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Front Sociol ; 8: 1256379, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37868090


Compared to many countries, Cuba has made significant progress in advancing women's rights and gender equity; however, disparities remain. In the country's rural communities and agricultural sector, women continue to face barriers to equal participation and recognition for the value of their work. This case study shares the story of gender equity efforts that have been conducted within the framework of a broader development project-the Project to Strengthen a System of Innovation in Local Agricultural Development (PIAL, for its initials in Spanish). PIAL began in 2001 as a participatory plant-breeding initiative aimed at increasing the genetic diversity of key crops such as maize and beans. Over the course of two decades, the project's goals expanded to include an emphasis on increasing women's participation. In the beginning, those efforts focused on including women in the participatory plant-breeding activities, which enabled them to prioritize traits they cared about such as grain texture, cooking speed, and taste in the selection process. Over time, the participatory nature of the PIAL methodology empowered women to identify and pursue capacity-building in other areas of local agricultural innovation. While PPB remained central to PIAL, women also chose to pursue opportunities in seed bank management, leadership training, and small-scale farm-based entrepreneurship. The results of the PIAL work on gender have included not just more inclusive plant breeding, but also important economic improvements for rural women as they have been able to diversify their livelihoods, and social change as they have gained confidence and recognition as leaders in their households, communities, and beyond.

World Dev Perspect ; 30: 100508, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37193198


Scholars and officials have argued that the strengthening of communities and community-led development constitute an important policy goal in the fight against emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, most strategies to address such crises fail to consider the significance of community-driven solutions, community-level knowledge, and actors. At the same time, researchers have recognized that communication, such as through local newspapers, promotes community development by increasing communities' social capital and cohesion. But the role of community communication in the encouragement and exercise of other levels of agency and in the development of community capacity, including to address emergencies, remains underexplored. This article investigates whether and how community journalists in a Rio de Janeiro favela have expressed and sought to develop favela residents' individual and collective agency during the COVID-19 pandemic. We do so by analyzing thematically the COVID-19 virus-related articles that appeared in a community-based newspaper, Maré Online, between March and September 2020. We also conducted semi-structured interviews with Maré Online reporters to augment our analysis and supplemented that data with participant observation of relevant virtual community-led organizing meetings and events. Our study shows how community-based journalists revealed and promoted individual and collective agency through what we term a "care-based, participatory solutions journalism," which supported favela residents' "communicative freedom" as conceptualized by Benhabib (2013). This analysis stresses the connection between communicative freedom and community capacity. It illustrates the importance of community-produced communication in development of and in community, especially when those populations are pejoratively framed in the media, public policy, and often also, research.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(2): 281-296, ago. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385931


Resumen Desde la lógica de la modernidad capitalista, distintas formas de reproducción de la vida son pensadas como comunidades atrasadas que hay que modernizar. Ciertas regiones de México, como El Bajío (Centronorte-Occidente), representan territorios en transición con una importante actividad industrial creciente, con uno de los mayores aumentos del producto interno bruto (PIB) y efectos importantes en las relaciones comunitarias. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la percepción de las juventudes sobre las dinámicas en sus relaciones laborales, comunitarias y de género en el contexto de la transición agrícola-industrial de sus localidades, debido a la inserción del Parque Tecnoindustrial Castro del Río (de aquí en adelante PTCR). Se realizó un estudio mixto concurrente, a lo largo de tres meses, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario, grupos de discusión y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Entre los principales hallazgos: (1) se detectó un cambio de paradigma en cuanto a la perspectiva del trabajo en los jóvenes de menor edad, aunque persiste la memoria de formas productivas comunitarias previas; así como percepciones importantes sobre derechos laborales y agencia en lo que respecta al trabajo formal y asalariado; (2) se identificó una relevancia notoria de las fiestas patronales y los escasos espacios comunes como sitios significativos de interacción, colaboración comunitaria y sentido del lugar, y (3) se percibieron tensiones en las relaciones de género, debido a la inserción de la mujer en el ámbito laboral industrial y a expresiones diversas de autonomía que se contraponen a las creencias y expectativas sexistas por parte de los hombres de mayor edad.

