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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 44-53, jun.2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561260


Objetivo: Correlacionar la variable principal sostén del hogar con las variables género, edad, horas de trabajo, horas de sueño y factores de riesgo cardiovascular (índice de masa corporal, hipertensión arterial, dislipemia y diabetes mellitus), en estudiantes de 3º, 4 y 5º año de la Licenciatura en Enfermería, Universidad Nacional de Formosa. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, correlacional, transversal realizado en 214 estudiantes, durante el año 2022, utilizándose un cuestionario on-line autoadministrado, estructurado y medición de peso y talla. Resultados: el 76% fueron mujeres; 64%, principal fueron principal sostén del hogar, 57% refirió dormir menos de 6 horas al día, 15 % trabaja más de 41 horas semanales; 67% tuvo respuestas no saludables a la variable estrés, para la variable actividad física este valor ascendió a 71% y el 53,8% presentó exceso de peso. Se encontró asociación significativa entre ser el principal sostén del hogar con exceso de peso, trabajar 41 horas o más semanalmente, dormir menos de 6 horas al día y con la presencia de 3 o más factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Conclusiones: Las condiciones de vida que afrontan los estudiantes que de manera simultánea estudian, trabajan y son principal sostén del hogar pueden generar estrés, el cual es un factor de riesgo para las enfermedades cardiovasculares[AU]

Objetive: to correlate the main variable of primary income earner or primary breadwinner with gender, age, working hours, sleep hours, and cardiovascular disease risk factors (body mass index, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus) in 3rd, 4th, and 5th-year nursing students at the Nursing Program at the National University of Formosa. Methodology: The study was a descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, conducted with 214 students during 2022 using a self-administered structured online questionnaire and measurement of weight and height. Results: 76% were women, 64% were the main breadwinner, 57% reported sleeping less than 6 hours a day, 15% working more than 41 hours per week; 67% had unhealthy responses to the stress variable, this value rose to 71% for the physical activity variable, and 53.8% were overweight. A significant association was found between the main variable of primary breadwinner and being overweight, working 41 or more hours weekly, and the presence of 3 or more cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusions: The living conditions faced by students who simultaneously study and work, and being the main breadwinner in the household can generate stress, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases[AU]

Objetivo:: correlacionar a variável principal de sustento econômico do lar com as variáveis gênero, idade, horas de trabalho, horas de sono e fatores de risco cardiovascular (índice de massa corporal,hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia e diabetes mellitus) em estudantes do 3º, 4º e 5º ano do curso de graduação em Enfermagem, Universidade Nacional de Formosa. Metodologia: O estudo foi descritivo, correlacional e transversal, realizado em 214 estudantes durante o ano de 2022. Foi utilizado um questionário online autoadministrado e estruturado, e a medição de peso e altura dos estudantes foi realizada. Resultados: 76% dos estudantes eram mulheres; 64% eram o principal sustento econômico do lar; 57% relataram dormir menos de 6 horas por dia, 15% responderam que trabalham mais de 41 horas por semana; em relação aos fatores de risco cardiovascular, 67% tiveram respostas não saudáveis para a variável estresse, para a variável atividade física esse valor aumentou para 71% e 53,8% apresentaram excesso de peso. Foi encontrada uma associação significativa entre a variável principal de sustento econômico do lar com as variáveis excesso de peso, trabalhar 41 horas ou mais por semana, dormir menos de 6 horas al día e a presença de 3 ou mais fatores de risco cardiovascular. Conclusões: As condições de vida enfrentadas pelos estudantes que simultaneamente estudam, trabalham e são o principal sustento do lar podem gerar estresse, que é um fator de risco para doenças cardiovasculares[AU]

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Argentina
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561701


Introdução: As dislipidemias estão entre os fatores de riscos mais importantes para o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares (DCV), além de estarem relacionadas a outras patologias que predispõem às DCV. Em função da elevada prevalência e da incidência de complicações associadas à cronicidade da doença, as dislipidemias representam elevados custos ao setor da saúde e da previdência social. Diante disso, ressalta-se a importância do Sistema Único de Saúde, representado pela Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), em prover práticas de prevenção, diagnóstico e acompanhamento dos pacientes dislipidêmicos, a fim de desonerar o sistema financeiro e promover o envelhecimento saudável. Objetivo: Descrever a prevalência de perfil lipídico alterado entre os idosos. Além disso, pretendeu-se caracterizar a amostra quanto aos aspectos sociodemográficos, de saúde e de comportamento, bem como analisar os fatores associados à distribuição do perfil lipídico alterado e às características da amostra. Métodos: Estudo transversal com dados secundários, obtidos de agosto de 2021 a julho de 2022, tendo como população pacientes idosos em acompanhamento na APS do município de Marau (RS). Todos os dados foram coletados dos prontuários eletrônicos da rede de APS e, após dupla digitação e validação dos dados, a amostra foi caracterizada por meio de estatística descritiva. Foi calculada a prevalência de perfil lipídico alterado com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) e foi verificada sua distribuição conforme as variáveis de exposição, empregando-se o teste do χ2 e admitindo-se erro tipo I de 5%. Resultados: A prevalência de dislipidemia proporcional entre os sexos foi maior no feminino (33%). A cor de pele predominante foi a branca (76,7%). Cerca de 20% dos pacientes apresentavam colesterol total, colesterol HDL-c e triglicerídeos alterados, enquanto cerca de 15% apresentavam o colesterol HDL-c anormal. Constatou-se que os pacientes dislipidêmicos apresentam mais diabetes e hipertensão em relação aos não dislipidêmicos, ocorrendo a sinergia de fatores de risco para as DCV. Conclusões: A caracterização exercida neste estudo serve de base científica para a compreensão da realidade local e, também, para o direcionamento de políticas públicas na atenção primária que atuem de forma efetiva na prevenção e no controle das dislipidemias e demais fatores de risco cardiovascular.

