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J Cytol ; 34(1): 51-52, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28182067


A diffuse, chronic, usually bilateral, noninflammatory, nonneoplastic enlargement of major salivary glands is termed as Sialosis or Sialadenosis. It is an extremely uncommon cause for enlargement of the parotid gland. We hereby present a case of a 45-year-old female patient having a swelling at the left preauricular region. The swelling was gradually increasing in size since 6 months. On clinical examination, the swelling was 3 cm × 3 cm, mobile, and nontender. On ultrasonography, it was suggestive of benign parotid lesion or parotitis with cervical lymphadenopathy. On fine needle aspiration cytology, it was suggestive of sialadenosis. This is an extremely rare salivary gland lesion with specific cellular features. It is very important to distinguish sialadenosis from other causes of enlargement of the parotid gland as treatment modality differs.

J Clin Diagn Res ; 9(12): ED05-6, 2015 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26813535


Primary angiosarcoma of the breast is extremely rare malignant tumour of the breast. The cytological and radiological findings are often non specific for diagnosis. Histopathology plays an important role in diagnosis and grading of tumour. Herewith we present a case of 55-year-old postmenopausal woman having history of rapidly enlarging right breast lump with prominent vascularity and associated bluish discolouration of overlying skin. Mammography shows ill defined mass lesion. Fine needle aspiration cytology was done which showed haemorrhagic aspirate with few clusters of highly pleomorphic neoplastic cells. Patient underwent modified radical mastectomy. On histopathological evaluation it showed primary angiosarcoma of the breast, poorly differentiated, grade-III. We are presenting this extremely rare malignancy of breast for its clinical, cytological and histopathological findings.

Int J Ayurveda Res ; 1(4): 211-5, 2010 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21455447


The seeds of Tectona grandis Linn. are traditionally acclaimed as hair tonic in the Indian system of medicine. Studies were therefore undertaken in order to evaluate petroleum ether extract of T. grandis seeds for its effect on hair growth in albino mice. The 5% and 10% extracts incorporated into simple ointment base were applied topically on shaved denuded skin of albino mice. The time required for initiation of hair growth as well as completion of hair growth cycle was recorded. Minoxidil 2% solution was applied topically and served as positive control. The result of treatment with minoxidil 2% is 49% hair in anagenic phase. Hair growth initiation time was significantly reduced to half on treatment with the extracts compared to control animals. The treatment was successful in bringing a greater number of hair follicles (64% and 51%) in anagenic phase than standard minoxidil (49%). The results of treatment with 5% and 10% petroleum ether extracts were comparable to the positive control minoxidil.