Individuals with differing forms of skeletal dysplasias (SD) frequently report impaired mobility and symptoms. With the objetive to evaluate mobility and associated symptoms in people with SD at an Argentinian pediatric hospital, using an Argentinian version of the Screening Tool for Everyday Mobility and Symptoms (STEMS), a simple questionnaire that allows clinicians to quickly identify the presence of symptoms associated with mobility in people with SD, while considering different environmental settings and the use of assistive devices, an analytical study of a consecutive sample of patients older than 5 years with SD and their affected relatives was carried out.Diagnosis, comorbidities, socioenvironmental, therapeutic, auxological and mobility variables were recorded. The presence and intensity of symptoms was noted through use of both the STEMS and validated scales. Descriptive, association and correlation analyzes were performed. One hundred and nineteen individuals with SD were enrolled in the study and divided into groups: Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI, n = 55), Achondroplasia (ACH, n = 36) and Other SD resulting in disproportionate short stature (n = 28). Mobility assistive devices were almost exclusively used by individuals with OI. They were more frequently used by individuals with overweight and obesity, more severe form of the disease and in the outdoor settings. Two thirds (66.4%) of the individuals assessed in this study reported pain, 87.4% reported fatigue, and 58.8% reported both pain and fatigue. The intensity of symptoms was similar between groups and correlated with age and auxological variables. The STEMS was clear, easy and quick to use for identifying presence of pain and fatigue in this population group. The STEMS proved to be a simple and useful tool for evaluating functional mobility and associated symptoms in our population of individuals with SD.
Acondroplasia , Osteogénesis Imperfecta , Niño , Humanos , Osteogénesis Imperfecta/diagnóstico , Acondroplasia/diagnóstico , Acondroplasia/epidemiología , Acondroplasia/complicaciones , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Dolor , Fatiga/diagnósticoRESUMEN
A TECNOLOGIA: Descrição da tecnologia: A vosoritida é uma molécula análoga ao peptídeo natriurético do tipo C (CNP do inglês: C-type natriuretic peptide), um hormônio natural que regula o crescimento linear dos ossos. Esse medicamento inibe a via da proteína quinase, que ativa a jusante do receptor do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos 3 (FGFR3). Como resultado, a vosoritida atua como um regulador positivo da ossificação endocondral, uma vez que promove a proliferação e diferenciação dos condrócitos. Condição clínica: A acondroplasia é uma doença genética rara descrita como a displasia esquelética primária mais comum em humanos. Essa forma de displasia é responsável por mais de 90% dos casos de baixa estatura desproporcional, também conhecida como nanismo. Etimologicamente, o termo acondroplasia significa "sem formação de cartilagem" e é categorizada como uma displasia fisária (da placa de crescimento). A acondroplasia ocorre em aproximadamente 1:20.000 a 1:30.000 nascidos vivos por ano. Por difícil que seja determinar a prevalência global dessa condição, estima-se que ela afete aproximadamente 1 a 9 indivíduos por 100.000 da população geral. Um extenso estudo epidemiológico de base populacional europeu calculou a prevalência em 3,72 por 100.000 nascimentos (8). Esse estudo demonstrou que a prevalência foi estável ao longo do tempo, contudo, foram observadas diferenças regionais. INFORMAÇÕES REGULATÓRIAS: Informações sobre registro: A vosoritida foi registrada em 29/11/2021 na Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) como um produto novo, cumprindo com o disposto na RDC nº 55/2010 para o registro de produtos biológicos novos. Por se tratar de uma necessidade médica não atendida atualmente, este produto foi priorizado de acordo com os critérios da RDC nº 204/2017 e nas agências reguladoras internacionais para as seguintes indicações clínicas: Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa): indicado para o tratamento de acondroplasia (ACH) em pacientes a partir de 2 anos de idade e cujas epífises não estão fechadas. O diagnóstico de acondroplasia deve ser confirmado por teste genético apropriado. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): é indicado para aumentar o crescimento linear em pacientes pediátricos com acondroplasia com 5 anos de idade ou mais com epífises abertas. Essa é uma autorização contingente, o que significa que para ser mantida, os benefícios clínicos deverão ser confirmados por ensaio clínico. European Medicines Agency (EMA): é indicado para o tratamento da acondroplasia em crianças a partir dos dois anos de idade até o fechamento das placas de crescimento. Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA): é indicado para o tratamento de crianças de todas as idades que ainda não tiveram o fechamento das placas de crescimento. PANORAMA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO: Estratégia de busca: A estratégia de busca foi composta por duas etapas. A primeira objetivou identificar os registros de estudos clínicos do vosoritida para o tratamento de acondroplasia no e no Cortellis. A busca no Cortellis foi realizada em 17 de agosto de 2022 com o termo 'vosoritide'. Já a busca no ClinicalTrials foi realizada em 19 de agosto de 2022 com os termos 'vosoritide' e 'achondroplasia'. Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos, randomizados ou não, a partir da fase 2, em que o vosoritida tenha sido utilizado para o tratamento da acondroplasia. Não houve restrição quanto ao idioma. Não foram incluídas análises post hocs, pool analysis. Na segunda etapa, foi realizada busca nas bases Medline e PMC (via PubMed) e Embase (via Portal Periódicos Capes) com o objetivo de localizar estudos publicados e não publicados referentes aos ensaios clínicos conduzidos que utilizaram o vosoritida no tratamento da acondroplasia. Desta forma, foram construídas estratégias de busca utilizando termos controlados e seus respectivos sinônimos (Apêndice 1). Estas buscas foram realizadas em 5 de setembro de 2022. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: A acondroplasia é causada por mutações no gene do receptor 3 do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos, que levam à ossificação endocondral prejudicada. O medicamento vosoritida é um análogo do peptídeo natriurético tipo C, que foi desenvolvido para o tratamento de crianças portadoras dessa doença. Os resultados disponíveis, até a última atualização deste alerta, foram promissores e subsidiaram o registro da vosoritida em vários países, inclusive no Brasil. Mas é importante destacar que devido à variabilidade do crescimento e ao menor pico de crescimento durante a puberdade, em crianças com acondroplaisa, os efeitos a longo prazo da vosoritida só serão conhecidos quando as crianças atingirem a altura adulta final.
