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J Chem Phys ; 131(12): 124903, 2009 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19791917


A most promising off-lattice technique in order to simulate not only static but in addition dynamic behavior of linear and star-branched chains is the dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) method. In this model the atomistic representation of polymer molecules is replaced by a (coarse-grained) equivalent chain consisting of beads which are repulsive for each other in order to mimic the excluded volume effect (successive beads in addition are linked by springs). Likewise solvent molecules are combined to beads which in turn are repulsive for each other as well as for the polymer segments. The system is relaxed by molecular dynamics solving Newton's laws under the influence of short ranged conservative forces (i.e., repulsion between nonbonded beads and a proper balance of repulsion and attraction between bonded segments) and dissipative forces due to friction between particles, the latter representing the thermostat in conjunction with proper random forces. A variation of the strength of the repulsion between different types of beads allows the simulation of any desired thermodynamic situation. Static and dynamic properties of isolated linear and star-branched chains embedded in athermal, exothermal, and endothermal solvent are presented and theta conditions are examined. The generally accepted scaling concept for athermal systems is fairly well reproduced by linear and star-branched DPD chains and theta conditions appear for a unique parameter independent of functionality as in the case of Monte Carlo simulations. Furthermore, the correspondence between DPD and Monte Carlo data referring to the shape of chains and stars is fairly well, too. For dilute solutions the Zimm behavior is expected for dynamic properties which is indeed realized in DPD systems.

J Chem Phys ; 131(11): 114502, 2009 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19778124


Based on several force fields (COMPASS, modified TIP3P and SPC/E) high-density amorphous ice is simulated by use of isothermal-isobaric molecular dynamics at a pressure of p approximately 0.3 GPa in the temperature range from 70 to 300 K. Starting at low temperature a large number of heating/cooling cycles are performed and several characteristic properties (density, total energy, and mobility) are traced as functions of temperature. While the first cycles are showing irreversible structural relaxation effects data points from further cycles are reproducible and give clear evidence for the existence of a glass-to-liquid transition. Although, the observed transition temperatures T(g) are dependent on the actual force field used and slightly dependent on the method adopted the results indicate that high-density amorphous ices may indeed be low-temperature structural proxies of ultraviscous high-density liquids.