Abstract From a capitalist point of view, pre-industrial communities are a rich source of cheap labour and resources, which could be put to profitable use if industrialised. This is normally presented politically as bringing the modern world's quality of life improvements to impoverished and struggling communities, or more crudely as modernising "backward" modes of societies. Certain regions of Mexico, such as El Bajío (Central North-West of Mexico) represent territories in transition from an agricultural to industrial economy; with an important growing automotive sector among others; one of the largest increases in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and important effects on community relations. The Bajío represents a region characterized by a significant number of sources of employment in the industry, tax incentives from the State, low wages and the absence of strikes. The Castro del Río Tecnoindustrial Park (PTCR) was built more than a decade ago, during the boom of the automotive industry in the region, and, as indicated by its official website, it houses 72 companies from 6 different countries, has a "young and abundant workforce: more than 700 thousand inhabitants in a radius of 20 kilometres", and a "Public Training Institute for technicians through the CONALEP Castro del Río campus, located within the park". Most of the communities affected by this technological development have incipient urban development, with limited access to basic services such as drainage or drinking water, no or limited common spaces for social interaction, recreation and sports, and little or no health, education and cultural equipment. The inhabitants of these communities work in the fields, construction, or as labourers in the PTCR companies. The aim of this study was to examine the perception of youth about the labor, community and gender relational dynamics in the context of the agricultural-industrial transition of their localities, due to the insertion of the PTCR. A concurrent mixed study was carried out over three months by applying a questionnaire, discussion groups and semi-structured interviews. Among the main findings, the following stand out: 1) A paradigm shift was detected in terms of the perspective of work in young people, although the memory of previous community productive forms persists; Likewise, important perceptions about labor rights and agency are detected in relation to formal and salaried work and an awareness of the notorious forms of labor abuse in factories; 2) A relevance of the management holidays and common spaces was identified, which in some communities are scarce, as significant spaces for interaction, collaboration community and sense of place; 3) Tensions are perceived in gender relations due to the entry of women in to the industrial work environment and diverse expressions of their autonomy that are opposed to sexist beliefs and expectations on the part of older men. Young women's career, work, and recreational expectations are viewed as negative and undesirable. The reported study made it possible to visualise the perceptions of youth about the relationships affected by the agricultural-industrial transition of their communities. Some limitations identified are related to the short time available to the team to carry out the study, the unsafe conditions in the area derived from organised crime. It is relevant to continue this study and delve into the aspects analysed. It is viewed as a prospective investigation to return to the communities and carry out a new study to analyse the three types of relationships and the role played by ICTs, the increasingly widespread pro-gender equality discourse, as well as the changes that appear in perspectives 3 years after the first study.

Agora USB ; 22(1): 409-425, ene.-jun. 2022. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420005


Resumen Lo urbano no es incompatible con la agricultura, incluso mejora aspectos como la seguridad alimentaria, el amor hacia el territorio y la vida cotidiana, lo que refleja esperanza en la producción de una ciudad saludable. El artículo da cuenta de las reflexiones en torno al estudio de caso, el proceso de implementación del proyecto Huerta urbana comunitaria (HUC) de Villa Juanita del programa Buen Vivir en el Municipio de Villamaría, Caldas, Colombia.

Abstract The urban is not incompatible with agriculture, it even improves aspects, such as food security, love for the territory, and daily life, which reflects hope in the production of a healthy city. The article reports on the reflections around the case study, the implementation process of the Villa Juanita urban vegetable garden project of the Buen Vivir program in the municipality of Villamaría, Caldas, Colombia.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 30(spe): e3070, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1384239


Abstract Introduction Social determinants of health underlie and contribute to health inequalities. Stigma, poverty, and unequal access to health care are examples of social determinants that affect people's well-being and participation in society. Although occupational therapists use occupation to promote health and well-being, they rarely consider how to address the reduction of health inequalities in their practice. Objective The study aimed to explore how occupational therapists perceive the need to enact health promotion in community development through occupational justice. Method Following critical participatory action research principles, group discussions were conducted by six professionals from across France. Occupational justice frameworks and public health reports were used to prompt a group dialogue over four months. A content analysis of the discussion was conducted, guided by the theory of practice architectures to understand how the therapists' practices were shaped by discursive, economic, and socio-political circumstances. Results Four themes reflected the professional needs to undertake community development: 'the professional skills needed to enact the community's own know-how and self-expertise', 'the importance of seeing the 'whole' picture and reaching out to other sectors', 'the need for occupational justice to understand the complexity of community development', and 'the need to move beyond body functions in education'. Conclusion Community development offers unique opportunities to work in the complex context of everyday living. Reasoning informed by occupational justice concepts enables occupational therapists to consider health outcomes caused by social determinants. Occupational therapy education must train students for complex reasoning on how occupational injustices are rooted in everyday social contexts.

Resumo Introdução Os determinantes sociais da saúde fundamentam e contribuem para as desigualdades em saúde no mundo. Estigma, racismo, pobreza e acesso desigual aos cuidados de saúde são exemplos de determinantes sociais que afetam o bem-estar e a participação das pessoas na sociedade. Embora os terapeutas ocupacionais usem a ocupação para promover a saúde e o bem-estar, raramente consideram seu potencial para lidar com a redução das desigualdades em saúde. Objetivos Explorar como os terapeutas ocupacionais percebem a necessidade de implementar promoção de saúde no desenvolvimento comunitário por meio da justiça ocupacional. Método Seguindo os princípios críticos da pesquisa-ação participativa, as reuniões do grupo foram conduzidas por seis profissionais de diferentes regiões da França. Enquadramentos de justiça ocupacional e relatórios nacionais de saúde pública foram usados para estimular um diálogo durante quatro meses. Uma análise de conteúdo foi conduzida, guiada pela teoria das arquiteturas da prática, para entender como as práticas dos terapeutas ocupacionais foram moldadas por circunstâncias discursivas, econômicas e sociopolíticas. Resultados Quatro temas refletiram as necessidades profissionais para praticar o desenvolvimento comunitário: as habilidades profissionais necessárias para decretar o próprio know-how da comunidade; e auto perícia, a importância de ver o quadro "por inteiro" e de alcançar outros setores; a necessidade da justiça ocupacional para compreender a complexidade do desenvolvimento comunitário; e a necessidade de ir além das funções do corpo na formação. Conclusão O desenvolvimento comunitário oferece oportunidades únicas para trabalhar no complexo contexto da vida cotidiana. O raciocínio informado pela justiça ocupacional permite aos terapeutas ocupacionais considerarem melhor os efeitos dos determinantes sociais sobre a saúde. A formação em terapia ocupacional deve abordar a realização de raciocínios complexos sobre como as injustiças ocupacionais estão enraizadas nos contextos sociais cotidianos.

