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Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre ; 64(1): e129705, dez 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526404


Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia de um dispositivo de estimulação termomecânica (Buzzy®) em relação à dor, medo e ansiedade durante anestesia local em crianças. Materiais e métodos: Estudo realizado no período de maio de 2018 a julho de 2019, com crianças de 7 a 11 anos, sem experiência prévia envolvendo anestesia nos últimos 2 anos e que necessitassem de tratamento odontológico (extração, restauração ou endodontia) sob anestesia local em molares decíduos. A amostra foi randomizada em grupo controle, que recebeu anestesia convencional, e grupo intervenção, que recebeu anestesia com Buzzy®. Os níveis de ansiedade, medo e percepção de dor de ambos os grupos foram verificados por meio de: Venham Modified Picture Test (VPTM); frequência cardíaca; Escala Comportamental Venham; Faces Pain Scale ­ Revised (FPS-R) e Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC). Resultados: A maioria das crianças (55%) apresentou baixa ansiedade antes e depois do tratamento (P<0,05). A aceitabilidade das crianças ao Buzzy® foi de 100% e a maioria (90%) gostaria de usar novamente. Discussão: O aparelho testado é uma ferramenta interessante para complementar as técnicas de manejo durante as consultas, tendo em vista a excelente aceitabilidade e interesse por parte dos pacientes e familiares. Conclusão: Este estudo demonstrou que o uso da estimulação termomecânica é viável na clínica odontológica, devido ao seu fácil uso e boa aceitabilidade no meio clínico, além de não apresentar riscos em seu uso.

Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of a thermo mechanical stimulation device (Buzzy®) in relation to pain, fear and anxiety during local anesthesia in children. Materials and methods: Study carried out from May 2018 to July 2019, with children aged 7 to 11 years, without previous experience involving anesthesia in the last 2 years and who needed dental treatment (extraction, restoration or endodontic) under local anesthesia in deciduous molars. The sample was randomized into a control group, which received conventional anesthesia, and an intervention group, which received anesthesia with Buzzy®. The levels of anxiety, fear and pain perception of both groups were verified using: Come Modified Picture Test (VPTM); heart rate; Behavioral Scale Come; Faces Pain Scale ­ Revised (FPS-R) and Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC). Results: Most children (55%) had low anxiety before and after treatment (P<0.05). The acceptability of the children to Buzzy® was 100% and the majority (90%) would like to use it again. Discussion: The tested device is an interesting tool to complement management techniques during consultations, in view of the excellent acceptability and interest on the part of patients and family members. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the use of thermo mechanical stimulation is feasible in the dental clinic, due to its easy use and good acceptability in the clinical environment, in addition to not presenting risks in its use.

Diente Molar , Anestesia Pediátrica
Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) ; 58(4): e557-e562, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37663190


Objective The present study compares the analgesic efficacy of two techniques to perform non-surgical reduction: fracture hematoma block and radial nerve supracondylar block. Methods Forty patients with fractures of the distal third of the radius, who required reduction, were selected in a quasi-randomized clinical trial to receive one of the anesthetic techniques. All patients signed the informed consent form, except for those who did not wish to participate in the study, had neurological injury, had contraindication to the procedure in the emergency room, or with contraindication to the use of lidocaine. To measure analgesia, the numerical pain rate scale was used at four different moments: preblock, postblock, during reduction, and after reduction; then three differences were calculated: the first between before and after blocking; the second between during reduction and after blockade; and the third between before blocking and after reduction. Results The fracture hematoma and supracondylar block groups showed the following mean values, respectively: 3.90 (1-10) and 3.50 (-6-10) in difference 1; 4.35 (-5-10) and 5.00 (-3-10) in difference 2; and 4.65 (1-10) and 3.80 (-3-10) in difference 3. Conclusion Both techniques proved to be efficient for analgesia, with mild superiority of hematoma block, but without statistical significance.

Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 58(4): 557-562, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521801


Abstract Objective The present study compares the analgesic efficacy of two techniques to perform non-surgical reduction: fracture hematoma block and radial nerve supracondylar block. Methods Forty patients with fractures of the distal third of the radius, who required reduction, were selected in a quasi-randomized clinical trial to receive one of the anesthetic techniques. All patients signed the informed consent form, except for those who did not wish to participate in the study, had neurological injury, had contraindication to the procedure in the emergency room, or with contraindication to the use of lidocaine. To measure analgesia, the numerical pain rate scale was used at four different moments: preblock, postblock, during reduction, and after reduction; then three differences were calculated: the first between before and after blocking; the second between during reduction and after blockade; and the third between before blocking and after reduction. Results The fracture hematoma and supracondylar block groups showed the following mean values, respectively: 3.90 (1-10) and 3.50 (-6-10) in difference 1; 4.35 (-5-10) and 5.00 (-3-10) in difference 2; and 4.65 (1-10) and 3.80 (-3-10) in difference 3. Conclusion Both techniques proved to be efficient for analgesia, with mild superiority of hematoma block, but without statistical significance.

Resumo Objetivo O estudo compara a eficácia analgésica de duas técnicas para realizar redução incruenta: o bloqueio de hematoma da fratura e o bloqueio supracondilar de nervo radial. Métodos Quarenta pacientes com fraturas do terço distal do rádio, que necessitassem redução, foram selecionados em um ensaio clínico quasi-randomizado, para receber uma das técnicas anestésicas. Todos os pacientes assinaram o termo de consentimento ou assentimento, com exceção daqueles que não desejassem participar do estudo, tivessem lesão neurológica, com contraindicação ao procedimento na sala de emergências, ou com contraindicação ao uso da lidocaína. Para aferir a analgesia foi utilizada a escala numérica da dor em quatro momentos distintos: pré-bloqueio, pós-bloqueio, durante a redução e após a redução; em seguida, foram calculadas três diferenças: a primeira entre antes e após o bloqueio; a segunda entre durante a redução e após o bloqueio; e a terceira entre antes do bloqueio e após a redução. Resultados Os grupos do bloqueio de hematoma de fratura e bloqueio supracondilar apresentaram respectivamente os seguintes valores médios: 3.90 (1-10) e 3.50 (-6-10) na diferença 1; 4.35 (-5-10) e 5.00 (-3-10) na diferença 2; e 4.65 (1-10) e 3.80 (-3-10) na diferença 3. Conclusão As duas técnicas se provaram eficientes para analgesia, com discreta superioridade do bloqueio de hematoma, mas sem significância estatística.

