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Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 40: e0256, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1529859


Resumo Este trabalho se propõe a verificar o impacto das concessões à iniciativa privada dos serviços de saneamento sobre o acesso à água e ao esgoto tratados, bem como sobre as tarifas cobradas por esses serviços. O presente estudo se faz relevante à luz das recentes alterações legislativas no setor, à guisa da Lei n. 14.026/2020, e da necessidade de universalização do saneamento. Como método, foi utilizado o modelo diferenças em diferenças, para dados de 3.536 municípios brasileiros retirados do Sistema Nacional de Informações sobre Saneamento (SNIS), abrangendo o período de 1998 a 2019. Os resultados mostram impacto positivo e estatisticamente significativo dos prestadores privados (em relação aos públicos) sobre o acesso aos serviços de água, esgoto e tratamento de esgoto. Ademais, foi observado impacto positivo e estatisticamente significativo na tarifa praticada quando da concessão à iniciativa privada dos serviços, em comparação aos preços cobrados por prestadores públicos.

Abstract This paper aims to verify the impact of water and sewer services privatization on access and the tariffs charged for them. This paper is relevant mainly due to the sector's recent legal changes that resulted in Law n. 14.026/2020 and the need to universalize sanitation services in Brazil. The differences-in-differences method was employed to estimate the impact, using data from 3.536 Brazilian municipalities extracted from SNIS, the Brazilian National Sanitation Information System, for the years 1998-2019. The results show private sector operators' positive and statistically significant impact (compared to their public peers) on water and sewage services - including sewer treatment. Also, it detected a positive and statistically significant effect on the tariffs charged for those services once privatization occurs, compared to the prices charged by public sector operators.

Resumen Este trabajo se propone evaluar el impacto de las concesiones a la iniciativa privada de los servicios de saneamiento en el acceso al agua y al alcantarillado y su tratamiento, así como en las tarifas que se cobren por estos servicios. El trabajo se hace relevante a la luz de los recientes cambios legislativos en el sector, como la Ley n.o 14.026 de 2020 y de la necesidad de universalizar el saneamiento. Para el análisis se utilizó el modelo de diferencias con datos de 3536 municipios brasileños extraídos del Sistema Nacional de Información sobre Saneamiento (SNIS) que cubren el período 1998-2019. Los resultados indicaron un impacto positivo y estadísticamente significativo de los proveedores privados (en relación con los públicos) en el acceso a los servicios de agua, alcantarillado y tratamiento del alcantarillado. Además, se observó un impacto positivo y estadísticamente significativo en la tarifa cuando los servicios se concesionaron a la iniciativa privada en comparación con los precios que cobraban los proveedores públicos.

Humanos , Privatización , Tarifas de Servicios de Saneamiento , Mortalidad , Saneamiento Básico , Enfermedades Transmitidas por el Agua , Abastecimiento de Agua , Niño , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles , Cobertura del Alcantarillado
Interdisciplinaria ; 31(1): 163-174, jun. 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-734355


La administración de los recursos hídricos es un tema de suma discusión ya que de ella depende la construcción de una ciudad sustentable en su agenda, gestión y participación. Empero, las políticas públicas relativas al abastecimiento de agua parecen estar centradas en una oferta desmedida ya no por la disponibilidad ni el consumo, sino por la información que los medios difunden acerca de una fuente de abastecimientoo conflicto entre autoridades y usuarios. En este sentido, es menester revisar los conceptos de oportunidades, capacidades, responsabilidades, habitus y espacialidades para discutir su vinculación con otros tales como encuadre, agenda o sustentabilidad. En el marco de la ciudad sustentable, tal ejercicio, permitirá anticipar la relación existente entre autoridades y usuarios en referencia a los medios de comunicación. Precisamente, la administración sería sustentable si el sistema de tarifas incluyera los conceptos que explican las relaciones entre los actores políticos, mediáticos y civiles implicados.

