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Farm. comunitarios (Internet) ; 14(Supl 1): 1, junio 2022. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-209377


JUSTIFICACIÓN: el fluoruro es una hormetina (beneficioso a dosis bajas y tóxica a dosis altas) a la cual el hombre se expone por vía dietética. La European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) no ha estimado un Torerable Upper Level pero ha establecido una Adequate Intake (AI) de 0.05 (mg/día kg p.c.). Los zumos/néctares, consumidos mayoritariamente por niños, han sido identificados como fuentes dietéticas de F-. y su estudio se alinea con la recomendación de EFSA de ampliar el registro de niveles de F- en alimentos.OBJETIVOS: determinar el contenido de fluoruro en zumos y néctares y evaluar, en diferentes patrones de consumo, la exposición dietética a F- derivada de su consumo en distintos subgrupos de población infantil.MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: 60 muestras de diferentes marcas y sabores fueron analizadas por determinación potenciométrica de ion selectivo de F-. La estimación de la exposición y la evaluación del riesgo se realizó para dos escenarios de consumo; 1 y 2 envases/día (0.2 y 0.4 L/día).RESULTADOS/DISCUSIÓN: la concentración media de F- fue de 0.42 ± 0.31 (mg/L) y por sabores: melocotón 0.33±0.24 (0.06-0.72), manzana 0.46±0.36 (0.12-1.14) y piña 0.48±0.31 (0.2-1.1) mg/L. (AU)

Humanos , Niño , Fluoruros , Zumos , Ingestión de Alimentos , Preescolar
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(1): 1-12, Jan-Abr. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362657


Mesmo com a evolução do conhecimento científico, a utilização de plantas medicinais é uma das práticas mais antigas ainda realizadas pelo homem, especialmente pelos habitantes de comunidades e municípios do interior do Brasil, principalmente em regiões com baixos índices de desenvolvimento humano. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo etnobotânico sobre as plantas medicinais utilizadas pelos moradores de um bairro localizado em um município ribeirinho do interior do estado do Amazonas. Participaram do estudo cem indivíduos, e os dados obtidos pela pesquisa foram compilados por meio de um formulário, contendo 14 questões (objetivas e discursivas). Os resultados demonstraram que 95% dos moradores faziam uso de plantas medicinais. Foram citadas 89 espécies, pertencentes a 48 famílias botânicas, com destaque para a Lamiaceae. As plantas mais citadas foram: Plectranthus barbatus (boldo) ­ 6,1%, Citrus sinensis (laranjeira) ­ 5,8% e Allium sativum (alho) ­ 4,7%. No entanto, quando analisado o índice de concordância (porcentagem de uso principal = CUP), a Citrus sinensis (laranjeira) apresentou um CUP de 80,9%, seguida por Plectranthus barbatus (boldo) e Disphania ambrosioides (mastruz), com 68,1% e 61,5%, respectivamente. Com relação ao modo de preparo, 61,1% citaram infusão, e as principais enfermidades tratadas foram as dores de estômago, com 13,1%. É importante enfatizar a necessidade de mais estudos acerca dos reais benefícios dessas ervas, a fim de que a divulgação de tais informações possa complementar o conhecimento empírico já difundido entre a população local. Dessa forma, será possível ampliar o conhecimento etnobotânico como um todo e, consequentemente, promover saúde e bem-estar.

Despite the evolution of scientific knowledge, the use of medicinal plants is one of the oldest practices still used by men and, especially by the inhabitants of communities and municipalities of the interior of Brazil, mainly in regions with low human development rates. The purpose of this work was to perform an ethnobotanical study on medicinal plants used by residents of a neighborhood located in a riverside city in the interior of the state of Amazonas. A total of 100 individuals participated in the study, with data being obtained through the use of a form containing 14 open and closed-ended questions. The results showed that 95% of the residents used medicinal plants. A total of 89 species, belonging to 48 botanical families were mentioned, with emphasis to Lamiaceae. The plants that were most frequently mentioned were Plectranthus barbatus (locally known as boldo) ­ 6.1%; Citrus sinensis (orange tree) ­ 5.8%; and Allium sativum (garlic) ­ 4.7%. However, when analyzing the agreement index (percentage of main use = CUP), Citrus sinensis (orange tree) presented a CUP of 80.9%, followed by Plectranthus barbatus (boldo) and Disphania ambrosioides (Mexican tea), with 68.1 and 61.5%, respectively. In relation to the method of preparation, 61.1% cited infusion, with the main disorder treated being stomachache, with 13.1%. It is important to emphasize the need for further studies on the actual benefits of these herbs so that the dissemination of the information can complement the already widespread empirical knowledge among the local population. Thus, it will be possible to expand the ethnobotanical knowledge as a whole and, consequently, promote health and well-being.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Plantas Medicinales/efectos adversos , Etnobotánica , Té/efectos adversos , Producción de Cultivos , Lamiaceae/efectos adversos , Peumus/efectos adversos , Citrus sinensis/efectos adversos , Diarrea/prevención & control , Gripe Humana/terapia , Zumos , Inflamación/prevención & control , Fitoterapia
Rev. patol. trop ; 51(3): 1-12, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418002


