the experiences of Venezuelan immigrants in central Florida, factors that have promoted resilience, and considerations for mental health providers to meet the needs of this population. METHOD: A phenomenological approach was used to engage Venezuelan immigrants who had been in the United States for at least 6 months (n = 48) in dialogue about forced migration, identity, and adaptation. Five focus groups using a semistructured format were conducted to explore aspects of the experience before, during, and after migration. Recruitment was done through word of mouth and community gatekeepers. RESULTS: Participants were 54% female with an average age of 45, 85% had at least 1 college degree, and more than half left Venezuela since 2011. Themes were identified from the focus group transcripts and clustered into three broad areas: characteristics and individual experiences, mental health, and family and social context. Major findings included the need for culturally responsive mental health support, which appeared to mitigate distress and the centrality of social networks in support of resiliency. CONCLUSIONS: Findings from the present study suggest that community context, support for ethnic identity, and the ability to foster meaningful connections to others with similar experience and identity are critical factors in resilience. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).

Emigrantes e Inmigrantes , Salud Mental , Barreras de Comunicación , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Red Social , Estados Unidos , Venezuela
Cureus ; 12(2): e6896, 2020 Feb 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32195063


This study examined the use of an equine-assisted brief course module on stress and depression among medical students (n = 28), a demographic known to experience high pressure. Evidence supports that animal-assisted therapies can lead to the improvement of health and quality of life, particularly in terms of cognitive, psychological, and physical benefits. This study used the seven-session Kane Medicine and Horsemanship program; students completed pre- and post-measures one week before and after the course. Participation in the course significantly reduced perceived stress (p: 0.001), depression (p: <0.001), stress severity (p: 0.014), and stress frequency (p: 0.001) among medical students. This approach should be further investigated as an option for improving well-being among medical students.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31969904


Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) affect over 50 million persons globally, and the number is expected to rise. In response, health ministries are developing and implementing policies and programs to systemically address the needs of individuals and families affected by ADRD. While national plans of action on ADRD are advancing among European Member States of World Health Organization (WHO), those in the Asia-Pacific and Americas are lagging behind. Since previous studies have largely ignored the Americas and Asia-Pacific-where approximately two-thirds of the global ADRD population resides-this study sought to identify (a) the socioeconomic factors associated with the likelihood of having a national dementia policy, and (b) to examine common and differing features among the national plans in these regions. Employing the dementia policy guidelines of WHO and the Pan American Health Organization as an extraction guide for data collection and analysis, the national dementia plans and available socioeconomic data of 10 Member States were analyzed with comparative and qualitative analyses. Findings suggested at least a 14-fold increase in the likelihood of having a national dementia plan if a Member State had one of the following: a universal health care system, more than 14% of the population 65 years of age or older, or high-income. All the Member States in the study identified dementia as a public health priority, but priorities differed. Inconsistencies included development of information systems, training for health care professionals, and long-term care systems.

La enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias relacionadas afectan a más de 50 millones de personas a nivel mundial y se espera que esta cifra aumente. En respuesta, los ministerios de salud están elaborando y ejecutando políticas y programas para abordar de manera sistemática las necesidades de las personas y familias afectadas. Si bien los planes nacionales de acción sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias progresan en los Estados Miembros europeos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los de las regiones de Asia y el Pacífico y las Américas están a la zaga. Puesto que en anteriores estudios se ha pasado por alto en gran parte a las regiones de las Américas y Asia y el Pacífico, donde residen aproximadamente dos terceras partes de la población mundial con estas enfermedades, en este estudio se ha tratado de: a) determinar los factores socioeconómicos relacionados con la probabilidad de contar con una política nacional en materia de demencia, y b) examinar las características comunes y distintas de los planes nacionales en esas regiones. Se examinaron los planes nacionales sobre demencia y los datos socioeconómicos disponibles de diez Estados Miembros mediante análisis comparativos y cualitativos en los que se emplearon las directrices para la formulación de políticas en materia de demencia de la OMS y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud a modo de guía de extracción para la recopilación y el análisis de datos. Los resultados indicaron que había un aumento de las probabilidades de al menos 14 veces de disponer de un plan nacional en materia de demencia siempre que el estado miembro contase con al menos uno de los siguientes elementos: un sistema de atención de salud universal, más de 14% de su población en la edad de 65 años o más, o ingresos elevados. Todos los Estados Miembros del estudio establecían la demencia como una cuestión prioritaria de salud pública, si bien las prioridades diferían. Entre las diferencias se encontraban el desarrollo de los sistemas de información, la capacitación de los profesionales de la salud y los sistemas de cuidados a largo plazo.

