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Theory Biosci ; 143(3): 161-182, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39158680


Until the mid-nineteenth century, "physiology" was a comprehensive theory of life, expounded and shaped by Johannes P. Müller (1801-1858). Biologists and medical doctors still refer to him today. In the summer term of 1851, Müller gave a lecture on the Comparative Anatomy of animals. This lecture was attended and recorded by Ernst Zeller (1830-1902), a future physician and zoologist, and has recently been published together with a German transcript. In this paper, we situate Johannes Müller within the intellectual history of his time. Through his "empirical idealism," we show how he opposed the speculative tendencies of the romantic understanding of nature, the emerging evolutionism, and the growing splits in the natural sciences. Müller focused on recognizing living nature as a whole and realizing ideal "phenomena" through his empirical research. He considered the notion of the soul of the world. Müller's lecture transcript serves as a poignant testament to German scientific culture in the mid-nineteenth century, a few years before the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species. It also provides valuable insights into the self-contained epistemological foundations of morphology.

Vitalismo , Historia del Siglo XIX , Animales , Alemania , Vitalismo/historia , Evolución Biológica , Fisiología/historia , Humanos , Anatomía Comparada/historia , Investigación Empírica
Science ; 385(6705): 152, 2024 Jul 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38991061
Science ; 385(6705): 152-153, 2024 Jul 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38991053
J Hist Med Allied Sci ; 78(3): 227-248, 2023 Jul 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37103263


In the early nineteenth century, physiology became an increasingly popular and powerful science in the United States. Religious controversy over the nature of human vitality animated much of this interest. On one side of these debates stood Protestant apologists who wedded an immaterialist vitalism to their belief in an immaterial, immortal soul - and therefore to their dreams of a Christian republic. On the other side, religious skeptics argued for a materialist vitalism that excluded anything immaterial from human life, aspiring thereby to eliminate religious interference in the progress of science and society. Both sides hoped that by claiming physiology for their vision of human nature they might direct the future of religion in the US. Ultimately, they failed to realize these ambitions, but their contest posed a dilemma late nineteenth-century physiologists felt compelled to solve: how should they comprehend the relationship between life, body, and soul? Eager to undertake laboratory work and leave metaphysical questions behind, these researchers solved the problem by restricting their work to the body while leaving spiritual matters to preachers. In attempting to escape the vitalism and soul questions, late nineteenth-century Americans thus created a division of labor that shaped the history of medicine and religion for the following century.

Medicina , Vitalismo , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Historia del Siglo XIX , Vitalismo/historia , Metafisica/historia , Cristianismo , Protestantismo
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(1): 31-38, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1425550


Neste artigo, discuto a questão da materialidade organicista do corpo contra um corpo de intensidades. De acordo com Separavich e Canesqui (2010), os estudos de Marcel Mauss (2003 [1934]) e Margaret Mead (2000 [1935]) "revelou que, embora se possa atribuir uma materialidade universal ao corpo, definições, disposições corporais e seus significados são múltiplos. Como resultado dessa heterogeneidade nas formas de conceber corpo, as concepções do que seja saúde e doença também múltiplas tradições" (p. 251). De acordo com Cecil G. Helman (1994) para "os membros de todas as sociedades, o corpo humano é mais do que um simples organismo físico oscilando entre a saúde e a doença. É também o foco de um conjunto de crenças sobre seu significado social e psicológico, estrutura e funcionamento. A expressão 'imagem corporal' é usada para descrever todas as maneiras pelas quais um indivíduo conceitua e experimenta seu próprio corpo, consciente ou inconscientemente" (p. 30), variando com cada sociedade e momento histórico em que se definem: incluem crenças sobre a forma e o tamanho ideal do corpo, crenças sobre sua estrutura e crenças sobre suas funções. Pretendo refletir sobre o corpo, trazendo alguns elementos históricos para chamar a atenção para a ocorrência de certas condições ­ conhecimento médico e outros aspectos sócio-históricos ­ entrelaçada com a produção de práticas e intervenções médicas, no corpo, assim como no governo da vida, com a intenção de chamar a atenção para as práticas médicas integrativas que são a partir de uma visão do corpo de intensidades.

