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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(11): 110203, 2024 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38563923


The quantum no-broadcasting theorem states that it is impossible to produce perfect copies of an arbitrary quantum state, even if the copies are allowed to be correlated. Here we show that, although quantum broadcasting cannot be achieved by any physical process, it can be achieved by a virtual process, described by a Hermitian-preserving trace-preserving map. This virtual process is canonical: it is the only map that broadcasts all quantum states, is covariant under unitary evolution, is invariant under permutations of the copies, and reduces to the classical broadcasting map when subjected to decoherence. We show that the optimal physical approximation to the canonical broadcasting map is the optimal universal quantum cloning, and we also show that virtual broadcasting can be achieved by a virtual measure-and-prepare protocol, where a virtual measurement is performed, and, depending on the outcomes, two copies of a virtual quantum state are generated. Finally, we use canonical virtual broadcasting to prove a uniqueness result for quantum states over time.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(19): 197103, 2023 Nov 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38000405


The interplay between thermodynamics and information theory has a long history, but its quantitative manifestations are still being explored. We import tools from expected utility theory from economics into stochastic thermodynamics. We prove that, in a process obeying Crooks's fluctuation relations, every α Rényi divergence between the forward process and its reverse has the operational meaning of the "certainty equivalent" of dissipated work (or, more generally, of entropy production) for a player with risk aversion r=α-1. The two known cases α=1 and α=∞ are recovered and receive the new interpretation of being associated with a risk-neutral and an extreme risk-averse player, respectively. Among the new results, the condition for α=0 describes the behavior of a risk-seeking player willing to bet on the transient violations of the second law. Our approach further leads to a generalized Jarzynski equality, and generalizes to a broader class of statistical divergences.

Phys Rev E ; 103(5-1): 052111, 2021 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34134318


Quantitative studies of irreversibility in statistical mechanics often involve the consideration of a reverse process, whose definition has been the object of many discussions, in particular for quantum mechanical systems. Here we show that the reverse channel very naturally arises from Bayesian retrodiction, in both classical and quantum theories. Previous paradigmatic results, such as Jarzynski's equality, Crooks' fluctuation theorem, and Tasaki's two-measurement fluctuation theorem for closed driven quantum systems, are all shown to be consistent with retrodictive arguments. Also, various corrections that were introduced to deal with nonequilibrium steady states or open quantum systems are justified on general grounds as remnants of Bayesian retrodiction. More generally, with the reverse process constructed on consistent logical inference, fluctuation relations acquire a much broader form and scope.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(21): 210402, 2020 Nov 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33274994


Quantum theory describes multipartite objects of various types: quantum states, nonlocal boxes, steering assemblages, teleportages, distributed measurements, channels, and so on. Such objects describe, for example, the resources shared in quantum networks. Not all such objects are useful, however. In the context of spacelike separated parties, devices which can be simulated using local operations and shared randomness are useless, and it is of paramount importance to be able to practically distinguish useful from useless quantum resources. Accordingly, a body of literature has arisen to provide tools for witnessing and quantifying the nonclassicality of objects of each specific type. In the present Letter, we provide a framework which subsumes and generalizes all of these resources, as well as the tools for witnessing and quantifying their nonclassicality.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(12): 120401, 2020 Mar 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32281841


Measurement incompatibility describes two or more quantum measurements whose expected joint outcome on a given system cannot be defined. This purely nonclassical phenomenon provides a necessary ingredient in many quantum information tasks such as violating a Bell inequality or nonlocally steering part of an entangled state. In this Letter, we characterize incompatibility in terms of programmable measurement devices and the general notion of quantum programmability. This refers to the temporal freedom a user has in issuing programs to a quantum device. For devices with a classical control and classical output, measurement incompatibility emerges as the essential quantum resource embodied in their functioning. Based on the processing of programmable measurement devices, we construct a quantum resource theory of incompatibility. A complete set of convertibility conditions for programmable devices is derived based on quantum state discrimination with postmeasurement information.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 5352, 2018 12 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30559428


What does it mean for one quantum process to be more disordered than another? Interestingly, this apparently abstract question arises naturally in a wide range of areas such as information theory, thermodynamics, quantum reference frames, and the resource theory of asymmetry. Here we use a quantum-mechanical generalization of majorization to develop a framework for answering this question, in terms of single-shot entropies, or equivalently, in terms of semi-definite programs. We also investigate some of the applications of this framework, and remarkably find that, in the context of quantum thermodynamics it provides the first complete set of necessary and sufficient conditions for arbitrary quantum state transformations under thermodynamic processes, which rigorously accounts for quantum-mechanical properties, such as coherence. Our framework of generalized thermal processes extends thermal operations, and is based on natural physical principles, namely, energy conservation, the existence of equilibrium states, and the requirement that quantum coherence be accounted for thermodynamically.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(25): 250501, 2017 Jun 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28696747


We consider the problem of characterizing the set of input-output correlations that can be generated by an arbitrarily given quantum measurement. Our main result is to provide a closed-form, full characterization of such a set for any qubit measurement, and to discuss its geometrical interpretation. As applications, we further specify our results to the cases of real and complex symmetric, informationally complete measurements and mutually unbiased bases of a qubit, in the presence of isotropic noise. Our results provide the optimal device-independent tests of quantum measurements.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(2): 020401, 2017 Jul 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28753334


A paramount topic in quantum foundations, rooted in the study of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox and Bell inequalities, is that of characterizing quantum theory in terms of the spacelike correlations it allows. Here, we show that to focus only on spacelike correlations is not enough: we explicitly construct a toy model theory that, while not contradicting classical and quantum theories at the level of spacelike correlations, still displays an anomalous behavior in its timelike correlations. We call this anomaly, quantified in terms of a specific communication game, the "hypersignaling" phenomena. We hence conclude that the "principle of quantumness," if it exists, cannot be found in spacelike correlations alone: nontrivial constraints need to be imposed also on timelike correlations, in order to exclude hypersignaling theories.

