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Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14335, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248732


The burgeoning illegal trade in succulents in southern Africa presents a critical conservation and social development challenge. Drawing parallels with the trajectory of the response to rhinoceros poaching, we considered the consequences of conservation law enforcement measures, particularly the militarization of antipoaching efforts. The response to rhinoceros poaching not only resulted in so-called green militarization, but also led to extrajudicial killings, human rights abuses, and the disproportionate targeting of low-level poachers. The nature of wildlife trade prohibition is complex and often contested, and many actors operating in illegal wildlife trades dispute the label of illegal for socioeconomic, cultural, historical, or political reasons. This contestation is crucial when considering Indigenous cultural and medicinal values of succulents, with Indigenous Peoples and local communities questioning the criminalization of traditional plant harvesting practices. As the illegal trade in succulents continues to grow, it is imperative for conservationists to consider a nuanced approach. We call for a socioecological harm reduction approach that emphasizes community engagement, sustainable use, and codesigned interventions. Such an approach could help balance the scales of ecological conservation and human dignity in the face of growing wildlife trade challenges.

La necesidad de una estrategia socioecológica de reducción de daño para disminuir el mercado ilegal de fauna Resumen El emergente mercado ilegal de suculentas en el sur de África representa un reto importante para la conservación y el desarrollo social. Partimos de las similitudes con la trayectoria de la respuesta a la caza furtiva de rinocerontes para considerar las consecuencias de la aplicación de las leyes de conservación, en particular la militarización de los esfuerzos contra la caza furtiva. La respuesta a la caza furtiva no sólo derivó en la llamada militarización verde, sino también llevó a ejecuciones extrajudiciales, abuso de los derechos humanos y a la selección desproporcionada de cazadores de bajo nivel. La naturaleza de la prohibición del mercado de fauna es compleja y con frecuencia se impugna, y muchos actores que operan en los mercados ilegales disputan la etiqueta ilegal por razones socioeconómicas, culturales, históricas o políticas. Esta impugnación es crucial cuando consideramos los valores culturales y medicinales que los indígenas dan a las suculentas, sobre todo cuando los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales cuestionan la criminalización de las prácticas tradicionales de recolección de plantas. Conforme el mercado ilegal de suculentas sigue creciendo, es imperativo que los conservacionistas consideren una estrategia con matices. Pedimos una estrategia socioecológica de reducción de daños que resalte la participación comunitaria, el uso sustentable y las intervenciones con co­diseño. Dicha estrategia podría ayudar a equlibrar la balanza de la conservación ecológica y la dignidad humana de cara al incremento de retos en el mercado de fauna.

Animales Salvajes , Comercio , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Reducción del Daño , Perisodáctilos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Animales , Comercio/legislación & jurisprudencia , Crimen/prevención & control , África Austral , Humanos , Caza , Comercio de Vida Silvestre
Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14341, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248761


The surge in internet accessibility has transformed wildlife trade by facilitating the acquisition of wildlife through online platforms. This scenario presents unique ethical challenges for researchers, as traditional ethical frameworks for in-person research cannot be readily applied to the online realm. Currently, there is a lack of clearly defined guidelines for appropriate ethical procedures when conducting online wildlife trade (OWT) research. In response to this, we consulted the scientific literature on ethical considerations in online research and examined existing guidelines established by professional societies and ethical boards. Based on these documents, we present a set of recommendations that can inform the development of ethically responsible OWT research. Key ethical challenges in designing and executing OWT research include the violation of privacy rights, defining subjects and illegality, and the risk of misinterpretation or posing risks to participants when sharing data. Potential solutions include considering participants' expectations of privacy, defining when participants are authors versus subjects, understanding the legal and cultural context, minimizing data collection, ensuring anonymization, and removing metadata. Best practices also involve being culturally sensitive when analyzing and reporting findings. Adhering to these guidelines can help mitigate potential pitfalls and provides valuable insights to editors, researchers, and ethical review boards, enabling them to conduct scientifically rigorous and ethically responsible OWT research to advance this growing field.