In this article, I discuss the issue of the organicist materiality of the body versus a body of intensities. According to Separavich and Canesqui (2010), the studies of Marcel Mauss (2003 [1934]) and Margaret Mead (2000 [1935]) "revealed that, although a universal materiality can be attributed to the body, definitions, bodily dispositions and their meanings are manifold. As a result of this heterogeneity in the ways of conceiving the body, the conceptions of what health and disease are also have multiple traditions" (p. 251). According to Cecil G. Helman (1994) for "the members of all societies, the human body is more than a simple physical organism oscillating between health and disease. It is also the focus of a set of beliefs about its social and psychological meaning, structure and functioning. The expression 'body image' is used to describe all the ways in which an individual conceptualizes and experiences his own body, consciously or unconsciously" (p. 30), varying with each society and historical moment in which they are defined: they include beliefs about ideal body shape and size, beliefs about its internal structure, and beliefs about its functions. I intend to reflect on the body, bringing some historical elements to draw attention to the occurrence of certain conditions - medical knowledge and other socio-historical aspects - intertwined with the production of medical practices and interventions, in the body, as well as in the government of life, with the intention of drawing attention to integrative medical practices that are based on a vision of the body of intensities.

Política , Vitalismo , Relaciones Metafisicas Mente-Cuerpo
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(1): 47-59, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1425552


Este artigo baseia-se na tese de que a teoria homeopática está originalmente orientada por um vitalismo de caráter hermenêutico, isto é, assume que a positividade dos fenômenos com que lida é sempre dependente de uma totalidade compreensiva (totalidade vital), singularizada em cada situação individual e somente acessível por meio das narrativas dos pacientes. O objetivo do estudo foi compreender as relações entre estas concepções vitalistas e o lugar dos procedimentos compreensivo- -interpretativos na propedêutica e terapêutica propostas pela teoria homeopática, as quais podem apontar alternativas para estabelecer as suas bases de validação. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, baseado na análise documental de textos canônicos da homeopatia, especialmente a obra de Hahnemann, e entrevistas em profundidade com homeopatas que combinam atividade clínica com pesquisa e docência na área (formadores de opinião). A metodologia foi instruída pela Hermenêutica Filosófica e pela Epistemologia Histórica, sendo o substrato discursivo (escrito e falado) trabalhado de modo não-formalista, buscando-se identificar e interpretar livremente eixos narrativos e núcleos de significado julgados relevantes. A discussão voltou-se fundamentalmente para a recuperação dos principais movimentos históricos de conformação do paradigma vitalista na homeopatia, o cotejamento desse desenvolvimento com a adoção de procedimentos semiológicos de caráter compreensivo-interpretativo e as implicações desse "vitalismo da palavra" para as concepções homeopáticas contemporâneas. O trabalho aponta para a positividade e produtividade do trabalho com a linguagem e as narrativas no âmbito de uma homeopatia entendida como uma "medicina do sujeito", e sugere aprofundamentos na direção hermenêutico- -filosófica como alternativa para o adensamento conceitual e para o aperfeiçoamento dos processos de validação do saber e da prática da homeopatia.

Homeopathic medicine is a socially validated practice, progressively incorporated into the institutional health care scheme, including the public health system. However, the issue of the fundamentals of this therapeutic, of its scientific validation, remains outstanding. In the sense of responding to this demand for validation, there is a need for research methodologies. that allow for accurate investigations, suitable for the concepts of health, illness and therapeutics that are intrinsic to the homeopathic rational. This paper is based on the notion that homeopathic theory is originally guided by a vitalism of hermeneutical character, that. is, it assumes that the positivity of phenomena with which it deals, is always dependent on the comprehensive totality (vital totality), specific to each individual situation and accessible only by means of the patients´ narratives. The study's purpose was to understand the relations between these vitalist concepts and the place of comprehensive-interpretative procedures in the propedeutics and therapeutics proposed by the homeopathic medicine that may point out to alternatives to establish its validation bases. This is qualitative research, based on the documentary analysis of homeopathy canonic texts, especially the work of Hahnemann, and originally n-depth interviews with homeopaths that combine clinic activity and education in the area (opinion makers). The methodology was instructed by Philosophic. Hermeneutics and by Historic Epistemology, and the layer subjacent to the discourse (written and spoken) effected in a non-formal manner, searching for the free identification. And interpretation of the narrative axes and core meanings that were deemed significant. The discussion was basically focused on the recovery of the major historical movements related. To the development of the vitalist paradigm in homeopathy, the comparison of this development with the adoption of semiologic procedures of comprehensive- -interpretative character and the implications of this "vitalism of the word" to the contemporary homeopathic concepts. The paper points out to the positivity and productivity of the work on language and narratives in the domain of a homeopathy understood as "medicine of the subject" and suggests deeper studies in the hermeneutical-philosophical direction as an alternative for the concept densification and for the improvement of validation processes of knowledge and practice of homeopathy.

