INTRODUCTION: Au cours des dernières années, les médicaments biologiques se sont ajoutés à l'arsenal thérapeutique des maladies inflammatoires chroniques. Afin d'assurer un usage responsable de ces agents coûteux, leur paiement est actuellement autorisé suivant l'essai préalable de certains traitements conventionnels, notamment des immunosuppresseurs, à moins d'intolérances ou de contre-indications. Toutefois, des associations médicales en gastroentérologie et en dermatologie font état d'un décalage entre les indications de paiement des médicaments biologiques et les meilleures pratiques cliniques. Actuellement, lorsque l'utilisation des médicaments biologiques sans l'essai préalable des immunosuppresseurs est requise, une assistance par un programme de soutien aux patients et aux patientes pourrait être offerte par les fabricants des médicaments biologiques, selon certaines conditions. Dans le traitement des maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin, l'utilisation précoce des médicaments biologiques par le biais de ces programmes de soutien semble être une pratique bien établie et largement répandue depuis plusieurs années. Avec l'entrée en vigueur en avril 2021 de l'article 80.2 de la Loi sur l'assurance médicaments, lequel interdit le paiement ou le remboursement d'un médicament ou d'une fourniture dont le paiement est couvert par le régime général d'assurance médicaments, des associations médicales ont partagé des préoccupations quant à l'accès des médicaments biologiques sans l'essai préalable des immunosuppresseurs au ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux (MSSS). Notons que les médicaments biologiques, qu'ils soient de référence ou biosimilaires, font actuellement partie des exceptions prévues au règlement. Afin d'évaluer la pertinence des préalables de traitement dans les indications de paiement des médicaments biologiques, le MSSS a demandé à l'Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) de mobiliser les savoirs quant à la place des immunosuppresseurs et des médicaments biologiques dans les domaines de la gastroentérologie et de la dermatologie. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Tout d'abord, les indications de paiement des médicaments biologiques inscrits sur les listes de médicaments du Québec (ou dont la décision du ministre est en attente) ont été comparées à celles des autres provinces canadiennes. Ensuite, une revue rapide de la littérature a été réalisée pour répertorier notamment les recommandations des guides de pratique clinique (GPC) concernant la place des médicaments biologiques et des immunosuppresseurs dans la prise en charge de la maladie de Crohn chez l'adulte et l'enfant, de la colite ulcéreuse chez l'adulte et du psoriasis en plaques chez l'adulte. Finalement, les savoirs expérientiels et contextuels ont été recueillis par l'intermédiaire d'une invitation à recevoir des commentaires sur le plan de travail de l'INESSS et d'une consultation d'experts comprenant des gastroentérologues et des dermatologues. RÉSULTATS: Les GPC retenus dans les travaux relatent le manque d'étude de bonne qualité évaluant le moment optimal pour l'introduction des médicaments biologiques dans le traitement. Néanmoins, selon les données disponibles et le degré de valorisation de plusieurs autres facteurs, y compris les risques de complications, la gravité de la maladie, la réponse aux traitements antérieurs et les coûts, les sociétés savantes ont émis des recommandations concernant diverses séquences de traitement avec les médicaments biologiques, autant avant que suivant un traitement par les immunosuppresseurs. Pour le traitement des maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin, la plupart des GPC sélectionnés présentent des recommandations au sujet de l'utilisation des médicaments biologiques suivant un traitement conventionnel, lequel inclut l'acide 5-aminosalicylique (5-ASA) et (ou) les corticostéroïdes et (ou) les immunosuppresseurs. Plusieurs GPC font toutefois également état d'un changement de paradigme vers l'utilisation des médicaments biologiques en première intention de traitement, particulièrement chez les personnes qui ont des facteurs de risque de mauvais pronostic, afin de prévenir les complications, l'hospitalisation et le recours à la chirurgie. Très peu d'essais ont comparé l'efficacité des médicaments biologiques par rapport à celle des immunosuppresseurs, et ceux répertoriés ne sont pas représentatifs de la pratique clinique actuelle avec les médicaments biologiques. Les immunosuppresseurs sont généralement recommandés pour le maintien de la rémission et pourraient constituer une option de traitement acceptable suivant l'atteinte d'une rémission par les corticostéroïdes, mais leur utilisation suscite des préoccupations liées à leur innocuité, notamment le risque de lymphome T hépatosplénique associé aux thiopurines, telles l'azathioprine et la mercaptopurine. Pour le traitement du psoriasis en plaques, les recommandations issues des GPC sélectionnés concernant la place des médicaments biologiques dans le traitement sont peu nombreuses. Néanmoins, tous les GPC retenus s'accordent pour recommander l'utilisation des médicaments biologiques suivant un traitement par les agents de rémission systémiques conventionnels, lesquels incluent les immunosuppresseurs (principalement la cyclosporine et le méthotrexate) et l'acitrétine. Un GPC suggère également l'introduction précoce des médicaments biologiques dans des situations particulières. L'efficacité différentielle entre les médicaments biologiques et les agents de rémission systémiques conventionnels relève principalement de comparaisons indirectes. Une méta-analyse en réseau réalisée par le groupe Cochrane rapporte que la plupart des médicaments biologiques serait plus efficace que les agents de rémission systémiques conventionnels pour atteindre une réduction d'au moins 90 % sur le Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI90). Par ailleurs, des enjeux d'innocuité sont liés aux agents de rémission systémiques conventionnels : le traitement continu par la cyclosporine n'est pas recommandé en pratique au-delà d'un an en raison des risques de néphrotoxicité, l'acitrétine pouvant causer des effets muco-cutanés et le méthotrexate, entraîner une hépatotoxicité. PERSPECTIVE DES EXPERTS ET AUTRES PARTIES PRENANTES: Pour le traitement des maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin, malgré l'absence de données de bonne qualité entre les immunosuppresseurs et les médicaments biologiques, les experts consultés