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J Anim Ecol ; 93(5): 606-618, 2024 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38414265


Human-induced species declines and extinctions have led to the downsizing of large-herbivore assemblages, with implications for many ecosystem processes. Active reintroduction of extirpated large herbivores or their functional equivalents may help to reverse this trend and restore diverse ecosystems and their processes. However, it is unclear whether resource competition between native and non-native herbivores could threaten restoration initiatives, or to what extent (re)introduced species may influence local vegetation dynamics. To answer these questions, we investigated the diets of a novel South American herbivore assemblage that includes resident native species, reintroduced native species and introduced non-native species. We examined plant composition, diet breadth and the overlap between species to describe the local herbivory profile and the potential for resource competition. Using DNA metabarcoding on faecal samples (n = 465), we analysed the diets of the herbivore assemblage in the Rincón del Socorro rewilding area of Iberá National Park, Argentina. We compared the species richness of faecal samples, the occurrence of plant families/growth forms and the compositional similarity of samples (inter- and intraspecifically). Our results indicate species-level taxonomic partitioning of plant resources by herbivores in this system. Differences in sample richness, composition and diet breadth reflected a diverse range of herbivory strategies, from grazers (capybara) to mixed feeders/browsers (brocket deer, lowland tapir). Differences in diet compositional similarity (Jaccard) revealed strong taxonomic resource partitioning. The two herbivores with the most similar diets (Pampas deer and brocket deer) still differed by more than 80%. Furthermore, all but one species (axis deer) had more similar diet composition intraspecifically than compared to the others. Overall, we found little evidence for resource competition between herbivore species. Instead, recently reintroduced native species and historically introduced non-natives are likely expanding the range of herbivory dynamics in the ecosystem. Further research will be needed to determine the full ecological impacts of these (re)introduced herbivores. In conclusion, we show clear differences in diet breadth and composition among native, reintroduced and non-native herbivore species that may be key to promoting resource partitioning, species coexistence and the restoration of ecological function.

La disminución y extinción de especies ocasionada por el hombre ha llevado a la reducción de tamaño de las comunidades de grandes herbívoros, con implicaciones para muchos procesos ecosistémicos. La reintroducción activa de grandes herbívoros extirpados, o sus equivalentes funcionales, puede ayudar a revertir esta tendencia y restaurar diversos ecosistemas y sus procesos. Sin embargo, no está claro si la competencia por recursos entre herbívoros nativos y no nativos podría amenazar las iniciativas de restauración, o en qué medida las especies (re)introducidas pueden influir la dinámica de la vegetación local. Para responder a estas preguntas, investigamos las dietas de una comunidad de herbívoros sudamericanos que incluye especies nativas, especies nativas reintroducidas y especies no nativas introducidas. Examinamos la composición de plantas, la amplitud de la dieta y la superposición entre especies para describir el perfil herbívoro local y el potencial de competencia por los recursos. Utilizando metabarcoding de ADN en muestras fecales (n = 465), analizamos las dietas de la comunidad de herbívoros en el sitio de rewilding Rincón del Socorro dentro del Parque Nacional Iberá, Argentina. Comparamos la riqueza de especies en las muestras fecales, la ocurrencia de familias de plantas/formas de crecimiento y la similitud en la composición de las muestras (interespecíficamente e intraespecíficamente). Nuestros resultados indican la partición taxonómica a nivel de especie de los recursos vegetales por parte de los herbívoros en este sistema. Las diferencias en la riqueza de las muestras, la composición y la amplitud de las dietas reflejaron una amplia gama de estrategias de herbivoría, desde pastoreadores (capibara) hasta herbívoros mixtos/ramoneadores (corzuela, tapir amazónico). Las diferencias en la similitud de la composición de la dieta (Jaccard) revelaron una fuerte partición taxonómica de los recursos. Los dos herbívoros con las dietas más similares (venado de las pampas y corzuela), aún así diferían en más del 80%. Además, todas las especies menos una (ciervo axis) tenían una composición dietética más similar intraespecíficamente que en comparación con las demás. En general, encontramos poca evidencia de competencia por recursos entre las especies de herbívoros. En cambio, las especies nativas reintroducidas recientemente y las no nativas introducidas históricamente probablemente estén ampliando el rango de dinámica de herbivoría en el ecosistema. Se necesitarán más investigaciones para determinar todos los impactos ecológicos de estos herbívoros (re)introducidos. En conclusión, mostramos diferencias claras en la amplitud y composición de la dieta entre especies de herbívoros nativas, reintroducidas y no nativas que pueden ser clave para promover la partición de recursos, la coexistencia de especies y la restauración de las funciones ecológicas.