Vitalismo , Variaciones Dependientes del Observador , Atención Dirigida al Paciente , Homeopatía/historia
Rev. homeopatia (São Paulo) ; 84(2): 32-35, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia, MOSAICO - Salud integrativa | ID: biblio-1519110


A consulta médica tem um lugar especial no tratamento homeopático. Diferente do aprendido durante a formação hegemônica, em que as técnicas semiológicas se concentram na busca de sintomas para realizar o diagnóstico clínico, e daí estabelecer um tratamento para patologias pré-classificadas com protocolos pré-existentes, na Homeopatia é preciso reconfigurar alguns conceitos, que começam no ato da consulta. Na abordagem homeopática, onde a visão mecanicista deve ser acoplada ao paradigma vitalista, busca-se padrões e causas relacionados aos sintomas, acrescentando ao diagnóstico clínico também a individualidade, entre outros diagnósticos, para tratamento de forma integrada, em busca da cura ideal. O objetivo deste texto é analisar a consulta homeopática de acordo com as peculiaridades da racionalidade homeopática, construída por Samuel Hahnemann, em consonância com a epistemologia da complexidade, que embasa muitas outras áreas de conhecimentos na contemporaneidade, estudada por Edgar Morin.

Medical consultation has a special place in homeopathic treatment. Unlike what was learned during hegemonic formation, in which semiological techniques focus on searching for symptoms to make a clinical diagnosis, and then establishing a treatment for pre-classified pathologies with pre-existing protocols, in Homeopathy it is necessary to reconfigure some concepts, which begin at the time of consultation. In the homeopathic approach, where the mechanistic vision must be coupled with the vitalist paradigm, patterns and causes related to symptoms are sought, adding individuality to the clinical diagnosis, among other diagnoses, for integrated treatment, in search of the ideal cure. The objective of this text is to analyze homeopathic consultation according to the peculiarities of homeopathic rationality, constructed by Samuel Hahnemann, in line with the epistemology of complexity, which underpins many other areas of knowledge in contemporary times, studied by Edgar Morin.

Vitalismo , Anamnesis Homeopática , Síntomatología , Conocimiento
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253624, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1448954


O campo dos estudos transpessoais tem avançado em diversas áreas no Brasil. Comemorou seus 40 anos com uma inserção ativa nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) e uma ampliação de núcleos formativos e apoiadores de ensino, pesquisa e ações sociais, além de diálogos com o Sistema de Conselhos de Psicologia. Desafios são apresentados a partir do levantamento de uma série de questões importantes e ignoradas dentro da Psicologia Transpessoal no Brasil. Apresentamos o pluriperspectivismo participativo como possibilidade de decolonizar as matrizes eurocêntricas e estadunidenses, que dão suporte ao pensamento transpessoal brasileiro, buscando honrar nossas raízes históricas e incluir outras epistemologias e ontologias, que dão continuidade à crítica à lógica cartesiana moderna. Indicamos uma breve agenda de notas temáticas que carecem de um processo decolonizador no campo transpessoal: a) crítica às perspectivas de um pensamento hegemônico, em termos globais por meio da dominação Norte-Sul ou no campo das relações sociais; b) revisão das formas de "centrocentrismo"; c) questionamento da noção de universalismo das ciências e da ética; d) aprofundamento da análise crítica da supremacia restritiva da racionalidade formal técnico-científica em relação às formas de subjetividade, de vivências holísticas e integradoras e de valorização do corpo; e) revisão da noção de sujeito moderno desprovida da cocriação do humano com a comunidade, a história, a natureza e o cosmos.(AU)

