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ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 16(15): 19350-19358, 2024 Apr 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38563742


Understanding the electronic transport of metal-semiconductor heterojunctions is of utmost importance for a wide range of emerging nanoelectronic devices like adaptive transistors, biosensors, and quantum devices. Here, we provide a comparison and in-depth discussion of the investigated Schottky heterojunction devices based on Si and Ge nanowires contacted with pure single-crystal Al. Key for the fabrication of these devices is the selective solid-state metal-semiconductor exchange of Si and Ge nanowires into Al, delivering void-free, single-crystal Al contacts with flat Schottky junctions, distinct from the bulk counterparts. Thereof, a systematic comparison of the temperature-dependent charge carrier injection and transport in Si and Ge by means of current-bias spectroscopy is visualized by 2D colormaps. Thus, it reveals important insights into the operation mechanisms and regimes that cannot be exploited by conventional single-sweep output and transfer characteristics. Importantly, it was found that the Al-Si system shows symmetric effective Schottky barrier (SB) heights for holes and electrons, whereas the Al-Ge system reveals a highly transparent contact for holes due to Fermi level pinning close to the valence band with charge carrier injection saturation due to a thinned effective SB. Moreover, thermionic field emission limits the overall electron conduction, indicating a distinct SB for electrons.

Nanotechnology ; 33(3)2021 Oct 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34633307


Here, we use electron beam induced current (EBIC) in a scanning transmission electron microscope to characterize the structure and electronic properties of Al/SiGe and Al/Si-rich/SiGe axial nanowire heterostructures fabricated by thermal propagation of Al in a SiGe nanowire. The two heterostructures behave as Schottky contacts with different barrier heights. From the sign of the beam induced current collected at the contacts, the intrinsic semiconductor doping is determined to be n-type. Furthermore, we find that the silicon-rich double interface presents a lower barrier height than the atomically sharp SiGe/Al interface. With an applied bias, the Si-rich region delays the propagation of the depletion region and presents a reduced free carrier diffusion length with respect to the SiGe nanowire. This behaviour could be explained by a higher residual doping in the Si-rich area. These results demonstrate that scanning transmission electron microscopy EBIC is a powerful method for mapping and quantifying electric fields in micrometer- and nanometer-scale devices.

ACS Nano ; 15(11): 18135-18141, 2021 Nov 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34705418


The functional diversification and adaptability of the elementary switching units of computational circuits are disruptive approaches for advancing electronics beyond the static capabilities of conventional complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor-based architectures. Thereto, in this work the one-dimensional nature of monocrystalline and monolithic Al-Ge-based nanowire heterostructures is exploited to deliver charge carrier polarity control and furthermore to enable distinct programmable negative differential resistance at runtime. The fusion of electron and hole conduction together with negative differential resistance in a universal adaptive transistor may enable energy-efficient reconfigurable circuits with multivalued operability that are inherent components of emerging artificial intelligence electronics.

Adv Mater ; 33(39): e2101989, 2021 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34365674


Superconductor-semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures are attractive for both fundamental studies of quantum phenomena in low-dimensional hybrid systems as well as for future high-performance low power dissipating nanoelectronic and quantum devices. In this work, ultrascaled monolithic Al-Ge-Al nanowire heterostructures featuring monocrystalline Al leads and abrupt metal-semiconductor interfaces are used to probe the low-temperature transport in intrinsic Ge (i-Ge) quantum dots. In particular, demonstrating the ability to tune the Ge quantum dot device from completely insulating, through a single-hole-filling quantum dot regime, to a supercurrent regime, resembling a Josephson field effect transistor with a maximum critical current of 10 nA at a temperature of 390 mK. The realization of a Josephson field-effect transistor with high junction transparency provides a mechanism to study sub-gap transport mediated by Andreev states. The presented results reveal a promising intrinsic Ge-based architecture for hybrid superconductor-semiconductor devices for the study of Majorana zero modes and key components of quantum computing such as gatemons or gate tunable superconducting quantum interference devices.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 124(25): 13872-13877, 2020 Jun 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32617129


Investigating group-IV-based photonic components is a very active area of research with extensive interest in developing complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) compatible light sources. However, due to the indirect band gap of these materials, effective light-emitting diodes and lasers based on pure Ge or Si cannot be realized. In this context, there is considerable interest in developing group-IV based Raman lasers. Nevertheless, the low quantum yield of stimulated Raman scattering in Si and Ge requires large device footprints and high lasing thresholds. Consequently, the fabrication of integrated, energy-efficient Raman lasers is challenging. Here, we report the systematic investigation of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in Ge nanowires (NWs) and axial Al-Ge-Al NW heterostructures with Ge segments that come into contact with self-aligned Al leads with abrupt metal-semiconductor interfaces. Depending on their geometry, these quasi-one-dimensional (1D) heterostructures can reassemble into Ge nanowires, Ge nanodots, or Ge nanodiscs, which are monolithically integrated within monocrystalline Al (c-Al) mirrors that promote both optical confinement and effective heat dissipation. Optical mode resonances in these nanocavities support in SRS thresholds as low as 60 kW/cm2. Most notably, our findings provide a platform for elucidating the high potential of future monolithically integrated, nanoscale low-power group-IV-based Raman lasers.