Dieta , Heces , Herbivoria , Especies Introducidas , Animales , Argentina , Dieta/veterinaria , Plantas
Ecol Evol ; 13(11): e10781, 2023 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38034340


Water availability significantly influences bird and mammal ecology in terrestrial ecosystems. However, our understanding of the role of water as a limiting resource for birds and mammals remains partial because most of the studies have focused on surface water bodies in desert and semi-desert ecosystems. This study assessed the use of two types of surface water bodies (waterholes and epikarst rock pools) and one arboreal (water-filled tree holes) by birds and mammals in the seasonally dry tropical forests of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in southern Mexico. We deployed camera traps in 23 waterholes, 22 rock pools, and 19 water-filled tree holes in this karstic region to record visits by small, medium, and large-bodied birds and mammals during the dry and rainy seasons. These cameras were set up for recording videos documenting when animals were making use of water for drinking, bathing, or both. We compared the species diversity and composition of bird and mammal assemblages using the different types of water bodies by calculating Hill numbers and conducting nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), indicator species, and contingency table analyses. There was a greater species richness of birds and mammals using surface water bodies than tree holes during both seasons. There were significant differences in species composition among bird assemblages using the different water bodies, but dominant species and diversity remained the same. Terrestrial and larger mammalian species preferentially used surface water bodies, whereas arboreal and scansorial small and medium mammals were more common in arboreal water bodies. These findings suggest that differences in water body characteristics might favor segregation in mammal activity. The different water bodies may act as alternative water sources for birds and complementary sources for mammals, potentially favoring species coexistence and increasing community resilience to environmental variation (e.g., fluctuations in water availability). Understanding how differences in water bodies favor species coexistence and community resilience is of great relevance from a basic ecological perspective but is also crucial for anticipating the effects that the increased demand for water by humans and climate change can have on wildlife viability.

PeerJ ; 11: e16117, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37753172


The competitive exclusion principle establishes that the coexistence of closely related species requires a certain degree of resource partitioning. However, populations have individuals with different morphological or behavioral traits (e.g., maturity stages, sexes, temporal or spatial segregation). This interaction often results in a multi-level differentiation in food preferences and habits. We explored such resource partitioning between and within three batoid species: Hypanus dipterurus, Narcine entemedor, and Rhinoptera steindachneri in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico, using a combination of stomach content (excluding R. steindachneri) and stable isotope analyses. We found a clear differentiation between H. dipterurus and N. entemedor, where the latter exhibited more benthic habitats, supported by a greater association to infaunal prey and higher δ13C values. Though the degree and patterns of intra-specific segregation varied among species, there was a notable differentiation in both sex and stage of maturity, corresponding to changes in specialization (i.e., isotopic niche breadth) or trophic spectrum (varying prey importance and isotopic values per group). This work is a promising step towards understanding the dietary niche dynamics of these species in a potentially important feeding area within the southern Gulf of California, as well as the biological and ecological mechanisms that facilitate their coexistence.

Geraniaceae , Evaluación Nutricional , Humanos , California , Estado Nutricional , Preferencias Alimentarias
Exp Appl Acarol ; 89(3-4): 417-432, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37071227


Prosopis laevigata (mesquite; Fabaceae) forms fertility islands in soils of semi-arid lands where microbial diversity concentrates in response to the accumulation of resources in the soil beneath individual plants, promoting organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling. This phenomenon provides suitable conditions for the proliferation of key edaphic elements such as fungi and mites. Mite-fungal interactions are central for our understanding of nutrient cycling processes in resource-limited arid food webs; yet, no information is available about fertility islands in semi-arid lands. Thus, we aimed to determine in vitro fungal-based feeding preferences and molecular gut content of the oribatid mite species Zygoribatula cf. floridana and Scheloribates cf. laevigatus, which are abundant under the canopy of P. laevigata in an intertropical semi-arid zone in Central Mexico. Our results on the gut content analysis of these oribatid species resulted in the ITS-based identification of the following fungi: Aspergillus homomorphus, Beauveria bassiana, Filobasidium sp., Mortierella sp., Roussoella sp., Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Sclerotiniaceae sp. and Triparticalcar sp. Furthermore, under laboratory conditions both oribatid mite species exhibited feeding preferences on melanized fungi, such as Cladosporium spp., whereas A. homomorphus and Fusarium penzigi were avoided. Our findings indicated that the analyzed oribatid mite species have similar feeding preferences for melanized fungi, which might suggest resource partitioning and a degree of preference, explaining the coexistence of both oribatid species.

Fabaceae , Ácaros , Prosopis , Animales , Cadena Alimentaria , Fertilidad , Suelo
Integr Zool ; 18(1): 129-142, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35278278


Understanding of resource requirements of vulnerable species is key for conservation planning. Here, we used stable carbon (δ13 C) and nitrogen isotopes (δ15 N) of hair from giant armadillos (Priodontes maximus) to understand individual resource use. We collected hair from 19 giant armadillos analyzing 34 samples from the Brazilian Pantanal and compared the resource use between sexes and age classes. We also assessed the relationship of isotopic values with individuals' body mass and the habitat type used. We observed a wide variation in resource use by giant armadillos, showing that individuals consume prey that feeds on distinct resources and occupies different habitat types, indicating that there is individual variation in foraging behavior. Most giant armadillos presented a mixed diet (C3 /C4 resources, forests/open areas), but a quarter of individuals had strictly C4 diets (open areas). Males are more prone to forage on C4 resources, presenting an isotopic niche 2.6-times larger than that of females. Subadults presented diets more associated with habitats with high arboreal cover (C3 resources, forests), while adults foraged more in open areas (C4 resources). This result is mirrored by the positive relationship between δ13 C values and body mass, suggesting that larger giant armadillos tend to feed more in open areas. We observed that δ13 C values decreased as individuals increased the use of habitats with high arboreal cover. We stress the importance of conserving the natural mosaic in the Pantanal landscape for the species persistence, given that giant armadillos require all habitat types to fulfill their dietary, spatial, and developmental needs.

