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ACS Nano ; 2024 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39034612


Improving the qubit's lifetime (T1) is crucial for fault-tolerant quantum computing. Recent advancements have shown that replacing niobium (Nb) with tantalum (Ta) as the base metal significantly increases T1, likely due to a less lossy native surface oxide. However, understanding the formation mechanism and nature of both surface oxides is still limited. Using aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy, we found that Ta surface oxide has fewer suboxides than Nb oxide. We observed an abrupt oxidation state transition from Ta2O5 to Ta, as opposed to the gradual shift from Nb2O5, NbO2, and NbO to Nb, consistent with thermodynamic modeling. Additionally, amorphous Ta2O5 exhibits a closer-to-crystalline bonding nature than Nb2O5, potentially hindering H atomic diffusion toward the oxide/metal interface. Finally, we propose a loss mechanism arising from the transition between two states within the distorted octahedron in an amorphous structure, potentially causing two-level system loss. Our findings offer a deeper understanding of the differences between native amorphous Ta and Nb oxides, providing valuable insights for advancing superconducting qubits through surface oxide engineering.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 16(27): 34913-34922, 2024 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38924489


Lithium-ion batteries are the leading energy storage technology for portable electronics and vehicle electrification. However, demands for enhanced energy density, safety, and scalability necessitate solid-state alternatives to traditional liquid electrolytes. Moreover, the rapidly increasing utilization of lithium-ion batteries further requires that next-generation electrolytes are derived from earth-abundant raw materials in order to minimize supply chain and environmental concerns. Toward these ends, clay-based nanocomposite electrolytes hold significant promise since they utilize earth-abundant materials that possess superlative mechanical, thermal, and electrochemical stability, which suggests their compatibility with energy-dense lithium metal anodes. Despite these advantages, nanocomposite electrolytes rarely employ kaolinite, the most abundant variety of clay, due to strong interlayer interactions that have historically precluded efficient exfoliation of kaolinite. Overcoming this limitation, here we demonstrate a scalable liquid-phase exfoliation process that produces kaolinite nanoplatelets (KNPs) with high gravimetric surface area, thus enabling the formation of mechanically robust nanocomposites. In particular, KNPs are combined with a succinonitrile (SN) liquid electrolyte to form a nanocomposite gel electrolyte with high room-temperature ionic conductivity (1 mS cm-1), stiff storage modulus (>10 MPa), wide electrochemical stability window (4.5 V vs Li/Li+), and excellent thermal stability (>100 °C). The resulting KNP-SN nanocomposite gel electrolyte is shown to be suitable for high-rate rechargeable lithium metal batteries that employ high-voltage LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2 (NCA) cathodes. While the primary focus here is on solid-state batteries, our strategy for kaolinite liquid-phase exfoliation can serve as a scalable manufacturing platform for a wide variety of other kaolinite-based nanocomposite applications.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 16(20): 26862-26869, 2024 May 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38728589


The interfacial structure formed by Pt nanoparticles grown epitaxially on a SrTiO3 (001) surface by pulsed laser deposition was studied by X-ray standing-wave (XSW) excited core-level photoelectron emission. The XSW-generated 3D atomic map of the Pt and interfacial oxygens for the oxidized Pt/SrTiO3 interface differs significantly from that of the as-deposited interface. After oxidation, the Pt atoms shifted upward and their atomic occupation at fcc-like sites evolved as the oxidation temperature increased. Interfacial oxygen atoms were differentiated from bulk O atoms by the chemical shift in the binding energy of their 1s electrons. After oxidation, the interfacial oxygen atoms rearranged to form a TiO2 bilayer at the interface. These results provide a more complete description of the strong metal-support interaction process at the interface.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(6): e2316537121, 2024 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38289958