estiment, selon leur expérience clinique, que les médicaments biologiques présentent une efficacité supérieure et un profil d'innocuité favorable par rapport aux immunosuppresseurs. Dans ce contexte, ils considèrent que l'essai des immunosuppresseurs avant l'autorisation des médicaments biologiques expose les patients à des risques de toxicité, de progression de la maladie et de complications. Afin d'éviter ces risques aux personnes qui en font usage, les cliniciens rapportent que l'utilisation des médicaments biologiques sans l'essai préalable des immunosuppresseurs par l'intermédiaire des programmes de soutien aux patients financés par les fabricants est une pratique bien établie au Québec depuis plusieurs années. En dermatologie, les cliniciens rapportent que les préalables de traitement dans les indications de paiement des médicaments biologiques pour le traitement du psoriasis en plaques pourraient forcer le choix d'options thérapeutiques souvent inappropriées pour les patients. Ils mentionnent que seul le méthotrexate dispose d'une réelle place dans le traitement du psoriasis en plaques modéré à grave. Les cliniciens reconnaissent que les délais engendrés par l'essai préalable d'au moins deux agents de rémission systémiques conventionnels, tel que requis actuellement dans les indications de paiement des médicaments biologiques, n'influencent pas le pronostic vital des patients. Toutefois, ils jugent important d'adapter le traitement à la condition particulière des personnes qui en font usage afin de réduire les plaques de psoriasis tout en limitant la survenue d'effets indésirables. CONCLUSIONS: Le moment optimal pour l'introduction des médicaments biologiques par rapport aux immunosuppresseurs dans les domaines de la gastroentérologie et de la dermatologie n'a pas été évalué dans des études de bonne qualité. Ainsi, les présents travaux démontrent une inadéquation entre la pratique clinique actuelle en gastroentérologie et les données probantes de bonne qualité disponibles. À ce propos, l'expérience clinique acquise au cours des dernières années avec les médicaments biologiques dans le traitement des maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin a mené les gastroentérologues à préconiser leur utilisation sans l'essai préalable des immunosuppresseurs. Les cliniciens estiment que l'exigence d'un traitement antérieur par les immunosuppresseurs dans les indications de paiement des médicaments biologiques pour le traitement des maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin devrait être retirée, principalement puisque les immunosuppresseurs retarderaient la guérison et exposeraient les patients à des risques de toxicité et de complications non négligeables, selon eux. Bien que la situation soit quelque peu différente en dermatologie, les cliniciens consultés soutiennent également le retrait de cette exigence pour le psoriasis en plaques.
INTRODUCTION: Over the past few years, biologic agents have been included in the therapeutic arsenal for treating chronic inflammatory diseases. To ensure responsible use of these costly drugs, their payment is currently only authorized following the use of conventional treatments (notably immunosuppressants), except in the presence of intolerances or contraindications. However, medical associations in gastroenterology and dermatology report a disconnect between coverage information for biologic agents and best clinical practices. At present, when biologic agents must be used without any prior trials of immunosuppressants, patients can, under certain conditions, receive assistance from biologic drug manufacturers for access through a patient support program. In the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, the early use of biologic agents through such support programs appears to be an established and widespread practice for several years. With the coming into force of section 80.2 of the Act respecting prescription drug insurance in April 2021, which prohibits the payment or reimbursement of a medication or supply covered by the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan, medical associations shared their concerns regarding access to biologic agents without any prior trials of immunosuppressants with the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (department of health issues and social services) (MSSS). It bears noting that biologic agents, whether they are reference products or biosimilars, are included in the exceptions provided for under the regulation. To assess the relevance of the prerequisite of the use of an immunosuppressant for the coverage of biologic agents, the MSSS asked the Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) to draw on the existing knowledge regarding the role of immunosuppressants and biologic agents in gastroenterology and dermatology. METHODOLOGY: First, coverage information for biologic agents listed on Québec drug formulary (or for which the Minister's decision is pending) was compared with that in other Canadian provinces. Then, a rapid review of the literature was performed to identify CPG (Clinical practice guidelines) recommendations regarding the place of biologic agents and immunosuppressants in the treatment algorithm of Crohn's disease in adults and children, ulcerative colitis in adults and plaque psoriasis in adults. Lastly, experiencebased and contextual knowledge was gathered through an invitation to receive feedback on the INESSS' work plan and from a consultation panel including gastroenterologists and dermatologists. RESULTS: The CPGs selected report a lack of quality studies on the best timing for incorporating biologic agents into a treatment plan. However, according to available data and the importance of several other factors, including the risk of complications, the severity of the illness, the response to previous treatments and the associated costs, learned societies made recommendations regarding various sequences of treatment with biologic agents, both before and after a treatment with immunosuppressants. For the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, most of the CPGs selected comprise recommendations as to the use of biologic agents following a conventional treatment that includes 5-ASA (aminosalicylic acids) and/or corticosteroids and/or immunosuppressants. Numerous CPGs, however, report a paradigm shift towards the use of biologic drugs as the front-line treatment, especially for persons at risk of a poor prognosis, to prevent complications, hospitalization and the need for surgery. Very