Humanos , Fracturas del Radio , Dimensión del Dolor , Reducción Cerrada , Anestesia Local , Bloqueo Nervioso
Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) ; 58(3): 538-542, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37396084


Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common compressive neuropathy in the human body. Its symptoms result from compression of the median nerve in the carpus. The treatment can be conservative, with medications and/or infiltrations that alleviate the symptoms, or surgical, which is more effective, with decompression of the median nerve by surgical section of the flexor retinaculum of the carpus. The anesthetic technique varies according to the anesthesia method: sedation, venous locoregional anesthesia and, more recently, wide-awake local anesthesia no tourniquet (WALANT), which can be performed by the surgeons themselves. The WALANT technique uses local anesthesia with a vasoconstrictor, and does not require the use of a tourniquet on the upper limb nor sedation. The median nerve block in ultrasound-guided WALANT provides better accuracy to the technique, with greater patient safety; in the present article, its use in the performance of carpal tunnel decompression is described, and the literature is reviewed.

Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 58(3): 538-541, May-June 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449829


Abstract Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common compressive neuropathy in the human body. Its symptoms result from compression of the median nerve in the carpus. The treatment can be conservative, with medications and/or infiltrations that alleviate the symptoms, or surgical, which is more effective, with decompression of the median nerve by surgical section of the flexor retinaculum of the carpus. The anesthetic technique varies according to the anesthesia method: sedation, venous locoregional anesthesia and, more recently, wide-awake local anesthesia no tourniquet (WALANT), which can be performed by the surgeons themselves. The WALANT technique uses local anesthesia with a vasoconstrictor, and does not require the use of a tourniquet on the upper limb nor sedation. The median nerve block in ultrasound-guided WALANT provides better accuracy to the technique, with greater patient safety; in the present article, its use in the performance of carpal tunnel decompression is described, and the literature is reviewed.

Resumo A síndrome do túnel do carpo (STC) é a neuropatía compressiva mais comum do corpo humano. Seus sintomas decorrem da compressão do nervo mediano no carpo. O tratamento pode ser incruento, com medicações e/ou infiltrações que amenizam os sintomas, ou cruento, mais eficaz, com a descompressão do nervo mediano pela seção cirúrgicadoretináculodos flexores do carpo. A técnica anestésica varia de acordo com o serviço de anestesia: sedação, anestesia locorregional venosa e, mais recentemente, a anestesia local com o paciente acordado e sem torniquete (wide-awake local anesthesia no tourniquet, WALANT), que pode ser realizada pelo próprio cirurgião. Por utilizar anestesia local com vasoconstritor, essa técnica dispensa o uso de torniquete no membro superior e a necessidade de sedação. O bloqueio do nervo mediano na WALANT guiada por ultrassonografiaconfere melhor precisão àtécnica,e mais segurança ao paciente, e, neste artigo seu uso na realização da descompressão do túnel do carpo é descrito, e a literatura, revisada.

Humanos , Síndrome del Túnel Carpiano/cirugía , Ultrasonografía , Descompresión Quirúrgica , Anestesia Local
Rev. ABENO ; 23(1): 1776, mar. 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1428470


O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o conhecimento de estudantes de graduação do curso de Odontologia em relação à indicação e uso dos anestésicos locais nos procedimentos clínicos e cirúrgicos. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, observacional tendo como instrumento de coleta um questionário composto de perguntas abertas e fechadas sobre a temática. Após assinatura do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, 59 acadêmicos que obedeciam aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão participaram do estudo respondendo ao questionário. A amostra apresentou média de idade de 22,75 anos, 17 (29,31%) eram do sexo masculino e 41 (70,68%) do feminino, sendo que um participante não declarou o sexo. A média de tempo cursando Odontologia foi de 4 anos, sendo que 19 alunos (31%) cursavam o 6º período, 22 (37,9%) o 8º período e 18 (31%) o 10º período do curso. Situações relacionadas à toxicidade do anestésico foram corretamente identificadas por 20 participantes (57,2% dos 35 que responderam à pergunta), 56 (94,9%) realizaram anamnese direcionada e 55 (93,2%) fizeram a escolha do sal anestésico de acordo com a condição sistêmica do paciente. Porém, quando questionados sobre a dose anestésica máxima em determinada situação clínica, apenas 6 (10,2%) responderam corretamente. Considerando a disponibilidade de anestésicos para uma exodontia simples em paciente hipertenso ou diabético controlado, gestante, lactante e criança, pouco mais que a metade dos alunos (62,7% a 52,5%) souberam indicar corretamente solução anestésica,considerando a lidocaína com vasoconstritor o anestésico de escolha. Foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas quando comparado o gênero dos acadêmicos em relação ao uso de anestésico tópico (p=0,018) e uso de anestesia local para o procedimento de raspagem periodontal subgengival (p = 0,008), sendo as duas indicações mais comuns na parcela feminina da amostra. Conclui-se que a maioria dos acadêmicos possui conhecimentos necessários para escolha do sal anestésico e sucesso quanto ao emprego da técnica, entretanto não realizaram de forma correta o cálculo da dose máxima recomendada diante de uma situação clínica hipotética, necessitando, neste e em outros parâmetros, de revisão de conceitos, procedimentos e condutas clínicas (AU).

