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Front Res Metr Anal ; 9: 1294495, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38854749


In this case study, we propose a network analysis approach to map social movements through an intersectional feminist lens. We aim to gain a more in-depth understanding of movements' network structures to examine the roles and relationships of movement actors, the flow of resources between them, and potential areas of collaboration and conflict. By incorporating Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques and visually mapping dynamics within social movements, this approach can assess the significance of small actors in creating change and stresses the need for their perspectives to be heard. Furthermore, our methodology adopts a feminist intersectional framework that recognizes the role of different identities in shaping the movement and its actors. To demonstrate the practical application of this approach, we examined the movement for the right to abortion in Mexico between September and December 2021. Our multi-step process included (1) designing a survey tool adapted to the context of the movement, (2) collecting and analyzing survey responses on movement actors' relationships and interactions, including their priorities, activities, needs, risks, and challenges, (3) visualizing the network using SNA techniques that account for the complexity and diversity of the movement, (4) interpreting the findings through insights collected in semi-structured interviews and validation meetings with key movement actors, and (5) implementing safety and security guidelines to safeguard the identity of individuals whose activities could put them at risk of suffering institutional, emotional, and physical violence. Our case study offers valuable insights that not only encourage the integration of feminist and intersectional perspectives into data collection processes but also provide a roadmap for accompanying social movements and supporting meaningful and contextually responsive activities.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(6): e17132023, Jun. 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557510


Resumo Este trabalho se propõe a trazer reflexões e apontamentos para o fortalecimento de políticas públicas estruturantes no Brasil, com foco na Educação Popular em Saúde no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), a partir das perspectivas construídas no Observatório de Educação Popular em Saúde e Realidade Brasileira. O Observatório é um espaço profícuo para o compartilhamento de interpretações e experiências de profissionais de saúde e educadores populares sobre a realidade local e realidade brasileira, a partir da ótica da Educação Popular em Saúde. De forma dialógica e participativa, ao longo de seus 2 anos de atividade, o Observatório foi capaz de reunir interpretações sintéticas da Educação Popular em Saúde para as crises que atravessam a história recente do país. De maneira panorâmica, as falas compartilhadas apontam desafios para valorização da abordagem humana na promoção da saúde, com a inclusão e o respeito aos saberes e práticas sociais locais e comunitárias. Além disso, destaca-se a importância da participação social na construção de processos sociais participativos na saúde pública, visando à autonomia do cidadão e à ampliação da dinâmica democrática no Estado brasileiro e em seus equipamentos sociais.

Abstract This paper aims to bring reflections and notes for strengthening Brazilian structuring public policies, focusing on Popular Health Education in the Unified Health System (SUS) from the perspectives built in the Observatory of Popular Health Education and the Brazilian Reality. The Observatory is a valuable space for sharing health professionals' and popular educators' interpretations and experiences about local and Brazilian realities from the perspective of Popular Health Education. During its two years of activity, the Observatory has gathered summary interpretations of Popular Health Education for the crises that traverse the country's recent history in a dialogical and participatory way. In a panoramic view, the shared statements point to challenges for valuing the human approach to health promotion, including respecting local and community knowledge and social practices. Moreover, we underscore the importance of social participation in constructing participatory social processes in public health toward citizen autonomy and expanded democratic dynamics in the Brazilian State and its social equipment.

Glob Public Health ; 18(1): 2288686, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38054594


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is clear that the struggle for global health justice must be our highest priority. To understand the challenges that such a priority faces, we must recognise that this struggle has a long history, and to analyse current challenges within this historical perspective. This commentary explores the gradual construction of the global health justice movement during different historical periods (tropical/colonial medicine, international health, and global health) in the history of approaches to health worldwide. It examines the changing relationship between the political economy of capitalism, colonialism, and racism. It analyses attempts to confront injustice through both human rights and social justice movements in seeking to address stigma and discrimination as well as poverty and social exclusion. It highlights emerging battlegrounds such as access to medical treatments and healthcare services as well as the ways in which private interests continue to undercut such efforts. But it also points to windows of opportunity for defending principles such as solidarity and social inclusion, for building advocacy/analysis alliances and toolkits to inform social movements, and possibilities to reconstruct global health 'governance' mechanisms and institutions in accord with the most basic principles of health justice.

