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Artículo en Portugués, Inglés, Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551685


O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma visão geral de múltiplas evidências, levantadas de forma sistemática na literatura, sobre processos de desproteção de crianças, adolescentes e suas famílias, bem como estratégias de proteção e atuação durante a crise sanitária causada pela Covid-19 e no contexto pós-pandêmico. Para tanto, foram selecionados 13 artigos de revisão, entre 2020 e 2023, os quais trazem os principais aspectos que incidem nas desproteções de crianças e adolescentes, afetando a saúde mental, a convivência familiar e comunitária, bem como estratégias de intervenção para o enfrentamento dessas situações. Assim, este estudo traz uma discussão que pode ser subsídio para que profissionais do campo da proteção infantojuvenil possam planejar ações diante dos reflexos da crise pandêmica, política, social e econômica nos últimos tempos. Os efeitos das desproteções ligadas à insegurança de renda, à falta de acesso aos serviços, à redução de autonomia e a problemas de saúde mental ampliaram desproteções relacionais e contextos de violência. Por outro lado, o acesso a serviços e políticas públicas, com apoio às famílias, é o que a literatura destaca para ampliar a proteção infantojuvenil. Portanto, é fundamental identificar demandas para a busca de atuações com foco na melhoria das ofertas de serviços e na promoção de espaços de convivências protetivas.

The objective of this study is to present an overview of multiple evidence, systematically collected in the literature, on processes of deprotection for children, adolescents and their families, as well as protection and action strategies during the health crisis caused by Covid-19 and in the post-pandemic context. To this end, 13 review articles were selected, between 2020 and 2023, which bring the main aspects that affect the deprotection of children/adolescents, affecting mental health, family and community coexistence, as well as intervention strategies to combat these issues. Thus, this article brings a discussion that can provide support for professionals in the field of child and youth protection to plan actions in light of the consequences of this pandemic, political, social and economic crisis in recent times. The effects of lack of protection linked to income insecurity, lack of access to services, reduced autonomy and mental health problems have increased relational lack of protection and contexts of violence. On the other hand, access to services and public policies, with support for families, is what the literature highlights to expand child and youth protection. Therefore, it is essential to identify demands to seek actions focused on improving service offerings and promoting protective spaces.

El objetivo de este estudio es presentar un panorama de múltiples evidencias, recogidas sistemáticamente en la literatura, sobre procesos de desprotección de niños, niñas, adolescentes y sus familias, así como estrategias de protección y acción durante la crisis sanitaria provocada por el Covid-19 y en el contexto pospandemia. Para ello se seleccionaron 13 artículos de revisión, entre 2020 y 2023, que traen los principales aspectos que inciden en la desprotección de niños/adolescentes, afectando la salud mental, la convivencia familiar y comunitaria, así como estrategias de intervención para combatir estas situaciones. Así, este artículo proporciona una discusión que puede brindar apoyo a los profesionales del campo de la protección de niños y jóvenes para planificar acciones ante las consecuencias de esta pandemia, crisis política, social y económica de los últimos tiempos. Los efectos de la desprotección vinculados a la inseguridad de ingresos, la falta de acceso a servicios, la reducción de la autonomía y los problemas de salud mental han aumentado la desprotección relacional y los contextos de violencia. Por otro lado, el acceso a servicios y políticas públicas, con apoyo a las familias, es lo que destaca la literatura para ampliar la protección de niños y jóvenes. Por lo tanto, es fundamental identificar demandas para buscar acciones enfocadas a mejorar la oferta de servicios y promover espacios protectores de convivencia.

Rio de Janeiro; Fiocruz/ENSP/Claves; 27.nov.2023. 41 p. ilus.
No convencional en Portugués | LILACS, SES-RJ | ID: biblio-1518172


A cartilha é um material educativo fruto da pesquisa "Migração, saúde e violências: experiências de trabalhadoras(es) migrantes e refugiadas(os) no Rio de Janeiro", durante a qual foram escutadas(os) migrantes e refugiadas(os) residentes no Brasil, especificamente no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os deslocamentos humanos são uma realidade de dimensões globais e garantir o acesso e a permanência de migrantes e refugiadas(os) em postos de trabalho seguros, saudáveis e não violentos deve ser uma das finalidades de sociedades que prezam pela justiça social. A migração e o refúgio podem trazer mudanças na forma de organização familiar e a necessidade de buscar emprego, casa, estudo, relações de amizade e redes de apoio. Ao mesmo tempo em que a migração e o refúgio podem ser experiências que tragam novos recomeços, os sentimentos de incerteza, insegurança, medo, saudades e preocupação estão presentes no cotidiano de migrantes e refugiadas(os) e se expressam também na esfera do trabalho. Associado a isso, o mundo do trabalho tem passado por profundas transformações, principalmente nas últimas cinco décadas, que vêm impactando a vida de trabalhadoras(es), como o aumento do desemprego, contratações temporárias, baixos salários e a permanência de trabalho escravizado e forçado. Portanto, é preciso reconhecê-las para enfrentá-las, de modo a garantir um ambiente de trabalho seguro e saudável para todas(os). (AU)