Armadillos , Ecosistema , Femenino , Masculino , Animales , Isótopos de Carbono/análisis , Bosques , Dieta , Cabello/química , Isótopos de Nitrógeno/análisis
J Anim Ecol ; 91(11): 2158-2162, 2022 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36325629


Research Highlight: Maglianesi, M. A., Maruyama, P. K., Temeles, E. J., Schleuning, M., Zanata, T. B., Sazima, M., Gutiérrez-Zamora, A., Marín-Gómez, O. H., Rosero-Lasprilla, L., Ramírez-Burbano, M. B., Ruffini, A. E., Salamanca-Reyes, J. R., Sazima, I., Nuñez-Rosas, L. E., Arizmendi, M. C., Rahbek, C., & Dalsgaard, B. (2022). Behavioural and morphological traits influence sex-specific floral resource use by hummingbirds across the Americas. Journal of Animal Ecology, 00: 00-00. In their paper on intersexual differences in niche breadth and niche overlap in floral resource use in hummingbird communities, Maglianesi et al. compiled data of plant-hummingbird interactions based on pollen loads, and territoriality and morphological traits for 31 hummingbird species, and investigated whether patterns of resource use by females and males were related to sexual dimorphism and foraging behaviour. While accounting for evolutionary relatedness among species, the authors found a high level of resource partitioning between sexes (broader and more dissimilar floral niche breadth in females) and the sex-specific resource use by hummingbird species was related to territoriality and morphological traits; niche overlap between sexes was greater for territorial than non-territorial species, and lower for species with greater sexual dimorphism in bill curvature. This paper addresses two very timely issues, on the one hand on resource partitioning by sex to reduce intersexual competition in hummingbirds, and on the other hand highlight the much needed information on foraging ecology of female hummingbirds for better understanding of intersexual variation in shaping coexistence and species diversity in hummingbird communities and the interactions between plants and their hummingbird pollinators.

Investigación Destacada: Maglianesi, M. A., Maruyama, P. K., Temeles, E. J., Schleuning, M., Zanata, T. B., Sazima, M., Gutiérrez-Zamora, A., Marín-Gómez, O. H., Rosero-Lasprilla, L., Ramírez-Burbano, M. B., Ruffini, A. E., Salamanca-Reyes, J. R., Sazima, I., Nuñez-Rosas, L. E., Arizmendi, M. C., Rahbek, C., & Dalsgaard, B. (2022). Behavioural and morphological traits influence sex-specific floral resource use by hummingbirds across the Americas. Journal of Animal Ecology, 00: 00-00. En su artículo sobre las diferencias intersexuales en la amplitud de nicho y la superposición de nicho en el uso de recursos florales en las comunidades de colibríes, Maglianesi et al. recopilaron datos de interacciones planta-colibrí basados en cargas de polen, y de territorialidad y rasgos morfológicos para 31 especies de colibríes, e investigaron si los patrones de uso de recursos por parte de hembras y machos estaban relacionados con el dimorfismo sexual y la conducta de forrajeo. Al tener en cuenta la relación evolutiva entre las especies, los autores encontraron un alto nivel de partición de recursos entre sexos (amplitud de nicho floral más amplio y diferente en las hembras) y el uso de recursos específico del sexo por parte de las especies de colibríes estaba relacionado con la territorialidad y los rasgos morfológicos; la superposición de nicho entre sexos fue mayor para las especies territoriales que para las no territoriales, y menor para las especies con mayor dimorfismo sexual en la curvatura del pico. Este artículo aborda dos temas muy oportunos, por un lado, la partición de recursos por sexo para reducir la competencia intersexual en los colibríes y, por otro lado, destaca la necesidad de información sobre la ecología de alimentación de las hembras de los colibríes para una mejor comprensión de la variación intersexual en la conformación de la coexistencia y diversidad de especies en las comunidades de colibríes y las interacciones entre las plantas y sus colibríes polinizadores.

Aves , Flores , Animales , Flores/anatomía & histología , Ecología , Polen , Evolución Biológica , Polinización
Neotrop Entomol ; 50(3): 358-365, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33683560


Insect-plant interactions involve physiological adaptations by insects to secondary metabolic compounds synthetized by host plants, which are considered essential for the determination of resources partitioning of these insects. Data on such phenomena are important to understand evolutionary and ecological processes. However, climatic factors also seem to play a key role in affecting these patterns. The present study aimed to investigate the influence of seasonal variation on patterns of host plant use (Passifloraceae) by Heliconiini butterflies (Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae) at a Neotropical site in Southeastern Brazil. A total of 12 species of Heliconiini were reported, with nine of them being resident and using five species of Passiflora (Passifloraceae) as larval host plants. Three host plant species accounted for 97% of the total use, and the use varied along the seasons highlighting the plasticity boundaries in Heliconiini and possible limiting factors.