Salud Global , Pandemias , Humanos , Justicia Social , Derechos Humanos , Pobreza
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(4): 1466-1485, dez. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1538189


O artigo desponta da construção de um amplo panorama que localiza afinidades estruturais e tensões problemáticas entre a psicanálise e os coletivos. Nossa revisão de literatura, sobre psicanálise e política, discerne o valor da análise do psicanalista na sustentação da tarefa de subversões políticas do divã às praças públicas. Na sequência, pensamos as repercussões da política da psicanálise frente aos debates que envolvem neurodiversidade/autismo, cientificismo psicoterápico e capitalismo. Pretendemos criticar uma versão alienante da política, versão protagonista dos diferentes temas que abordamos e veiculada pelo agente na função do semblante - a lei, o saber-todo ou o indivíduo hedonista servo de seus mais-de-gozar (discurso capitalista). Na contrapartida dessa versão, está a prática advinda de um Judeu - ou seja, de um corpo que viveu os efeitos do racismo dos discursos, antes mesmo da ascensão do Nazismo - e elaborada através da escuta de algo amordaçado na potencialidade da sexualidade feminina. A partir de tais fatos, argumentamos uma crucial chave de leitura à psicanálise nos conflitos políticos: interrogar a subjetividade de quem psicanalisa. Resultando no questionamento de modalizações conservadoras que marcaram a história da clínica psicanalítica e ainda ressoam no fazer teórico-prático.

The article emerges from the construction of a large panorama that locates structural affinities and problematic tensions between psychoanalysis and collectives. Our literature review on Psychoanalysis and Politics discerns the value of the psychoanalyst's analysis in sustaining the task of political subversions from the divan to the public space. In the sequence, we consider the repercussions of the politics of psychoanalysis in the face of debates involving neurodiversity/autism, psychotherapeutic scientificism and capitalism. We intend to criticize an alienating version of politics, a version that is the protagonist of the different themes we approach and which is conveyed by the agent in the function of the semblant - the law, the all-knowing or the hedonistic individual who is the servant of his own surplus-jouissance (capitalist discourse). The counterpart to this version is the practice coming from a Jew - that is, from a body that lived the effects of the racism of discourses, even before the rise of Nazism - and elaborated by listening to something muzzled in the potentiality of female sexuality. Based on these facts, we argue that there is a crucial key to psychoanalysis in political conflicts: questioning the subjectivity of those who psychoanalyze. This results in the questioning of conservative modalizations that have marked the history of the psychoanalytic clinic and still resonate in the doing of theoretical-practical.

El artículo surge de la construcción de un amplio panorama que localiza afinidades estructurales y tensiones problemáticas entre el psicoanálisis y los colectivos. Nuestra revisión bibliográfica, sobre Psicoanálisis y Política, discute el valor del análisis del psicoanalista para sostener la tarea de subversiones políticas del diván a las plazas públicas. En seguida, pensamos en las repercusiones de la política del psicoanálisis frente a los debates sobre neurodiversidad/autismo, cientificismo psicoterapéutico y capitalismo. Pretendemos criticar una versión alienante de la política, una versión que protagoniza en los diferentes temas que abordamos y que es vehiculada por el agente en el papel del semblante - la ley, el saber-todo o el individuo hedonista siervo de su propio más-de-gozar (discurso capitalista). En la contrapartida de esta versión está la práctica proveniente de un judío - es decir, de un cuerpo que vivió los efectos del racismo de los discursos, incluso antes del ascenso del nazismo - y elaborada al escuchar algo amordazado en la potencialidad de la sexualidad femenina. A partir de estos hechos, sostenemos que hay una clave de lectura crucial del psicoanálisis en los conflictos políticos: cuestionar la subjetividad de quienes psicoanalizan. Esto resulta en el cuestionamiento de las modalidades conservadoras que han marcado la historia de la clínica psicoanalítica y aún resuenan en el hacer teórico-práctico.

