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Rev. argent. cardiol ; 89(5): 466-469, oct. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356925


RESUMEN Introducción: es poco conocida la tolerancia al ejercicio con el uso de barbijo. Objetivo: investigar tolerancia al barbijo en ergometrías (PEG). Material y métodos: estudio multicéntrico con PEG con barbijo. Resultados: 118 PEG (62 cinta, 56 cicloergómetro), 68 hombres, edad 46,74 ± 16,7 años. Setenta (59,3%) completaron PEG con barbijo, 48 (40,7%) debieron retirarlo: 17 en cinta (27,4%), 31 (55,4%) en bicicleta (p = 0,002). Porcentaje de frecuencia cardíaca al retirar barbijo con respecto a máxima alcanzada: 94,5±5,35%. Edad de quienes retiraron barbijo: 42,69±17,35 años y de quienes toleraron: 49,51 ± 15,88 (p = 0,003). Saturación basal: 97,46 ± 1,01%; en esfuerzo máximo con barbijo: 96,58 ± 1,37% (p <0,0001). Al retirar barbijo, saturación de 97,06 ± 1,35% (p < 0.0001). Edad menor y uso de cicloergómetro fueron predictores de no tolerar el barbijo. Conclusiones: la mayoría completó el ejercicio máximo con barbijo. La intensidad de ejercicio al retirar el barbijo fue alta. La saturación cayó en ejercicio con barbijo, aunque sin repercusión clínica.

ABSTRACT Background: Tolerance to exercise with the use of face mask is not well known. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the tolerance of exercise parameters during exercise stress testing (EST) while wearing a face mask. Methods: Multicenter study of EST while wearing face mask. Results: 118 ESTs (62 on treadmill, 56 on cycle ergometer), 68 men, age 46.74 ± 16.7 years. Seventy patients (59.3%) completed the EST wearing a face mask, and 48 (40.7%) removed it; 17 patients (27.4%) were on treadmill and 31 (55.4%) on cycle ergometer (p = 0.002). Percentage of maximum predicted heart rate attained when the patients removed their face mask: 94.5 ± 5.35%. Age of those who removed the face mask: 42.69 ± 17.35 years and of those who tolerated the face mask: 49.51 ± 15.88 years (p = 0.003). Baseline SpO2 was 97.46 ± 1.01% and 96.58 ± 1.37% on peak exercise wearing face mask (p < 0.0001). SpO2 when the face mask was removed: 97.06 ± 1.35% (p <0.0001). Younger age and use of cycle ergometer were predictors of intolerance to face mask. Conclusion: Most patients completed peak exercise with face mask. Exercise intensity was high when the face mask was removed. Oxygen saturation dropped during exercise with face mask without clinical impact.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 89(3): 243-247, jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356881


RESUMEN Objetivo: estudiar el comportamiento del consumo de oxígeno en pacientes con miocardiopatía dilatada durante una sesión de rehabilitación cardíaca. Material y métodos: diseño observacional, transversal, analítico relacional. Muestra: 10 pacientes masculinos con miocardiopatía dilatada, con deterioro de moderado a grave de la función ventricular. Se evaluó a los pacientes en laboratorio y en una sesión de rehabilitación mediante un analizador de gases portátil Medgraphics® VO 2000. La sesión de rehabilitación consistió en ejercicios en bicicleta fija de 10 minutos, step, escalera coordinativa, fuerza con mancuerna para bíceps y hombros, cuádriceps en camilla y dorsales en máquina. Resultados: Edad (años) 57,4 ± 14,6. Peso (kg) 91,4 ± 22,2. Talla (cm) 168,1 ± 6,2. Laboratorio: VO2max relativo (ml/kg/min) 21,8 ± 7,3. Tasa de intercambio respiratorio, RER (VCO2/VO2)1,05 ± 0,09. Volumen ventilado (L/min) 65,7 ± 18,5. Frecuencia cardíaca (lat./min) en VO2max 127,8 ± 23,8. Sesión: Duración (min) 37,5 ± 10. VO2pico (ml/kg/min) 14,6 ± 3 (69,9 ± 16,7% del VO2max). Coeficiente de correlación entre VO2max y tiempo con VO2 < 50% del VO2max (min) 0,662 (p = 0,037) y entre VO2pico en rehabilitación y tiempo en RER entre 0,85-1(min) 0,787 (p = 0,007). Los pacientes con mejor aptitud ejercitaron en zona de baja intensidad. Al aumentar el esfuerzo, aumentaron los minutos en intensidad moderada. Conclusión: Se constató en este estudio que los pacientes alcanzaron un VO2pico en las sesiones inferiores a sus máximos obtenidos en laboratorio. Si bien cualquier dosis de entrenamiento en estos pacientes es más beneficiosa que la inactividad física, el diseño y la planificación de las sesiones de RHC, valorando las intensidades de trabajo intrasesión, podrían generar mayor impacto en la mortalidad, las reinternaciones y en la calidad de vida.

ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the response of oxygen consumption in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy during a cardiac rehabilitation session. Methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional, relational analytical study. Ten male patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and moderate to severe ventricular dysfunction were included in the study. Patients were evaluated in the laboratory and during a rehabilitation session using a Medgraphics VO 2000 portable gas analyzer. The rehabilitation session consisted in 10 minutes of stationary bike exercises, step, coordinaton stairs, and muscle strength using dumbbells for biceps and shoulder, a quadriceps stretcher and a dorsal muscle machine. Results: Mean age was 57.4 ± 14.6 years, weight 91.4 ± 22.2 kg and height 168.1 ± 6.2 cm. In the laboratory, VO2max was 21.8 ± 7.3 ml/kg/min, respiratory exchange rate (RER) (VCO2/VO2) 1.05 ± 0.09, ventilated volume 65.7 ± 18.5 L/min and heart rate in VO2max 127.8 ± 23.8 beats/min. Rehabilitation session duration was 37.5 ± 10 min with peakVO2 14.6 ± 3 ml kg/min (69.9 ± 16.7 % VO2max). The correlation coefficient between VO2max and time with VO2 <50% VO2max(min) was 0.662 (p = 0.037) and between peakVO2 in rehabilitation and time in RER between 0.85-1 (min) was 0.787 (p = 0.007). Patients with better fitness exercised in the low-intensity zone. As exercise increased, the minutes in moderate intensity also increased. Conclusion: The study showed that patients reached peakVO2 in sessions below the maximum values obtained in the laboratory. Even though any dose of training in these patients was more beneficial than physical inactivity, cardiac rehabilitation session design and planning, taking into account intrasession exercise intensities, could generate greater impact on mortality, rehospitalizations and quality of life.

Actual. nutr ; 15(3): 52-58, sep. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-796529


Introducción: la obesidad en niños y adolescentes se relaciona con la disminución de la actividad física y el estilo de vida sedentario. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido determinar estado nutricional, niveles de actividad física y sedentarismo en un grupo de escolares y estudiantes secundarios de clase media baja y media alta de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires utilizando acelerometría. Población y métodos: entre agosto y diciembre de 2013 se estudiaron 174 sujetos, 87 varones y 87 mujeres, de 7 a 17 años, 40,8% asistente a escuelas de nivel primario y 59,2% al nivel secundario; 44,3% de nivel socioeconómico medio alto y 55,7% medio bajo. Se estudió edad, sexo, peso, talla, nivel de actividad física y tiempo sedentario. Los sujetos portaron por siete días un acelerómetro uniaxial CSA 7164. Se utilizó el coeficiente correlación de Pearson y test t al comparar actividad física y tiempo sedentario por edad y sexo. Resultados: en el nivel socioeconómico medio-bajo, el 34,0% presentó sobrepeso y el 21,6% obesidad, en el medio-alto el 14,3% y 5,2%. La actividad física promedio fue de 31,5 minutos (±19,7) y 552,05 (±126,9) los minutos de comportamiento sedentario. La actividad física realizada por niños, 37,07 minutos (±20,0) fue significativamente mayor que en adolescentes (27,28 minutos; ±18,5). El tiempo sedentario fue significativamente mayor en adolescentes, 621,37 minutos (±106,1) que en niños (460,78 minutos; ±89,0). Tanto en niños como en adolescentes, los varones registraron mayor actividad física que las mujeres. No hubo diferencias significativas en tiempo sedentario. Conclusiones: es elevado el sobrepeso y la obesidad, siendo mayor en el nivel socioeconómico medio-bajo. La mayoría de la muestra no alcanzó las recomendaciones de actividad física, y el tiempo de conducta sedentaria fue elevado.