Mariposas Diurnas , Conducta Alimentaria , Estaciones del Año , Animales , Brasil , Bosques , Larva , Plantas
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 111: e2021013, 2021. map, ilus, graf
Artículo en Inglés | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483419


Climatic conditions and microhabitat characteristics, such as the substrate and type of vegetation, influence the choice of male anurans for calling sites that optimize their reproductive success. We evaluated the structure and selection of vocalization microhabitat of 17 individuals of Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 and 25 of Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), in a subtropical forest in southern Brazil. We measure the height of the perch, the distance between the perch and the edge of the body of water and the structure of the microhabitat of quadrants used by individuals. The same attributes were measured in the quadrants available (but not used) by the individuals. We classified the microhabitats by visual estimate, assigning percentages of coverage for each quadrant by herbaceous, shrub, tree and wetland vegetation. We observed that both species selected their microhabitat, since the characteristics of the quadrants occupied by the individuals were different from those available. Phyllomedusa distincta was more associated with heterogeneous microhabitats, while B. leptolineata occurred in environments with greater coverage of tree strata. Additionally, we observed that both species used shrubs more frequently as a perch site. The selection of these microhabitat characteristics must be associated with strategies to optimize the use of the reproductive habitat, based on the morphological and behavioral characteristics of the species. Finally, it is possible to infer that the differences observed in the microhabitat structure selected by the species can facilitate the coexistence of both in the context of the heterogeneity of the environment.

Seleção e uso de sítios de vocalização por Boana leptolineata e Phyllomedusa distincta durante o período reprodutivoAs condições climáticas e as características de micro-habitat, como o substrato e o tipo de vegetação, influenciam a escolha de anuros machos por sítios de vocalização que otimizem seu sucesso reprodutivo. Avaliamos a estrutura e a seleção de micro-habitat de vocalização de 17 indivíduos de Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 e 25 de Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), em uma floresta subtropical no sul do Brasil. Medimos a altura do poleiro, a distância do poleiro até a margem do corpo d’água e a estrutura do micro-habitat de quadrantes utilizados pelos indivíduos. Os mesmos atributos foram mensurados nos quadrantes disponíveis (mas não utilizados) pelos indivíduos. Classificamos os micro-habitats por estimativa visual, atribuindo-se porcentagens de cobertura de cada quadrante por vegetação herbácea, arbustiva, arbórea e de área alagada. Observamos que ambas as espécies selecionaram seu micro-habitat, uma vez que as características dos quadrantes ocupados pelos indivíduos foram distintas daquelas disponíveis. Phyllomedusa distincta esteve mais associada a micro-habitats heterogêneos, enquanto B. leptolineata ocorreu em ambientes com maior cobertura de estrato arbóreo. Adicionalmente, observamos que ambas as espécies utilizaram mais frequentemente arbustos como local do poleiro. A seleção destas características de micro-habitat deve estar associada a estratégias para otimização do uso do habitat reprodutivo, baseadas em características morfológicas e comportamentais das espécies. Por fim, é possível inferir que as diferenças observadas na estrutura de micro-habitat selecionadas pelas espécies podem facilitar a coexistência de ambas no contexto da heterogeneidade do ambiente.

Animales , Anfibios/embriología , Conducta Reproductiva , Ecosistema
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483449


ABSTRACT Climatic conditions and microhabitat characteristics, such as the substrate and type of vegetation, influence the choice of male anurans for calling sites that optimize their reproductive success. We evaluated the structure and selection of vocalization microhabitat of 17 individuals of Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 and 25 of Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), in a subtropical forest in southern Brazil. We measure the height of the perch, the distance between the perch and the edge of the body of water and the structure of the microhabitat of quadrants used by individuals. The same attributes were measured in the quadrants available (but not used) by the individuals. We classified the microhabitats by visual estimate, assigning percentages of coverage for each quadrant by herbaceous, shrub, tree and wetland vegetation. We observed that both species selected their microhabitat, since the characteristics of the quadrants occupied by the individuals were different from those available. Phyllomedusa distincta was more associated with heterogeneous microhabitats, while B. leptolineata occurred in environments with greater coverage of tree strata. Additionally, we observed that both species used shrubs more frequently as a perch site. The selection of these microhabitat characteristics must be associated with strategies to optimize the use of the reproductive habitat, based on the morphological and behavioral characteristics of the species. Finally, it is possible to infer that the differences observed in the microhabitat structure selected by the species can facilitate the coexistence of both in the context of the heterogeneity of the environment.