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el conocimiento de estudiantes de graduación en odontologíasobre la indicación y uso de anestésicos locales en procedimientos clínicos y quirúrgicos. Se trata de un estudio observacional prospectivo que utiliza como instrumento de recogida de datos un cuestionario compuesto por preguntas abiertas y cerradas sobreel tema. Después de firmar el formulario de consentimiento libre e informado, 59 estudiantes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión participaron en el estudio respondiendo el cuestionario. La muestra tenía una edad media de 22,75 años, 17 (29,31%) eran del sexo masculino y 41 (70,68%) del sexo femenino, y un participante no declaró el sexo. El tiempo promedio de estudio de Odontología fue de 4 años, con 19 alumnos (31%) cursando el 6° período, 22 (37,9%) el 8° período y 18 (31%) el 10° período de la carrera. Las situaciones relacionadas con la toxicidad del anestésico fueron identificadas correctamente por 20 participantes (57,2% de los 35 que respondieron la pregunta), 56 (94,9%) realizaron anamnesis dirigida y 55 (93,2%) eligieron la sal del anestésico según el estado sistémico del paciente. Sin embargo, cuando se les preguntó sobre la dosis máxima de anestésico en una situación clínica dada, solo 6 (10,2%) respondieron correctamente. Considerando la disponibilidad de anestésicos para una extracción dental simple en pacientes hipertensos o diabéticos controlados, gestantes, lactantes y niños, poco más de la mitad de los estudiantes (62,7% a 52,5%) sabían indicar correctamente la solución anestésica, considerando la lidocaína con vasoconstrictor el anestésico de elección. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas al comparar el sexo de los estudiantes en relación con el uso de anestésico tópico (p=0,018) y uso de anestesia local para el procedimiento de raspado periodontal subgingival (p=0,008), las dos indicaciones más comunes en la porción femenina de la muestra. Se concluye que la mayoría de los académicos tienen los conocimientos necesarios para elegir la sal anestésica y lograr el uso de la técnica, sin embargo, no calcularon correctamente la dosis máxima recomendada en una situación clínica hipotética, requiriendo, en este y otros parámetros, revisar conceptos, procedimientos y enfoques clínicos (AU).

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the knowledge of undergraduate dental students regarding the indication and use of local anesthetics in clinical and surgical procedures. This is a prospective, observational study, using a questionnaire with open and closed questions about the subject as a collection tool. After signing the ICF, 59 students who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria participated in the study by answering the questionnaire. The students included in the study had a mean age of 22.75 years, 29.31% (n=17) were male and 70.68% (n=41) were female, and one student did not declare. The average number of years in college was 4 years, with 19 students (31%) in 6th period, 22 (37.9%) in 8th period and 18 (31%) in 10th period. Fifty-seven percent identified situations related to anesthetic toxicity, 94.9% performed directed anamnesis, and 93.2% chose the anesthetic salt according to the general condition of the patient. However, when questioned about the maximum anesthetic dose in a given clinical situation, only 10.2% answered correctly. For anesthetic application procedures, 89.8% considered that controlling the volume of anesthetic solution injected was an important factor, and 72.9% informed that prior aspiration was done before starting the injection of the anesthetic. Regarding the success of the technique, 78% reported success. Considering the availabilityof anesthetics, the indication for patients with some systemic condition, 62.7% knew how to correctly indicate the anesthetic solution. Statistically significant differences were observed when comparing the gender of the students regarding the use of topical anesthetic (p = 0.018) and the use of local anesthesia for subgingival periodontal scaling (p = 0.008), both indications being more common in female students. It was concluded that most of the students had the necessary knowledge to choose the anesthetic salt and were successful in using the technique, however, they did not correctly calculate the maximum dose recommended for a clinical situation presented as an assumption, requiring, in this and other parameters, a review of concepts, procedures, and clinical conducts (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Estudiantes de Odontología , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Orales , Anestésicos Locales/administración & dosificación , Distribución de Chi-Cuadrado , Estudios Prospectivos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Interpretación Estadística de Datos , Pautas de la Práctica en Odontología , Estudio Observacional
Reg Anesth Pain Med ; 48(10): 489-494, 2023 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36797036


BACKGROUND: This randomized trial compared pericapsular nerve group block and periarticular local anesthetic infiltration in patients undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty. We hypothesized that, compared with pericapsular nerve group block, periarticular local anesthetic infiltration would decrease the postoperative incidence of quadriceps weakness at 3 hours fivefold (ie, from 45% to 9%). METHODS: Sixty patients undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia were randomly allocated to receive a pericapsular nerve group block (n=30) using 20 mL of adrenalized bupivacaine 0.50%, or periarticular local anesthetic infiltration (n=30) using 60 mL of adrenalized bupivacaine 0.25%. Both groups also received 30 mg of ketorolac, either intravenously (pericapsular nerve group block) or periarticularly (periarticular local anesthetic infiltration), as well as 4 mg of intravenous dexamethasone.Postoperatively, a blinded evaluator carried out sensory assessment and motor assessment (knee extension and hip adduction) at 3, 6 and 24 hours. Furthermore, the blinded observer also recorded static and dynamic pain scores at 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 hours; time to first opioid request; cumulative breakthrough morphine consumption at 24 hours and 48 hours; opioid-related side effects; ability to perform physiotherapy at 6, 24 and 48 hours; as well as length of stay. RESULTS: There were no differences in quadriceps weakness at 3 hours between pericapsular nerve group block and periarticular local anesthetic infiltration (20% vs 33%; p=0.469). Furthermore, no intergroup differences were found in terms of sensory block or motor block at other time intervals; time to first opioid request; cumulative breakthrough morphine consumption; opioid-related side effects; ability to perform physiotherapy; and length of stay. Compared with pericapsular nerve group block, periarticular local anesthetic infiltration resulted in lower static pain scores (at all measurement intervals) and dynamic pain scores (at 3 and 6 hours). CONCLUSION: For primary total hip arthroplasty, pericapsular nerve group block and periarticular local anesthetic infiltration result in comparable rates of quadriceps weakness. However, periarticular local anesthetic infiltration is associated with lower static pain scores (especially during the first 24 hours) and dynamic pain scores (first 6 hours). Further investigation is required to determine the optimal technique and local anesthetic admixture for periarticular local anesthetic infiltration. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT05087862.