Humanos , Acondroplasia/tratamiento farmacológico , Péptidos Natriuréticos/uso terapéutico , Brasil , Eficacia , Análisis Costo-Beneficio , Proyectos de Desarrollo Tecnológico e InnovaciónRESUMEN
INTRODUCCIÓN: La acondroplasia es la causa más común de baja estatura desproporcionada. Es causada por una mutación patogénica en el gen del receptor 3 del factor de crecimiento de fibroblastos (FGFR3, siglas del inglés Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3), que codifica un receptor transmembrana importante en la regulación del crecimiento lineal de los huesos largos. Esto resulta en una alteración de la osificación endocondral, provocando un crecimiento desproporcionado, donde el crecimiento del tronco no se ve tan gravemente afectado como el de las extremidades y el cráneo. En el 80% de los casos es producida por una mutación genética de novo, siendo de herencia autosómica dominante. Cuando ambos padres tienen acondroplasia, la probabilidad de que cada uno de sus futuros hijos pueda tener una estatura promedio es del 25%, tener acondroplasia es del 50% y finalmente tener acondroplasia homocigota (que suele ser letal) es del 25%. La acondroplasia afecta el crecimiento de casi todos los huesos del cuerpo, incluidos el cráneo, la columna vertebral, los brazos y las piernas, lo que da como resultado una estatura muy baja con una apariencia característica: acortamiento predominantemente proximal (humero, fémur) de los huesos largos de las extremidades (rizomelia); de los dedos de las manos secundario a huesos metacarpianos cortos (braquidactilia), cifosis (deformidad convexa de la unión torácica-lumbar), compresión cervicomedular (debido al estrechamiento en la parte superior de la columna secundario al estrechamiento del foramen magnum); macrocefalia y rasgos faciales caracterizado por prominencia frontal y retrusión del tercio medio facial. Las personas afectadas pueden sufrir alguna de las complicaciones adicionales: hidrocefalia; estenosis del canal vertebral (pacientes después de su segunda o tercera década de vida); obstrucción de la vía aérea superior/apnea obstructiva del sueño (secundario a la reducción del espacio de las vías respiratorias por la retrusión de la parte media de la cara junto con el agrandamiento de adenoides y amígdalas); deformidades óseas (genu varum: desviación hacia afuera debido al arqueamiento); malformación de Arnold-Chiari; microftalmos, y disfunción del oído medio, obesidad, hipertensión arterial, problemas de movilidad, dolor crónico y baja actividad física. OBJETIVO: El objetivo del presente informe es evaluar la evidencia disponible acerca de la eficacia, seguridad, aspectos económicos, recomendaciones de sociedades científicas y las políticas de cobertura (PC) para el uso del vosoritide para personas con acondroplasia y epífisis abierta. DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA TECNOLOGÍA: El vosoritide (BMN 111) es un péptido natriurético humano tipo C recombinante modificado que es producido en células de Escherichia coli mediante tecnología de ADN recombinante. En los pacientes con acondroplasia, el gen FGFR3 que regula el crecimiento está "activado" permanentemente, impidiendo el crecimiento normal de los huesos por lo que terminan siendo más cortos de lo habitual.33 Vosoritide actúa uniéndose a un receptor denominado receptor del péptido natriurético tipo B, que reduce la actividad de FGFR3, y esto, promueve la proliferación y diferenciación de condrocitos y el crecimiento óseo endocondral. MÉTODOS: Las búsquedas se llevaron a cabo en las principales bases de datos bibliográficas: PUBMED, CRD (Centre for Reviews and Dissemination), Cochrane, TRIPdatabase (TRIP: Turning Research Into Practice), Epistemonikos, BRISA (Base Regional de Informes de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud de las Américas), LILACS (Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud), INAHTA (International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment), PROSPERO (International Prospective Register Of Systematic Reviews), en buscadores genéricos de internet y en sitios web de financiadores de salud. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de información publicada con fecha límite hasta el 29 de junio sobre el uso del vosoritide en pacientes con Acondroplasia y epífisis abierta. Se priorizó para la búsqueda inicial, la identificación de Revisiones Sistemáticas (RS) y Metaanálisis (MA), Evaluaciones de Tecnologías Sanitarias (ETS), Evaluaciones Económicas (EE), Guías de Práctica Clínica (GPC), políticas de cobertura (PC) de diferentes sistemas de salud y ensayos clínicos aleatorizados (ECA), se realizó una búsqueda con los filtros metodológicos correspondientes. RESULTADOS: Como resultado de la búsqueda bibliográfica, se recuperaron 12 estudios: ocho en curso, cuatro finalizados (estudio 111-101 [NCT01590446], estudio 111-202 [NCT02055157], Savarirayan y cols. 2020 [111-301, NCT03197766] y Savarirayan y cols. 2021 [111-302, NCT03424018]; tres Evaluaciones de Tecnologías Sanitarias (ETS); una revisión sistemática en curso; cinco Guías de Práctica Clínica (GPC) / Consensos / Recomendaciones. No se han hallado estudios primarios con comparación "cabeza-cabeza" entre el vosoritide versus cirugía de alargamiento u hormona de crecimiento. CONCLUSIONES: Al momento, no está autorizada su comercialización en Argentina, pero está en evaluación por el Registro de Especialidades Médicas. No se han encontrado estudios primarios con comparación "cabeza-cabeza" entre el vosoritide versus cirugía de alargamiento u hormona de crecimiento. No se recuperó evidencia relacionado con la tasa de complicaciones graves como: estrechez de la unión cérvico-medular; macrocefalia/hidrocefalia; estenosis del canal vertebral; obstrucción de la vía aérea superior; deformidades óseas; malformación de Arnold-Chiari; microftalmos. No hubo diferencias clínicamente significativas en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, ni tampoco en la independencia funcional para vosoritide frente a placebo en personas de 5 a 18 años de edad con acondroplasia y epífisis