Los retos éticos de la investigación del mercado virtual de fauna Resumen El incremento en el acceso al internet ha transformado el mercado de fauna ya que facilita la adquisición de ejemplares a través de plataformas virtuales. Este escenario representa un reto ético único para los investigadores, pues los marcos éticos tradicionales para la investigación en persona no pueden aplicarse fácilmente en línea. Actualmente no hay lineamientos claros para el procedimiento ético apropiado cuando se investiga el mercado virtual de fauna (MVF). Como respuesta, consultamos la literatura científica sobre las consideraciones éticas en la investigación en línea y analizamos los lineamientos existentes establecidos por las sociedades profesionales y los comités éticos. Con base en estos documentos, presentamos un conjunto de recomendaciones que pueden guiar el desarrollo de la investigación sobre el MVF con responsabilidad ética. Los retos más importantes para el diseño y ejecución de la investigación sobre el MVF incluyen la violación del derecho a la privacidad, la definición de los sujetos y la ilegalidad y el riesgo de malinterpretar o presentar riesgos para los participantes cuando se comparten datos. Las soluciones potenciales incluyen considerar las expectativas de privacidad de los participantes, definir cuándo los participantes son autores y cuándo sujetos, entender el contexto legal y cultural, minimizar la recolección de datos, asegurar el anonimato y eliminar los metadatos. Las mejores prácticas también involucran la sensibilidad cultural cuando se analizan y reportan los resultados. La adhesión a estos lineamientos puede mitigar los posibles retos y proporcionar información valiosa para los editores, investigadores y comités de ética, permitiéndoles realizar una investigación con rigor científico y responsabilidad ética sobre el MVF para avanzar en este campo creciente de investigación.

Animales Salvajes , Comercio , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Comercio/ética , Animales , Internet , Privacidad , Ética en Investigación , Comercio de Vida Silvestre
Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14351, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248759


Unsustainable wildlife consumption and illegal wildlife trade (IWT) threaten biodiversity worldwide. Although publicly accessible data sets are increasingly used to generate insights into IWT, little is known about their potential bias. We compared three typical and temporally corresponding data sets (4204 court verdicts, 926 seizure news reports, and 219 bird market surveys) on traded birds native to China and evaluated their possible species biases. Specifically, we evaluated bias and completeness of sampling for species richness, phylogeny, conservation status, spatial distribution, and life-history characteristics among the three data sets when determining patterns of illegal trade. Court verdicts contained the largest species richness. In bird market surveys and seizure news reports, phylogenetic clustering was greater than that in court verdicts, where songbird species (i.e., Passeriformes) were detected in higher proportions in market surveys. The seizure news data set contained the highest proportion of species of high conservation priority but the lowest species coverage. Across the country, all data sets consistently reported relatively high species richness in south and southwest regions, but markets revealed a northern geographic bias. The species composition in court verdicts and markets also exhibited distinct geographical patterns. There was significant ecological trait bias when we modeled whether a bird species is traded in the market. Our regression model suggested that species with small body masses, large geographical ranges, and a preference for anthropogenic habitats and those that are not nationally protected were more likely to be traded illegally. The species biases we found emphasize the need to know the constraints of each data set so that they can optimally inform strategies to combat IWT.

Cuantificación del sesgo por especies entre fuentes de datos múltiples para el mercado ilegal de fauna y lo que implica para la conservación Resumen El consumo insostenible y el comercio ilegal de fauna y flora silvestres amenazan la biodiversidad en todo el mundo. Aunque los conjuntos de datos de acceso público se utilizan cada vez más para obtener información sobre el mercado ilegal de especies silvestres, se sabe poco sobre su posible sesgo. Comparamos tres conjuntos de datos típicos con correspondencia temporal (4,204 sentencias judiciales, 926 informes de noticias sobre incautaciones y 219 encuestas sobre mercados de aves) de aves autóctonas de China objeto de comercio y evaluamos sus posibles sesgos por especie. En concreto, evaluamos el sesgo y la exhaustividad del muestreo de la riqueza de especies, la filogenia, el estado de conservación, la distribución espacial y las características del ciclo vital entre los tres conjuntos de datos a la hora de determinar los patrones del mercado ilegal. Las sentencias judiciales contenían la mayor riqueza de especies. En los estudios de mercado de aves y en los informes de noticias sobre incautaciones, la agrupación filogenética fue mayor que en las sentencias judiciales, donde las especies de aves canoras (Passeriformes) se detectaron en mayor proporción en los estudios de mercado. El conjunto de datos de noticias sobre decomisos contenía la mayor proporción de especies de alta prioridad para la conservación, pero la menor cobertura de especies. En todo el país, todos los conjuntos de datos informaron sistemáticamente de una riqueza de especies relativamente alta en las regiones sur y suroeste, pero los mercados revelaron un sesgo geográfico septentrional. La composición por especies en los veredictos judiciales y en los mercados también mostró patrones geográficos distintos. Hubo un sesgo significativo de rasgos ecológicos cuando modelamos si una especie de ave se comercializa en el mercado. Nuestro modelo de regresión sugería que las especies con masas corporales pequeñas, grandes áreas de distribución geográfica y preferencia por los hábitats antropogénicos y las especies que no están protegidas a nivel nacional tenían más probabilidades de ser objeto de comercio ilegal. Los sesgos de las especies que hallamos resaltan la necesidad de conocer las limitaciones de cada conjunto de datos para poder informar de manera óptima las estrategias de lucha contra el comercio ilegal de especies silvestres.