few clinical trials have compared the efficacy of biologic agents and immunosuppressants, and the ones reported are not representative of current clinical practices with biologic agents. Immunosuppressants are generally recommended to maintain complete remission and could prove an acceptable treatment option once remission is achieved with corticosteroids; however, concerns associated with their safety have been raised, notably regarding the risk of hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma due to thiopurines, such as azathioprine and mercatopurine. There are few recommendations in the selected CPGs regarding the role of biologic drugs in the treatment of plaque psoriasis. However, all of the CPGs selected agree in recommending the use of biologic drugs following a treatment with conventional systemic agents, which include immunosuppressants (primarily cyclosporine and methotrexate) and acitretin. One CPG also suggests resorting to the early use of biologic agents in special situations. The differential efficacy of biologic drugs and conventional systemic agents was mainly established through indirect comparisons. A network meta-analysis performed by Cochrane reports that most biologic drugs would be more effective than conventional systemic agents at achieving a decrease of at least 90% on the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI90). In addition, conventional systemic agents have certain safety issues: ongoing treatment with cyclosporine is not recommended beyond one year given the risks of nephrotoxicity, acitretin can cause mucocutaneous effects and methotrexate can induce hepatotoxicity. OPINIONS OF EXPERTS AND OTHER STAKEHOLDERS: For the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, despite the lack of quality data on immunosuppressants and biologic agents, the experts consulted believe, based on their clinical experience, that biologic agents offer a superior efficacy and a more favourable safety profile compared to immunosuppressants. Given this, they also consider that requiring a trial with an immunosuppressant before allowing the use of a biologic agent exposes patients to risks, among them toxicity, disease progression and complications. To avoid such risks, clinicians report that the use of biologic agents without the prior use of immunosuppressants through manufacturer-funded patient support programs is a wellestablished practice in Québec since many years. Clinicians in the field of dermatology report that the inclusion of preliminary treatments for the coverage of biologic agents in plaque psoriasis could result in patients being inappropriately treated. They mention that among the systemic drugs listed as prerequisite (acitretin, cyclosporin and methotrexate), methotrexate is the preferred agent for treating moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. The clinicians acknowledge that the delays resulting from the trial of at least two traditional systemic agents, as currently required in the coverage information for biologic agents, is not life-threatening for patients. However, they do believe that the treatment should be tailored based on the specific condition of the persons who benefit from it, to reduce psoriatic plaques while limiting the occurrence of adverse effects. CONCLUSIONS: The optimal timing for the introduction of biologics agents versus immunosuppressants in the field of gastroenterology and dermatology has not been assessed in good quality studies. Current research illustrates a discrepancy between actual clinical practices in gastroenterology and the quality evidence-based data available. The clinical experience using biologic drugs to treat inflammatory bowel diseases acquired over the past few years has led gastroenterologists to favour their use without a preliminary treatment with immunosuppressants. Clinicians consider that requiring such a prior treatment with immunosuppressants in the payment indications of biologic drugs for inflammatory bowel diseases should be ceased, mainly because immunosuppressants delay healing and expose patients to risks that include toxicity and non-negligeable complications. And while the circumstances are somewhat different in the field of dermatology, the clinicians consulted also support the removal of this requirement from payment indications of biologic drugs in the case of plaque psoriasis. Given a lack of data, this work did not evaluate the economic impact of withdrawing the requirement regarding prior treatment with immunosuppressants from the coverage information for biologic agents. This would likely generate a significant increase in costs, but the amounts involved should be compared to the cost of complications and other avoidable consequences. It should also be noted that a large portion of these costs are currently borne by the manufacturers, through patient support programs.
Humanos , Factores Biológicos/uso terapéutico , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Enfermedad Crónica/tratamiento farmacológico , Inmunosupresores/uso terapéutico , Evaluación en Salud/economía , EficaciaRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the relation between catastrophic health expenditure (CHE) and multimorbidity in a national representative sample of the Brazilian population aged 50 year or older. METHODS: This study used data from 8,347 participants of the Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros (ELSI - Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging) conducted in 2015-2016. The dependent variable was CHE, defined by the ratio between the health expenses of the adult aged 50 years or older and the household income. The variable of interest was multimorbidity (two or more chronic diseases) and the variable used for stratification was the wealth score. The main analyses were based on multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: The prevalence of CHE was 17.9% and 7.5%, for expenditures corresponding to 10 and 25% of the household income, respectively. The prevalence of multimorbidity was 63.2%. Multimorbidity showed positive and independent associations with CHE (OR = 1.95, 95%CI 1.67-2.28, and OR = 1.40, 95%CI 1.11-1.76 for expenditures corresponding to 10% and 25%, respectively). Expenditures associated with multimorbidity were higher among those with lower wealth scores. CONCLUSIONS: The results draw attention to the need for an integrated approach of multimorbidity in health services, in order to avoid CHE, particularly among older adults with worse socioeconomic conditions.
