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Plant Physiol ; 88(2): 367-9, 1988 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16666309


Leaf discs of broad bean (Vicia faba L.), peeled on the spongy mesophyll side, rapidly altered the pH of the surrounding medium (apoplast). Using pH indicator paper appressed against the leaf, immediately after peeling, initial apoplastic pH was estimated to be 4.5. Changes in the apoplastic pH were measured with a microelectrode placed into a 100-microliter drop of an unbuffered solution (2 millimolar KCl, 0.5 millimolar CaCl(2), and 200 millimolar mannitol) on the peeled surface. Discs acidified the medium until the pH stabilized at about 5.0 (about 10 minutes). Acidification was inhibited by 50 micromolar sodium vanadate, an inhibitor of the plasmalemma H(+)-ATPase and attenuated by omitting the osmoticum or potassium ions from the medium. Fusicoccin (10 micromolar) greatly enhanced the rate of acidification. The presence of 0.1 to 1 micromolar gibberellic acid resulted in a slower rate of medium acidification. Gibberellic acid appeared to modulate the activity of the H(+)-translocating ATPase located at the plasma membrane of the mesophyll cells.

Planta ; 170(3): 353-61, 1987 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24232965


The changes in turgor pressure that accompany the mobilisation of sucrose and accumulation of salts by excised disks of storage-root tissue of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) have been investigated. Disks were washed in solutions containing mannitol until all of their sucrose had disappeared and then were transferred to solutions containing 5 mol·m(-3) KCl+5 mol·m(-3) NaCl in addition to the mannitol. Changes in solute contents, osmotic pressure and turgor pressure (measured with a pressure probe) were followed. As sucrose disappeared from the tissue, reducing sugars were accumulated. For disks in 200 mol·m(-3) mannitol, the final reducing-sugar concentration equalled the initial sucrose concentration so there was no change in osmotic pressure or turgor pressure. At lower mannitol concentrations, there was a decrease in tissue osmotic pressure which was caused by a turgor-driven leakage of solutes. At concentrations of mannitol greater than 200 mol·m(-3), osmotic pressure and turgor pressure increased because reducing-sugar accumulation exceeded the initial sucrose concentration. When salts were provided they were absorbed by the tissue and reducing-sugar concentrations fell. This indicated that salts were replacing sugars in the vacuole and releasing them for metabolism. The changes in salf and sugar concentrations were not equal because there was an increase in osmotic pressure and turgor pressure. The amount of salt absorbed was not affected by the external mannitol concentration, indicating that turgor pressure did not affect this process. The implications of the results for the control of turgor pressure during the mobilisation of vacuolar sucrose are discussed.

Plant Physiol ; 82(4): 1148-50, 1986 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16665150


Sections of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproot were incubated in various concentrations of mannitol. At 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 molar, the membrane electrical potential difference (E(m)) averaged about -130 millivolts; at 0.2 molar, about -90 millivolts; and at 0 molar, between -60 and -80 millivolts. Additions of 10 millivolts acetate to the incubation solutions (all at pH 5) enhanced the membrane polarity to about -200 millivolts. We conclude from these and previous findings that high turgor inhibits proton extrusion in the sugar beet, but that proton extrusion can be activated in fully turgid tissue by acidification of the cytoplasm. A possible function of this turgor effect may be the control of turgor itself.

Plant Physiol ; 82(4): 962-6, 1986 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16665174


