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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-996690


@#Introduction: Studies show that adolescents are more reward sensitive compared to other age groups. The nucleus accumbens (NAcc) has been identified as a key brain area involved in reward through its connectivity to other reward-related brain areas. Our study aimed to characterise the white matter structural connectivity of nucleus accumbens with brain areas that are most often associated with reward in female adolescents. Methods: Fifteen healthy female Malay adolescents were recruited and underwent diffusion-weighted brain scanning. Two behaviour scales were also given to verify typical reward responsiveness. Then, probabilistic tractography and NAcc segmentation were performed on the data using FMRIB Software Library (FSL). Probabilistic tractography was performed to determine the relative connection probability of nucleus accumbens (NAcc) to areas shown to be associated with reward, namely amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC), hippocampus, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC). Connectivity-based segmentation of NAcc was performed to determine the spatial distribution of its connectivity with the target brain areas according to the highest connection probability. Results: The highest relative connection probability was found between NAcc to mOFC, while the NAcc parcellation showed the widest distribution of connection to mOFC compared to the other five targets on both sides of the brain. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrated the strongest structural connectivity and widest distribution between NAcc and mOFC compared with other brain areas related to reward. This study’s findings could be used as baseline to compare with people with atypical reward circuit problems.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-774283


OBJECTIVE@#This study was done to determine whether Tualang honey could prevent the altered nociceptive behaviour, with its associated changes of oxidative stress markers and morphology of the spinal cord, among the offspring of prenatally stressed rats.@*METHODS@#Pregnant rats were divided into three groups: control, stress, and stress treated with Tualang honey. The stress and stress treated with Tualang honey groups were subjected to restraint stress from day 11 of pregnancy until delivery. Ten week old male offspring (n = 9 from each group) were given formalin injection and their nociceptive behaviours were recorded. After 2 h, the rats were sacrificed, and their spinal cords were removed to assess oxidative stress activity and morphology. Nociceptive behaviour was analysed using repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), while the levels of oxidative stress parameters and number of Nissl-stained neurons were analysed using a one-way ANOVA.@*RESULTS@#This study demonstrated that prenatal stress was associated with increased nociceptive behaviour, changes in the oxidative stress parameters and morphology of the spinal cord of offspring exposed to prenatal stress; administration of Tualang honey reduced the alteration of these parameters.@*CONCLUSION@#This study provides a preliminary understanding of the beneficial effects of Tualang honey against the changes in oxidative stress and neuronal damage in the spinal cord of the offspring of prenatally stressed rats.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-625504


Pain is modulated by various factors, the most notable of which is emotions. Since love is an emotion, it can also modulate pain. The answer to the question of whether it enhances or reduces pain needs to be determined. A review was conducted of animal and human studies in which this enigmatic emotion and its interaction with pain was explored. Recent advances in neuroimaging have revealed similarities in brain activation relating to love and pain. At the simplest level, this interaction can be explained by the overlapping network structure in brain functional connectivity, although the explanation is considerably more complex. The effect of love can either result in increased or decreased pain perception. An explanation of the interaction between pain and love relates to the functional connectivity of the brain and to the psychological construct of the individual, as well as to his or her ability to engage resources relating to emotion regulation. In turn, this determines how a person relates to love and reacts to pain.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-629041


Stress modulates pain perception, resulting in either stress-induced analgesia or stress-induced hyperalgesia, as reported in both animal and human studies. The responses to stress include neural, endocrine, and behavioural changes, and built-in coping strategies are in place to address stressors. Peculiar to humans are additional factors that modulate pain that are experienced in times of stress, notably psychological factors that potentially influence the directionality of pain perception.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-628317


Pain, while salient, is highly subjective. A sensation perceived as painful by one person may be perceived as uncomfortable, not painful or even pleasant to others. Within the same person, pain may also be modulated according to its threat value and the context in which it is presented. Imaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography, have identified a distributed network in the brain, the pain-relevant brain regions, that encode the sensory-discriminative aspect of pain, as well as its cognitive and affective/emotional factors. Current knowledge also implicates the prefrontal cortex as the modulatory area for pain, with its subdivisions forming the cortico-cortical pathway, an alternative pain modulatory pathway distinct from the descending modulatory pathway of pain. These findings from neuroimaging in human subjects have paved the way for the molecular mechanisms of pain modulation to be explored in animal studies.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-627719


The potential of ketamine, an N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, in preventing central sensitization has led to numerous studies. Ketamine is increasingly used in the clinical setting to provide analgesia and prevent the development of central sensitization at subanaesthetic doses. However, few studies have looked into the potential of ketamine in combination with stress-induced analgesia. This study looks at the effects of swim stress, which is mediated by opioid receptor, on ketamine analgesia using formalin test. Morphine is used as the standard analgesic for comparison. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to 6 groups: 3 groups (stressed groups) were given saline 1ml/kg intraperitoneally (ip), morphine 10mg/kg ip or ketamine 5mg/kg ip and subjected to swim stress; 3 more groups (non-stressed groups) were given the same drugs without swim stress. Formalin test, which involved formalin injection as the pain stimulus and the pain score recorded over time, was performed on all rats ten minutes after cessation of swimming or 30 minutes after injection of drugs. Combination of swim stress and ketamine resulted in complete analgesia in the formalin test which was significantly different from ketamine alone (p<0.05) and saline with stress (p<0.01). There is no significant difference between ketamine stressed and morphine stressed. These results indicate that ketamine and swim stress act synergistically to produce profound analgesia in the formalin test. This suggests that in the clinical setting, under stressful situations such as operative stress, ketamine is capable of producing profound analgesia at a subanaesthetic dose.