abierta (certeza alta â¨â¨â¨â¨). Aumenta la velocidad de crecimiento anualizada (1,57 cm/año más alto), aunque se desconoce si se sostiene en el tiempo para vosoritide frente a placebo en personas de 5 a 18 años de edad con acondroplasia y epífisis abierta (certeza alta â¨â¨â¨â¨). Aumenta la puntuación Z a 52 semanas de seguimiento (cambio medio de mínimos cuadrados 0.28 más alto), aunque se desconoce si se sostiene en el tiempo, para vosoritide frente a placebo en personas de 5 a 18 años de edad con acondroplasia y epífisis abierta (certeza alta â¨â¨â¨â¨). No hay diferencias en la proporción de segmentos corporales superiores e inferiores entre el inicio y el final de seguimiento, para vosoritide frente a placebo en personas de 5 a 18 años de edad con acondroplasia y epífisis abierta (certeza alta â¨â¨â¨â¨). Si bien probablemente no aumente el riesgo de eventos adversos serios, y aumenta el riesgo de cualquier evento adverso (certeza alta â¨â¨â¨â¨). No se recuperaron Guías de Práctica Clínica que recomienden su utilización y la mayoría de las políticas de cobertura relevadas no la mencionan en la indicación evaluada. Si bien no existen evaluaciones económicas locales, se estima que podría ser NO costoefectiva en Argentina. Se estimó que el impacto en términos de costo de oportunidad requeriría sumar 32.870 gastos en salud per cápita por año, o limitaría el pago de 1.232 haberes jubilatorios mínimos anuales.
Humanos , Acondroplasia/tratamiento farmacológico , Péptido Natriurético Tipo-C/uso terapéutico , Epífisis/fisiopatología , Argentina , Eficacia , Análisis Costo-Beneficio/economíaRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Achondroplasia is the most common bone dysplasia associated with disproportionate short stature, and other comorbidities, such as foramen magnum stenosis, thoracolumbar kyphosis, lumbar hyperlordosis, genu varum and spinal compression. Additionally, patients affected with this condition have higher frequency of sleep disorders, ear infections, hearing loss and slowed development milestones. Considering these clinical features, we aimed to summarize the regional experts' recommendations for the multidisciplinary management of patients with achondroplasia in Latin America, a vast geographic territory with multicultural characteristics and with socio-economical differences of developing countries. METHODS: Latin American experts (from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia) particiáted of an Advisory Board meeting (October 2019), and had a structured discussion how patients with achondroplasia are followed in their healthcare centers and punctuated gaps and opportunities for regional improvement in the management of achondroplasia. RESULTS: Practical recommendations have been established for genetic counselling, prenatal diagnosis and planning of delivery in patients with achondroplasia. An outline of strategies was added as follow-up guidelines to specialists according to patient developmental phases, amongst them neurologic, orthopedic, otorhinolaryngologic, nutritional and anthropometric aspects, and related to development milestones. Additionally, the role of physical therapy, physical activity, phonoaudiology and other care related to the quality of life of patients and their families were discussed. Preoperative recommendations to patients with achondroplasia were also included. CONCLUSIONS: This study summarized the main expert recommendations for the health care professionals management of achondroplasia in Latin America, reinforcing that achondroplasia-associated comorbidities are not limited to orthopedic concerns.
Acondroplasia , Cifosis , Acondroplasia/diagnóstico , Acondroplasia/genética , Acondroplasia/terapia , Niño , Femenino , Asesoramiento Genético , Humanos , América Latina/epidemiología , Calidad de VidaRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Achondroplasia (ACH), the most common form of disproportionate short stature, is caused by a pathogenic variant in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene. Recent advances in drug therapy for ACH have highlighted the importance of elucidating the natural history and socioeconomic burden of this condition. Recognition that there are many potential issues for the patient with ACH is the first step in planning cost-effective interventions in Latin America (LATAM), a vast geographic territory comprising countries with multicultural characteristics and wide socioeconomic differences. We conducted a systematic literature review to characterize the impact of ACH on affected individuals and on healthcare resources in LATAM countries. METHODS: Searches of the global medical literature as well as regional and local medical literature up to August 2020. Observational studies on patients with ACH from any LATAM country. Pairs of reviewers independently screened eligible articles, extracted data from included studies, and assessed their risk of bias. RESULTS: Fifty-three unique studies (28 case series and cross-sectional studies and 25 case reports) including data on 1604 patients were eligible. Of these studies, 11 had data available for meta-analysis. Both premature mortality and all-cause mortality in the pooled studies was 15% [95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.0E-3 to 0.47; I2 = 82.9%, p = 0.0029; three studies, n = 99 patients]. Frequency of cardio-respiratory-metabolic disorders was 17% [95% CI 0.04-0.37; I2 = 90.3%, p < 0.0001; four studies, n = 230 patients]; nervous system disorders was 18% [95% CI 0.07-0.33; I2 = 84.6%, p < 0.0001; six studies, n = 262 patients]; ear, nose, throat and speech disorders was 32% [95% CI 0.18-0.48; I2 = 73.4%, p = 0.0046; five studies, n = 183 patients]; and spinal issues including stenosis, compression and associated pain was 24% [95% CI 0.07-0.47; I2 = 91.3%, p < 0.0001; five studies, n = 235 patients]. CONCLUSIONS: There is currently evidence of high clinical burden in ACH patients in LATAM countries. Establishing the impact of ACH provides the necessary foundation for planning tailored and effective public health interventions.
