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J. nurs. health ; 14(1): 1424370, abr.2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1555862


Objetivo: investigar a relação entre carga de trabalho e o registro de cansaço e impotência em profissionais de enfermagem na linha de frente contra a COVID-19. Método: estudo misto, na etapa transversal com 91 profissionais de um hospital público do Rio Grande do Sul, 31 dos quais foram entrevistados em profundidade. Utilizaram-se o Self-Reporting Questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scalee Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, analisados estatisticamente. Resultados:indicam correlação positiva moderada entre cansaço e impotência (p<0,01), ambos correlacionados positivamente com carga de trabalho (p<0,05) e negativamente com experiência profissional (p<0,05). Regressões lineares indicaram o tempo de exercício profissional como preditor negativo (p<0,05) para cansaço e impotênciae o número de horas trabalhadas na semana como preditor positivo do cansaço (p<0,05) e adjuvante no modelo final para impotência (p=0,089), com bom ajuste (p=0,013). Conclusões:é necessário ajustar a proteção das equipes em relação ao volume e à extensãodas jornadas de trabalho.

Objective: to investigate the relationship between workload and the reporting of fatigue and helplessness among nursing professionals on the front lines against COVID-19. Method: a mixed-method study, in the cross-sectional stage with 91 professionals from a public hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, 31 of whom were interviewed in depth. The Self-Reporting Questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scale, and Oldenburg Burnout Inventory were used, statistically analyzed. Results: indicate a moderate positive correlation between fatigue and helplessness (p<0.01), both positively correlated with workload (p<0.05) and negatively with professional experience (p<0.05). Linear regressions indicated professional practice time as a negative predictor (p<0.05) for fatigue and helplessness, and the number of hours worked per week as a positive predictor of fatigue (p<0.05) and an adjunct in the final model for helplessness (p=0.089), with a good fit (p=0.013). Conclusions: it is necessary to adjust the protection of teams regarding the volume and duration of working hours.

Objetivo: investigar la relación entre carga de trabajo y registro de cansancio y impotencia en profesionales de enfermería en la línea de frente contra la COVID-19. Método: estudio mixto, en la etapa transversal con 91 profesionales de un hospital público de Rio Grande do Sul, 31 de los cuales fueron entrevistados en profundidad. Se utilizaron escalas analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: indican correlación positiva moderada entre cansancio y impotencia (p<0.01), ambos correlacionados positivamente con carga de trabajo (p<0.05) y negativamente con experiencia profesional (p<0.05). Las regresiones lineales indicaron tiempo de ejercicio profesional como un predictor negativo (p<0.05) para cansancio y impotencia, y número de horas trabajadas por semana como un predictor positivo del cansancio (p<0.05) y un adjunto en el modelo final para la impotencia (p=0.089), con un buen ajuste (p=0.013). Conclusiones: es necesario ajustar la protección de los equipos en relación con el volumen y la duración de las jornadas laborales.

COVID-19 , Saúde Mental , Saúde Ocupacional , Enfermagem , Fadiga
J. bras. psiquiatr ; 71(1): 24-31, jan.-mar. 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365064


