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Rev. méd. (La Paz) ; 20(1): 12-17, 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-738245


La enfermedad arterial periférica (EAP) es causa importante de ulceraciones persistentes, dolor y amputaciones en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2. Esta enfermedad es de 2 a 4 veces mayor en pacientes con diabetes que la población general. El índice tobillo/brazo (ITB) ecodoppler portátil, menor de 0,90 tiene una sensibilidad de 90 % y una especificidad de 95 % para el diagnostico de la enfermedad arterial periférica, es simple, barato, rápido y reproducible. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de la enfermedad arterial periférica en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 calculando el índice tobillo/ brazo con ecodoppler portátil. Material y métodos: Es un estudio prospectivo, trasversal, descriptivo y aplicativo, se aplicó y se midió el índice tobillo/brazo con ecodoppler portátil a 76 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, como criterio de inclusión fueron: pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2, criterios de exclusión: pacientes con ITB ≥ 1,3. Se utilizó tensiómetro con manguito manual, ecodoppler portátil, gel conductor, bolígrafos Resultados: De los 76 pacientes que se realizaron la medición del índice tobillo/brazo con ecodoppler, 16 (21.05%) pacientes tienen según el índice Tobillo/brazo EAP, 50 (65.78%) pacientes tenían índice dentro la normalidad y 10(13.15%) no valorable. , prevalencia fue de 18.89% (13.52%, 24,25%) Conclusiones: La prevalencia de la enfermedad arterial periférica en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es de prevalencia de 18.89% (13.52%, 24,25%).

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD ) is an important cause of persistent ulcerations , pain and amputations in patients with type 2 diabetes. This disease is 2 to 4 times higher in patients with diabetes than the general population. The ankle/brachial index (ABI) doppler portable, less than 0.90 as a sensitivity of 90 % and a specificity of 95 % for the diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease, is simple, inexpensive , rapid and reproducible. Objective: To determine the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease in type 2 diabetic patients by calculating the ankle/brachial index with portable Doppler ultrasound. Material and methods: A prospective , transversal, descriptive and application study was applied and the ankle/brachial index with portable Doppler ultrasound was measured in 76 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 , as inclusion criteria were: patients with type 2 diabetes , exclusion criteria : patients with ABI ≥ 1.3. Tensiometer with manual sleeve, portable doppler , conductive gel, pens Results were used: Of the 76 patients that the measurement of the ankle/brachial index were performed with Doppler ultrasound , 16 (21.05 %) patients have under Ankle / brachial index EAP, 50 ( 65.78 %) patients were within normal rate and 10 (13.15 %) were not assessable, Prevalence was 18.89 % (13.52 % , 24.25% ) Conclusions: The prevalence of peripheral arterial disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus prevalence is 18.89 % (13.52% , 24.25%) .

Doença Arterial Periférica
Rev. méd. (La Paz) ; 20(2): 9-14, 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-738256


Introducción: La microalbuminuria es un marcador de disfunción vascular generalizada y predictor independiente de riesgo aumentado de morbimortalidad cardiovascular en pacientes con diabetes e hipertensión, así como en la población general Pregunta de investigación: ¿Constituye la Microalbuminuria un factor predictor de la función renal en las mujeres gestantes? Material y Métodos: TIPO DE ESTUDIO: Analitico, prospectivo, longitudinal. UNIVERSO DE ESTUDIO: Mujeres gestantes (75) en control prenatal del Consultorio No 1 del Policlinico Miraflores, de la Caja Nacional de Salud, La Paz, Bolivia. TIEMPO DE ESTUDIO: Marzo a Junio 2014. METODO DEL ESTUDIO, DE RECOLECCION Y ANALISIS DE LA MUESTRA: Examen clínico de la paciente, Llenado de hoja de control prenatal del MSD (CLAP), Recoleccion de orina de 24 horas para determinación de Microalbuminuria. EXAMENES COMPLEMENTARIOS ADICIONALES: Hemograma, Glucemia, Creatinina, Acido urico, TGO, TGP, Examen general de orina. METODOLOGIA ESTADISTICA: Metodos de localización estadística generales (media, desviación standard). Metodos de inferencia: Determinación del valor P y chi square a través de paquete estadístico SPSS V 21.0. VALOR DE SIGNIFICACION ESTADISTICA: P<0,01 Conclusiones: La Microalbuminuria fue un predictor de función renal precoz, identificando que 11,2% de mujeres gestantes de nuestro universo presentaron valores positivos cuando otros marcadores como la creatinina sérica permanecían normales. La prevalencia de la microalbuminuria fue del 11,2%. La Microalbuminuria se correlacionó de forma positiva con estados hipertensivos de la gestación con un valor P = 0,0023. y con diabetes en la gestación estableciéndose un valor P = 0,00187.