The effect of gibberellic acid (GA(3)) on sucrose export from source leaves was studied in broad bean (Vicia faba L.) plants trimmed of all but one source and one sink leaf. GA(3) (10 micromolar) applied to the source leaf, enhanced export of [(14)C]sucrose (generated by (14)CO(2) fixation) to the root and to the sink leaf. Enhanced export was observed with GA treatments as short as 35 minutes. When GA(3) was applied 24 hours prior to the (14)CO(2) pulse, the enhancement of sucrose transport toward the root was abolished but transport toward the upper sink leaf was unchanged. The enhanced sucrose export was not due to increased photosynthetic rate or to changes in the starch/sucrose ratio within the source leaf; rather, GA(3) increased the proportion of sucrose exported. After a 10-min exposure to [(14)C]GA(3), radioactivity was found only in the source leaf. Following a 2 hour exposure to [(14)C]GA(3), radioactivity was distributed along the entire stem and was present in both the roots and sink leaf. Extraction and partitioning of GA metabolites by thin layer chromatography indicated that there was a decline in [(14)C]GA(3) in the lower stem and root, but not in the upper stem. This pattern of metabolism is consistent with the disappearance of the GA(3) effect in the lower stem with time after treatment. We conclude that in the short term, GA(3) enhances assimilate export from source leaves by increasing phloem loading. In the long term (24 hours), the effect of GA(3) is outside the source leaf. GA(3) accumulates in the apical region resulting in enhanced growth and thus greater sink strength. Conversely, GA(3) is rapidly metabolized in the lower stem thus attenuating any GA effect.

Plant Physiol ; 82(1): 47-53, 1986 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16665022


Ca(2+) uptake into microsomal vesicles was measured using the fluorescent probe chlorotetracycline. The Ca(2+) uptake was ATP-dependent and did not occur in the presence of the calcium ionophore A23187. There was a linear relationship between the rate of ATP-dependent fluorescence increase using chlorotetracycline and ATP-dependent (45)Ca(2+) uptake, indicating that chlorotetracycline can be used as a quantitative probe for Ca(2+) uptake. The fluorescent probe allows measurements to be made in real time, and avoids the use of radioisotopes. Ca(2+) transport was associated with endoplasmic reticulum on linear gradients when the endoplasmic reticulum was in either rough or smooth form. The Ca(2+) uptake had a pH optimum of 7.5, a K(m) for ATP of 0.1 millimolar, a K(m) for Ca(2+) of about 70 nanomolar, and was stimulated 2-fold by calmodulin. Vanadate inhibited uptake completely at a concentration of 50 micromolar, half-maximally at 5 micromolar. Carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy)-phenyl-hydrazone, oligomycin, azide, and nitrate caused only slight inhibition. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) stimulated slightly at concentrations as high as 400 micromolar. The hormones gibberellic acid, indoleacetic acid, and abscisic acid at 10 micromolar had no significant effect. Myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate did not cause release of Ca(2+) after uptake. The properties of the enzyme suggest that it has a functional role in regulating cytosolic Ca(2+) levels. Based on the lack of an effect by hormones, it may not act as a mediator of second messenger roles of Ca(2+). The inhibition by vanadate and slight stimulation by DCCD may be useful as a ;signature' for this endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) uptake system.

Plant Physiol ; 81(2): 478-81, 1986 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16664841


Sink tissues that store osmotically active compounds must osmoregulate to prevent excessively high turgor. The ability to regulate turgor may be related to membrane transport of solutes and thus sink strength. To study this possibility, the kinetics of sugar uptake were determined in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproot tissue discs over a range of cell turgors. Sucrose uptake followed biphasic kinetics with a high affinity saturating component below 20 millimolar and a low affinity linear component at higher concentrations. Glucose uptake exhibited only simple saturation type kinetics. The high affinity saturating component of sucrose and glucose uptake was inhibited by increasing cell turgor (decreasing external mannitol concentrations). The inhibition was evident as a decrease in V(max) but no effect on K(m). Sucrose uptake by tissue equilibrated in dilute buffer exhibited no saturating component. Ethylene glycol, a permeant osmoticum, had no effect on uptake kinetics, suggesting that the effect was due to changes in cell turgor and not due to decreased water potential per se. p-(Chloromercuri)benzene sulfonic acid (PCMBS) inhibited sucrose uptake at low but not high cell turgor. High cell turgor caused the tissue to become generally leaky to potassium, sucrose, amino acids, and reducing sugars. PCMBS had no effect on sucrose leakage, an indication that the turgor-induced leakage of sucrose was not via back flow through the carrier. The ability of the tissue to acidify the external media was turgor dependent with an optimum at 300 kilopascals. Acidification was sharply reduced at cell turgors above or below the optimum. The results suggest that the secondary transport of sucrose is reduced at high turgor as a result of inhibition of the plasma membrane ATPase. This inhibition of ATPase activity would explain the reduced V(max) and leakiness to low molecular weight solutes. Cell turgor is an important regulator of sucrose uptake in this tissue and thus may be an important determinant of sink strength in tissues that store sucrose.