Política , Psicoanálisis/historia , Interpretación Psicoanalítica , Participación de la Comunidad , Sexualidad
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 12(3): 45-62, jul.-set.2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510514


Com o objetivo de analisar a diretriz constitucional da participação social em saúde, considerando avanços e retrocessos do Sistema Único de Saúde, o presente artigo apoia-se numa breve revisão do estado da arte e em parte da produção do Observatório de Análise Política em Saúde. Discute, sucintamente, o conceito de participação social e suas conexões com as noções de democracia e de movimentos sociais. Descreve certos momentos da participação social nas origens da Reforma Sanitária Brasileira e do Sistema Único de Saúde e na conformação da Constituição de 1988, indicando avanços e retrocessos, especialmente após as Jornadas de Junho. Finaliza discutindo problemas da participação social no Sistema Único de Saúde e os desafios na constituição de sujeitos sociais.

Aiming to analyze the constitutional guideline of social participation in health, considering the advances and setbacks of the Unified Health System, this paper is based on a brief review of the state of the art and on part of the production of the Observatory for Political Analysis in Health. It briefly discusses the concept of social participation and its connections with the notions of democracy and social movements. It describes certain moments of social participation in the origins of the Brazilian Health Reform and the Unified Health System and in the shaping of the 1988 Constitution, indicating advances and setbacks, especially after the Jornadas de Junho(June Demonstrations). It ends by discussing problems of social participation in the Unified Health System and the challenges in the constitution of social subjects.

Con el objetivo de analizar la directriz constitucional de la participación social en salud, considerando los avances y retrocesos del Sistema Único de Salud, este artículo se basa en una breve revisión del estado del arte y en parte de la producción del Observatorio de Análisis Político en Salud. Discute, brevemente, el concepto de participación social y sus conexiones con las nociones de democracia y movimientos sociales. Describe ciertos momentos de participación social en los orígenes de la Reforma Sanitaria Brasileña y del Sistema Único de Salud y en la conformación de la Constitución de 1988, indicando avances y retrocesos, especialmente después de las Jornadas de Junho. Finaliza discutiendo los problemas de la participación social en el Sistema Único de Salud y los desafíos en la constitución de sujetos sociales.

Derecho Sanitario
Womens Stud Int Forum ; 99: 102778, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37332898


Twitter proved to be strategic for the dissemination of information, and for the activation of feminist social movements. This article identifies the patterns of representation around feminist movements on Twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyzed the discourse around a Colombian NGO known as Sisma Mujer, in a corpus of 4415 tweets posted during the first year of COVID-19. The results showed five significant topic categories: gender-based violence, women in peacebuilding, women's human rights, gender equality, and social protest. This activity re-contextualized the online activism of this movement into a new, hybrid role with important political implications for the social movement. Our analysis highlights this role by pointing out how feminist activists framed gender-based violence to generate a discourse on Twitter.

Int J Polit Cult Soc ; : 1-18, 2023 May 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37361704


This paper seeks to characterise the relationship between civil society and mining in Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 2000 and 2020 by observing the actions of three different groups in resisting the expansion of mining. The analysis points to the existence of a plurality of forms of engagement, organisation and ways of establishing relations between civil society and the state and the market. It also reveals tension between different ways of framing the mining problem by civil society, of posing this problem publicly and establishing ways to confront it. Three sets of actors are identified: (i) environmental NGOs, who are market-oriented; (ii) groups with looser ties who are more radical; and (iii) social movements aligned with the identities of a state-orientated traditional left. My analysis suggests that the divergence in framing the context by these three different groups hinders the construction of a substantive public debate on the mining issue in Brazil. The article is divided into three parts. First, it briefly outlines the process of mining expansion in Brazil, starting in the mid-2000s, highlighting its economic impact. Second, it considers the relationship between civil society articulation and deliberation. Third, it characterises the constitution of these different civil society groups who have established interactions with market and state actors that fostered this expansion.