Enfermedad Catastrófica/economía , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Gastos en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Multimorbilidad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Brasil/epidemiología , Enfermedad Catastrófica/epidemiología , Enfermedad Crónica/epidemiología , Costo de Enfermedad , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Factores SocioeconómicosRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Despite the high prevalence of chronic otitis media (COM) in low to middle-income countries, there are few studies regarding its associated factors, health-related quality of life, and treatment costs. This study aimed to identify associated factors of COM, assess its impact on the quality of life as well as estimate the patients' reported costs of COM treatment in Colombia. METHODS: Cross-sectional study. Two otology-referral centers in Bogotá (Colombia) were included. Questionnaires focusing on sociodemographic and clinical associated factors, quality of life, and patients' reported costs were administered to 200 adults with COM diagnosis and 144 control adults. Otoscopic evaluation and audiometric data were collected. RESULTS: The mean age was 42.2 years (SD: 14.44). The median length of COM was 26.13 years (SD: 17.06), and 79.5% of the COM patients reported otorrhea during childhood (P-value: 0.01). The most frequently reported allergic disease among our study population was allergic rhinitis (26.5%). COM was less frequent in patients with a medium-high socioeconomic status (PR: 0.54; 95% CI: 0.39-0.72), and more frequent in patients who reported increased ear discharge due to upper respiratory tract infections (PR: 1.69; 95% CI: 1.68-1.70). The global score of the "Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media Questionnaire-12" showed a difference of 9 points between patients with active and inactive COM (P < 0.001). Patients spent between 12.07% to 60.37% of their household income on expenses related to COM. CONCLUSIONS: Associated factors found in this study are consistent with previous reports. COM has a significant financial impact and affects patients' quality of life. Worldwide research addressing these issues in poor-resource countries is scarce, further studies are needed.
Otitis Media/diagnóstico , Calidad de Vida/psicología , Adulto , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Enfermedad Crónica/psicología , Colombia , Costo de Enfermedad , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Gastos en Salud , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Otitis Media/economía , Otitis Media/psicología , Encuestas y CuestionariosRESUMEN
INTRODUCTION: Previous research has reported switching from traditional Medicare (TM) to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans increased from 2006 to 2011 at the aggregate level, and switching from MA plans to TM also increased. However, little is known about switching behavior among individuals with specific chronic diseases. OBJECTIVE: To examine disease-specific switching patterns between TM and MA to understand the impact on MA plans. METHODS: Using the 2006 to 2012 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey, we examined disease-specific switching rates between TM and MA and disease-specific ratios of mean baseline total Medicare expenditures of beneficiaries remaining in the same plan (stayers) vs those switching to another plan (switchers), respectively. We focused on beneficiaries with 1 or more of 10 incident diagnoses. RESULTS: Beneficiaries with a new diagnosis of Alzheimer disease and related dementias, hypertension, and psychiatric disorders had relatively high rates of switching into MA plans and low rates of switching out of MA plans. Among those with new diagnoses of psychiatric disorders and diabetes, more costly beneficiaries (those with higher costs) switched into MA plans. For cancer, more costly beneficiaries remained in MA plans. CONCLUSION: Together, these results suggest that MA plans may have not only higher caseloads but also a more costly case mix of beneficiaries with certain diseases than historically was the case. Our findings can help inform MA plans to understand their beneficiaries' disease burden and prepare for provision of relevant services.
Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Gastos en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Medicare/economía , Medicare/estadística & datos numéricos , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Medicare Part C/economía , Medicare Part C/estadística & datos numéricos , Estados UnidosRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the costs and the health outcomes of primary care treatments for chronic diseases and to analyze the association between domains of quality of life (QoL), physical activity and healthcare costs. METHODS: The sample encompassed 292 patients aged 50 years or more in Brazilian primary care facilities, categorized in three groups: no drug treatment or only regular physical activity, only drug treatment, and drug treatment with regular physical activity. Patients were assessed in relation to quality of life, healthcare costs, regular physical activity, and use of medications. RESULTS: Results indicate higher cost-utility ratio among primary care patients adopting only drug treatment (3.92), followed by drug treatment with regular physical activity (3.21), and no drug treatment or only regular physical activity (0.12). CONCLUSIONS: QoL was significantly associated with risk factors for chronic diseases, especially obesity, and limitations in mobility showed important increases in healthcare costs. The dominant strategy in terms of cost-utility ratio was identified among primary care patients without drug treatment or physically active, followed by patients in drug treatment combined with regular physical activity. Drug treatment without regular physical activity showed worst results in relation to other primary care strategies.
