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Opt Lett ; 36(8): 1317-9, 2011 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21499342


We investigate the optical modes in a coupled pair of semiconductor microdisks in symmetric and asymmetric configurations both experimentally and theoretically. While the quality factors of coupled first- and second-order whispering gallery modes (WGMs) show a conventional crossing, the quality factors of the same-order WGMs reveal an interesting splitting behavior, leading to the formation of high- and low-quality supermodes. Our results are reproduced by numerical simulations, and an explanation based on optical interference is suggested. Quality-factor splitting is a subtle phenomenon that might help to design microarchitectures for efficient optical coupling in cavity quantum electrodynamic experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(10): 103902, 2010 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867521


We demonstrate directional output from a deformed disk laser of dimensions comparable to the emission wavelength. Unlike larger deformed cavity lasers, which exhibit universal output directionality determined by chaotic ray dynamics, the far-field patterns differ between lasing modes. The directional emission results from weak coupling of isotropic high-quality modes to anisotropic low-quality modes, combined with chiral symmetry breaking of clockwise and counterclockwise propagating waves. This mechanism makes it possible to control the output properties of wavelength-scale lasers.

Nature ; 460(7252): 245-9, 2009 Jul 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19587766


Lasers are recognized for coherent light emission, the onset of which is reflected in a change in the photon statistics. For many years, attempts have been made to directly measure correlations in the individual photon emission events of semiconductor lasers. Previously, the temporal decay of these correlations below or at the lasing threshold was considerably faster than could be measured with the time resolution provided by the Hanbury Brown/Twiss measurement set-up used. Here we demonstrate a measurement technique using a streak camera that overcomes this limitation and provides a record of the arrival times of individual photons. This allows us to investigate the dynamical evolution of correlations between the individual photon emission events. We apply our studies to micropillar lasers with semiconductor quantum dots as the active material, operating in the regime of cavity quantum electrodynamics. For laser resonators with a low cavity quality factor, Q, a smooth transition from photon bunching to uncorrelated emission with increasing pumping is observed; for high-Q resonators, we see a non-monotonic dependence around the threshold where quantum light emission can occur. We identify regimes of dynamical anti-bunching of photons in agreement with the predictions of a microscopic theory that includes semiconductor-specific effects.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(4): 043906, 2007 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17358772


We present measurements of first- and second-order coherence of quantum-dot micropillar lasers together with a semiconductor laser theory. Our results show a broad threshold region for the observed high-beta microcavities. The intensity jump is accompanied by both pronounced photon intensity fluctuations and strong coherence length changes. The investigations clearly visualize a smooth transition from spontaneous to predominantly stimulated emission which becomes harder to determine for high beta. In our theory, a microscopic approach is used to incorporate the semiconductor nature of quantum dots. The results are in agreement with the experimental intensity traces and the photon statistics measurements.

Phys Rev Lett ; 90(2): 026601, 2003 Jan 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12570564


We investigate the energy spectra of clean incommensurate double-walled carbon nanotubes, and find that the overall spectral properties are described by the critical statistics similar to that known in the Anderson metal-insulator transition. In the energy spectra, there exist three different regimes characterized by Wigner-Dyson, Poisson, and semi-Poisson distributions. This feature implies that the electron transport in incommensurate multiwalled nanotubes can be either diffusive, ballistic, or intermediate between them, depending on the position of the Fermi energy.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 64(2 Pt 2): 026212, 2001 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11497682


We show that wave functions in planar rational polygonal billiards (all angles rationally related to pi) can be expanded in a basis of quasistationary and spatially regular states. Unlike the energy eigenstates, these states are directly related to the classical invariant surfaces in the semiclassical limit. This is illustrated for the barrier billiard. We expect that these states are also present in integrable billiards with point scatterers or magnetic-flux lines.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11088515


The pseudointegrable barrier billiard invented by Hannay and McCraw [J. Phys. A 23, 887 (1990)], a rectangular billiard with line-segment barrier placed on a symmetry axis, is generalized. It is demonstrated that the Fourier spectrum of a typical function on the phase space exhibits a singular continuous component.
