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Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(3): 08-11, jul.-set.2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571884


A hanseníase é uma das enfermidades mais antigas que se tem notícia, com registros que remontam a antiguidade. Ao longo dos tempos, as pessoas com a doença foram despojadas de seus direitos humanos por meio de políticas de isolamento, exclusão e até de cunho eugênico, apartando seus filhos do convívio com pais e mães portadores. O desafio, na atualidade, é a promoção, pelas Nações que viveram a moléstia em sua história, de políticas voltadas a prevenir abusos e afronta aos direitos humanos e reparar, inclusive com indenizações, os males sofridos no apartheid histórico.

Leprosy is one of the oldest known illnesses, with records dating back to antiquity. Over time, people with the disease have been stripped of their human rights through policies of isolation, exclusion and even eugenic policies, separating their children from their mothers and fathers who are carriers. The challenge today is the promotion, by Nations that have experienced the disease in their history, of promoting policies aimed at preventing abuses and affronts to human rights and repairing, including with compensation, the evils suffered during historical apartheid.

La lepra es una de las enfermedades más antiguas conocidas, con registros que se remontan a la antigüedad. Con el tiempo, las personas con la enfermedad han sido despojadas de sus derechos humanos mediante políticas de aislamiento, exclusión e incluso políticas eugenésicas, separando a sus hijos de sus madres y padres portadores. El desafío hoy es la promoción, por parte de las Naciones que han experimentado la enfermedad en su historia, de promover políticas destinadas a prevenir abusos y afrentas a los derechos humanos y reparar, incluso mediante compensaciones, los males sufridos durante el apartheid histórico.

Derecho Sanitario
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 48: e76, 2024.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39139469


Medicines are special goods that cover the health needs of the population. In recent decades, the pharmaceutical industry has changed its research and development strategy, shifting its focus from the exploration of medicines for chronic diseases affecting a large part of the population to the search for drugs for rare diseases that affect a small number of people.This lack of a mass consumer base is reflected in a selective offer of a few very high-cost products aimed at certain diseases, which hinders both patient access and financial coverage.This article reviews the issue of high-cost medicines, including its cultural, legal, political, economic, and health aspects. It emphasizes the differences between various medicines in terms of their efficacy in changing the natural course of diseases, their market price, the consequences of their cost for healthcare funders, and the cost-opportunity ratio of having to pay for them at the expense of other essential resources.Finally, the article reflects on the legitimate rights of each individual to claim access to high-cost medicines when they are considered essential to recover a person's health, and on how guaranteeing such coverage can affect the collective rights of the population. Concrete examples that illustrate this situation are provided.

Medicamentos são bens especiais que atendem às necessidades de saúde da população. Nas últimas décadas, a indústria farmacêutica mudou sua estratégia de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, deixando de explorar medicamentos para doenças crônicas que afetam grande parte da população e passando a buscar medicamentos para poucas pessoas com doenças raras.Esse número limitado de consumidores se reflete em uma oferta seletiva de poucos produtos de preço elevado para determinadas doenças, dificultando o acesso dos pacientes e a obtenção de cobertura dos agentes financiadores da saúde.Neste artigo, analisa-se a questão dos medicamentos de alto custo e incorpora-se ao debate o contexto sanitário, cultural, jurídico, político e econômico. São enfatizados os seguintes aspectos: diferenças entre os diferentes medicamentos em termos da eficácia em mudar o curso natural das doenças para as quais são indicados; determinação do preço pelo qual esses medicamentos são vendidos no mercado; consequências desse preço para os agentes financiadores da saúde; e a relação custo-oportunidade de ter de pagar por esses medicamentos em detrimento de outros recursos considerados essenciais.Por fim, reflete-se sobre os direitos legítimos de cada indivíduo de reivindicar acesso a medicamentos de alto custo, por considerá-los essenciais para recuperar a própria saúde, e como a garantia dessa cobertura pode afetar os direitos coletivos da população; também são fornecidos exemplos concretos que ilustram essa situação.

Sex Reprod Health Matters ; 32(1): 2374137, 2024 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39105442


Costa Rica prohibits abortion except under narrow circumstances to save the pregnant person's life. The country boasts historically strong support for social policy and human rights, while also presenting a complex and restrictive abortion access landscape. From September 2021 to March 2022, we conducted 23 interviews with obstetrician-gynecologist (OB/GYN) physicians, OB/GYN medical residents, and policy stakeholders to explore the socio-ecological influences on abortion access in Costa Rica. We sampled clinicians and policy stakeholders from the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas listserv through snowball sampling and conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews in Spanish. We identified limited access to comprehensive sexual health education, lack of support from interpersonal networks, inadequate provider knowledge and training, financial and migratory status, and both provider and community stigma as substantial barriers to abortion access. This study addresses a gap in published research around the social determinants of abortion in Costa Rica and sheds light on the attitudes and opinions of the medical and policy stakeholder communities about abortion access. The results highlight the need for expanded access to comprehensive sexual health education, abortion-related training for healthcare providers, and increased programming efforts, such as funding, outreach, and implementation, to ensure comprehensive reproductive health services are available and accessible, especially for vulnerable populations in Costa Rica.