Rev. polis psique ; 11(3): 7-31, 2021-11-17.
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas, LILACS | ID: biblio-1517453


Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a percepção de psicólogos(as) com experiência de atuação em serviços de Proteção Social Básica (PSB) do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS) acerca processos de desenvolvimento humano e comunitário, bem como suas possíveis articulações com o trabalho realizado nos serviços em que atuam. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com seis psicólogas atuantes em Centros de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS) em diferentes municípios da região norte do Paraná. Foi possível observar que, mesmo diante de dificuldades e limitações, prevalece nos relatos das psicólogas o entendimento que de os serviços PSB são espaços potenciais para o fomento a processos de desenvolvimento humano edesenvolvimento comunitário. (AU)

This article aims to analyze the perception of psychologists with experience of working in Basic Social Protection (PSB) services of theUnified Social AssistanceSystem (SUAS) about human and Community development processes, as well as theirpossible links with the work carried out in theservices in which they operate. Forthis, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six psychologists working in Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CRAS) in diferente municipalities in the Northern region of Paraná. It was possible to observe that, even in theface of difficulties and limitations, psychologists' reports prevail the understanding that PSB services are potential spaces for the promotion of human development and community development processes. (AU)

El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la percepción de psicólogos con experiencia de trabajo en los servicios de Protección Social Básica (PSB) del Sistema Único de Asistencia Social (SUAS) sobre sobre los procesos de desarrollo humano y comunitario, así como sus posibles vínculos conel trabajo realizado en los servicios en los que operan. Para ello, se realizaron entrevista semiestructuradas con seis psicólogos que laboran en los Centros de Referencia de Asistencia Social (CRAS) en diferentes municipios de la región norte de Paraná. Se pudo observar que, incluso ante las dificultades y limitaciones, los informes de los psicólogos prevalecen en el entendimiento de que los servicios de PSB son espacios potenciales para la promoción del desarrollo humano y los processos de desarrollo comunitario. (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Práctica Profesional , Psicología Social , Política Pública , Percepción Social , Servicio Social , Planificación Social , Vulnerabilidad Social , Desarrollo Humano
Estud. Interdiscip. Psicol ; 12(2): 151-173, maio-ago.2021. Ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355144


Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal realizar uma aproximação teórica entre os conceitos de comunidade e desenvolvimento comunitário a partir dos aportes da Economia Solidária e da Psicologia Social Comunitária. Tendo como cenário os debates e práticas que motivaram a emergência destes campos no contexto brasileiro, buscamos compreender os conceitos selecionados e a partir deles examinar as possibilidades de interconexões. Para tanto, tomamos como base autores(as) representativos(as) para os campos, especialmente na literatura brasileira, e que pudessem contribuir para esta discussão. A partir dos elementos levantados, evidenciamos pontos de convergência e divergência nos conceitos centrais. Dentre as convergências ressaltamos: I. ideias de participação e democracia; II. noção da construção do sujeito crítico; III. noção de uma espécie de cidadania ativa. Já as divergências se colocam mais como caminhos distintos para a leitura de uma mesma realidade social, podendo-se concluir que os campos são complementares para a compreensão desta realidade (AU).

Our main objective here is to carry out a theoretical approach among the concepts of community and community development from the contributions of solidarity economy and social and community psychology. Taking as backdrop themes that motivated the emergence of these fields in the Brazilian context, we seek to understand these selected concepts by exploring possibilities of interconnections. Also, we have taken as grounding representative authors from each field at the Brazilian literature, choosing those who could contribute to this discussion. From emerged categories out of these central concepts, we have highlighted points of theorical convergence and divergence. Among the convergences, we have highlighted: I. ideas of participation and democracy; II. construction of a critical subject; III. a kind of an active citizenship. Differences, on the other hand, seems to be distinct paths for reading the same social reality, and it can be concluded that the fields are complementary in understanding this reality (AU).

Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal llevar a cabo un enfoque teórico entre los conceptos de comunidad y desarrollo comunitario a partir de los aportes de la economía solidaria y la psicología social y comunitaria. Tomando como telón de fondo elementos del surgimiento de estos campos en el contexto brasileño, buscamos comprender como los conceptos seleccionados se caracterizan y cuáles son sus posibles interconexiones. Para esto, tomamos como base a autores representativos de los campos, especialmente en la literatura brasileña. De los elementos planteados, destacamos puntos de convergencia y divergencia entre los conceptos centrales. Por las convergencias, destacamos: I. ideas de participación y democracia; II noción de la construcción del sujeto crítico; III. noción de una especie de ciudadanía activa. Las diferencias, por otro lado, parecen ser caminos distintos para leer la misma realidad social, y se puede concluir que los campos son complementarios para comprender esta realidad (AU).

