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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 119(42): e2214005119, 2022 10 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36215511


How does the mind make moral judgments when the only way to satisfy one moral value is to neglect another? Moral dilemmas posed a recurrent adaptive problem for ancestral hominins, whose cooperative social life created multiple responsibilities to others. For many dilemmas, striking a balance between two conflicting values (a compromise judgment) would have promoted fitness better than neglecting one value to fully satisfy the other (an extreme judgment). We propose that natural selection favored the evolution of a cognitive system designed for making trade-offs between conflicting moral values. Its nonconscious computations respond to dilemmas by constructing "rightness functions": temporary representations specific to the situation at hand. A rightness function represents, in compact form, an ordering of all the solutions that the mind can conceive of (whether feasible or not) in terms of moral rightness. An optimizing algorithm selects, among the feasible solutions, one with the highest level of rightness. The moral trade-off system hypothesis makes various novel predictions: People make compromise judgments, judgments respond to incentives, judgments respect the axioms of rational choice, and judgments respond coherently to morally relevant variables (such as willingness, fairness, and reciprocity). We successfully tested these predictions using a new trolley-like dilemma. This dilemma has two original features: It admits both extreme and compromise judgments, and it allows incentives-in this case, the human cost of saving lives-to be varied systematically. No other existing model predicts the experimental results, which contradict an influential dual-process model.

Juicio , Principios Morales , Humanos , Motivación , Conducta Social
R Soc Open Sci ; 8(9): 210096, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34527267


The COVID-19 pandemic has raised complex moral dilemmas that have been the subject of extensive public debate. Here, we study how people judge a set of controversial actions related to the crisis: relaxing data privacy standards to allow public control of the pandemic, forbidding public gatherings, denouncing a friend who violated COVID-19 protocols, prioritizing younger over older patients when medical resources are scarce, and reducing animal rights to accelerate vaccine development. We collected acceptability judgements in an initial large-scale study with participants from 10 Latin American countries (N = 15 420). A formal analysis of the intrinsic correlations between responses to different dilemmas revealed that judgements were organized in two dimensions: one that reflects a focus on human life expectancy and one that cares about the health of all sentient lives in an equitable manner. These stereotyped patterns of responses were stronger in people who endorsed utilitarian decisions in a standardized scale. A second pre-registered study performed in the USA (N = 1300) confirmed the replicability of these findings. Finally, we show how the prioritization of public health correlated with several contextual, personality and demographic factors. Overall, this research sheds light on the relationship between utilitarian decision-making and moral responses to the COVID-19 crisis.

Rev. psicol. (Fortaleza, Online) ; 6(1): 82-100, jan.-jun. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-877438


Este trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer os valores de jovens estudantes, além de verifcar possíveis diferenças desses valores em função de outros estudos. Participaram desta investigação 1258 alunos do ensino médio, das escolas públicas e particulares do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Os valores foram abordados seguindo o instrumento de Avaliação do Plano Ético, uma escala que avalia as dimensões do comportamento dos jovens sobre valores. Os resultados indicam que os estudantes são otimistas em relação ao progresso da sociedade, e também razoavelmente otimistas quanto às chances de se realizar na vida, atribuem grande confança às pessoas de seu círculo privado (pais, amigos) e se sente por eles bem mais influenciado quanto a seus valores do que pela escola, pela mídia e pala religião, vindo a corroborar estudos já realizados.(AU)

This study aimed to know the values of young students, and to investigate possible differences of these values according to other studies. The sample consisted of 1258 high school students, public and private schools in Recife, Brazil. The values were discussed following the evaluation instrument Ethical Plan. This scale assesses the dimensions of the behavior of young people about values. The results indicate that students are optimistic about the progress of society, and also reasonably optimistic about the chances of being accomplish in life, people attach great confdence to his private circle (parents, friends) and feel much more influenced by them about their values than by the school, the media and religion, what corroborates previous studies.(AU)

Adolescente , Valores Sociales , Estudiantes
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 44(3): 342-351, jul.-set. 2013.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-740795


O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão de literatura dos artigos empíricos sobre desenvolvimento moral, produzidos no Brasil de 2000 até 2010. A busca dos artigos foi realizada na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, através de diferentes bases de dados. Consideraram-se apenas os artigos publicados em revistas de psicologia e disponíveis online na íntegra. Identificaram-se 48 artigos, analisados a partir de dois eixos: (a) temas e (b) métodos. Os artigos abordaram temas como virtudes, nível de desenvolvimento moral, avaliação de instrumentos de medida de desenvolvimento moral, educação e vícios. Quanto aos métodos, identificaram-se artigos qualitativos, quantitativos e qualitativos quantitativos. Dentre os estudos qualitativos, utilizaram-se principalmente entrevistas; nos quantitativos, utilizaram-se instrumentos psicométricos, questionários e entrevistas; nos mistos, histórias ou dilemas. Estes instrumentos foram empregados independentemente do método de pesquisa e da abordagem teórica adotados...