Aborto Inducido , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Investigación Cualitativa , Humanos , Costa Rica , Femenino , Aborto Inducido/psicología , Embarazo , Política de Salud , Masculino , Adulto , Entrevistas como Asunto , Actitud del Personal de Salud , Estigma Social , Personal de Salud/psicología
Humanidad. med ; 24(2)ago. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564581


Introducción: En el Perú las mujeres en los establecimientos penitenciarios carecen de acceso a la salud ante la falta de políticas públicas que conduce a una brecha de desigualdad en dicho acceso. La investigación tiene por objetivo diagnosticar la situación del acceso a los servicios de la salud en los establecimientos penitenciarios de mujeres del Perú durante el año 2021. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, con datos de los 13 establecimientos, que constituyen la totalidad de los establecimientos penitenciarios de mujeres en el Perú. Resultados: Los resultados señalan que las atenciones en salud se concentraron en la región penitenciaria de Lima, se encontró que las regiones que no presentaban profesionales de la salud permanentes carecían de atención adecuada. Discusión: el Estado peruano no ha cumplido con su rol como garante en relación con el derecho fundamental al acceso a los servicios de salud por parte de las entidades penitenciarias en beneficio de todas las mujeres internas que integran los Establecimientos Penitenciarios de Mujeres en el Perú. Se recomienda, bajo los principios de razonabilidad y proporcionalidad, es más que urgente definir nuevas directrices de acceso a la salud femenina, coadyuvando a que el personal de salud desempeñe un enfoque preventivo, con la capacidad de integrar la buena cultura de la institución penitenciaria.

Introduction: In Peru, women in prisons lack access to health due to the lack of public policies that lead to an inequality gap in said access. The objective of the research is to diagnose the situation of access to health services in women's penitentiary establishments in Peru during the year 2021. Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out with data from the 13 establishments, which constitute all of the women's penitentiary establishments in Peru. The results indicate that health care was concentrated in the prison region of Lima; it was found that regions that did not have permanent health professionals lacked adequate care. Results: Therefore, the importance of placing permanent health professionals in penitentiary centers is accentuated to guarantee care for women. Discussion: The peruvian state has not fulfilled its role as guarantor in relation to the fundamental right of access to health services by penitentiary entities for the benefit of all female inmates who make up the Women's Penitentiary Establishments in Peru. It is recommended, under the principles of reasonableness and proportionality, that it is more than urgent to define new guidelines for access to women's health, helping health personnel to carry out a preventive approach, with the ability to integrate the good culture of the penitentiary institution.

Behav Anal Pract ; 17(2): 456-470, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38966257


Given the advancement of behavioral research in culture and social behavior, it seems natural for the community of behavior analysts to progress towards increased political engagement and a dedication to social justice. To reach this goal, it is necessary to act inside one's own communities and organizations. The purpose of this article is to report on the efforts of the Brazilian Association for Behavioral Psychology and Medicine (ABPMC) to increase equity and social justice during the 2017-2018 term. First, we present an overview of the ABPMC. Next, we describe the process of identifying, planning, and implementing equity and social justice actions in the association. The problems targeted were the discontinuation of policies from one term to another, elitism and centralization, the lack of topics with social and political relevance in the annual conference's scientific program, and the lack of support for the participation of women (especially mothers) in clinical and academic practice. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40617-020-00510-2.

Braz J Psychiatry ; 2024 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38874935


This is the first part of two documents prepared by experts for the Brazilian S20 mental health report. These reports outline strategies aimed at addressing the exacerbated mental health challenges arising from a post-pandemic world. Ongoing psychiatric epidemiology research has yielded evidence linking mental health with intricate social determinants, including gender, race/ethnicity, racism, socioeconomic status, social deprivation, and employment, among others. More recently, the focus has expanded to also encompass violence and social oppression. By prioritizing prevention and early intervention, harnessing technology, and fostering community support, we can mitigate the long-term impact of mental disorders emerging in life. Utilizing evidence-based practices and forging partnerships between the health and education sectors, S20 countries can promote health and safety of their student population, thereby paving the way for a more promising future for the next generations. The first document focuses on addressing the mental health concerns of vulnerable populations, catering to the needs of children, youth, and aging populations, assessing the current state of alcohol and drug addictions, scaling up psychosocial interventions in primary care, exploring the potential integration of health and educational systems, and emphasizing the imperative adoption of human rights in mental health policies.

Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(2): 11-18, abr.-jun.2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560915


Objetivo: compreender a participação da IA nos diagnósticos da saúde moderna e definir limites para sua aplicação. Metodologia: Revisão integrativa da literatura. A busca dos estudos se deu nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE e SCIELO e foram selecionados artigos científicos, sem recorte temporal e de idioma. Resultados: A inteligência artificial impacta a medicina em três níveis: otimiza a interpretação de imagens para os médicos, aprimora o fluxo de trabalho reduzindo potenciais erros para os sistemas de saúde e capacita os pacientes a processarem seus próprios dados para promover a saúde. Contudo, é necessária atenção aos dados gerados, pois podem desencadear erros em cascata e expor informações sensíveis dos usuários do sistema de saúde. Conclusão: Atribuir à IA a responsabilidade de escolhas e funções desempenhadas por humanos é intrinsecamente perigoso, apesar de sua contribuição inegável nos processos diagnósticos. Sugere-se a realização de pesquisas robustas para compreender plenamente o impacto dessa nova era tecnológica proporcionada pela IA na área da saúde.