Humanos , Psicología Social , Características de la Residencia , Democracia , Economía , Solidaridad , Planificación Social , Brasil , Participación de la Comunidad
Psicol. pesq ; 15(2): 1-23, abr.-jun. 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1287687


Este texto busca realizar uma avaliação teórica da possível funcionalidade de um modelo de trabalho comunitário em Psicologia para a construção de uma forma passiva de consenso dentro do conjunto de transformações ocorridas no Brasil durante os recentes governos do Partido dos Trabalhadores. Esse modelo é o do desenvolvimento comunitário, e o objeto da avaliação é a concepção de participação dele apreendida, abordada a partir das contribuições teóricas de Gramsci (1891-1937) sobre o Estado e sobre a noção de revolução passiva. Analisada a partir dessas chaves conceituais, tal concepção de participação parece não romper, em seus fundamentos, com a concepção de participação dos modelos aos quais o desenvolvimento comunitário se propõe como alternativa. E, em sua funcionalidade no conjunto de transformações operadas nos referidos governos, pode ter contribuído com a organização de formas de consenso passivo e, consequentemente, com a hegemonia de frações da classe burguesa no Brasil.

This article aims to make a theoretical evaluation of the possible functionality of a community work model in Psychology for the construction of a passive form of consensus within the set of transformations that occurred in Brazil during the recent governments of the Workers' Party. This model consists in the community development one, and the evaluation object is the conception of participation apprehended from it, approached from Gramsci's (1891-1937) theoretical contributions on the State and on the notion of passive revolution. Analyzed from these conceptual keys, this conception of participation does not seem to break, in its fundamentals, with the conception of participation of the models to which community development is proposed as an alternative. And, in its functionality in the set of transformations operated in the Worker's Party governments, it may have contributed to the organization of forms of passive consensus and, consequently, to the hegemony of fractions of the bourgeois class in Brazil.

Este texto busca realizar una evaluación teórica de la posible funcionalidad de un modelo de trabajo comunitario en Psicología para la construcción de una forma pasiva de consenso, dentro de las transformaciones realizadas en Brasil durante los gobiernos recientes del Partido de los Trabajadores. Este modelo es el del desarrollo comunitario y el objeto de la evaluación es la concepción de participación aprehendida de él, abordada a partir de las contribuciones teóricas de Gramsci (1891-1937) sobre el Estado y la noción de revolución pasiva. Analizada a partir de estas claves conceptuales, esta concepción de participación no parece romper con la concepción de participación de los modelos a los que se propone el desarrollo comunitario como alternativa. Y, en su funcionalidad en el conjunto de transformaciones operadas en los gobiernos antes mencionados, puede haber contribuido a la organización de formas de consenso pasivo y, en consecuencia, a la hegemonía de las fracciones de la clase burguesa en Brasil.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33917190


This paper examines the prevalence of and potential for community mobilization (CM) and its association with HIV/STI risk, substance use, and violence victimization among women, particularly those using substances, in the sex trade in Tijuana, Mexico. METHODS: 195 women participated in Mujeres Unidas (K01DA036439 Urada) under a longitudinal survey study, "Proyecto Mapa de Salud" (R01DA028692, PI: Brouwer). Local health/social service providers (N = 16) were also interviewed. RESULTS: 39% of women who participated in community mobilization activities used substances. In adjusted analyses (n = 135), participation in CM activities (n = 26) was more likely among women who did not report substance use (AOR: 4.36, CI: 1.11-17.16), perceived a right to a life free from violence (AOR: 9.28, CI: 2.03-59.26), talked/worked with peers in the sex trade to change a situation (AOR: 7.87, CI: 2.03-30.57), witnessed violence where they worked (AOR: 4.45, CI: 1.24-15.96), and accessed free condoms (AOR: 1.54, CI: 1.01-2.35). Forty-five of the women using substances demonstrated their potential for engaging in asset-based community development (ABCD) with service providers in Mujeres Unidas meetings. CONCLUSION: Women using substances, vs. those who did not, demonstrated their potential to engage in ABCD strategies. Women's empowerment, safety, and health could be enhanced by communities engaging in ABCD strategies that build and bridge social capital for marginalized women who otherwise have few exit and recovery options.

Infecciones por VIH , Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Infecciones por VIH/epidemiología , Infecciones por VIH/prevención & control , Humanos , México , Factores de Riesgo , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias/epidemiología , Violencia
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;116(1): 89-99, Jan. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152977


Resumo Fundamento As doenças cerebrovasculares (DCBV) constituem a segunda causa de mortes no mundo. Objetivo Analisar a tendência da mortalidade por DCVB no Brasil (1996-2015) e associação com o índice de desenvolvimento humano (IDH) e o índice de vulnerabilidade social (IVS). Métodos Trata-se de estudo ecológico envolvendo as taxas de mortalidade padronizadas por DCBV. Os dados dos óbitos foram obtidos do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade e os dados populacionais, do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Para as análises temporais, foi utilizado o modelo de regressão por pontos de inflexão, sendo calculado o percentual de variação anual (annual percent change [APC]) e médio do período (average annual percent change [AAPC]), com intervalo de confiança de 95% e significância de 5%. As tendências foram classificadas em crescente, decrescente ou estacionária. O modelo de regressão multivariada foi utilizado para testar a associação entre a mortalidade por DCBV, IDH e IVS. Resultados Foram registrados 1.850.811 óbitos por DCBV no período estudado. Observou-se redução da taxa de mortalidade nacional (APC: -2,4; p = 0,001). Vinte unidades federativas apresentaram tendências significativas, sendo 13 de redução, incluindo todos das regiões Centro-Oeste (n = 4), Sudeste (n = 4) e Sul (n = 3). O IDH teve associação positiva e o IVS, associação negativa com a mortalidade (p = 0,046 e p = 0,026, respectivamente). Conclusão O estudo mostrou comportamento epidemiológico desigual da mortalidade entre as regiões, sendo maior nos estados do Sudeste e Sul, porém com tendência significativa de redução, e menor nos estados do Norte e Nordeste, mas com tendência significativa de crescimento. O IDH e o IVS associaram-se com a mortalidade. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2021; 116(1):89-99)