The field of transpersonal studies has advanced in several areas in Brazil. It celebrated its 40th anniversary with an active insertion in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and an expansion of training centers and supporters of teaching, research, and social actions, in addition to dialogues with the System of Councils of Psychology. Challenges are presented based on a survey of a series of important and ignored issues within Transpersonal Psychology in Brazil. We present participatory pluriperspectivism as a possibility to decolonize the Eurocentric and North American matrices that support Brazilian transpersonal thought, seeking to honor our historical roots and include other epistemologies and ontologies, which continue the critique of modern Cartesian logic. We indicate a brief agenda of thematic notes that lack a decolonizing process in the transpersonal field: a) criticism of the perspectives of a hegemonic thought, whether in global terms via North-South domination or in the field of social relations; b) review of the forms of "centrocentrism"; c) questioning of the notion of universalism of science and ethics; d) deepening of the critical analysis of the restrictive supremacy of the technical-scientific formal rationality in relation to the forms of subjectivity, of holistic and integrative experiences, and of valuing the body; e) review of the notion of the modern subject devoid of the co-creation of the human with the community, the history, the nature, and the cosmos.(AU)

El campo de los estudios transpersonales ha avanzado en varias áreas de Brasil. Se celebró su 40.º aniversario con una inserción activa en Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) y una ampliación de los centros de formación y promotores de la docencia, la investigación y la acción social, además de diálogos con el Sistema de Consejos de Psicología. Los desafíos se presentan a partir de una encuesta de una serie de temas importantes e ignorados dentro de la Psicología Transpersonal en Brasil. Presentamos el pluriperspectivismo participativo como una posibilidad para decolonizar las matrices eurocéntrica y americana, que sustentan el pensamiento transpersonal brasileño, buscando honrar nuestras raíces históricas e incluir otras epistemologías y ontologías que continúan la crítica de la lógica cartesiana moderna. Indicamos una breve agenda de apuntes temáticos que carecen de un proceso decolonizador en el campo transpersonal: a) crítica de las perspectivas de un pensamiento hegemónico, ya sea en términos globales a través del dominio Norte-Sur o en el campo de las relaciones sociales; b) revisión de las formas de "centrocentrismo"; c) cuestionamiento de la noción de universalismo de la ciencia y la ética; d) profundización del análisis crítico de la supremacía restrictiva de la racionalidad formal técnico-científica en relación a las formas de subjetividad, de experiencias holísticas e integradoras y de valoración del cuerpo; e) revisión de la noción de sujeto moderno desprovisto de la cocreación de lo humano con la comunidad, la historia, la naturaleza y el cosmos.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Colonialismo , Espiritualidad , Participación Social , Perspectiva del Curso de la Vida , Filosofía , Política , Arte , Práctica Psicológica , Prejuicio , Psicología , Psicología Social , Psicofisiología , Psicoterapia , Racionalización , Aspiraciones Psicológicas , Religión y Psicología , Autoevaluación (Psicología) , Autoimagen , Logro , Justicia Social , Problemas Sociales , Ciencias Sociales , Sociedades , Especialización , Superego , Tiempo , Transexualidad , Inconsciente en Psicología , Universidades , Vitalismo , Trabajo , Conducta , Conducta y Mecanismos de Conducta , Behaviorismo , Negro o Afroamericano , Humanos , Autorrevelación , Adaptación Psicológica , Selección de Profesión , Áreas de Pobreza , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Organizaciones , Salud , Salud Mental , Conflicto de Intereses , Comentario , Competencia Mental , Teoría de Construcción Personal , Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas , Congresos como Asunto , Conciencia , Diversidad Cultural , Conocimiento , Mundo Occidental , Qi , Feminismo , Vida , Conducta Cooperativa , Características Culturales , Evolución Cultural , Cultura , Mala Conducta Profesional , Autonomía Personal , Personeidad , Muerte , Características Humanas , Parto , Impulso (Psicología) , Educación , Ego , Ética Profesional , Etnología , Existencialismo , Resiliencia Psicológica , Teoría de la Mente , Apatía , Racismo , Rendimiento Académico , Cosmovisión , Etnocentrismo , Egocentrismo , Modelo de Creencias sobre la Salud , Funcionamiento Psicosocial , Comparación Social , Libertad de Religión , Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión , Estructura Familiar , Bienestar Psicológico , Objetivos , Alucinógenos , Salud Holística , Derechos Humanos , Humanismo , Id , Individualidad , Individualismo , Acontecimientos que Cambian la Vida , Literatura , Mala Praxis , Antropología , Principios Morales , Motivación , Misticismo , Mitología
Asclepio ; 74(2)dic. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-212892