The management of water resources is subject to a payment system from which the state regulates public service water supply. These are rates that promote or restrict water consumption as water availability, the cost of extraction, treatment and distribution, or the degree of local human development. In either case the authorities determine the supply and demand assuming that civil society will adjust their life styles to public policy. In this sense, the media spread information that may be consistent or not the tariff policy and supply, however as the information is disseminated to the social sectors, a phenomenon known as emerging public agenda. It is the construction of public opinion on the evaluation of public policies and the inclusion of issues management for the sustainability of water resources. This is how the public agenda on water supply is limited to two axes: saving or waste of water resources. In the first case, the increase of tariffs favors an austere life in the vulnerable, marginalized and excluded. In the second case, the rates encourage wasteful life style in those social groups with higher incomes. Indeed, public policies for billing system generate a gap between the social sectors. It is therefore required to discuss other psychological factors as setting an agenda for the management of water resources is shaped not only by authorities but by users of public services. Given that the right to the city means access to resources, citizenship as a user of urban services, is a co-participant and co-responsible for water conservation for future generations. In the context of sustainable cities, government decisions are carried out considering not only the freedoms, opportunities, capabilities and responsibilities of users, it is also necessary to analyze their influence processes concerning compliance, obedience and innovation that derived from a schedule and fare system of water service. In a situation of scarcity, the majority influence has been studied from hoarding water while in the minority influence has been investigated from reuse. Both phenomena impact people's opinions because those who inhabit the periphery of cities are forced to kidnap pipes, boycott installations confront its authorities, or have developed styles of trust and cooperation that allow them to survive droughts or floods. Consequently, the assessment of water supply and pricing policy is determined by lifestyle and those put forth by these psychological processes. This means that the establishment of a public agenda includes issues such as influence, identity, reliability, entrepreneurship, social capital, sense of community, social representations, habitus, and fields of power, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, skills, motives, decisions and behaviors. The elucidation of the relationship of each of these elements will anticipate the impact of public policies on current and future civil spheres, as well as public participation in the conservation of water resources, the public poured in social networks and their impact on the dissemination of media. Indeed, the objective of this work lies in the presentation, analysis and discussion of the relationship between users and public administrators in situations of irregular water supply and tariff increases. The media disseminated information about a source of supply or conflict between authorities and users. In this sense, it is necessary to review the concepts of opportunity, skills, responsibilities, habitus and spatialities to discuss their relationship with others such as framing, book or sustainability. As part of the sustainable city, this year, will anticipate the relationship between authorities and users in reference to the media. Indeed, the administration would be sustainable if the fare system to include concepts that explain the relationships between political, media and civil actors.

Interdisciplinaria ; 31(1): 163-174, jun. 2014.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-131472


La administración de los recursos hídricos es un tema de suma discusión ya que de ella depende la construcción de una ciudad sustentable en su agenda, gestión y participación. Empero, las políticas públicas relativas al abastecimiento de agua parecen estar centradas en una oferta desmedida ya no por la disponibilidad ni el consumo, sino por la información que los medios difunden acerca de una fuente de abastecimientoo conflicto entre autoridades y usuarios. En este sentido, es menester revisar los conceptos de oportunidades, capacidades, responsabilidades, habitus y espacialidades para discutir su vinculación con otros tales como encuadre, agenda o sustentabilidad. En el marco de la ciudad sustentable, tal ejercicio, permitirá anticipar la relación existente entre autoridades y usuarios en referencia a los medios de comunicación. Precisamente, la administración sería sustentable si el sistema de tarifas incluyera los conceptos que explican las relaciones entre los actores políticos, mediáticos y civiles implicados.(AU)