RESUMO Seleção e uso de sítios de vocalização por Boana leptolineata e Phyllomedusa distincta durante o período reprodutivoAs condições climáticas e as características de micro-habitat, como o substrato e o tipo de vegetação, influenciam a escolha de anuros machos por sítios de vocalização que otimizem seu sucesso reprodutivo. Avaliamos a estrutura e a seleção de micro-habitat de vocalização de 17 indivíduos de Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 e 25 de Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), em uma floresta subtropical no sul do Brasil. Medimos a altura do poleiro, a distância do poleiro até a margem do corpo dágua e a estrutura do micro-habitat de quadrantes utilizados pelos indivíduos. Os mesmos atributos foram mensurados nos quadrantes disponíveis (mas não utilizados) pelos indivíduos. Classificamos os micro-habitats por estimativa visual, atribuindo-se porcentagens de cobertura de cada quadrante por vegetação herbácea, arbustiva, arbórea e de área alagada. Observamos que ambas as espécies selecionaram seu micro-habitat, uma vez que as características dos quadrantes ocupados pelos indivíduos foram distintas daquelas disponíveis. Phyllomedusa distincta esteve mais associada a micro-habitats heterogêneos, enquanto B. leptolineata ocorreu em ambientes com maior cobertura de estrato arbóreo. Adicionalmente, observamos que ambas as espécies utilizaram mais frequentemente arbustos como local do poleiro. A seleção destas características de micro-habitat deve estar associada a estratégias para otimização do uso do habitat reprodutivo, baseadas em características morfológicas e comportamentais das espécies. Por fim, é possível inferir que as diferenças observadas na estrutura de micro-habitat selecionadas pelas espécies podem facilitar a coexistência de ambas no contexto da heterogeneidade do ambiente.

Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 111: e2021013, 2021. mapas, ilus, graf
Artículo en Inglés | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764763


Climatic conditions and microhabitat characteristics, such as the substrate and type of vegetation, influence the choice of male anurans for calling sites that optimize their reproductive success. We evaluated the structure and selection of vocalization microhabitat of 17 individuals of Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 and 25 of Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), in a subtropical forest in southern Brazil. We measure the height of the perch, the distance between the perch and the edge of the body of water and the structure of the microhabitat of quadrants used by individuals. The same attributes were measured in the quadrants available (but not used) by the individuals. We classified the microhabitats by visual estimate, assigning percentages of coverage for each quadrant by herbaceous, shrub, tree and wetland vegetation. We observed that both species selected their microhabitat, since the characteristics of the quadrants occupied by the individuals were different from those available. Phyllomedusa distincta was more associated with heterogeneous microhabitats, while B. leptolineata occurred in environments with greater coverage of tree strata. Additionally, we observed that both species used shrubs more frequently as a perch site. The selection of these microhabitat characteristics must be associated with strategies to optimize the use of the reproductive habitat, based on the morphological and behavioral characteristics of the species. Finally, it is possible to infer that the differences observed in the microhabitat structure selected by the species can facilitate the coexistence of both in the context of the heterogeneity of the environment.(AU)

Seleção e uso de sítios de vocalização por Boana leptolineata e Phyllomedusa distincta durante o período reprodutivoAs condições climáticas e as características de micro-habitat, como o substrato e o tipo de vegetação, influenciam a escolha de anuros machos por sítios de vocalização que otimizem seu sucesso reprodutivo. Avaliamos a estrutura e a seleção de micro-habitat de vocalização de 17 indivíduos de Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950 e 25 de Boana leptolineata (Braun & Braun, 1977), em uma floresta subtropical no sul do Brasil. Medimos a altura do poleiro, a distância do poleiro até a margem do corpo dágua e a estrutura do micro-habitat de quadrantes utilizados pelos indivíduos. Os mesmos atributos foram mensurados nos quadrantes disponíveis (mas não utilizados) pelos indivíduos. Classificamos os micro-habitats por estimativa visual, atribuindo-se porcentagens de cobertura de cada quadrante por vegetação herbácea, arbustiva, arbórea e de área alagada. Observamos que ambas as espécies selecionaram seu micro-habitat, uma vez que as características dos quadrantes ocupados pelos indivíduos foram distintas daquelas disponíveis. Phyllomedusa distincta esteve mais associada a micro-habitats heterogêneos, enquanto B. leptolineata ocorreu em ambientes com maior cobertura de estrato arbóreo. Adicionalmente, observamos que ambas as espécies utilizaram mais frequentemente arbustos como local do poleiro. A seleção destas características de micro-habitat deve estar associada a estratégias para otimização do uso do habitat reprodutivo, baseadas em características morfológicas e comportamentais das espécies. Por fim, é possível inferir que as diferenças observadas na estrutura de micro-habitat selecionadas pelas espécies podem facilitar a coexistência de ambas no contexto da heterogeneidade do ambiente.(AU)

Animales , Anfibios/embriología , Conducta Reproductiva , Ecosistema
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;68(3)sept. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507703