Biodiversidad , Aves , Comercio , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Animales , China , Comercio/legislación & jurisprudencia , Crimen/estadística & datos numéricos , Animales Salvajes , Filogenia , Comercio de Vida Silvestre
Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14360, 2024 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248773


Global wildlife trade involves a diverse array of species. Although sustainable trade underpins livelihoods for communities worldwide, unsustainable trade, whether legal or illegal, threatens thousands of species and can lead to extinctions. From plants and fungi to fish, amphibians, mammals, invertebrates, and reptiles, a diverse array of species across taxa are affected by trade. Attention to wildlife trade has increased in recent years, but its focus has largely remained on a narrow range of high-profile species, with taxa deemed less charismatic frequently overlooked, despite some having significant trade volumes and levels of threat to wild populations. These biases can hamper effective policy interventions, reduce awareness of wider threats from trade, and prevent conservation efforts from focusing on the most pressing issues. It is important to broaden the scope of research and policy discussions and create a more inclusive approach to trade management. The diversity of approaches to wildlife trade can be improved by expanding monitoring of trade to a wider variety of taxa; collecting fundamental ecological data to underpin assessments of trade sustainability; improving and codesigning conservation interventions with key stakeholders and trade actors; and developing appropriate strategies for managing the supply, trade, and demand in diverse wildlife products to ensure species and livelihoods are protected.

Creación de un enfoque más inclusivo para la gestión del mercado de vida silvestre Resumen El mercado global de vida silvestre involucra a una diversa gama de especies. Mientras que el mercado sustentable apoya al sustento de las comunidades, el mercado insostenible, sea legal o ilegal, amenaza a miles de especies y puede causar extinciones. Desde plantas y hongos hasta peces, anfibios, mamíferos, invertebrados y reptiles, una diversa gama de especies de diferentes taxones se ve afectada por el mercado. Aunque la atención hacia el mercado de vida silvestre ha aumentado en años recientes, su enfoque ha sido principalmente en especies de perfil elevado, por lo que se suele ignorar a taxones considerados menos carismáticos, a pesar de que algunos cuenten con importantes volúmenes de comercio o niveles de amenaza para las poblaciones silvestres. Estos sesgos pueden complicar las intervenciones políticas eficientes, reducir la conciencia sobre las amenazas mayores del comercio y prevenir que los esfuerzos de conservación se enfoquen en los temas más urgentes. Es importante que se amplíe el objetivo de la investigación y las discusiones políticas y se cree un enfoque más inclusivo para la gestión del mercado. Se puede mejorar la diversidad de enfoques sobre el mercado de vida silvestre con la expansión del monitoreo del mercado hacia una mayor variedad de taxones; la colecta de datos ecológicos fundamentales para sostener los análisis sobre la sustentabilidad del mercado; la mejora y el diseño de las intervenciones de conservación conjuntamente con los actores clave del mercado; y el desarrollo de estrategias adecuadas para la gestión de la oferta, comercio y demanda de diferentes productos de vida silvestre para asegurar que se protejan las especies y el sustento de las comunidades.