OBJETIVO: Investigar a relação entre a realização de testes para detectar COVID-19 e indícios de sofrimento psíquico, estresse e burnout entre profissionais de saúde da linha de frente da pandemia em um hospital geral. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de abordagem mista usando SRQ-20, PSS, OBI e entrevistas em profundidade em série de três entrevistas em 2020. RESULTADOS: Prevalências preocupantes de escores elevados de SRQ20, Burnout e Estresse Percebido ocorreram nas três entrevistas, e o registro de testes realizados foi crescente no período estudado, mas não houve associação entre desfechos e realização de testes para detectar COVID-19. Os temores de contrair a doença e de ser transmissor do vírus apareceram como os principais estressores para profissionais de saúde, mantidos apesar da realização de testes. CONCLUSÃO: Nesse grupo, testes realizados não se mostraram suficientes para modificar os efeitos psicossociais da atividade em linha de frente sobre profissionais de saúde.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between the performance of tests to detect COVID-19 and signs of psychological distress, perceived stress and burnout among health professionals on the frontline of the pandemic in a general hospital. METHODS: Prospective mixed-approach study using SRQ-20, PSS, OBI and in-depth interviews in a series of 3 interviews throughout 2020. RESULTS: Worrying prevalences of high scores of SRQ20, Burnout and Perceived Stress occurred on the three interviews and the number of tests performed increased during the study period, but there was no association between outcomes and testing to detect COVID- 19. Fear of contracting the disease or being a transmitter of the virus appeared as the main stressors for health professionals, maintained despite testing. CONCLUSION: In this group, tests performed were not sufficient to modify the psychosocial effects of the front line activity on health professionals.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Esgotamento Profissional/psicologia , Esgotamento Profissional/epidemiologia , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Medo/psicologia , Pandemias , COVID-19/transmissão , Prevalência , Entrevistas como Assunto , Estudos Prospectivos , Angústia Psicológica , Teste para COVID-19 , Hospitais Gerais
Rev. psicol. organ. trab ; 21(4): 1691-1697, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1357392


O estudo destaca os profissionais de saúde da linha de frente do enfrentamento à COVID-19 quanto às suas impressões sobre as relações de trabalho em um hospital público do sul do Brasil. Foi realizada análise argumentativa de entrevistas em profundidade realizadas com 31 profissionais entre junho e setembro de 2020. Emergiram impressões positivas e negativas sobre equipes e sobre a gestão da instituição. Os resultados apontam risco de desmotivação por restrição de participação nas decisões e por ausência de incentivos, e que os trabalhadores querem ser ouvidos antes da tomada de decisões pela chefia. Ainda, o apoio na equipe de trabalho tem amenizado a rotina estressante, o que indica que o companheirismo é uma característica a ser cultivada, sobretudo nas equipes que possuem uma rotina envolta por múltiplos estressores.

The present study focuses on health professionals on the front line against COVID-19, regarding their impressions about labor relations in a public hospital in southern Brazil. Argumentative analysis was carried out on in-depth interviews taken with 31 professionals between June and September 2020. Positive and negative impressions emerged about their teams and about the institution's management. The results point to the risk of demotivation due to restriction of participation in decisions and lack of incentives, and that the hospital workers want to be heard before management makes decisions. Moreover, support in the work team has eased the stressful routine, showing that companionship is a characteristic to be cultivated, especially in teams that have a routine surrounded by multiple stressors.

El estudio da voz a los profesionales de la salud en la primera línea de enfrentamiento al COVID-19 en cuanto a sus impresiones sobre las relaciones laborales en un hospital público del sur de Brasil. Se llevó a cabo un análisis argumentativo de entrevistas en profundidad realizadas a 31 profesionales entre junio y septiembre de 2020, de las cuales surgieron impresiones positivas y negativas sobre los equipos y sobre la gestión de la institución. Los resultados apuntan a un riesgo de desmotivación por restricción de participación en las decisiones y por falta de incentivos, y que los trabajadores quieren ser escuchados antes de que la gerencia tome decisiones. Aun así, el apoyo en el equipo de trabajo ha aliviado la rutina estresante, lo que indica que el compañerismo es una característica a cultivar, especialmente en equipos que tienen una rutina rodeada de múltiples estresores.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; 70(1): 30-38, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1180806


RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos da atuação na linha de frente da COVID-19 na saúde mental de profissionais de hospital público. Métodos: Análise transversal de entrevistas de ingresso em estudo prospectivo, com abordagem mista, em hospital da rede pública no Sul do Brasil. Resultados: Foram entrevistadas 123 pessoas, 76% profissionais de enfermagem e 81% mulheres. Escore igual ou superior a sete pontos no Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) foi obtido para 40% da amostra, 45% tiveram escore igual ou superior a 25 pontos na Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) e 41% atingiram escores compatíveis com burnout no Inventário de Burnout de Oldenburg (OBI). Os desfechos estiveram associados entre si (p < 0,05), mas nenhuma associação foi verificada com as variáveis independentes. Nas entrevistas em profundidade, foram destacados como dificuldades: longos plantões sem intervalos, bem como paramentação, pressão e cansaço maiores que os habituais, isolamento no próprio hospital, risco da própria contaminação e temores e culpa relacionados às famílias. A união da equipe apareceu como aspecto que favorece o desempenho no enfrentamento dessa situação. Conclusões: Profissionais apresentam quadro de sofrimento psicossocial. Recomenda-se priorizar repouso e intervalos, o que poderá exigir adequações de rotinas e espaços físicos, além de ampliar a oferta de apoio emocional às equipes.

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate psychosocial effects on health professionals from the frontline activity in the pandemic. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of entry interviews in a prospective study about the stress and mental health of COVID-19 frontline workers in a public hospital in Southern Brazil. The study has a mixed approach. Results: 123 people interviewed, 76% were nursing professionals and 81% women. A score of seven or more on the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) was obtained for 40% of the sample, 45% had a score of 25 or more on the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and 41% achieved scores compatible with burnout in the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OBI). The outcomes were associated with each other (p < 0.05), but no association was found with the independent variables. Long shifts without breaks due to vestments, pressure and fatigue greater than usual, isolation in the hospital itself, risk of contamination itself and fears and guilt related to families were highlighted in the in-depth interviews. The team unity appeared as an aspect that favors performance in COVID-19 coping. Conclusions: Professionals are suffering and it is recommended to prioritize rest and breaks, which may require adjustments to routines and physical spaces, in addition to expanding the offer of emotional support to the teams of health workers.

Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab ; 11: 2042018820930904, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32782774


BACKGROUND: 25-Hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] deficiency has been implicated as a possible risk factor for the onset and progression of diabetes kidney disease (DKD). The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction between levels of 25(OH)D and DKD in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients. METHODS: Cross-sectional design, outpatient type 2 DM. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was measured by 51Cr-EDTA and estimated by Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI), urinary albumin excretion (UAE) by immunoturbidimetry, and 25(OH)D by chemiluminescence. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis and generalized linear model (Poisson robust regression estimator) were used to assess the interaction between 25(OH)D levels and renal function. RESULTS: A total of 114 type 2 DM patients aged 60 ± 10 years, 49 males (43%), DM duration 22 ± 10 years, with GFR > 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 were evaluated. Patients with GFRs 60-90 (n = 50) had significantly lower 25(OH)D levels than individuals with GFRs > 90 ml/min/1.73 m2 (n = 64), respectively 40 ± 20 versus 48 ± 20 nmol/l, p = 0.027. This difference was more pronounced for older individuals (39 ± 20 versus 54 ± 23 nmol/l, respectively), and Poisson robust regression disclosed that lower 25(OH)D [Poisson regression (PR) = 0.989, confidence interval (CI): 0.978-0.999, p = 0.034], and advanced age (PR = 1.050, CI: 1.007-1.096, p = 0.023) were significantly associated with the lower GFR category, adjusted for seasons. ROC curve analysis showed that the cutoff point of 25(OH)D of 41 nmol/l was associated with lower GFR [area under the curve (AUC) = 0.694, p = 0.009]. CKD-EPI estimated GFR (eGFR) was not associated with 25(OH)D in any analysis. There was no difference in 25(OH)D levels between patients with elevated UAE as compared with normoalbuminuric ones (44 ± 21 versus 46 ± 19 nmol/l, p = 0.587). CONCLUSION: Lower levels of 25(OH)D are associated with decreased GFR in patients with type 2 DM, especially in older patients, with no evidence of interaction with UAE levels.