Introducción: El estudio de las estrategias de uso y partición del recurso espacial resulta importante para entender los mecanismos de coexistencia de especies de anfibios simpátricas, más aún cuando existen variaciones temporales en la disponibilidad de hábitats. Objetivo: Conocer los patrones de uso de microhábitat, sus variaciones estacionales y la posible influencia de la filogenia en un ensamble de anuros del Chaco Serrano de Argentina. Métodos: Los muestreos se realizaron en el área protegida Parque Natural Valle Fértil, Departamento Valle Fértil, San Juan, entre el 2012 y 2017. En campo, se registró el microhábitat donde se encontró cada ejemplar y se midieron variables del sitio. Además, se determinó la disponibilidad de microhábitats. Los datos se analizaron mediante el índice de selectividad de Manly. Para evaluar variaciones temporales en el uso de microhábitats se utilizaron modelos lineales generalizados (GLM). Resultados: Las especies evaluadas fueron: Rhinella arenarum arenarum, Leptodactylus latrans, Pleurodema tucumanum y Odontophrynus occidentalis. Todas las especies mostraron diferencias en las frecuencias de uso: R. a. arenarum mostró preferencias hacia los sitios rocosos y acuáticos, P. tucumanum exhibió preferencias hacia los sitios con suelo desnudo y rocas, L. latrans y O. occidentalis presentaron mayores preferencias hacia los sitios rocosos y acuáticos. Todas las especies excepto Odontophrynus exhibieron variaciones estacionales en la selección y uso de los microhábitats. Odontophrynus occidentalis presentó diferencias en las proporciones de uso entre microhábitats. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra la plasticidad en el uso de microhábitats como un determinante importante en la distribución espacial de anuros, sin restricciones aparentes impuestas por la competencia, el espacio ni la filogenia. Cuando la actividad de las especies es coincidente, el recurso espacial puede distribuirse de manera que se reduzca el solapamiento entre especies.

Introduction: Research on spatial resource usage and partition strategies is important to understand the mechanisms of coexistence in sympatric amphibian species, even more when there are temporal variations in habitat availability. Objective: To learn about the patterns of microhabitat use, its seasonal variations and the possible influence of phylogeny on an anuran assembly of the Chaco Serrano in Argentina. Methods: Samplings were carried out in the Valle Fértil Natural Park protected area, Valle Fértil Department, San Juan, between 2012 and 2017. In the field, we recorded the microhabitat where each specimen was found, and we also measured site variables. In addition, microhabitats availability was determined. Data were analyzed using Manly's selectivity index. Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to assess temporal variations in microhabitat use. Results: The species evaluated were: Rhinella arenarum arenarum, Leptodactylus latrans, Pleurodema tucumanum and Odontophrynus occidentalis. All species showed differences in usage frequencies: R. a. arenarum showed preferences for rocky and aquatic sites, P. tucumanum showed preferences towards bare soil and rocky sites, L. latrans and O. occidentalis showed greater preferences for rocky and aquatic sites. All species but Odontophrynus exhibited seasonal variations in microhabitat selection and usage. Odontophrynusoccidentalis showed differences in usage proportions among microhabitats. Conclusions: This study shows plasticity in microhabitat usage as an important determinant of anuran spatial distribution, without apparent restrictions imposed by space competition or phylogeny. When species activity is coincident, the space resource may be distributed in a way that species overlap is reduced.

Animales , Anuros/clasificación , Características de la Población , Argentina , Muestreo , Anfibios
J Fish Biol ; 97(3): 776-784, 2020 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32535919


Resource partitioning has an essential role in interspecific relations, especially in congener species, which share many morphological traits. In some places, small characids coexist through resource partitioning, which may reduce their interspecific competition. Astyanax species (e.g., Astyanax minor, Astyanax gymnodontus and Astyanax bifasciatus), for example, coexist in different water bodies from the Iguaçu River basin. These species have high phenotypic plasticity and many morphologic specializations that allow them to live in different habitats. Based on evidences that these species modified their feeding habits because of changes in resource availability in Iguaçu River, this study tested two hypotheses: (a) there are differences in head morphology, number of teeth and number of gill rakers among the species of Astyanax; and (b) there are differences in gill arch and gill raker morphology among the species of Astyanax, which may favour their trophic resource partitioning in Iguaçu River. The head morphological traits and quantitative morphological characters were summarized in a principal coordinates analysis (PCoA), and the analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) showed significant differences among species. Gill morphological measurements were analysed through analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and it also showed significant differences in gill arch and gill raker morphology among species. Therefore, the analysis of ecomorphological traits related to trophic habits revealed some differences that may suggest a tendency of reducing competition for trophic resources in the Iguaçu River basin.

Characidae/anatomía & histología , Cadena Alimentaria , Ríos , Animales , Brasil , Branquias/anatomía & histología , Estado Nutricional , Especificidad de la Especie , Clima Tropical
Ecology ; 101(8): e03090, 2020 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32329055


Soil phosphorus (P) availability in lowland tropical rainforests influences the distribution and growth of tropical tree species. Determining the P-acquisition strategies of tropical tree species could therefore yield insight into patterns of tree ß-diversity across edaphic gradients. In particular, the synthesis of root phosphatases is likely to be of significance given that organic P represents a large pool of potentially available P in tropical forest soils. It has also been suggested that a high root phosphatase activity in putative nitrogen (N) -fixing legumes might explain their high abundance in lowland neotropical forests under low P supply. Here, we measured phosphomonoesterase (PME) activity on the first three root orders of co-occurring tropical tree species differing in their N-fixation capacity, growing on soils of contrasting P availability in Panama. Our results show that root PME activity was higher on average in P-poor than in P-rich soils, but that local variation in PME activity among co-occurring species within a site was larger than that explained by differences in soil P across sites. Legumes expressed higher PME activity than nonlegumes, but nodulated legumes (i.e., actively fixing nitrogen) did not differ from legumes without nodules, indicating that PME activity is unrelated to N fixation. Finally, PME activity declined with increasing root order, but the magnitude of the decline varied markedly among species, highlighting the importance of classifying fine roots into functional groups prior to measuring root traits. Our results support the hypothesis that low-P promotes a high root PME activity, although the high local variation in this trait among co-occurring species points toward a high functional diversity in P-acquisition strategies within an individual community.