Atención Primaria de Salud , Refugiados , Legislación Laboral , Salud Pública , Grupos de Población , Equidad de Género , Vulnerabilidad Social
Comp Migr Stud ; 10(1): 25, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35719200


This article explores how multiple, interrelated violence(s) shape the ways in which migrants relate to democratic politics transnationally. It takes as a departing point the literature on violent democracies and violent pluralism in the Latin American context, and more specifically the situation in Colombia, where democratic institutions coexist with plural violence(s). Following on from studies of migrant transnational politics, the analysis focuses on the Colombian diaspora and how migrants coming from violent democracies engage politically with the home country. Based on extensive research with Colombian migrants in Europe since the mid-90s, the article shows how despite different motivations for migrating, origin-country violence plays a significant role in the lives of many Colombians abroad. It then explores how violence influences migrants' transnational politics. Migrating from a context of pervasive violence(s) can affect migrants' sense of transnational belonging as well as increase mistrust and indifference towards formal democratic processes. However, the situation in the home country, together with being exposed to different conditions in the host society, can also motivate migrants to participate transnationally in initiatives to end the violence, thus increasing cooperation and trust.

Rev. univ. psicoanál ; (21): 183-189, mar. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399336


El texto propone indagar posibles coordenadas psíquicas subyacentes a aquellas conductas descriptas como propias de las violencias de género y los crímenes de odio, en particular, el feminicidio. Inscripto en el marco del trabajo de investigación UBACyT sobre "Funciones psíquicas del crimen en la economía libidinal", el trabajo transitará por algunos de los interrogantes que interpelan a diversos saberes, en particular al psicoanalítico, respecto de dichas violencias y su manifestación extrema, el asesinato de una persona por su condición o identidad de género. Para ello, se utilizará como material de articulación y análisis: por un lado, relatos de casos reales de violencias de género y feminicidios plasmados de forma literaria en el libro "Romper Cadenas" de la autora Viviana Rodríguez y el autor Sergio Soler; y, por otro lado, escenas de la serie de televisión biográfica y policial "Monzón", creado por Pablo Bossi, basado en "Monzón, secreto de sumario" de María Adelina Staiolo

The text proposes to inquire possible psychic coordinates underlying to those behaviors described as typical of gender violence and hate crimes, in particular, femicide. Inscribed within the framework of the UBACyT research work on "Psychic functions of crime in the libidinal economy", the work will transit through some of the questions that interpellate various knowledge, in particular the psychoanalytic, regarding said violence and its extreme manifestation, the murder of a person because of their gender status or identity. To do this, It will be used as material for articulation and analysis: on the one hand, stories of real cases of gender violence and femicides captured in literary form in the book "Romper Cadenas" by the author Viviana Rodríguez and the author Sergio Soler; and, on the other hand, scenes from the biographical and police television series "Monzón", created by Pablo Bossi, based on "Monzón, summary secret" by María Adelina Staiolo

Humanos , Femenino , Violencia de Género , Psicoanálisis
Encephale ; 47(4): 319-325, 2021 Aug.
Artículo en Francés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33189352