Acondroplasia , Acondroplasia/genética , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , América Latina/epidemiologíaRESUMEN
CONTEXTO: La acondroplasia es la displasia ósea más frecuente, se caracteriza por un fallo en la formación normal del cartílago en hueso, lo que da lugar a una estatura desproporcionada. Se trata de un transtorno genético, de herencia autosómico dominante, de penetrancia completa, se produce por mutaciones en el gen del receptor del factor de crecimiento de fibroblastos 3 (FGFR3). El 80% de las mutaciones se producen de novo, y por lo tanto estos pacientes tienen padres de estatura media. Los pacientes que han heredado el gen defectuoso de ambos padres son los más afectados y normalmente mueren a pocos días del nacimiento o unos meses después. Se estima que afecta a 250.000 individuos em todo el mundo. El FGFR3 es uno de los cuatro receptores del factor de crecimiento de fibroblastos en humanos, se ubican en la superficie celular e influyen en su proliferación. La acción del FGFR3 es de regulador negativo del crecimiento óseo condrocitario. La mutación que da lugar a la acondroplasia, es uma mutación de ganancia de función, generando una señal inhibidora.2 Esta activación permanente de la señalización del FGFR3 acciona dos cascadas de señalización intracelular que llevan a menor proliferación y diferenciación de los condrocitos de la placa de crecimiento óseo, a través de la vía STAT-1, y a una menor producción de la matriz extracelular a través de la vía MAPK, por estos dos mecanismos el crecimiento del hueso se enlentece. TECNOLOGÍA: El vosoritide es un análogo del péptido natriuretico tipo C (CNP, de sus siglas en inglés C type Natriuretic Peptide), actúa uniéndose al receptor del péptido natriuretico tipo B (NPR-B, de sus siglas en inglés natriuretic receptor type-B), el cual induce la inhibición de la vía MAPK. La inhibición de esta vía lleva a un incremento en la producción de la matriz extracelular estimulando la proliferación de los huesos. Se indica en una dosis de 15 mcg/Kg, una vez por día por vía subcutánea rotando el sitio de inyección. OBJETIVO: El objetivo del presente informe es evaluar la evidencia disponible acerca de la eficacia, seguridad y aspectos relacionados a las políticas de cobertura del uso de vosoritide en pacientes con acondroplasia. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una búsqueda en las principales bases de datos bibliográficas, en buscadores genéricos de internet, y financiadores de salud. Se priorizó la inclusión de revisiones sistemáticas (RS), ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorizados (ECAs), evaluaciones de tecnologías sanitarias (ETS), evaluaciones económicas, guías de práctica clínica (GPC) y políticas de cobertura de diferentes sistemas de salud. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron dos ECAs y una evaluación de tecnología sanitaria para el uso de vosoritide en acondroplasia. CONCLUSIONES: Evidencia de baja calidad muestra que el uso de vosoritide para pacientes acondroplasicos con placas de crecimiento abiertas produce un aumento en la velocidad de crecimiento aunque se desconoce la eficacia en cuanto a que este aumento de la velocidad de crecimiento se sostenga en el tiempo y conlleve a mejoras en la sobrevida y/o calidad de vida. No se han encontrado guías de práctica clínica que mencionen esta tecnología para el tratamento de la acondroplasia. Así como tampoco, financiadores internacionales que den cobertura para vosoritide en esta condición. Hasta la fecha, no está autorizada su comercialización en Estados Unidos, pero si fue aprobada recientemente en Europa. En Argentina se encuentra en fase de evaluación por el ANMAT por lo que todavía no está aprobada su comercialización. No se encontraron evaluaciones económicas locales, ni internacionales acerca de la costo-efectividad del vosoritide para esta indicación. Si bien no existe esta evidencia de sobre la costo-efectividad; se podría estimar que el uso del vosoritide no sería costo-efectivo en la Argentina, dada la relación entre el costo de la intervención y el tamaño del potencial beneficio neto.
Humanos , Acondroplasia/tratamiento farmacológico , Péptido Natriurético Tipo-C/análogos & derivados , Argentina , Evaluación en Salud/economía , Análisis Costo-Beneficio/economíaRESUMEN
Background: Mutations in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) gene are related to skeletal dysplasias (SDs): acondroplasia (ACH), hypochodroplasia (HCH) and type I (TDI) and II (TDII) tanatophoric dysplasias. This study was designed to standardize and implement a high-resolution melting (HRM) technique to identify mutations in patients with these phenotypes. Methods: Initially, FGFR3 gene segments from 84 patients were PCR amplified and subjected to Sanger sequencing. Samples from 29 patients positive for mutations were analyzed by HRM. Results: Twelve of the patients FGFR3 mutations had ACH (six g.16081 G > A, three g.16081 G > C and three g.16081 G > A + g.16002 C > T); thirteen of patients with HCH had FGFR3 mutations (eight g.17333 C > A, five g.17333 C > G and five were negative); and four patients with DTI had FGFR3 mutations (three g.13526 C > T and one g.16051G > T and two patients with DTII (presented mutation g.17852 A > G). When analyzing the four SDs altogether, an overlap of the dissociation curves was observed, making genotyping difficult. When analyzed separately, however, the HRM analysis method proved to be efficient for discriminating among the mutations for each SD type, except for those patients carrying additional polymorphism concomitant to the recurrent mutation. Conclusion: We conclude that for recurrent mutations in the FGFR3 gene, that the HRM technique can be used as a faster, reliable and less expensive genotyping routine for the diagnosis of these pathologies than Sanger sequencing.