Clin Biochem ; 53: 43-48, 2018 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29331592


AIM: To evaluate the accuracy of creatinine and cystatin C (cysC) equations to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients and healthy adults. METHODS: Case-control study including 84 patients with type 2 DM and 100 healthy adults with measured GFR (mGFR)≥60mL/min/1.73m2. GFR was measured by 51Cr-EDTA and estimated (eGFR) by the following equations using creatinine, cysC or both markers: Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI), Caucasian Asian Pediatrics and Adults (CAPA), CKD-EPI creatinine-cystatin C (CKDEPI-CC), and CKD-EPI cystatin C (CKDEPIcysC). Agreement was evaluated by Bland & Altman analysis. RESULTS: Healthy individuals were 66% females, aged 38±14years; they presented mGFR 112±19mL/min/1.73m2 and eGFR by CKD-EPI, CKDEPI-CC, CKDEPIcysC and CAPA equations, respectively, 108±17, 102±15, 97±16 and 93±16mL/min/1.73m2. DM group were 50% females, aged 59±19years and presented mGFR 104±27 and eGFR 87±19, 80±18, 74±20 and 73±18mL/min/1.73m2, respectively. All equations significantly underestimated mGFR, excepting creatinine-based CKD-EPI in the healthy group. The performance was considerably worse for GFRs above 120mL/min/1.73m2. CONCLUSION: In both healthy and type 2 DM patients, cystatin C-based equations, including the combined CKD-EPI creatinine-cystatin equation, failed to improve the accuracy of GFR estimation, especially for normal and high normal GFR values.

Creatinina/urina , Cistatina C/urina , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/urina , Taxa de Filtração Glomerular , Adulto , Idoso , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Clin Biochem ; 46(15): 1423-9, 2013 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23747959


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this paper was to compare the agreement between creatinine measured by Jaffe and enzymatic methods and their putative influence on eGFR as calculated by the CKD-EPI (Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration) equation in healthy and diabetic individuals. DESIGN AND METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in 123 adult southern Brazilians with GFR>60 mL/min/1.73 m² (53 patients with type 2 diabetes, 70 healthy volunteers). Mean age was 49±16 years (range of 19-86). Most were female (55%) and white (83%). Creatinine was measured by a traceable Jaffe method (Modular P, Roche Diagnostic) and by an enzymatic method (CREA plus, Roche/Hitachi 917). GFR was measured by the 5¹Cr-EDTA single-injection method. RESULTS: Serum creatinine measured by the Jaffe and enzymatic methods was similar in healthy subjects (0.79±0.16 vs. 0.79±0.15 mg/dL, respectively, P=0.76), and diabetic patients (0.96±0.22 vs. 0.92±0.29 mg/dL, respectively, P=0.17). However, the correlation between the two methods was higher in the healthy group (r=0.90 vs. 0.76, P<0.001). The difference between Jaffe creatinine and enzymatic creatinine was <10% in 63% of cases in the healthy group and 40% of cases in the diabetes group (P=0.018). In the subset of patients with diabetes, eGFR based on enzymatic assay results showed better agreement with measured GFR than did eGFR based on Jaffe results. CONCLUSION: Jaffe and enzymatic creatinine methods show adequate agreement in healthy subjects, but in the presence of diabetes, the enzymatic method performed slightly better.

Creatinina/sangue , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/sangue , Ensaios Enzimáticos/estatística & dados numéricos , Taxa de Filtração Glomerular , Adulto , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/fisiopatologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Sensibilidade e Especificidade
Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol ; 56(1): 67-71, 2012 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22460197


Resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited disorder characterized by end-organ reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone. This syndrome is caused by mutations of the thyroid hormone receptor (TR) ß gene, and its clinical presentation is quite variable. Goiter is reported to be the most common finding. A close association of TRß mutations with human cancers has become apparent, but the role of TRß mutants in the carcinogenesis is still undefined. Moreover, higher TSH levels, described in RTH syndrome, are correlated with increased risk of thyroid malignancy, whereas TSH receptor stimulation is likely to be involved in tumor progression. We report here an illustrative case of a 29 year-old patient with RTH caused by a mutation in exon 9 (A317T) of TRß gene, who presented multicentric papillary thyroid cancer. We review the literature on this uncommon feature, and discuss the potential role of this mutation on human tumorigenesis, as well as the challenges in patient follow-up.

