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Anat Rec (Hoboken) ; 305(11): 3113-3132, 2022 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34779131


Irajatherium hernandezi is a poorly known non-mammaliaform cynodont from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil. A new specimen of this cynodont was found in recent fieldwork to the type-locality, Sesmaria do Pinhal (Candelária), providing new insights into the anatomy of this mammalian forerunner. This specimen comprises a partial skull preserving the left canine, two left and three right postcanines, and an isolated exoccipital; the left dentary with the canine and postcanines; a fragment of the right dentary; the proximal portion of the left partial humerus; the right scapula; and indeterminate fragments. Based on new material, it is here suggested that I. hernandezi presents: a rostrum broad and short, possibly long as the temporal region; three foramina on the lateral surface of the maxilla, that could correspond to the external openings of the rostral alveolar, infraorbital, and zygomaticofacial canals; a slender zygomatic arch and an absent postorbital bar; a posteriorly wide temporal fossa; a long secondary palate, slightly surpassing the level of the last postcanine tooth; the cerebral hemispheres of the cranial endocast divided by a median sulcus; the scapular blade long and straight, and the postscapular fossa absent in lateral aspect. Finally, I. hernandezi and other tritheledontids were included in a phylogenetic analysis of Eucynodontia. The analysis recovered unresolved relationships for ictidosaurs/tritheledontids, nested within a polytomy with Tritylodontidae and a clade composed by Pseudotherium argentinus, Botucaraitherium belarminoi, Brasilodon quadrangularis, and Mammaliaformes.

Fósiles , Cráneo , Animales , Brasil , Mamíferos/anatomía & histología , Filogenia , Cráneo/anatomía & histología
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 83(1): 329-354, Mar. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-578300


The tritheledontid Riograndia guaibensis was the first cynodont described for the "Caturrita Formation" fauna from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil (Santa Maria 2 Sequence). The type materials did not preserve anatomical information regarding braincase, occiput, basicranium, zygomatic arch, postdentary bones and craniomandibular joint. Here new materials are described and supply the missing information. Riograndia shows a suite of important anatomical features quite derived among the non-mammaliaform eucynodonts, such as the partial closure of the medial orbital wall and braincase, extensive secondary osseous palate, wide primary palate, basicranium with jugular foramen separated from the periphery of fenestra rotunda, narrow zygomatic arch and much reduced postdentary bones. Many of these features constitute synapomorphies shared only with the other members of mammaliamorpha. Thus, the almost complete cranial, mandibular and dental information from the new fossils of Riograndia can bring a significant improve in the understanding of the anatomy and phylogenetic relationships of the tritheledontids and help to elucidate the transformational steps involved in the cynodont-mammal transition. Additionally, Riograndia is a key taxon in refining the "Caturrita Formation" biostratigraphy, enabling the connection of several fossiliferous outcrops that have a rich tetrapod fauna that can be correlated with other Triassic faunas from Gondwana and Laurasia.

O triteledontídeo Riograndia guiabensis foi o primeiro cinodonte descrito para a fauna da "Formação Caturrita" do Triássico Superior do sul do Brasil (Sequência Santa Maria 2). Os materiais da série-tipo não forneceram informações anatômicas relativas à caixa craniana, ociput, basicrânio, arco zigomático, ossos pós-dentários e articulação crânio-mandibular. Neste artigo são descritos novos materiais que suprem as informações anatômicas não contempladas anteriormente. Riograndia apresenta um conjunto de importantes aspectos anatômicos derivados dentre os eucinodontes não-mammaliaformes, tais como fechamento parcial da parede orbital medial e da caixa craniana, extenso palato ósseo secundário, palato primário alargado, basicrânio com separação do forame jugular e da fenestra rotunda, arco zigomático estreito e ossos pós-dentários extremamente reduzidos. Muitas destas feições constituem sinapomorfias compartilhadas somente com os demais membros do clado Mammaliamorpha. Assim, as praticamente completas informações crânio-mandibulares e dentárias de Riograndia trazem uma significante contribuição ao conhecimento da anatomia dos triteledontídeos e suas relações filogenéticas e auxiliam na elucidação sobre os passos transformacionais envolvidos na transição cinodonte-mamífero. Adicionalmente, Riograndia figura como um táxon-chave no refinamento bioestratigráfico da "Formação Caturrita", através da integração de vários afloramentos fossilíferos os quais apresentam uma rica fauna de tetrápodes que pode ser correlacionada com outras faunas triássicas do Gondwana e da Laurásia.

Animales , Evolución Biológica , Dinosaurios/anatomía & histología , Dinosaurios/clasificación , Fósiles , Brasil , Filogenia