Introduction: Dyslipidemias are among the most important risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), in addition to being related to other pathologies that predispose to CVD. Because of the high prevalence and incidence of complications associated with the chronicity of the disease, dyslipidemias represent high costs for the health and social security sector. This highlights the importance of the Unified Health System, represented by primary health care (PHC), in providing prevention, diagnosis and follow-up practices for dyslipidemic patients to relieve the financial system and promote healthy aging. Objective: The study aimed to describe the prevalence of altered lipid profile among older people. In addition, we sought to characterize the sample in terms of sociodemographic, health and behavioral aspects, as well as to analyze the factors associated with the distribution of the altered lipid profile and the characteristics of the sample. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study with secondary data, from August 2021 to July 2022, with older patients being followed up at the PHC in the city of Marau (RS) as the study population. All data were collected from the electronic medical records of the PHC network, and after double-typing and validation, the sample was characterized using descriptive statistics. The prevalence of altered lipid profile was determined with a 95% confidence interval (95%CI), and its distribution was verified according to the exposure variables, using the chi-square test and a type I error of 5%. Results: The prevalence of proportional dyslipidemia between sexes was higher in females (33%). The predominant skin color was white (76.7%). About 20% of the patients had altered total cholesterol, HDL-C and triglycerides, while about 15% had abnormal HDL-C. It was found that more dyslipidemic patients had diabetes and hypertension than non-dyslipidemic patients, with a synergy of risk factors for CVD. Conclusions: The characterization carried out in this study serves as a scientific basis for understanding the local reality and also for directing public policies in PHC that act effectively in the prevention and control of dyslipidemia and other cardiovascular risk factors.

Introducción: las dislipidemias se encuentran entre los factores de riesgo más importantes para el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV), además de estar relacionadas con otras patologías que predisponen a ECV. Debido a la alta prevalencia e incidencia de complicaciones asociadas a la cronicidad de la enfermedad, las dislipidemias representan altos costos para los sectores de salud y seguridad social. Frente a eso, se destaca la importancia del Sistema Único de Salud, representado por la Atención Primaria de Salud (APS), en la provisión de prácticas de prevención, diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes dislipidémicos, con el fin de descongestionar el sistema financiero y promover el envejecimiento saludable. Objetivo: El estudio tiene como objetivo describir la prevalencia del perfil lipídico alterado entre los ancianos. Además, se pretende caracterizar la muestra en cuanto a aspectos sociodemográficos, de salud y conductuales, así como analizar los factores asociados a la distribución del perfil lipídico alterado y las características de la muestra. Métodos: estudio transversal con datos secundarios, de agosto de 2021 a julio de 2022, con pacientes ancianos en seguimiento en la APS del municipio de Marau (RS) como población. Todos los datos fueron recolectados de la historia clínica electrónica de la red de la APS y, luego de doble digitación y validación, la muestra fue caracterizada mediante estadística descriptiva. Se calculó la prevalencia de perfil lipídico alterado con un intervalo de confianza del 95% (IC95%) y se verificó su distribución según las variables de exposición, utilizando la prueba de chi-cuadrado y admitiendo un error tipo I del 5%. Resultados: la prevalencia de dislipidemia proporcional entre sexos fue mayor en el sexo femenino (33%). El color de piel predominante fue el blanco (76,7%). Alrededor del 20% de los pacientes tenían colesterol total, colesterol HDL-C y triglicéridos alterados, mientras que alrededor del 15% tenían colesterol HDL-C anormal. Se encontró que los pacientes dislipidémicos tienen más diabetes e hipertensión que los pacientes no dislipidémicos, con una sinergia de factores de riesgo para ECV. Conclusiones: la caracterización realizada en este estudio sirve de base científica para comprender la realidad local y también para orientar políticas públicas en atención primaria que actúen de manera efectiva en la prevención y control de la dislipidemia y otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular.

Atención Primaria de Salud , Dislipidemias , Factores de Riesgo de Enfermedad Cardiaca
An. psicol ; 40(2): 199-218, May-Sep, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-232715


La comorbilidad es más la regla que la excepción en salud mental y, sobre todo, en el caso de la ansiedad y la depresión. Los modelos transdiagnósticos estudian los procesos subyacentes para mejorar el tratamiento y la comprensión de la salud mental. Objetivo: Esta revisión sistemática busca evidencias sobre los factores de riesgo transdiagnósticos para la ansiedad y la depresión en la población clínica diagnosticada de estas condiciones psicopatológicas, analizando los diferentes tipos o categorías de factores identificados. Método: Se registró una revisión sistemática en PROSPERO (número de registro CRD42022370327) y se diseñó de acuerdo con las guías PRISMA-P. La calidad del estudio fue evaluada por dos revisores independientes con conocimiento del campo para reducir el posible sesgo. Resultados: Cincuenta y tres artículos fueron examinados y las variables transdiagnósticas fueron agrupadas en tres categorías: psicológicas, biológicas y socioculturales. Conclusiones: La categoría más estudiada fue la de variables psicológicas, en especial los procesos cognitivos, afecto negativo y neuroticismo, intolerancia a la incertidumbre, sensibilidad a la ansiedad. Los factores biológicos y socioculturales requieren más estudio para sustentar su enfoque transdiagnóstico.(AU)