Enfermedad Crónica/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Ejercicio Físico , Costos de la Atención en Salud , Atención Primaria de Salud/economía , Calidad de Vida , Anciano , Brasil , Enfermedad Crónica/terapia , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana EdadRESUMEN
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To estimate the relation between catastrophic health expenditure (CHE) and multimorbidity in a national representative sample of the Brazilian population aged 50 year or older. METHODS: This study used data from 8,347 participants of the Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros (ELSI - Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging) conducted in 2015-2016. The dependent variable was CHE, defined by the ratio between the health expenses of the adult aged 50 years or older and the household income. The variable of interest was multimorbidity (two or more chronic diseases) and the variable used for stratification was the wealth score. The main analyses were based on multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: The prevalence of CHE was 17.9% and 7.5%, for expenditures corresponding to 10 and 25% of the household income, respectively. The prevalence of multimorbidity was 63.2%. Multimorbidity showed positive and independent associations with CHE (OR = 1.95, 95%CI 1.67-2.28, and OR = 1.40, 95%CI 1.11-1.76 for expenditures corresponding to 10% and 25%, respectively). Expenditures associated with multimorbidity were higher among those with lower wealth scores. CONCLUSIONS: The results draw attention to the need for an integrated approach of multimorbidity in health services, in order to avoid CHE, particularly among older adults with worse socioeconomic conditions.
RESUMO OBJETIVO: Estimar a relação entre gasto catastrófico em saúde (GCS) e multimorbidade em amostra nacional representativa da população brasileira com 50 anos de idade ou mais. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados de 8.347 participantes do Estudo Longitudinal da Saúde dos Idosos Brasileiros (2015-2016). A variável dependente foi o GCS, definido pela razão entre as despesas com saúde do adulto de 50 anos ou mais e a renda domiciliar. A variável de interesse foi a multimorbidade (duas ou mais doenças crônicas), e a variável utilizada para estratificação foi o escore de riqueza. As principais análises foram baseadas na regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: A prevalçncia de GCS foi de 17,9% e 7,5% para gastos correspondentes a 10% e 25% da renda domiciliar, respectivamente. A prevalçncia da multimorbidade foi de 63,2%. A multimorbidade apresentou associações positivas e independentes com GCS (OR = 1,95, IC95% 1,67-2,28 e OR = 1,40, IC95% 1,11-1,76 para gastos correspondentes a 10% e 25%, respectivamente). Os gastos associados à multimorbidade foram maiores entre aqueles com menor escore de riqueza. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados chamam atenção para a necessidade de uma abordagem integrada da multimorbidade nos serviços de saúde, de forma a evitar os GCS, particularmente entre adultos mais velhos com piores condições socioeconômicas.
Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Enfermedad Catastrófica/economía , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Gastos en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Multimorbilidad , Factores Socioeconómicos , Brasil/epidemiología , Enfermedad Catastrófica/epidemiología , Enfermedad Crónica/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Estudios Longitudinales , Costo de Enfermedad , Persona de Mediana EdadRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: Persons who reside in low- and middle-income countries often have insufficient resources to pay for treatments prescribed for their medical conditions. The aim of this study was to determine, using qualitative methods, how patients with arthritis in the Dominican Republic manage the costs associated with chronic illnesses. METHODS: We conducted individual interviews with 17 Dominican adults with advanced arthritis who were undergoing total knee replacement or total hip replacement at a hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Interviewers followed a moderator's guide with questions pertaining to the financial demands of arthritis treatment and the strategies participants used to pay for treatments. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, and translated into English. We used thematic analysis to identify salient themes. RESULTS: The thematic analysis suggested that health system factors (such as the extent of reimbursement for medications available in the public health care system) along with personal factors (such as disposable income) shaped individuals' experiences of managing chronic illness. These systemic and personal factors contributed to a sizeable gap between the cost of care and the amount most participants were able to pay. Participants managed this resource gap using a spectrum of strategies ranging from acceptance (or, "making do with less") to resourcefulness (or, "finding more"). Participants were aided by strong community bonds and religiously oriented resilience. CONCLUSION: This qualitative study illuminates the range of strategies Dominican individuals with limited resources use to obtain health care and manage chronic illness. The findings raise hypotheses that warrant further study and could help guide provider-patient conversations regarding treatment adherence.
Artritis/economía , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Costos de la Atención en Salud , Recursos en Salud/economía , Investigación Cualitativa , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Artritis/epidemiología , Artritis/terapia , Artroplastia de Reemplazo de Cadera/economía , Artroplastia de Reemplazo de Cadera/métodos , Artroplastia de Reemplazo de Rodilla/economía , Artroplastia de Reemplazo de Rodilla/métodos , Enfermedad Crónica/epidemiología , Enfermedad Crónica/terapia , República Dominicana/epidemiología , Femenino , Costos de la Atención en Salud/normas , Recursos en Salud/normas , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana EdadRESUMEN
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of adolescents diagnosed with different chronic conditions and to identify demographic, socioeconomic, and health-status outcomes associated with the impairment in HRQoL. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: We evaluated 276 adolescents (50.7% male) aged 14 ± 2 years that were assisted by healthcare public service and diagnosed with cancer (CA), type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1), overweight (OW), asthma (AS), and no chronic health condition-control group (CG). Adolescents and parent-proxy completed age-appropriate self-report and/or parent-proxy report on generic HRQoL measures using PedsQL™. RESULTS: Adolescents with CA had lower overall HRQoL as well as poorer scores in all dimensions than either healthy participants or other chronic disease sufferers. HRQoL scores reported by parent-proxy were similar to those reported by adolescents across all chronic diseases. CG members reported better scores in all dimensions. Maternal education, family income, and marital status of parents were correlated with HRQoL scores in all dimensions. The risk of having an affected HRQoL score was higher in adolescents with CA than in adolescents with other chronic diseases. CONCLUSIONS: The likelihood of cancer affecting HRQoL was higher when compared to other chronic diseases, and the OW group had a worse overall score compared to CG. Adolescents with CA, AS, and OW reported worse school dimensions when compared to healthy adolescents. The education of adolescents and their parent-proxy, body weight, and family income influence the dimensions of HRQoL in adolescents with chronic diseases.