OBJECTIVES: A survey was conducted in the maternity hospitals of French Guiana in 2017-2018 centered on uses of tobacco, alcohol and pemba (clay) during pregnancy, including questions about violence and the perception of adverse situations during pregnancy. The data used here allow an analysis of lifetime violence and the experience of the last pregnancy. METHODS: An ad hoc questionnaire was designed including some questions to identify at risk situations and T-Ace items for measuring problematic alcohol use. It was adapted to specificities of the local population groups, migrants or from borders, and asking for the maternal tongue. It was administered to women following childbirth. The questionnaire was strictly anonymous. The ethics committee had validated the questionnaire and the collection procedures (Decision 2017-25). In addition, to the issue of violence, seven questions were asked about women's experiences with pregnancy. A bivariate analysis identified significantly associated variables that were used for a multicomponent analysis to identify a typology of women based on their pregnancy experience (Modalisa8 and SPSS19). The very small number of women who smoked tobacco or cannabis during pregnancy (16 and 7 women respectively) led us to ignore these variables. RESULTS: The survey interviewed 789 women throughout Guyana. They were on average 28.9 years old at this pregnancy and had an average of 3.24 living children comprised this newborn. The questioned women were younger than in metropolitan France, less often married, with a low level of education, often foreigners, especially Haitian or Surinamese. Overall, 174 women, or 22% of the total reported having experienced violence in their lifetime, with four women refusing to answer the question. The profiles of the concerned women were not very different according to their ages or levels of education, but differed significantly from the average on several characteristics, such as their mother tongue, marital status, nationalities, whether living on state aid not related to employment or family allowances, or having no resources, living around Cayenne or Kourou and having been on the territory for less than two years. Three groups of women were distinguished by the multicomponent analysis. The first group comprised essentially foreign women living around Cayenne, alone with children, having a low educational level, and having experienced difficulties to cope with this pregnancy. They reported no use of psychoactive substances. They experienced violence more often than in the other groups (almost one in two). One in five had migrated during the last pregnancy. The second group was composed more often of French women, born in Guyana or in metropolitan France. They more often lived with a partner, had a good educational level, personal or marital incomes. They expressed more often worry, with sleep problems but with an entourage to rely on. Before pregnancy they drank alcohol at events but one in three had a T-Ace scoring at two or more. They had a good pregnancy follow-up. The last group was composed of women living around Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni or in remote communities, with a low educational level, living alone with numerous children. They didn't feel worry and had good sleep. They didn't experience violence. They differed by their use of pemba and beer and late or inadequate pregnancy follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Data on violence in French Guyana show that young people and women declare more often having experienced physical violence, in or out of family life. Young women are overrepresented thus a survey in childbearing women must reveal a high frequency of these events. Our data allow us to go further, by associating this experience of violence and the experience of pregnancy with socio-demographic variables. We can thus see that the overall average obtained on a large number of indicators is smoothed by extremely contrasting situations, of women feeling safe or not, well followed or not for this pregnancy, etc. The groups distinguished by the MCA reveal the contrast between women of Haitian nationality in the Cayenne region and Surinamese or Nengee-speaking women, who are grouped around Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni or in the isolated municipalities of western Guyana. One sub-group stands out in particular for the combination of lifetime violence and very unfavorable conditions during the last pregnancy, both of precariousness, isolation and recent migration. The experience of violence and pregnancy in poor conditions require close actions to take charge of these women, especially since they are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.

Consumo de Bebidas Alcohólicas , Migrantes , Adolescente , Adulto , Consumo de Bebidas Alcohólicas/epidemiología , Niño , Preescolar , Femenino , Guyana Francesa/epidemiología , Haití , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Embarazo , Violencia
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-980190


El trabajo explora perspectivas y posicionamientos de agentes educativos ante violencias en escuelas, problemas que enfrentan e intervenciones que realizan. Su objetivo es analizar verbalizaciones de los agentes educativos en contexto de investigación, describiendo significados que construyen sobre problemas y situaciones de violencia en las escuelas. Los conceptos de violencia simbólica, efecto-institución, mediaciones invisibles y olvido social, en enfoques socioeducativos e histórico-culturales, constituyen el marco teórico. Se articulan resultados de: indagación durante 2015 para Tesis de Maestría e indagación-intervención de estudiantes y tutores a través de una Práctica de Investigación de la Licenciatura en Psicología durante 2016, ambos en una escuela secundaria del conurbano bonaerense. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, de metodología etnográfica. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a directivos y entrevistas semi-estructuradas a docentes, orientadores escolares, observaciones de clases, recreos, comedor y talleres. Emergen violencias De la escuela, hipótesis sobre procesos operantes en su invisibilización y propuestas de cambio.

The work explores outlooks and positionings of educational agents about violences at schools, the problems they face and the interventions they develop. Its aim is to analyze verbalizations of educational agents in the research context, describing the meanings that they build about problems and situations of violences at schools. The concepts of symbolic violence, institution-effect, invisible mediations and social oblivion into socio-educational and historical-cultural approaches constitute the theoretical frame. Outcomes of the research along the Master Thesis work, during 2015, were articulated with outcomes of action-research work of students and tutors through a Research Apprenticeship into Undergraduate Course of Psychology during 2016, in a secondary school in Buenos Aires Province. It´s a qualitative descriptive study, of ethnographic methodology. In-depth interviews with masters and half-structured interviews with teachers and school advisors were developed, classroom work and playtime space observations, and workshops were displayed. Violences OF school and hypothesis on processes operating in its in-visibilization, emerge, besides change proposals.