Comorbidity is more the rule than the exception in mental health, specifically in the case of anxiety and depression. Transdiagnostic models studied the underlying processes to improve mental health treat-ment and understating. Objective:This systematic review searchs for evi-dence on transdiagnostic risk factors for anxiety and depression in the clin-ical population diagnosed with these psychopathological conditions, by an-alysing the different types or categories of factors identified.Methods:A sys-tematic review was registered in PROSPERO (registration number CRD42022370327) and was designed according to PRISMA-P guidelines. Two independent reviewers with field knowledge assessed the study quality to reduce bias.Results: Fifty-three articles were examined, and the transdi-agnostic variables were grouped into three categories: psychological, bio-logical, and sociocultural.Conclusions:The most studied category was that of psychological variables, especially cognitive processes, negative affect, and neuroticism, intolerance of uncertainty, anxiety sensitivity. Biological and sociocultural factors require more study to support their transdiagnos-tic approach.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Salud Mental , Factores de Riesgo , Ansiedad , Depresión , Psicopatología , Trastornos Mentales
J. bras. nefrol ; 46(3): e20240012, July-Sept. 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558249


ABSTRACT Introduction: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an abrupt deterioration of kidney function. The incidence of pediatric AKI is increasing worldwide, both in critically and non-critically ill settings. We aimed to characterize the presentation, etiology, evolution, and outcome of AKI in pediatric patients admitted to a tertiary care center. Methods: We performed a retrospective observational single-center study of patients aged 29 days to 17 years and 365 days admitted to our Pediatric Nephrology Unit from January 2012 to December 2021, with the diagnosis of AKI. AKI severity was categorized according to Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. The outcomes considered were death or sequelae (proteinuria, hypertension, or changes in renal function at 3 to 6 months follow-up assessments). Results: Forty-six patients with a median age of 13.0 (3.5-15.5) years were included. About half of the patients (n = 24, 52.2%) had an identifiable risk factor for the development of AKI. Thirteen patients (28.3%) were anuric, and all of those were categorized as AKI KDIGO stage 3 (p < 0.001). Almost one quarter (n = 10, 21.7%) of patients required renal replacement therapy. Approximately 60% of patients (n = 26) had at least one sequelae, with proteinuria being the most common (n = 15, 38.5%; median (P25-75) urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio 0.30 (0.27-0.44) mg/mg), followed by reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (n = 11, 27.5%; median (P25-75) GFR 75 (62-83) mL/min/1.73 m2). Conclusions: Pediatric AKI is associated with substantial morbidity, with potential for proteinuria development and renal function impairment and a relevant impact on long-term prognosis.

RESUMO Introdução: Insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) é uma deterioração abrupta da função renal. A incidência de IRA pediátrica está aumentando em todo o mundo, em ambientes críticos e não críticos. Nosso objetivo foi caracterizar apresentação, etiologia, evolução e desfechos da IRA em pacientes pediátricos internados em um centro de atendimento terciário. Métodos: Realizamos estudo retrospectivo observacional de centro único de pacientes com idade entre 29 dias a 17 anos e 365 dias internados em nossa Unidade de Nefrologia Pediátrica, de janeiro de 2012 a dezembro de 2021, com diagnóstico de IRA. A gravidade da IRA foi categorizada de acordo com os critérios do Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). Os desfechos considerados foram óbito ou sequelas (proteinúria, hipertensão ou alterações na função renal em avaliações de acompanhamento de 3 a 6 meses). Resultados: Incluímos 46 pacientes com idade mediana de 13,0 (3,5-15,5) anos. Cerca de metade (n = 24; 52,2%) apresentou um fator de risco identificável para o desenvolvimento de IRA. Treze pacientes (28,3%) eram anúricos; todos foram classificados como IRA KDIGO 3 (p < 0,001). Quase um quarto (n = 10; 21,7%) dos pacientes necessitaram de terapia renal substitutiva. Aproximadamente 60% (n = 26) apresentou pelo menos uma sequela, sendo proteinúria a mais comum (n = 15; 38,5%; mediana (P25-75) da relação proteína/creatinina urinária 0,30 (0,27-0,44) mg/mg), seguida de taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG) reduzida (n = 11; 27,5%; mediana (P25-75) da TFG 75 (62-83) mL/min/1,73 m2). Conclusões: A IRA pediátrica está associada à morbidade substancial, com potencial para desenvolvimento de proteinúria e comprometimento da função renal e impacto relevante no prognóstico de longo prazo.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(3): e20230040, July-Sept. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564718


Abstract Introduction: Identifying risk factors for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) progression is important. However, studies that have evaluated this subject using a Brazilian sample is sparce. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify risk factors for renal outcomes and death in a Brazilian cohort of ADPKD patients. Methods: Patients had the first medical appointment between January 2002 and December 2014, and were followed up until December 2019. Associations between clinical and laboratory variables with the primary outcome (sustained decrease of at least 57% in the eGFR from baseline, need for dialysis or renal transplantation) and the secondary outcome (death from any cause) were analyzed using a multiple Cox regression model. Among 80 ADPKD patients, those under 18 years, with glomerular filtration rate <30 mL/min/1.73 m2, and/or those with missing data were excluded. There were 70 patients followed. Results: The factors independently associated with the renal outcomes were total kidney length - adjusted Hazard Ratio (HR) with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.137 (1.057-1.224), glomerular filtration rate - HR (95% CI): 0.970 (0.949-0.992), and serum uric acid level - HR (95% CI): 1.643 (1.118-2.415). Diabetes mellitus - HR (95% CI): 8.115 (1.985-33.180) and glomerular filtration rate - HR (95% CI): 0.957 (0.919-0.997) were associated with the secondary outcome. Conclusions: These findings corroborate the hypothesis that total kidney length, glomerular filtration rate and serum uric acid level may be important prognostic predictors of ADPKD in a Brazilian cohort, which could help to select patients who require closer follow up.