Introduction: obesity in children and adolescents is associated with decreased physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. The aim of this study was to determine nutritional status, levels of physical activity and inactivity in a group of children and high school students from average lower middle and high middle classes in the city of Buenos Aires by accelerometry. Population and methods: 174 subjects, 87 males and 87 females, aged 7 to 17 years old, 40,8% attending primary schools and 59,2% attending high school were studied between August and December 2013; 44,3% of subjects with high socioeconomic status, and 55,7% average. Age, sex, weight, height, level of physical activity and sedentary time were studied. Subjects carried the CSA 7164 uniaxial accelerometer device or seven days. The Pearson correlation coefficient and t test were used to compare physical activity and sedentary time by age and sex. Results: in the middle-low socioeconomic status, 34,0% were overweight and 21,6% obese, in the middle-high 14,3% and 5,2% respectively. The average physical activity was 31,5 minutes (±19,7) and sedentary behavior 552,05 (±126,9) minutes. The physical activity of children, 37,07 minutes (±20,0) was significantly higher than in adolescents, 27,28 minutes (±18,5). Sedentary time was significantly greater in adolescents, 621,37 minutes (±106,1) than in children, 460,78 minutes (±89,0). Both school and adolescent boys reported more physical activity than women did. No significant differences in sedentary time were observed. Conclusions: high overweight and obesity, are higher in the medium-low socioeconomic status. The majority of samples did not meet the recommendations for physical activity and sedentary behavior time was high.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Nutrição do Adolescente , Nutrição da Criança , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Atividade Motora , Comportamento Sedentário , Sobrepeso/prevenção & controle , Argentina , Acelerometria/instrumentação , Obesidade/prevenção & controle , Condições Sociais
Rev. salud pública ; Rev. salud pública;15(5): 754-765, set.-oct. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-709097


RESUMEN Objetivo Determinar el peso transportado del equipaje escolar (en valores absolutos y relativos) y la distancia caminada en los trayectos hogar-escuela, en escolares de cuatro escuelas de la región metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Métodos Se estudiaron 751 alumnos (394 varones y 357 mujeres, de 9 a 18 años) de niveles primario (4to. a 6to. grados), y secundario (1ro. a 3er. años) de tres escuelas de gestión privada y una pública. Se midieron los pesos corporal y del equipaje escolar, y se indagó sobre la distancia desde la escuela al hogar, y sobre las cuadras caminadas en este trayecto. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y contrastes según género, nivel educativo, tipo de escuela y grados y años cursados. Se verificaron posibles asociaciones entre variables. Se dividió al grupo en dos: quienes transportaban menos del 10 % de su peso corporal, y los que acarreaban el 10 % (considerado como valor crítico) y más, calculándose las frecuencias según tipo de equipaje utilizado. Resultados El 68 % de los evaluados transporta un peso por encima del 10 % del peso corporal (P42=10,13 %), siendo del 66 % para varones (P44 = 10,12 %) y 60 % para mujeres (P40=10,2 %). En escuelas privadas se acarrearon mayores pesos que en públicas (p<0,05); y en ambos niveles educativos los alumnos de cursos inferiores transportaron pesos superiores que los de grados superiores (p<0,05). Conclusiones La mayoría de los alumnos transporta pesos relativos por encima de las recomendaciones, siendo las mujeres las más perjudicadas. Los más pequeños cargan pesos absolutos y relativos mayores.

ABSTRACT Objective Determining the weight children carry in their bags to school (absolute and relative values) and the distance walked during home-school routes, involving students from four schools in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. Method The study involved 751 primary (4th to 6th grades) and secondary (1st to 3rd years) level students who were attending three private schools and one public one. Body and bag weights were measured and the children were asked about the distance (in blocks) they walked from school to home. The study involved a descriptive analysis and contrasted the students by gender, educational level, type of school and grade or year. Possible associations between variables were ascertained. The group was divided into those carrying bags weighing less than 10% of their body weight and those who carrying 10% (considered a critical value) and more; frequencies were calculated by the type of bag being used. Results 68% of the sample were carrying 10% or more of their body weight (P42=10.13%): 66% in male (P44=10.12%) and 60% in female children (P40=10.2%). Private school students carried more weight than public school children (p<0.05) and younger students carried a greater weight than older students (p<0.05) in both educational levels. Conclusions Most children were carrying relative weights well above that recommended and female students were most affected. Younger students carried higher absolute and relative weights.