Objective: To understand the role of AI in modern healthcare diagnostics and define boundaries for its application. Methodology:Integrative literature review. Studies were searched in the LILACS, MEDLINE, and SCIELO databases, selecting scientific articles without temporal or language restrictions. Results: Artificial intelligence impacts medicine at three levels: it optimizes image interpretation for physicians, enhances workflow by reducing potential errors for healthcare systems, and empowers patients to process their own data to promote health. However, attention is required regarding the generated data, as it may trigger cascading errors and expose sensitive information of healthcare system users. Conclusion: Assigning AI, the responsibility of choices and functions performed by humans is inherently dangerous, despite its undeniable contribution to diagnostic processes. Robust research is suggested to fully understand the impact of this new technological era provided by AI in healthcare.

Objetivo: Comprender la participación de la IA en los diagnósticos de la salud moderna y definir límites para su aplicación. Metodología:Revisión integrativa de la literatura. Los estudios se buscaron en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE y SCIELO, seleccionando artículos científicos sin restricciones temporales ni lingüísticas. Resultados: La inteligencia artificial impacta la medicina en tres niveles: optimiza la interpretación de imágenes para los médicos, mejora el flujo de trabajo al reducir errores potenciales para los sistemas de salud y capacita a los pacientes para procesar sus propios datos y promover la salud. Sin embargo, se requiere atención respecto a los datos generados, ya que pueden desencadenar errores en cascada y exponer información sensible de los usuarios del sistema de salud. Conclusión: Asignar a la IA la responsabilidad de decisiones y funciones realizadas por humanos es intrínsecamente peligroso, apesar de su contribución innegable a los procesos de diagnóstico. Se sugiere realizar investigaciones sólidas para comprender completamente el impacto de esta nueva era tecnológica proporcionada por la IA en la salud.

Derecho Sanitario
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(2): 19-28, abr.-jun.2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560923


Objetivos: analisar se a Recomendação Geral n.º24, sobre saúde da mulher, amplia ou constrói interpretações para os Estados Partes da Convenção para a Eliminação de todas as Formas de Discriminação contra a Mulher. Metodologia: foi realizada uma pesquisa documental e bibliográfica para coletar dados e revisar criticamente documentos internacionais e literatura especializada. Os resultados foram analisados por meio da revisão crítico-narrativa. Resultados: a Convenção abrange direitos da mulher, incluindo saúde, e o Comitê da Convenção sobre a eliminação de todas as formas de discriminação contra as mulheres emite recomendações gerais para orientar sua implementação pelos Estados Partes. A Recomendação Geraln.º24 amplia as recomendações originais, abordando questões como saúde sexual, violência de gênero e participação na tomada de decisões. Conclusões: a interpretação política da Convenção, conforme preconizado por Kelsen, permite observar as necessidades e o contexto político dos Estados-parte. A Recomendação Geraln.º24 amplia as recomendações, refletindo a necessidade de adaptação das políticas públicas às mudanças globais e às necessidades das mulheres.

Objectives: This study examines whether General Recommendation (GR) No. 24, on women's health, broadens or constructs interpretations for the State parties of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Methodology: A documentary and bibliographical research was conducted to collect data and critically review international documents and specialized literature. The results were analyzed through critical-narrative review. Results: The Convention covers women's rights, including health, and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women issues general recommendations to guide its implementation by State parties. GR No. 24 expands the original recommendations, addressing issues such as sexual health, gender-based violence, and participation in decision-making. Conclusions: The political interpretation of the Convention, as advocated by Kelsen, enables the observation of the needs and political context of the State parties. GR No. 24 expands the recommendations, reflecting the need to adapt public policies to global changes and women's needs.

Objetivos: Este estudio analiza si la Recomendación General (RG) n. 24, sobre la salud de la mujer, amplía o construye interpretaciones para los Estados Partes de la Convención para la Eliminación de todas las Formas de Discriminación contra la Mujer. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación documental y bibliográfica para recopilar datos y revisar críticamente documentos internacionales y literatura especializada. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante la revisión crítico-narrativa. Resultados: La Convención abarca los derechos de las mujeres, incluida la salud, y el Comité de la Convención sobre la eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación contra la mujer emite recomendaciones generales para guiar su implementación por parte de los Estados-partes. La RG n. 24 amplía las recomendaciones originales, abordando cuestiones como la salud sexual, la violencia de género y la participación en la toma de decisiones. Conclusiones: La interpretación política de la Convención, como preconiza Kelsen, permite la observación de las necesidades y el contexto político de los Estados Partes. La RG n. 24 amplía las recomendaciones, reflejando la necesidad de adaptar las políticas públicas a los cambios globales y a las necesidades de las mujeres.