Rev. colomb. bioét ; 18(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535773


Objetivo/Contexto. Objetivou-se caracterizar o ativismo pró-animal e a concepção popular e acadêmica dos movimentos de proteção animal no Brasil sob a perspectiva da bioética, elencado os argumentos e as vulnerabilidades. Metodologia/Abordagem. A pesquisa se caracteriza como de abordagem mista (quali-quantitativa) envolvendo três dimensões: a) mapeamento das organizações não governamentais (ONG) e movimentos sociais pró-animal; b) análise opinião popular quanto a atuação dos movimentos pró-animal; c) revisão bibliográfica integrativa sobre movimentos sociais pró-animais. Resultados/Descobertas. O Ativismo foi caracterizado pelas ONGs e movimentos sociais pró-animais, os quais embora comunguem o interesse da proteção animal divergem em linguagem, processos e ideologias que comprometem a sinergia de esforços. A vulnerabilidade do ativismo esteve atrelada a necessidade engajamento da sociedade e das barreiras de inserção na academia. A vulnerabilidade do público leigo foi demostrado necessidade de instrumentalização para acessar as informações tanto do ativismo quanto da ciência, a fim se subsidiar decisões conscientes na relação com os animais não-humanos. Por fim, a academia apresentou vulnerabilidades atreladas a credibilidade e adesão social e do ativismo quanto aos seus processos balizados por normatizações legais e metodológicas que atestam a sua idoneidade. Discussão/Conclusões/Contribuições: A academia despontou como o eixo capacitado para intermediar o debate e a deliberação da proteção animal juntamente com a sociedade e o ativismo. A bioética com seus pressupostos éticos, natureza dialogante e multidisciplinar, atuantes nos espaços das comissões de ética no uso de animais, se apresenta como uma ferramenta hábil na superação dos ruídos de comunicação.

Propósito/Contexto. El objetivo fue caracterizar el activismo proanimal y la concepción popular y académica de los movimientos de protección animal en Brasil desde la perspectiva de la Bioética, enumerando los argumentos y las vulnerabilidades. Metodología/Enfoque. La investigación se caracteriza por tener un enfoque mixto (cuali-cuantitativo) que involucra tres dimensiones: a) mapeo de organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) y movimientos sociales proanimales; b) análisis de la opinión popular sobre la actuación de los movimientos proanimales; c) revisión integradora de literatura sobre movimientos sociales proanimales. Resultados/Hallazgos. El activismo se caracterizó por ONG y movimientos sociales proanimales, que si bien comparten el interés por la protección animal, difieren en lenguajes, procesos e ideologías que comprometen la sinergia de esfuerzos. La vulnerabilidad del activismo está ligada a la necesidad de involucrar a la sociedad y las barreras para ingresar a la academia. La vulnerabilidad del público lego radica en la necesidad de instrumentalización para acceder a información tanto del activismo como de la ciencia para apoyar decisiones conscientes en la relación con animales no humanos. Finalmente, la academia presentó vulnerabilidades vinculadas a la credibilidad y la adhesión y activismo social respecto de sus procesos que se guían por normas legales y metodológicas que dan fe de su idoneidad. Discusión/Conclusiones/Contribuciones. La academia surgió como el eje capaz de mediar el debate y la deliberación de la protección animal junto con la sociedad y el activismo. La Bioética con sus presupuestos éticos, de carácter dialogante y multidisciplinario, activa en los espacios de los comités de ética en el uso de animales, se presenta como una herramienta hábil para superar el ruido de la comunicación.

