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Front Big Data ; 6: 1144793, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37680955


Networks (or graphs) are used to model the dyadic relations between entities in complex systems. Analyzing the properties of the networks reveal important characteristics of the underlying system. However, in many disciplines, including social sciences, bioinformatics, and technological systems, multiple relations exist between entities. In such cases, a simple graph is not sufficient to model these multiple relations, and a multilayer network is a more appropriate model. In this paper, we explore community detection in multilayer networks. Specifically, we propose a novel network decoupling strategy for efficiently combining the communities in the different layers using the Boolean primitives AND, OR, and NOT. Our proposed method, network decoupling, is based on analyzing the communities in each network layer individually and then aggregating the analysis results. We (i) describe our network decoupling algorithms for finding communities, (ii) present how network decoupling can be used to express different types of communities in multilayer networks, and (iii) demonstrate the effectiveness of using network decoupling for detecting communities in real-world and synthetic data sets. Compared to other algorithms for detecting communities in multilayer networks, our proposed network decoupling method requires significantly lower computation time while producing results of high accuracy. Based on these results, we anticipate that our proposed network decoupling technique will enable a more detailed analysis of multilayer networks in an efficient manner.

Soc Netw Anal Min ; 12(1): 70, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35789889


The inherently stochastic nature of community detection in real-world complex networks poses an important challenge in assessing the accuracy of the results. In order to eliminate the algorithmic and implementation artifacts, it is necessary to identify the groups of vertices that are always clustered together, independent of the community detection algorithm used. Such groups of vertices are called constant communities. Current approaches for finding constant communities are very expensive and do not scale to large networks. In this paper, we use binary edge classification to find constant communities. The key idea is to classify edges based on whether they form a constant community or not. We present two methods for edge classification. The first is a GCN-based semi-supervised approach that we term Line-GCN. The second is an unsupervised approach based on image thresholding methods. Neither of these methods requires explicit detection of communities and can thus scale to very large networks of the order of millions of vertices. Both of our semi-supervised and unsupervised results on real-world graphs demonstrate that the constant communities obtained by our method have higher F1-scores and comparable or higher NMI scores than other state-of-the-art baseline methods for constant community detection. While the training step of Line-GCN can be expensive, the unsupervised algorithm is 10 times faster than the baseline methods. For larger networks, the baseline methods cannot complete, whereas all of our algorithms can find constant communities in a reasonable amount of time. Finally, we also demonstrate that our methods are robust under noisy conditions. We use three different, well-studied noise models to add noise to the networks and show that our results are mostly stable.

J Parallel Distrib Comput ; 76: 132-144, 2015 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25767331


A graph is chordal if every cycle of length greater than three contains an edge between non-adjacent vertices. Chordal graphs are of interest both theoretically, since they admit polynomial time solutions to a range of NP-hard graph problems, and practically, since they arise in many applications including sparse linear algebra, computer vision, and computational biology. A maximal chordal subgraph is a chordal subgraph that is not a proper subgraph of any other chordal subgraph. Existing algorithms for computing maximal chordal subgraphs depend on dynamically ordering the vertices, which is an inherently sequential process and therefore limits the algorithms' parallelizability. In this paper we explore techniques to develop a scalable parallel algorithm for extracting a maximal chordal subgraph. We demonstrate that an earlier attempt at developing a parallel algorithm may induce a non-optimal vertex ordering and is therefore not guaranteed to terminate with a maximal chordal subgraph. We then give a new algorithm that first computes and then repeatedly augments a spanning chordal subgraph. After proving that the algorithm terminates with a maximal chordal subgraph, we then demonstrate that this algorithm is more amenable to parallelization and that the parallel version also terminates with a maximal chordal subgraph. That said, the complexity of the new algorithm is higher than that of the previous parallel algorithm, although the earlier algorithm computes a chordal subgraph which is not guaranteed to be maximal. We experimented with our augmentation-based algorithm on both synthetic and real-world graphs. We provide scalability results and also explore the effect of different choices for the initial spanning chordal subgraph on both the running time and on the number of edges in the maximal chordal subgraph.

Sci Rep ; 3: 1825, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23661107


Identifying community structure is a fundamental problem in network analysis. Most community detection algorithms are based on optimizing a combinatorial parameter, for example modularity. This optimization is generally NP-hard, thus merely changing the vertex order can alter their assignments to the community. However, there has been less study on how vertex ordering influences the results of the community detection algorithms. Here we identify and study the properties of invariant groups of vertices (constant communities) whose assignment to communities are, quite remarkably, not affected by vertex ordering. The percentage of constant communities can vary across different applications and based on empirical results we propose metrics to evaluate these communities. Using constant communities as a pre-processing step, one can significantly reduce the variation of the results. Finally, we present a case study on phoneme network and illustrate that constant communities, quite strikingly, form the core functional units of the larger communities.