A doença de Alzheimer e demências relacionadas (DADR) afetam mais de 50 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, e este número deverá aumentar no futuro. Em resposta, os ministérios da saúde estão desenvolvendo e implementando políticas e programas para atender sistematicamente às necessidades das pessoas e famílias afetadas pela DADR. Embora os planos de ação nacionais para a DADR estejam avançando entre os Estados Membros europeus da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), os das regiões das Américas e Ásia-Pacífico estão ficando para trás. Estudos anteriores ignoraram amplamente as regiões das Américas e Ásia-Pacífico, onde encontram-se aproximadamente dois terços da população mundial com DADR; por isso, este estudo procurou (a) identificar os fatores socioeconômicos associados à probabilidade de que um país conte com uma política nacional para demência e (b) examinar as características comuns e diferentes dos planos nacionais existentes nessas regiões. Empregando as diretrizes para políticas sobre demência da OMS e da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde como um guia para a coleta e análise de dados, examinamos os planos nacionais para demência e os dados socioeconômicos disponíveis em 10 Estados Membros, realizando análises comparativas e qualitativas. Os resultados sugeriram um aumento de pelo menos 14 vezes na probabilidade de que um Estado Membro conte com um plano nacional para demência quando esse Estado Membro apresenta um dos seguintes fatores: um sistema de atenção universal à saúde, mais de 14% da população com 65 anos de idade ou mais, ou alta renda. Todos os Estados Membros incluídos no estudo identificaram a demência como uma prioridade de saúde pública, mas com prioridades distintas. As diferenças incluíram o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação, a formação oferecida aos profissionais da saúde e os sistemas de atenção à saúde de longa duração.

Artículo en Inglés | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-51808


[ABSTRACT]. Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) affect over 50 million persons globally, and the number is expected to rise. In response, health ministries are developing and implementing policies and programs to systemically address the needs of individuals and families affected by ADRD. While national plans of action on ADRD are advancing among European Member States of World Health Organization (WHO), those in the Asia-Pacific and Americas are lagging behind. Since previous studies have largely ignored the Americas and Asia-Pacific—where approximately two-thirds of the global ADRD population resides—this study sought to identify (a) the socioeconomic factors associated with the likelihood of having a national dementia policy, and (b) to examine common and differing features among the national plans in these regions. Employing the dementia policy guidelines of WHO and the Pan American Health Organization as an extraction guide for data collection and analysis, the national dementia plans and available socioeconomic data of 10 Member States were analyzed with comparative and qualitative analyses. Findings suggested at least a 14-fold increase in the likelihood of having a national dementia plan if a Member State had one of the following: a universal health care system, more than 14% of the population 65 years of age or older, or high-income. All the Member States in the study identified dementia as a public health priority, but priorities differed. Inconsistencies included development of information systems, training for health care professionals, and long-term care systems.

