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Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(3): 1-13, jul.set.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572466


Introdução: A taxa de mortalidade em pacientes queimados diminuiu significativamente, tornando importante avaliar outros desfechos, como o tempo de internação, que aumenta a morbidade física e psicológica, o risco de infecção hospitalar e os custos financeiros. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a relevância de vários fatores no tempo de internação na Unidade de Queimados. Método: Foram incluídos neste estudo 711 pacientes admitidos entre 2011 e 2020 na Unidade de Queimados do Hospital de São José, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal. Os dados coletados foram analisados utilizando o PSPP para Windows. Resultados: Os pacientes eram predominantemente do sexo masculino, com idade média de 54 anos. O tempo médio de permanência hospitalar foi de 29 dias. Os fatores que prolongaram a estadia hospitalar foram relacionados à gravidade da queimadura, ao número de cirurgias e ao tempo decorrido até a primeira cirurgia, valores laboratoriais alterados tanto no perfil hematológico quanto químico durante a hospitalização, e a presença e o número de infecções documentadas. Conclusão: Existem fatores potencialmente modificáveis que infiuenciam o tempo de permanência hospitalar. Nosso estudo nos permite concluir que o tempo decorrido até a primeira intervenção cirúrgica e a presença e o número de infecções documentadas prolongam significativamente esse desfecho, e ênfase deve ser dada à implementação de medidas que favoreçam a intervenção cirúrgica precoce e o controle rigoroso de infecções.

Introduction: Burn patients' mortality rate has decreased significantly, making it important to evaluate other outcomes, such as length-of-stay, which increases physical and psychological morbidity, risk of nosocomial infection, and financial costs. The objective of this study is to analyze the relevance of several factors in the Burn Unit length-of-stay. Material and Methods: 711 patients were included in this study, admitted between 2011 and 2020 to the Burn Unit at São José Hospital, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central, Lisbon, Portugal. Collected data was analyzed using PSPP for Windows. Results: Patients included in the study were predominantly males, with a mean age of 54 years. The mean length of stay was 29 days. The factors that prolonged in-hospital stay were those related to the severity of the burn, the number of surgeries and the time elapsed until the first one, altered laboratory values in both hematologic and chemistry profile during the hospitalization, and the presence and number of documented infections. Conclusion: There are potentially modifiable factors that influence length-of-stay. Our study allows us to conclude that the time elapsed until the first surgical intervention and the presence and number of documented infections significantly prolong this outcome, and emphasis should be given to the implementation of measures that favor early surgical intervention and strict infection control.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(3): 1-6, jul.set.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572468


Introdução: Atualmente, a aplicação de triancinolona intralesional com a excisão cirúrgica é considerada o tratamento mais satisfatório para queloides, com baixa taxa de recorrência. Método: Realizado estudo de casos contemplando cirurgias reparadoras de pacientes com queloides em lóbulos de orelhas bilateralmente, operados pelo mesmo cirurgião plástico no período de julho de 2018 a janeiro de 2021 no Hospital Regional de Sobradinho em Brasília-DF. Ressecou-se parcialmente a cicatriz queloideana (intralesional), deixando margens de queloide na ferida operatória e comparou-se com a resposta após ressecção total (justalesional) de uma outra cicatriz em um mesmo paciente. Foi realizada aplicação de triancinolona no pré-operatório, com total de 4 aplicações a intervalos de 4 semanas entre cada sessão e no pós-operatório imediato, mantendo aplicação a cada 30 dias por 6 meses. Nenhum paciente havia realizado tratamentos prévios para queloides. As cicatrizes foram avaliadas no pós-operatório pelo cirurgião principal por um período de 12 meses. Resultados: Quatro de 11 pacientes tiveram algum tipo de recidiva, totalizando 36% de recidiva em nosso trabalho. A excisão total do queloide (orelha esquerda) teve mais recidivas do que o lado contralateral em que foi deixada margem de 1mm de queloide na cicatriz (orelha direita). Conclusão: No presente estudo observamos que, quando associada ao tratamento com triancinolona no pré, intra e pós-operatório, a excisão parcial do queloide apresentou menores taxas de recidiva local quando comparada à excisão total do queloide.

Introduction: Currently, the application of intralesional triamcinolone with surgical excision is considered the most satisfactory treatment for keloids, with a low recurrence rate. Method: A case study was carried out covering reconstructive surgeries for patients with bilateral earlobe keloids, operated by the same plastic surgeon from July 2018 to January 2021 at the Hospital Regional de Sobradinho in Brasília-DF. The keloid scar (intralesional) was partially resected, leaving keloid margins in the surgical wound, and compared with the response after total resection (juxtalesional) of another scar in the same patient. Triamcinolone was applied preoperatively, with a total of 4 applications at intervals of 4 weeks between each session and in the immediate postoperative period, maintaining application every 30 days for 6 months. No patient had undergone previous treatments for keloids. Scars were evaluated postoperatively by the primary surgeon over a period of 12 months. Results: Four of 11 patients had some type of recurrence, totaling 36% of recurrence in our study. Total excision of the keloid (left ear) had more recurrences than the contralateral side where a 1mm margin of keloid was left in the scar (right ear). Conclusion: In the present study, we observed that when associated with treatment with triamcinolone pre-, intra-, and postoperatively, partial excision of the keloid presented lower rates of local recurrence when compared to total excision of the keloid.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(3): 1-9, jul.set.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572494