Abstract Background Cerebrovascular diseases (CBVD) are the second major cause of death in the world. Objective To analyze the mortality trend of CBVD in Brazil (1996 to 2015) and its association with Human Development Index (HDI) and the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI). Methods This is an ecological study. We analyzed the mortality rate standardized by CBVD. Death data were obtained from the Mortality Information System (SIM) and populational data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The model of regression by inflection points (Joinpoint regression) was used to perform the temporal analysis, calculating the Annual Percent Change (APC) and Average Annual Percent Change (AAPC), with 95% of confidence interval and a significance of 5%. Trends were classified as increasing, decreasing or stationary. A multivariate regression model was used to analyze the association between mortality by CBVD, HDI and SVI. Results During this period, 1,850,811 deaths by CBVD were recorded. We observed a reduction in the national mortality rate (APC -2.4; p = 0.001). Twenty federation units showed a significant trend, of which 13 showed reduction, including all states in the Midwest (n=4), Southeast (n=4) and South (n=3). The HDI was positively associated and the SVI was negatively associated with mortality (p = 0.046 and p = 0.026, respectively). Conclusion An unequal epidemiological course of mortality was observed between the regions, being higher in the Southeast and South states, with a significative tendency of reduction, and lower in the North and Northeast states, but with a significative tendency of increase. HDI and SVI showed an association with mortality. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2021; 116(1):89-99)

Humanos , Trastornos Cerebrovasculares , Brasil/epidemiología , Mortalidad , Indización y Redacción de Resúmenes , Geografía
Gac Sanit ; 35(4): 333-338, 2021.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32651056


OBJECTIVE: To describe how the community from El Faro neighborhood identifies its community assets, uses them to face life's challenges through the capacity of collective agency; and by generating community development processes, applying the salutogenic theory that considers people as active subjects, with the capacity to conserve and generate health and well-being, through the use of their own resources called health assets. METHODS: A map of community assets was made in 2018 in el Faro neighborhood, an informal settlement of Medellín, Colombia, following the phases recommended by other authors and from a qualitative, participatory approach that delves into the health situation of the community. RESULTS: In this process were identified 12 individual community assets, 12 collective, 13 institutional and 10 in the environment. The main community asset among the 47 described was community participation, from the agency capacity, mainly of its leaders who participating in their own organizations encourage development, identity construction and well-being. CONCLUSION: Asset mapping has served to identify intangible assets for the community and, in turn, this recognition has been useful in strengthening the agency's capacity for community development. This is a territory transformed by community reflection processes allowing to understand situations of exclusion and poverty, seeking to create a more livable place and developing a community capacity to solve their own problems, through solidarity and community support.

Salud Pública , Sentido de Coherencia , Colombia , Promoción de la Salud , Humanos , Áreas de Pobreza
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 20(3): 993-1013, set.-dez. 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1354819


Este artigo tem como proposta discutir o tema da participação em projetos de Psicologia Comunitária no Brasil, mais propriamente no que diz respeito à concepção de participação veiculada em um desses projetos. Para isso, apresenta um breve resgate histórico da construção dos trabalhos de desenvolvimento de comunidades no Brasil, demarcando o processo de estabelecimento da centralidade da ideia de participação em suas propostas, bem como uma análise crítica de seus pressupostos. A essa análise acrescenta algumas contribuições do pensamento político de Antônio Gramsci, que auxiliam no exame dos pressupostos das concepções de participação presentes em outros tipos de trabalho comunitário, que não os do tipo desenvolvido nos modelos ortodoxos de desenvolvimento de comunidades. Como contribuição, oferece-se a problematização da noção de participação presente em um modelo de grande referência em projetos comunitários na Psicologia, extraído de uma pesquisa histórica sobre a Psicologia Comunitária no Brasil. Tal modelo, apresentado como desenvolvimento comunitário, foi submetido a uma reflexão à luz das contribuições teóricas apresentadas, que possibilitou a verificação da preservação, neste modelo alternativo, dos pressupostos fundamentais do tipo de participação presente nos modelos ortodoxos de trabalho comunitário. (AU)