The management of water resources is subject to a payment system from which the state regulates public service water supply. These are rates that promote or restrict water consumption as water availability, the cost of extraction, treatment and distribution, or the degree of local human development. In either case the authorities determine the supply and demand assuming that civil society will adjust their life styles to public policy. In this sense, the media spread information that may be consistent or not the tariff policy and supply, however as the information is disseminated to the social sectors, a phenomenon known as emerging public agenda. It is the construction of public opinion on the evaluation of public policies and the inclusion of issues management for the sustainability of water resources. This is how the public agenda on water supply is limited to two axes: saving or waste of water resources. In the first case, the increase of tariffs favors an austere life in the vulnerable, marginalized and excluded. In the second case, the rates encourage wasteful life style in those social groups with higher incomes. Indeed, public policies for billing system generate a gap between the social sectors. It is therefore required to discuss other psychological factors as setting an agenda for the management of water resources is shaped not only by authorities but by users of public services. Given that the right to the city means access to resources, citizenship as a user of urban services, is a co-participant and co-responsible for water conservation for future generations. In the context of sustainable cities, government decisions are carried out considering not only the freedoms, opportunities, capabilities and responsibilities of users, it is also necessary to analyze their influence processes concerning compliance, obedience and innovation that derived from a schedule and fare system of water service. In a situation of scarcity, the majority influence has been studied from hoarding water while in the minority influence has been investigated from reuse. Both phenomena impact peoples opinions because those who inhabit the periphery of cities are forced to kidnap pipes, boycott installations confront its authorities, or have developed styles of trust and cooperation that allow them to survive droughts or floods. Consequently, the assessment of water supply and pricing policy is determined by lifestyle and those put forth by these psychological processes. This means that the establishment of a public agenda includes issues such as influence, identity, reliability, entrepreneurship, social capital, sense of community, social representations, habitus, and fields of power, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, skills, motives, decisions and behaviors. The elucidation of the relationship of each of these elements will anticipate the impact of public policies on current and future civil spheres, as well as public participation in the conservation of water resources, the public poured in social networks and their impact on the dissemination of media. Indeed, the objective of this work lies in the presentation, analysis and discussion of the relationship between users and public administrators in situations of irregular water supply and tariff increases. The media disseminated information about a source of supply or conflict between authorities and users. In this sense, it is necessary to review the concepts of opportunity, skills, responsibilities, habitus and spatialities to discuss their relationship with others such as framing, book or sustainability. As part of the sustainable city, this year, will anticipate the relationship between authorities and users in reference to the media. Indeed, the administration would be sustainable if the fare system to include concepts that explain the relationships between political, media and civil actors.(AU)

Iatreia ; Iatreia;18(1): 140-152, mar. 2005. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-406203


Objetivo: Describir el comportamiento en los últimos años de las tarifas de referencia de la Sociedad Colombiana de Patología Clínica (SCPC), el Instituto de Seguros Sociales (ISS) y el Ministerio de Salud (MS), de los tres exámenes de mayor demanda en el laboratorio clínico: la glicemia, el citoquímico de orina y el hemograma. Metodología: Se tomó la tarifa propuesta para las tres pruebas por las tres instituciones desde su inicio hasta el 2003. Las de la SCPC fueron ajustadas también por el índice de precios al consumidor y el salario mínimo. Se realizó una comparación año a año. Resultados: Las tarifas propuestas por la SCPC fueron muy similares a los ajustes por indicadores económicos. Las tarifas de la glicemia fueron en promedio un 61,3 por ciento más bajas en el ISS y un 45,2 por ciento más bajas en el MS comparadas con las de la SCPC. Las tarifas del citoquímico de orina fueron en promedio un 58,9 por ciento más bajas en el ISS y un 49,4 por ciento más bajas en el MS comparadas con las de la SCPC. Las tarifas de los hemogramas fueron en promedio un 36,5 por ciento más bajas en el ISS y un 31,8 por ciento más bajas en el MS comparadas con las de la SCPC Conclusión: en las tres pruebas evaluadas la diferencia entre las tarifas del ISS y el MS se va haciendo mayor año a año comparadas con las de la Sociedad Colombiana de Patología Clínica

Purpose: To describe the tendency of reference tariffs in recent years in three colombian institutions (Sociedad Colombiana de Patología Clínica ­SCPC­, Instituto de Seguros Sociales ­ISS­ and Ministry of Health), for the three laboratory tests with greater demand, namely: glucose test, urine analysis and blood count. Methodology: The tariffs for these tests in the aforementioned institutions were analyzed since first available until 2003. Tariffs of the SCPC are adjusted according to official price indexes and the minimum salary. A comparison year after year was carried out Results: The proposed tariffs of the SCPC were very closely similar to the adjustments by economic indicators. Prices of the glucose test were on the average 61,3% lower in the ISS and 45,2% lower in the Ministry of Health as compared with the SCPC. Prices of the urine analysis were on the average 58,9% lower in the ISS and 49,4% lower in the Ministry of Health than in the SCPC. Prices for the blood count were on the average 36,5% lower in the ISS and 31,8% lower in the Ministry of Health than in the SCPC.

Laboratorios , Economía y Organizaciones para la Atención de la Salud