Introdução: A obesidade pode acarretar consequências físicas, psicológicas e sociais. A cirurgia bariátrica tem o potencial de melhorar a condição biopsicossocial do paciente. No entanto, o excesso de pele após uma perda de peso rápida e significativa pode causar sofrimento psicológico. A cirurgia plástica, como o único procedimento capaz de remover o excesso de pele, tem o potencial de aperfeiçoar a autoimagem. Além disso, ela pode incentivar o controle do peso. Este estudo investigou, por meio de uma revisão de escopo, se a avaliação psicológica básica, realizada durante a triagem pelo cirurgião plástico, é capaz de identificar o sofrimento psicológico em pacientes que desejam se submeter a cirurgia plástica após a bariátrica. Método: Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico, abrangendo artigos publicados entre 2013 e 2023, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, nas Bases de dados MEDLINE, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e Embase. Resultados: Na estratégia de busca, 48 artigos atenderam os critérios de inclusão e 18 artigos foram mencionados neste estudo. Conclusão: A avaliação psicológica realizada na triagem do cirurgião plástico permite identificar o sofrimento decorrente do excesso de pele pós-cirurgia bariátrica e o sofrimento psicológico prévio. Isso facilita a decisão médica sobre encaminhar ou não o paciente para avaliação psicológica especializada. Essa abordagem amplia a compreensão do paciente sobre a relação entre corpo e mente.

Introduction: Obesity can have physical, psychological, and social consequences. Bariatric surgery has the potential to improve the patient's biopsychosocial condition. However, excess skin after rapid and significant weight loss can cause psychological distress. Plastic surgery, as the only procedure capable of removing excess skin, has the potential to improve self-image. Additionally, it can encourage weight control. This study investigated, through a scoping review, whether the basic psychological assessment, carried out during screening by the plastic surgeon, is capable of identifying psychological distress in patients who wish to undergo plastic surgery after bariatric surgery. Method: A bibliographic survey was carried out, covering articles published between 2013 and 2023, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, in the MEDLINE, Virtual Health Library (VHL), and Embase databases. Results: In the search strategy, 48 articles met the inclusion criteria, and 18 articles were mentioned in this study. Conclusion: The psychological assessment carried out during plastic surgeon screening allows the identification of suffering resulting from excess skin after bariatric surgery and previous psychological suffering. This facilitates the medical decision about whether or not to refer the patient for specialized psychological evaluation. This approach broadens the patient's understanding of the relationship between body and mind.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(3): 1-2, jul.set.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572496


Durante a 39a Jornada Sulbrasileira de Cirurgia Plástica, em abril de 2024, um debate acalorado surgiu em torno da divulgação do uso de tecnologias para cirurgia de contorno corporal nas redes sociais. Um importante questionamento foi feito: elas estão sendo divulgadas prematuramente nas redes sociais antes de serem rigorosamente avaliadas? A frase do Dr. Ian Malcolm, célebre criação de Michael Chrichton, "Vou te dizer o problema com o poder que você está usando aqui, ele não exigiu nenhuma disciplina para obtê-lo" se aplica perfeitamente a essa situação. A divulgação de técnicas em redes sociais deveria exigir a mesma disciplina rigorosa que a pesquisa científica. A ausência de protocolos de pesquisa aprovados pelo Conselho Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa e de publicações de alto nível de evidência em revistas revisadas por pares levanta preocupações. O poder de aprimorar nossos resultados com o uso dessas fontes de energia externa é real e seu uso consiste em um grande avanço dentro da cirurgia plástica. No entanto, é imperativo que os cirurgiões plásticos exerçam cautela ao promover novas tecnologias. A disciplina científica deve ser o alicerce de qualquer avanço, e a divulgação responsável deve preceder a popularização. Somente assim, poderemos garantir que os pacientes se beneficiem de tratamentos seguros e eficazes, sem comprometer a integridade da nossa especialidade.

During the 39th South Brazilian Plastic Surgery Conference, in April 2024, a heated debate arose regarding the promotion of the use of technologies for body contouring surgery on social media. An important question was raised: are they being prematurely promoted on social media before being rigorously evaluated? The quote from Dr. Ian Malcolm, a famous creation of Michael Chrichton, "I'll tell you the problem with the power you're using here, it didn't require any discipline to attain it" applies perfectly to this situation. Promoting techniques on social media should require the same rigorous discipline as scientific research. The absence of research protocols approved by the National Research Ethics Council and high-level evidence publications in peer- reviewed journals raises concerns. The power to enhance our results using these external energy sources is real, and its use represents a significant advancement within plastic surgery. However, it is imperative that plastic surgeons exercise caution when promoting new technologies. Scientific discipline should be the foundation of any advancement, and responsible disclosure should precede popularization. Only then can we ensure that patients benefit from safe and effective treatments without compromising the integrity of our specialty.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(3): 1-5, jul.set.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572470