This article aims to discuss the theme of participation processes in Community Psychology projects in Brazil, specifically regarding the concept of participation present in one of these projects. For this purpose, it presents a brief historical review of the construction of community development work in Brazil, demarcating the development process of the importance of the idea of participation in its proposals, as well as a critical analysis of its assumptions. It seeks to add to this analysis some contributions from Antonio Gramsci's political thinking, which may assist in examining the assumptions of participatory conceptions present in other types of community work than those developed in the orthodox models of community development. As a contribution, we offer the problematization of the notion of participation present in a model of great reference in Community projects in Psychology, extracted from a historical research on Community Psychology in Brazil. Such model, presented as Community development, was submitted to a reflection in the light of the presented theoretical contributions, which allowed the verification of the maintenance, in this alternative model, of the fundamental assumptions of the kind of participation present in the orthodox models of Community work. (AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo discutir el tema de la participación en proyectos de psicología comunitaria en Brasil, específicamente en relación con el concepto de participación transmitido en uno de estos proyectos. Con este fin, presenta una breve revisión histórica de la construcción del trabajo de desarrollo comunitario en Brasil, demarcando el proceso de establecimiento de la centralidad de la idea de participación en sus propuestas, así como un análisis crítico de sus premisas. Se agregan algunas contribuciones del pensamiento político de Antonio Gramsci a este análisis, lo que puede ayudar a examinar los supuestos de las concepciones de participación presentes en otros tipos de trabajo comunitario distintos a los desarrollados en modelos ortodoxos de desarrollo comunitario. Como contribución, ofrecemos la problematización de la noción de participación presente en un modelo de gran referencia en proyectos comunitarios en psicología, extraída de una investigación histórica sobre psicología comunitaria en Brasil. Dicho modelo, presentado como desarrollo comunitario, fue sometido a una reflexión a la luz de las contribuciones teóricas presentadas, lo que permitió verificar la preservación, en este modelo alternativo, de los supuestos fundamentales de la participación presente en los modelos ortodoxos de trabajo comunitario. (AU)

Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 19(1): 29470, 30 out. 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146834


O estudo objetivou analisar o conhecimento e as percepções de agricultores em um assentamento rural pernambucano sobre cuidados básicos de bem viver na perspectiva da promoção da saúde, após uma intervenção co-munitária de letramento em saúde. Trata-se de um estudo quasi experimental, longitudinal, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa. Foi realizado um levantamento do conhecimento com um pré e pós-teste, através da estatística descritiva e medidas de hipótese. As percepções foram levantadas a partir do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC). Observou-se associação estatística significante, p-valor de 0,041e 0,039, nas questões referentes a Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis e Saúde mental respectivamente, realizadas pelas técnicas de metodologia ativa de ensino. A partir das análises dos discursos foi possível observar o engajamento dos "promotores da saúde" na mediação social da vulnerabilidade pelo reco-nhecimento das intervenções e práticas educacionais, para o fortalecimento de suas vozes nas tomadas de decisões, e mudanças de comportamentos. A inter-venção comunitária desenvolveu percepções empoderadoras a nível individual e coletivo, assim como no reconhecimento das potencialidades da comunidade

The study aimed to analyze the knowledge and perceptions of farmers in a rural settlement in Pernambuco about basic care for good living from the pers-pective of health promotion, after a community health literacy intervention. This is a quasi experimental and longitudinal study, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. A knowledge survey was carried out with a pre and post-test, through descriptive statistics and hypothesis measures. The perceptions were raised from the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD). There was a statistically significant asso-ciation, p-value of 0.041 and 0.039, in questions concerning Sexually Transmitted Infections and Mental Health, respectively, performed by the techniques of active teaching methodology. From the analysis of the speeches, it was possible to ob-serve the engagement of "health promoters" in the social mediation of vulnerability through the recognition of educational interventions and practices, to strengthen their voices in decision-making, and changes in behavior. Community intervention has developed empowering perceptions at the individual and collective level, as well as in the recognition of the potential of the community

Salud Rural , Educación en Salud , Promoción de la Salud , Población Rural , Organización Social
Rev. Ocup. Hum. (En línea) ; 19(2): 86-102, 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1150428


La firma del Acuerdo de Paz entre el Gobierno Nacional y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) abrió una ventana de oportunidad para contribuir en la transformación de las condiciones de vida y salud de las comunidades rurales. Este artículo presenta la experiencia de un grupo de terapeutas ocupacionales quienes, como parte de un proyecto de extensión universitaria, se propusieron aportar al fortalecimiento de las capacidades comunitarias para la atención primaria en salud de comunidades y organizaciones sociales del municipio de La Macarena (Meta, Colombia). La sistematización, como camino metodológico, hizo posible reconstruir la experiencia vivida en el territorio, en diálogo con la apuesta política del proyecto. Las reflexiones emergentes alrededor de la vida cotidiana y del lugar de la Terapia Ocupacional comunitaria mostraron desafíos y aprendizajes sobre el tiempo, el espacio y las identidades de la profesión en este campo. Los resultados de la puesta en acción de estrategias desde Terapia Ocupacional reafirman el compromiso ético para aportar en la disminución de las inequidades sociales.

The signing of the peace agreement between the National Government and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ­ People's Army (FARC -EP) opened a new opportunity to contribute to the transformation of life and health conditions of rural communities. This article presents the experience of a group of occupational therapists who, as part of a university extension project, set out to contribute to the strengthening of the community capacities for primary health care for communities and social organizations of the Macarena (Meta, Colombia.) Systematization as a methodological path, enabled the reconstruction of the lived experience, which was put in dialogue alongside the political commitment of the project. Emerging reflections around daily life and the role of community occupational therapy showed the challenges and learning opportunities about time, space and identities of occupational therapy in this setting. The results of the implementation strategies from Occupational Therapy reaffirm the ethical commitment of the profession to contribute to reducing social inequities.