Animales Salvajes , Comercio , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/legislación & jurisprudencia , Animales , Biodiversidad , Comercio de Vida Silvestre
Nat Commun ; 15(1): 6379, 2024 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39090097


Unsustainable wildlife trade imperils thousands of species, but efforts to identify and reduce these threats are hampered by rapidly evolving commercial markets. Businesses trading wildlife-derived products innovate to remain competitive, and the patents they file to protect their innovations also provide an early-warning of market shifts. Here, we develop a novel machine-learning approach to analyse patent-filing trends and apply it to patents filed from 1970-2020 related to six traded taxa that vary in trade legality, threat level, and use type: rhinoceroses, pangolins, bears, sturgeon, horseshoe crabs, and caterpillar fungus. We found 27,308 patents, showing 130% per-year increases, compared to a background rate of 104%. Innovation led to diversification, including new fertilizer products using illegal-to-trade rhinoceros horn, and novel farming methods for pangolins. Stricter regulation did not generally correlate with reduced patenting. Patents reveal how wildlife-related businesses predict, adapt to, and create market shifts, providing data to underpin proactive wildlife-trade management approaches.

Animales Salvajes , Comercio , Aprendizaje Automático , Patentes como Asunto , Comercio de Vida Silvestre , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Perisodáctilos , Ursidae , Comercio de Vida Silvestre/legislación & jurisprudencia , Comercio de Vida Silvestre/tendencias
Environ Manage ; 74(3): 609-622, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39033465


The illegal wildlife trade (IWT) is a global phenomenon that adversely affects biodiversity and human well-being. Understanding how institutions manage this trade is crucial for reducing its negative impacts. Latin America has the fewest IWT studies globally; thus, science in support of more effective institutional management of IWT is limited. This study aims to bridge the researcher-practitioner gap by providing applicable results and involving control institutions. To this end, we examine the strengths and weaknesses of Uruguay's institutions in addressing this issue, introducing the concept of institutional management competence to the knowledge base about IWT. Based on this case study, we aimed to generate inputs to guide policymakers in achieving better control of the IWT, contributing to reduce the researcher-practitioner gap. From an interdisciplinary perspective that articulates qualitative and quantitative methods, the study presents the following results: (a) Uruguay's network for addressing illegal wildlife trade involves numerous institutions whose articulation has a high degree of informality; (b) these institutions address different stages of trafficking based on their roles, jurisdiction, and engagement; (c) main weaknesses include insufficient state-level prioritisation, weak institutional coordination, inadequate training, insufficient infrastructure, space and personnel to handle the volume of seized animals, lack of proper facilities for seized animals, and a need for better-organised information. Our results help shed light on the IWT management structures in Uruguay and identifies where direct improvements can be made to strengthen the institutional responses to global IWT.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Comercio de Vida Silvestre , Animales , Humanos , Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Uruguay , Comercio de Vida Silvestre/legislación & jurisprudencia
Global Health ; 20(1): 49, 2024 Jun 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38902738


INTRODUCTION: The wildlife trade is an important arena for intervention in the prevention of emerging zoonoses, and leading organisations have advocated for more collaborative, multi-sectoral approaches to governance in this area. The aim of this study is to characterise the structure and function of the network of transnational organisations that interact around the governance of wildlife trade for the prevention of emerging zoonoses, and to assess these network characteristics in terms of how they might support or undermine progress on these issues. METHODS: This study used a mixed methods social network analysis of transnational organisations. Data were collected between May 2021 and September 2022. Participants were representatives of transnational organisations involved in the governance of wildlife trade and the prevention of emerging zoonoses. An initial seed sample of participants was purposively recruited through professional networks, and snowball sampling was used to identify additional participants. Quantitative data were collected through an online network survey. Measures of centrality (degree, closeness, and betweenness) were calculated and the network's largest clique was identified and characterised. To understand the extent to which organisations were connected across sectors, homophily by sector was assessed using exponential random graph modelling. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The findings from the quantitative analysis informed the focus of the qualitative analysis. Qualitative data were explored using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Thirty-seven participants completed the network survey and 17 key informants participated in semi-structured interviews. A total of 69 organisations were identified as belonging to this network. Organisations spanned the animal, human, and environmental health sectors, among others including trade, food and agriculture, and crime. Organisation types included inter-governmental organisations, non-governmental organisations, treaty secretariats, research institutions, and network organisations. Participants emphasised the highly inter-sectoral nature of this topic and the importance of inter-sectoral work, and connections were present across existing sectors. However, there were many barriers to effective interaction, particularly conflicting goals and agendas. Power dynamics also shaped relationships between actors, with the human health sector seen as better resourced and more influential, despite having historically lower engagement than the environmental and animal health sectors around the wildlife trade and its role in emerging zoonoses. CONCLUSION: The network of transnational organisations focused on the governance of wildlife trade and the prevention of emerging zoonoses is highly multi-sectoral, but despite progress catalysed by the COVID-19 pandemic, barriers still exist for inter-sectoral interaction and coordination. A One Health approach to governance at this level, which has gained traction throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, was shared as a promising mechanism to support a balancing of roles and agendas in this space. However, this must involve agreement around equity, priorities, and clear goal setting to support effective action.