Purpose/Background. Our objective was to characterize pro-animal activism and the popular and academic conception of animal protection movements in Brazil from the perspective of bioethics, listing the arguments and vulnerabilities. Methodology/Approach. The research is characterized as having a mixed approach (quali-quantitative) involving three dimensions: a) mapping of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and pro-animal social movements; b) analysis of popular opinion regarding the performance of pro-animal movements; c) integrative literature review on pro-animal social movements. Results/Findings. Activism was characterized by pro-animal NGOS and social movements, which, although they share the interest in animal protection, differ in language, processes and ideologies that compromise the synergy of efforts. The vulnerability of activism is linked to the need to engage society and the barriers to entering academia. The vulnerability of the lay public lies in the need for instrumentalization to access information from both activism and science to support conscious decisions in the relationship with non-human animals. Finally, the academy also presented vulnerabilities linked to credibility and social adherence and activism regarding its processes that are guided by legal and methodological norms that attest to its suitability. Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The academy emerged as the axis able to mediate the debate and deliberation of animal protection together with society and activism. Bioethics with its ethical assumptions, dialoguing and multidisciplinary nature, active in the spaces of ethics committees, presents itself as a skillful tool in overcoming communication noise.

Glob Public Health ; 18(1): 2203732, 2023 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37078756


Structural competency proposals have been developed as part of an effort to infuse clinical training with a structural focus. Framed in the context of medical education, the discussion on structural competency naturally emphasises the development of such competency in healthcare workers. In this article, we shift the focus to reflect on how the work of migrant community leaders may involve the development of structural competencies and what can be learned from this complementary perspective. We analysed the development of structural competency in an immigrant rights organisation in northern Chile. We conducted focus groups with migrant leaders and volunteers and used the tools proposed by the Structural Competency Working Group to facilitate dialogue. This allowed us to verify the development of structural competency and other collective competencies, including the capacity to create a protected space for circulating experiences and knowledge; coordinate a heterogeneous group of agents; have a socio-legal impact; and maintain autonomy concerning ideological production. This article introduces the concept of collective structural competency and reflects on the importance of expanding beyond the common medical-centred approach when considering structural competency.

Migrantes , Humanos , Personal de Salud , Grupos Focales
Qual Sociol ; : 1-33, 2023 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36846824


Despite the global upsurge of youth-fueled mass mobilization, the critical question of why new generations may be eager to join established movements is under-explored theoretically and empirically. This study contributes to theories of feminist generational renewal in particular. We examine the longer-term movement context and more proximate strategies that have enabled young women to participate steadily in a cycle of protest, alongside more seasoned activists, due to a process of feminist learning and affective bonding that we call "productive mediation." We focus on the Argentine Ni Una Menos (Not One Less) massive yearly march, which, since its onset in 2015, demonstrates that feminist activists have achieved the sought-after goal of fostering a highly diverse mass movement. These large-scale mobilizations against feminicide and gender-based violence gain much of their energy from a strong youth contingent, so much so that they have been called "the Daughters' Revolution." We show that these "daughters" have been welcomed by previous generations of feminist changemakers. Drawing on original qualitative research featuring 63 in-depth interviews with activists of different ages, backgrounds, and locations across Argentina, we find that long-standing movement spaces and brokers, as well as innovative frameworks of understanding, repertoires of action, and organizational approaches, help to explain why preexisting social movements may be attractive for young participants.

Serv. soc. soc ; 146(1): 244-262, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424629


Resumo: O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar as confluências entre a agenda neoliberal capitalista e o conservadorismo moralista religioso, sobretudo as alianças de ocasião travadas por ambos, observadas por Vaggione et al. (2020). Com ênfase nas opressões de gênero e sexualidade fomentadas pelo conservadorismo de matriz cristã, são traçadas perspectivas de resistência pelo Serviço Social brasileiro, em especial considerando a profunda relação entre este e os Movimentos Sociais.

Abstract: This article aims to analyze the confluences between the neoliberal capitalist agenda and religious moralist conservatism, especially the occasional alliances made by both, observed by Vaggione et al. (2020). Emphasizing the oppression of gender and sexuality fostered by conservatism of Christian origin, perspectives of resistance by the Brazilian Social Service are outlined, especially considering the deep relationship between it and the Social Movements.