Introdução: O estudo explora a cirurgia de contorno corporal em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias bariátricas. Nos últimos anos, esse tipo de intervenção cirúrgica ganhou destaque devido ao aumento na busca por procedimentos reparadores após significativa perda de peso. O texto enfatiza a importância da flancoplastia, técnica que visa melhorar o contorno corporal. Métodos: Foi realizada revisão da literatura para elucidação da anatomia da gordura profunda da fáscia toracolombar, e feito um paralelo com a técnica de flancoplastia utilizada em nosso serviço em pacientes pós-bariátricos submetidos a abdominoplastia 360° ou 270° no Hospital Daher Lago Sul, em Brasília- DF. Resultados: A lipoaspiração profunda dos flancos, muitas vezes necessária em cirurgias de contorno corporal, pode não ser suficiente para retirar a gordura profunda à fáscia toracolombar e durante esse procedimento observa-se risco aumentado de lesões retroperitoneais. No entanto, a flancoplastia, que envolve a ressecção da gordura profunda à fáscia toracolombar, demonstrou proporcionar resultados satisfatórios e minimizar esses riscos. Conclusão: O estudo enfoca a importância do conhecimento anatômico preciso, destacando a relevância da flancoplastia como uma técnica valiosa para melhorar os resultados estéticos e reduzir complicações em pacientes pós-bariátricos, complementando a cirurgia bariátrica e melhorando a qualidade de vida do paciente.

Introduction: The study explores body contouring surgery in patients undergoing bariatric surgery. In recent years, this type of surgical intervention has gained prominence due to the increase in the search for reparative procedures after significant weight loss. The text emphasizes the importance of flankplasty, a technique that aims to improve body contour. Methods: A literature review was carried out to elucidate the anatomy of the deep fat of the thoracolumbar fascia, and a parallel was made with the flankplasty technique used in our service in post-bariatric patients undergoing 360° or 270° abdominoplasty at Daher Lago Sul Hospital, in Brasília-DF. Results: Deep liposuction of the flanks, often necessary in body contouring surgeries, may not be sufficient to remove fat deep into the thoracolumbar fascia and during this procedure, there is an increased risk of retroperitoneal injuries. However, flankplasty, which involves resection of fat deep into the thoracolumbar fascia, has been shown to provide satisfactory results and minimize these risks. Conclusion: The study focuses on the importance of precise anatomical knowledge, highlighting the relevance of flankplasty as a valuable technique to improve aesthetic results and reduce complications in post-bariatric patients, complementing bariatric surgery and improving the patient's quality of life.

Gen Comp Endocrinol ; 357: 114599, 2024 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39128814


Knowledge on hormonal regulation of reproductive cycles in viperid snakes is still incipient, especially when it comes to females and tropical species. There is an urgent need to understand the reproduction of venomous snakes to improve assisted reproduction techniques and optimize the maintenance of these animals in captivity. With this in mind, we monitored Northern pit viper females year-round throughout different seasons via serum levels of progesterone (P4) and estradiol (E2) in conjunction with ultrasound examinations. Ovarian follicles were classified according to their size and stage of vitellogenesis in F-I and F-II (non-vitellogenic phase) or in F-III and F-IV (vitellogenic phase). During autumn and winter, five adult males were rotated among these females for reproductive pairing, which resulted in 17 copulations and 2 pregnancies in the first year and 12 copulations and 5 pregnancies in the second year. Then, we assessed changes in P4 and E2 levels according to seasons, predominant ovarian structures and the presence of embryos or eggs in the oviduct. Our findings showed high levels of E2 when a greater number of vitellogenic follicles were detected, indicating a possible influence of E2 on vitellogenesis and higher levels of P4 whenever eggs and embryos were visualized in the oviduct, implying its role in maintaining pregnancy. Descriptive analysis of the vipers' ovarian cycles revealed a greater number of vitellogenic follicles during winter, probably as a result of increases in E2; whereas pregnancies occurred predominantly in spring, under the influence of P4. The use of ultrasound images, as a minimally invasive methodology, associated with serum steroid levels has proven to be an efficient approach in the reproductive monitoring of Northern pit vipers in vivo. In addition, these data suggest that female pit vipers under human care display a seasonal reproductive cycle, despite earlier studies involving captive males of the species indicating a lack of seasonality in sperm production and quality.

Estradiol , Progesterona , Ultrasonografía , Animales , Femenino , Progesterona/sangre , Estradiol/sangre , Estaciones del Año , Masculino , Bothrops , Ovario/diagnóstico por imagen , Ovario/metabolismo , Folículo Ovárico/diagnóstico por imagen , Folículo Ovárico/metabolismo , Genitales Femeninos/diagnóstico por imagen , Bothrops atrox
Res Pract Thromb Haemost ; 8(5): 102478, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39114263


•Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) may relapse after surgery.•In a systematic review, we assessed preoperative TTP prophylaxis.•Pre-emptive ADAMTS-13 activity measurement prior to surgery may improve relapse risk.•Preoperative TTP prophylaxis may lower surgical relapse risk.

J Surg Oncol ; 2024 Aug 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39138935


Pectoralis major muscle flaps are considered versatile and allow large reconstructions of anatomical defects within a single surgical procedure. Considered a "workhorse" due to these characteristics, the pectoralis major muscle is an excellent option for surgical reconstruction. Several uses of this flap are described in the literature, such as protection of the jugulocarotid system after cervical lymph node dissection, oral, cervical, breast, diaphragmatic, hypopharyngeal, pharyngeal, laryngeal, and esophageal reconstructions.

Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 2024 Aug 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39103642


INTRODUCTION: As part of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we present an analysis of our global aesthetic statistics, fulfilling the role of a worldwide organization of plastic surgeons with a clear mission to disseminate aesthetic education worldwide, promote patient safety, protect high ethical standards, and communicate. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of the ISAPS Global Aesthetic Statistics was conducted annually from 2010 to 2023. The design and analysis of each survey was carefully developed and validated by Industry Insights, Inc. prior to distribution. Participants were recruited using an anonymous online questionnaire that focused primarily on the number of surgical and nonsurgical procedures performed in the previous year, as well as questions related to surgeon demographics and the prevalence of medical tourism. ISAPS invited all physicians in their data base who were board-certified plastic surgeons or equivalent and suggested National Societies to encourage their members to participate. RESULTS: The latest survey reported a global increase in 3.4%, including 34.9 million surgical and nonsurgical aesthetic procedures performed by plastic surgeons in 2023. More than 15.8 million surgical procedures and more than 19.1 million nonsurgical procedures were performed worldwide. During the past decade, a steady increase in aesthetic procedures has been observed, which has been more pronounced since 2021. In the last 4 years, the overall increase in procedures was 40%. SURGICAL PROCEDURES: The top five surgical procedures were liposuction, breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, abdominoplasty, and rhinoplasty. This trend has been stable for 14 years, with the exception of 2022, when breast lift surgery temporarily replaced rhinoplasty. FACE AND HEAD PROCEDURES: These procedures continue to be the most popular. This group included brow lift, ear surgery, eyelid surgery, facelift, facial bone contouring, facial fat grafting, lip augmentation or frontal surgery, neck lift, and rhinoplasty. BODY AND EXTREMITIES PROCEDURES: This group included abdominoplasty, buttock augmentation, buttock lift, liposuction, lower body lift, thigh lift, arm lift, upper body lift, labiaplasty, and vaginal rejuvenation. Over the past 14 years, body and extremity procedures have increased, with more than 5.1 million procedures in 2023 compared to 2.6 million in 2009. NONSURGICAL PROCEDURES: The five most popular nonsurgical procedures are botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid, hair removal, chemical peels, and nonsurgical fat reduction. In 2022, chemical peels will replace nonsurgical skin tightening in the top five. MALE AESTHETIC SURGERY: Procedures performed on men continue to grow, with minimally invasive procedures dominating. The most recent survey reported that they represented 14.5% of the total. The top five surgical procedures were eyelid surgery, gynecomastia, liposuction, rhinoplasty, and facial fat grafting. The most popular nonsurgical procedures for men were botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid, hair removal, nonsurgical skin tightening, and nonsurgical fat reduction. This trend has held steady for more than a decade. DISCUSSION: This study analyzes the most recent data and experience of board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeons in surgical and nonsurgical procedures worldwide over 14 years and provides insight into future trends. More than 60 years have passed since the introduction of liposuction, being one of the most performed aesthetic procedures worldwide over the past 14 years and currently number one procedure performed by plastic surgeons. New trends and technologies have evolved over the years, however, plastic surgeons must be cautious, as history has shown that risks increase when new technologies are introduced. With the popularity of liposuction, other body contouring procedures began to gain interest, and in 2015, gluteal lipoinjections were added to the ISAPS global aesthetic statistics and with them complications arise. In 2018 and 2019, the major patient safety societies, ISAPS, ASERF, ASPS, and ASAPS, began a systematic educational campaign to inform their members about the inherent risks of performing gluteal fat transfer surgery and what techniques or equipment can be used to minimize risks. Another procedure added to the ISAPS statistics in 2010 was vaginal aesthetic surgery. With the new trend of vaginal aesthetics, many believed that they were just changing the appearance of the area, but today it is clear that they are here for much more, to truly empower women with their sexuality. Breast augmentation showed a decline for the first-time last year. However, breast augmentation and liposuction have been the most performed procedures by plastic surgeons worldwide for more than a decade. On the other hand, implant removal has been the fastest growing procedure since 2015, with an overall increase in 46.3% over the past 5 years. In relation to male aesthetic surgery, the number of men undergoing aesthetic procedures has remained stable in recent years at around 14%. Male aesthetics is certainly a growing trend, and our practices should be more inclusive. Another prominent field is regenerative medicine. In relation to plastic surgery, regenerative surgery strategies often involve adipose tissue with stem cells and preadipocytes, alone or in combination with scaffolds. In terms of prevention, regenerative medicine aims to improve the quality of the skin by improving our outcomes and would make it possible to avoid the need for facelifts in the future. Finally, given the increasing popularity of medical procedures abroad ("medical tourism") and the fact that safety regulations and guidelines vary widely from place to place, we encourage patients to choose a board-certified, specialized, trained and experienced plastic surgeon for their procedure and an accredited surgical facility to ensure the procedure in done under the highest patient safety standards. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the obvious cultural and social differences from country to country that make certain procedures more desirable in some geographic areas and less so in other parts of the world, the results of this study show a significant overall increase in all surgical and nonsurgical procedures aimed at improving the aesthetic appearance of the body during14 years. As plastic surgeons, we are open to new possibilities in aesthetic procedures and are responsible for patient safety protocols and procedures. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE III: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