Derecho Sanitario
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(2): 99-105, abr.-jun.2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560977


Abordam-se aspectos da decisão da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, no caso Moradores de La Oroya contra o Peru, publicada em março de 2024, afirmando a justiciabilidade do direito ao meio ambiente como um direito difuso e reconhecendo a responsabilidade internacional do Peru (Estado parte) pela omissão em relação às medidas de prevenção e na prestação de informações à população exposta. Trata-se de precedente de relevância emitido pela Corte Internacional para a defesa do meio ambiente e dos direitos humanos, abrindo alvissareiras possibilidades de um novo e efetivo espaço para a afirmação de princípios caros ao Direito Sanitário e a preservação da vida.

Aspects of the decision of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights are discussed, in the case of Residents of La Oroya against Peru, affirming the justiciability of the right to the environment as a diffuse right and recognizing the international responsibility of Peru (State party) for omission in relation to prevention measures and the provision of information to the exposed population.This is a highly relevant precedent for the defense of the environment and human rights, opening up promising possibilities for a new and effective space for the affirmation of principles dear to Health Law and the preservation of life.

Se discuten aspectos de la decisión de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, en el caso de Residentes de La Oroya contra Perú, afirmando la justiciabilidad del derecho al medio ambiente como un derecho difuso y reconociendo la responsabilidad internacional del Perú (Estado parte) por omisión en relación con las medidas de prevención y suministro de información a la población expuesta. Se trata de un precedente de gran relevancia para la defensa del medio ambiente y de los derechos humanos, abriendo posibilidades prometedoras para un nuevo y eficaz espacio de afirmación de principios queridos por el Derecho de la Salud y la preservación de la vida.

Derecho Sanitario
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 11(1): 83-87, 20240601.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556127


Dental age estimation is a technical procedure performed to support Court decisions in cases of legal liability, clandestine migration, sexual abuse, and several other applications. This study reports a case of an undocumented individuals that was originally identified by the criminal legal system (without a previous civil identity). In his identity records, a name was given: "Black male, 19" ­ indicating his population affinity (African), sex (male) and age (19 years). His body was found decapitated and referred to the medicolegal institute. The dental examination highlighted the presence of a third molar in the very early stage (») of root formation. Age was estimated using five methods based on dental development (the methods of Schour and Massler [1941], Moorrees et al. [1963], Anderson et al. [1976], London Atlas [2010], and Blenkin and Taylor [2012]). All the methods indicated that the individual was a minor, within the range between 14.5 and 15.5 years. This study highlights the importance of assigning adequate personnel to technical tasks in the police/forensic routine in order to safeguard human rights

A estimativa da idade dentária é um procedimento técnico realizado para apoiar decisões judiciais em casos de responsabilidade legal, migração clandestina, abuso sexual e diversas outras aplicações. Este estudo relata o caso de um indivíduo indocumentado que foi originalmente identificado pelo sistema penal (sem identidade civil prévia). Nos seus registos de identidade foi atribuído um nome: "Homem negro, 19 anos" ­ indicando a sua afinidade populacional (africana), sexo (masculino) e idade (19 anos). Seu corpo foi encontrado decapitado e encaminhado a um Instituto Médico-legal. O exame odontológico evidenciou a presença de um terceiro molar em fase muito inicial (») de formação radicular. A idade foi estimada usando cinco métodos baseados no desenvolvimento dentário (os métodos de Schour e Massler [1941], Moorrees et al. [1963], Anderson et al. [1976], London Atlas [2010] e Blenkin e Taylor [2012]). Todos os métodos indicaram que o indivíduo era menor de idade, na faixa entre 14,5 e 15,5 anos. Este estudo destaca a importância de designar pessoal adequado para tarefas técnicas na rotina policial/forense, a fim de salvaguardar os direitos humanos

Ann Glob Health ; 90(1): 29, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618274


Objectives: To describe sociodemographic characteristics and health-related data in persons deprived of liberty (PDL) from South America in the last five years. Methods: Documentary descriptive study. Results: There are 1.5 million PDL in Latin America and the Caribbean; the average overcrowding is 64%; 58% do not sleep in beds, 20% do not have access to clean water and 29% do not receive medical care. In Peru, during 2021, there were 87,245 PDL and 69 penal institutions. The national average overcrowding is 120%, the second-highest in South America. In South America, the prevalence of tuberculosis is 2.0% SD = 0.64 and the median of illegal substances prevalence is 34.6 (IQR = 7.5-41.4). In Peru, the prevalence of tuberculosis has decreased since 2016 (4.3%), 2018(3.5%), and 2021(2.5%). Among the health problems by country, there were more data on substance use: 8/10, and tuberculosis, 7/10 countries. Cardiovascular diseases had the least available data. Regarding COVID-19, during the first wave in Peru, 54% of the total PPL were infected, and by the end of the wave, 446 PDL and 46 members of the prison staff had died. In Colombia, between April and October 2020, there were 16,804 cases (80 in ICU) and 136 deaths. In Brazil, up to March 2021, 340 people had died, and there were over 67,000 infections. Conclusions: Overcrowding is an unresolved problem; tuberculosis and substance use are the most frequent issues. Data are limited in quality, homogeneity and availability. Greater effort is needed from health authorities to improve health management and information systematization. Source: MesH.

Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias , Tuberculosis , Humanos , Salud Pública , Perú/epidemiología , Brasil , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias/epidemiología , Tuberculosis/epidemiología
Salud Colect ; 20: e4665, 2024 02 29.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38427347


This research aims to analyze the breastfeeding experiences of incarcerated mothers in the prisons of the Spanish penitentiary system. Additionally, it explores whether these mothers have perceived practices related to obstetric violence during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. An exploratory-descriptive study was conducted using a qualitative approach and a critical ethnographic method. Fieldwork, including participant observation and semi-structured interviews, was carried out between December 2021 and April 2022. The study involved 30 adult women from Africa, Europe, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, all serving sentences with their infants in Mother Units located in the Spanish cities of Alicante, Barcelona, Madrid, and Seville. The main findings highlight the need for penitentiary policies with a gender and feminist perspective. These policies should aim to eliminate severe inequalities and discriminations faced by incarcerated women while protecting the basic rights of both mothers and infants.

Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la experiencia con respecto a la lactancia materna de las madres encarceladas en las prisiones del sistema penitenciario español, así como estudiar si han percibido prácticas que aludan a la violencia obstetricia durante la gestación, el parto y el puerperio. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio-descriptivo con abordaje cualitativo y método etnográfico crítico. Entre diciembre de 2021 y abril de 2022, se efectuó el trabajo de campo con observación participante y entrevistas semiestructuradas a 30 de las mujeres mayores de edad procedentes de África, Europa, Europa del Este y Latinoamérica, que se encontraban cumpliendo condena junto a sus criaturas en las Unidades de Madres de las ciudades españolas de Alicante, Barcelona, Madrid y Sevilla. Las principales conclusiones señalan la necesidad de aplicar políticas penitenciarias con perspectiva de género y feminista, que consigan erradicar las graves desigualdades y discriminaciones que sufren las mujeres encarceladas y que sirvan para proteger los derechos básicos de madres y criaturas.

Prisioneros , Prisiones , Adulto , Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos , Madres , Lactancia Materna , Parto , Investigación Cualitativa
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(1): 24-35, jan.-mar.2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538350


Objetivo: traçar parâmetros para estruturar conceitos da abordagem One Health através dos pensamentos de Alfred North Whitehead, Arthur George Tansley, Amartya Sen e Norberto Bobbio. Metodologia: tratou-se de pesquisa original, com abordagem dedutiva e viés hermenêutico, baseada nos pensamentos selecionados e na orientação de Saúde Única. Resultados: One Health estrutura-se na afirmativa holística e integrada que a saúde humana, animal e ambiental estão interligadas. Sob a perspectiva de Whitehead, a abordagem One Health pode ser considerada um processo dinâmico e relacional, onde humanos, animais e meio ambiente interagem constantemente, interconectando-se por relações e processos, formando um todo. Pela perspectiva de Tansley, a ideia de One Health pode alinhar-se ao conceito de ecossistema, não podendo a saúde ser analisada isoladamente em indivíduos, mas, necessariamente, pelas interações complexas entre seres humanos, animais e o ambiente. Sob o prisma de desenvolvimento (direitos e liberdades), proposto por Sen, a abordagem One Health pode ser considerada um meio para alcançá-lo, através da interrelação de mecanismos, sistemas e instituições focados na promoção da saúde e do bem-estar. Na visão de Bobbio, direitos fundamentais, democracia e a paz, são formas éticas e primordiais para assegurar direitos, especialmente um novo direito da natureza (humanos, animal e ambiente) na busca conjunta de garantias para a convivência pacífica. Conclusão: a abordagem One Health não é apenas uma estratégia prática, mas também uma visão renovada da antiga percepção que reconhecia a interconexão de todas as formas de vida.

Objective: draw parameters to structure concepts of the One Health approach through the thoughts of Alfred North Whitehead, Arthur George Tansley, Amartya Sen, and Norberto Bobbio. Methodology: this was original research, with a deductive approach, hermeneutic bias based on the selected thoughts and the One Health. Results: One Health is structured on the holistic and integrated assertion that human, animal, and environmental health are interconnected. From Whitehead's perspective, the One Health approach can be considered a dynamic and relational process, where humans, animals, and the environment constantly interact, interconnecting through relationships and processes, forming a whole. From Tansley's perspective, the idea of One Health can align with the ecosystem concept, where health cannot be analyzed in isolation in individuals, but necessarily through the complex interactions between humans, animals, and the environment. From Sen's development prism (rights and freedoms), the One Health approach can be seen to achieve it, through the interrelation of mechanisms, systems, and institutions focused on promoting health and well-being. In Bobbio's view, fundamental rights, democracy, and peace are ethical and primary ways to ensure rights, especially a right of nature (humans, animals, and the environment) in the joint pursuit of guarantees for peaceful coexistence. Conclusion: the One Health approach is not just a practical strategy, but also a renewed vision of the old perception that recognized the interconnection of all forms of life.