Resumo Introdução: É importante identificar fatores de risco para progressão da doença renal policística autossômica dominante (DRPAD). Entretanto, são escassos os estudos que avaliam esse assunto utilizando amostra brasileira. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar fatores de risco para desfechos renais e óbito em coorte brasileira de pacientes com DRPAD. Métodos: Os pacientes tiveram o primeiro atendimento médico entre janeiro/2002 e dezembro/2014, sendo acompanhados até dezembro/2019. Associações entre variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais com desfecho primário (redução sustentada de pelo menos 57% na TFGe em relação ao valor basal, necessidade de diálise ou transplante renal) e desfecho secundário (óbito por qualquer causa) foram analisadas pelo modelo de regressão múltipla de Cox. Entre 80 pacientes com DRPAD, foram excluídos aqueles menores de 18 anos, com TFG <30 mL/min/1,73 m2 e/ou aqueles com dados ausentes. Foram acompanhados 70 pacientes. Resultados: Fatores independentemente associados aos desfechos renais foram: comprimento renal total - Razão de Risco (HR) ajustada com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%): 1,137 (1,057-1,224), taxa de filtração glomerular - HR (IC 95%): 0,970 (0,949-0,992) e nível sérico de ácido úrico - HR (IC 95%): 1,643 (1,118-2,415). Diabetes mellitus - HR (IC 95%): 8,115 (1,985-33,180) e TFG - HR (IC 95%): 0,957 (0,919-0,997) foram associados ao desfecho secundário. Conclusões: Esses achados corroboram a hipótese de que comprimento renal total, TFG e nível sérico de ácido úrico podem ser importantes preditores prognósticos de DRPAD em uma coorte brasileira, o que pode ajudar a selecionar pacientes que necessitam de acompanhamento mais próximo.

SciELO Preprints; ago. 2024.
Preprint en Español | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-8310


Preeclampsia is a disease of pregnancy that manifests after 20 weeks. Its diagnosis is determined by hypertension plus proteinuria, establishing severity with: blood pressure ≥ 160/110 mmHg, symptoms and signs of vasospasm or paraclinical alterations. The University Hospital of Neiva is the main reference center in the Colombian South, where preeclampsia is a reason for referral. We don´t have a study that allows us to know the clinical and paraclinical characteristics and their association with the maternal outcomes of pregnant women with severe preeclampsia. Methodology: Descriptive observational study of cross-sectional cohort. Characterized clinical and paraclinical variables and their association with the main maternal outcomes. Results: 334 mothers with a singleton pregnancy and severe preeclampsia were included. 77.6% were between 17 and 34 years old, 97.6% in strata 1 and 2, urban origin in 78% and 65.3% multi-pregnant. In addition, 60.8% with obesity. Regarding paraclinical findings, 35.9% with positive proteinuria, 5% thrombocytopenia, elevated serum creatinine (5%), 27% with elevated transaminases and elevated lactic dehydrogenase (3.6%). 55.6% had a preterm pregnancy and 90% of them were terminated by caesarean section. Complications were hypertensive crisis in 59%, acute kidney injury (5%), HELLP syndrome (3.6%), eclampsia (1.2%), and disseminated intravascular coagulation (1.2%). Conclusion: A population with socioeconomic vulnerability was evidenced, aged between 17 and 34 years, mainly obese, with late presentation of the disease; highlighting the development of hypertensive crisis, elevation of transaminases and completion route by cesarean section.

Preeclampsia is a disease of pregnancy that manifests after 20 weeks. Its diagnosis is determined by hypertension plus proteinuria, establishing severity with: blood pressure ≥ 160/110 mmHg, symptoms and signs of vasospasm or paraclinical alterations. The University Hospital of Neiva is the main reference center in the Colombian South, where preeclampsia is a reason for referral. We don ́t have a study that allows us to know the clinical and paraclinical characteristics and their association with the maternal outcomes of pregnant women with severe preeclampsia. Methodology: Descriptive observational study of cross-sectional cohort. Characterized clinical and paraclinical variables and their association with the main maternal outcomes. Results: 334 mothers with a singleton pregnancy and severe preeclampsia were included. 77.6% were between 17 and 34 years old, 97.6% in strata 1 and 2, urban origin in 78% and 65.3% multi-pregnant. In addition, 60.8% with obesity. Regarding paraclinical findings, 35.9% with positive proteinuria, 5% thrombocytopenia, elevated serum creatinine (5%), 27% with elevated transaminases and elevated lactic dehydrogenase (3.6%). 55.6% had a preterm pregnancy and 90% of them were terminated by caesarean section. Complications were hypertensive crisis in 59%, acute kidney injury (5%), HELLP syndrome (3.6%), eclampsia (1.2%), and disseminated intravascular coagulation (1.2%). Conclusion: A population with socioeconomic vulnerability was evidenced, aged between 17 and 34 years, mainly obese, with late presentation of the disease; highlighting the development of hypertensive crisis, elevation of transaminases and completion route by cesarean section.

A pré-eclâmpsia é uma doença relacionada à gravidez que se manifesta após 20 semanas. Seu diagnóstico é determinado pela hipertensão arterial associada à proteinúria, estabelecendo-se gravidade com: níveis pressóricos ≥ 160/110 mmHg, sintomas e sinais de vasoespasmo ou alterações paraclínicas. O Hospital Universitário de Neiva é o principal centro de referência da região, onde a pré-eclâmpsia é um importante motivo de remissão. Não dispomos de um estudo que nos permita conhecer as características clínicas e paraclínicas e sua associação com a evolução materna de gestantes com pré-eclâmpsia grave. Metodologia: Estudo observacional descritivo de coorte transversal. Caracterizou variáveis clínicas e paraclínicas e sua associação com desfechos maternos importantes. Resultados: Foram incluídas 334 mães com gestação única e pré-eclâmpsia grave. 77,6% tinham entre 17 e 34 anos, 97,6% pertenciam aos estratos 1 e 2, 78% eram urbanas e 65,3% eram multigestantes. Além disso, 60,8% eram obesos. Achados paraclínicos: 35,9% com proteinúria positiva, 5% plaquetopenia, creatinina sérica elevada (5%), 27% com transaminases elevadas e desidrogenase lática elevada (3,6%). 55,6% tiveram gestações pré-termo e 90% delas foram interrompidas por cesariana. As complicações incluíram crise hipertensiva em 59%, lesão renal aguda (5%), síndrome HELLP (3,6%), eclâmpsia (1,2%) e coagulação intravascular disseminada (1,2%). Conclusão: Evidenciou-se uma população com vulnerabilidade socioeconômica, com idade entre 17 e 34 anos, principalmente obesos, com apresentação tardia da doença; O desenvolvimento de crise hipertensiva, elevação das transaminases e via de término foi por cesariana.