Electrostatic forces in solutions are highly relevant to a variety of fields, ranging from electrochemical energy storage to biology. However, their manifestation in concentrated electrolytes is not fully understood, as exemplified by counterintuitive observations of colloidal stability and long-ranged repulsions in molten salts. Highly charged biomolecules, such as DNA, respond sensitively to ions in dilute solutions. Here, we use non-base-pairing DNA-coated nanoparticles (DNA-NP) to analyze electrostatic interactions in concentrated salt solutions. Despite their negative charge, these conjugates form colloidal crystals in solutions of sufficient divalent cation concentration. We utilize small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to study such DNA-NP assemblies across the full accessible concentration ranges of aqueous CaCl2, MgCl2, and SrCl2 solutions. SAXS shows that the crystallinity and phases of the assembled structures vary with cation type. For all tested salts, the aggregates contract with added ions at low salinities and then begin expanding above a cation-dependent threshold salt concentration. Wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) reveals enhanced positional correlations between ions in the solution at high salt concentrations. Complementary molecular dynamics simulations show that these ion-ion interactions reduce the favorability of dense ion configurations within the DNA brushes below that of the bulk solution. Measurements in solutions with lowered permittivity demonstrate a simultaneous increase in ion coupling and decrease in the concentration at which aggregate expansion begins, thus confirming the connection between these phenomena. Our work demonstrates that interactions between charged objects continue to evolve considerably into the high-concentration regime, where classical theories project electrostatics to be of negligible consequence.

Faraday Discuss ; 249(0): 408-423, 2024 Feb 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37791509


Colloidal crystals have applications in water treatments, including water purification and desalination technologies. It is, therefore, important to understand the interactions between colloids as a function of electrolyte concentration. We study the assembly of DNA-grafted gold nanoparticles immersed in concentrated electrolyte solutions. Increasing the concentration of divalent Ca2+ ions leads to the condensation of nanoparticles into face-centered-cubic (FCC) crystals at low electrolyte concentrations. As the electrolyte concentration increases, the system undergoes a phase change to body-centered-cubic (BCC) crystals. This phase change occurs as the interparticle distance decreases. Molecular dynamics analysis suggests that the interparticle interactions change from strongly repulsive to short-range attractive as the divalent-electrolyte concentration increases. A thermodynamic analysis suggests that increasing the salt concentration leads to significant dehydration of the nanoparticle environment. We conjecture that the intercolloid attractive interactions and dehydrated states favour the BCC structure. Our results gain insight into salting out of colloids such as proteins as the concentration of salt increases in the solution.

Nanopartículas Metálicas , Nanopartículas , Coloides/química , DNA/química , Eletrólitos/química , Ouro/química , Nanopartículas/química , Cálcio/química
ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 16(1): 1921-1929, 2024 Jan 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38123145


Platinum (Pt) thin films are useful in applications requiring high-conductivity electrodes with excellent thermal and chemical stability. Ultrasmooth and epitaxial Pt thin films with single-crystalline domains have the added benefit of providing ideal templates for the subsequent growth of heteroepitaxial structures. Here, we grow epitaxial Pt (111) electrodes (ca. 30 nm thick) on sapphire (α-Al2O3 (0001)) substrates with pulsed laser deposition. This versatile technique allows control of the growth process and fabrication of films with carefully tailored parameters. X-ray scattering, atomic-force microscopy, and electron microscopy provide structural characterization of the films. Various gaseous atmospheres and temperatures were explored to achieve epitaxial growth of films with low roughness. A two-step (500 °C/300 °C) growth process was developed, yielding films with improved epitaxy without compromising roughness. The resulting films possess ultrasmooth interfaces (<3 Å) and high electrical conductivity (6.9 × 106 S/m). Finally, Pt films were used as current collectors and templates to grow lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4 (111)) epitaxial thin films, a cathode material used in Li-ion batteries. Using a solid-state ionogel electrolyte, the films were highly stable when electrochemically cycled in the 3.5-4.3 V vs Li/Li+ range.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 15(29): 35664-35673, 2023 Jul 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37434317


Spinel-type lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4) cathodes suffer from severe manganese dissolution in the electrolyte, compromising the cyclic stability of LMO-based Li-ion batteries (LIBs). In addition to causing structural and morphological deterioration to the cathode, dissolved Mn ions can migrate through the electrolyte to deposit on the anode, accelerating capacity fade. Here, we examine single-crystal epitaxial LiMn2O4 (111) thin-films using synchrotron in situ X-ray diffraction and reflectivity to study the structural and interfacial evolution during cycling. Cyclic voltammetry is performed in a wide range (2.5-4.3 V vs Li/Li+) to promote Mn3+ formation, which enhances dissolution, for two different electrolyte systems: an imidazolium ionic liquid containing lithium bis-(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (LiTFSI) and a conventional carbonate liquid electrolyte containing lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6). We find exceptional stability in this voltage range for the ionic liquid electrolyte compared to the conventional electrolyte, which is attributed to the absence of Mn dissolution in the ionic liquid. X-ray reflectivity shows a negligible loss of cathode material for the films cycled in the ionic liquid electrolyte, further confirmed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and transmission electron microscopy. Conversely, a substantial loss of Mn is found when the film is cycled in the conventional electrolyte. These findings show the significant advantages of ionic liquids in suppressing Mn dissolution in LiMn2O4 LIB cathodes.