Árboles , Clima Tropical , Bosques , Nitrógeno , Panamá , Monoéster Fosfórico Hidrolasas , Fósforo , Raíces de Plantas , Suelo
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;42: e49835, fev. 2020. map, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460923


Morphological similarity, resource sharing, and differences in habitat use by species are factors that favor their coexistence. The objective of this study was to test possible differences in ecomorphology and diet composition of two Heptapterids (Imparfinis mirini and Cetopsorhamdia iherengi) to identify patterns related to resource use. Samplings were carried out in ten streams in Southern Brazil and 123 individuals were caught. A total of 21 ecomorphological indices were calculated for each individual and the volumetric and occurrence methods were used to quantify stomach contents. Both species presented significant differences in some ecomorphological traits, mainly related to foraging behavior. Even though both species were considered insectivorous, the consumed feeding resources differed between them. Cetopsorhamdia iheringi diet was dominated by Simuliidae and terrestrial Coleoptera larvae, while Imparfinis mirini, presented a diet dominated mainly by Trichoptera larvae, Ephemeroptera nymph, and Annelida. Although ecomorphological patterns cannot be used as an absolute factor to explain diet variations, they provide relevant information about how species share resources. These mechanisms allow us to obtain important subsidies for the conservation and management of freshwater ecosystems since they provide an effective understanding on the interactions that occur between the species.

Animales , Niveles Tróficos , Bagres/anatomía & histología , Bagres/crecimiento & desarrollo
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 42: e49835, fev. 2020. mapas, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26755


Morphological similarity, resource sharing, and differences in habitat use by species are factors that favor their coexistence. The objective of this study was to test possible differences in ecomorphology and diet composition of two Heptapterids (Imparfinis mirini and Cetopsorhamdia iherengi) to identify patterns related to resource use. Samplings were carried out in ten streams in Southern Brazil and 123 individuals were caught. A total of 21 ecomorphological indices were calculated for each individual and the volumetric and occurrence methods were used to quantify stomach contents. Both species presented significant differences in some ecomorphological traits, mainly related to foraging behavior. Even though both species were considered insectivorous, the consumed feeding resources differed between them. Cetopsorhamdia iheringi diet was dominated by Simuliidae and terrestrial Coleoptera larvae, while Imparfinis mirini, presented a diet dominated mainly by Trichoptera larvae, Ephemeroptera nymph, and Annelida. Although ecomorphological patterns cannot be used as an absolute factor to explain diet variations, they provide relevant information about how species share resources. These mechanisms allow us to obtain important subsidies for the conservation and management of freshwater ecosystems since they provide an effective understanding on the interactions that occur between the species.(AU)

Animales , Bagres/anatomía & histología , Bagres/crecimiento & desarrollo , Niveles Tróficos
J Morphol ; 280(6): 879-907, 2019 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31006903


Pocket gophers (family Geomyidae) are the dominant burrowing rodents in North America today. Their fossil record is also incredibly rich; in particular, entoptychine gophers, a diverse extinct subfamily of the Geomyidae, are known from countless teeth and jaws from Oligocene and Miocene-aged deposits of the western United States and Mexico. Their postcranial remains, however, are much rarer and little studied. Yet, they offer the opportunity to investigate the locomotion of fossil gophers, shed light on the evolution of fossoriality, and enable ecomorphological comparisons with contemporaneous rodents. We present herein a quantitative study of the cranial and postcranial remains of eight different species of entoptychine gophers as well as many contemporary rodent species. We find a range of burrowing capabilities within Entoptychinae, including semifossorial scratch-digging animals and fossorial taxa with cranial adaptations to burrowing. Our results suggest the repeated evolution of chisel-tooth digging across genera. Comparisons between entoptychine gophers and contemporaneous rodent taxa show little ecomorphological overlap and suggest that the succession of burrowing rodent taxa on the landscape may have had more to do with habitat partitioning than competition.

Fósiles/anatomía & histología , Ardillas Terrestres/anatomía & histología , Locomoción , Cráneo/anatomía & histología , Animales , Ardillas Terrestres/genética , Ardillas Terrestres/fisiología , México , Estados Unidos
Entropy (Basel) ; 21(6)2019 Jun 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33267330


Data on the seasonally dry tropical forests of Mexico have been examined in the light of statistical mechanics. The results suggest a division into two classes of species. There are drifting populations of a cosmopolitan class capable of existing in most dry forest sites; these have a statistical distribution previously only observed (globally) for populations of alien species. We infer that a high proportion of species found only at a single site are specialists, endemics, and that these prefer sites comparatively low in species richness.