Plant Physiol ; 81(2): 482-6, 1986 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16664842


Stems of Vicia faba plants were used to study phloem unloading because they are hollow and have a simple anatomical structure that facilitates access to the unloading site. After pulse labeling of a source leaf with (14)CO(2), stem sections were cut and the efflux characteristics of (14)C-labeled sugars into various buffered solutions were determined. Radiolabeled sucrose was shown to remain localized in the phloem and adjacent phloem parenchyma tissues after a 2-hour chase. Therefore, sucrose leakage from stem segments prepared following a 75-minute chase period was assumed to be characteristic of phloem unloading. The efflux of (14)C assimilates from the phloem was enhanced by 1 millimolar p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonic acid (PCMBS) and by 5 micromolar carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenly hydrazone (CCCP). However, PCMBS inhibited and CCCP enhanced general leakage of nonradioactive sugars from the stem segments. Sucrose at concentrations of 50 millimolar in the free space increased efflux of [(14)C]sucrose, presumably through an exchange mechanism. This exchange was inhibited by PCMBS and abolished by 0.2 molar mannitol. Increasing the osmotic concentration of the efflux medium with mannitol reduced [(14)C]sucrose efflux. However, this inhibition seems not to be specific to sucrose unloading since leakage of total sugars, nonlabeled sucrose, glucose, and amino acids from the bulk of the tissue was reduced in a similar manner. The data suggest that phloem unloading in cut stem segments is consistent with passive efflux of sucrose from the phloem to the apoplast and that sucrose exchange via a membrane carrier may be involved. This is consistent with the known conductive function of the stem tissues, and contrasts with the apparent nature and function of unloading in developing seeds.

Plant Physiol ; 78(4): 865-70, 1985 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16664342


Sealed membrane vesicles were isolated from homogenates of sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproot by a combination of differential centrifugation, extraction with KI, and dextran gradient centrifugation. Relative to the KI-extracted microsomes, the content of plasma membranes, mitochondrial membranes, and Golgi membranes was much reduced in the final vesicle fraction. A component of ATPase activity that was inhibited by nitrate co-enriched with the capacity of the vesicles to form a steady state pH gradient during the purification procedure. This suggests that the nitrate-sensitive ATPase may be involved in driving H(+)-transport, and this is consistent with the observation that H(+)-transport, in the final vesicle fraction was inhibited by nitrate. Proton transport in the sugarbeet vesicles was substrate specific for ATP, insensitive to sodium vanadate and oligomycin but was inhibited by diethylstilbestrol and N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The formation of a pH gradient in the vesicles was enhanced by halide ions in the sequence I(-) > Br(-) > Cl(-) while F(-) was inhibitory. These stimulatory effects occur from both a direct stimulation of the ATPase by anions and a reduction in the vesicle membrane potential. In the presence of Cl(-), alkali cations reduce the pH gradient relative to that observed with bis-tris-propane, possibly by H(+)/alkali cation exchange. Based upon the properties of the H(+)-transporting vesicles, it is proposed that they are most likely derived from the tonoplast so that this vesicle preparation would represent a convenient system for studying the mechanism of transport at this membrane boundary.

Plant Physiol ; 78(4): 871-5, 1985 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16664343


The process of sucrose transport was investigated in sealed putative tonoplast vesicles isolated from sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproot. If the vesicles were allowed to develop a steady state pH gradient by the associated transport ATPase and 10 millimolar sucrose was added, a transient flux of protons out of the vesicles was observed. The presence of an ATPase produced pH gradient allowed [(14)C]sucrose transport into the vesicles to occur at a rate 10-fold higher than the rate observed in the absence of an imposed pH gradient. Labeled sucrose accumulated into the sealed vesicles could be released back to the external medium if the pH gradient was dissipated with carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP). When the kinetics of ATP dependent [(14)C]sucrose uptake were examined, the kinetic profile followed the simple Michaelis-Menten relationship and a Michaelis constant of 12.1 millimolar was found. When a transient, inwardly directed sucrose gradient was imposed on the vesicles in the absence of charge compensating ions, a transient interior negative membrane potential was observed. This membrane potential could be prevented by the addition of CCCP prior to sucrose or dissipated by the addition of CCCP after sucrose was added. These results suggest that an electrogenic H(+)/sucrose antiport may be operating on the vesicle membrane.