Animales Salvajes , Comercio , Zoonosis , Zoonosis/prevención & control , Animales , Humanos , Análisis de Redes Sociales , Enfermedades Transmisibles Emergentes/prevención & control , Cooperación Internacional , Comercio de Vida Silvestre
PLoS One ; 19(5): e0300371, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38753613


Chameleons (family Chamaeleonidae) are a distinctive group of reptiles, mainly found in Africa, which have high local endemism and face significant threats from the international wildlife trade. We review the scale and structure of international chameleon trade, with a focus on collection in and exports from Tanzania; a hotspot of chameleon diversity. Analysis used data from the CITES Trade Database 2000-2019, combined with assessment of online trade, and on-the-ground surveys in Tanzania in 2019. Between 2000 and 2019, 1,128,776 live chameleons from 108 species were reported as exported globally, with 193,093 of these (from 32 species) exported by Tanzania. Both global and Tanzanian chameleon exports declined across the study period, driven by decreased trade in generalist genera. Whilst the proportion of captive-bred individuals increased across time for the generalist taxa, the majority of range-restricted taxa in trade remained largely wild-sourced. For Tanzanian exports, 41% of chameleons were from one of the 23 endemic species, and 10 of the 12 Tanzanian endemic species in trade are categorised as threatened with extinction by IUCN. In terms of online trade, of the 42 Tanzanian species assessed, there was evidence of online sale for 83.3% species, and 69% were actively for sale with prices listed. Prices were on average highest for Trioceros species, followed by Kinyongia, Rieppeleon, Rhampholeon, and Chameleo. Field work in Tanzania provided evidence that the historic harvest of endemic chameleon species has been higher than the quantities of these species reported as exported by Tanzania in their annual trade reports to CITES. However, we found no field evidence for trade in 2020 and 2021, in line with Tanzanian regulations that applied a blanket ban on all exports of live wild animals. Literature evidence, however, suggests that illegal trade continued to Europe from seizures of Tanzanian chameleon species in Austria in 2021.

Animales Salvajes , Comercio , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Lagartos , Animales , Tanzanía , Especies en Peligro de Extinción/estadística & datos numéricos , Especies en Peligro de Extinción/tendencias , Biodiversidad , Comercio de Vida Silvestre
PLoS One ; 19(4): e0299689, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38656936


The use of elephant ivory as a commodity is a factor in declining elephant populations. Despite recent worldwide elephant ivory trade bans, mammoth ivory trade remains unregulated. This complicates law enforcement efforts, as distinguishing between ivory from extant and extinct species requires costly, destructive and time consuming methods. Elephant and mammoth ivory mainly consists of dentine, a mineralized connective tissue that contains an organic collagenous component and an inorganic component of calcium phosphate minerals, similar in structure to hydroxyapatite crystals. Raman spectroscopy is a non-invasive laser-based technique that has previously been used for the study of bone and mineral chemistry. Ivory and bone have similar biochemical properties, making Raman spectroscopy a promising method for species identification based on ivory. This study aimed to test the hypothesis that it is possible to identify differences in the chemistry of mammoth and elephant ivory using Raman spectroscopy. Mammoth and elephant tusks were obtained from the Natural History Museum in London, UK. Included in this study were eight samples of ivory from Mammuthus primigenius, two samples of carved ivory bangles from Africa (Loxodonta species), and one cross section of a tusk from Elephas maximus. The ivory was scanned using an inVia Raman micro spectrometer equipped with a x50 objective lens and a 785nm laser. Spectra were acquired using line maps and individual spectral points were acquired randomly or at points of interest on all samples. The data was then analysed using principal component analysis (PCA) with use of an in-house MATLAB script. Univariate analysis of peak intensity ratios of phosphate to amide I and III peaks, and carbonate to phosphate peaks showed statistical differences (p<0.0001) in the average peak intensity ratios between Mammuthus primigenius, Loxodonta spp. and Elephas maximus. Full width at half maximum hight (FWHM)analysis of the phosphate peak demonstrated higher crystal maturity of Mammuthus primigenius compared to living elephant species. The results of the study have established that spectra acquired by Raman spectroscopy can be separated into distinct classes through PCA. In conclusion, this study has shown that well-preserved mammoth and elephant ivory has the potential to be characterized using Raman spectroscopy, providing a promising method for species identification. The results of this study will be valuable in developing quick and non-destructive methods for the identification of ivory, which will have direct applications in archaeology and the regulation of international trade.

