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J Food Prot ; 85(3): 435-447, 2022 03 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34818412


ABSTRACT: This study aimed to review the scientific literature on the quality and safety of beef sold in retail, methodologies used for quality evaluation, and proposed interventions for the sector. Bibliographical research was performed to identify scientific articles using the electronic databases Ovid, PubMed, Scielo, LILACS, Scopus, and Embase. Thirty-three articles were included in the review. Given the different dimensions of the studies, the results were organized into three categories, according to the following approaches: food, environment, and handlers; consumers and selection criteria; and intervention strategies for the retail sector. The applied methodological strategies revealed inadequate conditions and neglect in several processing and operation stages that are fundamental to the maintenance of quality standards. The results confirm a worrying scenario and the presence of risks to consumers. Based on the studies evaluated, it is necessary to emphasize consumer concern about the importance of the integrated information chain-all stages involved in the production process and meat distribution for retail meat stores. The reported conditions from different studies indicate the need for interventions with a view to prevention of health risks, continued training of food handlers, and transformation of evidenced realities. In this context, it is possible to point out the predominance of diagnostic studies, in contrast with interventional studies focused on the training and qualification of food handlers.

Industria de Alimentos , Inocuidad de los Alimentos , Carne Roja , Animales , Bovinos , Comercio , Contaminación de Alimentos/análisis , Industria de Alimentos/normas , Mercadotecnía , Carne/normas , Carne Roja/normas
J Food Prot ; 83(8): 1345-1358, 2020 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32221547


ABSTRACT: Public management of street food is a challenge in many countries. In Colombia, despite the extent of the economic, social, and food contributions of the segment and the concern from the public health perspective, the amount of research on the subject still remains insufficient. Thus, this study aimed to establish a panorama of the street food trade in Colombia, considering its mode of operation, food security, and regulatory context, based on the scientific literature published between 2000 and 2018. A literature review was carried out in the Medline, SciELO, LILACS, Scopus, Redalyc, and Google Scholar databases, as well as in the University of Colombia's institutional repositories and scientific books. A set of 19 publications were selected and evaluated for three dimensions-work and culture, food safety, and regulation-according to the objectives and methodologies applied. In category 1, relative to work and culture, five studies were retrieved (26.3%), highlighting the economic and social contribution of the sector and the protection of food cultural heritage. Category 2, referring to hygiene and microbiological safety in the activity, covers 11 publications (57.9%) and comprised the largest research field of interest in the country. Among the food pathogens surveyed, Salmonella spp. were the most investigated, registering nonconformity in the samples (6.55%). Category 3, with three articles (15.8%), covered public policies and regulation of the segment, highlighting the challenges to regulating the sector and the need for intersectional articulation in administrative policies. The results confirm both the relevance of the segment to food security and the concern with microbiological hazards, demanding strategies to improve its regulation and functioning in the country, with the aim of protecting the health of consumers.

Inocuidad de los Alimentos , Alimentos , Colombia , Higiene
B. Inst. Pesca ; 39(4): 1-10, 2013.
Artículo en Portugués | VETINDEX | ID: vti-482151


This study aimed to evaluate the frozen seafood commercialized at the Municipal Market of São Francisco do Conde-BA. Seventy-two samples of seafood were collected, comprised of twelve samples for each one of the following species: sea bass (Centropomus undecimalis), mullet (Mugil brasiliensis), shrimp (Penaeus brasiliensis), mussel (Mytella guyanensis), oyster (Crassostrea rhizophorae), and blue crab (Callinectes sapidus). Analyses were carried out to determine pH and total volatile bases (TVB) and Éber test for sulfidric gas and ammonia, following methodologies established by the Instituto Adolfo Lutz and Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. Results showed that 62.5% of the samples were above the limit allowed by the legislation for pH, 27.8% for total volatile bases, and 70.8% for sulfudric gas. Regarding Éber test for ammonia, 40.3% of the samples were positive, being failing to comply with technical recommendations. A percentage of 90.3% of non-compliance with the legislation was observed for the whole set of samples. Crustaceans were the group that showed the highest rate for not achieving standards. The study analyzes these non-conformities as being probably resulting from inadequate hygiene conditions, as well as from insufficient of the conservation methods, from the catching to the selling. It points out potential risks for consumers health of this products

Avaliou-se o frescor do pescado congelado comercializado no Mercado Municipal de São Francisco do Conde-BA. Foram coletadas 72 amostras de pescado, compreendendo 12 amostras de cada uma das seguintes espécies: robalo (Centropomus undecimalis), tainha (Mugil brasiliensis), camarão (Penaeus brasiliensis), sururu (Mytella guyanensis), ostra (Crassostrea rhizophorae) e siri (Callinectes sapidus). As análises realizadas compreenderam determinação de pH e de bases voláteis totais (BVT) e provas de Éber para gás sulfídrico e para amônia, seguindo metodologias estabelecidas pelo Instituto Adolfo Lutz e pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Os resultados evidenciaram que 62,5% das amostras estavam fora do limite permitido pela legislação para pH, 27,8% para bases voláteis totais e 70,8% para gás sulfídrico. Em relação à prova de Éber para amônia, evidenciou-se que 40,3% das amostras apresentaram-se positivas, estando em desacordo com recomendações técnicas. Em face à legislação, registrou-se 90,3% de não conformidade para o conjunto de amostras. Os crustáceos compreenderam o grupo de pescado com maior índice de não atendimento aos padrões. Avalia-se que as não conformidades observadas decorreram, provavelmente, de inadequações, tanto no que se refere às condições de higiene quanto à insuficiência de métodos de conservação dos produtos, desde a captura até a

R. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 69(2): 208-213, 2010.
Artículo en Portugués | VETINDEX | ID: vti-453070


This paper reports the microbiological quality of ready-to-eat foods served at schools sustained by theNational Scholar Food Supply Program in Salvador (Bahia, Brazil). A cross-sectional study was undertaken in83 municipal and state schools. Ninety-six food samples were collected and analyzed on mesophilic aerobicmicroorganisms counting (AMC), and the Most Probable Number (MPN) of thermotolerant coliforms/Escherichia coli and the occurrence of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (CPS) were estimated. The AMCranged from 1.0 to 6.27 log CFU/g or mL, being the mean value of 3.2 log CFU/g or mL. Food productspresenting microorganism counts over 5 log CFU/mL or g were found in 10.8% of investigated schools.Thermotolerant coliforms ranged from 0.47 to >3.38 log MPN/g or mL and a mean value of 0.49 logMPN/g or mL. The noncompliant food samples were found in 20.4% of schools, and E. coli was detected in2.4% of those samples. CPS was found in food samples collected from 26.5% of schools. The food samplesserved at state schools showed significantly higher AMC and thermotolerant coliforms counting values(p 0.05) than those from municipal ones. Unsatisfactory microbiological quality in food products servedat a substantial number of the investigated schools was evidenced.

Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de alimentos prontos para o consumo,distribuídos em escolas atendidas pelo Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar, em Salvador-BA.Realizou-se um estudo transversal, com a participação de 83 escolas das redes estadual e municipal. Foramcoletadas e analisadas 96 amostras quanto à contagem de micro-organismos aeróbios mesófilos (CAM),estimativa do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de coliformes termotolerantes/ Escherichia coli e pesquisade estafilococos coagulase-positiva (SCP). A CAM variou de 1,0 a 6,3 log UFC/g ou mL, valor médiode 3,2 log UFC/g ou mL; 10,8% das escolas apresentaram alimentos com contagens superiores a 5 logUFC/mL ou g. O NMP de coliformes termotolerantes variou de 0,47 a >3,38 log NMP/g ou mL, valormédio de 0,49 log NMP/g ou mL; 20,4% das escolas apresentaram amostras não-conformes, sendo 2,4%das amostras positivas para E. coli. SCP foi detectado nos alimentos de 26,5% das escolas. Os alimentosservidos na rede estadual apresentaram valores de contaminação por CAM e coliformes termotolerantessignificativamente maiores (p 0,05) quando comparados aos alimentos fornecidos na rede municipal. Osresultados evidenciaram condições microbiológicas insatisfatórias dos alimentos, em parte expressiva dasescolas investigadas, o que indica a necessidade de medidas corretivas.

R. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 66(3): 287-291, 2007.
Artículo en Portugués | VETINDEX | ID: vti-453374


The water constitutes one of the foremost resources for life sustain, however diseases associated with its contamination have been one of the major threats to human health. This study aimed to assess the quality of drinking water in use in schools supported by NPSFP, in Salvador-BA. A cross-sectional study was performed in a stratified sample from 83 schools, being 49 municipal and 34 state schools, from whence the water samples used in the canteens were collected and analyzed for total and fecal coliforms detection. In addition, information about the water origin and the water care were investigated. Although all schools were supplied by local drinking water distribution system, 32% and 22% of the samples collected from municipal and state schools, respectively, presented no conformity with the effective legislation in all schools, no conformity condition reached 41%. Regarding to reservoir, in 21% no suitable coating was observed, and 51% had no periodical hygiene procedures; only 17% of the schools showed potable water registers. The results point up the contamination risks from the used drinking water, and point out fragilities on the NPSFP implementation scope, which suggest the necessity of a highest control, facing children vulnerability who are assisted by this Programme.

A água constitui um dos mais importantes recursos para a manutenção da vida, entretanto, doenças associadas à sua contaminação representam uma das maiores ameaças à saúde humana. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade da água utilizada em escolas atendidas pelo PNAE, em Salvador-BA. Realizou-se estudo transversal, em amostra estratificada de 83 escolas, 49 municipais e 34 estaduais, nas quais foram coletadas amostras da água usada nas cantinas, em que foram pesquisados coliformes totais e termotolerantes. Adicionalmente, foram levantadas informações quanto à origem e cuidados com a água. Apesar de todas as escolas receberem água do sistema de abastecimento público, em 32% e 22% das amostras colhidas, respectivamente, nas escolas estaduais e municipais, observou-se não conformidade com a legislação vigente; para o conjunto das escolas, a condição de não conformidade foi de 41%. Quanto aos reservatórios, 21% não apresentavam revestimento adequado e em 51% não se identificou a higienização periódica; apenas 17% das escolas dispunham de registros de potabilidade da água. Os resultados obtidos indicam a existência de riscos de contaminação, por meio da água utilizada e ainda, apontam fragilidades no âmbito da implementação do PNAE, o que sugere a necessidade de maior controle, em função da vulnerabilidade das crianças beneficiadas pelo Programa.