Carcinoma Papilar/genética , Mutação/genética , Receptores beta dos Hormônios Tireóideos/genética , Síndrome da Resistência aos Hormônios Tireóideos/genética , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/genética , Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Tireotropina/sangue
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 56(1): 67-71, fev. 2012. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-617918


Resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited disorder characterized by end-organ reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone. This syndrome is caused by mutations of the thyroid hormone receptor (TR) β gene, and its clinical presentation is quite variable. Goiter is reported to be the most common finding. A close association of TRβ mutations with human cancers has become apparent, but the role of TRβ mutants in the carcinogenesis is still undefined. Moreover, higher TSH levels, described in RTH syndrome, are correlated with increased risk of thyroid malignancy, whereas TSH receptor stimulation is likely to be involved in tumor progression. We report here an illustrative case of a 29 year-old patient with RTH caused by a mutation in exon 9 (A317T) of TRβ gene, who presented multicentric papillary thyroid cancer. We review the literature on this uncommon feature, and discuss the potential role of this mutation on human tumorigenesis, as well as the challenges in patient follow-up.

A síndrome da resistência aos hormônios tireoidianos (RHT) é caracterizada por redução da sensibilidade aos hormônios da tireoide. A apresentação clínica é variável, sendo a presença de bócio a manifestação mais frequentemente descrita. A associação de mutação no receptor β e neoplasias em humanos vem sendo demonstrada recentemente, porém o mecanismo pelo qual a mutação desse receptor está envolvida na carcinogênese não está completamente definido. Além disso, níveis elevados de TSH sérico, descritos na RHT, estão associados a aumento do risco de câncer de tireoide, e o estímulo do TSH está provavelmente envolvido na patogênese desses carcinomas. Este artigo relata o caso de um homem de 29 anos com RHT, com análise molecular demonstrando mutação no éxon 9, códon 317, e carcinoma papilar de tireoide. Revisamos a literatura dos casos relatados os quais descrevem associação entre RHT e câncer de tireoide e discutimos os desafios do tratamento e seguimento desses pacientes.

Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Carcinoma Papilar/genética , Mutação/genética , Receptores beta dos Hormônios Tireóideos/genética , Síndrome da Resistência aos Hormônios Tireóideos/genética , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/genética , Tireotropina/sangue
Clin Chem Lab Med ; 49(11): 1761-71, 2011 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21756163


Serum creatinine measurement is a mainstay in the routine laboratory evaluation of renal function, despite of having several disadvantages. Cystatin C, on the other hand, suffers less influence of gender and muscle mass and has been proposed as a more sensitive marker for glomerular filtration rate. However, serum endogenous markers should not be used alone to assess glomerular filtration rate. Creatinine-based equations such as the modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD) and Cockcroft-Gault are widely used despite their limitations. A large number of cystatin C-based prediction equations were developed in recent years, in diverse populations, with different laboratory assays and methods. Several studies demonstrated that cystatin C-based equations are reliable markers of glomerular filtration rate and can be used for diagnosis, evaluation and follow-up of kidney disease. They are simpler than creatinine-based equations and have at least the same accuracy and precision for glomerular filtration rate estimation. In conclusion, diabetes mellitus, cystic fibrosis, kidney transplantation, HIV-infection, and cirrhosis are clinical situations where cystatin C-based equations can be useful. Extremes of age such as childhood and advanced age have also been evaluated with favorable results.

Biomarcadores/sangue , Creatinina/sangue , Cistatina C/sangue , Taxa de Filtração Glomerular , Nefropatias/metabolismo , Rim/metabolismo , Adulto , Idoso , Algoritmos , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Rim/fisiopatologia , Nefropatias/diagnóstico , Nefropatias/fisiopatologia , Transplante de Rim , Masculino , Nefelometria e Turbidimetria , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Gravidez , Radioisótopos , Padrões de Referência , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Rev. HCPA & Fac. Med. Univ. Fed. Rio Gd. do Sul ; 31(4): 402-406, 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-685121