[RESUMEN]. La enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias relacionadas afectan a más de 50 millones de personas a nivel mundial y se espera que esta cifra aumente. En respuesta, los ministerios de salud están elaborando y ejecutando políticas y programas para abordar de manera sistemática las necesidades de las personas y familias afectadas. Si bien los planes nacionales de acción sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias progresan en los Estados Miembros europeos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los de las regiones de Asia y el Pacífico y las Américas están a la zaga. Puesto que en anteriores estudios se ha pasado por alto en gran parte a las regiones de las Américas y Asia y el Pacífico, donde residen aproximadamente dos terceras partes de la población mundial con estas enfermedades, en este estudio se ha tratado de: a) determinar los factores socioeconómicos relacionados con la probabilidad de contar con una política nacional en materia de demencia, y b) examinar las características comunes y distintas de los planes nacionales en esas regiones. Se examinaron los planes nacionales sobre demencia y los datos socioeconómicos disponibles de diez Estados Miembros mediante análisis comparativos y cualitativos en los que se emplearon las directrices para la formulación de políticas en materia de demencia de la OMS y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud a modo de guía de extracción para la recopilación y el análisis de datos. Los resultados indicaron que había un aumento de las probabilidades de al menos 14 veces de disponer de un plan nacional en materia de demencia siempre que el estado miembro contase con al menos uno de los siguientes elementos: un sistema de atención de salud universal, más de 14% de su población en la edad de 65 años o más, o ingresos elevados. Todos los Estados Miembros del estudio establecían la demencia como una cuestión prioritaria de salud pública, si bien las prioridades diferían. Entre las diferencias se encontraban el desarrollo de los sistemas de información, la capacitación de los profesionales de la salud y los sistemas de cuidados a largo plazo.

[RESUMO]. A doença de Alzheimer e demências relacionadas (DADR) afetam mais de 50 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, e este número deverá aumentar no futuro. Em resposta, os ministérios da saúde estão desenvolvendo e implementando políticas e programas para atender sistematicamente às necessidades das pessoas e famílias afetadas pela DADR. Embora os planos de ação nacionais para a DADR estejam avançando entre os Estados Membros europeus da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), os das regiões das Américas e Ásia-Pacífico estão ficando para trás. Estudos anteriores ignoraram amplamente as regiões das Américas e Ásia-Pacífico, onde encontram-se aproximadamente dois terços da população mundial com DADR; por isso, este estudo procurou (a) identificar os fatores socioeconômicos associados à probabilidade de que um país conte com uma política nacional para demência e (b) examinar as características comuns e diferentes dos planos nacionais existentes nessas regiões. Empregando as diretrizes para políticas sobre demência da OMS e da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde como um guia para a coleta e análise de dados, examinamos os planos nacionais para demência e os dados socioeconômicos disponíveis em 10 Estados Membros, realizando análises comparativas e qualitativas. Os resultados sugeriram um aumento de pelo menos 14 vezes na probabilidade de que um Estado Membro conte com um plano nacional para demência quando esse Estado Membro apresenta um dos seguintes fatores: um sistema de atenção universal à saúde, mais de 14% da população com 65 anos de idade ou mais, ou alta renda. Todos os Estados Membros incluídos no estudo identificaram a demência como uma prioridade de saúde pública, mas com prioridades distintas. As diferenças incluíram o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação, a formação oferecida aos profissionais da saúde e os sistemas de atenção à saúde de longa duração.

Demencia , Enfermedad de Alzheimer , Américas , Asia , Demencia , Política de Salud , Enfermedad de Alzheimer , Américas , Demencia , Política de Salud , Enfermedad de Alzheimer , Política de Salud
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 44: e2, 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101776


