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J Funct Biomater ; 15(8)2024 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39194646


Dental restorations must replicate the natural appearance of teeth while ensuring biocompatibility and durability. This study evaluated the surface characteristics and color stability of three dental composites-Herculite Ultra XRV, G-ænial A'CHORD, and Omnichroma-exposed to acidic beverages (red wine, black coffee, and Coca-Cola). Sixty disk-shaped specimens were prepared, polished, and immersed in these beverages. Surface roughness was assessed using profilometry and SEM analysis, hydrophobicity via contact angle analysis, and surface charge through streaming potential measurements. Color stability was evaluated using a spectrophotometer, and the pH levels of the solutions were recorded. Results showed that Herculite Ultra XRV had the highest mean contact angle (79.46° ± 6.52), indicating superior hydrophobicity, while Omnichroma had the lowest (64.94° ± 3.08), indicating more hydrophilicity. Significant color changes were observed, especially in black coffee, with ∆E values indicating notable discoloration. The acidic pH of the solutions increased surface roughness and color changes. Statistical analyses confirmed significant increases in surface roughness and color change for all composites, with the nanohybrid resin composite showing the greatest variability. These findings highlight the need for dental restorative materials with enhanced resistance to acidic environments to improve the longevity and esthetics of dental treatments.

Biomedicines ; 12(8)2024 Aug 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39200205


This study aimed to evaluate the staining sensitivity and surface changes in recent composite resins (Herculite Ultra XRV (Kerr, Bolzano, Italy), G-ænial A'CHORD (GC Corp, Tokyo, Japan), and Omnichroma (Yamaguchi, Japan)) when exposed to common beverages such as coffee, red wine, and Coca-Cola. A total of 60 disk-shaped specimens were prepared from three different resin composites (n = 20 each). The specimens were exposed to coffee, red wine, and Coca-Cola for 10 days. Color measurements were taken using a spectrophotometer, and surface morphology and elemental composition were analyzed using SEM and EDS. The SEM and EDS analyses revealed significant changes in the surface morphology and elemental composition of the composites after immersion. Coffee and wine caused significant surface degradation, whereas Coca-Cola resulted in the greatest degree of surface and elemental variations. Color changes (ΔE = 4 ± 0.52) were most notable in Coca-Cola for Herculite Ultra XRV (Kerr, Italy), in red wine for G-ænial A'CHORD (GC Corp, Japan) (ΔE = 12.51 ± 0.38), and in coffee for Omnichroma (Yamaguchi, Japan) (ΔE = 10.85 ± 1.03). The tested beverages significantly affected both the surface condition and the chemical composition of the resin at the surface level. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the effects of common dietary beverages on dental composites.

Diagnostics (Basel) ; 13(24)2023 Dec 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38132232


(1) Background: This cross-sectional study conducted at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Timisoara, Romania, between December 2022 and February 2023 aims to assess salivary total antioxidant capacity and pH levels in dental students experiencing non-stressful and stressful situations and explore potential correlations between these factors. (2) Methods: Saliva samples were collected during two different periods: before an Oral Health course and before the Oral Health exam, under stressful conditions. Ethical principles were followed, and informed consent was obtained. Data on age, gender, health status, drug use, smoking habits, and anxiety levels were recorded. Saliva was collected using the draining method and pH was measured using indicator paper strips. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was determined using a commercial assay kit. Statistical analysis involved descriptive statistics, Student's t-test to compare pH and TAC between study groups, and Pearson's correlation coefficient to analyze the correlation between salivary pH and TAC within each group, with p < 0.05 indicating significance. (3) Results: This study involved 80 participants, comprising 26 males and 54 females, all enrolled in the 5th year of the Oral Health course, with ages ranging from 20 to 53 and a mean age of 23.62 (±4.19) years. Pearson's correlation results show a statistically significant negative relationship between the STAI test and TAC during the stress-free period (-0.02 **, N = 80, p < 0.01). (4) Conclusions: There are variations in saliva's antioxidant capacity in response to different stress conditions. Dental students experienced a higher level of stress before academic assessments compared to the non-stress period during the course.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 11(16)2023 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37628551


(1) Background: The link between oral and systemic health is becoming increasingly obvious. Oral diseases, particularly periodontitis, have been linked to various diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular disease, among others. This survey aimed to assess the oral health condition of individuals, considering both their overall health and periodontal status, by performing oral examinations and collecting data using questionnaires. (2) Methods: After obtaining approval from the University's Ethics Committee, the study was carried out from 2021 to 2022 at the Department of Oral Health, located in the Emergency Municipal Hospital in Timisoara, Timis County, Romania. Bivariate correlations were performed using nonparametric Spearman's Rho using SPPS software version 23. To assess the importance of smoking frequency related to the severity of periodontitis diagnosis, the ANOVA Simple test (one-way) and Hochberg GT2 post hoc analysis were utilized. The chi-squared test was employed for nominal variables. A significance level of 0.05 (alpha = 0.05) was adopted for all statistical tests. (3) Results: There is a significant positive association between the frequency of systemic disease and the severity of the periodontitis diagnosis taken as a total, Rho (242) = 0.151, p < 0.05, and taken as a stage, Rho (242) = 0.199, p < 0.01, thus as the severity of the diagnosis increases, the patient presents comorbidities. Hochberg GT2 post hoc analysis indicates that the non-smoking group has statistically significantly lower diagnostic severity (Mdif = -0.81, p = 0.01), with a strong effect size (Cohen's d = 0.73). (4) Conclusions: The findings are increasingly indicating a potential association between oral diseases and a range of systemic diseases. The impact of periodontal disease on the quality of life is significant, especially in individuals with associated systemic conditions and present risk factors.