Int Braz J Urol ; 50(6): 727-736, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39133792


INTRODUCTION: We aim to compare the safety and effectiveness of the KangDuo (KD)-Surgical Robot-01 (KD-SR-01) system and the da Vinci (DV) system for robot-assisted radical nephroureterectomy (RARNU). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This multicenter prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted between March 2022 and September 2023. Group 1 included 29 patients undergoing KD-RARNU. Group 2 included 29 patients undergoing DV-RARNU. Patient demographic and clinical characteristics, perioperative data, and follow-up outcomes were collected prospectively and compared between the two groups. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in patient baseline demographic and preoperative characteristics between the two groups. The success rates in both groups were 100% without conversion to open or laparoscopic surgery or positive surgical margins. No significant difference was observed in docking time [242 (120-951) s vs 253 (62-498) s, P = 0.780], console time [137 (55-290) min vs 105 (62-220) min, P = 0.114], operative time [207 (121-460) min vs 185 (96-305) min, P = 0.091], EBL [50 (10-600) mL vs 50 (10-700) mL, P = 0.507], National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index scores, and postoperative serum creatinine levels between the two groups. None of the patients showed evidence of distant metastasis, local recurrence, or equipment-related adverse events during the four-week follow-up. One (3.4%) patient in Group 2 experienced postoperative enterovaginal and enterovesical fistulas (Clavien-Dindo grade III). CONCLUSIONS: The KD-SR-01 system is safe and effective for RARNU compared to the DV Si or Xi system. Further randomized controlled studies with larger sample sizes and longer durations are required.

Nefroureterectomía , Tempo Operativo , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Robotizados , Humanos , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Robotizados/métodos , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Robotizados/instrumentación , Femenino , Masculino , Estudios Prospectivos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Nefroureterectomía/métodos , Anciano , Resultado del Tratamiento , Neoplasias Renales/cirugía , Tiempo de Internación , Laparoscopía/métodos , Laparoscopía/instrumentación , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Complicaciones Posoperatorias
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(8): e20240012, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568811


Resumo Fundamento Análises em grandes registros apontam desfechos desfavoráveis para mulheres submetidas à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM), enquanto estudos randomizados sofrem com a falta de representatividade. Objetivo Comparar os resultados hospitalares ajustados entre homens e mulheres submetidos à CRM. Métodos Entre julho de 2017 e junho de 2019, 3991 pacientes foram submetidos à CRM primária isolada, tanto de forma eletiva como de urgência, em 5 hospitais de estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Para equilibrar as diferenças entre homens e mulheres, as populações foram ajustadas utilizando o Propensity Score Matching. Os desfechos considerados para análise foram os utilizados pelo STS Adult Database. As análises foram conduzidas no software R, considerando significância valores de p < 0,05. Resultados Após o Propensity Score Matching (1:1), cada grupo incluiu 1089 pacientes. Em relação às variáveis intraoperatórias os homens apresentaram maior tempo de CEC (p<0,001), tempo cirúrgico (p<0,001), número de anastomoses distais (p<0,001) e uso de enxertos arteriais. Em relação aos desfechos as mulheres apresentaram maior incidência de infecção de ferida profunda (p=0,006), tempo prolongado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (p=0,002), maior necessidade do uso de balão intraórtico (p=0,04), maior taxa de transfusão sanguínea (p<0,001), maior readmissão hospitalar em até 30 dias após a cirurgia (p=0,002) e maior taxa de óbitos (p=0,03). Conclusões Apesar dos homens terem apresentado um maior tempo de CEC, maior número de enxertos arteriais e maior número de anastomoses distais, os resultados imediatos após CRM foram piores em mulheres.

Abstract Background Analyses of extensive registries indicate adverse outcomes for women undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery, while randomized studies often lack representativeness. Objective To compare adjusted hospital outcomes between men and women undergoing CABG. Methods From July 2017 to June 2019, 3991 patients underwent primary isolated CABG, both electively and urgently, in 5 hospitals in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. To mitigate demographic differences between men and women, populations were adjusted using propensity score matching (PSM). The outcomes considered for analysis were those used by the STS Adult Database. The analyses were performed using R software, with a significance set at p<0.05. Results After PSM (1:1), each group included 1089 patients. Regarding intraoperative variables, men exhibited longer cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time (p<0.001), surgical time (p<0.001), a higher number of distal anastomoses (p<0.001), and increased use of arterial grafts. Regarding outcomes, women had a higher incidence of deep sternal wound infection (p=0.006), prolonged Intensive Care Unit stay (p=0.002), increased need for an intra-aortic balloon pump (p=0.04), higher blood transfusion rates (p<0.001), higher 30-day hospital readmission rates after surgery (p=0.002) and higher mortality rate (p=0.03). Conclusions Although men had longer CPB times, a greater number of arterial grafts, and a greater number of distal anastomoses, immediate results after CABG were poorer in women.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(4): 398-414, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569218


