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Astrophys J ; 533(2): L155-L158, 2000 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10770713


A Keck II low-resolution spectrum shortward of 1 µm is presented for SDSS 1624+0029, the first field methane or T dwarf discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Significant flux is detected down to the spectrum's short-wavelength limit of 6200 Å. The spectrum exhibits a broad absorption feature centered at 7700 Å, which we interpret as the K i lambdalambda7665, 7699 resonance doublet. The observed flux declines shortward of 7000 Å, most likely owing to the red wing of the Na i doublet. Both Cs i doublet lines are detected more strongly than in an earlier red spectrum. Neither Li i absorption nor Halpha emission are detected. An exploratory model fit to the spectrum suggests that the shape of the red spectrum can be primarily accounted for by the broad wings of the K i and Na i doublets. This behavior is consistent with the argument proffered by Burrows, Marley, & Sharp that strong alkali absorption is principally responsible for depressing T dwarf spectra shortward of 1 µm. In particular, there seems no compelling reason at this time to introduce dust or an additional opacity source in the atmosphere of the Sloan object. The width of the K i and strengths of the Cs i lines also indicate that the Sloan object is warmer than Gl 229B.

Astrophys J ; 531(1): L57-L60, 2000 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10673414


We report the discovery of a widely separated (258&farcs;3+/-0&farcs;4) T dwarf companion to the Gl 570ABC system. This new component, Gl 570D, was initially identified from the Two Micron All-Sky Survey. Its near-infrared spectrum shows the 1.6 and 2.2 µm CH4 absorption bands characteristic of T dwarfs, while its common proper motion with the Gl 570ABC system confirms companionship. Gl 570D (MJ=16.47+/-0.07) is nearly a full magnitude dimmer than the only other known T dwarf companion, Gl 229B, and estimates of L=&parl0;2.8+/-0.3&parr0;x10-6 L middle dot in circle and Teff=750+/-50 K make it significantly cooler and less luminous than any other known brown dwarf companion. Using evolutionary models by Burrows et al. and an adopted age of 2-10 Gyr, we derive a mass estimate of 50+/-20 MJup for this object.