Agora USB ; 22(2): 550-566, jul.-dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420012


Resumen Las emociones favorecen las movilizaciones, pero también las dificultan y que la narración constituye un enfoque privilegiado para entender las dinámicas de los movimientos sociales y sus integrantes. Desde un enfoque narrativo, se describe el entorno sociocultural que da lugar al nacimiento y participación de mujeres en movimientos de reivindicaciones de género y acciones de emprendimiento colaborativo e identifica y se analiza emociones negativas y positivas, aisladas y secuenciales, que movilizan la acción y generan solidaridades, como la ira, la impotencia y la tristeza o el orgullo y la alegría en lideresas comunitarias afro- descendientes en el departamento del Chocó (Colombia).

Abstract Emotions favor mobilizations, but they also hinder them, and that narrative constitutes a privileged approach to understand the dynamics of social move ments and their members. From a narrative approach, we describe the sociocul tural environment, which gives rise to the birth and participation of women in movements of gender claims and collaborative entrepreneurship actions and to identify and to analyze negative and positive emotions, isolated and sequential, which mobilize action and generate solidarity, such as anger, helplessness, and sadness or pride and joy in Afro-descendant community leaders in the depart ment of Chocó, Colombia.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);27(11): 4125-4130, nov. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404174


Resumo Nesta entrevista, Sonia Guajajara, coordenadora executiva da Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (APIB), aborda as análises e estratégias desenvolvidas pelo movimento indígena para o enfrentamento da pandemia da COVID-19. Entre os pontos destacados, estão as estratégias de comunicação, vigilância e monitoramento da COVID-19, o apoio aos territórios indígenas, as iniciativas no Legislativo e no Judiciário, a incidência internacional e a articulação com a academia. Torna-se evidente o importante protagonismo do movimento indígena nas ações de contenção da emergência sanitária e na defesa dos direitos dos povos indígenas, em uma conjuntura de embate com o governo federal e de retrocessos nas políticas públicas.

Abstract In this interview, Sonia Guajajara, the executive coordinator of the Brazil's Indigenous Peoples Articulation (APIB), addresses the analyzis and strategies developed by the Indigenous movement to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Among other topics, she highlights some of the movement's strategies concerning communication, surveillance, and the monitoring of COVID-19, as well as its actions to support Indigenous territories, the initiatives carried out in the Legislative and Judiciary realms, the movement's international incidence, and its articulation with academia. Sonia shows the important role played by the Indigenous movement to control the health emergency and to defend the rights of the Indigenous peoples, in the framework of intense conflicts with the federal government and setbacks in public policies.

Development (Rome) ; 65(2-4): 178-185, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36267848


This article seeks to discuss the severe economic and social impacts caused in the region by the development model in place as well as proposals for transformation advanced by different Latin American social movements. This is not a scholarly article, but rather a set of reflections gained from extensive reading and years of political activism carried out in Brazil, in the region, and worldwide. Nor is this article exhaustive; rather it consists of ideas that may contribute to the debate surrounding the right to development.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);27(10): 3807-3814, out. 2022. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404131


Resumo O estudo objetivou validar agendas reivindicadas por representantes de grupos homossexuais voltadas para a atenção integral à saúde de gays e lésbicas. Para isso, foi elaborada uma matriz de agendas de saúde baseada na consulta a acervo de outro estudo, composto por 25 narrativas de representantes de 16 grupos de dez capitais brasileiras. As agendas foram consideradas validadas a partir da média de pontuações igual ou superior a sete e desvio padrão igual ou inferior a dois. As agendas validadas se relacionaram às seguintes temáticas: violência física ou psicológica; atenção às lésbicas relacionada aos cânceres de útero e mama; saúde mental; capacitação de profissionais de saúde; prevenção e atenção voltadas para a Aids; reprodução assistida para lésbicas; atenção a gays relacionada ao atendimento urológico e proctológico; desenvolvimento de materiais informativos sobre a saúde em geral; e informação e tratamento das infecções sexualmente transmissíveis. Conclui-se que os movimentos de gays e lésbicas podem ser atores importantes no âmbito da saúde coletiva, não só indicando pautas a serem consideradas nas políticas e nos planejamentos voltados para a saúde de seus integrantes, podem também ser mediadores entre os profissionais de saúde e os homossexuais que buscam os cuidados desses profissionais.