Humanos , Instituciones Académicas , Violencia , Personal Docente
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-787854


O presente artigo almeja oferecer algumas contribuições para a clínica psicanalítica do exílio junto a refugiados inseridos num contexto de reassentamento. Busca-se explorar, através de vinhetas de um caso clínico, operadores metapsicológicos que nos permitam melhor compreender as dinâmicas inconscientes presentes no processo de elaboração das violências do refúgio, sobretudo aquelas encontradas no processo de melancolização da experiência do exílio.

This paper aims to contribute to the psychoanalytic clinic of exile concerning refugees in the specific context of resettlement. We aim to develop, through excerpts from a clinical case, metapsychological keys that allow us to better understand the unconscious dynamics figuring in the elaboration process of violence in the refuge – mainly of the violence found in the melancholization of the exile experience.

Cet article vise à apporter des contributions à la clinique psychanalytique de l'exil auprès des réfugiés dans le contexte d’une politique de placement. On cherche à exploiter, par le biais de vignettes cliniques, les opérateurs métapsychologiques qui nous permettent de mieux comprendre les dynamiques inconscientes présentes dans le processus d'élaboration des violences subies, en particulier celles que l’on retrouve dans le processus de mélancolisation de l'expérience de l'exil.

El presente artículo busca ofrecer algunas contribuciones a la clínica psicoanalítica del exilio junto a los recién llegados admitidos en el contexto específico de una política de reasentamiento. Buscamos explorar, a través de viñetas de un caso clínico, operadores metapsicológicos que permitan comprender las dinámicas inconscientes presentes en el proceso de elaboración de las violencias del exilio, sobre todo, aquellas encontradas en el proceso de melancolización de la experiencia del exilio.

Dieser Artikel ist einen Beitrag zur psychoanalytischen Klinik des Exils von Flüchtlingen im Kontext der Umsiedlung. In diesem Zusammenhang analysieren wir einen klinischen Fall, um die metapsychologischen Operatoren zu erforschen und dabei die unbewusste Dynamik des Verarbeitungsprozesses der während der Flucht erlebten Gewalt besser zu verstehen, speziell diejenige des Melancholisierungsprozesses der Exilerfahrung.


Fractal rev. psicol ; 25(3): 461-474, set.-dez. 2013.
Artículo en Francés | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-60236


Selon l'analyse institutionnelle (Lourau), tout individu est impliqué par les institutions qu'il traverse et qui le traversent. Enseignante spécialisée exerçant dans une école élémentaire française, en classe spécialisée accueillant des enfants en situation de handicap mental, j'ai débuté une carrière de chercheuse à partir de mon questionnement quant aux violences qui s'exprimaient dans ma classe. Quand un praticien-chercheur entreprend une recherche sur son milieu professionnel, ses implication et surimplication opèrent un double mouvement, sur sa recherche et sur sa pratique. Ce mouvement a des effets sur ces deux milieux. Quels effets ont produit mon implication et ma surimplication dans ces deux champs professionnels ?.(AU)

According to Institutional Analysis (Lourau), everyone is involved in the institutions through which he passes and that cross him. Special education teacher working in a French elementary school, in a class hosting children with mental disabilities, I began a career as a researcher from my questioning about the violences that were expressed in my class. When a practitioner-researcher undertakes a research on his workplace, its involvement and over-involvement operate a double movement on his research and practice. This movement has effects on these two workplaces. What impact my involvement and my over-involvement in these professional fields have they produced?.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Violencia , Instituciones Académicas , Trastornos de la Conducta Infantil
Fractal rev. psicol ; 25(3): 461-474, set.-dez. 2013.
Artículo en Francés | LILACS | ID: lil-699063


Selon l'analyse institutionnelle (Lourau), tout individu est impliqué par les institutions qu'il traverse et qui le traversent. Enseignante spécialisée exerçant dans une école élémentaire française, en classe spécialisée accueillant des enfants en situation de handicap mental, j'ai débuté une carrière de chercheuse à partir de mon questionnement quant aux violences qui s'exprimaient dans ma classe. Quand un praticien-chercheur entreprend une recherche sur son milieu professionnel, ses implication et surimplication opèrent un double mouvement, sur sa recherche et sur sa pratique. Ce mouvement a des effets sur ces deux milieux. Quels effets ont produit mon implication et ma surimplication dans ces deux champs professionnels ?