Low-grade inflammation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy, and anti-inflammatory drugs could be potentially useful as a therapeutic tool. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of low-dose aspirin (300 mg/d) on urinary albumin excretion (UAE) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) levels of microalbuminuric type 2 DM patients. Methods: in this randomized, double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled study, 18 microalbuminuric (UAE=30-300 mg/24 h) type 2 DM patients received aspirin (300 mg/d) or identical placebo for 8 weeks, with a 6-week washout period. The patients were aged 56±9 years, had a diabetes duration of 16±7.5 years; 11 (61%) were female, and they were all using enalapril 10 mg bid. GFR was measured by 51Cr-EDTA single-injection method and UAE by immunoturbidimetry. The sample-size calculation showed that 17 patients were needed to detect a 30% change in UAE (α= 0.05 and β= 0.20). Results: after 8 weeks of treatment, there were no significant differences between placebo and aspirin, respectively, regarding UAE [57.7 (8.9-420.0) vs. 63 (8.2-272.0) mg/24 h; P=0.45] and GFR (108±34 vs. 111±47 ml/min/1.73 m2; P=0.90). Glycemic control was stable throughout the C-reactive protein levels [2.72 (0.34-10.3) vs. 2.03 (0.25-10.3) μg/l; P=0.21] were comparable after placebo and aspirin, respectively. There were no period (P=0.41) or carry-over effects (P=0.49). Conclusion: low-dose aspirin did not affect GFR and UAE levels of microalbuminuric type 2 DM. It seems that the putative low-grade inflammation of diabetic nephropathy does not respond to these low doses of the drug

A inflamação em baixo grau tem sido implicada na patogênese da nefropatia diabética e o uso de anti-inflamatórios poderia ser potencialmente útil como terapêutica. Objetivo: o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito de baixas doses de aspirina sobre a excreção urinária de albumina (EUA) e taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG) de pacientes com diabete melito(DM) tipo 2 microalbuminuricos. Métodos: neste estudo randomizado, duplo-cego, cruzado, controlado com placebo, 18 pacientes DM tipo 2 microalbuminuricos (EUA = 30-300 mg/24 h) receberam aspirina (300 mg/dia) ou placebo idêntico por 8 semanas, com um período de washout de 6 semanas. Os pacientes tinham idade de 56±9 anos, duração diabetes de 16±7,5 anos, 11 (61%) eram do sexo feminino, e todos estavam usando 20 mg de enalapril/dia. A TFG foi medida pelo 51Cr-EDTA e a EUA por imunoturbidimetria. O calculo do tamanho da amostra: 17 pacientes para detectar uma alteração de 30% na EUA (α=0,05 e β=0,20). Resultados: após 8 semanas, não houve diferenças significativas entre placebo e aspirina, respectivamente, em relação a EUA [57,7 (8,9-420,0) vs. 63 (8,2-272,0) mg/24 h;P=0,45] e TFG (108±34 vs. 111±47 ml/min/1,73 m2; P=0,90). O controle glicêmico manteve-se estável. Os níveis de proteína C reativa [2,72 (0,34-10,3) vs. 2,03 (0,25-10,3) mg/l; P=0,21] foram semelhantes após placebo e aspirina, respectivamente. Não houve efeito de período (P=0,41) ou carry-over (P=0,49). Conclusão: a inflamação de baixo grau descrita na patogênese da nefropatia diabética não responde a baixas doses de aspirina

Rev. HCPA & Fac. Med. Univ. Fed. Rio Gd. do Sul ; 30(4): 372-381, 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-834377