Plant Physiol ; 78(2): 291-5, 1985 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16664232


The stereospecificity of the binding site on the glucose carrier system in sugar beet suspension culture cells was determined using a series of aldo and keto hexose sugars and sugar alcohols. Specificity was determined as competition with [(14)C]glucose transport and glucose/proton symport.The binding site of the glucose carrier system was specific for the stereo orientation of the three equatorial OH groups on the three carbons opposite the oxygen and for the CH(2)OH group. Hexopyranose isomers with the same orientation at the three OH groups (carbons 2, 3, and 4 of C-1 d-glucose), but not with the CH(2)OH group, have only little (1-C d-glucose) or no effect (1-C d-idose and myoinositol) on d-glucose uptake. The C-1 l-sorbose molecule matches the C-1 d-glucose at many points including the stereo configuration of the CH(2)OH group, but it had no effect on d-glucose uptake perhaps because of an interference of the OH group adjacent to the CH(2)OH substituent. The d-glucose analogs, 3-O-methylglucose and glucosamine, were the most effective in binding to the glucose carrier. The isomers d-fructose, d-galactose, and d-mannose have separate distinctive proton cotransport systems. However, in starved cells they compete with d-glucose uptake, but the competition is for the available energy and not the carrier binding site.

Plant Physiol ; 76(4): 865-70, 1984 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16663961


The amino acid carriers in sugarcane suspension cells were characterized for amino acid specificity and the stoichiometry of proton and potassium flux during amino acid transport.Amino acid transport by sugarcane cells is dependent upon three distinct transport systems. One system is specific for neutral amino acids and transports all neutral amino acids including glutamine, asparagine, and histidine. The uptake of neutral amino acids is coupled to the uptake of one proton per amino acid; one potassium ion leaves the cells for charge compensation. Histidine is only taken up in the neutral form so that deprotonation of the charged imidazole nitrogen has to occur prior to uptake. The basic amino acids are transported by another system as uniport with charge-compensating efflux of protons and potassium. The acidic amino acids are transported by a third system. Acidic amino acids bind to the transport site only if the distal carboxyl group is in the dissociated form (i.e. if the acidic amino acid is anionic). Two protons are withdrawn from the medium and one potassium leaves the cell for charge compensation during the uptake of acid amino acids. Common to all three uptake systems is a monovalent positively charged amino acidproton carrier complex at the transport site.

Plant Physiol ; 74(4): 951-5, 1984 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16663540


Abscisic acid (ABA), auxins, cytokinins, gibberellic acid, alone or in combination were tested for their effects on short-term sucrose uptake in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris cv USH-20) roots. The effect of ABA on active sucrose uptake varied from no effect to the more generally observed 1.4-to 3.0-fold stimulation. A racemic mixture of ABA and its trans isomer were more stimulatory than ABA alone. Pretreating and/or simultaneously treating the tissue with K(+) or IAA prevented the ABA response while cytokinins and gibberellic acid did not. While the variable sensitivities of beet root to ABA may somehow be related to the auxin and alkali cation status of the tissue, tissue sensitivity to ABA was not correlated with ABA uptake, accumulation, or metabolic patterns. In contrast to ABA, indoleacetic acid (IAA) and other auxins strongly inhibited active sucrose uptake in beet roots. Cytokinins enhanced the auxin-induced inhibition of sucrose uptake but ABA and gibberellic acid did not modify or counteract the auxin effect. Trans-zeatin, benzyladenine, kinetin, and gibberellins had no effect on active sucrose uptake. None of the hormones or hormone mixtures tested had any significant effect on passive sucrose uptake. The effects of IAA and ABA on sucrose uptake were detectable within 1 h suggesting a rather close relationship between the physiological activities of IAA and ABA and the operation of the active transport system.