ABSTRACT Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) affect over 50 million persons globally, and the number is expected to rise. In response, health ministries are developing and implementing policies and programs to systemically address the needs of individuals and families affected by ADRD. While national plans of action on ADRD are advancing among European Member States of World Health Organization (WHO), those in the Asia-Pacific and Americas are lagging behind. Since previous studies have largely ignored the Americas and Asia-Pacific—where approximately two-thirds of the global ADRD population resides—this study sought to identify (a) the socioeconomic factors associated with the likelihood of having a national dementia policy, and (b) to examine common and differing features among the national plans in these regions. Employing the dementia policy guidelines of WHO and the Pan American Health Organization as an extraction guide for data collection and analysis, the national dementia plans and available socioeconomic data of 10 Member States were analyzed with comparative and qualitative analyses. Findings suggested at least a 14-fold increase in the likelihood of having a national dementia plan if a Member State had one of the following: a universal health care system, more than 14% of the population 65 years of age or older, or high-income. All the Member States in the study identified dementia as a public health priority, but priorities differed. Inconsistencies included development of information systems, training for health care professionals, and long-term care systems.(AU)

RESUMEN La enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias relacionadas afectan a más de 50 millones de personas a nivel mundial y se espera que esta cifra aumente. En respuesta, los ministerios de salud están elaborando y ejecutando políticas y programas para abordar de manera sistemática las necesidades de las personas y familias afectadas. Si bien los planes nacionales de acción sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias progresan en los Estados Miembros europeos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los de las regiones de Asia y el Pacífico y las Américas están a la zaga. Puesto que en anteriores estudios se ha pasado por alto en gran parte a las regiones de las Américas y Asia y el Pacífico, donde residen aproximadamente dos terceras partes de la población mundial con estas enfermedades, en este estudio se ha tratado de: a) determinar los factores socioeconómicos relacionados con la probabilidad de contar con una política nacional en materia de demencia, y b) examinar las características comunes y distintas de los planes nacionales en esas regiones. Se examinaron los planes nacionales sobre demencia y los datos socioeconómicos disponibles de diez Estados Miembros mediante análisis comparativos y cualitativos en los que se emplearon las directrices para la formulación de políticas en materia de demencia de la OMS y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud a modo de guía de extracción para la recopilación y el análisis de datos. Los resultados indicaron que había un aumento de las probabilidades de al menos 14 veces de disponer de un plan nacional en materia de demencia siempre que el estado miembro contase con al menos uno de los siguientes elementos: un sistema de atención de salud universal, más de 14% de su población en la edad de 65 años o más, o ingresos elevados. Todos los Estados Miembros del estudio establecían la demencia como una cuestión prioritaria de salud pública, si bien las prioridades diferían. Entre las diferencias se encontraban el desarrollo de los sistemas de información, la capacitación de los profesionales de la salud y los sistemas de cuidados a largo plazo.(AU)

RESUMO A doença de Alzheimer e demências relacionadas (DADR) afetam mais de 50 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, e este número deverá aumentar no futuro. Em resposta, os ministérios da saúde estão desenvolvendo e implementando políticas e programas para atender sistematicamente às necessidades das pessoas e famílias afetadas pela DADR. Embora os planos de ação nacionais para a DADR estejam avançando entre os Estados Membros europeus da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), os das regiões das Américas e Ásia-Pacífico estão ficando para trás. Estudos anteriores ignoraram amplamente as regiões das Américas e Ásia-Pacífico, onde encontram-se aproximadamente dois terços da população mundial com DADR; por isso, este estudo procurou (a) identificar os fatores socioeconômicos associados à probabilidade de que um país conte com uma política nacional para demência e (b) examinar as características comuns e diferentes dos planos nacionais existentes nessas regiões. Empregando as diretrizes para políticas sobre demência da OMS e da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde como um guia para a coleta e análise de dados, examinamos os planos nacionais para demência e os dados socioeconômicos disponíveis em 10 Estados Membros, realizando análises comparativas e qualitativas. Os resultados sugeriram um aumento de pelo menos 14 vezes na probabilidade de que um Estado Membro conte com um plano nacional para demência quando esse Estado Membro apresenta um dos seguintes fatores: um sistema de atenção universal à saúde, mais de 14% da população com 65 anos de idade ou mais, ou alta renda. Todos os Estados Membros incluídos no estudo identificaram a demência como uma prioridade de saúde pública, mas com prioridades distintas. As diferenças incluíram o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação, a formação oferecida aos profissionais da saúde e os sistemas de atenção à saúde de longa duração.(AU)