Objetivo: establecer parámetros para estructurar conceptos del enfoque One Health a través de los pensamientos de Alfred North Whitehead, Arthur George Tansley, Amartya Sen y Norberto Bobbio. Metodología: se trató de una investigación original, con un enfoque deductivo, sesgo hermenéutico basado en los pensamientos seleccionados y el Salud Única. Resultados: One Health se estructura en la afirmación holística e integrada de que la salud humana, animal y ambiental están interconectadas. Desde la perspectiva de Whitehead, el enfoque One Health puede considerarse un proceso dinámico y relacional, donde humanos, animales y el medio ambiente interactúan constantemente, interconectándose a través de relaciones y procesos, formando un todo. Desde la perspectiva de Tansley, la idea de One Health puede alinearse con el concepto de ecosistema, donde la salud no puede analizarse aisladamente en individuos, sino necesariamente a través de interacciones complejas entre seres humanos, animales y el ambiente. Desde el prisma del desarrollo (derechos y libertades) propuesto por Sen, el enfoque One Health puede considerarse un medio para alcanzarlo, a través de la interrelación de mecanismos, sistemas e instituciones enfocados en la promoción de la salud y el bienestar. Desde la visión de Bobbio, los derechos fundamentales, la democracia y la paz son formas éticas y primordiales para asegurar derechos, especialmente un derecho de la naturaleza (humanos, animales y ambiente) en la búsqueda conjunta de garantías para la convivencia pacífica. Conclusión: el enfoque One Health no es solo una estrategia práctica, sino también una visión renovada de la antigua percepción que reconocía la interconexión de todas las formas de vida.

Derecho Sanitario
Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 38(1): 1-6, ene.-mar. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569376


Resumen Antecedentes: Múltiples estudios en Latinoamérica revelan que un gran número de pacientes ginecológicas sufren de violencia obstétrica en la atención institucional, la cual es definida como la apropiación del cuerpo de las mujeres por parte del personal de salud, aumentando las cifras de morbimortalidad. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de acciones indirectas que representan violencia obstétrica, en un grupo de pacientes en el puerperio inmediato en hospitales rurales de la zona Nahua-Mixteca de los Estados de Puebla y Guerrero. Método: Estudio prospectivo y descriptivo realizado del 1 de enero al 30 de agosto del 2019 en el que se investigó la ocurrencia de violencia obstétrica en 296 pacientes atendidas durante el puerperio inmediato. Las variables sociodemográficas, procedimientos médicos durante el trabajo de parto, iniciativa de parto amigable y el alumbramiento fueron investigados en el expediente clínico. Resultados: La agresión verbal fue documentada en el 14.1% del grupo, siendo el médico el agresor más frecuente, seguido del personal de enfermería, sin embargo se documentó también la agresión por parte de otro tipo de personal. En un 13.5% no hubo evidencia de empatía con las emociones del trabajo de parto. Conclusiones: Se demostró una frecuencia elevada de violencia obstétrica, una mejora parcial en la iniciativa de parto amigable y un elevado porcentaje de procedimientos obstétricos que conllevan riesgos para la mujer y el recién nacido.

Abstract Background: Multiple studies in Latin America reveal that a large number of gynecological patients suffer a kind of obstetric violence in institutional care, which is defined as the appropriation of women's bodies by health personnel, increasing morbidity and mortality rates. Objective: To determine the frequency of indirect actions that represent obstetric violence, in a group of patients in the immediate puerperium in rural hospitals in the Nahua-Mixtec area of the States of Puebla and Guerrero. Method: Prospective and descriptive study carried out from January 1 to August 30, 2019, in which the occurrence of obstetric violence was investigated in 296 patients treated during the immediate postpartum period. Sociodemographic variables, medical procedures during labor, friendly labor initiative, and delivery were investigated in the clinical record. Results: Verbal aggression was documented in 14.1% of the group, with the doctor being the most frequent aggressor, followed by nursing staff; however, aggression by other types of personnel was also documented. In 13.5% there was no evidence of empathy with the emotions of labor. Conclusions: A high frequency of obstetric violence was demonstrated, a partial improvement in the friendly delivery initiative and a high percentage of obstetric procedures that carry risks for the woman and the newborn.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1569892


El artículo analiza la labor subversiva asignada por la administración de Biden a la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional, para atacar a las brigadas médicas cubanas en el exterior. Especialmente, analiza el nuevo programa denominado Combatir el trabajo forzoso en las misiones médicas cubanas, y paralelamente, corrobora la existencia de una estrategia de boicot a la cooperación médica y a la exportación de servicios de salud, sobre todo dirigida a esta última modalidad, con el fin de cortar los ingresos económicos. El antecedente de este nuevo programa es uno similar financiado por el gobierno de Trump, en 2019, aunque este cuenta con 1 millón de dólares adicionales. Como la principal línea de mensaje que se emplea contra los convenios médicos cubanos internacionales, es que violan los derechos humanos al promover el trabajo esclavo, priorizan la búsqueda de testimonios para sustentar dicha campaña. El programa cuenta con elementos propios de acciones encubiertas y exige que los elegidos incidan dentro de Cuba y en países de América Latina. Esto último es consecuente con la estrategia sanitaria que Biden implementa para retomar su influencia en la región, además de restar protagonismo a Cuba. Finalmente, se demuestra que, aunque Biden le impone su impronta a la estrategia, es un continuador de Donald Trump(AU)