Intern Emerg Med ; 2024 Aug 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39154298


Despite progress in therapy, heart failure (HF) inflicts a heavy burden of hospital admissions. In this study, we identified among 1360 community-dwelling HF patients (mean age 70.7 ± 11.3 years, 72.5% men) subgroups sharing similar profiles of unplanned hospital admissions, based on the admission causes and frequency of each cause. Hospital discharge summaries were reviewed for the main admission cause. Patient subgroups were identified via cluster analysis. We investigated baseline predictors associated with these subgroups, using multinomial logistic models. During 3421 patient-years, there were 5192 hospital admissions, of which 4252 (82%) were unplanned. We identified five patient subgroups (clusters 1-5) with distinctive hospitalization profiles. HF accounted for approximately one-third of admissions in the first patient cluster (23% of the patient sample). In contrast, patients in the second cluster (39% of the patient sample) were hospitalized for various reasons, with no single prominent admission cause identified. The other three clusters, comprising 16% of the patient sample, accounted for 42% of all unplanned hospitalizations. While patients in the third cluster were hospitalized mainly due to ischemic heart disease and arrhythmia, patients in the fourth and fifth clusters shared a high burden of recurrent HF admissions. The five patient clusters differed by baseline predictors, including age, functional capacity, comorbidity burden, hemoglobin, and cause of HF. HF patients differ significantly in the causes and overall burden of unplanned hospitalizations. The patient subgroups identified and predictors for these subgroups may guide personalized interventions to reduce the burden of unplanned hospitalizations among HF patients. Trial registration:, NCT00533013. Registered 20 September 2007. .

BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 2256, 2024 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39164717


BACKGROUND: There has been an increased focus on children as a target for primordial prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In particular, girls should receive attention to combat the burden of CVD in women, because women have higher CVD mortality and morbidity rates than men do. As health literacy is paramount, the evaluation of awareness, and knowledge of CVD and its risk factors and their associations with the lifestyles of girls forms the basis for planning cardiovascular health promotion programs aiming to improve girls' immediate health and reduce the future burden of CVD among women. METHODS: A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted on a random sample of girls attending elementary and intermediate schools in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The girls completed a newly validated 24-item questionnaire that assessed their demographic data, lifestyles, and awareness and knowledge of CVD and its risk factors. Anthropometric and blood pressure measurements were obtained. Knowledge scores were calculated on the basis of correct responses and compared between subgroups via analysis of variance to determine associated factors. RESULTS: In total, 469 girls (mean age of 12.5 years) were included. Approximately 41.4% of them did not exercise or only exercised once a week. The dietary intake of important food groups was below or just at the minimal recommended servings for most. Overall, 44.1% were overweight/obese, and almost half were identified as hypertensive on the basis of a single resting measurement. Awareness of CVD as a dangerous disease in adults was 50.3%, whereas, cancer was identified by 61% of participants. Individual risk factors were identified by ≈ 25%, and 16.6% were not aware of any risk factors. The overall knowledge score of the participants was 2.6 (± 1.6) out of a total possible score of 8 representing 32.5% (± 20%). Knowledge levels were positively influenced by increasing school grade (P = 0.001) and family history of CVD (P < 0.001). There was no significant favorable association between improved knowledge level and lifestyle factors. CONCLUSION: The awareness and knowledge of CVD among girls aged 8-16 years are poor and are largely dissociated from their lifestyle. Improved knowledge scores with increasing school grade and family history of CVD confirm a role for schools and families in improving girls' knowledge. Our findings mirror those obtained in older women, showing that misinformation among women starts in childhood and should be targeted early in life.

Enfermedades Cardiovasculares , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Estilo de Vida , Humanos , Arabia Saudita/epidemiología , Femenino , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/prevención & control , Enfermedades Cardiovasculares/epidemiología , Adolescente , Estudios Transversales , Niño , Estudios Prospectivos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Factores de Riesgo
Heliyon ; 10(15): e35746, 2024 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39170371


The COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges to global healthcare systems, resulting in alarming incidence and mortality rates among patients with comorbidities, including heart failure. Understanding the characteristics of heart failure and other comorbidities during the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial for effective prevention and treatment. However, the current understanding of these characteristics among different racial groups remains incomplete. In this study, we investigated a cohort of 4711 patients, classifying them into congestive heart failure (CHF) and non-CHF groups. Biomarker analysis revealed noteworthy variations in blood urea nitrogen, aspartate aminotransferase, and white blood cell levels based on the presence or absence of CHF. Stratified by three racial groups, univariate logistic regression analysis identified significant differences in multiple variables, including CHF. Subsequent univariate Cox regression and Kaplan-Meier analysis demonstrated variations in mortality factors among distinct populations, with age and comorbidity playing prominent roles. This study utilized a large-scale database to investigate the characteristics of heart failure and related variables during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings revealed distinctive mortality risk factors among various racial groups, emphasizing the significance of customized risk assessment and management approaches for diverse populations. These findings also provide a valuable resource for the development of targeted interventions and the promotion of equitable healthcare outcomes in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cureus ; 16(7): e65089, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39171003