The juice consumption with detoxifying properties has increased in the last few years, but inadequately produced food may transport pathogens. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of parasitological and microbiological contamination in fruit juices and fruit pulp used for detoxifying purposes. Twenty samples were analyzed, 10 of fruit pulp and 10 juices from July to August 2018. Thermotolerant coliform, mold, and yeast were counted. Parasitological analysis was performed by spontaneous sedimentation method and sedimentation by centrifugation techniques. Results showed that 20% and 60% of the fruit pulp and juice samples exhibited thermotolerant coliform counts above 1 log CFU/mL, respectively. The results showed that 60% of the pulp samples presented mold and yeast counts above 3 log CFU/mL. The protozoa found in the samples were Endolimax nana, Entamoeba coli, and E. histolytica/E. dispar cysts. The presence of thermotolerant coliforms in juices is an indicator of the presence of enteropathogens, mainly Escherichia coli. The high mold and yeast populations and the presence of protozoa in the fruit pulp and juices indicate hygienic and sanitary failures in the food processing. It may be concluded that there is a need for supervision and training in Good Manufacturing Practices by health agencies, aiming at the food safe production.

Parasitología , Levaduras , Entamoeba , Contaminación Ambiental , Escherichia coli , Zumos , Coliformes , Manipulación de Alimentos , Frutas , Población
Rev. ADM ; 78(2): 73-79, mar.-abr. 2021. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1247336


El color es un efecto visual de los rayos de luz reflejándose y su concepto es complejo por ser una sensación que se percibe y por las características electromagnéticas. Los dientes varían espacialmente porque son curvados, tienen prolongaciones relativamente pequeñas y vistas en contra de una variable de fondo no uniforme así como típicamente una iluminación no estandarizada, por lo cual difieren en relación con su colorimetría, por lo que el estudio del color es fundamental en la odontología. En la actualidad hay métodos para evaluar el color, desde una simple revisión visual hasta instrumentos como el colorímetro y los espectrofotómetros, los cuales son aparatos utilizados en la medida del color de un objeto a través de su longitud de onda reflejada. Una pigmentación dental se produce por varios factores, ya sean intrínsecos y extrínsecos, estas pigmentaciones son factores importantes tanto en la estética como en el aspecto físico, por lo que es importante poder evaluar la estabilidad de los dientes naturales ante diferentes sustancias que podrían modificar su color natural. En este estudio nos dimos a la tarea de evaluar el cambio de color de dientes naturales ante diferentes bebidas, se eligieron tres bebidas pigmentantes y de uso común: café, vino tinto y jugo de arándano; se utilizaron 10 dientes unirradiculares del mismo color previamente analizados con el espectrofotómetro. Un diente fue la muestra control y los nueve restantes se sumergieron en frascos separados con 10 mL de las tres bebidas elegidas. Realizando la evaluación de color a los 15, 30 y 90 días con ayuda del espectrofotómetro, pudimos observar que el diente sumergido en café no tuvo variación durante los primeros 15 días y el cambio más notable de color fue hasta los 90 días a diferencia de las muestras sumergidas en vino y jugo de arándano cuya variación máxima de color se presentó en 15 días respectivamente (AU)