Anestésicos Locales , Artroplastia de Reemplazo de Cadera , Humanos , Anestésicos Locales/efectos adversos , Analgésicos Opioides/efectos adversos , Dolor Postoperatorio/diagnóstico , Dolor Postoperatorio/etiología , Dolor Postoperatorio/prevención & control , Artroplastia de Reemplazo de Cadera/efectos adversos , Nervio Femoral , Bupivacaína/uso terapéutico , Morfina/uso terapéutico
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e132, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1528132


Abstract This crossover study aimed to compare the anesthetic effects of buffered 2% articaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine with that of non-buffered 4% articaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine. Forty-seven volunteers were administered two doses of anesthesia in the buccal region of the second mandibular molars in two sessions using 1.8 mL of different local anesthetic solutions. The onset time and duration of pulp anesthesia, soft tissue pressure pain threshold, and the score of pain on puncture and burning during injection were evaluated. The operator, volunteers, and statistician were blinded. There were no significant differences in the parameters: onset of soft tissue anesthesia (p = 0.80), duration of soft tissue anesthesia (p = 0.10), onset of pulpal anesthesia in the second (p = 0.28) and first molars (p = 0.45), duration of pulp anesthesia of the second (p = 0.60) and first molars (p = 0.30), pain during puncture (p = 0.82) and injection (p = 0.80). No significant adverse events were observed. Buffered 2% articaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine did not differ from non-buffered 4% articaine with 1:200,000 epinephrine considering anesthetic success, safety, onset, duration of anesthesia, and pain on injection.

Acta cir. bras ; Acta cir. bras;38: e384323, 2023. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1519873


Purpose: The primary objective of this study was to compare the WALANT (wide awake, local anesthesia, no tourniquet) technique with local anesthesia associated with sedation in relation to pain intensity for minor hand surgical procedures. The secondary objective was to evaluate the need for analgesic complementation. Methods: A prospective, randomized, comparative, and clinical study was carried out. The sample size in each group was determined after statistical evaluation of the results of a pilot project. The participants were allocated to one of two groups; those in group 1 were submitted to the WALANT technique, and those in group 2, to local anesthesia associated with sedation, for elective surgery. The surgical procedures were carpal tunnel syndrome, De Quervain's tenosynovitis, synovial cyst, finger cyst, and trigger finger. Pain intensity, need for complementation and evolution to complex regional pain syndrome were evaluated. Results: There was no difference between groups in pain intensity after WALANT and need for intraoperative complementation. There was no significant difference in the amount of opioid applied postoperatively between the groups. There was no difference between groups regarding comfort during surgery. There was no difference in adverse effects and complications between the groups. Hematoma was the most frequent adverse event. No severe adverse events were observed. Conclusions: The WALANT technique promoted an analgesic effect similar to that of local anesthesia associated with sedation, without increasing adverse effects.

Dimensión del Dolor , Epinefrina , Mano/cirugía , Anestesia Local , Anestésicos , Lidocaína
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(5): 1-11, nov. 23, 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435336


Purpose: To investigate the anesthetic effectiveness of buccal infiltration (BI) versus buccal plus lingual infiltration (BI+LI) of 4% articaine for intra-alveolar extraction of erupted mandibular molar teeth. Material and Methods: Eighty patients were included in this prospective clinical study. They were randomly divided into 1 of 2 equal groups: the 1st group received BI of 4% articaine 1.8 ml and LI of 0.5 ml, while the 2nd group received 4% articaine 1.8 ml BI plus 0.5 ml LI of normal saline. Another 1.8 ml articaine BI was given if initial anesthesia was inadequate. Outcome variables included pain, which was rated by patients at 3 intervals using visual analogue scale, and lingual anesthesia and patients' satisfaction which were measured using 5-score verbal rating scale. Data analyses used were descriptive statistics, t test, χ2 test, and Pearson's correlation coefficient. P-value value less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: There were 46 females and 34 males and the mean age was 35.3 years. All outcome variables were comparable between the two study groups (p˃0.05). Anesthesia was successful in 78% and 88% of cases in the (BI) and (BI+LI) groups respectively with no significant difference (p=0.2392). The mean articaine volume used was 2.5 ml and 2.87 ml respectively without significant difference (p=0.090). Conclusion: The anesthetic efficacy of (BI) alone and (BI+LI) of 4% articaine was comparable. When given in an adequate dose, articaine (BI) alone could be justified as an anesthetic option for the intra-alveolar extraction of mandibular molar teeth.

Objetivo: Investigar la efectividad anestésica de la infiltración bucal (BI) versus la infiltración bucal más lingual (BI+LI) de articaína al 4% para la extracción intraalveolar de molares mandibulares erupcionados. Material y Métodos: Ochenta pacientes fueron incluidos en este estudio clínico prospectivo. Se dividieron aleatoriamente en 1 de 2 grupos iguales: el primer grupo recibió BI de articaína al 4% 1,8 ml y LI de 0,5 ml, mientras que el segundo grupo recibió articaína al 4% 1,8 ml BI más 0,5 ml LI de solución salina normal. Se administró otro BI de articaína de 1,8 ml si la anestesia inicial era inadecuada. Las variables de resultado incluyeron el dolor, que los pacientes calificaron en 3 intervalos mediante una escala analógica visual, y la anestesia lingual y la satisfacción de los pacientes, que se midieron mediante una escala de calificación verbal de 5 puntos. Los análisis de datos utilizados fueron estadística descriptiva, prueba t, prueba χ2 y coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Se consideró significativo el valor del valor de pinferior a 0,05. Resultados: Hubo 46 mujeres y 34 hombres y la edad media fue de 35,3 años. Todas las variables de resultado fueron comparables entre los dos grupos de estudio (p=0,05). La anestesia fue exitosa en el 78% y 88% de los casos en los grupos (BI) y (BI+LI) respectivamente sin diferencia significativa (p=0,2392). El volumen medio de articaína utilizado fue de 2,5 ml y 2,87 ml respectivamente sin diferencia significativa (p=0,090). Conclusión: La eficacia anestésica de (BI) solo y (BI+LI) de articaína al 4% fue comparable. Cuando se administra en una dosis adecuada, la articaína (BI) sola podría estar justificada para la extracción intraalveolar de molares mandibulares.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Adulto Joven , Extracción Dental , Carticaína/administración & dosificación , Anestesia Dental , Dimensión del Dolor , Irak/epidemiología , Anestesia Local
Pain Manag ; 12(4): 401-408, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35001651


Background: To date, there has been no investigation addressing the effects of vibration anesthesia during carboxytherapy. Aim: Investigate the analgesic effect of different vibratory devices during carboxytherapy for the treatment of cellulite. Materials & methods: A total of 78 women between 18 and 49 years of age with cellulite in the gluteal region will be randomly allocated to three groups: Group A (carboxytherapy and vibratory device A), Group B (carboxytherapy and vibratory device B) and control group. Pain intensity will be assessed using a numerical rating scale after each puncture. Expected outcome: Vibration anesthesia is expected to be effective at diminishing the pain intensity caused by carboxytherapy comparison with the control group, with no differences between the vibratory devices. Trial registry: Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials: ReBEC (RBR-8jcqy7c).

