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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25768567


Dynamical systems often contain oscillatory forces or depend on periodic potentials. Time or space periodicity is reflected in the properties of these systems through a dependence on the parameters of their periodic terms. In this paper we provide a general theoretical framework for dealing with these kinds of systems, regardless of whether they are classical or quantum, stochastic or deterministic, dissipative or nondissipative, linear or nonlinear, etc. In particular, we are able to show that simple symmetry considerations determine, to a large extent, how their properties depend functionally on some of the parameters of the periodic terms. For the sake of illustration, we apply this formalism to find the functional dependence of the expectation value of the momentum of a Bose-Einstein condensate, described by the Gross-Pitaewskii equation, when it is exposed to a sawtooth potential whose amplitude is periodically modulated in time. We show that, by using this formalism, a small set of measurements is enough to obtain the functional form for a wide range of parameters. This can be very helpful when characterizing experimentally the response of systems for which performing measurements is costly or difficult.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(16): 168302, 2013 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23679647


We study the dynamic self-assembly and propulsion of a ribbon formed from paramagnetic colloids in a dynamic magnetic field. The sedimented ribbon assembles due to time averaged dipolar interactions between the beads. The time dependence of the dipolar interactions together with hydrodynamic interactions cause a twisted ribbon conformation. Domain walls of high twist connect domains of nearly constant orientation and negligible twist and travel through the ribbon. The particular form of the domain walls can be controlled via the frequency and the eccentricity of the modulation. The flux of twist walls-a true ribbon property absent in slender bodies-provides the thrust onto the surrounding liquid that propels this biomimetic flagellum into the opposite direction. The propulsion efficiency increases with frequency and ceases abruptly at a critical frequency where the conformation changes discontinuously to a flat standing ribbon conformation.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24483593


A recent paper [P. J. Martínez and R. Chacón, Phys. Rev. E 87, 062114 (2013)] presents numerical simulations on a system exhibiting directed ratchet transport of a driven overdamped Brownian particle subjected to a spatially periodic, symmetric potential. The authors claim that their simulations prove the existence of a universal waveform of the external force that optimally enhances directed transport, hence confirming the validity of a previous conjecture put forth by one of them in the limit of vanishing noise intensity. With minor corrections due to noise, the conjecture holds even in the presence of noise, according to the authors. On the basis of their results the authors claim that all previous theories, which predict a different optimal force waveform, are incorrect. In this Comment we provide sufficient numerical evidence showing that there is no such universal force waveform and that the evidence obtained by the authors otherwise is due to their particular choice of parameters. Our simulations also suggest that previous theories correctly predict the shape of the optimal waveform within their validity regime, namely, when the forcing is weak. On the contrary, the aforementioned conjecture does not hold.

Transferência de Energia , Modelos Teóricos
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 81(3 Pt 1): 030102, 2010 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20365682


Equations describing the evolution of particles, solitons, or localized structures, driven by a zero-average, periodic, external force, and invariant under time reversal and a half-period time shift, exhibit a ratchet current when the driving force breaks these symmetries. The biharmonic force f(t)=1 cos(qomegat+phi1)+2 cospomegat+phi2) does it for almost any choice of vphi1 and phi2, provided p and q are two coprime integers such that p+q is odd. It has been widely observed, in experiments in semiconductors, in Josephson junctions, photonic crystals, etc., as well as in simulations, that the ratchet current induced by this force has the shape v proportional, variant1p2q cos(pphi1-qphi2+theta0) for small amplitudes, where theta0 depends on the damping ( theta0=pi/2 if there is no damping, and theta0=0 for overdamped systems). We rigorously prove that this precise shape can be obtained solely from the broken symmetries of the system and is independent of the details of the equation describing the system.

Biopolímeros/química , Difusão , Modelos Químicos , Modelos Moleculares , Simulação por Computador , Transferência de Energia , Movimento (Física) , Estresse Mecânico