ABSTRACT Background and Objective Salvage robot assisted radical prostatectomy (sRARP) is performed for patients with biochemical or biopsy proven, localized prostate cancer recurrences after radiation or ablative therapies. Traditionally, sRARP has been avoided by lower volume surgeons due to technical demand and high complication rates. Post-radiation sRARP outcomes studies exist but remain few in number. With increasing use of whole gland and focal ablative therapies, updates on sRARP in this setting are needed. The aim of this narrative review is to provide an overview of recently reviewed studies on the oncologic outcomes, functional outcomes, and complications after post-radiation and post-ablative sRARP. Tips and tricks are provided to guide surgeons who may perform sRARP. Materials and Methods We performed a non-systematic literature search of PubMed and MEDLINE for the most relevant articles pertaining to the outlined topics from 2010-2022 without limitation on study design. Only case reports, editorial comments, letters, and manuscripts in non-English languages were excluded. Key Content and Findings Salvage robotic radical prostatectomy is performed in cases of biochemical recurrence after radiation or ablative therapies. Oncologic outcomes after sRARP are worse compared to primary surgery (pRARP) though improvements have been made with the robotic approach when compared to open salvage prostatectomy. Higher pre-sRARP PSA levels and more advanced pathologic stage portend worse oncologic outcomes. Patients meeting low-risk, EAU-biochemical recurrence criteria have improved oncologic outcomes compared to those with high-risk BCR. While complication rates in sRARP are higher compared to pRARP, Retzius sparing approaches may reduce complication rates, particularly rectal injuries. In comparison to the traditional open approach, sRARP is associated with a lower rate of bladder neck contracture. In terms of functional outcomes, potency rates after sRARP are poor and continence rates are low, though Retzius sparing approaches demonstrate acceptable recovery of urinary continence by 1 year, post-operatively. Conclusions Advances in the robotic platform and improvement in robotic experience have resulted in acceptable complication rates after sRARP. However, oncologic and functional outcomes after sRARP in both the post-radiation and post-ablation settings are worse compared to pRARP. Thus, when engaging in shared decision making with patients regarding the initial management of localized prostate cancer, patients should be educated regarding oncologic and functional outcomes and complications in the case of biochemically recurrent prostate cancer that may require sRARP.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(4): 489-499, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569225


ABSTRACT Background Robotic-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) with intracorporeal urinary diversion (ICUD) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We present an alternative technique that preserves the complete mesenteric vascularization during the isolation of the intestinal segment used in ICUD, including distal vessels. This approach aims to minimize the risk of ischemia in both the ileal anastomosis and the isolated loop at the diversion site. Methods This cohort study included 31 patients, both male and female, who underwent RARC with ICUD from February 2018 to November 2023, performed by a single surgeon. Intraoperative and postoperative complications data were retrieved for analysis, employing our proposed mesentery-sparing technique in all cases. The primary endpoint was the incidence of intraoperative and postoperative complications directly attributable to the mesentery-sparing approach in ICUD. Secondary endpoints included other postoperative variables not directly related to mesentery preservation, such as the incidence of postoperative ileus requiring parenteral nutrition and the duration of hospitalization. Results None of the patients experienced intraoperative or postoperative complications directly related to mesentery-sparing, such as intestinal fistulae or internal hernias. The median duration of hospitalization was 6 days, and postoperative ileus necessitating total parenteral nutrition occurred in 19% of the patients. Minor complications (Clavien-Dindo grades I-II) accounted for 27.6% of the cases and major complications (grades III-V) accounted for 20.6%. Conclusion The mesentery-sparing technique outlined herein offers an alternative method for preserving the vascularization of intestinal segments and reducing the risk of intestinal complications in ICUD during RARC.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(4): 450-458, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569228


ABSTRACT Purpose We assessed the prognostic impact of the 2012 Briganti nomogram on prostate cancer (PCa) progression in intermediate-risk (IR) patients presenting with PSA <10ng/mL, ISUP grade group 3, and clinical stage up to cT2b treated with robot assisted radical prostatectomy eventually associated with extended pelvic lymph node dissection. Materials and Methods From January 2013 to December 2021, data of surgically treated IR PCa patients were retrospectively evaluated. Only patients presenting with the above-mentioned features were considered. The 2012 Briganti nomogram was assessed either as a continuous and a categorical variable (up to the median, which was detected as 6%, vs. above the median). The association with PCa progression, defined as biochemical recurrence, and/or metastatic progression, was evaluated by Cox proportional hazard regression models. Results Overall, 147 patients were included. Compared to subjects with a nomogram score up to 6%, those presenting with a score above 6% were more likely to be younger, had larger/palpable tumors, presented with higher PSA, underwent tumor upgrading, harbored non-organ confined disease, and had positive surgical margins at final pathology. PCa progression, which occurred in 32 (21.7%) cases, was independently predicted by the 2012 Briganti nomogram both considered as a continuous (Hazard Ratio [HR]:1.04, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]:1.01-1.08;p=0.021), and a categorical variable (HR:2.32; 95%CI:1.11-4.87;p=0.026), even after adjustment for tumor upgrading. Conclusions In IR PCa patients with PSA <10ng/mL, ISUP grade group 3, and clinical stage up to cT2b, the 2012 Briganti nomogram independently predicts PCa progression. In this challenging subset of patients, this tool can identify prognostic subgroups, independently by upgrading issues.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(2): 35080, 29 ago. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1570459