Vibrating anesthesia involves applying vibrations to the skin to reduce discomfort and pain during injections. So far, we do not know much about the therapeutic action of vibrating anesthesia on pain associated with carboxytherapy, a cosmetic treatment that involves injecting carbon dioxide into the fatty layer just beneath the surface of the skin. This article describes a plan to investigate the effect of vibration devices on pain reduction during the application of carboxytherapy in the treatment of cellulite. A total of 78 women between 18 and 49 years old with cellulite in the gluteal region (around the buttocks) will participate in the study and will be divided into three study groups; two groups will receive carboxytherapy with two different vibrating devices, and the third group will receive carboxytherapy without vibrational anesthesia. Pain intensity will be assessed by asking participants to rate their pain using a numerical rating scale after each puncture of carboxytherapy. Vibrational anesthesia is expected to decrease pain caused by carboxytherapy compared with the control group, and it is expected that there will be no differences in pain intensity relief between the two vibrating devices.

Anestesia , Celulitis , Nalgas , Celulitis/tratamiento farmacológico , Femenino , Humanos , Dimensión del Dolor , Vibración/uso terapéutico
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 22: e210001, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1422261


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the level of pain experienced during infiltration anesthesia of the anterior maxilla following low-level laser therapy (LLLT) with 810-980 nm wavelengths. Material and Methods: In the current triple-blind clinical trial, 84 patients received a total of 168 infiltration anesthesia injections (1.8 mL of 2% lidocaine plus 1:100,000 epinephrine) in the anterior maxilla. Each patient received two injections into the buccal mucosa of the right and left central incisors with a two-week interval. One injection was performed after LLLT, while the other injection was administered conventionally without laser. The pain level was measured immediately after injection using a visual analog scale (VAS). Results: There was a significant difference in the pain level experienced with and without LLLT, such that the mean pain score following LLLT was significantly lower than that without LLLT (p<0.05). No significant difference was found in the pain level between laser and no laser groups in males, but the difference in this regard was significant in females (p<0.05) and female patients experienced a significantly lower level of pain following LLLT. Conclusion: The low-level laser therapy can be successfully used to decrease the level of pain experienced during infiltration anesthesia of the anterior maxilla (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Dolor , Terapia por Luz de Baja Intensidad/instrumentación , Anestesia Local , Maxilar , Método Doble Ciego , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Escala Visual Analógica
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 49: e20223291, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394617


ABSTRACT Objective: assess pain and opioid consumption in patients undergoing anesthetic techniques of spinal erector plane block and local anesthetic block in video-assisted thoracic surgery in the immediate postoperative period. Methods: ninety-two patients undergoing video assisted thoracic surgery were randomized to receive ESPB or BAL before starting the surgical procedure. Using the numerical verbal scale, the primary outcome assessed was the patient's pain in the immediate postoperative period (POI). The secondary outcome comprises the assessment of opioid consumption in the IPP by quantifying the medication used in an equianalgesic dose of morphine expressed in milligrams, in the immediate post-anesthetic recovery period, 6h, 12h, and 24h after surgery. Results: the EVN scores in the LBA and ESPB group in the POI had a mean of 0,8 (±1,89) vs 0,58 (±2,02) in the post-anesthesia care room (REPAI), 1,06 (±2,00) vs 1,30 (±2,30) in 6 hours of POI, 0,84 (±1,74) vs 1,19 (±2,01) within 12 hours of POI and 0,95 (±1,88) vs 1 ( ±1,66) within 24 hours of POI, all with p>0.05. Mean opioid consumption in the BAL and ESPB groups in the POI was 12.9 (± 10.4) mg vs 14.9 (±10.2) mg, respectively, with p = 0.416. Sixteen participants in the ESPB group and seventeen in the BAL group did not use opioids during the first 24 hours of the PO analyzed. Conclusion: local anesthesic block and ESP block techniques showed similar results in terms of low pain scores and opioid consumption during the period evaluated.

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a dor e o consumo de opioides dos pacientes submetidos a técnicas anestésicas de bloqueio do plano eretor da espinha (ESPB) e bloqueio anestésico local (LBA) em cirurgia torácica vídeo assistida no período pós-operatório imediato (POI). Métodos: noventa e dois pacientes submetidos a cirurgia torácica videotoracoscópica foram randomizados aleatoriamente para receberem ESPB ou LBA antes do início do procedimento cirúrgico. O desfecho primário avaliado foi a dor do paciente no POI através da escala verbal numérica. O desfecho secundário avaliou o consumo de opioides através da quantificação da medicação usada em dose equianalgésica de morfina expressa em miligramas, no período de recuperação pós-anestésica imediata, 6h, 12h e 24h após a cirurgia. Resultados: os escores da Escala Verbal Numérica de dor (EVN) no grupo LBA e ESPB no POI, respectivamente, tiveram média de 0,8 (±1,89) vs 0,58 (±2,02) na sala de recuperação pós anestesia (REPAI), 1,06 (±2,00) vs 1,30 (±2,30) em 6 horas do POI, 0,84 (±1,74) vs 1,19 (±2,01) em 12 horas do POI e 0,95 (±1,88) vs 1 ( ±1,66) em 24 horas do POI, todos com p>0,05. O consumo médio de opioides no grupo LBA e ESPB foi de 12,9 (±10,4) mg vs 14,9 (±10.2) mg, respectivamente, com p=0.416. Dezesseis participantes do grupo ESPB e dezessete do grupo LBA não utilizaram opioides durante as primeiras 24 horas do PO. Conclusões: as técnicas de bloqueio LBA e ESPB apresentaram resultados semelhantes em termos de baixos escores de dor e consumo de opioides durante o período avaliado.