The article analyzes the subversive work assigned by the Biden administration to the United States Agency for International Development, to attack Cuban medical brigades abroad. Specifically, it analyzes the new program called Combating forced labor in Cuban medical missions, and at the same time, corroborates the existence of a strategy to boycott medical cooperation and the export of health services, especially aimed at the latter modality, with the in order to cut off economic income. The background to this new program is a similar one funded by the Trump government in 2019, although it has an additional one million dollars. Since the main line of message used against international Cuban medical agreements is that they violate human rights by promoting slave labor, they prioritize the search for testimonies to support said campaign. The program has elements of covert actions and requires those elected to carry out actions within Cuba and in Latin American countries. The latter is consistent with the health strategy that Biden implements to regain his influence in the region, in addition to reducing Cuba's prominence. Finally, it is shown that, although Biden imposes his imprint on the strategy, he is a follower of Donald Trump(AU)

Humanos , Médicos , Personal de Salud/educación , United States Agency for International Development , Derecho a la Salud/tendencias , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud/tendencias , Cooperación Internacional , Misiones Médicas/tendencias , Cuba , Personas Esclavizadas , Servicios de Salud , América Latina
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38397703


The respect for human rights in mental health care services significantly contributes to organizational well-being and is evolving into an actual benchmark of quality standards. This study assesses the perception of the respect for human rights for users and staff, as well as organizational and job satisfaction among mental health professionals in three South American countries, through the well-being at work and respect for human rights (WWRR) questionnaire and assesses whether there are significant differences. Seven mental health facilities in Argentina, Colombia, and Peru were involved in this observational study. The sample comprised 310 mental health professionals. The three countries exhibited differences in WWRR, particularly in the staff's satisfaction with resources for care (η2 = 0.166) and staff's satisfaction with organizational aspects (η2 = 0.113). Colombia had the lowest scores in these factors but the highest in the perception of the respect for human rights for users and staff, although this difference did not reach a statistical significance. Despite the progress made in recent years towards coercion-free medical standards and an increased focus on mental health polices in Latin American countries, there is a need to enhance the quality standards of mental health services, recognizing the value that the respect for human rights holds for the organizational well-being of both mental health users and professionals.

Personal de Salud , Salud Mental , Humanos , Personal de Salud/psicología , América del Sur , Derechos Humanos , Percepción
Salud Colect ; 20: e4630, 2024 Feb 14.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38381110


This essay, situated in the field of bioethics, examines the prohibition of psychedelic use, exploring arguments surrounding the growing evidence of their therapeutic potential and their millennia-long history of cultural and spiritual uses. It initially discusses the historical context of psychedelics and the various terms used to describe them. The essay problematizes the definition of "drugs," highlighting the lack of objective criteria for distinguishing between legal and illicit substances. Drawing on concepts and theoretical frameworks of critical bioethics, it analyzes how the prohibitionist moral discourse is sustained more by political and economic interests than by scientific justifications, leading to stigmatization and vulnerability. The essay advocates for the end of the prohibition of psychedelics based on ethical arguments, emphasizing their importance in reducing individual and collective suffering. The work contributes to a deeper reflection on this socially controversial topic, integrating interdisciplinary knowledge.

Este ensayo, ubicado en el campo de la bioética, analiza la prohibición del uso de psicodélicos, explorando argumentos sobre las crecientes evidencias de potenciales terapéuticos y su historia milenaria de usos culturales y espirituales. Discute inicialmente el contexto histórico de los psicodélicos y diferentes términos utilizados para nombrarlos. Problematiza la definición de "drogas", indicando falta de criterios objetivos para distinción entre lícitas e ilícitas. Bajo conceptos y referenciales teóricos de la bioética crítica, se analiza cómo el discurso moral prohibicionista se sostiene más por intereses políticos y económicos que por justificativas científicas, generando estigmatización y vulnerabilidad. Defiende el fin de la prohibición de los psicodélicos con base en argumentos éticos, resaltando su importancia para la reducción de sufrimientos individuales y colectivos. El trabajo contribuye a una reflexión profundizada sobre este tema socialmente controversial, articulando conocimientos interdisciplinarios.