Proc Math Phys Eng Sci ; 473(2199): 20160721, 2017 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28413337


We develop a device-independent framework for testing quantum channels. That is, we falsify a hypothesis about a quantum channel based only on an observed set of input-output correlations. Formally, the problem consists of characterizing the set of input-output correlations compatible with any arbitrary given quantum channel. For binary (i.e. two input symbols, two output symbols) correlations, we show that extremal correlations are always achieved by orthogonal encodings and measurements, irrespective of whether or not the channel preserves commutativity. We further provide a full, closed-form characterization of the sets of binary correlations in the case of: (i) any dihedrally covariant qubit channel (such as any Pauli and amplitude-damping channels) and (ii) any universally-covariant commutativity-preserving channel in an arbitrary dimension (such as any erasure, depolarizing, universal cloning and universal transposition channels).

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(3): 030401, 2015 Jul 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26230770


Information-theoretic definitions for noise and disturbance in quantum measurements were given in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 050401 (2014)] and a state-independent noise-disturbance uncertainty relation was obtained. Here, we derive a tight noise-disturbance uncertainty relation for complementary qubit observables and carry out an experimental test. Successive projective measurements on the neutron's spin-1/2 system, together with a correction procedure which reduces the disturbance, are performed. Our experimental results saturate the tight noise-disturbance uncertainty relation for qubits when an optimal correction procedure is applied.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(14): 140502, 2014 Oct 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25325626


We show that complete positivity is not only sufficient but also necessary for the validity of the quantum data-processing inequality. As a consequence, the reduced dynamics of a quantum system are completely positive, even in the presence of initial correlations with its surrounding environment, if and only if such correlations do not allow any anomalous backward flow of information from the environment to the system. Our approach provides an intuitive information-theoretic framework to unify and extend a number of previous results.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(5): 050401, 2014 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24580574


We introduce information-theoretic definitions for noise and disturbance in quantum measurements and prove a state-independent noise-disturbance tradeoff relation that these quantities have to satisfy in any conceivable setup. Contrary to previous approaches, the information-theoretic quantities we define are invariant under the relabelling of outcomes and allow for the possibility of using quantum or classical operations to "correct" for the disturbance. We also show how our bound implies strong tradeoff relations for mean square deviations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(20): 200401, 2012 May 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23003127


Departing from the usual paradigm of local operations and classical communication adopted in entanglement theory, we study here the interconversion of quantum states by means of local operations and shared randomness. A set of necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such a transformation between two given quantum states is given in terms of the payoff they yield in a suitable class of nonlocal games. It is shown that, as a consequence of our result, such a class of nonlocal games is able to witness quantum entanglement, however weak, and reveal nonlocality in any entangled quantum state. An example illustrating this fact is provided.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(13): 130503, 2011 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21517364


We quantify the one-shot entanglement cost of an arbitrary bipartite state, that is, the minimum number of singlets needed by two distant parties to create a single copy of the state up to a finite accuracy, by using local operations and classical communication only. This analysis, in contrast to the traditional one, pertains to scenarios of practical relevance, in which resources are finite and transformations can be achieved only approximately. Moreover, it unveils a fundamental relation between two well-known entanglement measures, namely, the Schmidt number and the entanglement of formation. Using this relation, we are able to recover the usual expression of the entanglement cost as a special case.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(21): 210504, 2008 May 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18518592


We perform an information-theoretical analysis of quantum measurement processes and obtain the global information balance in quantum measurements, in the form of a closed chain equation for quantum mutual entropies. Our balance provides a tight and general entropic information-disturbance trade-off, and explains the physical mechanism underlying it. Finally, the single-outcome case, that is, the case of measurements with posts election, is briefly discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 99(18): 180501, 2007 Nov 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17995387


By exploiting a generalization of recent results on environment-assisted channel correction, we show that, whenever a quantum system undergoes a channel realized as an interaction with a probe, the more efficiently the information about the input state can be erased from the probe, the higher the corresponding entanglement fidelity of the corrected channel, and vice-versa. The present analysis also applies to channels for which perfect quantum erasure is impossible, thus extending the original quantum eraser arrangement, and naturally embodies a general information-disturbance trade-off.

Phys Rev Lett ; 95(9): 090501, 2005 Aug 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16197194


We show that for qubits and qutrits it is always possible to perfectly recover quantum coherence by performing a measurement only on the environment, whereas for dimension d >3 there are situations where recovery is impossible, even with complete access to the environment. For qubits, the minimal amount of classical information to be extracted from the environment equals the entropy exchange.