Humanos , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/epidemiología , Atención de Salud Universal , Política de Salud/tendencias , Asia/epidemiología , Américas/epidemiología
Psychiatr Rehabil J ; 42(3): 268-276, 2019 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30907609


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to test effectiveness and feasibility of equine-facilitated cognitive processing therapy (EF-CPT), a manualized adaptation of the cognitive processing therapy model for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) championed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, in which equine-facilitated activities are integrated into face-to-face sessions. METHOD: Twenty-seven veterans with a diagnosis of PTSD participated (Mage = 51; 78% male) in a pretest-posttest design. Veterans were seen by a single psychologist for 12 sessions of individual EF-CPT. Instruments included: PTSD Checklist (PCL), Trauma Related Guilt Inventory (TRGI), Working Alliance Inventory (WAI), and the Human Animal Bond Scale (HABS). We hypothesized improvement on all measures, low attrition, and good model fidelity. Paired sample t tests were conducted using SPSS. RESULTS: PCL scores improved significantly (M1 = 68.25, M2 = 35.96, p ≤ .001), as did TRGI scores (p ≤ .001 on all scales). HABS and WAI indicated good working relationship. Two individuals attended one session and did not return (both under the age of 50); there was no other attrition (7% rate). Audio of sessions was reviewed for fidelity; there were variations in temporal order of session plans, which is within the acceptable flexibility of the manual. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: This manualized intervention has promise as an effective and well-tolerated treatment for veterans with PTSD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).

Terapia Asistida por Animales/métodos , Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual/métodos , Rehabilitación Psiquiátrica/métodos , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/rehabilitación , Veteranos , Adulto , Anciano , Animales , Estudios de Factibilidad , Femenino , Caballos , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Proyectos Piloto , Evaluación de Procesos, Atención de Salud , Estados Unidos , United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Soc Work Health Care ; 58(4): 412-430, 2019 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30875483


Service dog programs are increasingly being explored as complementary or alternative interventions for military veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This paper details the results of a control group, pre-and-post pilot investigation evaluating the use of a 14-week service dog training program for veterans in central Florida. Thirty veterans diagnosed with PTSD, 15 in the intervention group and 15 in the waitlist controlled group, completed all pretests and posttests measures, consisting of the 136-item Trauma Symptom Inventory-2 and the 36-item World Health Organization-Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0. Compared to demographically similar veterans in the control group, participants who completed the service dog training program demonstrated significant decreases in posttraumatic symptomatology, intra/interpersonal difficulties associated with psychological trauma, and in disabilities secondary to their PTSD. Study findings, in combination with results from two other recently published controlled investigations, provide evidence supporting the endorsement and use of service dog programs as helpful complementary or alternative treatment options for some veterans. Social work practitioners may want to consider referring their veteran clients with PTSD to qualified service dog programs for adjunctive support when they are having difficulty engaging with or benefiting from office-based traditional therapy approaches.

Terapia Asistida por Animales/organización & administración , Servicio Social/organización & administración , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/terapia , Veteranos/psicología , Adulto , Factores de Edad , Anciano , Animales , Perros , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Proyectos Piloto , Factores Sexuales , Factores Socioeconómicos , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/psicología , Estados Unidos
Rehabil Psychol ; 64(2): 237-244, 2019 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30489125


OBJECTIVE: Although developmental stages and identity have been studied as part of aging, one category of both identity and biological difference that has received little attention in the medical and public health literature is that of older adults who were born deaf and/or who identify as part of the signing Deaf community. RESEARCH METHOD: Researchers conducted a systematic search of the literature for barriers to care access related to both aging and deafness. RESULTS: Lack of cultural competence among providers, coupled with inconsistent access to interpreters in medical settings, puts deaf individuals at risk for treatment without adequate consent, or insufficient care due to communication barriers or misperceptions of expression or culture. CONCLUSIONS/IMPLICATIONS: Individuals may face unusual challenges, indicating a serious public health crisis on the horizon as the demographic of deaf older adults continues to grow. This paper will discuss what is known about the intersection of aging, Deaf culture, and health care access, and suggest policy and practice recommendations for the future. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).