Bioética , Alucinógenos , Drogas Ilícitas , Humanos , Disentimientos y Disputas , Conocimiento
Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol ; : 1-13, 2024 Feb 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38372271


PURPOSE: The objectives of this study(1) were threefold: to identify the main topics related to the international debate on Assistive Technology (AT) public policies, to analyze the Brazilian case in light of these topics, and to extract lessons that could be applied in Brazil and other countries to advance progress in the field. METHODOLOGY: A qualitative study was conducted through a critical literature review, involving the search for, selection, and analysis of articles indexed in two information source portals and four databases from 2007 to 2023. International and Brazilian laws, reports, and other publications specifically related to AT policies were also included. RESULTS: The analysis of 186 articles and Brazilian documents facilitated the examination of four themes: AT policies from a human rights perspective, public procurement, service delivery systems, and national plans. A subset of 107 publications was then selected for detailed analysis. DISCUSSION: Initiatives such as implementing a national plan, establishing an AT research center, and creating a product catalog are considered virtuous. Enhancing the freedom of choice for products and developing public procurement mechanisms are identified as additional strategies to reinforce protections of human rights in Brazil. CONCLUSIONS: Policy dynamics and national and international experiences suggest the potential for expanding initiatives and creating new solutions in Brazil. Universities and other scientific institutions emerge as promising loci for generating new knowledge to support the formulation of AT policies and facilitate their debate and further development.

Our aim in undertaking this critical literature review was to gain an understanding of the primary topics related to public policies in the field of Assistive Technology (AT).We have found that public procurement, service delivery systems, and national plans are the primary strategies that the State can employ to ensure rights related to AT.

Medwave ; 24(1): e2805, 29-02-2024.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532713
Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(1): 81-94, Ene - Abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537184


Introducción: el acceso a los servicios de salud en Paraguay, está determinado por varios tipos de barreras. Por ello, es preciso describir el impacto que tienen las políticas públicas y sus implicancias en la mitigación de las mismas. Objetivo: describir el acompañamiento diferenciado y su contribución al apoyo socio emocional, adhesión al tratamiento y acceso a servicios de salud en el área de atención a personas varones que viven con el VIH. Metodología: estudio de carácter cualitativo, descriptivo, con entrevistas semi estructuradas y muestra no probabilística, dirigida e intencional; Resultados: este estudio cualitativo exploró las experiencias de personas viviendo con VIH que recibieron acompañamiento psicosocial diferenciado en un servicio de atención integral. Los participantes destacaron la importancia del acompañamiento para afrontar la crisis posterior al diagnóstico. La orientación presencial, escucha empática y seguimiento facilitaron la vinculación y adherencia al servicio de salud y al tratamiento antirretroviral. El apoyo psicosocial fue clave para desmitificar ideas erróneas sobre el VIH/SIDA, empoderarse sobre su estado serológico y mejorar la calidad de vida. Se enfatizó el rol de los grupos de pares para brindar contención. Algunos participantes reportaron experiencias previas de revelación no consentida y vulneración de confidencialidad. El acompañamiento psicosocial diferenciado resultó fundamental para facilitar la inserción y permanencia de las personas con VIH en los servicios de atención integral (adhesión al tratamiento). Conclusiones: el acompañamiento psicosocial diferenciado resultó clave para facilitar la vinculación y adherencia en personas con VIH. La atención integral requiere identificar situaciones particulares, establecer relaciones de confianza y comunicación efectiva. El apoyo inicial es fundamental brindando contención ante el impacto emocional del diagnóstico. El seguimiento continuo es esencial dada la doble discriminación. La confidencialidad y capacidad de generar vínculos empáticos son elementos centrales. Los factores mencionados favorecen la adhesión al tratamiento. Los resultados sugieren que estas prácticas psicosociales pueden optimizar modelos de atención integral a personas con VIH.

Introduction: access to healthcare services in Paraguay is influenced by various barriers. Thus, it is essential to describe the impact of public policies and their implications in mitigating these barriers. Objective: to describe the differentiated support and its contribution to socio-emotional support, therapeutic adherence, and access to healthcare services in the area of care for males living with HIV. Methodology: a qualitative, descriptive study with semi-structured interviews and a non-probabilistic, directed, and intentional sample. Results: this qualitative study explored the experiences of individuals living with HIV who received differentiated psychosocial support in an integrated care service. Participants emphasized the importance of support in coping with the post-diagnosis crisis. In-person guidance, empathetic listening, and follow-up facilitated engagement and adherence to healthcare services and antiretroviral treatment. Psychosocial support played a critical role in debunking misconceptions about HIV/AIDS, empowering individuals regarding their serostatus, and improving their quality of life. The role of peer groups in providing emotional support was emphasized. Some participants reported previous experiences of non-consensual disclosure and confidentiality breaches. Differentiated psychosocial support was essential in promoting the integration and retention of people with HIV in integrated care services (therapeutic adherence). Conclusions: differentiated psychosocial support was crucial in facilitating the engagement and adherence of individuals with HIV. Comprehensive care necessitates identifying specific situations, establishing trust-based relationships, and effective communication. Initial support is vital for providing emotional support in the face of the diagnostic impact. Ongoing follow-up is essential due to the dual discrimination faced. Confidentiality and the ability to build empathetic relationships are central elements. The aforementioned factors favor adherence to treatment. The results suggest that these psychosocial practices can enhance models of comprehensive care for people with HIV.