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Chem Sci ; 13(32): 9329-9350, 2022 Aug 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36093025


High pressure chemistry offers the chemical community a range of possibilities to control chemical reactivity, develop new materials and fine-tune chemical properties. Despite the large changes that extreme pressure brings to the table, the field has mainly been restricted to the effects of volume changes and thermodynamics with less attention devoted to electronic effects at the molecular scale. This paper combines the conceptual DFT framework for analyzing chemical reactivity with the XP-PCM method for simulating pressures in the GPa range. Starting from the new derivatives of the energy with respect to external pressure, an electronic atomic volume and an atomic compressibility are found, comparable to their enthalpy analogues, respectively. The corresponding radii correlate well with major known sets of this quantity. The ionization potential and electron affinity are both found to decrease with pressure using two different methods. For the electronegativity and chemical hardness, a decreasing and increasing trend is obtained, respectively, and an electronic volume-based argument is proposed to rationalize the observed periodic trends. The cube of the softness is found to correlate well with the polarizability, both decreasing under pressure, while the interpretation of the electrophilicity becomes ambiguous at extreme pressures. Regarding the electron density, the radial distribution function shows a clear concentration of the electron density towards the inner region of the atom and periodic trends can be found in the density using the Carbó quantum similarity index and the Kullback-Leibler information deficiency. Overall, the extension of the CDFT framework with pressure yields clear periodic patterns.

J Chem Phys ; 140(8): 084112, 2014 Feb 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24588153


The electronic virial theorem is extended to molecular systems within the framework of the Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM) to describe solvation effects. The theorem is given in the form of a relation involving the components of the energy (kinetic and potential) of a molecular solute and its electrostatic properties (potential and field) at the boundary of the cavity in the continuum medium. The virial theorem is also derived in the presence of the Pauli repulsion component of the solute-solvent interaction. Furthermore, it is shown that these forms of the PCM virial theorem may be related to the virial theorem of more simple systems as a molecule in the presence of fixed point charges, and as an atom in a spherical box with confining potential.

J Chem Phys ; 137(15): 154112, 2012 Oct 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23083153


We present a new quantum chemical method for the calculation of the equilibrium geometry and the harmonic vibrational frequencies of molecular systems in dense medium at high pressures (of the order of GPa). The new computational method, named PCM-XP, is based on the polarizable continuum model (PCM), amply used for the study of the solvent effects at standard condition of pressure, and it is accompanied by a new method of analysis for the interpretation of the mechanisms underpinning the effects of pressure on the molecular geometries and the harmonic vibrational frequencies. The PCM-XP has been applied at the density functional theory level to diborane as a molecular system under high pressure. The computed harmonic vibrational frequencies as a function of the pressure have shown a satisfactory agreement with the corresponding experimental results, and the parallel application of the method of analysis has reveled that the effects of the pressure on the equilibrium geometry can be interpreted in terms of direct effects on the electronic charge distribution of the molecular solutes, and that the effects on the harmonic vibrational frequencies can be described in terms of two physically distinct effects of the pressure (curvature and relaxation) on the potential energy for the motion of the nuclei.

J Chem Phys ; 131(16): 164104, 2009 Oct 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19894924


We present a general formulation of the coupled-cluster (CC) theory for a molecular solute described within the framework of the polarizable continuum model (PCM). The PCM-CC theory is derived in its complete form, called PTDE scheme, in which the correlated electronic density is used to have a self-consistent reaction field, and in an approximate form, called PTE scheme, in which the PCM-CC equations are solved assuming the fixed Hartree-Fock solvent reaction field. Explicit forms for the PCM-CC-PTDE equations are derived at the single and double (CCSD) excitation level of the cluster operator. At the same level, explicit equations for the analytical first derivatives of the PCM basic energy functional are presented, and analytical second derivatives are also discussed. The corresponding PCM-CCSD-PTE equations are given as a special case of the full theory.

J Chem Phys ; 123(13): 134512, 2005 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16223319


In a recent article [R. Cammi, S. Corni, B. Mennucci, and J. Tomasi, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 104513 (2005)], we demonstrated that the state-specific (SS) and the linear-response (LR) approaches, two different ways to calculate solute excitation energies in the framework of quantum-mechanical continuum models of solvation, give different excitation energy expressions. In particular, they differ in the terms related to the electronic response of the solvent. In the present work, we further investigate this difference by comparing the excitation energy expressions of SS and LR with those obtained through a simple model for solute-solvent systems that bypasses one of the basic assumptions of continuum solvation models, i.e., the use of a single Hartree product of a solute and a solvent wave function to describe the total solute-solvent wave function. In particular, we consider the total solute-solvent wave function as a linear combination of the four products of two solute states and two solvent electronic states. To maximize the comparability with quantum-mechanical continuum model the resulting excitation energy expression is recast in terms of response functions of the solvent and quantities proper for the solvated molecule. The comparison of the presented expressions with the LR and SS ones enlightens the physical meaning of the terms included or neglected by these approaches and shows that SS agrees with the results of the four-level model, while LR includes a term classified as dispersion in previous treatments and neglects another related to electrostatic. A discussion on the possible origin of the LR flaw is finally given.

Simulação por Computador , Eletrônica , Modelos Moleculares , Modelos Teóricos , Solventes/química
J Chem Phys ; 122(10): 104513, 2005 Mar 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15836338


We present a formal comparison between the two different approaches to the calculation of electronic excitation energies of molecules in solution within the continuum solvation model framework, taking also into account nonequilibrium effects. These two approaches, one based on the explicit evaluation of the excited state wave function of the solute and the other based on the linear response theory, are here proven to give formally different expressions for the excitation energies even when exact eigenstates are considered. Calculations performed for some illustrative examples show that this formal difference has sensible effects on absolute solvatochromic shifts (i.e., with respect to gas phase) while it has small effects on relative (i.e., nonpolar to polar solvent) solvatochromic shifts.