ACS Photonics ; 7(7): 1642-1648, 2020 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32685608


Recent advances in guiding and localizing light at the nanoscale exposed the enormous potential of ultrascaled plasmonic devices. In this context, the decay of surface plasmons to hot carriers triggers a variety of applications in boosting the efficiency of energy-harvesting, photocatalysis, and photodetection. However, a detailed understanding of plasmonic hot carrier generation and, particularly, the transfer at metal-semiconductor interfaces is still elusive. In this paper, we introduce a monolithic metal-semiconductor (Al-Ge) heterostructure device, providing a platform to examine surface plasmon decay and hot electron transfer at an atomically sharp Schottky nanojunction. The gated metal-semiconductor heterojunction device features electrostatic control of the Schottky barrier height at the Al-Ge interface, enabling hot electron filtering. The ability of momentum matching and to control the energy distribution of plasmon-driven hot electron injection is demonstrated by controlling the interband electron transfer in Ge, leading to negative differential resistance.

Nano Lett ; 20(1): 314-319, 2020 Jan 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31851824


Quantum dots inserted in semiconducting nanowires are an interesting platform for the fabrication of single photon devices. To fully understand the physical properties of these objects, we need to correlate the optical, transport, and structural properties on the same nanostructure. In this work, we study the spectral tunability of the emission of a single quantum dot in a GaN nanowire by applying external bias. The nanowires are dispersed and contacted on electron beam transparent Si3N4 membranes, so that transmission electron microscopy observations, photocurrent, and micro-photoluminescence measurements under bias can be performed on the same specimen. The emission from a single dot blue or red shifts when the external electric field compensates or enhances the internal electric field generated by the spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization. A detailed study of two nanowire specimens emitting at 327.5 and 307.5 nm shows spectral shifts at rates of 20 and 12 meV/V, respectively. Theoretical calculations facilitated by the modeling of the exact heterostructure provide a good description of the experimental observations. When the bias-induced band bending is strong enough to favor tunneling of the electron in the dot toward the stem or the cap, the spectral shift saturates and additional transitions associated with charged excitons can be observed.

ACS Nano ; 13(12): 14145-14151, 2019 Dec 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31816231


Semiconductor-superconductor hybrid systems have outstanding potential for emerging high-performance nanoelectronics and quantum devices. However, critical to their successful application is the fabrication of high-quality and reproducible semiconductor-superconductor interfaces. Here, we realize and measure axial Al-Ge-Al nanowire heterostructures with atomically precise interfaces, enwrapped by an ultrathin epitaxial Si layer further denoted as Al-Ge/Si-Al nanowire heterostructures. The heterostructures were synthesized by a thermally induced exchange reaction of single-crystalline Ge/Si core/shell nanowires and lithographically defined Al contact pads. Applying this heterostructure formation scheme enables self-aligned quasi one-dimensional crystalline Al leads contacting ultrascaled Ge/Si segments with contact transparencies greater than 96%. Integration into back-gated field-effect devices and continuous scaling beyond lithographic limitations allows us to exploit the full potential of the highly transparent contacts to the 1D hole gas at the Ge-Si interface. This leads to the observation of ballistic transport as well as quantum confinement effects up to temperatures of 150 K. Low-temperature measurements reveal proximity-induced superconductivity in the Ge/Si core/shell nanowires. The realization of a Josephson field-effect transistor allows us to study the subgap structure caused by multiple Andreev reflections. Most importantly, the absence of a quantum dot regime indicates a hard superconducting gap originating from the highly transparent contacts to the 1D hole gas, which is potentially interesting for the study of Majorana zero modes. Moreover, underlining the importance of the proposed thermally induced Al-Ge/Si-Al heterostructure formation technique, our system could contribute to the development of key components of quantum computing such as gatemon or transmon qubits.

Nanotechnology ; 29(25): 255204, 2018 Jun 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29558360


Nanowire photodetectors are investigated because of their compatibility with flexible electronics, or for the implementation of on-chip optical interconnects. Such devices are characterized by ultrahigh photocurrent gain, but their photoresponse scales sublinearly with the optical power. Here, we present a study of single-nanowire photodetectors displaying a linear response to ultraviolet illumination. Their structure consists of a GaN nanowire incorporating an AlN/GaN/AlN heterostructure, which generates an internal electric field. The activity of the heterostructure is confirmed by the rectifying behavior of the current-voltage characteristics in the dark, as well as by the asymmetry of the photoresponse in magnitude and linearity. Under reverse bias (negative bias on the GaN cap segment), the detectors behave linearly with the impinging optical power when the nanowire diameter is below a certain threshold (≈80 nm), which corresponds to the total depletion of the nanowire stem due to the Fermi level pinning at the sidewalls. In the case of nanowires that are only partially depleted, their nonlinearity is explained by a nonlinear variation of the diameter of their central conducting channel under illumination.

