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Int J Cardiovasc Intervent ; 1(2): 87-92, 1998.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12623397


Our objective was to evaluate the current trends of coronary angioplasty periprocedural care in the state of Israel. PTCA technology has undergone through some major developments and refinements, which have yielded new algorithms and routines. With this shift of paradigms, some of the periprocedural routines (these include medications and dosing before, during and after the procedure, as well as the handling of anti-coagulation, femoral sheath removal and the extent of patient monitoring post-PTCA) have been partially re-established. In order to assess trends in periprocedural care, we elected to analyze the current state of practice in the state of Israel. A questionnaire was sent to every cardiac catheterization laboratory in Israel that performs PTCA. An authorized senior cardiologist representing the laboratory submitted the information required for our survey. A nurse-to-nurse telephone questionnaire was conducted simultaneously to cross-examine the validity of the data. All centers submitted results. The average heparin dose for PTCA varied between 5000 and 15 000 units, ACT was monitored routinely by some and not at all by others, post-PTCA heparin administration was routinely administered by some institutions and not by others, and the mean femoral sheath dwell time ranged from 4 to 18 h. Post-PTCA cardiac monitoring varied from 6 to more than 24 h. Some institutions prescribed to all patients nitrates, calcium channel blockers and low-molecular-weight heparin, while others did not. We conclude that there is profound variability in the periprocedural routines that may translate into a significant cost increase, patient discomfort, a prolonged monitoring and hospital stay, and potential patient morbidity. We suggest that these routines should be critically evaluated, and that if they do not contribute to the procedural success and patient well-being they should be abandoned.