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J Appl Crystallogr ; 56(Pt 3): 737-749, 2023 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37284269


Microtexture heterogeneities are commonly found in titanium forgings because of the thermomechanical processing. Also known as macrozones, these regions can reach millimetres in length, with grains sharing a similar crystallographic orientation leading to less resistance to crack propagation. Since the link between macrozones and the reduction of cold-dwell-fatigue performance on rotative components in gas turbine engines was established, efforts have been put into macrozone definition and characterization. The electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique, widely used for texture analysis, allows for a qualitative macrozone characterization; however, further processing is required to define the boundaries and disorientation spread of each macrozone. Current approaches often use c-axis misorientation criteria, but this can sometimes lead to a large disorientation spread within a macrozone. This article describes the development and application of a computational tool implemented in MATLAB for automatic macrozone identification from EBSD data sets on the basis of a more conservative approach where both the c-axis tilting and rotation are considered. The tool allows for detection of macrozones according to the disorientation angle and density-fraction criteria. The clustering efficiency is validated by pole-figure plots, and the effects of the key parameters defining the macrozone clustering (disorientation and fraction) are discussed. In addition, this tool was successfully applied to both fully equiaxed and bimodal microstructures of titanium forgings.

J Microsc ; 227(Pt 3): 298-308, 2007 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17760627


The measurement of grain size by EBSD has been studied to enable representative quantification of the microstructure of hot deformed metal alloys with a wide grain size distributions. Variation in measured grain size as a function of EBSD step size and noise reduction techniques has been assessed. Increasing the EBSD step size from 5% to 20% of the approximate mean grain size results in a change in calculated arithmetic mean grain size of approximately 15% and standard noise reduction techniques can produce a further change in reported size of up to 20%. The distribution of measured grain size is found not to be log-normal, with a long tail of very small sizes in agreement with a computer simulation of linear intercept and areal grain size measurements through randomly oriented grains. Comparison of EBSD with optical measurements of grain size on the same samples shows that, because of the ability of EBSD to distinguish twins and resolve much smaller grains a difference of up to 50% in measured grain size results.

J Microsc ; 222(Pt 2): 85-96, 2006 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16774517


The microstructure and crystallographic texture characteristics were studied in a 22Cr-6Ni-3Mo duplex stainless steel subjected to plastic deformation in torsion at a temperature of 1000 degrees C using a strain rate of 1 s(-1). High-resolution EBSD was successfully used for precise phase and substructural characterization of this steel. The austenite/ferrite ratio and phase morphology as well as the crystallographic texture, subgrain size, misorientation angles and misorientation gradients corresponding to each phase were determined over large sample areas. The deformation mechanisms in each phase and the interrelationship between the two are discussed.

J Microsc ; 222(Pt 2): 97-104, 2006 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16774518


High-resolution electron backscatter diffraction has been used to study the effects of strain reversal on the evolution of microbands in commercial purity aluminium alloy AA1200. Deformation was carried out using two equal steps of forward/forward or forward/reverse torsion at a temperature of 300 degrees C and strain rate of 1 s(-1) to a total equivalent tensile strain of 0.5. In both cases, microbands were found in the majority of grains examined with many having microband walls with more than one orientation. For the forward/forward condition, the microband clusters were centred around -20 degrees and +45 degrees to the equivalent tensile stress axis, whereas for material subjected to a strain reversal, the clusters were at -65 degrees and -45 degrees . There was no evidence of microbands that were formed in the forward deformation step in the reversed material, which would suggest that a strain of 0.25 is sufficient to dissolve any microstructure history generated by the first step. Furthermore, the microbands within the strain-reversed material had a reduction in misorientation compared with the lineally strained material, suggesting that these microbands only formed at the onset of the second deformation step. This confirms that microband formation is complex and sensitive to strain path; however, it is still unclear to what extent microband formation is dependent on strain path history compared with the instantaneous deformation mode.