Acondroplasia/diagnóstico , Huesos/anomalías , Análisis Mutacional de ADN/métodos , Enanismo/diagnóstico , Deformidades Congénitas de las Extremidades/diagnóstico , Lordosis/diagnóstico , Receptor Tipo 3 de Factor de Crecimiento de Fibroblastos/genética , Acondroplasia/genética , Adolescente , Niño , Preescolar , Enanismo/genética , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Deformidades Congénitas de las Extremidades/genética , Lordosis/genética , Masculino , MutaciónRESUMEN
Background: Children with achondroplasia (ACH) appear to lack a pubertal growth spurt in height.Aim To explore the growth spurt in height and its segments sitting height and leg length, in a large sample of ACH cases using growth curve modelling.Subjects and methods: Height and sitting height were measured longitudinally in ACH children, and the data were analysed using the SITAR (SuperImposition by Translation and Rotation) growth model, which estimates a mean growth curve and random effects for individuals defining differences in size, pubertal timing and intensity.Results: Out of 402 ACH children, 85 boys and 75 girls aged 7-20 years had respectively 529 and 454 measurements of height and sitting height, with leg length calculated by difference. SITAR analysis identified peaks in mean height velocity at 13.3 and 11.3 years in boys and girls, with peak velocities of 4.3 and 4.4 cm/year. Mean peak velocity for sitting height was 3.0 cm/year, but leg length showed no peak. The SITAR models explained 92% to 99% of the cross-sectional variance.Conclusion: ACH children do experience a growth spurt in puberty, but only half that of control children. The spurt is due entirely to sitting height, with no leg length spurt.
Acondroplasia/fisiopatología , Estatura/fisiología , Crecimiento , Pierna/fisiología , Pubertad , Sedestación , Adolescente , Argentina , Niño , Femenino , Humanos , MasculinoRESUMEN
OBJECTIVES: In general population, there are three phases in the human growth curve: infancy, childhood and puberty, with different main factors involved in their regulation and mathematical models to fit them. Achondroplasia children experience a fast decreasing growth during infancy and an "adolescent growth spurt"; however, there are no longitudinal studies that cover the analysis of the whole post-natal growth. Here we analyse the whole growth curve from infancy to adulthood applying the JPA-2 mathematical model. METHODS: Twenty-seven patients, 17 girls and 10 boys with achondroplasia, who reached adult size, were included. Height growth data was collected from birth until adulthood. Individual growth curves were estimated by fitting the JPA-2 model to each individual's height for age data. RESULTS: Height growth velocity curves show that after a period of fast decreasing growth velocity since birth, with a mean of 9.7 cm/year at 1 year old, the growth velocity is stable in late preschool years, with a mean of 4.2 cm/year. In boys, age and peak height velocity in puberty were 13.75 years and 5.08 cm/year and reach a mean adult height of 130.52 cm. In girls, the age and peak height velocity in puberty were 11.1 years and 4.32 cm/year and reach a mean adult height of 119.2 cm. CONCLUSIONS: The study of individual growth curves in achondroplasia children by the JPA-2 model shows the three periods, infancy, childhood and puberty, with a similar shape but lesser in magnitude than general population.
Acondroplasia/fisiopatología , Estatura , Gráficos de Crecimiento , Modelos Estadísticos , Pubertad , Adolescente , Adulto , Niño , Preescolar , Femenino , Estudios de Seguimiento , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Pronóstico , Adulto JovenRESUMEN
The thyroid hormone receptor interactor 11 (TRIP11) gene encodes the Golgi microtubule-associated protein 210 (GMAP-210), a protein essential for the operation of the Golgi apparatus. It is known that null mutations in TRIP11 disrupt Golgi function and cause a lethal skeletal dysplasia known as achondrogenesis type 1A (ACG1A), however recently, hypomorphic mutations in that gene have been linked to odontochondrodysplasia (ODCD), a nonlethal skeletal dysplasia characterized by skeletal changes in the spine and in the metaphyseal regions, associated with dentinogenesis imperfecta. Here we present two patients reflecting the phenotypic spectrum related to different TRIP11 variants. The first is a female child with ODCD, for whom a homozygous in-frame splicing mutation in intron 9 of TRIP11 was identified. The mutation appears to lead to the expression of an alternative TRIP11 transcript, that may explain the less severe radiological alterations in ODCD. The second is a fetus with classical form of ACG1A, associated with typical molecular findings (frameshift) in exon 11 of TRIP11, both novel mutations. The two patients reported here represent the TRIP11 spectrum of skeletal dysplasia ranging from mild to lethal phenotypes, thereby enabling one to suggest a genotype-phenotype correlation in these diseases.
