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Mov Ecol ; 12(1): 53, 2024 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39085926


BACKGROUND: Movement plays a key role in allowing animal species to adapt to sudden environmental shifts. Anthropogenic climate and land use change have accelerated the frequency of some of these extreme disturbances, including megafire. These megafires dramatically alter ecosystems and challenge the capacity of several species to adjust to a rapidly changing landscape. Ungulates and their movement behaviors play a central role in the ecosystem functions of fire-prone ecosystems around the world. Previous work has shown behavioral plasticity is an important mechanism underlying whether large ungulates are able to adjust to recent changes in their environments effectively. Ungulates may respond to the immediate effects of megafire by adjusting their movement and behavior, but how these responses persist or change over time following disturbance is poorly understood. METHODS: We examined how an ecologically dominant ungulate with strong site fidelity, Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus), adjusted its movement and behavior in response to an altered landscape following a megafire. To do so, we collected GPS data from 21 individual female deer over the course of a year to compare changes in home range size over time and used resource selection functions (RSFs) and hidden Markov movement models (HMMs) to assess changes in behavior and habitat selection. RESULTS: We found compelling evidence of adaptive capacity across individual deer in response to megafire. Deer avoided exposed and severely burned areas that lack forage and could be riskier for predation immediately following megafire, but they later altered these behaviors to select areas that burned at higher severities, potentially to take advantage of enhanced forage. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that despite their high site fidelity, deer can navigate altered landscapes to track rapid shifts in encounter risk with predators and resource availability. This successful adjustment of movement and behavior following extreme disturbance could help facilitate resilience at broader ecological scales.

Ecol Evol ; 11(22): 15683-15694, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34824782


With rapid global change, the frequency and severity of extreme disturbance events are increasing worldwide. The ability of animal populations to survive these stochastic events depends on how individual animals respond to their altered environments, yet our understanding of the immediate and short-term behavioral responses of animals to acute disturbances remains poor. We focused on animal behavioral responses to the environmental disturbance created by megafire. Specifically, we explored the effects of the 2018 Mendocino Complex Fire in northern California, USA, on the behavior and body condition of black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus). We predicted that deer would be displaced by the disturbance or experience high mortality post-fire if they stayed in the burn area. We used data from GPS collars on 18 individual deer to quantify patterns of home range use, movement, and habitat selection before and after the fire. We assessed changes in body condition using images from a camera trap grid. The fire burned through half of the study area, facilitating a comparison between deer in burned and unburned areas. Despite a dramatic reduction in vegetation in burned areas, deer showed high site fidelity to pre-fire home ranges, returning within hours of the fire. However, mean home range size doubled after the fire and corresponded to increased daily activity in a severely resource-depleted environment. Within their home ranges, deer also selected strongly for patches of surviving vegetation and woodland habitat, as these areas provided forage and cover in an otherwise desolate landscape. Deer body condition significantly decreased after the fire, likely as a result of a reduction in forage within their home ranges, but all collared deer survived for the duration of the study. Understanding the ways in which large mammals respond to disturbances such as wildfire is increasingly important as the extent and severity of such events increases across the world. While many animals are adapted to disturbance regimes, species that exhibit high site fidelity or otherwise fixed behavioral strategies may struggle to cope with increased climate instability and associated extreme disturbance events.

Biol J Linn Soc Lond ; 119(2): 397-413, 2016 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27725785


Climate and host demographic cycling often shape both parasite genetic diversity and host distributions, processes that transcend a history of strict host-parasite association. We explored host associations and histories based on an evaluation of mitochondrial and nuclear sequences to reveal the underlying history and genetic structure of a pinworm, Rauschtineria eutamii, infecting 10 species of western North American chipmunks (Rodentia:Tamias, subgenus Neotamias). Rauschtineria eutamii contains divergent lineages influenced by the diversity of hosts and variation across the complex topography of western North America. We recovered six reciprocally monophyletic R. eutamii mitochondrial clades, largely supported by nuclear gene trees, exhibiting divergence levels comparable to intraspecific variation reported for other nematodes. Phylogenetic relationships among pinworm clades suggest that R. eutamii colonized an ancestral lineage of western chipmunks and lineages persisted during historical isolation in diverging Neotamias species or species groups. Pinworm diversification, however, is incongruent and asynchronous relative to host diversification. Secondarily, patterns of shallow divergence were shaped by geography through events of episodic colonization reflecting an interaction of taxon pulses and ecological fitting among assemblages in recurrent sympatry. Pinworms occasionally infect geographically proximal host species; however, host switching may be unstable or ephemeral, as there is no signal of host switching in the deeper history of R. eutamii.