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Eur J Protistol ; 23(4): 361-83, 1988 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23195325


The morphology, morphogenesis and ultrastructure of Hemimastix amphikineta nov. gen., nov. spec, are described. This species occurred in some Australian and in 1 Chilean soil, but was absent from more than 1000 soil samples from Laurasian localities. Thus, it has probably a restricted Gondwanian distribution. Hemimastix amphikineta is a small (14-20 × 7-10 µn), colourless organism that looks distinctly Ciliophora-like because of its posteriorly located contractile vacuole and its 2 longitudinal somatic kineties each composed of about 12 cilia-like flagella. These 2 kineties are interposed between 2 large plicated and microtubule-bearing pellicular plates which are arranged inversely mirror-image like ("diagonal symmetry"). Hemimastix amphikineta has saccular to tubular mitochondrial cristae and complex extrusomes. It has 2 microtubular systems and a membranous sac associated with each kinetid. The nucleolus persists throughout nuclear division. A permanent cytostome-cytopharyngeal complex, pharyngeal rods, striated fibres, mastigonemes, and a paraflagellar rod are absent. This unique combination of characters dictates a very separate position for H. amphikineta within the known protists. Thus, the phylum Hemimastigophora nov. phylum (Hemimastigea nov. cl. and Hemimastigida nov. ord.), is established to include H. amphikineta and possibly Spironema multiciliatum Klebs, 1892. The structure of the pellicle and the nuclear apparatus of H. amphikineta indicate some relationship with the Euglenophyta. However, clear evidence for a certain affinity is lacking. Thus, the Hemimastigophora are placed in an incertae sedis position within the kingdom Protista Haeckel, 1866.