Acondroplasia/etiología , Proteínas del Citoesqueleto/genética , Dentinogénesis Imperfecta/patología , Mutación , Osteocondrodisplasias/patología , Acondroplasia/genética , Acondroplasia/patología , Adulto , Dentinogénesis Imperfecta/genética , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Osteocondrodisplasias/genética , PronósticoRESUMEN
Introduction: Achondroplasia (Ach) is the most frequent cause of dwarfism. The first therapeutic strategy offered to patients with Ach was. However, GH has played un important role in Ach and Hypochondroplasia (Hch), despite short-term and long-term effects. Purpose: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the efficacy of GH in the height of patients with Ach and Hch in the short and long term. Methods: 12 studies were included selected from the Pubmed database (3 Randomized Clinical trials (RCTs) and 9 prospective studies) from 1993 to 2014. Comparing high and low doses of GH. The systematic review included 9 prospective studies and the high-dose GH arm of the 3 RCTs. Inclusion criteria was focused on paediatric patients with Ach and Hch treated with GH. Demographic variables were collected including age, gender, dose, height and follow-up. The height variables included height increase and height velocity. Finally, 363 patients with Ach and 41 patients with Hcb were included. A was performed with a follow-up from one to 3 years. Results: In patients with Ach the average height velocity at one, two and three years were 2.65, 1.07 and -0.87 cm/years respectively (p<0.05). The RCTs showed a significant increase in height velocity in patients treated with high dose of GH (MD= 1.38, 95% CI: 0.68-2.07, p=0.0001, I2=0%) . Height at one year increased 0.61 cm. The RCTs did not show significant differences (MD 0.11, 95% CI: 0.17-0.39, p=0.44, I2 = 0%). Finally, patients with Hch increased height velocity 4 cm/year at the first year (p<0.05). Conclusion: GH treatment is beneficial in the shor-term height of children with Ach and Hch. GH effect on different ages and subgroups is unknown, as well as its possible long--term consequences
Humanos , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Preescolar , Acondroplasia/terapia , Demografía/estadística & datos numéricos , Evaluación de Resultado en la Atención de Salud , Hormona de Crecimiento Humana/administración & dosificación , Hormona de Crecimiento Humana/uso terapéutico , Revisión SistemáticaRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Achondrogenesis is a skeletal dysplasia characterized primarily by short stature, severe micromelia, short and narrow chest, prematurity, polyhydramnios, fetal hydrops, and in utero or neonatal death. Based on the radiological and histopathological findings, there are three types of achondrogenesis: type 1A (Houston-Harris), type 1B (Fraccaro) and type 2 (Langer-Saldino). CLINICAL CASE: A premature female product was studied whose clinical, radiological and histopathological characteristics were compatible with achondrogenesis Type 1A. The family information allowed us to conclude that the 4 products of the 6 previous pregnancies were affected. Statistical analysis in at least 4 families previously described, including this family case showed significant differences between expected and observed number of members, being incongruent with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance previously reported. CONCLUSIONS: therefore, it could be considered a new subtype of achondrogenesis type 1A due to the presence of a preferential germline mutation.
INTRODUCCIÓN: La acondrogénesis es una displasia esquelética que se caracteriza principalmente por talla baja, micromelia grave, tórax corto y estrecho, prematurez, polihidramnios, hidropesía fetal y muerte fetal in utero o neonatal. Según los hallazgos radiológicos e histopatológicos existen tres tipos de acondrogénesis: tipo 1A (Houston-Harris), tipo 1B (Fraccaro) y tipo 2 (Langer-Saldino). CASO CLÍNICO: Se sometió a estudio a un producto femenino prematuro cuyas características clínicas, radiológicas e histopatológicas fueron compatibles con acondrogénesis tipo 1A. La información familiar permitió concluir que los cuatro productos de los seis embarazos previos se encontraban afectados. El análisis estadístico en por lo menos cuatro familias previamente descritas, incluyendo este caso familiar, mostró diferencias significativas entre el número de miembros esperado y el observado, siendo incongruente con el modo de herencia autosómico recesivo previamente reportado. CONCLUSIONES: Podría considerarse un nuevo subtipo de acondrogénesis tipo 1A debida a la presencia de una mutación germinal preferencial.
Acondroplasia/genética , Acondroplasia/clasificación , Femenino , Mutación de Línea Germinal , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Linaje , FenotipoRESUMEN
There is a lack of knowledge about longitudinal growth during childhood in achondroplasia. We report patterns of linear growth and height growth velocity references. The sample consisted of 84 children, 41 girls and 43 boys. Growth data was collected from birth until mid-childhood. The median (interquartile range) number of measurements per child was 13.5 (12, 15). Individual growth curves were estimated by fitting the Reed 1st model to each individual's height for age data. Height growth velocities references for age centiles were calculated by LMS method. Mean (SD) birth length was 46.14 cm (2.17) and 45.53 cm (2.16), for boys and girls respectively. Individual growth curves were analyzed. Shifts in growth channels were seen: out of 84 infants, 41 (48.8%) changed more than 1 SDS between birth to 5 years old. The numbers of infants shifting upward were similar (20/84) to the infants shifting downward (21/84). Height growth velocity curves show that after a period of fast decreasing growth velocity since birth, with a mean of 15.5 cm/year and 9.5 cm/year at 6 month and 1 year old, the growth velocity is stable in late preschool years, with a mean of 4.3 cm/year. Shifts in growth channels were seen between birth and 5 years old. Professionals who follow up them must consider this phenomenon during infancy. ACH children experienced a period of fast decreasing growth during infancy and the growth curve was similar in shape and lesser in magnitude than the general population.
Acondroplasia/epidemiología , Estatura , Peso Corporal , Desarrollo Infantil , Acondroplasia/diagnóstico , Niño , Preescolar , Femenino , Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad , Gráficos de Crecimiento , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Vigilancia en Salud Pública , Factores SexualesRESUMEN
Currently accepted birth prevalence for osteochondrodysplasias (OCDs) is about 2 per 10,000 births. Our main goal is to estimate the prevalence of OCDs in Argentina and compare it with other surveillance systems. We examined 1,663,610 births among 160 hospitals of RENAC (Red Nacional de Anomalías Congénitas - National Network of Congenital Anomalies) between November 2009 and December 2016. Cases were detected and registered according to a pre-established protocol, ranked in three diagnostic evidence levels according to available clinical documentation, and categorized according to the 9th edition of the nosology and classification of genetic skeletal disorders. Within our dataset, the most frequent groups were Group-1 (FGFR3, chondrodysplasia) and Group-25 (Osteogenesis Imperfecta and decreased bone density). Birth prevalence per 10,000 for the main OCD types, were: Achondroplasia 0.47 (95% CI: 0.38-0.59), Thanatophoric Dysplasia 0.37 (95% CI: 0.29-0.48), and the Osteogenesis Imperfecta group 0.34 (95% CI: 0.26-0.44). For total OCD, birth prevalence was 2.20 per 10.000 births (95% CI: 1.98-2.44). RENAC prevalence of total OCDs was found to be lower than that reported by the Latin-American Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC) and Utah Birth Defect Network but higher than EUROCAT. Our investigation is the first study of OCD prevalence in Argentina using data from every jurisdiction of the country.