Plant Physiol ; 72(1): 1-6, 1983 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16662941


Active sucrose uptake by discs of mature sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. cv GW-D2 and USH-20) root tissue shows a biphasic dependence on external sucrose. At concentrations up to 20 millimolar sucrose, the active uptake mechanism appears to approach saturation, with an apparent K(m) of 3.6 millimolar. At higher external sucrose concentrations, a linear dependence becomes obvious indicating the probable presence of a nonsaturable, metabolically dependent uptake component. Active transport was not observed at external sucrose concentrations that caused tissue plasmolysis. Passive sucrose uptake in unplasmolyzed tissue showed a linear dependence on external sucrose concentration. The mitochondrial and/or suspected vacuolar ATPase inhibitors oligomycin, diethylstilbestrol, and N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide strongly inhibited active sucrose uptake, whereas the putative plasmalemma-specific ATPase inhibitor orthovanadate was without effect.Sucrose efflux patterns from root discs indicated three distinct sucrose compartments having efflux kinetics consistent with those for cell wall, cytoplasm, and vacuole with the vacuole being the slowest releasing compartment. The sucrose contents and volumes of the compartments indicated that sucrose uptake into the vacuole was against a concentration gradient. Combined sucrose uptake/efflux analyses indicated that sucrose uptake into the vacuole is primarily an active transport process while transport into the cytoplasm is apparently passive, at least at external sucrose concentrations above 20 millimolar. We discuss the possibility that active sucrose uptake into the vacuoles of sugar beet storage cells is rate limited by passive sucrose transport to the active uptake site.

Plant Physiol ; 69(1): 226-8, 1982 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16662163


Sink tissues may play a significant role in determining photosynthetic rates through their ability to mobilize assimilates. The objective in this study was to determine if the mobilizing ability of taproot sink tissues of sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris) could become limiting when assimilate supply was maintained at a high level for an extended period of time. Assimilate supply was either enhanced by CO(2) enrichment or reduced by shading.Field-grown sugarbeet plants were exposed to ambient CO(2) and one of five photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) durations: 10-hours PAR; 6-hours PAR; 3-hours PAR; 1-hour PAR; and continuous 80% shade conditions or 1,000 microliter per liter CO(2) and 10-hour PAR. Taproots were harvested at 1600 hours on the day following the initiation of the treatments. The sucrose-uptake capacity of excised tissue discs was determined in 30 millimolar morpholinopropane sulfonic acid (pH 7.0) containing 40 millimolar [(14)C]sucrose.Rates of sucrose uptake were inversely related to the supply of photosynthate during the preceding light period. CO(2) enrichment reduced uptake capacity relative to the control. In contrast, reducing the duration of PAR increased uptake over the control. Leaf starch accumulation was correlated with reduced uptake capacity. The results indicate that, under the conditions employed here, the mobilizing ability of sinks may limit carbon flux from source and to sink during periods of high photosynthetic rates.

Plant Physiol ; 66(5): 884-9, 1980 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16661546


The mechanism of sucrose transport into the vacuole of root parenchyma cells of sugar beet was investigated using discs of intact tissue. Active sucrose uptake was evident only at the tonoplast. Sucrose caused a transient 8.3 millivolts depolarization of the membrane potential, suggesting an ion co-transport mechanism. Sucrose also stimulated net proton efflux. Active (net) uptake of sucrose was strongly affected by factors that influence the alkali cation and proton gradients across biological membranes. Alkali cations (Na(+) and K(+)) at 95 millimolar activity stimulated active uptake of sucrose 2.1- to 4-fold, whereas membrane-permeating anions inhibited active sucrose uptake. The pH optima for uptake was between 6.5 and 7.0, pH values slightly higher than those of the vacuole. The ionophores valinomycin, gramicidin D, and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone at 10 micromolar concentrations strongly inhibited active sucrose uptake. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that an alkali cation influx/proton efflux reaction is coupled to the active uptake of sucrose into the vacuole of parenchyma cells in the root sink of sugar beets.