Inorg Chem ; 62(23): 8903-8913, 2023 Jun 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37260199


Magnesium vanadate (MgV2O6) and its alloys with copper vanadate were synthesized via the solution combustion technique. Phase purity and solid solution formation were confirmed by a variety of experimental techniques, supported by electronic structure simulations based on density functional theory (DFT). Powder X-ray diffraction combined with Rietveld refinement, laser Raman spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy showed single-phase alloy formation despite the MgV2O6 and CuV2O6 end members exhibiting monoclinic and triclinic crystal systems, respectively. DFT-calculated optical band gaps showed close agreement in the computed optical bandgaps with experimentally derived values. Surface photovoltage spectroscopy, ambient-pressure photoemission spectroscopy, and Kelvin probe contact potential difference (work function) measurements confirmed a systematic variation in the optical bandgap modification and band alignment as a function of stoichiometry in the alloy composition. These data indicated n-type semiconductor behavior for all the samples which was confirmed by photoelectrochemical measurements.

Adv Mater ; 35(19): e2207927, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36906738


An unconventional "heteromorphic" superlattice (HSL) is realized, comprised of repeated layers of different materials with differing morphologies: semiconducting pc-In2 O3 layers interleaved with insulating a-MoO3 layers. Originally proposed by Tsu in 1989, yet never fully realized, the high quality of the HSL heterostructure demonstrated here validates the intuition of Tsu, whereby the flexibility of the bond angle in the amorphous phase and the passivation effect of the oxide at interfacial bonds serve to create smooth, high-mobility interfaces. The alternating amorphous layers prevent strain accumulation in the polycrystalline layers while suppressing defect propagation across the HSL. For the HSL with 7:7 nm layer thickness, the observed electron mobility of 71 cm2  Vs-1 , matches that of the highest quality In2 O3 thin films. The atomic structure and electronic properties of crystalline In2 O3 /amorphous MoO3 interfaces are verified using ab-initio molecular dynamics simulations and hybrid functional calculations. This work generalizes the superlattice concept to an entirely new paradigm of morphological combinations.

ACS Nano ; 17(6): 5399-5411, 2023 Mar 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36883970


Conventional epitaxy plays a crucial role in current state-of-the art semiconductor technology, as it provides a path for accurate control at the atomic scale of thin films and nanostructures, to be used as the building blocks in nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, sensors, etc. Four decades ago, the terms "van der Waals" (vdW) and "quasi-vdW (Q-vdW) epitaxy" were coined to explain the oriented growth of vdW layers on 2D and 3D substrates, respectively. The major difference with conventional epitaxy is the weaker interaction between the epi-layer and the epi-substrates. Indeed, research on Q-vdW epitaxial growth of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) has been intense, with oriented growth of atomically thin semiconductors on sapphire being one of the most studied systems. Nonetheless, there are some striking and not yet understood differences in the literature regarding the orientation registry between the epi-layers and epi-substrate and the interface chemistry. Here we study the growth of WS2 via a sequential exposure of the metal and the chalcogen precursors in a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system, introducing a metal-seeding step prior to the growth. The ability to control the delivery of the precursor made it possible to study the formation of a continuous and apparently ordered WO3 mono- or few-layer at the surface of a c-plane sapphire. Such an interfacial layer is shown to strongly influence the subsequent quasi-vdW epitaxial growth of the atomically thin semiconductor layers on sapphire. Hence, here we elucidate an epitaxial growth mechanism and demonstrate the robustness of the metal-seeding approach for the oriented formation of other TMDC layers. This work may enable the rational design of vdW and quasi-vdW epitaxial growth on different material systems.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 7187, 2022 11 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36418305