A assinatura do Acordo de Paz entre o Governo Nacional e o Exército do Povo das Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia (FARC-EP) abriu uma janela de oportunidade para contribuir com a transformação das condições de vida e de saúde das comunidades rurais. Este artigo apresenta a experiência de um grupo de terapeutas ocupacionais que, articulados a um projeto de extensão universitária, se propuseram a contribuir para o fortalecimento das capacidades comunitárias de atenção primária à saúde de comunidades e organizações sociais no município de Macarena. A sistematização, como caminho metodológico, gerou a reconstrução da experiência vivida, em que foi colocada em diálogo com o território e o compromisso político do projeto. Reflexões emergentes sobre a vida cotidiana e o local da terapia ocupacional comunitária, mostraram desafios e aprendizagens sobre o tempo, espaço e identidades da referida terapia. Os resultados da implementação de estratégias reafirmam o compromisso ético da nossa profissão, a fim de contribuir para a redução das iniquidades sociais.

Población Rural , Terapia Ocupacional , Vida , Atención Primaria de Salud , Salud Pública
Saúde debate ; 42(spe4): 261-274, Out.-Dez. 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-986103


RESUMO O estudo teve por objetivo apresentar experiência de metodologia para a promoção da saúde de populações expostas a agrotóxicos. Trata-se de um relato de experiência metodológica desenvolvida com camponeses de Lavras (MG), por meio de pesquisa-ação, entre maio e setembro de 2017. Estruturada pelas bases teórico-práticas do paradigma da Salutogênese e da metodologia social de disseminação da agroecologia Camponês a Camponês, a metodologia proposta permite o desenvolvimento do Senso de Coerência dos camponeses e a disponibilização dos recursos agroecológicos presentes nas comunidades rurais, apresentando-se como ferramenta para ações e pesquisas em contextos semelhantes em outras localidades do Brasil.

ABSTRACT The study aimed to present an experience of methodology for Health Promotion of populations exposed to pesticides. This is a methodological experience report carried out with peasants from Lavras (MG), Brazil, through action-research, between May and September 2017. Structured by the theoretical and practical basis of the Salutogenesis paradigm and the social methodology of Peasant-to-Peasant of dissemination of agroecology, the methodology proposed permits the development of the Sense of Coherence of the peasants and the availability of the agroecological resources present in the rural communities, introducing itself as a tool for actions and researches in similar contexts in other Brazilian localities.

Investig. desar. ; 26(1): 125-139, ene.-jun. 2018.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1090725


RESUMEN La producción científica sobre el término desarrollo se encuentra fragmentada a partir de intereses desarticuladores del capital. Este proceso ha desvirtuado las potencialidades de la sociedad para reencontrar lo comunitario como cualidad emancipadora del ser humano. La falta de unidad teórica y conceptual acerca del desarrollo ha sido tradicionalmente tratada por la sociología, la filosofía y la práctica política. Se plantea como objetivo identificar aspectos teóricos referidos a la cualidad comunitaria del desarrollo. El estudio tiene un enfoque marxista. Para la obtención de resultados, se emplean los métodos en el nivel teórico: analítico-sintético, sistémico-estructural, históricológico e inductivo-deductivo, y a nivel empírico, el análisis documental. Se enuncian consideraciones sobre el desarrollo desde una visión integradora que trasciende adjetivaciones y se fundamenta como un proceso real y concreto. Lo comunitario como cualidad transformadora de la actividad humana, concretado en los proyectos colectivos, constituye el principio teórico del desarrollo desalienador.

ABSTRACT The scientific production on the term development is found fragmented from disarticulating interests of capital. This process has distorted the potential of society to rediscover the community as an emancipating quality of the human being. The lack of theoretical and conceptual unity about development has traditionally been dealt with by sociology, philosophy and political practice. The objective is to identify theoretical aspects related to the community quality of development. The study has a Marxist approach. To obtain results, the methods are used at the theoretical level: analytic-synthetic, systemic-structural, historical-logical and inductive-deductive, and empirically, the documentary analysis. Considerations on development are enunciated from an integrating vision that transcends adjectives and is based on a real and concrete process. The community as a transforming quality of human activity, concretized in collective projects, constitutes the theoretical principle of disalienating development.

Humanos , Proyectos , Planificación Social , Gestión de la Calidad Total
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 24(2): 539-554, abr.-jun. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-967365


Este artigo discute o uso do esporte para a promoção da paz e os principais aspectos analisados no contexto internacional, traçando correspondências e alteridades com as ações promovidas nas áreas de pacificação no Rio de Janeiro. A partir da revisão da literatura com base em procedimentos da revisão sistemática, observou-se que a falta de sensibilidade cultural e de consideração dos processos de exclusão social por parte de seus idealizadores resultam na crescente militarização do espaço das comunidades, o que impõe limites à sustentabilidade desses projetos esportivos a longo prazo

This article discusses the use of sports to promote peace and the main aspects analyzed in the international context, indicating similarities to and differences from the actions promoted in the so-called "pacification" in areas in Rio de Janeiro. A literature review based on systematic review procedures found that the lack of cultural sensitivity and consideration for social exclusion processes by its creators results in increasing militarization of space in those communities, which restricts the long-term sustainability of those sports projects

En este artículo se discute el uso del deporte para promover la paz a partir de los principales aspectos analizados en el contexto internacional, indicando las similitudes y las alteridades con las acciones promovidas en las zonas de pacificación de Río de Janeiro. A partir de la revisión de la literatura basada en los procedimientos de revisión sistemática, se observó que la falta de sensibilidad cultural y consideración de los procesos de exclusión social por sus creadores dan como resultado el aumento de la militarización del espacio de las comunidades, que impone límites en la sostenibilidad de estos proyectos deportivos en el largo plazo