Sordera/rehabilitación , Evaluación Geriátrica/estadística & datos numéricos , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Personas con Deficiencia Auditiva/rehabilitación , Personas con Deficiencia Auditiva/estadística & datos numéricos , Anciano , Competencia Cultural , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino
Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen ; 34(2): 118-123, 2019 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30384769


For individuals with dementia, disorientation and both external and internal stimuli may trigger behaviors that are difficult to manage or dangerous to health-care providers. Identification of correlational risk factors to aggressive behavior in patients who are unknown to the hospital can allow providers to adapt patient care quickly. Records for patients aged 60+ who spent at least 24 hours at the hospital other than in the psychiatric unit were used (N = 14 080). The first 4000 records and every 10th person who met criteria (N = 5008) were searched for documentation of dementia (n = 505). Logistic regressions and χ2 tests were used to examine relationships between variables. Recognition of delirium (P = .014, Exp(B) = 2.53), coupled with an existing prescription for antipsychotic medication at intake (P < .001, Exp(B) < 4.37), may be a reliable means of screening for risk and intervening at the earliest possible contact, improving quality of care and safety in acute care for individuals with dementia.

Agresión/psicología , Antipsicóticos/uso terapéutico , Delirio/tratamiento farmacológico , Demencia/psicología , Tamizaje Masivo , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Pacientes Internos/psicología , Masculino , Factores de Riesgo
J Geriatr Phys Ther ; 42(4): 224-229, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29698252


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The Otago exercise program is a strengthening, balance, and walking program designed to decrease falls among community-dwelling older adults. Few studies have examined the effects of the Otago program in an assisted living environment. The purpose of the current study was to assess the effects of an Otago-based home exercise program in decreasing falls and the risk of falls among older adults living in an assisted living facility. METHODS: A retrospective chart review of 30 individuals residing at either of 2 assisted living facilities in central Florida was undertaken. Participants had a mean age of 87 years, were at risk for falls as determined by the Tinetti Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA), and were provided with an Otago-based intervention by home health physical therapy. The outcome measures were the number of falls in the previous year, the number of falls in the year following the intervention, and Tinetti POMA scores pre- and post-intervention. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The mean (SD) number of falls significantly decreased from 1.4 (0.9) to 0.5 (0.7) fall per person per year after home health physical therapy with the tailored Otago based-exercise intervention. The intervention resulted in a statistically significant improvement in Tinetti POMA scores from 11.8 (2.5) to 17.6 (3.8). CONCLUSIONS: An Otago-based strengthening, balance, and walking home exercise program can potentially be used to decrease the number of falls and the risk of falling among older adults residing in an assisted living facility.

Accidentes por Caídas/prevención & control , Instituciones de Vida Asistida/estadística & datos numéricos , Terapia por Ejercicio/métodos , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Evaluación de Resultado en la Atención de Salud , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Estudios Retrospectivos
J Emerg Manag ; 16(3): 173-182, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30044490