Introdução:Na odontologia moderna, a estética vem ocupando um espaço cada vez mais expressivo, e o desejo por dentes mais brancos, a insatisfação com o alinhamento dos dentes e com a anatomia dentária, têm sido os motivos mais relevantes de procura dos pacientes nos consultórios odontológicos.Objetivo:O presente artigo tem como objetivo descrever, através de relato de caso clínico, uma abordagem terapêutica estética e conservadora para fechamento de múltiplos diastemas anterossuperiores com a utilização de facetas de resina composta.Relato de caso:Paciente do sexo masculino, 21 anos de idade, procurou atendimento queixando-se de insatisfação estética pelos diastemas apresentados. Por meio de um planejamento digital das facetas em resina, com mockup e modelo impresso em 3D, as restaurações foram feitas respeitando anatomia, forma, opacidade e cores dos dentes naturais do paciente. O resultado dos procedimentos adotados foi satisfatório, demonstrando que a técnica empregada foi eficaz, sendo capaz de devolver um sorriso estético e biológico ao paciente. A odontologia contemporânea tem ofertado cada vez mais materiais com capacidade de devolver estética e função em dentes de forma minimamente invasivas, além de passar total confiabilidade em tratamentos a longo prazo, agradando o paciente desde a apresentação digital do planejamento traçado pelo cirurgião dentista com previsibilidade dos resultados, até o momento final do tratamento.Conclusões:O recontorno estético com resina composta representa uma opção funcional e de baixo custo para o tratamento de pacientes que apresentam diastemas múltiplos, principalmente em pacientes jovens pela preservação daestrutura dentária e possibilidade de reparo, sendo considerado um procedimento reversível, rápido e de baixo custo (AU).

Introduction:Aesthetics have been occupying an increasingly significant role in modern dentistry, and the desire for whiter teeth, dissatisfaction with tooth alignment, and dental anatomy concerns have been the most relevant reasons for patients seeking dental care. Objective:This article aims to describe an aesthetic and conservative therapeutic approach for closing multiple anterior upper diastemas using composite resin veneers in a clinical case report. Case report:A 21-year-old male patient sought treatment, expressing dissatisfaction with the diastemas he had. The restorations were performed using digital planning of the resin veneers with a mockup and a 3D-printed model, while respecting the patient's natural tooth anatomy, shape, opacity, and colors. The results of the adopted procedures were satisfactory, demonstrating effectiveness of the employed technique in restoring an aesthetic and biologically harmonious smile to the patient. Contemporary dentistry has been offering increasingly more materials capable of providing aesthetics and function to teeth through minimally invasive approaches. This not only ensures long-term treatment reliability, but also pleases the patient with a digital presentation of the treatment plan outlined by the dentist, predicting the results up to the final stages of the treatment. Conclusions:Aesthetic contouring using composite resin presents a functional and cost-effective option for treating patients with multiple diastemas, especially among young patients due to its preservation of dental structure, repair potential, and being considered a reversible, fast, and low-cost procedure (AU).

Introducción: En la odontología moderna, la estética viene ocupando un espacio cada vez más destacado, y las ganas de tener dientes más blancos, la insatisfacción con el alineamiento de los dientes, y la anatomía dental son las razonesmás relevantes por las cuales los pacientes acuden a las consultas odontológicas. Objetivo:El presente artículo tiene como objetivo describir, a través de un relato de caso clínico, un abordaje terapéutico estético y conservador para el cierre de múltiples diastemas anterosuperiores mediante el uso de carillas de resina compuesta. Informe de caso:Paciente del sexo masculino, 21 años de edad, buscó atendimiento quejándose de insatisfacción estética debido a los diastemas presentados. A través de una planificación digital de las carillas en resina, con un mockup y un modelo impreso en 3D, las restauraciones fueron ejecutadas, respetándose la anatomía, forma, opacidad y colores de los dientes naturales del paciente. El resultado de los procedimientos adoptados fue satisfactorio y demostró que la técnica utilizada fue eficaz, siendo capaz de restituir una sonrisa estética y funcional al paciente. La odontología contemporánea viene ofreciendo cada vez más materiales con la capacidad de devolver estética y función a los dientes de maneras mínimamente invasivas, además de brindar total confiabilidad en tratamientos a largo plazo, satisfaciendo al paciente desde la presentación digital del plan trazado por el cirujano dentista con la previsibilidad de los resultados, hasta el momento final del tratamiento. Conclusiones:El recontorneado estético con resina compuesta representa una opción funcional y de bajo costo para el tratamiento de pacientes con múltiples diastemas, especialmente en pacientes jóvenes, debido a la preservación de la estructura dental y la posibilidad de reparación. Se considera, de este modo, que se trata de un procedimiento reversible, rápido y económico (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Resinas Compuestas/química , Coronas con Frente Estético , Diastema/terapia , Estética Dental , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Mínimamente Invasivos
J Endovasc Ther ; : 15266028241266208, 2024 Jul 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39082386


