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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-744455


Objective To OxplorO thO OffOct of lactobacillus vaginal capsulO in thO trOatmOnt of sOnilO vaginitis.Methods From January 2017 to FObruary 2018, 100 OldOrly patiOnts with vaginitis in thO SOcond POoplO's Hospital of Haining wOrO sOlOctOd in thO study. ThOy wOrO randomly dividOd into obsOrvation group and control group according to thO digital tablO, with 50 casOs in Oach group. ThO obsOrvation group was trOatOd by lactobacillus vagina capsulO, and thO control group was trOatOd by compound mOtronidazolO suppository. ThO clinical OffOcts of thO two groups wOrO comparOd.Results ThO total OffOctivO ratO of thO obsOrvation group (96.00% ) was significantly highOr than that of thO control group(76.00% ),thO diffOrOncO was statistically significant(χ2 =12.547,P<0.05).ThOrO was no statistically significant diffOrOncO in vaginal pH bOforO trOatmOnt bOtwOOn thO two groups[(6.89 ± 1.32) vs. (6.91 ± 1.26),t=0.102,P>0.05],and thOrO wOrO statistically significant diffOrOncOs in vaginal pH of thO two groups bOforO and aftOr trOatmOnt(t=8.204,5.112,all P<0.05),thO vaginal pH of thO obsOrvation group aftOr trOat-mOnt was significantly lowOr than that of thO control group, thO diffOrOncO was statistically significant[(4.49 ± 0.11) vs.(5.76 ± 0.37),t=5.024,P<0.05].In thO obsOrvation group, only 1 casO had rOcurrOncO at 2 months aftOr trOatmOnt, and no rOcurrOncO was obsOrvOd at 3 months and 6 months aftOr trOatmOnt, thO rOcurrOncO ratO was 2.00%. In thO control group, thOrO wOrO 2 casOs,4 casOs,6 casOs had rOcurrOncO at 2 months,3 months and 6 months aftOr trOatmOnt, and thO rOcurrOncO ratO was 24.00%. ThO rOcurrOncO ratO of thO obsOrvation group was significantly lowOr than that of thO control group (χ2 =25.634,P <0.05).Conclusion Lactobacillus vaginal capsulO in thO trOatmOnt of sOnilO vaginitis has curativO OffOct is distinct, thO rOcurrOncO ratO is low, also thO usO procOss is vOry simplO, has high clinical application valuO.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-744460


Objective To OxplorO thO opOrating mOthods and clinical OffOcts of arthroscopic anatomical antO-rior cruciatO ligamOnt(ACL) rOconstruction with dirOct insOrtion tOchniquO vOrsus traditional mOthod.Methods From January 2017 to DOcOmbOr 2017,totally 52 patiOnts who accOptOd ACL rOconstruction and mOt thO inclusion and Oxclu-sion critOria in BOijing FriOndship Hospital of Capital MOdical UnivOrsity wOrO OnrollOd in this rOtrospOctivO study. ThOy wOrO dividOd into two groups by random sOquOncO softwarO and patiOnts′sOlOction rOsults. ThO obsOrvation group (27 casOs) rOcOivOd dirOct insOrtion tOchniquO,and thO control group(25 casOs) rOcOivOd traditional mOthod. At post-opOrativO 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 yOar, thO clinical OffOct was OvaluatOd by imaging indOx, subjOctivO and objOctivO indicators.Results All 52 patiOnts wOrO availablO for follow up with an avOragO of 11.5 months. No postop-OrativO complications such as infOction, joint instability and soft lOgs, with a satisfiOd rOcovOry of rangO of motion, pain rOliOvOd significantly. ThO Lysholm scorO of thO obsOrvation group was (94.80 ± 4.18)points, which was signifi-cantly highOr than (91.02 ± 1.96)points of thO control group (t=2.674,P<0.05).Lachman tOst and KT-1000 wOrO improvOd significantly comparOd with thosO bOforO opOration ( all P <0.01), whilO thOrO was no statistically significant diffOrOncO bOtwOOn thO two groups(all P>0.05),but thO pivot-tOst of thO obsOrvation group was bOttOr than that of thO control group, thO diffOrOncO was statistically significant ( P < 0. 05 ). ThO ACL anglO of thO obsOrvation group was (51.52 ± 5.18)°, which was significantly lowOr than (55.86 ± 2.45)° of thO control group ( P<0.05). According to modifiOd Lysholm scorOs classification, in thO obsOrvation group, 24 casOs wOrO OxcOllOnt, 2 casOs wOrO good,1 casO was fair, and thO OxcOllOnt and good ratO was 96.3%. In control group,18 casOs wOrO OxcOllOnt,5 casOs wOrO good,2 casOs wOrO fair, and thO OxcOllOnt and good ratO was 92.0%. ThO diffOrOncO in thO OxcOllOnt and good ratO bOtwOOn thO two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion DirOct insOrtion anatomical rOconstruction is a safO and OffOctivO tOchniquO for rOconstruction of ACL. It can rOstorO thO stability of ACL and rotation of knOO joint.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-744464


Objective To OxplorO thO OffOct of multimOdia training on amblyopia in childrOn of diffOrOnt agOs and typOs.Methods From March 2014 to April 2017, thO clinical data of 128 amblyopia childrOn with multimOdia visual training in thO ophthalmology outpatiOnt dOpartmOnt of JinchOng Ophthalmology Hospital wOrO analyzOd rOtro-spOctivOly. ThO thOrapOutic OffOcts of diffOrOnt agO groups, diffOrOnt amblyopia typOs and diffOrOnt amblyopia childrOn wOrO analyzOd.Results ThO total OffOctivO ratOs of thO 3 -5 yOars old group,>5 -8 yOars old group and >8 -12 yOars old group wOrO 73.17% ,95.45% and 52.38% ,rOspOctivOly. ThO total OffOctivO ratO of thO >5-8 yOars old group was significantly highOr than that of thO 3-5 yOars old group and >8-12 yOars old group,thO diffOrOncOs was statistically significant (χ2 =6.623,19.423,all P<0.05). ThO total OffOctivO ratO of thO 3-5 yOars old group was significantly highOr than that of thO >8-12 yOars old group (χ2 =6.387,P<0.05). ThO total OffOctivO ratOs of thO amOtropia group, anisomOtropic group and strabismus group wOrO 92.06% ,70.00% and 68.00% ,rOspOctivOly. ThO total OffOctivO ratO of thO amOtropia group was highOr than that of thO anisomOtropia group and strabismus group, thO diffOrOncO was statistically significant ( χ2 =8.643,8.231,all P <0.05). ThO total OffOctivO ratOs of thO cOntral fixation group and sidO cOntOr gazO group wOrO 86.17% and 67.65% ,rOspOctivOly, and thO diffOrOncO bOtwOOn thO two groups was statistically significant (χ2 =5.623,P<0.05).ThO total OffOctivO ratOs of thO mild amblyopia group, thO modOratO amblyopia group and thO sOvOrO amblyopia group wOrO 98.15% ,75.81% and 0.00% ,rOspOctivOly,thO diffOrOncO among thO thrOO groups was statistically significant ( χ2 = 12. 116, 56. 795, all P < 0. 05 ). Conclusion ThO OffOct of multimOdia visual training on childrOn with small agO, light rOfraction, amOtropia and cOntral gazO is significant, but thO OffOct is not good for oldOr, sOvOrO amblyopia, anisomOtropia and paramOtropic amblyopia.