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine a baseline level of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress (STS) in firefighters, as well as to examine how these constructs related to perceived organizational support, perceived coworker support, psychological resilience, and debriefing in the fire personnel. DESIGN: This was done through a voluntary nonrandom, cross-sectional administration of surveys. SETTING: The study was carried out in the state of Florida. SUBJECTS, PARTICIPANTS: Surveys were e-mailed out to state firefighters. Two hundred seventy surveys were completed by active firefighting personnel across the state. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The Professional Quality of Life: Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue Version 5 was also sent to establish self-reported levels of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and STS. The Survey of Perceived Organizational Support, Perceived Organizational Support Survey, and the Brief Resilience Survey were also used in addition to questions regarding debriefing activities. RESULTS: Gender, race, and education levels were significantly related to compassion satisfaction in the regression analysis. Organizational support was associated with higher compassion satisfaction as well as lower burnout and STS. Coworker support was associated with higher compassion satisfaction. Psychological resilience was positively associated with higher levels of compassion satisfaction and lower burnout and STS. Those who participated in informal debriefing methods had higher compassion satisfaction as well as lower burnout. Firefighters working at agencies that did not provide mental health professional's services had lower compassion satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Fire agencies have multiple avenues and policy options to improve the professional quality of life for firefighters.

Bomberos/psicología , Adulto , Agotamiento Profesional , Desgaste por Empatía , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Florida , Humanos , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Masculino , Calidad de Vida , Resiliencia Psicológica , Estrés Psicológico , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Res Aging ; 40(1): 3-26, 2018 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27784820


This phenomenological study involved focus groups with church-affiliated, African American women and men ( N = 50; ages 50 and older) in southeast Michigan to determine their attitudes and expectations around formal mental health care. Data analysis employed a constant comparative approach and yielded themes related to formal mental health care, along with delineating concerns about defining depression, health, and well-being. Health and well-being were defined as inclusive of physical and spiritual aspects of self. Churches have a central role in how formal mental health care is viewed by their attendees, with prayer being an important aspect of this care. Provider expectations included privacy and confidentiality; respect for autonomy and need for information, having providers who discuss treatment options; and issues related to environmental cleanliness, comfort, and accessibility. Implications include providing effective, culturally tailored formal depression care that acknowledges and integrates faith for this group.

Negro o Afroamericano/psicología , Trastorno Depresivo/psicología , Trastorno Depresivo/terapia , Evaluación Geriátrica/métodos , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Religión y Psicología , Negro o Afroamericano/estadística & datos numéricos , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Femenino , Grupos Focales , Evaluación Geriátrica/estadística & datos numéricos , Humanos , Masculino , Michigan , Persona de Mediana Edad
Aging Ment Health ; 22(1): 121-128, 2018 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27676119


OBJECTIVES: Aggressive behaviors by patients with dementia present risk to health care workers and patients. An information processing model, developed to study aggressive behaviors among children, was applied to study aggression among older hospital patients with dementia. Hypotheses were that delirium and mental health or depression history, would relate to increased risk of aggressive behaviors. METHOD: Electronic medical records were sampled for one year (n = 5008) and screened using the EMERSE search engine and hand review for dementia (n = 505) and aggressive behavior in individuals with dementia (n = 121). Records were reviewed for mental health history and presence of delirium. RESULTS: Regression analyses found interaction effects representing delirium and mental health or depression history associated with greater risk of aggressive behavior. Significant main effects were found for both dementia and mental health or depression history. Of the lowest risk group, 12% of patients exhibited aggression compared to 24%-35% of those with delirium, mental health or depression history, or the combination of these risk factors. CONCLUSION: Delirium is the leading correlate of aggressive behaviors in hospitalized patients with dementia, and delirium or history of mental health diagnosis may lead to increased risk of aggressive behaviors in this setting.

Agresión , Delirio/epidemiología , Demencia/epidemiología , Depresión/epidemiología , Pacientes Internos/estadística & datos numéricos , Trastornos Mentales/epidemiología , Violencia/estadística & datos numéricos , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Registros Electrónicos de Salud , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Factores de Riesgo
J Mix Methods Res ; 11(4): 487-509, 2017 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28943829


The purpose of this study was to explore the role of non-spousal family support on mental health among older, church-going African American men. The mixed methods objective was to employ a design that used existing qualitative and quantitative data to explore the interpretive context within which social and cultural experiences occur. Qualitative data (n=21) were used to build a conceptual model that was tested using quantitative data (n= 401). Confirmatory factor analysis indicated an inverse association between non-spousal family support and distress. The comparative fit index, Tucker-Lewis fit index, and root mean square error of approximation indicated good model fit. This study offers unique methodological approaches to using existing, complementary data sources to understand the health of African American men.