Elefantes , Espectrometría Raman , Animales , Espectrometría Raman/métodos , Mamuts , Extinción Biológica , Análisis de Componente Principal , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Animales Salvajes , Fósiles , Comercio de Vida Silvestre
PLoS One ; 19(4): e0299152, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38568991


The illegal movement of wildlife poses a public health, conservation and biosecurity threat, however there are currently minimal screening tools available at international ports of entry to intercept wildlife trafficking efforts. This review first aimed to explore the screening tools available or under development for the detection of concealed wildlife contraband at international ports, including postal services, airlines, road border crossings and maritime routes. Where evidence was deficient, publications detailing the use of methods to uncover other illicit substances, such as narcotics, weapons, human trafficking, explosives, radioactive materials, or special nuclear material, were compiled and assessed for their applicability to the detection of wildlife. The first search identified only four citations related to the detection of wildlife, however the secondary search revealed 145 publications, including 59 journal articles and 86 conference proceedings, describing screening tools for non-wildlife illicit contraband detection. The screening tools uncovered were analysed for potential fitness for purpose for wildlife contraband detection, to evaluate the feasibility of their implementation and their ease of use. The deficiencies evident in terms of resource availability and research efforts targeting wildlife trafficking highlights a potentially substantial national and international security threat which must be addressed.

Animales Salvajes , Pangolines , Animales , Humanos , Comercio de Vida Silvestre , Salud Pública , Servicios Postales
Sci Total Environ ; 916: 170365, 2024 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38266731


The COVID-19 pandemic was an unexpected event with far-reaching long-term economic, political, and social consequences, entailing disruptive changes with potentially existence- and livelihood threatening consequences. Lessons in resilience from illegal economies such as the illegal wildlife trade could help society better cope with harms and risk from global environmental change. We critically review the Frictions and Flows framework and the case of the illegal wildlife trade-a globally distributed form of nature crime-in South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia-countries with different responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Diverse frictions and flows were, and continue to be, documented in the illegal wildlife economies of each country through and after pandemic lockdowns, demonstrating resilience, adaptability, and innovation. We point to market features and characteristics prevalent in the anthroposphere that appear to render actors and markets more resilient, shock-resistant, and flexible. Without advocating for operating outside the rule of law and with overt recognition for the destructive impacts of illicit trades on sustainable development, political stability, and global security, we identify three observations relevant to resilience and global environmental change that scientists of the total environment may be critically missing.

COVID-19 , Resiliencia Psicológica , Humanos , Comercio de Vida Silvestre , Pandemias , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles
Science ; 382(6676): 1282-1286, 2023 12 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38096373


The white-bellied pangolin (Phataginus tricuspis) is the world's most trafficked mammal and is at risk of extinction. Reducing the illegal wildlife trade requires an understanding of its origins. Using a genomic approach for tracing confiscations and analyzing 111 samples collected from known geographic localities in Africa and 643 seized scales from Asia between 2012 and 2018, we found that poaching pressures shifted over time from West to Central Africa. Recently, Cameroon's southern border has emerged as a site of intense poaching. Using data from seizures representing nearly 1 million African pangolins, we identified Nigeria as one important hub for trafficking, where scales are amassed and transshipped to markets in Asia. This origin-to-destination approach offers new opportunities to disrupt the illegal wildlife trade and to guide anti-trafficking measures.