PURPOSE: This report presents the endovascular strategies adopted to treat a kidney calculus venous embolism after percutaneous nephrolithotomy and the versatility of endovascular techniques to manage even the most unexpected renovascular complications after urological intervention. According to the literature available in PubMed, Cochrane, SciELO, and repositories, this is the first case to our knowledge of renal vein calculus embolism as a complication of percutaneous treatment of kidney stones. CASE REPORT: A 62-year-old woman underwent percutaneous nephrolithotomy to treat a left kidney 2.8-cm staghorn calculi. The stone cracked, leaving a residual fragment in the ureteropelvic junction. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a 0.9-mm extrarenal calculus located inside the left retroaortic renal vein. Calculus was captured using a basket catheter system through a 6F 45-cm sheath positioned in the left common femoral vein (CFV) and accessed by dissection to safely conclude the calculus extraction by venous cut down. The patient was asymptomatically discharged 48 hours after the endovascular procedure, under a rivaroxaban anticoagulation regimen, with no symptoms or renal function impairment until the 6 months of follow-up. CONCLUSION: The endovascular strategy proposed in this case was effective for calculus rescue and venous flow restoration. CLINICAL IMPACT: This case reinforces the adaptability of endovascular therapy in an unexpected scenario. A potentially life-threatening extremely rare adverse event following a common urological procedure could be treated with minimally invasive hybrid treatment, preserving renal function and maintaining venous vascular patency. This report may add a discussion of procedures to manage similar events and bring to the literature a possible strategy to solve the problem.

Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) ; 59(Suppl 1): e49-e51, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39027186


Fungal osteomyelitis, especially associated with septic arthritis, is uncommon in Brazil; therefore, sometimes it is difficult to diagnose and treat it. We report the case of a young patient, with no immunosuppressive risk factor, with osteomyelitis leading to septic arthritis of the hip. The diagnosis was performed after surgical drainage and visualization of Cryptococcus neoformans at pathological anatomy. Antifungal treatment resulted in complete remission of the symptoms. Since there is no consensus on the treatment of fungal osteomyelitis, this case report aims to inform orthopedists about the importance of hip arthritis differential diagnosis and the good evolution of clinical treatment after drainage and pathogen isolation.

Braz J Cardiovasc Surg ; 39(4): e20230136, 2024 Jul 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39038070


INTRODUCTION: A year ago, in a sample of 113 patients, our research group found that a high number of lymphocytes in the immediate postoperative period was correlated to a poor prognosis in cardiovascular surgeries. This study is an expansion of the initial study in order to confirm this finding. METHODS: We analyzed the data of 338 consecutive patients submitted to cardiovascular surgeries with cardiopulmonary bypass performed at Hospital Universitário Ciências Médicas (Belo Horizonte/Brazil) from 2015 to 2017. We analyzed 39 variables with the outcomes death, hospital stay, and intensive care unit stay. RESULTS: The value of lymphocytes in the immediate postoperative period > 2175.0/mm³ was an indicator of poor prognosis in this sample (P<0.001). The variables female sex, age, high level of European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation II, increased stay in the intensive care unit and in the ward, elevation of creatinine in the preoperative period and at intensive care unit discharge, elevation of the percentage of immediate postoperative period segmented neutrophils, high immediate postoperative period neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, fasting hyperglycemia, preoperative critical condition, reintubation, mild or transient acute renal failure, surgical infection, cardiopulmonary bypass, and aortic cross-clamping and mechanical ventilation durations also had an impact on the mortality outcome. CONCLUSION: The value of lymphocytes in the immediate postoperative period > 2175.0/mm3 was an indicator of poor prognosis in cardiovascular surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.

Puente Cardiopulmonar , Tiempo de Internación , Humanos , Puente Cardiopulmonar/mortalidad , Puente Cardiopulmonar/efectos adversos , Femenino , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Recuento de Linfocitos , Pronóstico , Linfocitos , Periodo Posoperatorio , Factores de Riesgo , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Cardiovasculares/mortalidad , Estudios Retrospectivos , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/mortalidad , Adulto , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos/estadística & datos numéricos
Braz J Cardiovasc Surg ; 39(4): e20230236, 2024 Jul 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39038115


INTRODUCTION: Perfusion safety in cardiac surgery is vital, and this survey explores perfusion practices, perspectives, and challenges related to it. Specifically, it examines the readiness of on-call and emergency operation rooms for perfusion-related procedures during urgent situations. The aim is to identify gaps and enhance perfusion safety protocols, ultimately improving patient care. METHODS: This was a preliminary survey conducted as an initial exploration before committing to a comprehensive study. The sample size was primarily determined based on a one-month time frame. The survey collected data from 236 healthcare professionals, including cardiac surgeons, perfusionists, and anesthetists, using an online platform. Ethical considerations ensured participant anonymity and voluntary participation. The survey comprised multiple-choice and open-ended questions to gather quantitative and qualitative data. RESULTS: The survey found that 53% preferred a dry circuit ready for emergencies, 19.9% preferred primed circuits, and 19.1% chose not to have a ready pump at all. Various reasons influenced these choices, including caseload variations, response times, historical practices, surgeon preferences, and backup perfusionist availability. Infection risk, concerns about error, and team dynamics were additional factors affecting circuit readiness. CONCLUSION: This survey sheds light on current perfusion practices and challenges, emphasizing the importance of standardized protocols in regards to readiness of on-call and emergency operation rooms. It provides valuable insights for advancing perfusion safety and patient care while contributing to the existing literature on the subject.

Quirófanos , Humanos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Perfusión/métodos , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Cardíacos , Seguridad del Paciente , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital/organización & administración