Res Soc Work Pract ; 27(4): 487-493, 2017 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28706432


Dissemination of research is the most challenging aspect of building the evidence base. Despite peer-review, evidence suggests that a substantial proportion of papers leave out details that are necessary to judge bias, consider replication, or initiate meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Reporting guidelines were created to ensure minimally adequate reporting of research and have become increasingly popular since the 1990s. There are over 200 guidelines for authors to assist in reporting a range of study methodologies. Although guidelines are freely available, they are underutilized and there is criticism regarding assumptions about methodologies targeted by guidelines. As journal editors lean into endorsements, social work authors may benefit from considering guidelines appropriate for their work. This paper explores pros and cons of guideline use by authors and journals and presents some suggestions for the field of social work, including assessment of whether profession-specific reporting guidelines are needed, and cautions regarding limitations.

J Soc Serv Res ; 43(1): 141-148, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28553004


Although there is substantial evidence to support the impact of burden on caregivers, few studies have compared caregivers to their non-caregiving counterparts on the basis of health and wellbeing outcomes. This study examines the relationship between caregiving and health, and whether other factors may have stronger influence on well-being measures. Using a nationally representative sample of older adults in the United States (N=3,005), this study examines relationships between caregiving status, gender, and income, and nine outcomes (self-rated physical and mental health, time since seeing a doctor, time since most recent pap smear or prostate-specific antigen [PSA] test, depression, loneliness, stress, anxiety), using logistic and linear regression models. Results support that paradoxically, caregiving was associated with increased likelihood of PSA test in male caregivers, although data also indicated higher levels of anxiety and stress, as might be expected. Income was associated with eight of nine outcomes, and gender predicted depression, anxiety, stress, and self-rated mental health. The study highlighted the importance of psychosocial stressors, such as income and gender on the health outcomes of older adults who may be caregiving. Considering complexity of unique experience is necessary to accurately assess vulnerability to poor mental health or health related outcomes.

J Gerontol Nurs ; 43(2): 9-17, 2017 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28128394


With an increase in the number of individuals affected by dementia, it is imperative for health care providers to be well versed in the most effective ways to manage neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as aggression. Aggression can be particularly hard to manage because it creates risk of harm for formal and informal caregivers, and options for medical intervention are complex and situation dependent. Although multiple guidelines for management of aggression in dementia are available in the literature, their scope is widespread and suggested treatments often vary, making decision making difficult to navigate for busy clinicians. Using a composite case as a model, the current article provides guidelines that take outpatient providers through the steps needed to provide effective treatment for aggression in individuals with dementia. Shifting the current focal point of health care for aggressive dementia patients toward a more person-centered approach will have a positive impact on patient care. [Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 43(2), 9-17.].

Agresión , Demencia/psicología , Atención Dirigida al Paciente , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Cuidadores , Demencia/enfermería , Humanos , Masculino
J Soc Work Educ ; 53(Suppl 1): S87-S96, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30774279


Social work has moved firmly into a need for partnership training models, as our newest EPAS guidelines explicitly call for interprofessional education (IPE). While IPE is not a new model, we have not been consistently involved in training partnerships. Three professional schools partnered to provide IPE events for social work (n=42), medicine (n=108), and pharmacy (n=49) students. Social work students evidenced positive change on a validated measure of attitudes and beliefs regarding IP practice, and debriefing included rich discussions about challenges of communication and boundaries, and perceptions of hierarchy and skills of other team mates in the context of case based learning, guided by faculty from all three professions.