According to Institutional Analysis (Lourau), everyone is involved in the institutions through which he passes and that cross him. Special education teacher working in a French elementary school, in a class hosting children with mental disabilities, I began a career as a researcher from my questioning about the violences that were expressed in my class. When a practitioner-researcher undertakes a research on his workplace, its involvement and over-involvement operate a double movement on his research and practice. This movement has effects on these two workplaces. What impact my involvement and my over-involvement in these professional fields have they produced?

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Trastornos de la Conducta Infantil , Instituciones Académicas , Violencia
Anu. investig. - Fac. Psicol., Univ. B. Aires ; 19(1): 311-328, jun. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-128461


El trabajo presenta figuras de intervención de los modelos mentales situacionales construidas por agentes psicoeducativos que ejercen su práctica profesional abordando problemas de violencias en escuelas. El objetivo es comprender los diferentes enfoques, agencialidades e implicaciones en interacciones entre sujetos y problemas en sistemas de actividad de contextos educativos. Categorías del marco socio-histórico-cultural se interrelacionan con la perspectiva contextualista del cambio cognitivo. Se administró el Cuestionario sobre Situaciones-Problema de Violencia en Escuelas a 114 agentes y para su análisis se aplicó al procesamiento de datos la Matriz Multidimensional de Profesionalización Psicoeducativa. El análisis factorial evidencia confiabilidad de los instrumentos de recolección de datos e identifica sistemas representacionales de cada figura. En la co-construcción estratégica de la intervención y el desarrollo del "aprendizaje por expansión", se hallan fracturas de la memoria social y desafíos para la historización del sistema de actividad distribuidos de manera diferente en las tres figuras.(AU)

The work presents the figures of intervention of the situational mental models that are built by psycho-educational agents who develop their professional practice facing violence problems at school .The aim is to understand the different focus, agencies and involvements in interactions between subjects and problems in activity systems of educational contexts. Categories from socio-historical-cultural framework are related to contextualist perspective of cognitive change. The Questionnaire about Problem-Situations of Violence at School was administered to 114 agents and for its analysis it was appl ied the Mult idimensional Matrix of Psycho-Educational Professional Modeling. The factorial analysis demonstrates confiability of instruments of data collection and identifies representational systems of each igure. In the strategic co-construction of intervention and the development of "expansive learning", fractures in the social memory and challenges for the process of recovering the history of activity systems are found, distributed in different ways in the three Figures.(AU)

Anu. investig. - Fac. Psicol., Univ. B. Aires ; 19(1): 311-328, jun. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-694618


El trabajo presenta figuras de intervención de los modelos mentales situacionales construidas por agentes psicoeducativos que ejercen su práctica profesional abordando problemas de violencias en escuelas. El objetivo es comprender los diferentes enfoques, agencialidades e implicaciones en interacciones entre sujetos y problemas en sistemas de actividad de contextos educativos. Categorías del marco socio-histórico-cultural se interrelacionan con la perspectiva contextualista del cambio cognitivo. Se administró el Cuestionario sobre Situaciones-Problema de Violencia en Escuelas a 114 agentes y para su análisis se aplicó al procesamiento de datos la Matriz Multidimensional de Profesionalización Psicoeducativa. El análisis factorial evidencia confiabilidad de los instrumentos de recolección de datos e identifica sistemas representacionales de cada figura. En la co-construcción estratégica de la intervención y el desarrollo del "aprendizaje por expansión", se hallan fracturas de la memoria social y desafíos para la historización del sistema de actividad distribuidos de manera diferente en las tres figuras.

The work presents the figures of intervention of the situational mental models that are built by psycho-educational agents who develop their professional practice facing violence problems at school .The aim is to understand the different focus, agencies and involvements in interactions between subjects and problems in activity systems of educational contexts. Categories from socio-historical-cultural framework are related to contextualist perspective of cognitive change. The Questionnaire about Problem-Situations of Violence at School was administered to 114 agents and for its analysis it was appl ied the Mult idimensional Matrix of Psycho-Educational Professional Modeling. The factorial analysis demonstrates confiability of instruments of data collection and identifies representational systems of each igure. In the strategic co-construction of intervention and the development of "expansive learning", fractures in the social memory and challenges for the process of recovering the history of activity systems are found, distributed in different ways in the three Figures.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 11(supl.5): 709-726, 2012.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-662338


Introducción: las demencias son enfermedades degenerativas que afectan a 35.6 millones de personas en el mundo y a más de 100 000 en Cuba; constituyen un acontecimiento vital estresante y hacen al anciano muy dependiente de otros y, por tanto, presa fácil de violencia. Objetivo: caracterizar los pacientes con demencia, según grupos de edades, sexo y nivel educacional, manifestaciones clínicas e identificar las conductas violentas, ejercidas sobre ellos, en la consulta de demencia y de terreno durante marzo a agosto de 2010. Material y Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo desde el 1ero de marzo al 31 de agosto de 2010, en la consulta de demencia y/o en terreno pertenecientes al Policlínico Cristóbal Labra. La información se obtuvo mediante la aplicación de los siguientes instrumentos: Miniexamen del estado mental del anciano, criterios del DSM-IV, la escala de Zarit, Yasavage y la aplicación de una encuesta creada por la autora. Se utilizaron variables cuantitativas y cualitativas; los datos se recogieron en una planilla previamente diseñada y se procesaron de forma automatizada. Los resultados se mostraron en tablas y/o gráficos, y se calcularon medidas de resumen (frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes). Resultados: la demencia se relacionó con aumento de la edad, sexo femenino y menor grado de escolaridad. Los principales síntomas que generaron violencia fueron la pérdida de memoria e insomnio, predominó la Violencia Psicológica; las hijas fueron las principales maltratadoras. Conclusión: la demencia en adultos mayores constituyó un factor estresante generador de violencia en los cuidadores.

Introduction: the violence against the older persons is not a recent, it has been producing since many time ago, it real number is unknow. The dementia is a neurodegenerative disorders, already 35.6 millones of persons in the world and more of 100 000 en Cuba are afected by this pathology. The dementias are an important cause of violence because it produced a big uncapacity physical and intellectual. Objetives: caractherize pacient with dementia, by age, educacional level and sex, know mainly symptoms that produce violence in their mainly parent, diferents types of violences, principle clinical symptoms of psicologycal violence, persons responsible of injuries. Material and Methods: we made a descriptive estudies, since march 1er to agust 31, 2010 about the behavior of the violence on this kind of pacients and it relation with their parent. We used Minimental de Folstein, DSM-IV, Zarit, Yasavage test. Also we used the National Aging Resource Center of violence and the test made for the author. Results: dementias be increased in old patients, women were more afected, it incressed in patient with low educational level, symptoms more frequently found were: memory loss e insomny. The psychological violence was the principal type of violence found, the daughters had more violence behavior. Conclusion: the dementia on old persons produce a lot stress in persons that take care them.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-641842


El presente trabajo presenta algunos resultados del análisis del material de campo de dos planes de beca. Ambos forman parte de un proyecto de investigación más amplio que indaga el impacto psíquico producido por distintas condiciones de trabajo y hábitat en grupos vulnerabilizados. A partir del análisis de entrevistas semi estructuradas administradas a habitantes de las Villas 31 y 31 bis, del Núcleo Habitacional Transitorio Zavaleta y de la Villa 21, se proponen tres categorías de análisis que resaltan por su insistencia en los discursos y prácticas de dichos vecinos/as: discriminaciones, violencias y memoria social. Cada categoría es trabajada en cierta profundidad, a la vez que se apunta también a relacionarlas entre sí y con la situación de desamparo propia de los habitantes de estos asentamientos. Este trabajo es abordado desde el marco de la Psicología Social Comunitaria, con aportes teóricos de la psicología social crítica y el socioconstruccionismo.

This paper is set to analize some of the field work material of two scholarship projects that are part of a broader investigation concerning the psychic impact produced by certain working and habitat conditions of vulnerable and marginalized groups in the city of Buenos Aires. Through the cualitative analysis of the semi structured interviews administrated to residents of the temporary settlements "villa 31 and 31 bis", NHT Zavaleta and "villa 21", three analytical categories are proposed: discriminations, violences and social memory. Each category is approached in some depth, while there is also an attempt to relate them together and with the situation of helplessness and social privation suffered by the inhabitants of the mentioned settlements. This analysis is done withing the larger framework of Social Community Psychology, with some contributions from the Critical Social Psychology and social-construccionism.