São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo med. j;139(6): 576-578, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352298


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: There are several anesthetic techniques for surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Results from this surgery using the "wide awake local anesthesia no tourniquet" (WALANT) technique have been described. However, there is no conclusive evidence regarding the effectiveness of the WALANT technique, compared with the usual techniques. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of the WALANT technique, compared with intravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA; Bier's block), for surgical treatment of CTS. DESIGN AND SETTING: Randomized clinical trial, conducted at Hospital Alvorada Moema and the Discipline of Hand Surgery, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo (SP), Brazil. METHODS: Seventy-eight patients were included. The primary outcome was measurement of perioperative pain through a visual analogue scale (VAS). The secondary outcomes were the Boston Questionnaire score, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) score, need for use of analgesics, operating room times, remission of paresthesia, failures and complications. RESULTS: The WALANT technique (n = 40) proved to be superior to IVRA (n = 38), especially for controlling intraoperative pain (0.11 versus 3.7 cm; P < 0.001) and postoperative pain (0.6 versus 3.9 cm; P < 0.001). Patients spent more time in the operating room in the IVRA group (59.5 versus 46 minutes; P < 0.01) and needed to use more analgesics (10.8 versus 5.7 dipyrone tablets; P = 0.02). Five IVRA procedures failed (5 versus 0; P = 0.06). CONCLUSIONS: The WALANT technique is more effective than IVRA for CTS surgery.

Humanos , Síndrome del Túnel Carpiano/cirugía , Anestesia de Conducción , Brasil , Anestesia Intravenosa , Anestesia Local , Anestésicos Locales
CES odontol ; 34(1): 35-43, ene.-jun. 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360259


Abstract Introduction and objective: The addition of epinephrine to the anesthetic solution reduces the pH of the solution to a range between 2.9 and 4.4. The acidity of the anesthetic may delay onset and contribute to injection pain. Objective: to determine the intensity of pain during a mandibular third molar surgery after using buffered 4% articaine with epinephrine 1:100000 in the inferior alveolar nerve block with buccal infiltration. Materials and methods: an observational and descriptive clinical study was performed. The buffered solution was alkalinized with 8.4% sodium bicarbonate with a ratio of 9:1, using a hand-mixing methodology, the sample were patients who required a mandibular third molar surgery. After standardizing the anesthetic technique, it was used the inferior alveolar nerve block followed by buccal infiltration. Results: 32 patients (20 female - 62.5% and 12 male - 37.5%), with an average age of 21.12 years (mean ± standard deviation : 21.12 ± 3.61) were admitted to the study. When assessing the pain puncture and during the injection, 94% of patients classified it as mild pain according to VAS. When evaluating the latency period, the average time was less than two minutes and the perioral soft tissue anesthesia was 62%. Only a small percentage of patients required complementary anes thesia. Conclusion: buffered 4% of articaine with epinephrine in the in ferior alveolar nerve block with buccal infiltration significantly decreased onset time, injection pain and need for complementary anesthesia in third molar surgery.

Resumo Introdução e objetivo: A adição de adrenalina à solução anestésica reduz o pH da solução para uma faixa entre 2,9 e 4,4. A acidez do anestésico pode atrasar o início e contribuir para a dor da injeção. Determinar a inten sidade da dor durante uma cirurgia dos terceiros molares inferiores após o uso de articaína tamponada a 4% com adrenalina 1: 100000 no bloqueio do nervo alveolar inferior com infiltração bucal. Materiais e métodos: foi realizado um estudo clínico observacional e descritivo. A solução tamponada foi al calinizada com bicarbonato de sódio a 8,4% com uma proporção de 9: 1, utilizando uma metodologia de mistura manual; a amostra era de pacientes que necessitaram de uma cirurgia de terceiros molares inferiores. Após padronização da técnica anes tésica foi utilizada bloqueio do nervo alveolar inferior seguido de infiltração bucal. Resultados: 32 pacientes (20 mulheres - 62,5% e 12 homens - 37,5%), com idade média de 21,12 anos (média ± desvio padrão : 21,12 ± 3,61) foram admitidos no estudo. Ao avaliar a punção dolorosa e durante a injeção, 94% dos pacientes a classificaram como dor leve de acordo com a EVA. Ao avaliar o período de latência, o tempo médio foi inferior a dois minutos e a anestesia perioral dos tecidos moles foi de 62%. Apenas uma pequena porcentagem de pacientes necessitou de anestesia complementar. Conclusão: tamponar 4% de articaína com epinefrina no bloqueio do nervo alveolar inferior com infiltração bucal diminuiu significativamente o tempo de início, a dor da injeção e a necessidade de anestesia complementar em cirurgia de terceiros molares.

Resumen Introducción y objetivo: la adición de epinefrina a la solución anestésica reduce el pH en un rango entre 2.9 y 4.4. La acidez del anestésico puede retrasar el inicio del efecto anestésico y contribuir al dolor durante la inyección de la solución. deter minar la intensidad del dolor durante la cirugía de terceros molares mandibulares después de usar articaína al 4% con epinefrina 1:100000 buferizada, en el bloqueo del nervio alveolar inferior con infiltración bucal. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio clínico observacional y descriptivo. La solución buferizada se alcalinizó con bicarbonato de sodio al 8,4% en una relación de 9:1, utilizando una técnica de mezcla manual, la muestra se obtuvo de pacientes que requerían cirugía del tercer molar mandibular. Después de estandarizar la técnica anestésica fue utilizado un bloqueo del nervio alveolar inferior seguido de una infiltración bucal. Resultados: 32 pacientes (20 mujeres - 62,5% y 12 hombres - 37,5%), con una edad promedio de 21.12 años (media ± desviación estándar : 21.12 ± 3.61) ingresaron al es tudio. Al evaluar el dolor durante la punción y durante la inyección de la solución anestésica, el 94% de los pacientes lo clasificaron como dolor leve según la EVA. Al evaluar el período de latencia, el tiempo promedio fue inferior a dos minutos y la anestesia perioral de tejidos blandos fue del 62%. Solo un pequeño porcentaje de pacientes requirió anestesia complementaria. Conclusión: El uso de 4% de articaína con epinefrina buferizada, en el bloqueo del nervio alveolar inferior con infiltración bucal disminuyó significativamente el tiempo de inicio, el dolor durante la inyección y la necesidad de anestesia complementaria en la cirugía de terceros molares.