Abstract The aim of this study was to validate gay and lesbian health agendas pushed by organizations representing these groups. To this end, we created a health agenda matrix based on 25 narratives of representatives from 16 different gay and lesbian groups in ten state capitals in Brazil collected in another study. Each agenda was considered to have reached consensus when the mean score was equal to or greater than seven and SD was equal to or less than two. The validated agendas addressed the following themes: physical and psychological violence; the care needs of lesbians related to uterine and breast cancer; mental health; training of health care professionals; AIDS prevention and care; assisted reproduction for lesbians; the urological and proctological care needs of gays; development of informative material on general health; and information and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. It is concluded that gay and lesbian movements are potentially important actors in the public health arena, not only proposing important issues that need to be considered in public policies and actions to improve health care for LGBT people, but also mediating between health professionals and homosexuals seeking health services.

Glob Public Health ; 17(10): 2484-2499, 2022 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35319352


This essay brings together different voices to reflect on several participatory research projects carried out in Colombia, based on human rights, 'empowerment', harm reduction, (im)mobility and forced migration, gendered and political violence, armed conflict, and the right to health of people in the social margins. We look back on nine years of activism to explore the foundations of what our friendships and relationships have come to know as a revolutionary ethos. We critically re-visit and reflect on the concept of 'the activist' in the realms of the human rights apparatus in Colombia, the academy and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex (NPIC). We look back on what was forged and what was lost to propose the critical concept of 'radical honesty and self-care' as the basis for a revolution that supports processes of healing and social justice. Finally, we imagine what 'healing' can look like, as committed activists despite our differences and positionalities. We engage with and problematise the different forms of activism that emerge in social struggles and we address self-criticisms, constant reflection, radical honesty and uncomfortableness as powerful tools in joining forces to continue social justice work and caring.

Derechos Humanos , Justicia Social , Colombia , Humanos , Violencia
Glob Public Health ; 17(11): 3175-3188, 2022 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34710333


We revisit the debates on reproductive health and rights (RHR) and public policies in Brazil, with focus on contraception, abortion and maternity care. These were part of a broader political agenda for re-democratisation, and for health sector reform, with the creation of the Women's Integral Health Program (PAISM) in 1983, and of the Universal Health System (SUS) in 1988. The momentum created by ICPD in Cairo (1994) was essential to institutionalise the language of RHR. Not without resistance and organised activism, recent years of right-wing governments brought a disinvestment in most public policies for women's rights. Some components of the RHR agenda are more mainstreamed, such as fertility regulation, especially hormonal and long term-methods. The limited legal rights to abortion are poorly institutionalised and constantly threatened. Maternal care tends to be highly medicalised and frequently abusive. The covid-19 pandemic accelerated social and public health disruption. The article addresses notions such as reproductive justice and institutional violence, present in the early days of women's health movement, in order to highlight important premises that were diluted in the debate on reproductive rights and autonomy. The historical analysis of how these concepts evolved locally and globally can allow a better understanding of present challenges.

COVID-19 , Servicios de Salud Materna , Femenino , Embarazo , Humanos , Salud Reproductiva , COVID-19/epidemiología , Brasil/epidemiología , Pandemias , Política Pública , Derechos de la Mujer , Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos
Saúde Soc ; 31(4): e211004pt, 2022. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424465


Resumo Na história contemporânea, diversas formas de organização da sociedade civil têm se destacado na luta por ampliação de direitos. As Organizações Não Governamentais são instituições que se dedicam a reivindicar ampliação de direitos para o grupo pela qual foram criadas. Neste artigo apresentamos a participação da ONG HTLVida no processo de introdução do tema HTLV na agenda governamental na Bahia e militância por ampliação de direitos para esse público. O HTLV é um retrovírus que afeta os linfócitos T e pode causar doenças neurológicas, hematológicas, dentre outras. O Brasil é considerado o país com o maior número absoluto de casos e Bahia é um dos estados com maior prevalência da infecção. Constatamos que vários fatores contribuíram para inclusão do tema na agenda da Bahia e consequente implementação de direitos, dentre esses, a forte militância de indivíduos infectados pelo vírus no grupo HTLVida. Quanto às conquistas, destacamos a estruturação do ambulatório municipal, a criação do Dia Municipal de Enfrentamento do HTLV e a inclusão do tema nas atividades referentes às IST nas secretarias de saúde. Apesar de significativos avanços, o movimento social ainda precisa persistir na mobilização por ampliação de direitos sociais para pessoas vivendo com HTLV.