Nano Lett ; 17(11): 6954-6960, 2017 11 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28961016


Intersubband optoelectronic devices rely on transitions between quantum-confined electron levels in semiconductor heterostructures, which enables infrared (IR) photodetection in the 1-30 µm wavelength window with picosecond response times. Incorporating nanowires as active media could enable an independent control over the electrical cross-section of the device and the optical absorption cross-section. Furthermore, the three-dimensional carrier confinement in nanowire heterostructures opens new possibilities to tune the carrier relaxation time. However, the generation of structural defects and the surface sensitivity of GaAs nanowires have so far hindered the fabrication of nanowire intersubband devices. Here, we report the first demonstration of intersubband photodetection in a nanowire, using GaN nanowires containing a GaN/AlN superlattice absorbing at 1.55 µm. The combination of spectral photocurrent measurements with 8-band k·p calculations of the electronic structure supports the interpretation of the result as intersubband photodetection in these extremely short-period superlattices. We observe a linear dependence of the photocurrent with the incident illumination power, which confirms the insensitivity of the intersubband process to surface states and highlights how architectures featuring large surface-to-volume ratios are suitable as intersubband photodetectors. Our analysis of the photocurrent characteristics points out routes for an improvement of the device performance. This first nanowire based intersubband photodetector represents a technological breakthrough that paves the way to a powerful device platform with potential for ultrafast, ultrasensitive photodetectors and highly efficient quantum cascade emitters with improved thermal stability.

Nano Lett ; 17(7): 4231-4239, 2017 07 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28613893


We present a study of GaN single-nanowire ultraviolet photodetectors with an embedded GaN/AlN superlattice. The heterostructure dimensions and doping profile were designed in such a way that the application of positive or negative bias leads to an enhancement of the collection of photogenerated carriers from the GaN/AlN superlattice or from the GaN base, respectively, as confirmed by electron beam-induced current measurements. The devices display enhanced response in the ultraviolet A (≈ 330-360 nm)/B (≈ 280-330 nm) spectral windows under positive/negative bias. The result is explained by correlation of the photocurrent measurements with scanning transmission electron microscopy observations of the same single nanowire and semiclassical simulations of the strain and band structure in one and three dimensions.

Nanotechnology ; 28(25): 255602, 2017 Jun 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28475104


GaAs-based nanowires (NWs) can be grown without extrinsic catalyst using the Ga-assisted vapor-liquid-solid method in an epitaxy reactor, on Si(111) substrates covered with native oxide. Despite its wide use, the conventional method fails to provide a good control over uniformity, reproducibility, and yield of vertical NWs. The nucleation of GaAs NWs is very sensitive to the properties of the native oxide such as chemical composition, roughness and porosity. Consequently, samples grown under the same conditions on Si(111) substrates from different manufacturing batches often produce dramatically different growth results. In order to remove the dependence on wafer batch, a controlled chemical oxidation process is developed to replace the native oxide on Si(111) substrate with a reproducible chemical oxide. A high yield (exceeding 90%) of vertical GaAs NWs is achieved with excellent uniformity on chemical oxide-covered substrate. As an added advantage, the crystalline quality is significantly improved over that of GaAs NWs grown on native oxide-covered substrate, and pure zinc blende crystal structure can be achieved with minimal defects. In addition, the chemical oxide can be used as a template for producing different combinations of NW densities and sizes in parallel on the same wafer using the same growth conditions.

Nano Lett ; 9(11): 3837-43, 2009 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19780569


We demonstrate that state-of-the-art off-axis electron holography can be used to map active dopants in silicon nanowires as thin as 60 nm with 10 nm spatial resolution. Experiment and simulation demonstrate that doping concentrations of 10(19) and 10(20) cm(-3) can be measured with a detection threshold of 10(18) cm(-3) with respect to intrinsic silicon. Comparison of experimental data and simulations allows an estimation of the charge density at the wire-oxide interface of -1 x 10(12) electron charges cm(-2). Off-axis electron holography thus offers unique capabilities for a detailed analysis of active dopant concentrations in nanostructures.

Nano Lett ; 8(5): 1544-50, 2008 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18422363


Silicon nanowires (NW) were grown by the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism using gold as the catalyst and silane as the precursor. Gold from the catalyst particle can diffuse over the wire sidewalls, resulting in gold clusters decorating the wire sidewalls. The presence or absence of gold clusters was observed either by high angle annular darkfield scanning transmission electron microscopy images or by scanning electron microscopy. We find that the gold surface diffusion can be controlled by two growth parameters, the silane partial pressure and the growth temperature, and that the wire diameter also affects gold diffusion. Gold clusters are not present on the NW side walls for high silane partial pressure, low temperature, and small NW diameters. The absence or presence of gold on the NW sidewall has an effect on the sidewall morphology. Different models are qualitatively discussed. The main physical effect governing gold diffusion seems to be the adsorption of silane on the NW sidewalls.

Cristalización/métodos , Modelos Químicos , Nanotecnología/métodos , Nanotubos/química , Nanotubos/ultraestructura , Silanos/química , Silicio/química , Adsorción , Simulación por Computador , Difusión , Sustancias Macromoleculares/química , Ensayo de Materiales , Conformación Molecular , Tamaño de la Partícula , Propiedades de Superficie