Clin Oral Investig ; 25(6): 3831-3843, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33715064


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate pain, disruptive behavior, and anxiety in children undergoing different local dental anesthetic techniques. METHODS: This randomized/parallel clinical trial analyzed three groups of patients (9-12 years old) (n = 35) who received infiltrative anesthesia using conventional (CA), vibrational (VBA), and computer-controlled techniques (CCLAD). The outcomes were pain self-perception (Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (WBF); Numerical Ranting Scale (NRS)), disruptive behavior (Face, Legg, Activity, Crying, Consolability Scale (FLACC)), anxiety (Corah's Dental Anxiety Scale; modified Venham Picture test (VPTm)), and physiological parameters (systolic (SBP)/diastolic pressure (DBP); heart rate (HR); oxygen saturation (SpO2); respiratory rate (RR)). Statistical analysis was accomplished using Kruskall-Wallis test and ANOVA for repeated measures (α = 0.05). RESULTS: Dental anxiety levels at the baseline were similar for all patients. CA promoted less pain than VBA in WBF (p = 0.018) and NRS (p = 0.006) and CCLAD in WBF (p = 0.029). There were no differences in disruptive behavior (FLACC p = 0.573), anxiety (VPTm p = 0.474), blood pressure (SBP p = 0.954; DBP p = 0.899), heart rate (p = 0.726), oxygen saturation (p = 0.477), and respiratory rate (p = 0.930) between anesthetic techniques. CONCLUSION: Conventional technique resulted in less pain perception for dental local anesthesia. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Conventional technique reduces the self-reported pain in children 9-12 years old, and therefore, the use of additional devices or different anesthetic techniques is not justified.

Anestesia Dental , Anestesia Local , Anestésicos Locales , Ansiedad , Niño , Ansiedad al Tratamiento Odontológico/prevención & control , Humanos , Dolor
Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 53(1): e21020, Marzo 12, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356821


Resumen Introducción: Los procedimientos en cirugía de mano requieren el uso de torniquete para evitar el sangrado y, generalmente, utilizan sedación por anestesiología para controlar el dolor e incomodidad del torniquete. Hace una década se viene usando en cirugía de mano anestesia local sin torniquete ni sedación, como una opción segura y eficiente para las intervenciones quirúrgicas; esta técnica es conocida como WALANT (en inglés). El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar una serie prospectiva de pacientes intervenidos con técnica de WALANT en cirugía de mano. Métodos: Es una serie de casos que caracteriza el desempeño de una técnica anestésica local para procedimientos en cirugía de mano sin sedación y sin torniquete. Se evaluaron tiempo de cirugía, dolor intra- y posoperatorio y nivel de satisfacción. Este trabajo es aceptado por el comité de ética. Resultados: Se operaron 96 pacientes, 73 fueron cirugías de partes blandas y 23 de partes óseas. 92 pacientes (96 %) refirieron estar satisfechos y sin dolor posoperatorio. En 4 casos fue necesaria sedación intraoperatoria. Ningún paciente requirió torniquete. No fue necesario usar volúmenes mayores a 40 ml, sin embargo, estos varían según el tipo de intervención. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra que la técnica funciona muy bien, y es de gran utilidad en cirugías de tendones, donde se requiere que el paciente esté despierto para evaluar el funcionamiento intraoperatorio. Los costos de cirugía son más baratos y es una técnica reproducible, con un desempeño satisfactorio.

Abstract Introduction: Procedures in hand surgery require tourniquet use to control bleeding and generally sedation by anesthesiology to manage the pain and discomfort of the tourniquet. A decade ago, local anesthesia without tourniquet or sedation was used in hand surgery as a safe and efficient option for surgical interventions, known as WALANT (Wide Awake Local Anesthesia with No Tournique) technique. The aim of the study is to evaluate a prospective series of patients who have undergone surgery with the WALANT technique in hand surgery. Methods: Consecutive series of cases that show the performance of a local anesthetic technique for procedures in hand surgery without sedation and without tourniquet. Surgery time, intra and postoperative pain and satisfaction level were evaluated. This study was accepted by the ethics committee. Results: Ninety-six patients underwent surgery, seventy-three were soft tissue surgery and twenty-three bone surgery. Ninety-two patients (96%) reported being satisfied and without postoperative pain. In four cases, intraoperative sedation was necessary. No patient required a tourniquet. It was not necessary to use volumes greater than 40 ml; however, these vary according to the type of intervention. Conclusions: This study shows that the technique works very well and is very useful in tendon surgeries, where the patient is required to be awake to evaluate intraoperative functioning. Surgery costs are cheaper, and it is a reproducible technique with satisfactory performance.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Epinefrina , Sedación Consciente , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Ambulatorios , Mano , Anestesia Local
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 79(6): 380-385, nov.-dez. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156161


Abstract Objective: To compare the use of 2 different local anesthetic solution (LAS) volumes of 1.5 mL and 3 mL in retrobulbar block in patients undergoing cataract surgery in terms of anesthesia, akinesia, and pain levels. Methods: 80 patients between 18-90 years old, ASA I-II-III, were included in the study. For retrobulbar anesthesia, 1.5 mL LAS was applied to one group (Group LV), and 3 mL LAS to the other group (Group HV). The patients' ocular and eyelid motion scores were evaluated and recorded in the first, third, fifth, and tenth minutes after the block, and at 30-minute intervals for 4 hours post-operatively. One day later, the first hour of analgesic need and the number of times they took analgesic agents were asked and recorded. In addition, side effects were questioned and recorded. Results: The 39 (48.75%) patients were male and 41 (51.25%) patients were female. The criteria determined in terms of ocular motor score after the retrobulbar block (ocular motor score≤4) were met in 92.5% of patients in Group LV in all patients in Group HV, and the time to fulfill the determined criteria in Group HV was found to be significantly lower compared to Group LV (p=0.004). The movements of the eye in all direction except the inward movement recovered in Group LV in a significantly shorter time than Group HV (p=0.004). There was no significant difference in pain levels and side effects between the groups (p=0.34). Conclusions: After 1.5 mL LAS administration in retrobulbar block, adequate akinesia was not achieved in about one tenth of patients, but no significant difference was found between 1.5 mL and 3 mL LAS volumes in analgesic efficacy and side effects.