Adolescente , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Suporte de Carga , Argentina , Instituições Acadêmicas , Estudantes , População Urbana
Rev Salud Publica (Bogota) ; 15(5): 753-63, 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25124250


OBJECTIVE: Determining the weight children carry in their bags to school (absolute and relative values) and the distance walked during home-school routes, involving students from four schools in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. METHOD: The study involved 751 primary (4th to 6th grades) and secondary (1st to 3rd years) level students who were attending three private schools and one public one. Body and bag weights were measured and the children were asked about the distance (in blocks) they walked from school to home. The study involved a descriptive analysis and contrasted the students by gender, educational level, type of school and grade or year. Possible associations between variables were ascertained. The group was divided into those carrying bags weighing less than 10% of their body weight and those who carrying 10% (considered a critical value) and more; frequencies were calculated by the type of bag being used. RESULTS: 68% of the sample were carrying 10% or more of their body weight (P42=10.13%): 66% in male (P44=10.12%) and 60% in female children (P40=10.2%). Private school students carried more weight than public school children (p<0.05) and younger students carried a greater weight than older students (p<0.05) in both educational levels. CONCLUSIONS: Most children were carrying relative weights well above that recommended and female students were most affected. Younger students carried higher absolute and relative weights.

Suporte de Carga , Adolescente , Argentina , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Instituições Acadêmicas , Estudantes , População Urbana , Adulto Jovem
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 20(3): 79-90, 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734020


Os comportamentos de saúde dos estudantes universitários são de particular interesse não só para o bem-estar dos próprios alunos, mas também porque uma vez graduados poderia atuar como modelos em seus ambientes profissionais e pessoais. Na Argentina, o registro é escassa e dispersa. Os objetivos deste estudo são analisar os níveis de atividade física e comportamentos sedentários em estudantes universitários da nossa região, e também ver se existem diferenças entre estudantes de carreiras relacionadas à atividade física e estudantes de outras carreiras. Nós examinamos o nível de atividade física e comportamentos sedentários em uma amostra de estudantes universitários de ambos os sexos de 17 a 35 anos na Região Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (n=2131) através de um questionário validado internacionalmente chamado Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. Alunos de cursos de graduação relacionados com a actividade física tiveram um nível significativamente mais elevado de atividade e comportamentos sedentários significativamente mais baixos do que os estudantes de outros cursos de graduação. 19% dos homens e 30% das alunas de outros cursos de graduação tiveram um baixo nível de atividade física, considerados insuficientes para promover a saúde. Em ambos os grupos de homens alunos eram mais ativos que as mulheres, não houve diferenças significativas entre os sexos em comportamentos sedentários. O subgrupo de mulheres estudantes em cursos de graduação não relacionados à atividade física foi o único que tinha o perfil menos favorável da actividade física e comportamentos sedentários. O domínio dos transportes parece ser o mais sensível e apropriada para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de intervenção em atividade física e comportamento sedentário nesta população.

Health behaviors of college students are of particular interest not only for the wellbeing of students themselves but also because once graduates could act as role models in their professional andpersonal environments. In Argentina, antecedents are sparse and scattered. The aims of this work are to survey physical activity and sedentary behavior levels in university and tertiary students in our region, and also see if there are differences among students of courses related to physical activity and students of other courses. It was surveyed the level of physical activity and sedentary behaviors in a sample of tertiary and university students of both sexes from 17 to 35 years of age in the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires (n = 2131) through the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire which is an internationally validated recall questionnaire. Students of courses related to physical activity had a significantly higher level of activity and a significantly lower level of sedentary behaviors than students in other courses. 19% of male and30% of female students from other courses had a low physical activity level, considered insufficient to promote health. In both groups, male students were more active than female, and there were no significant differences between sexes in sedentary behaviors. The subgroup of female students in courses not related to physical activity was the one who had the less favourable profile of physical activity and sedentary behaviors. The transport domain seems to be the most susceptible and suitable for developing intervention strategies in physical activity and sedentary behavior in this population.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Comportamento , Universidades , Saúde , Atividade Motora , Comportamento Sedentário , Estudantes , Atletas , Esportes