J Anim Ecol ; 87(5): 1465-1474, 2018 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29928758


Understanding how biodiversity loss influences plant litter decomposition-that is, the biologically mediated conversion of coarse to fine particulate organic matter-is crucial to predict changes in the functioning of many stream ecosystems, where detrital food webs are dominant. Rates of litter decomposition are influenced by detritivore diversity, but the mechanisms behind this relationship are uncertain. As differences in detritivore body size are a major determinant of interspecific interactions, they should be key for predicting effects of detritivore diversity on decomposition. To explore this question, we manipulated detritivore diversity and body size simultaneously in a microcosm experiment using two small (Leuctra geniculata and Lepidostoma hirtum) and two large detritivore species (Sericostoma pyrenaicum and Echinogammarus berilloni) in all possible 1-, 2- and 4-species combinations, and litter discs of Alnus glutinosa. We expected that larger species would facilitate smaller species through the production of smaller litter fragments, resulting in faster decomposition and greater growth of smaller species in polycultures containing species of different body size. To examine this hypothesis, we used a set of "diversity-interaction" models that explored how decomposition was affected by different interspecific interactions and the role of body size, and quantified the magnitude of such effect through ratios of decomposition rates and detritivore growth between polycultures and monocultures. We found a clear positive effect of detritivore diversity on decomposition, which was mainly explained by facilitation and niche partitioning. Facilitation of small animals by larger ones was evidenced by a 12% increase in decomposition rates in polycultures compared to monocultures and the higher growth (20%) of small species, which partly fed on fine particulate organic matter produced by larger animals. When the large species were together in polycultures, decomposition was enhanced by 19%, but there were no changes in growth; niche partitioning was a plausible mechanism behind the increase in decomposition rates, as both species fed on different parts of litter discs, only one species being able to eat less palatable parts. Our study demonstrates that interspecific differences in body size should be taken into account in diversity-decomposition studies. Future studies should also consider differences in species' vulnerability to extinction depending on body size and how this might affect ecosystem functioning in different scenarios of detritivore diversity and more complex food webs.

Ecosistema , Hojas de la Planta , Animales , Biodiversidad , Cadena Alimentaria , Ríos
J Insect Sci ; 17(2)2017 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28931157


Temporal niche partitioning may result from interference competition if animals shift their activity patterns to avoid aggressive competitors. If doing so also shifts food sources, it is difficult to distinguish the effects of interference and consumptive competition in selecting for temporal niche shift. Bees compete for pollen and nectar from flowers through both interference and consumptive competition, and some species of bees have evolved nocturnality. Here, we use tropical forest canopy towers to observe bees (the night-flying sweat bees Megalopta genalis and M. centralis [Halictidae], honey bees, and stingless bees [Apidae]) visiting flowers of the balsa tree (Ochroma pyramalidae, Malvaceae). Because Ochroma flowers are open in the late afternoon through the night we can test the relative influence of each competition type on temporal nice. Niche shift due to consumptive competition predicts that Megalopta forage when resources are available: from afternoon into the night. Niche shift due to interference competition predicts that Megalopta forage only in the absence of diurnal bees. We found no overlap between diurnal bees and Megalopta in the evening, and only one instance of overlap in the morning, despite the abundance of pollen and nectar in the late afternoon and evening. This supports the hypothesis that Megalopta are avoiding interference competition, but not the hypothesis that they are limited by consumptive competition. We propose that the release from interference competition enables Megalopta to provision cells quickly, and spend most of their time investing in nest defense. Thus, increases in foraging efficiency directly resulting from temporal shifts to escape interference competition may indirectly lead to reduced predation and parasitism.

Abejas/fisiología , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Agresión , Animales , Bombacaceae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Conducta Competitiva , Femenino , Panamá , Factores de Tiempo
J Fish Biol ; 90(1): 326-340, 2017 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27778359


This study assessed the width of the trophic niche of four characid species (Bryconops giacopinii, Bryconops inpai, Hyphessobrycon aff. melazonatus and Iguanodectes geisleri) found under different co-occurrence circumstances in Amazonian upland streams. The study was conducted during the rainy season of 2011 at eight sites of two micro-basins of the Ducke Reserve, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The four species were studied in the following circumstances: only one of the species occurring in the stream; two species co-occurring; three species co-occurring. The relative volume of the food items in the fish stomachs was used to calculate Hurlbert's trophic-niche breadth for the individuals of each species in the different co-occurrence circumstances. Hyphessobrycon aff. melazonatus changed their diet when occurring in syntopy with other characid species of similar feeding habits, as shown by a significant narrowing of its trophic niche. The opportunistic habits and great feeding flexibility of these characid species make the partitioning of food resources possible and act as an important ecological mechanism that facilitates the coexistence of different species, possibly by attenuating the effects of direct competition for food. In addition, the low carrying capacity of these upland forest streams may be an important environmental factor influencing the results of this study.

Characidae/clasificación , Conducta Alimentaria , Bosques , Ríos , Distribución Animal , Animales , Brasil , Characidae/fisiología , Dieta , Estaciones del Año , Especificidad de la Especie