Introduction: Microalbuminuria is a marker of generalized vascular dysfunction and an independent predictor of increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes and hypertension as well as in the general population Research Question: Does the Microalbuminuria a predictor of renal function factor in pregnant women?. Material and Methods: TYPE OF STUDY: Analytical, prospective, longitudinal. UNIVERSE STUDY: Pregnant women (75) in the prenatal control of Policlinico Miraflores, Caja Nacional de Salud, La Paz, Bolivia. STUDY TIME. March to June 2014. METHOD OF STUDY COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF THE SAMPLE: Clinical examination of the patient, filling sheet prenatal MSD (CLAP), Collection of 24-hour urine for determination of microalbuminuria. ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMS: CBC, Blood glucose, creatinine, uric acid, SGOT, SGPT, Urinalysis. STATISTICAL METHODOLOGY: Statistical Methods general location (mean, standard deviation). Inference Methods: Determination of P and chi square value through SPSS V 21.0. VALUE OF STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE: P <0.01. Conclusions: Microalbuminuria was an early predictor of renal function, identifying that 11.2% of pregnant women in our universe had positive values when other markers such as serum creatinine remained normal. The prevalence of microalbuminuria was 11.2%. The Microalbuminuria is positively correlated with hypertensive states of pregnancy at P = 0.0023., And gestational diabetes establishing a value P = 0.00187.

Testes de Função Renal
Rev. méd. (La Paz) ; 19(1): 15-21, 2013. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-738218


Hay intentos de no seguir realizando mutilaciones y se comienza a preconizar el concepto de enfermedad sistémica en cáncer de mama, por ello Mustakalio, en Finlandia y Baclesse, en Francia, son los pioneros en realizar tratamientos no mutilantes del cáncer de mama. El Objetivo de este estudio es el analizar si el margen ideal es de más o menos de 10 mm para un buen tratamiento locorregional en cáncer de mama invasor en etapas tempranas. Estudio retrospectivo, analítico y descriptivo de 194 pacientes , tratados desde el 2005 hasta el 2010 , de los cuales se toman como factores pronóstico de importancia para recurrencia locorregional, a la etapa patológica, edad, grado histológico, receptores estrogenicos y progestágenos positivos y negativos y adyuvancia con quimioterapia y/o radioterapia, numero de ganglios positivos, se comparara los márgenes en 3 grupos , uno de ellos con 1-2 márgenes menores de 10 mm ; segundo grupo con 3-5 márgenes menores de 10 mm comparados con un tercer grupo que tenían márgenes mayores a 10 mm. Se encontró 12 recurrencias locorregionales un 6.38% siendo las recurrencias en los dos primeros grupos señalados. Conclusión: Concluimos que el margen adecuado para tener un éxito en el manejo conservador de cáncer de mama invasor en etapas tempranas es de mas de 10 mm. que estéticamente muchas veces pueden ser difíciles de lograrlo, para tal efecto se tendrá que evaluar antes de la cirugía, tomando como referencian la relación tumor con mama, que no debe pasar más del 25 % del volumen de la mama ; por otra parte en mujeres post menopaúsica la recurrencia locorregional probablemente no sea tan frecuente puesto que a esta edad la diseminación por los conductos ductales es pobre, perse a la falta de estimulo del estrógeno a la mama.

There are attempts to not continue maiming and begins to advocate the concept of systemic disease in breast cancer, why Mustakalio, Baclesse in Finland and in France, are the pioneers in performing treatments not maiming of breast cancer. The objective of this study is to analyze if the margin is ideal for more than 10 mm or less for a good locoregional treatment in invasive breast cancer in its early stages. Retrospective, analytical study of 194 cases treated from 2005 until 2010, of which they take like factors importance prognosis for recurrence locorregional, to the pathological stage, age, histological grade, recipients estrogenicos and progestágenos positive and negative and adyuvancia with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, I number of positive ganglions, the margins will be compared in 3 groups, one of them with 1-2 less 10 mm margins; the second group with 3-5 less margins of 10 mm compared with a third group that had margins bigger than 10 mm. 6.38 % found 12 recurrencias locorregionales being the recurrencias in the first two special groups. Conclusion: We conclude that the margin adapted to be successful in the conservative handling of invading breast cancer in early stages is of more than 10 mm. that esthetically often can be difficult to achieve it, for such an effect it will be necessary to evaluate before the surgery, taking as they index the relation tumor with breast, which must not to spend(pass) any more than 25 % of the volume of the breast; on the other hand in women post menopausica the recurrence locorregional probably is not so frequent position that at this age the dissemination for the conduits ductales is poor, perse to the absence ofstimulus of the estrogen to the breast.

Mastectomia Segmentar
Rev. méd. (La Paz) ; 18(1): 57-66, 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-738203


Una de cada 7 mujeres embarazadas y lactantes tendrá un evento patológico en la mama. La evaluación mamaria debe ser parte de la rutina en la paciente obstétrica. La experiencia de la Gineco 4 del IMSS revela que de un total de 77,740 pacientes evaluadas en el Servicio de Oncología Mamaria, en el periodo comprendido de enero de 1990 a diciembre de 2000, 716 casos correspondieron a mastitis asociados a lactancia y 32 carcinomas durante el embarazo. El manejo integral debe incluir una evaluación cuidadosa con estudios de imagen cuando estén indicados, biopsias y cultivos. Se presentan las características clínicas, paraclínicas y el manejo de patología benigna tumoral y no tumoral durante el embarazo y la lactancia y se finaliza presentando lineamientos básicos para el manejo del cáncer mamario en las diferentes etapas clínicas y durante los diferentes trimestres del embarazo.