Background Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a spectrum of liver diseases caused by the accumulation of fat in the liver, which can progress to fibrosis, cirrhosis, and primary liver cancer. Insulin resistance is a causative factor in the development of NAFLD. FibroScan, or transient elastography, is a noninvasive imaging technique for evaluating liver disease. Aim To use FibroScan for evaluating liver involvement in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with some associated risk factors. Materials and methods A cross-sectional prospective study was conducted from February to August 2023 in the outpatient clinic of Basrah Gastroenterology and Hepatology Hospital. Data collection included demographic data, past medical history, and biochemical tests including fasting blood sugar (FBS), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and lipid profile (consisting of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), serum triglycerides, and total cholesterol), then, patients underwent FibroScan examination. Results The study included 50 patients with T2DM, of whom 23 (46%) were male and 27 (54%) were female. The mean age of the studied population was 47.72 ± 8.31 years, with a range of 28-64 years. The mean BMI was 28.44 ± 4.24, with most patients being either overweight or obese. The fibrosis score was 4.74 ± 1.02 kPa (stage 0), while the mean steatosis score was 282.88 ± 44.99 (grade III). Diastolic blood pressure (BP), serum ALT, and serum HDL level were the variables that showed statistically significant differences when compared according to the stages of steatosis measured by FibroScan, with p-values of 0.016, 0.048, and 0.028, respectively. Conclusion Some risk factors associated with diabetes, such as dyslipidemia, liver enzymes, and BP, are highly associated with the development of steatosis rather than fibrosis.

Maturitas ; 189: 108070, 2024 Jul 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173537


INTRODUCTION: This study investigated the trends in breast density in Korean women and their association with the incidence of breast cancer, incorporating the trends in the known risk factors for breast cancer from an ecological perspective. METHODS: The prevalence of risk factors for breast cancer from the National Health and Nutrition Survey, breast density from Korea's national breast cancer screening program, and breast cancer incidence from the Korea Central Cancer Registry during 2010-2018 were applied after age-standardization to the population at the middle of the year 2000. The association between the prevalence of risk factors for breast cancer, the prevalence of dense breast, and the incidence rate of breast cancer was estimated using linear regression. RESULTS: The proportion of age-standardized dense breasts steadily increased from 45.8 % in 2010 to 51.5 % in 2018. The increased prevalence of dense breasts in women was positively related to the prevalence of smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, early menarche age (<15 years old), premenopausal status, nulliparity, and no history of breastfeeding, and negatively related to the prevalence of obesity. The increased prevalence of the dense breast was associated with an increase in the incidence of breast cancer, and 96 % of the variation in breast cancer incidence could be explained by the variation in the prevalence of dense breast. The factors associated with dense breast and breast cancer incidence overlapped. CONCLUSIONS: Trends in breast cancer risk factors were associated with an increased prevalence of dense breast, which, in turn, was associated with an increased incidence of breast cancer in Korea.

Spine J ; 2024 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173913


BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Domino osteoporotic vertebral fractures (OVFs) involve multiple OVFs occurring simultaneously or sequentially, before healing of the initial OVFs. However, the risk factors and long-term clinical outcomes of domino OVFs are unclear. PURPOSE: To identify the risk factors associated with domino OVFs and to assess their impact on patients' quality of life (QOL). STUDY DESIGN/SETTING: Multicenter prospective observational cohort study. PATIENT SAMPLE: Patients (n = 190) treated conservatively for acute OVFs in eight hospitals with 12-month follow-up. OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical outcomes were assessed using the visual analog scale (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and Japanese Orthopedic Association Back Pain Evaluation Questionnaire (JOABPEQ). Multivariate analyses were performed to identify risk factors for domino OVFs. METHODS: All patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 3 months to detect subsequent domino OVFs. Domino OVF group included initial domino OVFs (multiple acute OVFs at baseline) and subsequent domino OVFs at 3 months. Paraspinal muscle assessment was performed using the lumbar indentation value and Goutallier classification. Patient characteristics, bone quality, paravertebral muscle degeneration, nutritional status, radiographic parameters, and QOL scores were compared between the non-domino and domino OVF groups. RESULTS: We evaluated 50 (26.3%) patients with domino OVFs (34 with initial domino OVFs; 20 with subsequent domino OVFs). Walking ability was poorer in the domino than in the non-domino OVF group, from baseline to the 12 months follow-up. Groups with three or more adjacent domino OVFs showed worse VAS and ODI scores. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that severe fatty degeneration of the paraspinal muscle was an independent risk factor for domino OVFs. CONCLUSIONS: Severe paraspinal muscle fatty degeneration is an independent risk factor for domino OVFs. Our study showed that the quality, rather than the quantity, of paraspinal muscles had an impact on domino OVFs. Early assessment of fatty degeneration in the paraspinal muscles is essential for predicting the development of domino OVFs.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173970


Understanding the risk factors leading to severe systemic sting reactions (SSR) is crucial for initiating venom immunotherapy (VIT) and for educating affected individuals and their families. Some of these risk factors are well-established, some are no longer considered risk factors, and some remain controversial. Well-established risk factors for severe SSR include clonal mast cell disease, high baseline serum tryptase, and advanced age. The absence of skin symptoms and the rapid onset of symptoms are indicators of severe SSR. Recent publications indicate that antihypertensive treatment and stings in the head and neck area are not risk factors for severe SSR. VIT is the only available treatment that can potentially prevent further anaphylactic reactions. Although rare and generally manageable, individuals undergoing VIT may experience systemic adverse events (sAE). More sAE are expected in patients undergoing bee VIT compared to vespid VIT. The role of elevated baseline serum tryptase as a risk factor for sAE remains debated, but if it is a factor, the risk is increased by only about 1.5-fold. Rapid up-dosing protocols, depending on the specific regimen, can also be associated with more sAE. Severe initial SSR, antihypertensive medication, high skin test reactivity, and high specific IgE levels are not risk factors for sAE.