Abstract In contemporary history, several forms of civil society organizations have stood out in the struggle to expand rights. Non-governmental organizations dedicate themselves to extending the rights of the group for which they were created. This study shows the work of the HTLVida to NGO introduce HTLV to the governmental agenda of Bahia State, Brazil, and to extend rights for this population. HTLV is a retrovirus affecting T lymphocytes which can cause neurological and hematological diseases, among others. Brazil has the highest absolute number of cases and Bahia is one of the states with the highest infection prevalence. We found that several factors contributed to including the topic in the Bahia government agenda and the subsequent implementation of rights; among these, the strong militancy of individuals infected with the virus in the HTLVida group. Regarding their achievements, we highlight the structuring of a municipal outpatient clinic, the creation of the Municipal Day to Confront HTLV, and its inclusion in activities related to STIs in health departments. Despite significant advances, this social movement still needs to persist to mobilize the expansion of social rights for people living with HTLV.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Política Pública , Virus Linfotrópico T Tipo 1 Humano , Organizaciones , Enfermedades Transmisibles , Derecho a la Salud , Sociedad Civil
Saúde Soc ; 31(2): e220055pt, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390327


Resumo Parte significativa da literatura sobre a gênese das instituições brasileiras voltadas à regulamentação ética de práticas de pesquisa científica envolvendo seres humanos costuma remontar a eventos internacionais, a exemplo dos ocorridos durante e após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, como disparadores de uma consciência ética global da qual o Brasil teria tomado parte. A partir de revisão de literatura e recurso de abordagem genealógica, investiga-se como certos eventos ocorridos no nosso país, como a atuação de movimentos sociais frente aos ensaios clínicos com Norplant, nos anos 1980, e com antirretrovirais (ARV), nos anos 1990, são fundamentais para a compreensão de distintos momentos de institucionalização da ética em pesquisa no Brasil e suas respectivas orientações políticas. Com base na reconstrução desses episódios, argumenta-se que os conteúdos particulares das agendas públicas sobre as práticas científicas biomédicas se ancoraram em contextos específicos de contestação, cujas demandas políticas foram agenciadas em termos notadamente éticos. A configuração histórica da ética em pesquisa no Brasil conjuga sujeitos, fatores e lutas políticas que lhe conferem um caráter dinâmico, cuja compreensão demanda levar em conta a atuação de movimentos sociais com relação à regulamentação dos ensaios clínicos.

Abstract A significant part of the literature on the genesis of the Brazilian institutions devoted to the ethical regulation of scientific research involving human beings usually recalls international events, such as those that occurred during and after the II World War, as triggers of a global ethical conscience of which Brazil would have taken part. Based on review of literature, and a genealogical approach, this assay investigates how certain events that occurred in Brazil, such as the actions of social movements in face of clinical trials with Norplant in the 1980s and with antiretrovirals in the 1990s, are fundamental for understanding the different moments of institutionalization of research ethics in Brazil, and its political orientations. Based on the reconstruction of these episodes, it is argued that particular contents of public agendas on biomedical scientific practices were anchored in specific contexts of contestation led by social movements, whose political demands were described in notably ethical terms. The historical configuration of research ethics in Brazil gathers subjects, factors, and political struggles that provide it with a dynamic character. Understanding this context demands considering the actions of social movements aimed at the regulation of clinical trials.

Brasil , Tecnología Biomédica , Ética en Investigación , Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad , Activismo Político