The aim in this research was to undertake a literature review of empirical studies about moral development producedin Brazil between the years 2000 and 2010. The search for articles was done in the Virtual Health Library, consulting different databases. Only papers published in psychology journals and fully available online were considered. Forty-eight papers were identified, analyzed based on two axes: (a) themes and (b) methods. The papers addressed themes like virtues, level of moral development, assessment of moral development measuring instruments, education and addictions. As regards the methods, qualitative, quantitative and qualitative-quantitative articles were identified. Among the qualitative studies, mainly interviews were used; in the quantitative publications, psychometric instruments, questionnaires and interviews were used; in the mixed studies, histories or dilemmas. These instruments were employed independently of the research method and the adopted theoretical approach...

Este artículo presenta una revisión bibliográfica de artículos empíricos sobre el desarrollo moral, producidos en Brasil desde 2000 a 2010. La búsqueda de artículos se realizó en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, utilizando diferentes bases de datos. Apenas los artículos publicados en revistas de psicología con texto completo disponible via Internet fueron considerados. 48 artículos fueron identificados y analizados según: (a) temas y (b) métodos. Los artículos abarcaron temas como virtudes, nivel de desarrollo moral, instrumentos de evaluación del desarrollo moral, educación y vicios. Fueron identificados métodos cualitativos, cuantitativos y cualitativos-cuantitativos. Entre los estudios cualitativos, se utilizaron principalmente entrevistas; entre los cuantitativos, se utilizaron cuestionarios psicométricos y entrevistas; en los mixtos, historias o dilemas. Estos instrumentos fueron empleados independientemente del método de investigación y del enfoque teórico adoptado...

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Desarrollo Moral , Principios Morales , Psicología
Univ. psychol ; 12(2): 357-362, may.-agos. 2013. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-689599


Consistent with current emotion theory, we should note that contempt is not a homogeneous category but rather shows intracategorial variability. Previous research on Spanish samples shows a communicative structure in which contempt is felt towards intimate, social or abstract receivers, for reciprocal, altruistic or prejudiced reasons. Our objective was to test, on a large and heterogeneous sample, the previously found structure and variations of the experience of contempt as well as its spontaneous facial expression. Testing the association of contempt varieties with certain subject attributes was a secondary goal. Results from 130 participants from the Spanish general population corroborated the previously found structure and varieties, as well as the associations between contempt receiver and attribution. No relation was found with sex, age or emotion recognition ability. As to spontaneous facial expression, disgust was more often expressed by those who narrated their personal episodes of contempt for reciprocal reasons, and was less often expressed by the people who described prejudiced scenarios. This result indicates that the conventionally considered facial expression of contempt is not the only one, as already stated by Darwin, and should not be considered as such by experimental and psychometric procedures.

De forma consistente con las teorías actuales de la emoción, el desprecio no es una categoría homogénea, sino que presenta variedad intracategorial. La investigación previa en muestras españolas muestra una estructura comunicativa en la que el desprecio se experimenta hacia receptores íntimos, sociales o abstractos por razones recíprocas, altruistas o prejuiciosas. Nuestro objetivo fue poner a prueba, en una muestra grande y heterogénea, la estructura previamente encontrada para la experiencia de desprecio, así como sus variedades y expresión facial espontánea. Un objetivo secundario fue la puesta a prueba de la asociación de las variedades del desprecio con atributos de sujeto. Los resultados de 130 entrevistas procedentes de población general española corroboraron la estructura y variedades previamente halladas, así como la asociación entre el receptor del desprecio y la atribución causal. La relación con el sexo, la edad y la aptitud de reconocimiento emocional no resultó significativa. Con respecto a la expresión facial, la de asco apareció con mayor frecuencia en quienes narraron episodios de desprecio por razones de reciprocidad y con menor frecuencia en quienes describieron escenarios prejuiciosos. Este resultado indica que la expresión convencionalmente considerada como de desprecio no es la única, como ya estableció Darwin, por lo que no debería considerarse como tal en los procedimientos experimentales y psicométricos.

Psicología , Principios Morales
Univ. psychol ; 12(2): 591-600, may.-agos. 2013.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-689618


Las normas regulan el comportamiento humano principalmente para mantener el orden social. Hay diversos recursos institucionales para poder generar control; Tyler (2006) plantea que una estrategia eficaz para el cumplimiento de las normas es la legitimidad. En este trabajo se presenta la caracterización que jóvenes universitarios realizaron sobre la norma, a partir de un estudio exploratorio. En particular, qué entienden estos por norma, cómo evalúan la relación de los argentinos con ella y su percepción del sistema normativo argentino en general. A partir de grupos focales, se evidenció en los participantes una atribución negativa de la norma en el contexto argentino, una baja confianza institucional, una percepción generalizada de la corrupción y un doble funcionamiento normativo.

Norms regulate human behavior, mainly to maintain the social order. There are several institutional resources to control, Tyler (2006) suggest that legitimacy is an effective one to generate obedience. This paper, based on exploratory study, presents the characterization that university student have done about norms. Mainly, which they understand for norms, how they describe the relationship between argentines and norms and which is their general perception of the Argentine regulatory system. The result of focus groups, shows that there are a negative conception of norms in Argentina context, a low institutional confidence, a widespread perception of corruption and double standards normative system.

