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Sensors (Basel) ; 23(24)2023 Dec 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38139636


Preventing the progressive deterioration of works of art over time is a topic of great interest to collectors and museums. With this aim, time capsules where environmental conditions remain unchanged are well known for preserving art. In this paper, a prototype of an IoT time capsule is presented with a focus on low cost in order to make it accessible to private collectors or small museums with tight budgets. Valencian 'sainetes' (small plays), which are considered materials of artistic interest, have been placed in a "time capsule", which is a manually made container with insulating materials for keeping small pieces for a long time. Environmental control has been performed with a low-cost microcontroller, sensors and actuators connected to a free online IoT platform. This platform recorded data and made decisions based on these data, sending cooling or heating orders to an environmental control system. The results obtained are very satisfactory and open interesting perspectives for future research. However, they also highlight some relevant technical and economic limitations that will have to be considered in the future.

Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 48: e10, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507915


Resumo Introdução: o termo pós-Fordismo refere-se a um modelo de organização laboral de acordo com a evolução dos meios de produção na segunda metade do século XX. Fruto das alterações substanciais dos mecanismos de regulação e contratação, este modelo prioriza a flexibilização e fragmentação da relação com o trabalhador. Com o advento informático, o pós-Fordismo ganha novos moldes e hiperboliza-se com as economias de plataforma em linha e a chamada uberização do trabalho. Objetivo: analisar criticamente as características do modelo pós-fordista e seus impactos à saúde ocupacional. Métodos: foi realizada uma revisão narrativa da literatura. Resultados: apontam-se para três aspectos do modelo pós-Fordista: 1) instabilidade laboral; 2) sobrecarga laboral; e 3) demanda psicossocial. Esses determinantes têm sido fortemente associados a maus resultados em saúde, sobretudo mental. Conclusões: as mudanças na conceptualização do trabalhador e do lugar do trabalho na vida do indivíduo exigem novas formas de pensar a saúde ocupacional. Para mitigar as consequências do pós-Fordismo, é necessária uma clara percepção das suas dinâmicas e uma mobilização de esforços multissetoriais.

Abstract Introduction: the term post-Fordism refers to the evolution of labour organization according to the new production models that emerged in the second half of the 20th century. As a result of substantial changes in the mechanisms of regulation and contracting, they prioritize the flexibilization and fragmentation of the employer-employee relationship. With the advent of information technology, post-Fordism gained new moulds and became hyperbolized with the online platform economies and the so-called uberization of work. Objectives: to critically analyse the characteristics of the post-Fordist model and its impacts in occupational health. Methods: this research was carried out with a review of the literature. Results: we point to three aspects of the post-Fordist model: 1) work instability; 2) work overload; and 3) psychosocial demand. The impact of these aspects, determinant on labour activities, have strong associations with bad health outcomes, especially in mental health. Conclusions: these changes in the conceptualization of workers and the place of work in their lives require new ways of thinking about occupational health. A clear perception of its dynamics, and a mobilization of multisectoral efforts, is needed to mitigate the consequences of this model.

Univ. psychol ; 14(spe5): 1551-1568, Dec. 2015.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-830931


El objetivo del artículo es analizar el uso de las plataformas virtuales por parte de personas afectadas por un dolor crónico sin causa orgánica. Se trata de un malestar emergente, creciente y controvertido en sociedades globalizadas, tecnologizadas y occidentalizadas, que afecta a mujeres en una ratio de 20/1 y que ha sido incluido en la categoría clínica de fibromialgia. Se parte de los estudios sobre el biopoder, la medicalización de la experiencia y del enfoque de género en salud, para desde allí analizar las posibilidades y límites de las plataformas en línea que facilitan procesos de agenciamien-to subjetivo y transformaciones corporales, subjetivas, sociales y políticas significativas. La aproximación metodológica es cualitativa y la fuente de datos la constituyen los intercambios en cuatro blogs o foros en línea. Los resultados y la discusión final abordan la recuperación de las mujeres y la posterior simbolización de su experiencia conflictiva en los foros, así como los alcances y límites en términos de agenciamiento.

The aim of this paper is to analyse the use of online platforms of people affected by chronic pain without organic cause. This is an emergent and growing malaise in globalized, technologized, western societies, that affects women in 90% of the cases). This malaise has been captured on the clinical category of fibromialgia. The study begins in the studies of biopower and the medicalization of experience, and the gender perspective in health. We ask if online platforms are sufficient to facilitate subjective agencement processes, that make possible a significant corporal, subjective, social and political transformation. We do this from a qualitative methodological approach. Our data source are the interactions in four different blogs and online forums. The results and discussions tackle the recovery and later symbolization of the conflictive experience in the forums, as its reach and limits regarding agencement processes.

Enfermedad Crónica , Fibromialgia , Servicios de Información