Polyolefins comprise a major fraction of single-use plastics, yet their catalytic deconstruction/recycling has proven challenging due to their inert saturated hydrocarbon connectivities. Here a very electrophilic, formally cationic earth-abundant single-site organozirconium catalyst chemisorbed on a highly Brønsted acidic sulfated alumina support and characterized by a broad array of experimental and theoretical techniques, is shown to mediate the rapid hydrogenolytic cleavage of molecular and macromolecular saturated hydrocarbons under mild conditions, with catalytic onset as low as 90 °C/0.5 atm H2 with 0.02 mol% catalyst loading. For polyethylene, quantitative hydrogenolysis to light hydrocarbons proceeds within 48 min with an activity of > 4000 mol(CH2 units)·mol(Zr)-1·h-1 at 200 °C/2 atm H2 pressure. Under similar solventless conditions, polyethylene-co-1-octene, isotactic polypropylene, and a post-consumer food container cap are rapidly hydrogenolyzed to low molecular mass hydrocarbons. Regarding mechanism, theory and experiment identify a turnover-limiting C-C scission pathway involving ß-alkyl transfer rather than the more common σ-bond metathesis.

Plásticos , Zircônio , Zircônio/química , Cátions , Hidrocarbonetos/química , Polietilenos
Inorg Chem ; 61(42): 16760-16769, 2022 Oct 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36219544


Molybdenum nitrides and oxynitrides have been increasingly realized as (electro)catalysts for a variety of reactions. In this context, the cubic "γ-Mo2N", also known to contain oxygen in the bulk, is of particular interest. The γ phase is typically derived from ammonolysis of MoO3, and a high temperature is needed to fully react the stable MoO2 intermediate that often forms along the reaction pathway. In this study, ammonolysis of atypical bronze (HxMoO3) and peroxo (H2MoO5) precursors was undertaken to avoid the formation of this undesired intermediate with the aim of synthesizing "γ-Mo2N" at reduced temperatures and thus with a high surface area. It was found, using in situ powder diffraction, that, when the phase I bronze (x ≈ 0.3) served as the precursor, MoO2 formed as an intermediate and was retained in the reaction product until 700 °C. In contrast, ammonolysis of the phase III bronze (x ≈ 1.7) and of H2MoO5 circumvented the MoO2 intermediate. From these latter two precursors, "γ-Mo2N" was formed at the lowest maximum reaction temperatures reported in the literature, namely, 480 °C in the case of HxMoO3-III and 380 °C for H2MoO5. The resulting products displayed extremely high surface areas of 206 and 152 m2/g, respectively, presumably as a consequence of the low synthesis temperatures. While the HxMoO3-III precursor showed evidence of a topotactic transformation pathway, with morphological similarity between precursor and product phases, H2MoO5 transformed via amorphization. Electrochemical characterization showed moderate activity for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), which increased after exposure to reducing potentials and loosely scaled with the catalyst-specific surface area. This work points toward new low-temperature synthesis pathways for accessing molybdenum (oxy)nitrides with high surface areas.

ACS Cent Sci ; 8(8): 1169-1181, 2022 Aug 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36032772


How molecular chirality manifests at the nano- to macroscale has been a scientific puzzle since Louis Pasteur discovered biochirality. Chiral molecules assemble into meso-shapes such as twisted and helical ribbons, helicoidal scrolls (cochleates), or möbius strips (closed twisted ribbons). Here we analyze self-assembly for a series of amphiphiles, C n -K, consisting of an ionizable amino acid [lysine (K)] coupled to alkyl tails with n = 12, 14, or 16 carbons. This simple system allows us to probe the effects of electrostatic and van der Waals interactions in chiral assemblies. Small/wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) reveals that at low pH, where the headgroups are ionized (+1), C16-K forms high aspect ratio, planar crystalline bilayers. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations reveal that tilted tails of the bilayer leaflets are interdigitated. SAXS shows that, with increasing salt concentration, C16-K molecules assemble into cochleates, whereas at elevated pH (reduced degree of ionization), helices are observed for all C n -K assemblies. The shape selection between helices and scrolls is explained by a membrane energetics model. The nano- to meso-scale structure of the chiral assemblies can be continuously controlled by solution ionic conditions. Overall, our study represents a step toward an electrostatics-based approach for shape selection and nanoscale structure control in chiral assemblies.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(20): 206801, 2022 May 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35657902


X-ray standing-wave (XSW) excited photoelectron emission was used to measure the site-specific valence band (VB) for ½ monolayer (ML) Pt grown on a SrTiO_{3} (001) surface. The XSW induced modulations in the core level (CL), and VB photoemission from the surface and substrate atoms were monitored for three hkl substrate Bragg reflections. The XSW CL analysis shows the Pt to have a face-centered-cubic-like cube-on-cube epitaxy with the substrate. The XSW VB information compares well to a density functional theory calculated projected density of states from the surface and substrate atoms. Overall, this Letter represents a novel method for determining the contribution to the density of states by valence electrons from specific atomic surface sites.