Influenza Other Respir Viruses ; 18(9): e13354, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39192663


The association between influenza infection and thromboembolism (TE) events, including cardiovascular events, cerebrovascular events, pulmonary embolism, and deep vein thrombosis, is supported by compelling evidence. However, there is a disparity in the risk factors that impact the outcomes of severe influenza-complicated TE in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of severe influenza-complicated TE in ICU patients and identify any associated risk factors. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted, recruiting consecutive patients with TE events admitted to the ICU between December 2015 through December 2018 at our institution in Taiwan. The study included a group of 108 patients with severe influenza and a control group of 192 patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia. Associations between complicated TE, length of ICU stay, and 90-day mortality were evaluated using logistic regression analysis, and risk factors were identified using univariate and multivariate generalized linear regression analyses. RESULTS: TE event prevalence was significantly higher in ICU patients with severe influenza than in ICU patients with severe CAP (21.3% vs. 5.7%, respectively; p < 0.05). Patients with severe influenza who developed TE experienced a significant increase in the ratio of mechanical ventilation use, length of mechanical ventilation use, ICU stay, and 90-day mortality when compared to patients without TE (all p < 0.05). The comparison of severe CAP patients with and without TE revealed no significant differences (p > 0.05). The development of thromboembolic events in patients with severe influenza or severe noninfluenza CAP is linked to influenza infection and hypertension (p < 0.05). Furthermore, complicated TE and the severity of the APACHE II score are risk factors for 90-day mortality in ICU patients with severe influenza (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with severe influenza and complicated TE are more likely to have an extended ICU stay and 90-day mortality than patients with severe CAP. The risk is significantly higher for patients with a higher APACHE II score. The results of this study may aid in defining better strategies for early recognition and prevention of severe influenza-complicated TE.

Gripe Humana , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Tiempo de Internación , Tromboembolia , Humanos , Gripe Humana/complicaciones , Gripe Humana/mortalidad , Estudios Retrospectivos , Masculino , Femenino , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos/estadística & datos numéricos , Factores de Riesgo , Anciano , Persona de Mediana Edad , Taiwán/epidemiología , Tromboembolia/mortalidad , Tromboembolia/epidemiología , Tromboembolia/etiología , Tiempo de Internación/estadística & datos numéricos , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Infecciones Comunitarias Adquiridas/mortalidad , Infecciones Comunitarias Adquiridas/complicaciones , Infecciones Comunitarias Adquiridas/epidemiología , Adulto , Respiración Artificial/estadística & datos numéricos
Front Aging Neurosci ; 16: 1441359, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39193493


Introduction: Individuals with subjective cognitive decline (SCD) express concern about self-perceived cognitive decline despite no objective impairment and are at higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Despite documented links between SCD and repetitive negative thinking (RNT), the specific impact of RNT on brain integrity and cognition in exacerbating the SCD condition remains unclear. We aimed to investigate the influence of RNT on global cognition and brain integrity, and their interrelationships among healthy middle-aged and older adults experiencing SCD. Methods: Out of 616 individuals with neuroimaging and neuropsychological data available, 89 (mean age = 56.18 years; 68.54% females) met SCD criteria. Eighty-nine non-SCD individuals matched by age, sex, and education were also selected and represented the control group (mean age = 56.09 years; 68.54% females). Global cognition was measured using the preclinical Alzheimer's cognitive composite (PACC5), which includes dementia screening, episodic memory, processing speed, and category fluency tests. RNT was calculated through three questionnaires assessing intrusive thoughts, persistent worry, and rumination. We generated cortical thickness (CTh) maps and quantified the volume of white matter lesions (WML) in the whole brain, as grey and white matter integrity measures, respectively. Results: SCD individuals exhibited higher RNT scores, and thinner right temporal cortex compared to controls. No differences were observed in PACC5 and WML burden between groups. Only the SCD group demonstrated positive associations in the CTh-PACC5, CTh-RNT, and WML-RNT relationships. Discussion: In this cross-sectional study, RNT was exclusively associated with brain integrity in SCD. Even though our findings align with the broader importance of investigating treatable psychological factors in SCD, further research may reveal a modulatory effect of RNT on the relationship between cognition and brain integrity in SCD.

Evol Psychol ; 22(3): 14747049241265623, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39193729


An overrepresentation of stepchildren as victims of filicide has been explained as a consequence of 'discriminative parental solicitude'. The idea being that Darwinian selection has favoured parental love and concern only for biological children, and when such parental feelings are absent, as in stepparents, conflicts with a child could easier escalate to lethal violence. An alternative explanation for this overrepresentation of stepchildren is that risk factors for filicide, such as criminal behaviour and mental health problems, are more prevalent in stepparents. This study focused on paternal filicide in Sweden and investigated (i) if stepchildren are overrepresented as victims of filicide compared with biological children, (ii) if filicides are committed in a context that implies a 'conflict with the child victim' and (iii) if stepfathers and biological fathers differ in characteristics associated with filicide risk. The analyses showed that stepchildren were overrepresented as victims compared with children of fathers in families with two biological parents and this overrepresentation was even higher in young children. Children of single biological fathers and children of non-residential biological fathers were also overrepresented as victims of filicide. Less than 20 percent of the filicides were committed in the context of a 'conflict with the child' and in these cases only stepchildren were overrepresented as victims. In the population at large, both stepfathers and single biological fathers had higher rates of mental health problems, violent criminality and illegal possession of drugs compared with fathers in families with two biological parents.