Color is a visual effect of light rays reflecting and its concept is complex, for being a sensation that is perceived and for the electromagnetic characteristics. Teeth vary spatially because they are curved, have relatively small extensions, and are viewed against a non-uniform background variable as well as typically non-standardized illumination, which is why they differ in relation to their colorimetry. So the study of color is fundamental in dentistry. Currently, there are methods to evaluate color, from a simple visual check to instruments such as the colorimeter and spectrophotometers, which are devices used to measure the color of an object through its reflected wavelength. A dental pigmentation is produced by various factors, both intrinsic and extrinsic, these pigmentations are currently important factors in both aesthetics and physical appearance, so it is important to be able to evaluate the stability of natural teeth against different substances that could modify its natural color. In this study, we undertook the task of evaluating the change in the color of natural teeth when faced with different beverages. Three pigment and commonly used beverages were chosen: coffee, red wine and cranberry juice; 10 single-rooted teeth of the same color previously analyzed with the spectrophotometer were used. One tooth was the control sample and the remaining nine were immersed in separate bottles with 10 mL of the three chosen drinks. Carrying out the color evaluation at 15, 30 and 90 days with the help of the spectrophotometer, we could see that the tooth immersed in coffee did not change during the first 15 days and the most notable change in color was up to 90 days, unlike the samples immersed in wine and cranberry juice whose maximum color variation was presented in 15 days respectively (AU)

Humanos , Decoloración de Dientes , Bebidas , Color , Colorimetría , Estética Dental , Espectrofotometría/métodos , Vino , Técnicas In Vitro , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Café , Zumos , Luz
Actual. osteol ; 17(2): 69-77, 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1370075


El calcio (Ca) es un nutriente crítico para la salud, especialmente en los períodos de crecimiento. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los individuos argentinos no alcanzan la ingesta diaria recomendada. Por su parte, el fósforo (P) es un nutriente cuya ingesta suele estar por encima de la recomendada. Este tipo de desequilibrio en la ingesta de ambos nutrientes conlleva a una pérdida de masa ósea. El consumo de bebidas analcohólicas (BA) se ha incrementado en los últimos años, sobre todo en la población infantil, desplazando el consumo de agua y lácteos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar el aporte de Ca y P a partir de BA diferentes de agua. Se evaluaron 59 muestras, cuya mediana y rango de Ca fue de 7,74 [0,00 a 111,29] mg/l y de P 55,17 [0,16 a 957,00] mg/l. Los jugos en polvo son los que mayor contenido de Ca presentaron y las bebidas deportivas aquellas donde se halló el mayor contenido de P. Considerando un consumo de 500 ml/día de BA se estarían incorporando 3,87 mg Ca y 27,59 mg P. El creciente consumo de BA, su bajo contenido de Ca y la concomitante reducción del consumo de lácteos contribuyen a una inadecuada ingesta de Ca. (AU)

Calcium (Ca) is a critical nutrient, especially during periods of growth. However, the majority of Argentine individuals do not reach the recommended daily intake. On the other hand, phosphorus (P) is a nutrient with an intake usually above the recommended values. This type of imbalance between the intake of the nutrients leads to loss of bone mass. Soft drinks consumption (BA) has increased in recent years, especially in children, displacing the consumption of water and dairy products. The aim of this work was to estimate the Ca and P content in BA other than water. 59 samples were evaluated, with a median and range of Ca of 7.74 [0.00 to 111.29] mg/l and of P of 55.17 [0.16 to 957.00] mg/l. Powdered juices are the ones with the highest Ca content, and sports drinks are the beverages in which the highest P content was found. Based on a BA consumption of 500 ml/day, 3.87 mg Ca and 27.59 mg P would be incorporated. Therefore, the increased consumption of BA, their low Ca content, and the concomitant reduction in dairy consumption contribute to an inadequate intake of Ca. (AU)

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Fosfatos/análisis , Bebidas Gaseosas/estadística & datos numéricos , Calcio/análisis , Zumos , Argentina , Control de Calidad , Calcio de la Dieta , Crecimiento y Desarrollo , Ingesta Diaria Recomendada
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 46: 55-64, jul. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223246


BACKGROUND: Ethanol concentration (PE), ethanol productivity (QP) and sugar consumption (SC) are important values in industrial ethanol production. In this study, initial sugar and nitrogen (urea) concentrations in sweet sorghum stem juice (SSJ) were optimized for high PE (≥10%, v/v), QP, (≥2.5 g/L·h) and SC (≥90%) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae SSJKKU01. Then, repeated-batch fermentations under normal gravity (NG) and high gravity (HG) conditions were studied. RESULTS: The initial sugar at 208 g/L and urea at 2.75 g/L were the optimum values to meet the criteria. At the initial yeast cell concentration of ~1 × 108 cells/mL, the PE, QP and SC were 97.06 g/L, 3.24 g/L·h and 95.43%, respectively. Repeated-batch fermentations showed that the ethanol production efficiency of eight successive cycles with and without aeration were not significantly different when the initial sugar of cycles 2 to 8 was under NG conditions (~140 g/L). Positive effects of aeration were observed when the initial sugar from cycle 2 was under HG conditions (180­200 g/L). The PE and QP under no aeration were consecutively lower from cycle 1 to cycle 6. Additionally, aeration affected ergosterol formation in yeast cell membrane at high ethanol concentrations, whereas trehalose content under all conditions was not different. CONCLUSION: Initial sugar, sufficient nitrogen and appropriated aeration are necessary for promoting yeast growth and ethanol fermentation. The SSJ was successfully used as an ethanol production medium for a high level of ethanol production. Aeration was not essential for repeated-batch fermentation under NG conditions, but it was beneficial under HG conditions.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolismo , Sorghum/química , Etanol/metabolismo , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Urea , Levaduras/crecimiento & desarrollo , Aireación , Sorghum/microbiología , Etanol/análisis , Azúcares , Zumos , Fermentación , Gravitación , Nitrógeno
Rev. esp. nutr. comunitaria ; 26(2): 0-0, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-194449


FUNDAMENTOS: Los actuales hábitos de vida empiezan a distanciarse cada vez más de aquellos que permiten mantener un estilo de vida saludable, destacando entre ellos el de la hidratación. Cada vez son más las personas que no se hidratan adecuadamente debido a la diversidad de bebidas refrescantes y al poco conocimiento que tienen sobre ellas y su importancia. Se destaca este hecho en la población infantil, debido principalmente a cómo se trabajan estos contenidos en las escuelas. Este trabajo pretende realizar un análisis del hábito de hidratación que presenta una muestra de escolares de dos colegios de la provincia de Badajoz (España), así como efectuar una prospección sobre los conocimientos que poseen a cerca de la importancia de la hidratación en el cuerpo humano. MÉTODOS: El diseño del estudio fue observacional transversal. Se utilizó para ello cuestionario validado para comprobar el nivel de consumo y conocimiento que posee una muestra de 168 escolares, en dos centros seleccionados en la provincial de Badajoz. RESULTADOS: Más de la mitad de los estudiantes (52,98%) no llegan a las recomendaciones de consumo de agua diario; no obstante mejorarían con la leche y los zumos naturales no envasados. Se destaca también el alto consumo de los refrescos ya que, alrededor de la mitad (48,21%) lo consumen por encima de las recomendaciones. Además, existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas (<0,05) entre sexos y lugar de residencia respecto a la frecuencia del consumo de agua. Por otro lado, únicamente sustancialmente menos de la mitad del alumnado investigado (24,40%) conocen la importancia de la hidratación. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados obtenidos dejan claro que los participantes no poseen ni una hidratación realmente correcta ni un alto conocimiento sobre dicho tema. Se propone que sea incorporada esta temática, de la hidratación, a la Educación para la Salud escolar

BACKGROUND: The current habits of life begin to distance themselves more and more from those that allow maintaining a healthy lifestyle, highlighting among them that of hydration. More and more are people who do not hydrate properly, due to the diversity of refreshing drinks and the lack of knowledge that has the population about its importance. This fact stands out of the child population, mainly because of how they work content in schools. Therefore, this work is a research on the habit of hydration in children from two schools in the province of Badajoz, as well as make a research on the knowledge that possess about their importance in the human body. METHODS: The design study was transversal observational. We conducted a validating questionnaire to check the level of consumption and knowledge that have a total of 168 school divided into two centers of the region of Badajoz. RESULTS: More than half of the students (52.98%) fail the recommendations of daily water consumption; however, they get better with milk and natural juices. The high consumption of soft drinks also stands out, since around half (48.21%) consume it above the recommendations. On the other hand, just much less than half of them (24.40%) know the importance of hydration. Also there are statistical differences (<0.05) between sex and location of the region with respect to the water ingest. CONCLUSIONS: The results make clear that the participants do not possess a really correct hydration or a high knowledge on this subject. In addition, there are differences between sexes and places of residence in certain sections. So it's suggest that this subject be incorporated into the school health education

