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Phys Rev Lett ; 91(13): 134103, 2003 Sep 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14525308


We calculate statistical properties of the eigenfunctions of two quantum systems that exhibit intermediate spectral statistics: star graphs and Seba billiards. First, we show that these eigenfunctions are not quantum ergodic, and calculate the corresponding limit distribution. Second, we find that they can be strongly scarred, in the case of star graphs by short (unstable) periodic orbits and, in the case of Seba billiards, by certain families of orbits. We construct sequences of states which have such a limit. Our results are illustrated by numerical computations.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 64(4 Pt 2): 046117, 2001 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11690100


Self-attracting walks (SATW) with attractive interaction u>0 display a swelling-collapse transition at a critical u(c) for dimensions d>or=2, analogous to the Theta transition of polymers. We are interested in the structure of the clusters generated by SATW below u(c) (swollen walk), above u(c) (collapsed walk), and at u(c), which can be characterized by the fractal dimensions of the clusters d(f) and their interface d(I). Using scaling arguments and Monte Carlo simulations, we find that for uu(c), the clusters are compact, i.e., d(f)=d and d(I)=d-1. At u(c), the SATW is in a new universality class. The clusters are compact in both d=2 and d=3, but their interface is fractal: d(I)=1.50+/-0.01 and 2.73+/-0.03 in d=2 and d=3, respectively. In d=1, where the walk is collapsed for all u and no swelling-collapse transition exists, we derive analytical expressions for the average number of visited sites and the mean time to visit S sites.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11046524


We study the structural properties of self-attracting walks in d dimensions using scaling arguments and Monte Carlo simulations. We find evidence of a transition analogous to the Theta transition of polymers. Above a critical attractive interaction u(c), the walk collapses and the exponents nu and k, characterizing the scaling with time t of the mean square end-to-end distance approximately t(2nu) and the average number of visited sites approximately t(k), are universal and given by nu=1/(d+1) and k=d/(d+1). Below u(c), the walk swells and the exponents are as with no interaction, i.e., nu=1/2 for all d, k=1/2 for d=1 and k=1 for d>/=2. At u(c), the exponents are found to be in a different universality class.