Many Biomechanics texts and courses begin with a historical introduction. This usually describes the contributions of a large number of people who, over many centuries, have been fundamental to the development of this science. In these presentations it is often stated that the term Biomechanik (Biomechanics) appears to have been used for the first time in 1887 by Dr. Moriz Benedikt, in Über Mathematische Morphologie und Biomechanik. However, this term was previously used by the physiologist William Preyer in 1873 and 1883. In this short article, we show these first mentions and frame them in the context of other terms, Biostatik (Biostatics) and Biodynamik (Biodynamics), used at that time. Finally, as a secondary result of the research, we found what could be the first textbook that specifically addresses Biomechanics as a new object of scientific knowledge.(AU)

Muchos textos y cursos de Biomecánica comienzan con una introducción histórica. Esta suele describir las aportaciones de un gran número de personas que, a lo largo de muchos siglos, han sido fundamentales para el desarrollo de esta ciencia. En estas presentaciones se afirma a menudo que el término Biomechanik (Biomecánica) parece haber sido utilizado por primera vez en 1887 por el Dr. Moriz Benedikt, en Über Mathematische Morphologie und Biomechanik. Sin embargo, este término fue utilizado previamente por el fisiólogo William Preyer en 1873 y 1883. En este breve artículo, mostramos estas primeras menciones y las enmarcamos en el contexto de otros términos, Biostatik (Biostática) y Biodynamik (Biodinámica), utilizados en ese momento. Finalmente, como resultado secundario de la investigación, encontramos el que podría ser el primer libro de texto que aborde específicamente la Biomecánica como un nuevo objeto de conocimiento científico.(AU)

Humanos , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Fisiología , Historia de la Medicina , Ciencia/historia , Vitalismo
Adv Mind Body Med ; 36(4): 20, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36351187


No Abstract Available.

Vitalismo , Humanos
Theor Biol Forum ; 115(1-2): 13-28, 2022 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36325929


We may induce from a longue durée examination of Anglo-American History of Biology that the impulse to reject reduc - tionism persists and will continue to percolate cyclically. This impulse I deem "bioexceptionalism": an intuition, stance, attitude, or activating metaphor that the study of living beings requires explanations in addition to exclusively bottom-up causal explanations and the research programs constructed upon that bottom-up philosophical foundation by non-organismal biologists, biochemists, and biophysicists - the explanations, in other words, that Wadding - ton (1977) humorously termed the "Conventional Wisdom of the Dominant Group, or cowdung." Bioexceptionalism might indicate an ontological assertion, like vitalism. Yet most often in the last century, it has been defined by a variety of methodological or even sociological positions. On three occasions in the interval from the late nineteenth century to the present, a small but significant group of practicing biologists and allies in other research disciplines in the UK and US adopted a species of bioexceptionalism, rejecting the dominant explanatory philosophy of reductionistic mechanism. Yet they also rejected the vitalist alternative. We can refer to their subset of bioexceptionalism as a "Third-Way" approach, though participants at the time called it by a variety of names, including "organicism." Today's appeals to a Third-Way are but the latest eruption of this older dissensus and retain at least heuristic value apart from any explanatory success.