J Phys Chem Lett ; : 5304-5309, 2022 Jun 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35675154


Supported molybdenum oxide (MoOx) plays an important role in catalytic transformations from alcohol dehydrogenation to transesterification. During these reactions, molybdenum and oxygen surface species undergo structural and chemical changes. A detailed, chemical-state specific, atomic-scale structural analysis of the catalyst under redox conditions is important for improving catalytic properties. In this study, a monolayer of Mo grown on α-TiO2(110) by atomic-layer deposition is analyzed by X-ray standing wave (XSW) excited X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The chemical shifts for Mo 2p3/2 and O 1s peaks are used to distinguish Mo6+ from Mo4+ and surface O from bulk O. Excitation of XPS by XSW allows pinpointing the location of these surface species relative to the underlying substrate lattice. Measured 3D composite atomic density maps for the oxidized and reduced interfaces compare well with our density functional theory models and collectively create a unique view of the redox-driven dynamics for this complex catalytic structure.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 14(10): 12340-12349, 2022 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35232012


Zirconium oxide (ZrOx) is an attractive metal oxide dielectric material for low-voltage, optically transparent, and mechanically flexible electronic applications due to the high dielectric constant (κ ∼ 14-30), negligible visible light absorption, and, as a thin film, good mechanical flexibility. In this contribution, we explore the effect of fluoride doping on structure-property-function relationships in low-temperature solution-processed amorphous ZrOx. Fluoride-doped zirconium oxide (F:ZrOx) films with a fluoride content between 1.7 and 3.2 in atomic (at) % were synthesized by a combustion synthesis procedure. Irrespective of the fluoride content, grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, atomic-force microscopy, and UV-vis spectroscopy data indicate that all F:ZrOx films are amorphous, atomically smooth, and transparent in visible light. Impedance spectroscopy measurements reveal that unlike solution-processed fluoride-doped aluminum oxide (F:AlOx), fluoride doping minimally affects the frequency-dependent capacitance instability of solution-processed F:ZrOx films. This result can be rationalized by the relatively weak Zr-F versus Zr-O bonds and the large ionic radius of Zr+4, as corroborated by EXAFS analysis and MD simulations. Nevertheless, the performance of pentacene thin-film transistors (TFTs) with F:ZrOx gate dielectrics indicates that fluoride incorporation reduces I-V hysteresis in the transfer curves and enhances bias stress stability versus TFTs fabricated with analogous, but undoped ZrOx films as gate dielectrics, due to reduced trap density.

Acc Chem Res ; 55(3): 429-441, 2022 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35044167


ConspectusTransparent conducting oxides (TCOs) are inorganic electrical conductors with optical band gaps greater than 3.3 eV. TCOs have been extensively explored in functional windows, touch screen applications, transparent displays, solar cells, and even electronic circuits. Amorphous metal oxide (a-MO) semiconductors are a TCO class that has made impressive progress since the first 2004 demonstration of their utility as the semiconducting layer in thin-film transistors (TFTs). Their excellent counterintuitive electron mobilities in the amorphous state fill the performance gap between amorphous silicon and polysilicon, widening TFT applicability to high-value products such as high-resolution flat panel displays and emerging flexible/wearable electronics. The possibility of solution processing MO "inks" from air-stable precursors, via roll-to-roll and high-throughput printing, further expands their appeal. However, most MO TFTs fabricated using solution-processing require postdeposition film annealing at elevated temperatures (>400 °C) to ensure high-quality films and stable charge transport. Thus, MO fabrication on and TFT integration with inexpensive and typically temperature-sensitive flexible polymer substrates remains challenging, as does reducing MO processing times to those acceptable for high-throughput semiconductor circuit manufacture. Consequently, new MO film processing methodologies are being developed to meet these requirements. Among them, science-based combustion synthesis (CS) and polymer doping are promising complementary approaches to optimize materials quality and manufacturing efficiency; they are the topic of this Account.This Account summarizes the progress in CS and MO polymer doping research, made largely at Northwestern University over the past decade, to create high-performance MO TFTs. Regarding CS, we begin with an overview of combustion precursor chemistry that strongly affects the resulting film quality and device performance. Then, single fuel and dual fuel combustion syntheses for diverse MO systems are discussed. Representative examples highlight recent advances, with a focus on the relationship between (co)fuel-oxidizer types/amounts, thermal behavior, film microstructure, and TFT performance. Next, the discussion focuses on polymer doping of several MO matrices as a new approach to achieve semiconducting MO compositions with excellent performance and mechanical flexibility. Thus, the effect of the polymer architecture and content in the MO precursor formulations on the MO film composition, microstructure, electronic structure, and charge transport are discussed. The concluding remarks highlight challenges and emerging opportunities.