Crimen , Extinción Biológica , Genómica , Pangolines , Comercio de Vida Silvestre , Animales , Asia , Genoma , Nigeria , Crimen/prevención & control , Camerún
Nat Commun ; 14(1): 7914, 2023 Nov 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38036540


The global trade in live wildlife elevates the risk of biological invasions by increasing colonization pressure (the number of alien species introduced to an area). Yet, our understanding of species traded as aliens remains limited. We created a comprehensive global database on live terrestrial vertebrate trade and use it to investigate the number of traded alien species, and correlates of establishment richness for aliens. We identify 7,780 species involved in this trade globally. Approximately 85.7% of these species are traded as aliens, and 12.2% of aliens establish populations. Countries with greater trading power, higher incomes, and larger human populations import more alien species. These countries, along with island nations, emerge as hotspots for establishment richness of aliens. Colonization pressure and insularity consistently promote establishment richness across countries, while socio-economic factors impact specific taxa. Governments must prioritize policies to mitigate the release or escape of traded animals and protect global biosecurity.

Especies Introducidas , Comercio de Vida Silvestre , Animales , Humanos , Vertebrados
Viruses ; 15(8)2023 07 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37631981


Diseases that are transmitted from vertebrate animals to humans are referred to as zoonotic diseases. Although microbial agents such as bacteria and parasites are linked to zoonotic events, viruses account for a high percentage of zoonotic diseases that have emerged. Worryingly, the 21st century has seen a drastic increase in the emergence and re-emergence of viral zoonotic disease. Even though humans and animals have coexisted for millennia, anthropogenic factors have severely increased interactions between the two populations, thereby increasing the risk of disease spill-over. While drivers such as climate shifts, land exploitation and wildlife trade can directly affect the (re-)emergence of viral zoonotic disease, globalisation, geopolitics and social perceptions can directly facilitate the spread of these (re-)emerging diseases. This opinion paper discusses the "intelligent" nature of viruses and their exploitation of the anthropogenic factors driving the (re-)emergence and spread of viral zoonotic disease in a modernised and connected world.

Zoonosis Virales , Zoonosis , Animales , Humanos , Zoonosis Virales/epidemiología , Zoonosis/epidemiología , Efectos Antropogénicos , Clima , Comercio de Vida Silvestre
Trop Biomed ; 40(2): 220-235, 2023 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37650410


Wild aquatic birds are natural reservoirs of influenza A viruses and H3 subtype is one of the most prevalent subtypes in waterfowl. Two H3N8 viruses of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) were isolated via egg inoculation technique from the fecal swab specimens from imported barnacle goose and paradise shelduck in Veterinary Research Institute Ipoh, Malaysia. The full length of eight gene segments of the two viruses were amplified and sequenced with specific primers. The sequences were molecularly characterized, and the sequence identity were assessed with other published sequences. The two viruses are identical and they possess the same amino acid sequences for all the eight gene segments. The viruses were highly similar to the H3 virus from Netherlands and N8 virus from Belgium respectively. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all the eight gene segments were grouped in the Eurasian lineage, and genetic reassortment may occur between the internal genes of the H3 viruses and other AI subtypes. Though four amino acid substitutions were identified in the hemagglutinin gene, the viruses retained most of the avian-type receptor binding preference. Few amino acid substitutions were observed in all internal genes. Most of the neuraminidase inhibitors and adamantine resistance related mutation were not seen in the viruses. The replicative capacity, cross species transmissibility, and potential zoonotic risk of the viruses are worth further investigation. As H3 virus poses potential threats to both human and animals, and with the increase in the international trade of birds; strict quarantine practice at the entry point and good laboratory diagnostic capabilities is crucial to prevent the introduction of new AI virus into our country.

Animales Salvajes , Subtipo H3N8 del Virus de la Influenza A , Gripe Aviar , Comercio de Vida Silvestre , Animales , Animales Salvajes/virología , Aves , Subtipo H3N8 del Virus de la Influenza A/genética , Subtipo H3N8 del Virus de la Influenza A/aislamiento & purificación , Gripe Aviar/virología , Internacionalidad , Malasia , Filogenia