One of every seven women pregnant or in lactation period will present a breast pathological event. Breast evaluation should be part of the routine obstetric evaluation. Experience at the Gineco-obstetric Hospital # 4, IMSS, reveals that a total of 77,740 patients where evaluated between January of 1990 and December of 2000, 716 cases where lactation mastitis and 32 cases of breast cancer associated to pregnancy. The management should include a careful evaluation with image studies, biopsies and tissue cultures when necessary. We present the clinical and paraclinical characteristics ofbenign tumoral and non-tumoral disease ofthe breast during pregnancy and lactation, and we present the guidelines for treatment of breast cancer, according to stage and pregnancy trimester.

Ginecol Obstet Mex ; 76(6): 299-306, 2008 Jun.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18800585


BACKGROUND: Invasive breast cancer is the most common neoplasia in women attended at IMSS health system since 2004. OBJECTIVE: To compare clinical and radiological characteristics on initial appraisal, as well as surgical treatment, pathological features and adjuvant treatment in women with primary breast cancer of 40 years old and younger vs 70 years old and older. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Clinical, radiological and pathological data of 150 patients with breast cancer treated at Hospital de ginecoobstetricia Luis Castelazo Ayala, from January 2003 to June 2006 were collected, and after divided in two groups: 1) patients with 40 years old and younger (n = 50), and 2) patients with 70 years old and older (n = 100). RESULTS: Tumoral size and radiological characteristics were similar in both groups. Group 1 and group 2 had 22 and 13%, respectively, of family history of breast cancer. Fine needle biopsy has positive predictive value of 50% for group 1, and 36% for group 2. Conservative surgery was less common at group 2. Most frequent histological type in both groups was infiltrating ductal carcinoma, followed by infiltrating lobular carcinoma, most common in older women (19 vs 12%), and we found more well differentiated ductal carcinomas in the group of 70 years old and older (12 vs 4%). Seventy-six percent of group 1 and 75% of group 2 were classified as early stage breast cancer (stages I and II). Cytotoxic therapy was offered mostly to group 1, 92 vs 35%. Radiotherapy (80 vs 59%), and hormonal therapy was given only to 56% of group 1 vs 80% of group 2. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical and staging features were similar in both groups. Family history was more influential to group 1. Fine needle biopsy has a low positive predictive value for diagnostic. Well-differentiated carcinomas were higher in patients of group 2, and group 1 had more high-grade carcinomas. There was a trend to perform more conservative surgery at group 1, as well as they underwent more adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Use of hormonal therapy was more common at group 2.

Neoplasias da Mama/diagnóstico , Neoplasias da Mama/terapia , Adulto , Fatores Etários , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Adulto Jovem
Ginecol Obstet Mex ; 75(10): 588-602, 2007 Oct.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18800577


BACKGROUND: Wide surgical margins are prognostic indicators to prevent recurrences after conservative surgery in breast cancer; type of surgery and histopathological analysis are key factors too. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate tumoral size and surgical margins of quadrantectomy specimens utilizing mammography and histopathology, and decide if mammography of quadrantectomy specimens are useful for close margins prediction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prospective, observational and descriptive study based on the findings of specimen projections of two mammography quadrantectomies, and histopathological data. Ten patients with breast cancer were evaluated from May to November 2006. Surgical margins of quadrantectomys were marked with radiopaque material. RESULTS: Tumoral size was similar in mammography and histopathological analysis of quadrantectomys, however there was a tendency to report a larger size in mammography. With mammography only one case was reported as close superficial margin, the rest of patients has adequate margins (1 cm or higer). Five cases were close by histopathology (3 in the deep margin, one superior and one more in the superior and inferior margins), and five had adequate margins. Four additional surgical procedures where practiced (3 re-excisions and one mastectomy), in one of them additional surgery was unnecessary. CONCLUSIONS: Mammography evaluation was useful to identify peripheral margins (superior, inferior medial and lateral) as well as tumoral size, but useless to identify close borders (deep and superficial areas). It is necessary to evaluate more cases to improve this technique and to establish a common language between specialists.

Neoplasias da Mama/patologia , Neoplasias da Mama/cirurgia , Carcinoma in Situ/patologia , Carcinoma in Situ/cirurgia , Carcinoma Ductal de Mama/patologia , Carcinoma Ductal de Mama/cirurgia , Mamografia , Mastectomia Segmentar , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Mama/patologia , Neoplasias da Mama/diagnóstico por imagem , Carcinoma in Situ/diagnóstico por imagem , Carcinoma Ductal de Mama/diagnóstico por imagem , Feminino , Humanos , Cuidados Intraoperatórios , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos