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Int J Psychol Res (Medellin) ; 12(1): 49-56, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32612787


The results obtained from the application of the Graded Response Model (GRM) to the items of the Scale of Empathic Behavior whose authors are Auné, Abal and Attorresi (2017) are presented. The sample was obtained by accessibility and consisted of Argentine university students (80% Women). None of the items presented uniform or non-uniform gender differential item functioning. The GRM assumptions of local independence and unidimensionality were successfully corroborated. Threshold parameters tended to be located at low levels of the trait scale, whereas discrimination parameters were high. The analysis of the information function showed acceptable precision in low and middle empathic behavior level.

Se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir de la aplicación del Modelo de Respuesta Graduada a los ítems de la Escala de Comportamientos Empáticos de Auné, Abal y Attorresi (2017), un instrumento compuesto por ocho ítems que se responden en una escala Likert de seis categorías de respuesta. La muestra fue obtenida por accesibilidad y estuvo compuesta por estudiantes universitarios argentinos (80% Mujeres). Ningún ítem presentó funcionamiento diferencial del ítem uniforme o no uniforme. Se corroboraron los supuestos del MRG de independencia local y unidimensionalidad, considerándose satisfechos. Los parámetros de umbral tendieron a ubicarse en niveles bajos de la escala del rasgo, mientras que los parámetros de discriminación tuvieron valores altos. El análisis con la Función de Información del Test mostró una precisión alta para niveles de rasgo bajos y medios.

Int J Psychol Res (Medellin) ; 12(2): 82-90, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32612797


The development procedure and the psychometric properties of the Buenos Aires Loneliness Scale (BALS) are presented. An initial set of 40 items was analyzed by means of the expert judgment method. After that, the 16 selected items were administered to a convenience sample comprised of 509 adult participants (53% of which were female). The Argentine version of the UCLA-LS (University of California Los Angeles Loneliness Scale), the Argentine version of the Balanced Inventory of Socially Desirable Responding, and loneliness self-perception questions were applied in conjunction with the BALS. Exploratory factor analysis showed evidence of unidimensionality, with an adequate internal consistency (alpha=.80, ordinal alpha=.87), and seven items were kept. Correlations with the criterion measures yielded the expected results and no gender-based differential item functioning was found. Conclusions were reached about the adequate psychometric properties of the BALS, the limitations of the present study, and the goals for future research.

Se presenta el procedimiento de construcción y las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de Soledad de Buenos Aires (ESBA). Se depuró un conjunto inicial de 40 ítems con el método de jueces expertos. Luego, los 16 reactivos conservados fueron administrados a una muestra por accesibilidad de 509 participantes adultos (53% fueron mujeres). Se aplicó en conjunto con la ESBA, la versión argentina de la Escala de Soledad de Los Ángeles California (UCLA-LS), la Versión Argentina del Inventario Balanceado de Respuestas Socialmente Deseables y preguntas de autopercepción de la soledad. El Análisis Factorial Exploratorio mostró evidencias de unidimensionalidad, con una consistencia interna adecuada (alfa=.80; alfa ordinal=.87) y se conservaron siete ítems. Las correlaciones con las medidas criterio arrojaron resultados esperables y no se halló funcionamiento diferencial del ítem por género. Se concluyó acerca de las adecuadas propiedades psicométricas de la ESBA, las limitaciones del presente estudio y metas para futuras investigaciones.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568448


La presente revisión bibliográfica sistemática tiene como objetivo identificar, describir y sintetizar cómo se ha estudiado el rendimiento deportivo en los artículos empíricos que incluyen variables psicológicas. Se indagó en siete buscadores académicos analizando las características de las revistas, artículos, y diseños implementados. Además, se clasificó las disciplinas deportivas y las medidas de rendimiento deportivo para describir su implicación. Se comprende el rendimiento deportivo como un término polisémico y principalmente sensible a disciplina deportiva siendo necesario un consenso para su operacionalización y avanzar en la comparación y replicación de los estudios empíricos

This systematic literature review aims to identify, describe and synthesize how sports performance has been studied in empirical articles that include psychological variables. It was investigated in seven academic search engines analyzing the characteristics of the magazines, articles, and designs implemented. In addition, sports disciplines and sports performance measures were classified to describe their involvement. Sports performance is understood as a polysemic term and mainly sensitive to sports discipline, a consensus being necessary for its operationalization and advancing in the comparison and replication of empirical studies

Humanos , Psicologia do Esporte , Esportes , Desempenho Atlético
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554508


El Neuroticismo es un rasgo de la personalidad que describe la tendencia a experimentar afectos negativos. Sus niveles elevados inciden en los sistemas de salud y generan importantes costos económicos. El objetivo de este trabajo es reseñar hallazgos que demuestran la asociación del Neuroticismo con múltiples trastornos mentales y físicos. Se realizó una revisión descriptiva a partir de 237 artículos publicados entre 2009-2019. La información fue analizada y sistematizada en apartados que describen el vínculo del Neuroticismo con: a) la salud en general y bienestar subjetivo, b) psicopatología y c) enfermedades físicas. También se puntualizan las características de los instrumentos disponibles para la medición del Neuroticismo y las dificultades que se presentan al usarlos con fines de screening. Se espera que las investigaciones sobre el Neuroticismo permitan en un futuro la elaboración de guías y protocolos para los profesionales de los ámbitos clínicos y de la salud

Neuroticism is a personality trait that describes the tendency to experience negative affects. Its high levels affect health systems and generate significant economic costs. The objective of this work is to review findings that demonstrate the association of neuroticism with multiple mental and physical disorders. A descriptive review was made from 237 articles published between 2009-2019. The information was analyzed and systematized in sections that describe the link of Neuroticism with: a) general health and subjective well-being, b) psychopathology and c) physical diseases. The characteristics of the instruments available for the measurement of neuroticism and the difficulties that arise when using them for screening purposes are also specified. It is expected that research on neuroticism will allow in the future the development of guidelines and protocols for professionals in the clinical and health fields.

Humanos , Transtornos da Personalidade , Saúde Mental , Diagnóstico Precoce , Emoções
Interdisciplinaria ; 28(1): 131-144, jul. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-633485


Se describen las bases conceptuales y operacionales de los tests de resolución de problemas por analogía estableciendo énfasis en las analogías de figuras. Se expone brevemente la importancia del estudio de dicho constructo hipotético para el abordaje de la capacidad intelectual. Se citan lineamientos teóricos sobre el mismo y se describen las características y mecanismos cognitivos fundamentales implicados en la resolución de matrices de figuras. En cuanto a este último punto, se aborda la comprensión de las relaciones y correlatos entre relaciones figurales tomando el modelo de proporción A:B::C:D propio de la tradición psicométrica desde principios del Siglo XX. Se establecen además vínculos conceptuales con aportes de autores pertenecientes a la vertiente cognitiva de estudio del razonamiento analógico y con escuelas de la Psicología General. Se pretende brindar un marco ideal para la creación de matrices figurales de 2 x 2 que midan el constructo. Con el objetivo de evitar sesgos en la medición, se plantean seis sugerencias básicas puestas al servicio tanto de la confección de estos reactivos, como de su administración. Dichas sugerencias son las siguientes: (1) considerar el doble camino de resolución de la matriz, (2) desarrollar una estrategia unívoca de resolución, (3) tomar en cuenta n estrategias para generar nk ítemes, (4) crear ítemes a ser resueltos únicamente por la vía del razonamiento analógico, (5) consideraciones en cuanto a las opciones de respuesta y (6) consideraciones referidas a la administración.

This paper describes the conceptual and operational bases of analogical problem - solving tests, placing emphasis on figural analogies. The importance of the study of such a hypothetical construct to the understanding of intellectual capacity is briefly outlined. The significance of the construct in relation to mental development and individual maturation from childhood to adulthood is also explained in a concise way. Theoretical considerations about analogical reasoning are quoted and the fundamental characteristics and cognitive mechanisms involved in the resolution of figural matrix items are described. In this respect, the nature of relations and correlations between relations of figures is elucidated taking into account the A:B::C:D proportional model which has been researched by psychometrists since the beginning of the 20th Century. This model suggests the existence of two pairs of relations between elements, where element A is to element B as element C is to a missing element D (Figure 2). Items created on the basis of this structure usually contain given answers, only one of which is correct. On the other hand, linkages are established with contributions from experts defending the cognitive perspective of the study of analogical reasoning, and also with General Psychology schools like Gestalt and Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence. Finally, an ideal framework for the creation of 2 x 2 figural matrices that can measure analogical reasoning is intended to be provided. With the purpose of reducing item bias, six essential suggestions for the preparation and administration of items are offered. These suggestions are: (1) the constructor should consider the double resolution pathway of a proportional analogy (horizontal as well as vertical, i.e. A:B::C:D and A:C::B:D). In doing so, the probability of generating non-controlled rules of analogical relation to one of these pathways will be reduced. These accidental rules correspond to resolution logics different from those chosen by the designer, therefore affecting item manipulation and control. (2) Strongly related to the latter, given that each rule or combination of rules creates one different resolution strategy, each proportional analogy item should incorporate only one of these strategies to be applied horizontally as well as vertically. (3) Given that one or more rules may be used for the same item, a few rules are more than enough to prepare a large group of strategies and, therefore, a large item bank. Also, it is possible to take into account n strategies to produce nk items, being k the number of items apparently different from each other that nevertheless share the same resolution strategy. (4) Items that can be solved by applying ways of reasoning different from those of the proportional analogies should not be constructed. For instance, the designer should not allow superficial comparisons among some matching attributes of the item as a problem solving method, since this procedure does not require the consideration of the whole matrix structure (Gestalt's) which should serve as a basis for the analogical reasoning task. Therefore, pairing analogies should be rejected as they allow for this kind of resolution pathways (e.g. matching circle C with circle D2 in the 4th item of Figure 2, without taking into account the other matrix figures). (5) Alternative responses should contain one clearly correct answer to be discovered by using only analogical reasoning; wrong answers should not replace the correct one just because they are more appropriate considering alternative non-pretended ways of reasoning; all alternatives should share similarities and be distributed on a random basis. (6) The bias arising from administration conditions should be taken into account, including the possible verbal contamination during completion of this non-verbal test.