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Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 66(20): 2072-2078, 2021 Oct 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36654265


To explore the rotational excitation of deformed halo nuclei, the angular momentum projection (AMP) has been implemented in the deformed relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory in continuum (DRHBc), in which both the mean field and collective wave functions are expanded in terms of Dirac Woods-Saxon basis. The DRHBc + AMP approach self-consistently describes the coupling between single particle bound states and the continuum not only in the ground state but also in rotational states. The rotational modes of deformed halos in 42,44Mg are investigated by studying properties of rotational states such as the excitation energy, configuration, and density distribution. Our study demonstrates that the deformed halo structure persists from the ground state in the intrinsic frame to collective states. Especially, the typical behavior of shape decoupling effects in rotating deformed halo nuclei is revealed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(1): 012501, 2013 Jul 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23862995


Macroscopic parameters as well as precise information on the random force characterizing the Langevin-type description of the nuclear fusion process around the Coulomb barrier are extracted from the microscopic dynamics of individual nucleons by exploiting the numerical simulation of the improved quantum molecular dynamics. It turns out that the dissipation dynamics of the relative motion between two fusing nuclei is caused by a non-Gaussian distribution of the random force. We find that the friction coefficient as well as the time correlation function of the random force takes particularly large values in a region a little bit inside of the Coulomb barrier. A clear non-Markovian effect is observed in the time correlation function of the random force. It is further shown that an emergent dynamics of the fusion process can be described by the generalized Langevin equation with memory effects by appropriately incorporating the microscopic information of individual nucleons through the random force and its time correlation function.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(7): 072501, 2012 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23006363


The pseudospin symmetry (PSS) is a relativistic dynamical symmetry connected with the small component of the Dirac spinor. The origin of PSS in single particle bound states in atomic nuclei has been revealed and studied extensively. By examining the zeros of Jost functions corresponding to the small components of Dirac wave functions and phase shifts of continuum states, we show that the PSS in single particle resonant states in nuclei is conserved when the attractive scalar and repulsive vector potentials have the same magnitude but opposite sign. The exact conservation and the breaking of the PSS are illustrated for single particle resonances in spherical square-well and Woods-Saxon potentials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 91(26 Pt 1): 262501, 2003 Dec 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14754045


We discuss spin and pseudospin symmetry in the spectrum of single nucleons and single antinucleons in a nucleus. As an example we use relativistic mean field theory to investigate single antinucleon spectra. We find a very well developed spin symmetry in single antineutron and single antiproton spectra. The dominant components of the wave functions of the spin doublet are almost identical. This spin symmetry in antiparticle spectra and the pseudospin symmetry in particle spectra have the same origin. However, it turns out that the spin symmetry in antinucleon spectra is much better developed than the pseudospin symmetry in normal nuclear single particle spectra.