Adv Mater ; 34(3): e2106402, 2022 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34731506


LiNiO2 (LNO) is a promising cathode material for next-generation Li-ion batteries due to its exceptionally high capacity and cobalt-free composition that enables more sustainable and ethical large-scale manufacturing. However, its poor cycle life at high operating voltages over 4.1 V impedes its practical use, thus motivating efforts to elucidate and mitigate LiNiO2 degradation mechanisms at high states of charge. Here, a multiscale exploration of high-voltage degradation cascades associated with oxygen stacking chemistry in cobalt-free LiNiO2 , is presented. Lattice oxygen loss is found to play a critical role in the local O3-O1 stacking transition at high states of charge, which subsequently leads to Ni-ion migration and irreversible stacking faults during cycling. This undesirable atomic-scale structural evolution accelerates microscale electrochemical creep, cracking, and even bending of layers, ultimately resulting in macroscopic mechanical degradation of LNO particles. By employing a graphene-based hermetic surface coating, oxygen loss is attenuated in LNO at high states of charge, which suppresses the initiation of the degradation cascade and thus substantially improves the high-voltage capacity retention of LNO. Overall, this study provides mechanistic insight into the high-voltage degradation of LNO, which will inform ongoing efforts to employ cobalt-free cathodes in Li-ion battery technology.

J Am Chem Soc ; 143(51): 21532-21540, 2021 12 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34914390


Molecularly derived single-site heterogeneous catalysts can bridge the understanding and performance gaps between conventional homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, guiding the rational design of next-generation catalysts. While impressive advances have been made with well-defined oxide supports, the structural complexity of other supports and the nature of the grafted surface species present an intriguing challenge. In this study, single-site Mo(═O)2 species grafted onto reduced graphene oxide (rGO/MoO2) are characterized by XPS, DRIFTS, powder XRD, N2 physisorption, NH3-TPD, aqueous contact angle, active site poisoning assay, Mo EXAFS, model compound single-crystal XRD, DFT, and catalytic performance. NH3-TPD reveals that the anchored MoO2 moiety is not strongly acidic, while Mo 3d5/2 XPS assigns the oxidation state as Mo(VI), and XRD shows little rGO periodicity change on MoO2 grafting. Contact angle analysis shows that MoO2 grafting consumes rGO surface polar groups, yielding a more hydrophobic surface. The rGO/MoO2 DRIFTS assigns features at 959 and 927 cm-1 to the symmetric and antisymmetric Mo═O stretching modes, respectively, of an isolated cis-(O═Mo═O) moiety, in agreement with DFT computation. Moreover, the Mo EXAFS rGO/MoO2 structural data are consistent with isolated (C-O)2-Mo(═O)2 species having two Mo═O bonds and two Mo-O bonds at distances of 1.69(3) and 1.90(3) Å, respectively. rGO/MoO2 is also more active than the previously reported AC/MoO2 catalyst, with reductive carbonyl coupling TOFs approaching 1.81 × 103 h-1. rGO/MoO2 is environmentally robust and multiply recyclable with 69 ± 2% of the Mo sites catalytically significant. Overall, rGO/MoO2 is a structurally well-defined and versatile single-site Mo(VI) dioxo heterogeneous catalytic system.

J Am Chem Soc ; 143(43): 17937-17941, 2021 Nov 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34672550


During redox reactions, oxide-supported catalytic systems undergo structural and chemical changes. Improving subsequent catalytic properties requires an understanding of the atomic-scale structure with chemical state specificity under reaction conditions. For the case of 1/2 monolayer vanadia on α-TiO2(110), we use X-ray standing wave (XSW) excited X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to follow the redox induced atomic positional and chemical state changes of this interface. While the resulting XSW 3D composite atomic maps include the Ti and O substrate atoms and V surface atoms, our focus in this report is on the previously unseen surface oxygen species with comparison to density functional theory predictions.