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Phys Rev Lett ; 126(17): 177206, 2021 Apr 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33988391


A complete analytical solution to the optimal reversal of a macrospin with easy-axis anisotropy is presented. An optimal control path minimizing the energy cost of the reversal is identified and used to derive the time-dependent direction and amplitude of the optimal switching field. The minimum energy cost of the reversal scales inversely with the switching time for fast switching, follows exponential asymptotics for slow switching, and reaches the lower limit proportional to the energy barrier between the target states and to the damping parameter at infinitely long switching time. For a given switching time, the energy cost is never smaller than that for a free macrospin. This limitation can be bypassed by adding a hard anisotropy axis that activates the internal torque in the desired switching direction, thereby significantly reducing the energy cost. A comparison between the calculated optimal control path and minimum energy path reveals that optimal control does not translate to the minimization of the energy barrier but signifies effective use of the system's internal dynamics to aid the desired magnetic transition.

Heliyon ; 5(5): e01595, 2019 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31193178


In the present work, we applied scaled model to calculate surface tension, vapor densities and the critical temperatures of four different models of methanol: namely, H1, J1, J2 and L1 models. The scaled model is based on calculating the free energy of the system. Free energy calculations were performed by applying the Bennet acceptance ratio (BAR) using Monte-Carlo simulations at low temperature range of 220K-280K. The BAR is based on calculating the free energy difference of n-molecules and (n-1)-molecules plus a free probe on methanol. Estimations of vapor densities are based on extrapolating the intercept of the scaled free energy linear line as number of molecules approaches infinity, which requires a pre-known values for liquid densities. To accomplish this, a series of molecular dynamic simulations were performed at low temperature range of 200K-300K with steps of 10K. All the estimated properties were in excellent agreement with experimental published data.