Biología , Vitalismo , Humanos , Biología/historia , Vitalismo/historia , Filosofía/historia , Sociología , Metáfora
Hist Philos Life Sci ; 44(4): 51, 2022 Oct 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36282398


Nineteenth century hygiene might be a confusing concept. On the one hand, the concept of hygiene was gradually becoming an important concept that was focused on cleanliness and used interchangeably with sanitation. On the other hand, the classical notions of hygiene rooted in the Hippocratic teachings remained influential. This study is about two attempts to newly theorise such a confusing concept of hygiene in the second half of the century by Edward. W. Lane and Thomas R. Allinson. Their works, standing on the borders of self-help medical advice and theoretical treatises on medical philosophies, were not exactly scholarly ones, but their medical thoughts - conceptualised as hygienic medicine - show a characteristically holistic medical view of hygiene, a nineteenth-century version of the reinterpretation of the nature cure philosophy and vitalism. However, the aim of this study is to properly locate their conceptualisations of hygienic medicine within the historical context of the second half of the nineteenth century rather than to simply introduce the medical ideas in their books. Their views of hygiene were distinguished not only from the contemporary sanitary approach but also from similar attempts by contemporary orthodox and unorthodox medical doctors. Through a chronological analysis of changes in the concept of hygiene and a comparative analysis of these two authors' and other medical professionals' views of hygiene, this paper aims to help understand the complicated picture of nineteenth-century hygiene, particularly during the second half of the century, from the perspective of medical holism and reductionism.

Higiene , Medicina , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Higiene/historia , Vitalismo/historia , Filosofía/historia , Filosofía Médica
Ber Wiss ; 45(3): 384-396, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36086844


In this paper, I ask about the broader context of the history and philosophy of biology in the German-speaking world as the place in which Hans-Jörg Rheinberger began his work. Three German philosophical traditions-neo-Kantianism, phenomenology, and Lebensphilosophie-were interested in the developments and conceptual challenges of the life sciences in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Their reflections were taken up by life scientists under the terms theoretische Biologie (theoretical biology) and allgemeine Biologie (general biology), i. e., for theoretical and methodological reflections. They used historical and philosophical perspectives to develop vitalistic, organicist, or holistic approaches to life. In my paper, I argue that the resulting discourse did not come to an end in 1945. Increasingly detached from biological research, it formed an important context for the formation of the field of history and philosophy of biology. In Rheinberger's work, we can see the "Spalten" and "Fugen"-the continuities and discontinuities-that this tradition left there.

Disciplinas de las Ciencias Biológicas , Filosofía , Disciplinas de las Ciencias Biológicas/historia , Biología/historia , Filosofía/historia , Vitalismo/historia
J Hist Biol ; 55(2): 285-320, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35984594


This paper aims to provide a fresh historical perspective on the debates on vitalism and holism in Germany by analyzing the work of the zoologist Hans Spemann (1869-1941) in the interwar period. Following up previous historical studies, it takes the controversial question about Spemann's affinity to vitalistic approaches as a starting point. The focus is on Spemann's holistic research style, and on the shifting meanings of Spemann's concept of an organizer. It is argued that the organizer concept unfolded multiple layers of meanings (biological, philosophical, and popular) during the 1920s and early 1930s. A detailed analysis of the metaphorical dynamics in Spemann's writings sheds light on the subtle vitalistic connotations of his experimental work. How Spemann's work was received by contemporary scientists and philosophers is analyzed briefly, and Spemann's holism is explored in the broader historical context of the various issues about reductionism and holism and related methodological questions that were so prominently discussed not only in Germany in the 1920s.

Organizadores Embrionarios , Vitalismo , Alemania , Vitalismo/historia
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 27-27, May 6, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, HomeoIndex - Homeopatia | ID: biblio-1396559


There is a pressing need to develop methods and approaches that will identify the fundamental nature of homeopathic potencies. Aims: To bring together recent basic research on potencies, especially that using solvatochromic dyes, and to supplement these results with reliable observations made by Hahnemann and his contemporaries from the very beginnings of homeopathy, together with a detailed examination of the process of trituration and succussion coupled to dilution, in order to significantly limit the number of possible explanations as to the identity of potencies. Methodology: A mixture of lab based and literature studies such that as far as possible all verified and substantiated observations about homeopathic potencies have been examined. Results and Discussion: An understanding of the fundamental nature of homeopathic potencies that includes all known and accepted observations (in vitro, in vivoand clinical) is not realistic without embracing hypotheses involving the emergent properties of complex systems and in particular, vitalistic concepts. Using a vitalistic model it is possible to explain a wide range of seemingly unrelated phenomena -such as the polarising effect of potencies on solvatochromic dyes, the ability to use a range of materials such as water, lactose and cellulose as carriers of potencies, the administering of potencies by olfaction, the antidoting effect of camphor on potency action, the non-linear dependence of potency strength on volume as well as succussion level, the oscillatory behaviour of potencies and experimenter/observer/practitioner effects. Conclusion: A hypothesis in which homeopathic potencies can be seen as self-actuating and autonomous plasma generated by trituration and/or succussion and carried according to Langmuir adsorption models fits the known observations about potencies.