Acondroplasia/epidemiología , Osteogénesis Imperfecta/epidemiología , Displasia Tanatofórica/epidemiología , Argentina , Tasa de NatalidadRESUMEN
RESUMEN Se presenta el caso del paciente de 36 años de edad, con antecedentes de acondroplasia que desde hace 7 meses sufrió una lesión traumática no de gravedad en la rodilla derecha. La cual comienza a aumentar de volumen con contenido líquido fluctuante. Fue puncionado en dos ocasiones obteniéndose líquido serohemático; al no resolver y continuar aumentando de tamaño, se le plantea que es portador de un hematoma seroso de Morel Lavallée, que se produce por la fricción entre el tejido celular subcutáneo y la fascia. Su localización es infrecuente en la rodilla por lo que se decide presentar el caso ya que en la literatura revisada; no aparece ningún caso descrito. Por lo que constituye el objetivo principal de este trabajo, describir su proceder y la eficacia del tratamiento quirúrgico, con el que se obtuvo resultado satisfactorio (AU).
ABSTRACT We present the case of a patient aged 36 years, with antecedents of achondroplasia who 7 months ago suffered a non serious traumatic lesion in the right knee. The volume of the lesion began to increase with a fluctuant fluid contain. It was punctured twice draining serohematic fluid; it did not solve and the size increased more and more, so the patient was said that he had a serous Morel Lavallée hematoma, produced by the friction between the subcutaneous cell tissue and fascia. Its location in the knee is infrequent and it was not found any case like this in the reviewed literature; therefore we decided to present the case. The main objective of our work was describing it, showing the procedure and efficacy of the surgical that gave a satisfactory result (AU).
Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Hematoma/epidemiología , Rodilla/anomalías , Acondroplasia/diagnóstico , Acondroplasia/patología , Heridas y Lesiones/diagnóstico , Fricción/fisiología , Fascia/anomalíasRESUMEN
RESUMEN Se presenta el caso del paciente de 36 años de edad, con antecedentes de acondroplasia que desde hace 7 meses sufrió una lesión traumática no de gravedad en la rodilla derecha. La cual comienza a aumentar de volumen con contenido líquido fluctuante. Fue puncionado en dos ocasiones obteniéndose líquido serohemático; al no resolver y continuar aumentando de tamaño, se le plantea que es portador de un hematoma seroso de Morel Lavallée, que se produce por la fricción entre el tejido celular subcutáneo y la fascia. Su localización es infrecuente en la rodilla por lo que se decide presentar el caso ya que en la literatura revisada; no aparece ningún caso descrito. Por lo que constituye el objetivo principal de este trabajo, describir su proceder y la eficacia del tratamiento quirúrgico, con el que se obtuvo resultado satisfactorio (AU).
ABSTRACT We present the case of a patient aged 36 years, with antecedents of achondroplasia who 7 months ago suffered a non serious traumatic lesion in the right knee. The volume of the lesion began to increase with a fluctuant fluid contain. It was punctured twice draining serohematic fluid; it did not solve and the size increased more and more, so the patient was said that he had a serous Morel Lavallée hematoma, produced by the friction between the subcutaneous cell tissue and fascia. Its location in the knee is infrequent and it was not found any case like this in the reviewed literature; therefore we decided to present the case. The main objective of our work was describing it, showing the procedure and efficacy of the surgical that gave a satisfactory result (AU).
Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Hematoma/epidemiología , Rodilla/anomalías , Acondroplasia/diagnóstico , Acondroplasia/patología , Heridas y Lesiones/diagnóstico , Fricción/fisiología , Fascia/anomalíasRESUMEN
OBJECTIVES: To characterize the natural history of 39 achondroplastic patients diagnosed by clinical, radiological and molecular assessments. METHODS: Observational and retrospective study of 39 patients who were attended at a public tertiary level hospital between 1995 and 2016. RESULTS: Diagnosis was made prenatally in 11 patients, at birth in 9 patients and within the first year of life in 13 patients. The most prevalent clinical findings were short stature, high forehead, trident hands, genu varum and macrocephaly. The most prevalent radiographic findings were rhizomelic shortening of the long bones and narrowing of the interpediculate distance of the caudal spine. There was motor developmental delay in 18 patients and speech delay in 16 patients. The most common clinical intercurrences were middle ear dysfunction, sleep apnea, limb pain and obesity from 2 to 9 years of age. One patient was large for the gestational age but did not develop obesity. One patient developed hydrocephalus at 10 years old. The current age of the patients varies from 15 months to 36 years. The molecular study performed by Sanger sequencing of the common heterozygous mutation 1138G>A in FGFR3 was positive in all patients. Four cases were inherited, and 35 were sporadic (paternal age from 19 to 66 years). CONCLUSIONS: The diagnoses were made early based on clinical and radiographic findings. All cases were confirmed molecularly. Despite presenting a benign course, it is necessary to establish a systematic protocol for the surveillance of these patients due to the common clinical intercurrences.