Peso Corporal/fisiología , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Enfermedad Crónica/psicología , Adolescente , Estudios Transversales , Educación , Femenino , Indicadores de Salud , Humanos , Renta , Masculino , Sobrepeso/economía , Sobrepeso/psicología , Padres/educación , Padres/psicología , Apoderado/psicología , Calidad de Vida , Autoinforme/economíaRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) may focus more on primary care given ACO financial incentives. We examine variation in primary care treatment of 8 prevalent chronic conditions across ACOs and the factors affecting the variation, and compare the role of primary care in ACOs and non-ACOs. RESEARCH DESIGN: We conduct regression models at the ACO-level to identify factors predicting higher proportions of chronic condition visits delivered by primary care providers (PCPs) using 2013 Medicare claims and enrollment data. We compare the distribution of visits to PCPs, specialists and advanced practice providers between ACO-attributed and non-ACO-attributed beneficiaries. RESULTS: At the ACO-level, the proportion of patients who are white and of the local population who are college educated, the complexity of the patient population, and the supply of specialists were negatively associated with the proportion of chronic condition visits delivered by PCPs, whereas the percentage of contracted physicians within the ACO who were PCPs was positively associated. These results varied when subanalyses were conducted for each specific chronic condition. ACO care for chronic conditions was managed similar to that of care for non-ACO Medicare beneficiaries in 2013, but that some ACOs utilize PCPs to manage chronic conditions more than others. CONCLUSIONS: Many ACOs may underutilize PCPs, and thus could actively shift care to less expensive primary care for potential savings to payers. Barriers to that shift could include low numbers of PCPs contracted in the ACO, and existing referral patterns and patient relationships with specialists.
Organizaciones Responsables por la Atención/economía , Ahorro de Costo/economía , Gastos en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Medicare/economía , Atención Primaria de Salud/economía , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Ahorro de Costo/métodos , Costos y Análisis de Costo/economía , Humanos , Atención Primaria de Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Estados UnidosAsunto(s)
Enfermedad Crónica/epidemiología , Enfermedad Crónica/terapia , Tormentas Ciclónicas , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud/organización & administración , Poblaciones Vulnerables , Quiebra Bancaria , Presupuestos , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Estudios Transversales , Tormentas Ciclónicas/economía , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud/economía , Humanos , Medicaid/economía , Puerto Rico , Estados UnidosRESUMEN
The Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS) was designed to prospectively evaluate the impact of disease on the health, function and mortality of adults over the age of 50 in both urban and rural areas of Mexico. The overall goal of the study is to examine the ageing process and its disease and disability burden in a large representative panel of older Mexicans, using a wide socioeconomic perspective. The study protocols and survey instruments are highly comparable to the U.S. Health and Retirement Study (HRS).The MHAS 2001 baseline is a nationally and urban-rural representative survey of individuals born in 1951 or earlier. Three waves of data have been collected so far: baseline in 2001 and follow-ups in 2003 and 2012. In 2012, the study added a representative sample of the population from the 1952-62 birth cohorts. A fourth wave will be collected in 2015.The data files and documentation are available free of charge at the study website [] in English and [] in Spanish.
Envejecimiento , Enfermedad Crónica/epidemiología , Personas con Discapacidad/estadística & datos numéricos , Encuestas Epidemiológicas , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Estudios de Cohortes , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , México/epidemiología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Población Rural/estadística & datos numéricos , Autoinforme , Factores Socioeconómicos , Población Urbana/estadística & datos numéricosRESUMEN
En la presente obra también se aprovechan las evidencias previas y se evalúan las investigaciones empíricas más recientes con la finalidad de influir en la formulación de políticas, la preparación de programas y la asignación de recursos en torno a las ENT en los planos regional y nacional. Esta publicación también recomienda medidas específicas y hace un llamado a la participación de toda la sociedad en el manejo de las ENT como un problema económico urgente y un obstáculo al desarrollo. Con estos objetivos en mente se redactó. Las dimensiones económicas de las enfermedades no transmisibles en América Latina y el Caribe, fruto de la labor de asesores técnicos de la OPS y de muchos otros expertos en el tema. La obra está dirigida a un auditorio variado que comprende desde académicos y profesionales de la salud hasta formuladores de políticas y directores de programas, así como medios de comunicación, legisladores y público en general.
Humanos , Américas , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Economía y Organizaciones para la Atención de la Salud , Determinantes Sociales de la SaludRESUMEN
RESUMEN Objetivo Describir el abordaje de carga que tienen los modelos teóricos sobre enfermedad crónica no trasmisible (ECNT) Metodología La búsqueda de los estudios se realizó definiendo la ventana de observación bajo criterios establecidos para los descriptores modelos teóricos, enfermedad crónica y costo de la enfermedad, en 14 bases de datos como Scielo, Medline, Science direct, Infotrac Health Reference Center Academic, teniendo en cuenta publicaciones arbitradas e incluyendo publicaciones cuantitativas, cualitativas y de revisión, tiempo e idioma de las publicaciones y tipo de estdio tal como se presentan a contiuación. Resultados Las 20 publicaciones registradas van desde el 2005 al 2012. Dentro de ellas aparecen tres grupos para el abordaje de la carga que incluyen el que se basa en un paradigma de cuidado, el que la entiende como un paradigma económico conjunto de la enfermedad y su impacto financiero y los paradigmas eclécticos que admiten la suma de miradas de algunos matices económicos junto con otros propios de la experiencia de vivir o cuidar en situaciones de ECNT. Conclusiones Los modelos teóricos sobre enfermedad crónica evidenciados indican que el concepto se agrupa en tres: la carga vista desde el abordaje del cuidado; el abordaje económico centrado en la enfermedad y su impacto financiero y el abordaje mixto que retoma parcialmente aspectos de los dos anteriores. La comparación de estos hallazgos con la literatura ratifica los grupos encontrados y sugiere la necesidad de hacer explícito el concepto de carga de la ECNT desde el paradigma empleado.(AU)
ABSTRACT Objective To describe the approach of cost of illness within the theoretical models of chronic non communicable disease (NCD) Methodology A systematic literature review was carried by defining observational parameters guided by the key words "theoretical, models" , "chronic disease" and "cost of illness" in 14 databases as Scielo, Medline, Science direct, Infotrac Health Reference Center Academic, including indexed publications of quantitative, qualitative, analysis and review articles, their publication language with an open time definition. Results 20 registered publications were found ranging from 2005 to 2012. Within these publications three groups emerged in the way they approach the burden or illness cost. They include: a group based on a caring paradigm, a group based on an economic paradigm understood as a set of the disease appear and their financial impact and a third group that with an eclectic approach that combined some of the economic aspects as well as some of the experiences of living and caring in situations of NCDs. Conclusions The theoretical models of chronic disease evidenced by this systematic search indicates that the concept of cost of illness is grouped into three: the view from the approach of burden of care; the economic approach focused on the disease and its financial impact and the mixed approach that takes aspects of the previous two. Comparing these findings with the literature confirms the groups founded and suggested the need to make explicit the utilized paradigm within in the conceptualization of the cost of illness while approaching NCDs.(AU)
Humanos , Sistemas de Salud , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Costo de Enfermedad , Esperanza de Vida , Modelos TeóricosRESUMEN
INTRODUCTION: With increasing global impact of chronic degenerative non-communicable diseases (CDNCD), multidisciplinary chronic disease management care programs (CDMCP) come as a solution to improve the quality of patients care. METHOD: We conducted a cross-sectional epidemiologic prospective cohort study with data comparing a group of patients monitored by a CDMCP with subjects without CDMCP care, from 2010 to 2012. The patients monitored in this program were selected because they presented CDNCD with frequent hospitalization and/or emergency care in the year prior to study selection. Also, the patients could be referred to the program by their physicians and/or other programs such as HomeCare or family medicine. All costs related to the program were included and compared with the costs of users with the same epidemiological profile who opted for not participating in the CDMCP. RESULTS: We analyzed data from 1,256 cases, including 639 (51%) men and 617 (49%) women. The mean age was 56.99 years and 73% were older than 50 years. There was a prevalence of 34% (428) cases with ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction and stroke) and 17% (210) with neoplasms. The cases studied showed a reduction of 79% in the number of days of hospitalization compared with the cases without CDMCP monitoring. The average reduction of total costs (hospitalizations, emergency room visits and/or disease complications) was 31.94%, with average reduction of 8.36% in monthly costs. CONCLUSION: Multidisciplinary monitoring carried out by CDNCD patient management programs can reduce hospitalizations, emergency room visits and complications, positively impacting the costs with health care.
Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Enfermedad Crónica/terapia , Gestión Clínica/economía , Costos de la Atención en Salud , Adolescente , Adulto , Factores de Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Brasil , Manejo de Caso/economía , Niño , Preescolar , Estudios Transversales , Manejo de la Enfermedad , Femenino , Hospitalización/economía , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Grupo de Atención al Paciente/economía , Estudios Prospectivos , Factores Sexuales , Adulto JovenRESUMEN
SUMMARY Introduction: With increasing global impact of chronic degenerative non-communicable diseases (CDNCD), multidisciplinary chronic disease management care programs (CDMCP) come as a solution to improve the quality of patients care. Method: We conducted a cross-sectional epidemiologic prospective cohort study with data comparing a group of patients monitored by a CDMCP with subjects without CDMCP care, from 2010 to 2012. The patients monitored in this program were selected because they presented CDNCD with frequent hospitalization and/or emergency care in the year prior to study selection. Also, the patients could be referred to the program by their physicians and/or other programs such as HomeCare or family medicine. All costs related to the program were included and compared with the costs of users with the same epidemiological profile who opted for not participating in the CDMCP. Results: We analyzed data from 1,256 cases, including 639 (51%) men and 617 (49%) women. The mean age was 56.99 years and 73% were older than 50 years. There was a prevalence of 34% (428) cases with ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction and stroke) and 17% (210) with neoplasms. The cases studied showed a reduction of 79% in the number of days of hospitalization compared with the cases without CDMCP monitoring. The average reduction of total costs (hospitalizations, emergency room visits and/or disease complications) was 31.94%, with average reduction of 8.36% in monthly costs. Conclusion: Multidisciplinary monitoring carried out by CDNCD patient management programs can reduce hospitalizations, emergency room visits and complications, positively impacting the costs with health care.
RESUMO Introdução: com o crescente impacto mundial das doenças crônico-degenerativas não transmissíveis (DCDNT), os programas multidisciplinares de gerenciamento de pacientes com doenças crônicas (PGDC) apresentam-se como uma solução para melhorar a qualidade do atendimento prestado. Método: foi realizado um estudo epidemiológico, tipo coorte, prospectivo, com dados comparando um grupo em acompanhamento em um PGDC com um grupo sem esse acompanhamento, no período de 2010 a 2012. Usuários acompanhados pelo programa eram selecionados por serem portadores de DCDNT, com internamentos e/ou consultas em serviços de emergência frequentes no ano anterior à seleção; por indicação do médico assistente e/ou outros programas como HomeCare ou medicina da família. Foram contabilizados todos os custos relacionados com assistência em saúde do programa e comparados com os custos de usuários com mesmo perfil epidemiológico que optaram pelo não acompanhamento no programa. Resultados: foram selecionados dados de 1.256 casos, sendo 639 (51%) do sexo masculino e 617 (49%) mulheres. A média etária foi de 56,99 e 73% dos casos acima dos 50 anos. Predomínio de 34% (428) de casos de doenças cardiovasculares isquêmicas (infarto do miocárdio e acidente vascular cerebral) e 17% (210) de neoplasias. Os casos acompanhados apresentaram redução de 79% dos dias de internamento em comparação com casos não acompanhados. A redução média de custos totais (internamentos, consultas de emergência e/ou complicações) foi de 31,94%, com redução média mensal de custos de 8,36%. Conclusão: acompanhamento multidisciplinar em programa de gerenciamento de pacientes portadores de DCDNT pode reduzir internamentos, consultas de emergência e complicações, impactando positivamente nos custos da assistência à saúde.
Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Lactante , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Adulto Joven , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Enfermedad Crónica/terapia , Costos de la Atención en Salud , Gestión Clínica/economía , Grupo de Atención al Paciente/economía , Brasil , Factores Sexuales , Estudios Transversales , Estudios Prospectivos , Factores de Edad , Manejo de Caso/economía , Manejo de la Enfermedad , Hospitalización/economía , Persona de Mediana EdadRESUMEN
This study assessed pediatric physicians' use of shared decision making (SDM) in 2 chronic conditions. Most physicians indicated that parent and adolescent trust and emotional readiness facilitated SDM, physicians' preferred approach to decision making. At the same time, they perceived few barriers, other than insurance limitations, to using SDM.
Artritis Juvenil/tratamiento farmacológico , Enfermedad Crónica/terapia , Toma de Decisiones , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/tratamiento farmacológico , Médicos , Adolescente , Adulto , Artritis Juvenil/diagnóstico , Actitud del Personal de Salud , Niño , Enfermedad Crónica/economía , Femenino , Gastroenterología , Humanos , Enfermedades Inflamatorias del Intestino/diagnóstico , Seguro de Salud , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Padres , Participación del Paciente , Pediatría/métodos , Relaciones Médico-Paciente , Reumatología , Factor de Necrosis Tumoral alfa/antagonistas & inhibidores , Recursos HumanosRESUMEN
BACKGROUND: Chronic diseases (CD) are a public health emergency in Mexico. Despite concern regarding the financial burden of CDs in the country, economic studies have focused only on diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. Furthermore, these estimated financial burdens were based on hypothetical epidemiology models or ideal healthcare scenarios. The present study estimates the annual expenditure per patient and the financial burden for the nine most prevalent CDs, excluding cancer, for each of the two largest public health providers in the country: the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS). METHODS: Using the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2012 (ENSANUT) as the main source of data, health services consumption related to CDs was obtained from patient reports. Unit costs for each provided health service (e.g. consultation, drugs, hospitalization) were obtained from official reports. Prevalence data was obtained from the published literature. Annual expenditure due to health services consumption was calculated by multiplying the quantity of services consumed by the unit cost of each health service. RESULTS: The most expensive CD in both health institutions was chronic kidney disease (CKD), with an annual unit cost for MoH per patient of US$ 8,966 while for IMSS the expenditure was US$ 9,091. Four CDs (CKD, arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and chronic ischemic heart disease) accounted for 88% of the total CDs financial burden (US$ 1.42 billion) in MoH and 85% (US$ 3.96 billion) in IMSS. The financial burden of the nine CDs analyzed represents 8% and 25% of the total annual MoH and IMSS health expenditure, respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The financial burden from the nine most prevalent CDs, excluding cancer, is already high in Mexico. This finding by itself argues for the need to improve health promotion and disease detection, diagnosis, and treatment to ensure CD primary and secondary prevention. If the status quo remains, the financial burden could be higher.