Plasma , Vitalismo , Dinámicas no Lineales
J Hist Biol ; 55(2): 219-251, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32997201


Historians and biologists identify the debate between mechanists and vitalists over the nature of life itself with the arguments of Driesch, Loeb, and other prominent voices. But what if the conversation was broader and the consequences deeper for the field? Following the suspicions of Joseph Needham in the 1930s and Francis Crick in the 1960s, we deployed tools of the digital humanities to an old problem in the history of biology. We analyzed over 31,000 peer-reviewed scientific papers and learned that bioexceptionalism participated in a robust discursive landscape throughout subfields of the life sciences, occupied even by otherwise unknown biologists.

Disciplinas de las Ciencias Biológicas , Biología , Comunicación , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanidades , Vitalismo
Crit Rev Eukaryot Gene Expr ; 31(3): 1-3, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34369710


The reductionist strategy, adopted by physics and chemistry, which was based on the effort to reduce the concepts necessary for the statement of scientific explanations to a minimum, was attractive to those who worked in the biomedical field. On the other hand, the vitalistic point of view opposed mechanism, believing that there were processes in living organisms that do not obey the laws of physics and chemistry. Finally, the holistic approach is focused on the evidence that the organized whole is almost always much more than the sum of its parts, and have led to direct attention to emerging qualities in a highly organized system which is a living being.

Biología/ética , Evolución Química , Genética Médica/ética , Salud Holística , Vida , Vitalismo , Animales , Humanos , Filosofía Médica
Acad Med ; 96(2): 218-225, 2021 02 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32590472


Learning environments shape the experiences of learners and practitioners, making them an important component of program evaluation. However, educators find it challenging to decide whether to measure clinical learning environments with existing instruments or to design their own new instrument and, if using an existing instrument, which to choose. To assist educators with these decisions, the authors compared clinical learning environment instruments based on their characteristics, underlying constructs, and degree to which items reflect 4 domains (personal, social, organizational, material) from a recently developed model for conceptualizing learning environments in the health professions. Building on 3 prior literature reviews as well as a literature search, the authors identified 6 clinically oriented learning environment instruments designed for medical education. They collected key information about each instrument (e.g., number of items and subscales, conceptual frameworks, operational definitions of the learning environment) and coded items from each instrument according to the 4 domains. The 6 instruments varied in number of items, underlying constructs, subscales, definitions of clinical learning environment, and domain coverage. Most instruments focused heavily on the organizational and social domains and less on the personal and material domains (half omitted the material domain entirely). The variations in these instruments suggest that educators might consider several guiding questions. How will they define the learning environment and which theoretical lens is most applicable (e.g., personal vitality, sociocultural learning theory)? What aspects or domains of the learning environment do they most wish to capture (e.g., personal support, social interactions, organizational culture, access to resources)? How comprehensive do they want the instrument to be (and correspondingly how much time do they expect people to devote to completing the instrument and how frequently)? Whose perspective do they wish to evaluate (e.g., student, resident, fellow, attending, team, patient)? Each of these considerations is addressed.

Medicina Clínica/instrumentación , Educación Médica/métodos , Evaluación Educacional/métodos , Aprendizaje/fisiología , Formación de Concepto , Femenino , Empleos en Salud/educación , Empleos en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Recursos en Salud/provisión & distribución , Humanos , Masculino , Evaluación de Programas y Proyectos de Salud/métodos , Interacción Social , Apoyo Social , Estudiantes/estadística & datos numéricos , Vitalismo/psicología