Humanos , Planificación Social , Deportes , Proyectos de Inversión Social
Edumecentro ; 10(1): 1-17, ene.-mar. 2018. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-891294


Fundamento: la modificación del contexto penitenciario ayuda a la inclusión social del interno. Esta labor constituye una necesaria arista extensionista de las universidades. Objetivo: mostrar la efectividad de un proyecto educativo de capacitación en promoción de salud y prevención de enfermedades para internos a través de la labor extensionista de la universidad. Métodos: el proyecto educativo fue ejecutado en la unidad penal de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, Argentina, durante 2012 a 2016. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos para la fundamentación de la investigación; y empíricos: la encuesta en forma de cuestionario, la revisión documental, y entrevista a informantes clave, para su conformación; fue valorado por criterio de especialistas. Resultados: los internos seleccionados dieron su conformidad para participar en el proyecto educativo, sus conocimientos sobre el tema eran muy elementales, aunque los consideraron necesarios tanto para su estancia en el centro penitenciario como para su futuro desempeño en la sociedad. Los contenidos se correspondieron con sus intereses de aprendizaje. En los encuentros, impartidos por docentes y estudiantes universitarios, se utilizó la clase taller, y materiales didácticos que propiciaron el desarrollo de habilidades para el autocuidado, cuidado familiar y comunitario. Conclusiones: el proyecto educativo resultó efectivo, fue una oportunidad para el aprendizaje colectivo y reflexivo, tanto para los internos como para los que lo impartieron. Se desarrollaron habilidades académicas, comunicativas, de trabajo en equipo e interpersonales. Fue un encuentro saludable donde se generaron vínculos e interacciones entre la universidad en su rol extensionista y el centro penitenciario.

Background: the modification of the penitentiary context helps to the social inclusion of the prisoner. This work constitutes a necessary extensionist activity of the universities. Objective: to show the effectiveness of an educational project of training in health promotion and disease prevention for prisoners through the extension work of the university. Methods: the educational project was carried out in the penitentiary of Bahía Blanca city of, Argentina, from 2012 to 2016. Theoretical methods were used for the foundation of the investigation; and empirical ones: the survey in questionnaire form, the documentary review, and interview key to informants, for their conformation; it was assessed by specialists' criteria. Results: the selected prisoners gave their consent to participate in the educational project; their knowledge on the subject was very elementary, although they considered it necessary both for their stay in the penitentiary and for their future performance in society. The contents corresponded to their learning interests. In the meetings, given by teachers and university students, the workshop class was used, and didactic materials that propitiated the development of skills for self-care, family and community care. Conclusions: the educational project was effective; it was an opportunity for collective and reflective learning, both for the prisoners and for those who imparted it. Academic, communicative, teamwork and interpersonal skills were developed. It was a remarkable encounter where links and interactions between the university in its extensionist role and the penitentiary center were generated.

Planificación Social , Desarrollo de Personal , Promoción de la Salud
Saúde debate ; 42(116): 307-317, jan.-mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-962641


RESUMO A pesquisa objetivou identificar estudos que abordem a vigilância da saúde, envolvendo intrinsecamente o conceito de desenvolvimento humano, segundo os pressupostos de Bronfenbrenner e de Max-Neef. A revisão integrativa de literatura nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, Bireme e SciELO, com termos relacionados com a vigilância da saúde e desenvolvimento humano segundo os autores citados. Identificaram-se abordagem implícita ao desenvolvimento humano de Bronfenbrenner e distanciamento da abordagem de Max-Neff. Propõe-se à vigilância da saúde articular abordagens pós-desenvolvimentistas na identificação de problemas emergentes em saúde em populações vulneráveis.

ABSTRACT The research aims to identify studies that address health surveillance, involving the concept of human development intrinsically, according to the assumptions of Bronfenbrenner and Max-Neef. An integrative of literature review in Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, Bireme and SciELO databases, with terms related to Health Surveillance and human development according to the authors cited. We have identified an implicit approach to Bronfenbrenner's human development and distancing from the Max-Neff approach. It is proposed to the health surveillance to articulate post-developmental approaches in the identification of emerging health problems in vulnerable populations.

Am J Community Psychol ; 60(3-4): 459-466, 2017 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29027664


This article explores an ethical dilemma that arose from the author's involvement in a project intended to identify and address the needs of seven batey communities in the Dominican Republic. In the summer of 2014, the author conducted a large-scale needs assessment to inform strategic planning for a foundation that was invested in community development work in those communities. Through a collaborative process, the author worked with the foundation, representatives of the migrant communities, and other researchers to develop survey and focus group tools that were administered to 1,360 and 54 people, respectively. Data collection, analysis, and dissemination proceeded as planned. The conflict and resulting ethical dilemma emerged at the point of data interpretation and strategic planning, processes that revealed that the different parties held conflicting theories of poverty. The ideological conflicts related to why poverty exists, who is responsible for it, and what should be done about it made proceeding with the project ethically tenuous for the author. The author describes the values and theories of ethics on which she relied to navigate this challenge, as well as reflections on her continued participation in the community development process.

Pobreza , Psicología/ética , Planificación Social , Conducta Cooperativa , República Dominicana , Humanos , Evaluación de Necesidades , Migrantes