Psicología , Toma de Decisiones , Investigación Cualitativa
Psicol. teor. pesqui ; Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online);26(n.esp): 105-114, 2010.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-570692


Após um século de reflexões e investigações, como era de se esperar, a Psicologia Moral apresenta sinais de esgotamento de seus referenciais teóricos clássicos. Consequentemente, novas perspectivas se abrem, entre elas a abordagem teórica que leva o nome de 'personalidade ética', cuja tese é: para compreendermos os comportamentos morais (deveres) dos indivíduos, precisamos conhecer a perspectiva ética (vida boa) adotadas por eles. Entre os invariantes psicológicos de realização de uma 'vida boa', está a necessidade de 'expansão de si próprio'. Como tal expansão implica ter 'representações de si' de valor positivo, entre elas poderão estar aquelas relacionadas à moral. Se estiverem, o sujeito experimentará o sentimento de dever, do contrário, a motivação para a ação moral será inexistente ou fraca.

ABSTRACT After nearly a century of reflections and investigations, as it would be expected, the classical theoretical referentials of Moral Psychology show signs of exhaustion. Consequently, new perspectives open up, including the theoretical approach that takes the name of 'ethic personality', whose thesis is: to understand the moral behavior (duties) of individuals, one needs to know the ethical perspective (good life) adopted by them. Among the psychological invariants to hold a 'good life' is the need for 'expansion of the self'. Such expansion involves positive 'self representations', among of which may be those related to morality. If so, the subject will experience the feeling of duty, otherwise, the motivation for moral action will be weak or non-existent.

Humanos , Ética , Desarrollo Moral
Psicol. teor. pesqui ; Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online);26(n.esp): 105-114, 2010.
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-55490


Após um século de reflexões e investigações, como era de se esperar, a Psicologia Moral apresenta sinais de esgotamento de seus referenciais teóricos clássicos. Consequentemente, novas perspectivas se abrem, entre elas a abordagem teórica que leva o nome de 'personalidade ética', cuja tese é: para compreendermos os comportamentos morais (deveres) dos indivíduos, precisamos conhecer a perspectiva ética (vida boa) adotadas por eles. Entre os invariantes psicológicos de realização de uma 'vida boa', está a necessidade de 'expansão de si próprio'. Como tal expansão implica ter 'representações de si' de valor positivo, entre elas poderão estar aquelas relacionadas à moral. Se estiverem, o sujeito experimentará o sentimento de dever, do contrário, a motivação para a ação moral será inexistente ou fraca.(AU)

ABSTRACT After nearly a century of reflections and investigations, as it would be expected, the classical theoretical referentials of Moral Psychology show signs of exhaustion. Consequently, new perspectives open up, including the theoretical approach that takes the name of 'ethic personality', whose thesis is: to understand the moral behavior (duties) of individuals, one needs to know the ethical perspective (good life) adopted by them. Among the psychological invariants to hold a 'good life' is the need for 'expansion of the self'. Such expansion involves positive 'self representations', among of which may be those related to morality. If so, the subject will experience the feeling of duty, otherwise, the motivation for moral action will be weak or non-existent.(AU)

Humanos , Desarrollo Moral , Ética
Acta odontol. venez ; 48(2)2010. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-680306


En el presente trabajo se estudió el nivel de desarrollo moral en estudiantes de Odontología de una Universidad de la región capital de Venezuela. La muestra estuvo constituida por 192 estudiantes, 155 de género femenino y 37 de género masculino cursantes de primero y cuarto año de la carrera. Se utilizó una versión del instrumento Defining Issues Test -DIT- (Rest,1979) adaptado al contexto venezolano por Zerpa y Ramírez (2004). Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes se encuentran preponderantemente en el nivel moral convencional o de mantenimiento de normas y han alcanzado niveles moderados de desarrollo moral de principios - índice P- (M = 27,45), no encontrándose diferencias entre cursantes de recién ingreso y terminales de la carrera. Un análisis de componentes principales (ACP) sugiere que las personas con mayor índice P, son de género femenino, con edades comprendidas entre 21 y 22 años y de nivel socio-económico bajo. Finalmente, con base en los resultados, se discuten algunas implicaciones para la creación de un eje de formación moral-educación en valores en la carrera de Odontología

The following essay assessed the level of moral development in Odontology students of a University in the capital region of Venezuela. The sample included 192 students, 155 female and 37 male, of the first and fourth year of their career. A version of the instrument Defining Issues Test -DIT- (Rest, 1979), adapted to the Venezuelan context by Zerpa and Ramirez, was used for this study. The results suggest that the students are preponderantly in the conventional moral level or obeying norms, and they have reached have reached moderate levels of moral development. P- Index (M = 27.45). No differences were found when comparing students who are at the beginning or at end of their career. An analysis of the principal components (ACP) suggests that the people with the higher P Index are female, with ages between 21 y 22 years and low social-economic level. Finally, based on the results, there is a debate regarding the implications of creating an axis of moral-education values development in the Odontology career

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Ética Profesional , Principios Morales , Educación en Odontología