Homicidio , Humanos , Suecia/epidemiología , Masculino , Factores de Riesgo , Homicidio/estadística & datos numéricos , Homicidio/psicología , Adulto , Niño , Femenino , Padre/estadística & datos numéricos , Padre/psicología , Adolescente , Persona de Mediana Edad , Preescolar , Víctimas de Crimen/estadística & datos numéricos , Adulto Joven
J Cardiovasc Dev Dis ; 11(8)2024 Aug 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39195148


BACKGROUND AND AIM: To study the relationships of cardiovascular risk factors with cancer and cardiovascular mortality in a cohort of middle-aged men followed-up for 61 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A rural cohort of 1611 cancer- and cardiovascular disease-free men aged 40-59 years was examined in 1960 within the Italian Section of the Seven Countries Study, and 28 risk factors measured at baseline were used to predict cancer (n = 459) and cardiovascular deaths (n = 678) that occurred during 61 years of follow-up until the extinction of the cohort with Cox proportional hazard models. RESULTS: A model with 28 risk factors and cancer deaths as the end-point produced eight statistically significant coefficients for age, smoking habits, mother early death, corneal arcus, xanthelasma and diabetes directly related to events, and arm circumference and healthy diet inversely related. In the corresponding models for major cardiovascular diseases and their subgroups, only the coefficients of age and smoking habits were significant among those found for cancer deaths, to which healthy diet can be added if considering coronary heart disease alone. Following a competing risks analysis by the Fine-Gray method, risk factors significantly common to both conditions were only age, smoking, and xanthelasma. CONCLUSIONS: A sizeable number of traditional cardiovascular risk factors were not predictors of cancer death in a middle-aged male cohort followed-up until extinction.

J Cardiovasc Dev Dis ; 11(8)2024 Aug 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39195153


Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain a major global health challenge, leading to significant morbidity and mortality while straining healthcare systems. Despite progress in medical treatments for CVDs, their increasing prevalence calls for a shift towards more effective prevention strategies. Traditional preventive approaches have centered around lifestyle changes, risk factors management, and medication. However, the integration of imaging methods offers a novel dimension in early disease detection, risk assessment, and ongoing monitoring of at-risk individuals. Imaging techniques such as supra-aortic trunks ultrasound, echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance, and coronary computed tomography angiography have broadened our understanding of the anatomical and functional aspects of cardiovascular health. These techniques enable personalized prevention strategies by providing detailed insights into the cardiac and vascular states, significantly enhancing our ability to combat the progression of CVDs. This review focuses on amalgamating current findings, technological innovations, and the impact of integrating advanced imaging modalities into cardiovascular risk prevention, aiming to offer a comprehensive perspective on their potential to transform preventive cardiology.

Metabolites ; 14(8)2024 Jul 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39195511


To investigate the metabolomic mechanisms by which changes in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) levels affect metabolic syndrome (MetS) risk factors and to provide a theoretical basis for the improvement of body metabolism via CRF in people with MetS risk factors, a comparative blood metabolomics study of individuals with varying levels of CRF and varying degrees of risk factors for MetS was conducted. METHODS: Ninety subjects between the ages of 40 and 45 were enrolled, and they were categorized into low-MetS (LM ≤ two items) and high MetS (HM > three items) groups, as well as low- and high-CRF (LC, HC) and LCLM, LCLM, LCHM, and HCHM groups. Plasma was taken from the early morning abdominal venous blood. LC-MS was conducted using untargeted metabolomics technology, and the data were statistically and graphically evaluated using SPSS26.0 and R language. RESULTS: (1) There were eight common differential metabolites in the HC vs. LC group as follows: methionine (↓), γ-aminobutyric acid (↑), 2-oxoglutatic acid (↑), arginine (↑), serine (↑), cis-aconitic acid (↑), glutamine (↓), and valine (↓); the HM vs. LM group are contrast. (2) In the HCHM vs. LCLM group, trends were observed in 2-oxoglutatic acid (↑), arginine (↑), serine (↑), cis-aconitic acid (↑), glutamine (↓), and valine (↓). (3) CRF and MetS risk factors jointly affect biological metabolic pathways such as arginine biosynthesis, TCA cycle, cysteine and methionine metabolism, glycine, serine, and threonine metabolism, arginine and proline metabolism, and alanine, aspartate, and glutamate metabolism. CONCLUSION: The eight common differential metabolites can serve as potential biomarkers for distinguishing individuals with different CRF levels and varying degrees of MetS risk factors. Increasing CRF levels may potentially mitigate MetS risk factors, as higher CRF levels are associated with reduced MetS risk.

Toxics ; 12(8)2024 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39195651


(1) Background: To investigate the risk factors associated with optic neuropathy (ON) and validate the hypothesis that concomitant isoniazid use and other causes of toxic ON affect the development of ON in ethambutol users. (2) Methods: This cohort study identified ethambutol users who initiated ethambutol therapy between January 2015 and December 2021 and had no ON prior to ethambutol therapy. ON incidence up to 31 December 2022 was evaluated. The users were grouped on the basis of the presence of ON. Demographic and clinical characteristics were investigated for risk factor analyses of ON. Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated using multivariate logistic regression analyses. (3) Results: Among 204,598 ethambutol users, 5277 (2.6%) patients developed ON over the study period. Patients with ON included a higher percentage of women and had a higher mean age than patients without ON. In the multivariate analyses, the risk factors for ON and visual impairment included sex, age, cumulative dose, extrapulmonary indications for ethambutol use, and systemic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, kidney disease, and liver disease. Malnutrition or nutritional disorders significantly increased the risk of ON (OR = 1.27, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.19-1.34), whereas concomitant isoniazid use decreased the risk (OR = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.72-0.86). (4) Conclusion: An increased risk of ON in patients with systemic diseases and nutritional deficiency was identified, whereas concomitant isoniazid use was associated with a decreased risk of ON. Patients with these risk factors should be carefully monitored to minimize the vision-threatening ON.