Resumo Objetivo: Comparar o uso de 2 volumes diferentes de solução anestésica local (LAS) de 1,5 mL e 3 mL no bloqueio retrobulbar em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de catarata em termos de anestesia, acinesia e níveis de dor. Métodos: 80 pacientes entre 18 e 90 anos, ASA I-II-III, foram incluídos no estudo. Para anestesia retrobulbar, 1,5 mL de LAS foi aplicado em um grupo (Grupo LV) e 3 mL de LAS no outro grupo (Grupo HV). Os escores de movimento ocular e palpebral dos pacientes foram avaliados e registrados no primeiro, terceiro, quinto e décimo minutos após o bloqueio e em intervalos de 30 minutos por 4 horas no pós-operatório. Um dia depois, a primeira hora de necessidade de analgésico e o número de vezes que eles tomaram analgésicos foram solicitados e registrados. Além disso, os efeitos colaterais foram questionados e registrados. Resultados: 39 (48,75%) pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 41 (51,25%) do sexo feminino. Os critérios determinados em termos de escore motor ocular após o bloqueio retrobulbar (escore motor ocular≤4) foram atendidos em 92,5% dos pacientes do Grupo LV em todos os pacientes do Grupo HV, e foi encontrado o tempo para atender aos critérios determinados no Grupo HV ser significativamente menor em comparação ao grupo LV (p = 0,004). Os movimentos do olho em todas as direções, exceto o movimento interior, se recuperaram no Grupo LV em um tempo significativamente menor que o Grupo HV (p = 0,004). Não houve diferença significativa nos níveis de dor e efeitos colaterais entre os grupos (p = 0,34). Conclusões: Após administração de 1,5 mL de LAS no bloqueio retrobulbar, não foi alcançada acinesia adequada em cerca de um décimo dos pacientes, mas não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os volumes de 1,5 mL e 3 mL de LAS na eficácia analgésica e efeitos colaterais.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Dolor , Extracción de Catarata , Bloqueo Neuromuscular , Movimientos Oculares , Anestesia Local , Anestésicos Locales , Estudio Comparativo
RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 68: e20200053, 2020. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1136061


ABSTRACT Included teeth are all the dental elements that arrive the normal time of its eruption, remains immersed within the tissues. Usually found when missing a tooth, or on routine radiographic examinations. In the presence of included teeth, it is necessary to define the best treatment approach, whether it is surgical, through exodontia, or by orthodontic tracings. Inclusive canines, in the symphysis region and near the base of the mandible, are rare and make the use of orthodontic traction techniques contraindicated. Presence of teeth in the intraosseous ectopic position can cause injuries, such as alveolodentary ankylosis, calcium metamorphosis of the pulp and aseptic pulp necrosis, among others. Anamnesis, physical examination (intra- and extraoral) and radiographic examinations such as panoramic, periapical, computed tomography, and occlusal radiographs should be performed to make the diagnosis adequate. In general, the success of the treatment depends on the age of the patient and the position of the canines at the time of the surgical procedure. The objective of this work is the extraction of a lower canine with extra-oral access in an outpatient clinical setting under local anesthesia.

RESUMO Dentes inclusos são todos os elementos dentários que chegada a época normal de seu irrompimento, permanece imerso no interior dos tecidos. Geralmente encontrados quando se observa ausência de algum dente, ou em exames radiográficos de rotina. Na presença de dentes inclusos, deve-se definir qual a melhor abordagem de tratamento, se é cirúrgica, através de exodontias, ou por tracionamentos ortodônticos. Caninos inclusos, em região de sínfise e próximos à base da mandíbula, são raros e fazem com que o uso de técnicas do tipo tracionamento ortodôntico sejam contra-indicadas. Presença de dentes em posição ectópica intraósseos podem causar injúrias, como anquilose alveolodentária, metamorfose cálcica da polpa e necrose pulpar asséptica, dentre outros. Para que o diagnóstico seja adequado, deve-se realizar, anamnese, exame físico (intra e extraoral) e exames radiográficos como panorâmicas, periapicais, tomografias computadorizadas e radiografias oclusais. Em geral, o sucesso do tratamento depende da idade do paciente e da posição dos caninos no momento do procedimento cirúrgico. O objetivo deste trabalho relata a extração de um canino inferior com acesso extra-oral em ambiente clínico ambulatorial sob anestesia local.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 19: e208127, jan.-dez. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1177173


Aim: The successful anesthesia is an essential factor for dental treatment. This study aimed at determining the effectiveness of local anesthesia and it's relationship with dental Anxiety. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out on 256 dental patients, in Gachsaran, Iran in 2017. Dental Anesthesia was administered after completing the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale by the patients. The level of anesthesia was recorded in one of three states (successful, difficult, and failed). Collected data was analyzed using SPSS version 22 and tests of, Chi-square, independent t-test, analysis of variance, and logistic regression model. Results: About 60.5% subjects had moderate-severe dental anxiety. The mean of dental anxiety significantly was lower in the successful anesthesia group (P<0.01). Patients with elementary education had a significantly higher level of dental anxiety (P<0.01). Dental anxiety was significantly higher in the age group of ≥59 years, compared to the other age groups, except for 49-58 years (P<0.05). Subjects with a significantly higher level of dental anxiety more delayed their visits to the dentist. The logistic regression model showed that the dental anxiety (high anxiety) and literacy level (elementary) were the most important predictors of failed or difficult anesthesia. Conclusion: Informing patients about dental treatment procedures, regular and periodic visits to the dentist, using psychotherapeutic techniques to reduce dental anxiety before anesthesia, could play an important role in the success of anesthesia

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Dolor , Ansiedad al Tratamiento Odontológico , Anestesia Local