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Estado de Hidratación del Organismo/fisiología , Estilo de Vida Saludable/fisiología , Ingestión de Líquidos/fisiología , Estudios Transversales , Servicios de Salud Escolar , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Zumos , Productos Lácteos
Con-ciencia (La Paz) ; 8(2): 61-74, 2020. ilus., tab.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIBOCS | ID: biblio-1147992


INTRODUCCIÓN: la validación es el establecimiento de la evidencia documental de que un procedimiento analítico conducirá, con un alto grado de seguridad a la obtención de resultados precisos y exactos dentro de las especificaciones y los atributos de calidad previamente establecidos. OBJETIVO: Validar el método analítico por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución para la cuantificación de conservantes en jugo de naranja. MÉTODOS: el método fue validado siguiendo los parámetros referidos en la USP 40 ­ NF 35: especificidad, linealidad, precisión (repetibilidad instrumental, repetibilidad del método y precisión intermedia) y exactitud. RESULTADOS: el método analítico propuesto es selectivo/específico, presenta una excelente linealidad dentro del rango de 100 a 1000 ppm, la Precisión presentó resultados de CV < 2% siendo óptimos. La recuperación se encuentra entre 97 a 102% demostrando excelente exactitud. CONCLUSIÓN: se cumplieron todos los parámetros y criterios de validación por lo tanto el método es específico, selectivo, lineal en el intervalo de concentraciones de 100 a 1000 ppm, sensible, preciso, reproducible y exacto

INTRODUCTION: validation is the establishment of documentary evidence that an analytical procedure will lead, with a high degree of security, to obtaining precise and exact results within the specifications and previously established quality attributes. OBJECTIVE: validate the analytical method by high resolution liquid chromatography for the quantification of preservatives in orange juice. METHODS: the method was validated following the parameters referred to in USP 40 - NF 35, they are specificity, linearity, precision (instrumental repeatability, repeatability of the method and intermediate precision) and accuracy. RESULTS: the proposed analytical method is selective/specific, it presents an excellent linearity within the range of 100 to 1000 ppm, the precision presented results of CV <2% being optimal. The recovery is between 97 to 102% CONCLUSION: all the parameters and validation criteria were met, therefore the method is specific, selective, linear in the concentration range of 100 to 1000 ppm, sensitive, precise, reproducible and exact

Cromatografía Liquida , Citrus sinensis , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Zumos , Métodos
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20180413, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132167


Abstract: Freshly prepared apple tea wine (a combination of tea extract and apple juice) is having yeasty and dull flavour, which needs to be improved to increase the acceptability of this product. Therefore, an attempt has been made for artificial ageing of apple tea wine using different wood chips to improve its physico-chemical, sensory and antimicrobial attributes. Different types of wood chips (Quercus spp., Bombax spp. and Acacia spp.) were added respectively (2.5 g/L to the freshly prepared apple tea wine) and allowed for ageing in carboys for the six months at the room temperature. The influence of each wood species on physico-chemical, sensory and antimicrobial attributes was tested upto 6 months of storage. Storage intervals significantly affected all the physico-chemical attributes (except total sugars, volatile acidity, and antioxidant activity), whereas, the addition of wood chips affected titratable acidity, ethanol, higher alcohols, total phenols, and amino acid. Cluster analysis of the physico-chemical attributes data revealed the same and showed that storage intervals exerted more effect on the physico-chemical and antimicrobial properties of the apple tea wine rather than the wood chips. The antimicrobial activity of 6 months aged wine was low as compared to the fresh wine. Among all the wood chips, apple tea wine aged with Quercus spp. possesses a significantly higher score (according to desirability) than the wine aged with other wood chips and control. In nutshell, apple tea wine matured with Quercus spp. wood chips for 6 months were the best with improved physico-chemical and sensory attributes.

Humanos , Té/química , Vino/análisis , Malus/química , Zumos , Antibacterianos/farmacología , Fenómenos Químicos