O diabetes melito tipo 2 (DM2) decorre de alteração na ação e secreção de insulina. A longo prazo, a elevação da glicemia promove dano microvascular, neuropatia e dano macrovascular, com consequente aumento da morbi-mortalidade destes pacientes. Nas últimas décadas, diversos ensaios clínicos clássicos demonstraram que intervenções terapêuticas específicas para corrigir a hiperglicemia e hipertensão arterial são capazes de prevenir ou retardar o avanço das complicações crônicas. Neste sentido, tratamento efetivo e da forma mais precoce possível deve ser oferecido a todos os pacientes com DM2. Fármacos antiobesidade e agentes orais, como a metformina, sulfonilureias, glinidas, tiazolidinedionas, inibidores da alfa-glicosidase, e os mais recentes fármacos incretinomiméticos e amilinomiméticos são apresentados nessa revisão, nos aspectos de mecanismos de ação, efeitos colaterais e contraindicações.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is caused by changes in the action and secretion of insulin. In the long term, increased glucose levels promote microvascular damage, neuropathy, and macrovascular damage, leading to higher morbidity and mortality in these patients. In recent decades, several clinical trials have demonstrated that specific therapeutic interventions to correct hyperglycemia and hypertension are able to prevent or delay the advance of chronic complications. In this sense, effective and early treatment should be offered to all patients with DM2. Antiobesity drugs and oral agents, such as metformin, sulfonylureas, glinides, thiazolidinediones, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, and the most recent drugs (incretin mimetics and amilin mimetics) are analyzed in the present review with regard to their mechanisms of action, side effects, and contraindications.

Humanos , /tratamento farmacológico , Hiperglicemia/tratamento farmacológico , /complicações , /diagnóstico , /dietoterapia , /prevenção & controle , /terapia , Hipoglicemiantes/uso terapêutico , Obesidade/tratamento farmacológico , Pacientes Internados , Resultado do Tratamento , Terapia por Exercício/métodos , Terapia por Exercício
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-567004


O hiperaldosteronismo primário (HAP) é uma síndrome decorrente do aumento da secreção autônoma de aldosterona pela glândula adrenal, independente do controle da renina. O rastreamento do HAP está indicado em indivíduos com hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) e hipocalemia espontânea ou grave com doses moderadas de diuréticos ou HAS refratária ao tratamento (%3 agentes anti-hipertensivos). No presente relato, paciente masculino apresentava diabete melito (DM) de início recente e HAS, emagrecimento, poliúria, polidipsia, e cansaço aos médios esforços. Apresentava hipocalemia grave e investigação laboratorial confirmou a suspeita de HAP, com medida de aldosterona sérica e urinária elevadas com diminuição da atividade da renina plasmática e aumento da razão aldosterona sérica/renina. Tomografia computadorizada de adrenais mostrou adenoma na adrenal esquerda. Após cirurgia, o paciente evoluiu com melhora dos níveis tensionais e normalização do metabolismo da glicose. Embora a prevalência de HAP em pacientes com DM não seja diferente da população de hipertensos não-diabéticos, a sua presença deve ser investigada nos casos de HAS refratária ou quando há hipocalemia. Em pacientes com DM, o metabolismo do cortisol também deve ser investigado para afastar a concomitância de hipercortisolismo decorrente de adenoma misto.

Primary aldosteronism (PA) is a syndrome that results from adrenal autonomous secretion of aldosterone. The screening for this syndrome is indicated for individuals with arterial hypertension (AH) and spontaneous or severe hypocalemia after diuretics, and refractory AH (%3 antihypertensive agents). In this report, a male patient presented recent-onset diabetes mellitus (DM) and AH, weight lost, poliuria, polidipsia, and tiredness. Severe hypocalemia was present, and the laboratory workup confirmed the hypothesis of PA, with increased plasmatic and urinary aldosterone levels, low plasma renin activity and increased aldosterone/renin ratio. Adrenal computerized tomography showed a left adrenal adenoma. After the surgical procedure, blood pressure levels and glycemia were brought to normal. Though the prevalence of PA is not increased in patients with DM, it should be screened in patients with refractory AH or persistent hypocalemia. In patients with DM, cortisol metabolism should also be evaluated to rule the presence of hypercortisolism in a mixed adenoma.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Hiperaldosteronismo/fisiopatologia , Hiperaldosteronismo/terapia , Hipertensão/complicações , Hipopotassemia/complicações , Aldosterona/metabolismo , Diabetes Mellitus/patologia