Acondroplasia/diagnóstico , Acondroplasia/patología , Acondroplasia/genética , Adulto , Factores de Edad , Anciano , Femenino , Estudios de Seguimiento , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Molecular , Mutación , Radiografía , Receptor Tipo 3 de Factor de Crecimiento de Fibroblastos/genética , Estudios Retrospectivos , Adulto JovenRESUMEN
Background: Achondrogenesis is a skeletal dysplasia characterized primarily by short stature, severe micromelia, short and narrow chest, prematurity, polyhydramnios, fetal hydrops, and in utero or neonatal death. Based on the radiological and histopathological findings, there are three types of achondrogenesis: type 1A (Houston-Harris), type 1B (Fraccaro) and type 2 (Langer-Saldino). Clinical case: A premature female product was studied whose clinical, radiological and histopathological characteristics were compatible with achondrogenesis Type 1A. The family information allowed us to conclude that the 4 products of the 6 previous pregnancies were affected. Statistical analysis in at least 4 families previously described, including this family case showed significant differences between expected and observed number of members, being incongruent with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance previously reported. Conclusions: therefore, it could be considered a new subtype of achondrogenesis type 1A due to the presence of a preferential germline mutation.
Introducción: La acondrogénesis es una displasia esquelética que se caracteriza principalmente por talla baja, micromelia grave, tórax corto y estrecho, prematurez, polihidramnios, hidropesía fetal y muerte fetal in utero o neonatal. Según los hallazgos radiológicos e histopatológicos existen tres tipos de acondrogénesis: tipo 1A (Houston-Harris), tipo 1B (Fraccaro) y tipo 2 (Langer-Saldino). Caso clínico: Se sometió a estudio a un producto femenino prematuro cuyas características clínicas, radiológicas e histopatológicas fueron compatibles con acondrogénesis tipo 1A. La información familiar permitió concluir que los cuatro productos de los seis embarazos previos se encontraban afectados. El análisis estadístico en por lo menos cuatro familias previamente descritas, incluyendo este caso familiar, mostró diferencias significativas entre el número de miembros esperado y el observado, siendo incongruente con el modo de herencia autosómico recesivo previamente reportado. Conclusiones: Podría considerarse un nuevo subtipo de acondrogénesis tipo 1A debida a la presencia de una mutación germinal preferencial.
Acondroplasia/clasificación , Enfermedades del Prematuro/clasificación , Anomalías Múltiples/genética , Acondroplasia/diagnóstico por imagen , Acondroplasia/genética , Acondroplasia/patología , Cartílago/patología , Resultado Fatal , Femenino , Fémur/patología , Mutación de Línea Germinal , Humanos , Recién Nacido , Recien Nacido Prematuro , Enfermedades del Prematuro/diagnóstico por imagen , Enfermedades del Prematuro/genética , Enfermedades del Prematuro/patología , Linaje , Fenotipo , Polihidramnios/etiología , EmbarazoRESUMEN
Achondroplasia is the most common form of inherited disproportionate short stature. We report leg length, sitting height, and body proportion curves for achondroplasia. Seven centile format of sitting height, leg length, sitting height/leg length ratio, sitting height/height ratio, and head circumference/height ratio were estimated by the LMS method. The Q-test was applied to assess the goodness of fit. For comparison, centiles of sitting height and leg length were graphed using Argentine national growth references for achondroplasia and non-achondroplasia populations. The sample consisted of 342 children with achondroplasia (171 males, 171 females) aged 0-18 years. The median (interquartile range) number of measurements per child was 6 (3, 12) for sitting height and 8 (3, 13) for head circumference. Median leg length increased from 14 cm at age 1 week to 44 and 40 cm (males and females, respectively) in achondroplasia adolescents which is 3.5 cm shorter than non-achondroplasia children at age 1 week and, 38 cm shorter at adolescence. Median sitting height increased from 34 cm at birth to 86 and 81 in adolescents' boys and girls respectively, only 5 cm shorter than non-achondroplasia children. Sitting height/leg length decreased from 2.61 at birth to approximately 1.90 at adolescent. Median head circumference/height ratio decreased from 0.79 at birth to 0.46 at 18 years in both sexes. Growth of lower limbs is affected early in life and becomes more noticeable throughout childhood. The disharmonic growth between the less affected trunk and the severely affected limbs determine body disproportion in achondroplasia.
Acondroplasia/diagnóstico , Estatura , Pierna , Sedestación , Adolescente , Adulto , Pesos y Medidas Corporales , Niño , Preescolar , Femenino , Humanos , Lactante , Recién Nacido , Masculino , Adulto JovenRESUMEN
OBJECTIVES: To characterize the natural history of 39 achondroplastic patients diagnosed by clinical, radiological and molecular assessments. METHODS: Observational and retrospective study of 39 patients who were attended at a public tertiary level hospital between 1995 and 2016. RESULTS: Diagnosis was made prenatally in 11 patients, at birth in 9 patients and within the first year of life in 13 patients. The most prevalent clinical findings were short stature, high forehead, trident hands, genu varum and macrocephaly. The most prevalent radiographic findings were rhizomelic shortening of the long bones and narrowing of the interpediculate distance of the caudal spine. There was motor developmental delay in 18 patients and speech delay in 16 patients. The most common clinical intercurrences were middle ear dysfunction, sleep apnea, limb pain and obesity from 2 to 9 years of age. One patient was large for the gestational age but did not develop obesity. One patient developed hydrocephalus at 10 years old. The current age of the patients varies from 15 months to 36 years. The molecular study performed by Sanger sequencing of the common heterozygous mutation 1138G>A in FGFR3 was positive in all patients. Four cases were inherited, and 35 were sporadic (paternal age from 19 to 66 years). CONCLUSIONS: The diagnoses were made early based on clinical and radiographic findings. All cases were confirmed molecularly. Despite presenting a benign course, it is necessary to establish a systematic protocol for the surveillance of these patients due to the common clinical intercurrences.